the dreamer

WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD Welcome to the new world. Actually it’s the same world only slightly smaller than before, we are travelling more and more people are travelling further. Our information comes to us in nano seconds, through every conceivable medium and in stereo. If it’s not the new Ipod it’s the new Ipad, and if its not in 3D it might as well be in video. Most importantly the world has expanded to in- clude places we would not have thought as “traditional” destina- tions for our vacations, who said Perito Moreno wasn’t as popu- lar as Ibiza? We demand more from our gadgets, more from our social networking site, and more from our vacations. So why can’t we start demanding more from education? Mark Twain famously said “never let your schooling interfere with your education”- but we´ll get to that later. Every year, hundreds of thousands of students make a choice to leave their city, leave their country, region, hemisphere to learn in the great unknown. Ok, so London is not the great unknown but for many students it might as well be Easter Island. Especia- lly for Spaniards who find they need to speak, write and EXIST in English, business language non par for some time. Americans choose, what is for them, exotic destinations like Salamanca or Florence, and Europeans in general are finding themselves stu- dying further East, Singapore anyone? Does this mean that stu- dying, learning and living local is out of touch, out of fashion, out in general? Not necessarily, Spain and the Ministry of Education and Scien- ce have the “Becas MEC” which are yearly awarded scholarships that cover general studies, for young students in undergradua- te and post graduate studies. The Becas MEC also offers assis- tance in anything from housing, air fare or moving cost. Becas MEC also cover, in some particular instances, studying or wor- king abroad. This year according to the Ministry of Education and Science web- site, more than 25,000 Spanish students benefitted from the “Study languages abroad” scholarships in the USA, France, Aus- tralia and Scotland to name a few destinations. There are several steps to complete, forms to be filled, but in general is perceived as a continuing trend for Spaniards, and the government is trying to catch up as fast as it can. Studying abroad has changed in the minds of many students and, thankfully enough, parents as we- ll. No one is looking to simply have a good three months abroad; party semesters are old in concept and frankly the parties aren’t what they used to be, especially when you come back and realize you’re so behind the pack that you can’t even see them anymore. These days you can do it all, experience, learn, flirt and work on your C.V. at the same time. So listening to the wisdom of Mark Twain, our schooling should be a part of our education, but it isn’t all of it. Somewhere in bet- ween all the books and exams we should see the world, learn his- tory communicate through culture, appreciate art, and yes learn to fall in love in as many languages as possible. And if someone is willing to help you do that, why not let them? For more informa- tion on Becas MEC THE DREAMER Living, learning and dreaming abroad! These are some useful links to the most popular international scholarships: Alßan Programme (Europe – Latin America): • AECID (Spain): OAS (American States): • Funiber (Iberoamerican): World Bank Institute (WBI): • Fundación Carolina (Spain): The Rotary Foundation: AmbassadorialScholarships/Pages/Howtoapply.aspx • Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC) – Spain: Scholarship STUDY, TRAVEL AND WORK IN THE WORLD´S BUSINESS CAPITALS The European School of Economics (ESE) is a private College of Higher Education in international business, offering unique Bachelor, Master, MBA, and Certificate programmes at its centres in Madrid, London, New York, Rome, Milan and Florence. ESE is a recognised Educational Institution, accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC). Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are validated by the University of Buckingham (UK) UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES BSc (Hons) Int. Business BSc (Hons) Int. Finance BSc (Hons) Int. Marketing BA (Hons) Org. Communication with media management POSTGRADUATE DEGREES MSc in Finance MSc in Management MSc in Marketing MBA CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMES - Art & Heritage - Entrepreneurship - Environmental Economics - Event Management - Fashion and Luxury - Finance - Management - Marketing - Music Industry - Sport Management Tel.: +34 91 4351123 E-mail: [email protected] - The data is sourced from Global Education Digest 2009; UNESCO Institute of Statistics. The list of 10 most popular destinations to study abroad. TOP destinations for students to study abroad USA UNITED KINGDOM FRANCE AUSTRALIA GERMANY JAPAN CANADA SOUTH AFRICA RUSIAN FEDERATION ITALY Vol. 1 2010 Help! ! ! !

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Living, learning and dreaming abroad!


WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLDWelcome to the new world. Actually it’s the same world only slightly smaller than before, we are travelling more and more people are travelling further. Our information comes to us in nano seconds, through every conceivable medium and in stereo. If it’s not the new Ipod it’s the new Ipad, and if its not in 3D it might as well be in video. Most importantly the world has expanded to in-clude places we would not have thought as “traditional” destina-tions for our vacations, who said Perito Moreno wasn’t as popu-lar as Ibiza? We demand more from our gadgets, more from our social networking site, and more from our vacations. So why can’t we start demanding more from education? Mark Twain famously said “never let your schooling interfere with your education”- but we´ll get to that later.Every year, hundreds of thousands of students make a choice to leave their city, leave their country, region, hemisphere to learn in the great unknown. Ok, so London is not the great unknown but for many students it might as well be Easter Island. Especia-lly for Spaniards who find they need to speak, write and EXIST in English, business language non par for some time. Americans choose, what is for them, exotic destinations like Salamanca or Florence, and Europeans in general are finding themselves stu-dying further East, Singapore anyone? Does this mean that stu-dying, learning and living local is out of touch, out of fashion, out in general? Not necessarily, Spain and the Ministry of Education and Scien-ce have the “Becas MEC” which are yearly awarded scholarships

that cover general studies, for young students in undergradua-te and post graduate studies. The Becas MEC also offers assis-tance in anything from housing, air fare or moving cost. Becas MEC also cover, in some particular instances, studying or wor-king abroad. This year according to the Ministry of Education and Science web-site, more than 25,000 Spanish students benefitted from the “Study languages abroad” scholarships in the USA, France, Aus-tralia and Scotland to name a few destinations. There are several steps to complete, forms to be filled, but in general is perceived as a continuing trend for Spaniards, and the government is trying to catch up as fast as it can. Studying abroad has changed in the minds of many students and, thankfully enough, parents as we-ll. No one is looking to simply have a good three months abroad; party semesters are old in concept and frankly the parties aren’t what they used to be, especially when you come back and realize you’re so behind the pack that you can’t even see them anymore. These days you can do it all, experience, learn, flirt and work on your C.V. at the same time. So listening to the wisdom of Mark Twain, our schooling should be a part of our education, but it isn’t all of it. Somewhere in bet-ween all the books and exams we should see the world, learn his-tory communicate through culture, appreciate art, and yes learn to fall in love in as many languages as possible. And if someone is willing to help you do that, why not let them? For more informa-tion on Becas MEC

THE DREAMERLiving, learning and dreaming abroad!

These are some useful links to the most popular international scholarships:

• Alßan Programme (Europe – Latin America):• AECID (Spain):• OAS (American States): • Funiber (Iberoamerican): • World Bank Institute (WBI): • Fundación Carolina (Spain):• The Rotary Foundation: AmbassadorialScholarships/Pages/Howtoapply.aspx • Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC) – Spain:



The European School of Economics (ESE) is a private College of Higher Education in international business, offering unique Bachelor, Master, MBA, and Certificate programmes at its centres in Madrid, London, New York, Rome, Milan and Florence. ESE is a recognised Educational Institution, accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC).Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are validated by the University of Buckingham (UK)

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREESBSc (Hons) Int. BusinessBSc (Hons) Int. FinanceBSc (Hons) Int. MarketingBA (Hons) Org. Communication with media management

POSTGRADUATE DEGREESMSc in FinanceMSc in ManagementMSc in MarketingMBA

CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMES- Art & Heritage- Entrepreneurship- Environmental Economics- Event Management- Fashion and Luxury

- Finance- Management- Marketing- Music Industry- Sport Management

Tel.: +34 91 4351123 E-mail: [email protected] -

The data is sourced from Global Education Digest 2009; UNESCO Institute of Statistics. The list of 10 most popular destinations to study abroad.

TOP destinationsfor students to study abroad



Vol. 1 2010


The Dreamer Vol. 1 2010 The Dreamer Vol. 1 2010



New YorkMadrid

Ask anyone to list their favorite cities in the world and chances are that New York City is going to be somewhere in the top 5. The city that Never Sleeps has been attracting the bold and adventurous for as long as anyone remembers. Wall Street, Broadway and 5th Avenue are streets known the world over, stars and wannabes alike. The Big Apple has many nicknames, all of them used to refer to a small part of what makes the city unique, fast paced and always relevant. Studying in NYC has recently become all the more accessible due to currency exchan-ges, what used to be too costly for a student in Europe to consider has become something completely doable. The concrete jungle has as many neighborhoods as ethnici-ties, and as many worlds within its world as a galaxy, are

you part of the intelligentsia or a trend setter? Are you

more comfortable in a speakeasy or in the

hottest club on the planet? What do you have to see, do, and celebrate? Everything. For more concrete dates refer to our calendar of must dos in must see cities on page 4. Otherwise check out these links:

All roads lead to Rome. Or at least they used to and for many they still do. Few cities in the world can refer to their city as one of the cradles of modern thought, art and civilization as we know it. The minute you arrive into the cobbled streets of the city centre you are taken into a time machine and zap-ped suddenly into another century. A century with art, sho-pping and, thankfully enough for the hot summer months, air conditioning. The Colosseum, The Vaticano and the Circo Massimo are hands down part of the must dos in Rome. But Rome is so much more than that. Whether you are enjoying the picturesque side streets or looking for a glorious meal in the Centro Storico, you are never too far from your next encounter with a delicious coffee or gelato to finish off your afternoon or evening sitting down on the Piazza di Spagna or on the terraza of any cafe. For more information on events refer to our calendar on page 4, for anything we like:

Madrid prides itself in being a city of vibrant and friendly people. Accepting of cultures from all over the world it take little time to feel like a “Madrileño”; Touted for its delicious restaurant selections and exciting life at night, Madrid is equally impressive during the day providing top notch cul-tural experiences with world renowned museums such as El Prado and the Reina Sofia. Perpetually sunny and full of life Madrid offers the perfect backdrop for visitors to be in a constant flux of movement and cultural education in

the middle of Spain’s largest and most populous city. Locals eat dinner around 10 pm are only now becoming acquainted with “Brunch” a true mark of the true Urbanite. Home to Real Madrid and the recent winners of the European League, Atlético de Madrid, locals are as passionate about football as they are about good eating and good times, not to be missed. For more informa-tion on events refer to page 4, for everything else, we like:

The financial hub of Europe is also one of the coolest places in the world to live and work. Between Convent Garden, Oxford Street, the London Eye and Notting Hill we find oursel-ves lost in the variety and reach of its streets, stores and restaurants. Vintage clothes and

any kind of ethnic food imaginable are the cities secret gems, discovered

only by locals and kept secret, when suddenly discovered, by foreigners. After seeing Buc-kingham Palace, Big Ben and

Westminster Abbey, don’t forget to see a show, “Chicago” or “Billy Elliot” are playing now, or a quick stop off at Madame Tuss-auds for some giggles. To tell you anymore about this city would only leave us needing to tell you even more, so if you haven’t been there, go, and if you have, go again. For more information on events refer to page 4, for everything else, we like:

Milan is the sophisticated sister to most of the world’s hippest cities. Not only is it the financial hub of Italy but it is the chic backbone of most of its fashionistas. Home to the stock exchange it is nevertheless and top destination for tourists as much as business travellers. Unmatched shopping, coupled with incredible art history and architecture make this city a must see in any list. Although its art collections are not to be missed, the Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper is still one of the most visited pieces in the world; it is also becoming more of a contempo-rary art hot spot. Strolling past the canal side cafes or shopping in the jaw drop-ping high fashion outlets reminds you that you are in the centre of a true global cosmopolitan city. Just don’t forget to bring your black clothes. For more informa-tion on events refer to our calendar on page 4, for anything we like:


Known for being home of Michelangelo’s “David”, Florence is one of the world’s most breathtakin-gly beautiful cities in the world. And the people are known to be charming and full of life, making it a not to be missed combination for lovers of art and life the world over. This is not, in any way, to take away from the busy electrical business that floats all over the cities avenues, reminiscent of the cities historical hay days as the darlings of the Renais-sance and the powerful patronages of the Medici family, whose influence you can still see in buildings across the city through its family crest proudly pla-ced wherever their generosity touched. The influx of artists from all over the world has, over the centu-ries, created a city unlike any other as patrons of the arts, commissioning churches and “palazzo” alike; gateway to Tuscany, full of light and life, Florence is beauty incarnate. For more information on events refer to our calendar on page 4, for anything else, we like:

ESE Centre in Madrid

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The Dreamer Vol. 1 2010





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l S.L











Q- Thanks for being The Dreamers first interviewee! Tell us a little about yourself.

A- Well, I studied in American Schools until 2009, where we spoke English as well as Spanish, this was important for my family as well as for myself. In 2005 I travelled to the US to a Football camp for 2 months, where I was in charge of different mat-ches with soccer scouting and recrui-ting from different colleges. I received offers from 10 colleges, but decided to start my career in Economics in one of the most prestigious colleges in Argen-tina, San Andrés University. After two years I decided to get a Bachelor of Science Degree in International Busi-ness, at The European School of Eco-nomics. I’m 23 years old, born in Ecua-dor, then moved to Paraguay and then moved to Argentina! I currently live in Madrid.

Q- What are, for you, the most important attributes when choosing a school?

A- I think that what a school should offer is: academics, integrity, good locations, flexibility, and help me to be a global citizen.

Q- Why the European School of Economics?

A- I chose ESE because it brings a new concept of higher education to the world today. It’s easy to change between different centers and allows you to adapt your studies with your personal interests. In my case, I wan-ted to study business, but I’m also really passionate about sports, and in ESE, while I’m doing my studies in International Business, I can com-plement it with the Short Course in Sport Management and do the intern-ship in worldwide highly recognized

sports companies. Also its degrees are given by the University of Buckingham (UK); it was important for my parents I receive a British degree and it’s the only program with guaranteed intern-ship opportunities!

Q- What’s your dream?

A- My dream is to become indis-pensable to society. I want to be able to travel around the world, knowing about different cultures and people and to enrich myself with new life experiences all around the world. I want to earn a living doing something I love! Isn’t that everyone’s dream?

Q- How has your experience of changing campuses been so far?

A- It’s been such a gratifying expe-rience. I feel that every 3 years, I need to get out of my comfort zone and go somewhere new. I don’t like the idea of staying in one place for too long. Changing cities and living in diffe-rent cultures is something that I really enjoy…it’s a fun way to learn, make contacts and study at the same time. I’ve already committed to Rome and Madrid but really want to experience London and be able to move to Milan or New York, too many choices!.

Q- What are your plans for the summer? What are you most looking forward to this year?

A- Finishing my internship in marke-ting in DATACOM. Then I’ll be trave-lling for a few weeks to Argentina and then go on a mini tour around Europe. This year I’m really looking forward to travelling even more and gain expe-riences in the area of my interest. Hopefully I’ll get to live in London or Milan after my time in Madrid, still haven’t decided.

Thanks Eric!

1st June Universal Music Studios, Recording Artist Robert Plant performing at 12:30 and 18:3010th June Fashion Show at 18:0011th June to the 11th July FIFA World Cup Event14th September Jimmy Choo Press Launch at 11:0029th November to the 23rd of December Dr. Zhivago at Il Botaccio. Exclusive Christmas Events

MADRIDPhotoEspaña 2010. International Photography and Visual Arts Festival (9 Jun – 25 Jul): The festival will put on display the work of 372 photographers from 41 different countries, and will also feature photographic marathons, guided visits, cinema, conferences and workshops for children.Final stage of the La Vuelta cycling tour of Spain (19 Sep): Every year, thousands of fans watch in awe as the world’s best cyclists taking part in the Tour of Spain complete the final stage. The race traditionally ends in Madrid.MTV Europe Music Awards 2010 (7 Nov): The magnificent multipurpose venue Caja Mágica gets ready to host the 17th edition of the MTV Europe Music Awards ceremony. The artist line-up for the event has yet to be confirmed.Impressionist Gardens (16 Nov – 11 Feb Museo Thys-sen-Bornemisza): View the most beautiful Impressionist depictions of gardens, painted between 1849 and 1918, as well as some of these artworks’ artistic percursors by Delacroix, Courbet, Klimt and Sargent, among others.MGMT Concert (17 Dec La Riviera): hailing from Brooklyn, this 70s pop group presents their long-awaited album, Congratu-lations.San Silvestre Vallecana (31 Dic): The city ushers out the year with a popular race that has one of the highest participa-tion rates in the world.

NEW YORKNathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest Coney Island (4 Jul): With a combination of steely grit, limber swallo-wing abilities and highly expandable stomachs, competitors in the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest take on the NYC dogs to the delight of throngs of screaming fans every year.US Open Tennis (30 Aug – 12 Sep): It’s the final Grand Slam tournament of the year—the one that makes or breaks sea-sons, and sometimes careers. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week (Sep): The world’s top designers debut their spring collections on the runways, as style-conscious celebrities from Hollywood, sports and the mode-ling world look on.Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting (Nov): The Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center heralds the holiday season in New York City. Brave the crowds and the cold to see the giant tree adorned with more than 25,000 multicolored lights.ING NYC Marathon (7 Nov): The NYC race covers 26.2 miles from start to finish—but no other city offers competitors the sights, sounds and sheer excitement of the NYC Marathon’s five-borough course, which runs from Staten Island to Central Park. Times Square New Year’s Eve (31 Dic): It wouldn’t be New Year’s Eve without watching the crystal ball drop in Times Square. Despite the typically frigid temperature, a million people gather for the world’s most famous New Year’s Eve party.

ROMERock in Roma (5 – 26 Jul): A number of concerts by famous rock bands and musi-cians are performed under the stars during the annual Rock in Roma festival.White Night (Sep): After the huge success of its previous editions, the Notte Bianca, or White Night, returns to the Eternal City, Rome. More than 100 free visual arts, music, dance and theatre events…

LONDONWimbledon (21 Jun – 4 Jul): The world of tennis descends on Wimbledon in London. BBC Proms 2010 (16 Jul – 11 Sep) The world’s greatest classical music festival. Notting Hill Carnival (30 – 31 Aug): Don’t miss London’s biggest street party. Muse (10 – 11 Sep): Muse return to Lon-don to rock Wembley Arena. BFI London Film Festival (13 – 28 Oct): See the best new films from around the world in London. Bonfire Night in London (on and around 5 Nov): Enjoy Bonfire Night fireworks in London.

MILANPremier League Football (Sep): Start of the Italian football season with two of Italy’s leading teams that are based in Milan - Inter and Milan.Milan Fashion Week (22 – 29 Sep): Recently extended to include an increa-sing number of catwalk shows, Milan Fas-hion Week reinforces the city’s importance in the global fashion industry.

FLORENCEPitti Immagine (15 – 18 Jun): Pitti Immagine attracts international visitors as the fashion collection for the coming year is shown at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence.Saint John’s Day (24 Jun): The Patron saint of Florence is also celebrated on this day with a procession in the morning and a display of fireworks at Piazzale Miche-langelo.

Stefano Elio D'Anna



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