the e book of funny startup videos

The e-Book of Funny Startup Videos

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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The e-Book of Funny Startup Videos

The e-Book of Funny Startup Videos

Sometimes Laughter Really is the Best Medicine

M. Scott Pecks first sentence in the Road Less Travelled is Life is difficult. Thats certainly true if you have chosen the path of the entrepreneur. Laughter is an effective strategy for coping with every day stress and strains, so we created this short e-book of funny videos about entrepreneurs. Being able to laugh at ourselves and the crazy things we do, is essential.

Just click on the play button on the bottom left corner of each page and a video clip will load. If there are any clips you think we should add, just let us know on Twitter (@martinsoorjoo) or email [email protected].


Martin Soorjoo


Investor Pitch Clinic LLC

Elevator Pitches: Good, Bad & Ugly

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Gary Busey on being a successful entrepreneur

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How Not to Pitch a VC

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Startup Caffeines Online Coaching Program

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Funny Lean Startup Parody

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How to Get Startup Capital

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So You Want to Start a Web Startup?

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Entrepreneur State of Mind

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Advice for every pitch situation a modern day entrepreneur will encounter

Whether you're pitching for funding, the media, or to potential customers and partners, to survive and succeed as an entrepreneur, you have to know how to deliver a high-impact pitch. Here's the Pitch reveals powerful proven techniques to get your audience to take the action you want.

You'll learn the same strategies and tactics that have been used by entrepreneurs to raise millions of dollars, secure partnerships, and win big sales contracts.

A comprehensive, insightful and practical guide to pitching that all entrepreneurs must read

Managing Partner, Pemberton Capital Advisors

Helping Startups Launch, Get Funded & Win Clients

San Francisco

T: +1 650 373 2036

E: [email protected]
