the effectiveness of syopsis of movie to develop the …

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 1 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SYOPSIS OF MOVIE TO DEVELOP THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL AT MADRASAH ALIYAH DDI SONI Fitra Almusyawah 1 , Wahyudin 2 , Sriati Usman 3 ABSTRACT This research aims at knowing the effectiveness of using synopsis of movie to develop the tenth grade students’ speaking at madrasah aliyah DDI Soni. The population was the tenth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah ddi Soni which consisted of one class. The class was also the sample of this research that was chosen by using total sampling method. There were two test administered in this research to collect the data; pretest and posttest. The result of pretest indicates that the mean score of the students is 25. After the treatment, the students’ mean score increases 61.25in the post test. The sequent value of pretest and posttest is 36.25 and it is mean that this research is significance. After calculating the data, it is found that the t-counted is 3.39. By applying 0.05 level of significance and the 20-1=19 degree of freedom, it was found that t-table is 1.729. It shows that the t-counted is higher than the t-table. In other words, the use of synopsis of movie is effective to develop the tenth grade students’ speaking skill at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni. Key Terms: Effectiveness; Synopsis of Movie; Develop; Speaking; skill. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kemampuan siswa dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas sepuluh di madrasah aliyah DDI Soni dengan menggunakan metode sinopsis filem. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sepuluh Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni yang terdiri dari satu kelas. dan pengambilan sempel yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah tekhnik total sampling. Dalam pengambilan data peneliti menggunakan dua test yaitu pretest dan posttest. Berkaitan dengan hasil datanya, itu menunjukan bahwa nilai rata-rata pretest siswa adalah 25. 1 English Education Study Program, Tadulako University E-mail: [email protected]

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E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 1




Fitra Almusyawah1, Wahyudin2, Sriati Usman3


This research aims at knowing the effectiveness of using synopsis of movie to

develop the tenth grade students’ speaking at madrasah aliyah DDI Soni. The

population was the tenth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah ddi Soni which

consisted of one class. The class was also the sample of this research that

was chosen by using total sampling method. There were two test administered

in this research to collect the data; pretest and posttest. The result of pretest

indicates that the mean score of the students is 25. After the treatment, the

students’ mean score increases 61.25in the post test. The sequent value of

pretest and posttest is 36.25 and it is mean that this research is significance.

After calculating the data, it is found that the t-counted is 3.39. By applying

0.05 level of significance and the 20-1=19 degree of freedom, it was found

that t-table is 1.729. It shows that the t-counted is higher than the t-table. In

other words, the use of synopsis of movie is effective to develop the tenth

grade students’ speaking skill at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni.

Key Terms: Effectiveness; Synopsis of Movie; Develop; Speaking; skill.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kemampuan siswa

dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas sepuluh di madrasah

aliyah DDI Soni dengan menggunakan metode sinopsis filem. Populasi dari

penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sepuluh Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni yang

terdiri dari satu kelas. dan pengambilan sempel yang digunakan oleh peneliti

adalah tekhnik total sampling. Dalam pengambilan data peneliti

menggunakan dua test yaitu pretest dan posttest. Berkaitan dengan hasil

datanya, itu menunjukan bahwa nilai rata-rata pretest siswa adalah 25.

1 English Education Study Program, Tadulako University

E-mail: [email protected]


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 2

Setelah melakukan percobaan nilai rata-rata siswa meningkat hingga 61,25.

Selisih nilai antara pretest dan posttest adalah 36,25 dan itu artinya penelitian

ini signifikan. Pada akhirnya peneliti menemukan t-counted sebesar 3,39.

Dengan menggunakan tingkat signifikan 0.05 dan 19 derajat kebebasan,

sedangkan t-table adalah1,729. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa T-counted lebih

tinggi dari pada T-table. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

penggunaan metode synopsis of movie efekttif dapat meningkatkan

kemampuan siswa kelas sepuluh madrasah aliyah ddi Soni dalam berbicara.

Kata kunci: efek; synopsis of movie; meningkatkan; kemampuan; berbicara.


Speaking is an important skill to communicate with other people, as a tool to accept

information and process information. Scrivener (2011:114) states, “we speak or write

because we have massages to communicate or there is something we hope to achieve”. It

is the delivery of language through the mouth and as generally uses to communicate in

daily interaction. Speaking also overcomes the problem of human life; body language does

not need to use to fix the people problem. Lazaraton (2001:103) states, “the ability to speak

language is same with the ability in speech language because is the most basic of human to

communication”. It is the delivery of language through the mouth and as generally uses to

communicate in daily interaction. The Indonesia government explicitly emphasize that

teaching and learning of English make the students do something good with English.

Based on the curriculum for senior high school students, namely curriculum of

2013, the tenth grade students in second semester are expected to be able to speak English

fluently and accurately. However in reality, most students of senior high school in last

semester are not able to speak English fluently and accurately. This problem also occurs to

the students of Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni. The researcher found the information when she

had done school there and observed the students situation. During the five days observation,

the researcher found that the students were still poor in speaking English. Therefore

students find it difficult to express their ideas into simple sentences.

After knowing the students’ problem in speaking, the researcher found several

triggers which make the students have less passion in speaking. The trigger is the


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 3

approach that is used by the teacher because they give more exercise and lack of practices

of speaking in front of the class. The students should need to take more action in speaking

class to measure their ability in speaking skill. Improve the students speaking skill. The

students did not enjoy the learning process, they did not have motivation, they did not pay

attention to the teacher and almost all of the students preferred to keep silent than asking

questions or responding their teacher. Hence, the students need an effective, interactive,

innovative, and exact method to build their interest in speaking. According to Harmer

(1998:87), “speaking tasks where students are trying to use all and any language they

know to provide feedback for both teacher and students.” base on his statements, the

teacher can know the ability of their students in the class, what the problem they are

having, and know what they need to do

To make the students are interested in learning speaking, there are some effective

techniques used in teaching speaking, such as using role play, using film, using board

games, using a song, using guided conversation, and using synopsis. In this research, the

researcher proposed synopsis of movie to solve students’ problem in speaking. This

technique directs the students to talk again the synopsis of the movie after they read the

synopsis. It includes the characters, the main idea, and the massage of the story in the

movie. The researcher believe that, using synopsis of movie can effective to develop the

tenth grade students’ speaking skill at Madrasah Aliyah Ddi Soni. According to Sari

(2014), the result of analysis revealed that using movie synopses the students showed better

understanding on their reading while performed actively in the learning of speaking which

was effectively used to develop their creativity using the media. In addition, Prabawadanti

(2014) it was proved that use of cartoon films was effective to improve the students’

speaking skill in story retelling. By this technique the students’ can speak fluently,

accuracy and enjoying the class.

Before the teacher begins to teach speaking, teacher should prepare everything for

the teaching and learning process. The preparation includes the materials, the material

selection, and media. The teacher can also ask the students directly (spontaneously) as the

way to measure their ability in speaking English.


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 4


In conducting this research, the researcher used pre-experimental research

design.There was only an experimental group without control group. This research was

conducted based on the following research designed by Arikunto (2001:85) as follows:

01 X 02

Where : 01=pretest X=treatment 02=posttests

This design involves three steps: first, giving a pretest to measure the student’s prior

knowledge, second, applying the experimental treatment, and the last, gives a posttest to

measure the students’ achievement after giving treatment. In analyzing the data, the

researcher was calculated the difference between pretest and posttest.

The researcher needed population to conduct the research. The researcher took

students of Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni as the population. It consisted of one class which is

20 students. in this research the researcher used total sampling technique as to allow the

researcher to choose the sample based on her purposes in obtaining information.

The dependent variable is the speaking skill of the tenth grade students’ of Madrasah

Aliyah DDI Soni and the independent variable is the use of synopsis of movies.

There were two kinds of test: pretest and posttest. Pretest was given before the

treatment to measure the ability of students speaking skill. Posttest was given after apply the

treatment to measure again the students’ progress speaking skill after doing the treatment.

Both of the tests were in the form of oral test. The researcher asked the students to retell the

synopsis of the movie. In this research the researcher was test two aspects of the speaking

they are fluency and accuracy.

The scoring system of speaking skill in this research are four ratings which are the

students’ score 86-100 is very good, 70-85 is good, 36-55 is poor, and 0-35 is very poor.

The category of score at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni is 0-100 point scale. Hence the

researcher used the scoring speaking criteria adopted from Heaton (1998).


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 5

Table 1.Speaking Scoring System

Rating Fluency Accuracy

4 Although he has to make an effort

and search of words, there are not too

many unnatural pauses. Fairly

smooth delivery mostly. Occasionally

fragmentary but succeed in

conveying the general meaning. Fair

range expression.

Pronunciation is still moderately

influenced by the mother tongue but

not serious phonological errors. A few

grammatical and lexical errors but

only one two major errors causing


3 Has to make an effort for much of the

time. Often has to search for desired

meaning. Rather halting delivery, and

fragmentary and halting delivery, and

fragmentary range of expression

often limited.

Pronunciation is still influenced by

the mother tongue but only serious

phonological errors, several

grammatical and lexical errors. Some

of which cause confusion.

2 Long pause while the searches for

desired meaning. Frequently

fragmentary and halting delivery.

Almost gives up making an effort at

times. Limited range expression.

Pronunciation seriously influenced by

the mother tongue with error causing

a breakdown in communication.

Many “basic” grammatical and lexical


1 Full of long and unnatural pauses.

Very haling and fragmentary

delivery. At times gives up making

the effort. Very limited range of


Serious pronunciation errors as well

as many “basic” grammatical and

lexical errors. No evidence of having

mastered any of language sill and

areas practiced in the course.

Adopted from: Heaton (1988:100)


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 6


The result of pretest and posttest had done by the tenth gade students of Madrasah

Aliyah DDI Soni. This research consisted of 8 meetings including pretest and posttest. Each

meeting had 45 minutes. It took time about one month only since one week had two

meetings; Thursday and Saturday. It began from October 30th, until November 18th. The

researcher used pre-experimental research design containing only one class. It was X. She

analyzed the data by using statistically analysis. In this research, the researcher focused on

is the use of Synopsis of Movie effective to develop the tenth grade students’ speaking skill

at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni.

The researcher conducted the pretest on October 30th, 2017. She gave the pretest

before conducting treatment. There were 20 students that followed the test. The result

showed that the highest score of the pretest was 50 and the lowest score of the pretest was

25. Since the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) used at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni was

70, it was concluded that none of the students could be categorized ‘pass’ the test. It means

that the students were weak in fluency and accuracy in speaking. The brief results of the

students’ pretest are as follow:


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 7

Table 2 the Students’ Score on the Pre-test

No Initials Score components








Fluency Accuracy

1 AD 2 2 4 8 50 Poor

2 AS 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

3 FF 2 2 5 8 50 Poor

4 FH 2 1 3 8 37,5 Poor

5 FY 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

6 HM 2 2 5 8 50 Poor

7 IDW 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

8 IMW 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

9 KU 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

10 NA 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

11 NB 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

12 NFL 2 1 3 8 37,5 Poor

13 NFR 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

14 NIQ 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

15 NIY 2 1 3 8 37,5 Poor

16 NL 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

17 NR 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

18 RF 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

19 RH 1 1 2 8 25 very poor

20 SH 1 1 2 8 25 very poor




E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 8

The result of the pretest indicated that the students do not reach the minimum standard

of learning mastery. Having noted the pretest scores, the researcher computed the standard

score by dividing students’ gained score and maximal score and times the result by 100 as a

constant value. By using the formula, the researcher found mean score that would be used to

obtain the deviation score. The score of the students’ in the pretest was 25.Then the school

standard is 70. Based on the result, no one of the students could get equal or higher score.

After computing the mean score of students in the pretest, the researcher find out the

mean score of the posttest because in the pretest value and the posttest were needed to find

deviation score. The result of posttest is higher than the pretest. It means synopsis of movie

effective to develop the students in speaking.

After administering the pretest to the students, the researcher then conducted the

treatment by using synopsis of movie as media in teaching fluency and accuracy. In the first

meeting, the researcher gave synopsis of beauty and the beast. On the first time the

researcher gave the treatment, the students are afraid and shy to speak up, but in the next

meeting they enjoy and active.

The researcher took the treatment during six meetings. One meeting lasted for1 x 45

minutes. That time is enough to explain the material and practice to retell the synopsis of

movie. In giving the treatment, the students began to understand and enjoy learning the

material. Some of students began to open their mouth and express their ideas. The treatment

runs well enough because of good thing in speaking activities.

The researcher used one group pre-experimental research design with only one class.

It was X. She analyzed the data by using statistical analysis. In this research, the researcher

focused on how the use of synopsis of movie can effective to develop the tenth grade

students’ ability of Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni in fluency and accuracy.

The researcher gave the posttest to the students after the treatment. The result of

posttest shows that the highest score of the students in posttest was 100 and the lowest was

50. It is found that the students get higher score than the Minimum Mastery Criterion

(KKM). Thus, 18 students have passed the test while the remaining 2 students have failed.


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 9

Table 3 the Students’ Score on the Posttest

No Initials Score Components








Fluency Accuracy

1 AD 4 3 7 8 87,5 Very good

2 AS 3 3 6 8 75 Good

3 FF 4 4 8 8 100 Very good

4 FH 4 3 7 8 87,5 Very good

5 FY 3 3 6 8 75 Good

6 HM 4 4 8 8 100 Very good

7 IDW 3 3 6 8 75 Good

8 IMW 3 3 6 8 75 Good

9 KU 4 3 7 8 87,5 Very good

10 NA 3 3 6 8 75 Good

11 NB 3 3 6 8 75 Good

12 NFL 4 3 7 8 87,5 Very good

13 NFR 3 3 6 8 75 Good

14 NIQ 3 3 6 8 75 Good

15 NIY 4 4 8 8 87,5 Very good

16 NL 4 2 6 8 75 Good

17 NR 3 3 6 8 75 Good

18 RF 2 2 4 8 50 Poor

19 RH 3 3 6 8 75 Good

20 SH 2 2 4 8 50 Poor



Having counted the individual score and the mean score of the students for both

pretest and posttest, the researcher continued computing the deviation and square deviation

of the students. Referring to the calculation, it showed that the highest deviation score is

62.5 and the lowest one is 25. For the square deviation, the highest score is 3906.25 and the

lowest is 625. Moreover, the researcher then counted the mean deviation of the pretest and

the posttest of the students. As a result, the mean score deviation is 38.75.


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 10

After obtaining the deviation score, the researcher counted the mean deviation of the

score. Having counted the mean deviation, then the researcher computed the square

deviation by computing the score deviation (d2) minus by the result of deviation.

Furthermore, the researcher computed and analyzed the data in order to find out significant

difference between the pretest and the posttest.

The researcher then determined the mean square deviation score of the students.

Hence, the result is 2911.25. In order to find out the significance between the students’

result in the pretest and the posttest, the researcher continued analyzing the data by applying

t-test formula. The result of the data analysis showed that the t-counted is 3.39. To get the

significant difference between the pretest and posttest’s mean score, the researcher

compared the value of t-counted with the value of t-table. To get t-table value, the

researcher used t-table list with the degree of freedom (df) 20 – 1= 19, the researcher found

that the t-counted (1.729) is higher than the t-table (0.05).It means that the hypothesis is



The researcher took a sample of this research in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni when

the researcher did the observation. In conducting the data of this research the researcher

conducted an observation and tests. Before giving the test, the researcher did the

observation one week to know the problem there. She observed the students when they had

a teaching learning process in the class. After doing the observation the researcher

measured the student’s ability by giving a test. There are two kinds of test they are pretest

and posttest.

After doing observation, the pre-test was given to the students. The researcher tried

to compare the students’ ability before and after treatment by using synopsis of the movie as

a medium to guide them in speaking. In the pretest, the researcher gives the synopsis of the

movie to the students’ and retells the synopsis based on their own words. There is one

synopsis of the movie that the researcher given to the students’. Next, every one student’s

practiced in front of the class. In this part, the researcher evaluated the ability of the

students in speaking before giving the treatment. The result of pre-test showed that the

students’ ability was the same when the researcher took the observation. They were still

miss-pronounced some words and very lack of vocabulary. Example beast–best, course-


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 11

corse, invite-invet, busy-byusi, came-com. The result of pre-test indicated that the students

did not reach the minimum standard of learning mastery. The school standard was 70.

Based on the result, none of the students could get equal or higher score.

After giving a pretest, the researcher moved to give a treatment. The researcher took

six meetings for giving a treatment which every meeting the researcher gave students

synopsis of the movie. After explained the material, the researcher asked the students to

retell the synopsis of the movie based on their own words in front of the class. There are six

synopses that the researcher gave. They are (1) synopsis of the first grader ,(2) synopsis of

tare zameen part, (3) synopsis of 5cm, (4) synopsis of the land of five towers, (5) synopsis of

accepted, and(6) synopsis of three idiots. When the students practiced the conversation and

they got stuck, the researcher helped the students directly to repair their words. In giving the

treatment,the students paid attention on the researcher’s explanation, asked some questions,

and were not afraid of making mistakes as the first when the researcher observed them. A

whole of the treatments run well enough because it was successful. The students enjoyed

the material and were confident to speak up.

The post-test was conducted after the treatment had been given to show the students’

progress in speaking. The kinds test of pre-test and post-test were the same but different in

result. The result in post-test was higher than pre-test. There were eight students who

obtained the equal or higher score than the standard score. In other words, when the

students tried to speak in the pre-test, they were lack of fluency and accuracy. However, in

the post-test, they could express their ideas that related to the topic. In addition, they were

lack of knowledge and vocabulary in the pre-test. While in the post-test, they could speak

English in correct expressions.

The effectiveness of synopsis of the movie has been proved by Sari (2014) and

Prabawadanti (2014). They have proven that using synopsis of the movie is effective to

improve the students’ speaking skill. The result of her research shows that the t-counted is

higher than t-table. It means that the hypothesis of the research is accepted. Additionally,

similar to Sari, the researcher has proven that using synopsis of the movie is effective to

develop the tenth grade students’ speaking skill at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni.


E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 12


Based on the data analysis presented on previous chapter, the researcher concludes

that the use of synopsis of movie is effective to develop the tenth grade students’ speaking

skill at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni. It is supported by looking the result of t-counted value

(3.39) which is higher than t-table value (1.729). As the result, the hypothesis is accepted. To

sum up, the use of synopsis of movie is effective to develop the tenth grade students’

speaking skill at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni.


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Harmer.( 2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching (Third Ed). London:


Harmer.(1998). How to Teach English. Malaysia: Longman

Heaton, J. B. (1998). Writing English Language Test. London: Longman Inc.

Prabawadanti.(2014). The Effectiveness of Cartoon Films to Improve Students’ Speaking

Skill in Story-Retelling at the Year Viii Students of SmpNegeri 4 Pasangkayu. Palu:


Sari,(2014). Communication strategies employed in collaborative reading and speaking

activities utilizing movie synopses. Malang: Universitas Malang.

Scrivener.(2011). Learning Teaching, London: Macmillan publisher limited.