"the effects of bullying among middle school gifted and talented children"

Gifted Children and Bullying i ABSTRACT Research related to giftedness has not focused on the inner life of gifted children until recently; and the inability to respond to negative behaviors from others is related to the “vulnerability to bullying” (Robinson, et al. 2006, p. xi). The issue precipitates itself in the situation that they are “unable in finding compatible friends, especially when they are young and their social sphere is restricted to a particular classroom, school, neighborhood, or small town” (Robinson, et al. 2006, p. xii). Because of this, they are “likely to be less socially adept, more introverted, and more inhibited than other children” (Robinson, et al. 2006, p. xxiv). The significance of this study was not to review bullying in gifted children versus common classroom children; however, it was to study the prevalence and impact that bullying has on gifted children specifically. The data collected indicated how safe and unsafe these students felt within their school culture and how they were treated by other students; also what they had seen and heard, and how they reacted to the situations of bullying. Insight pertaining to gangs within the school climate, and

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ABSTRACT - An Independent Learning Project presented by Helen Tsipliareles-Pryor to James J. Smith, Ed.D. Faculty Advisor in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Education in the field of School Administration - Cambridge College Cambridge, MA Chesapeake, VA Campus January 2011


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Research related to giftedness has not focused on the inner life of gifted children until

recently; and the inability to respond to negative behaviors from others is related to the

“vulnerability to bullying” (Robinson, et al. 2006, p. xi). The issue precipitates itself in the

situation that they are “unable in finding compatible friends, especially when they are young and

their social sphere is restricted to a particular classroom, school, neighborhood, or small town”

(Robinson, et al. 2006, p. xii). Because of this, they are “likely to be less socially adept, more

introverted, and more inhibited than other children” (Robinson, et al. 2006, p. xxiv).

The significance of this study was not to review bullying in gifted children versus

common classroom children; however, it was to study the prevalence and impact that bullying

has on gifted children specifically. The data collected indicated how safe and unsafe these

students felt within their school culture and how they were treated by other students; also what

they had seen and heard, and how they reacted to the situations of bullying. Insight pertaining to

gangs within the school climate, and specific causes and situations of bullying were also gained.

Additionally, it provides information intended for positive intervention programs.

Bullying creates a sense of fear that disrupts the learning environment, and we need to

actively address the impact of bullies on school climate and the social pressures of students

victimized by this bullying. Although freedom from the fear and shame of bullying does not

necessarily ensure academic success for all students, “it is indeed a necessary condition to

promote effective learning in a positive classroom culture” (Schuler, 2002, p. 4).

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Shakespeare was perhaps correct when he wrote “Lord, what fools these mortals be,”

especially if he was referring to those of us entering the teaching field closer to our golden years

rather than our salad days. From the time that Scout sat on Atticus’ knee and learned why it is a

sin to kill a mockingbird, all the way to Tom’s adventures with Injun Joe and Huck, and yes, I

will call you Ishmael; I knew there was only one profession suited for me – teaching. I grew up

with an intense love for reading and writing, and all I ever wanted was to share this passion with

others – to educate through the written word, to reflect through the moral conflict, and to inspire

through the human condition.

At Cambridge College, I have had that opportunity to grow into my profession and

embrace all the new skills and techniques developed by veterans in the world of education and

shared with me through the incredible instructors of this institution. Earning my Masters of

Education in the field of School Administration is yet another step in my journey through this

life, and it would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of some of the

most significant people in my life. My most sincere appreciation is extended:

To Dr. James J. Smith, my faculty advisor and instructor, your lessons, extensive

knowledge, and constructive feedback may have been the cake, but your enthusiasm,

encouragement, and wonderful sense of humor proved to be the icing. I can never thank you

enough for helping me mix the ingredients of my dreams into a sweet reality.

To Dr. Ella E. Benson, my program director, who endured my endless questions,

compulsive time management skills, persistent anxiety, and dare I say, OCD tendencies, your

patience and endearing personality definitely made for a smoother journey.

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To Mr. Don Lyons, my colleague at Ruffner Middle, for not only listening to me but

actually hearing what I had to say, and understanding who I am. Your daily encouragement and

unwavering support kept me on track more than you can ever know. You are appreciated, and I

am so fortunate to have you in my life and call you my friend.

To the Ruffner Middle Academy Classes of 2009 and 2010, the most wonderful and

amazing children any teacher has been inspired to teach. I am honored to have been your teacher,

your mentor, and your friend. You are in my thoughts and in my heart everyday, and never forget

- Live Fully! Laugh Often! Love Always!

To my husband, Mark and my daughter, Delilah for enduring so many evenings and

weekends without a wife and mother, your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for

love, support, respect, and constant late night runs to Starbucks. I love you both!

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In loving memory of

George Demetrios Tsipliareles


Thank you for decorating my world with art, music, and literature.

Thank you for filling my thoughts with history, mythology, folklore, and poetry.

Thank you for reminding me to smile brightly and laugh loudly.

Thank you for guiding me through this life with your unconditional love.

For when I was in darkness, you had been my guiding light,

And when everything went wrong, you had put my world to right.

Now you are gone and missing you may make me sad,

but I rejoice in the joy that you are forever, my Dad.

With all my love and admiration, your honorable youngest, Elenitsa

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LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………….viii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………...1


Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………....3

Research Methods and Questions………………………………………………….. 4

Rationale for the Study…………………………………………………………….. 6

Anticipated Outcome………………………………………………………………. 8

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………


Gifted and Talented…………………………………………………………9


Organization of the Study……………………………………………………..…....10

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………...…………...11


Defining Giftedness and Talent………………………………………………….....12

Identification of Gifted and Talented Children……………………………………..13

Mental Self-Management and Multiple Intelligences………………………………19

Differentiating Between Giftedness and Talent…………………………………….21

Defining Intelligence………………………………………………………………..24

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Special Needs of Gifted Children………………………………………………….. 28

Defining Bullying………………………………………………………………….. 29

Bullying and School Climate……………………………………………………….32

Psychiatric and Psychological Factors……………………………………………...37

Social and Emotional Needs……………………………………………………….. 43

Bullying Intervention……………………………………………………………….51

Instruments of Measure……………………………………………………………..54


CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………58


Purpose of the Study………………………………………………………………...60

Research Questions………………………………………………………………….61









CHAPTER IV: PRESENTATION OF DATA……………………………………………...67


Purpose of the Study………………………………………………………………...68

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Presentation of the Data……………………………………………………………..71


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION………………………………..……..………………………...95


Summary of Findings……………………………….………..…………………….…...97


Recommendations for Future Studies………………………………………………….103



APPENDIX A: Human Participant Approval Generic Consent Form……………….....114

APPENDIX B: Bullying Questionnaire…………………………………………….…..117

APPENDIX C: Bullying Questionnaire Grade 6 Comprehensive Results………….….123

APPENDIX D: Bullying Questionnaire Grade 7 Comprehensive Results……………..136

APPENDIX E: Bullying Questionnaire Grade 8 Comprehensive Results……………...149

APPENDIX F: Bullying Questionnaire Category 1 Calculated Results………………..162

APPENDIX G: Bullying Questionnaire Category 2 Calculated Results………………..165

APPENDIX H: Bullying Questionnaire Category 3 Calculated Results………………..168

APPENDIX I: Bullying Questionnaire Category 4 Calculated Results………………..171

APPENDIX J: Bullying Questionnaire Category 5 Calculated Results………………..173

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Table 1 Multidimensional Screening Process………………….…………….………….18

Table 2 The Seven Steps to Optimizing Learning……………………………………....20

Table 3 Gagne’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent…………………….....23

Table 4 Characteristics for Helping to Identify Gifted Students………………………...27

Table 5 Vulnerable Areas for Gifted Children…………………………………………..39

Table 6 Differentiated Instruction for Mixed-Ability Classrooms………………………40

Table 7 Perfectionism At-A-Glance……………………………………………………..42

Table 8 Gifted Kids on Giftedness………………………………………………………47

Table 9 Tips for Teachers and Students in Creating A Positive Classroom Climate……53

Table 10 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….71

Category One: How Safe Do You Feel?

Question 1: How safe do you feel in your general and elective classrooms, as

opposed to your Young Scholars classrooms?

Table 11 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….72

Category One: How Safe Do You Feel?

Question 2: How safe do you feel in the gymnasium or on the fields?

Table 12 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….74

Category One: How Safe Do You Feel?

Question 3: How safe do you feel in the cafeteria?

Table 13 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….75

Category One: How Safe Do You Feel?

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Question 4: How safe do you feel in the hallways?

Table 14 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….76

Category One: How Safe Do You Feel?

Question 5: How safe do you feel going to and from school, walking or taking the


Table 15 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….78

Category Two: How Others Treat You

Question 1: How often do other students bully you by laying their hands on you

(hit, kick, or push you or hurt your body otherwise)?

Table 16 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….79

Category Two: How Others Treat You

Question 2: How often do other students bully you by saying mean things to you,

things which hurt your feelings?

Table 17 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….81

Category Two: How Others Treat You

Question 3: How often do other students bully you by spreading mean rumors

about you?

Table 18 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….82

Category Two: How Others Treat You

Question 4: How often do other students bully you by leaving you out of their


Table 19 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….84

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Category Three: What You Have Seen Or Heard

Question 1: How often have your seen another student bully others by laying their

hands on them (hit, kick, or push you or hurt your body otherwise)?

Table 20 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….85

Category Three: What You Have Seen Or Heard

Question 2: How often have your seen another student bully others by saying

mean things to them, things which hurt their feelings?

Table 21 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….86

Category Three: What You Have Seen Or Heard

Question 3: How often have your seen another student bully others by spreading

mean rumors about them?

Table 22 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….87

Category Three: What You Have Seen Or Heard

Question 4: How often have your seen another student bully others by leaving

them out of their activities?

Table 23 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….89

Category Four: How You Reacted

Question 1: What have you done when you have seen a student being hit, kicked,

pushed, punched or otherwise physically hurt in school or on the school


Table 24 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….90

Category Four: How You Reacted

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Question 2: What have you done when you heard a student being teased or called

names in school or on the school bus?

Table 25 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….92

Category Five: Gangs

Question 1: Do you know of students in your school who are members of a gang,

or are wanna-be’s?

Table 26 Results: Bullying Questionnaire ……………………………………….……….93

Category Five: Gangs

Question 2: How much of a problem do you think gangs are in your school?