the end of the world is nigh?

soteria Lifestyle Worth Living Aug / Sept 2011 FREE THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH? @soteriamag

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With the news being full of "the end of the world" and 2012 fast approaching it's worth looking at what the Bible says about the End Of The World


Page 1: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

soteriaLifestyle Worth Living

Aug / Sept 2011 FREE



Page 2: The End Of The World Is Nigh?


So you guys didn’t get taken in the May 21st “rapture” then? Glad it wasn’t just me!

Yes all that palaver got us thinking about the end of the world, which apparently has been postponed until October 21st!

We know there’s a lot of stuff in the Bible about the end of the world, but is it coming now? If it is coming at some point how should that change how we live as Christians?

So starting with Nostradamus, Mayan prophecies and even a bit of Buddha we look at “The End Of The World Is Nigh?” If that’s a bit too much doom and gloom for you we’ve got 10 albums selected for you in our reviews, a quick

look at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth and the chance to win bunches of flowers from, plus an exclusive 10% discount!

So,until next time, assuming nothing happens between now and then, enjoy!

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Page 3: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

Nostradamus, otherwise known as Michel de Nostredame was born in 1503 and died in 1566. He is one of the most widely read prophets in the world. He’s famous for making predictions of the future using symbolism and written poetically in the form of quatrains, four lined verse. He wrote these mainly in French with a scattering of other languages such as Italian, Greek and Latin.

Nostradamus uses quite imprecise language that makes it easy to interpret the quatrains in the way you want to. As he made thousands of predictions that often described natural disasters and wars it seems inevitable that he wouldn’t be too far from the mark in some cases thus leading people to believe he was some sort of seer.

Nostradamus has recently been linked with prophecies of the end of the world in 2012, it’s safe to say that these are incorrect as his predictions for the future go right up to the year 3797! Over the years there have been many, many predictions of the end of the world, throwing people into confusion and panic and causing them to make rash decisions.

A prediction that has had a lot media attention and with which a lot of people will be familiar with is the Mayan’s prediction of the end of the world. According to Mayan calculations the end of this cycle of the word is due to end on 21st December 2012 leaving us not much time. The Mayan’s had an incredible knowledge of astronomy. The Mayan’s solar tracking around which their calendar revolved was very accurate leaving many people worried as to the accuracy of the 2012 prediction.

Most religions have predictions for the end of the world. The study of the end times is known as eschatology. In Islam the ‘Day of Resurrection’ is preceded by the end of the world. There are many signs such as earthquakes and the coming of prophets which end in the Last Judgment.

In Buddhism Buddha talks of how seven suns will appear in the sky and planet earth will eventually be destroyed through a series of cataclysmic events. The seven suns will cause volcanic eruptions, droughts and evaporation of rivers.

Christians too believe that one day the world will come to an end. The Bible talks about some pretty bad stuff at the end, but also gives hope that everything that will happen at that time is in the hands of God alone.

So Predictable...

Beasts ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers:The greater part of the region will be against the Hister,The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage,

When the German child will observe nothing.

the sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude, Fire approaches the great new city

Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up When they want to have verification from the Normans.

Could Hister = Hitler and this be a prediction of World War II?

Could this be a prediction of the 9/11 attacks?Both of these are open to interpretation…

‘El Castillo’ Part of the archaelogical site at Chichen Ista in Mexico

Page 4: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

These are just some of the albums that we have featured, or are about to feature, on the Soteria website. That’s where all our latest reviews go and you can find something to suit you there.

Whatever music you like, no matter what mood you’re in, you can find something to listen to. If you want some modern worship then try Tim Hughes, Gareth Robinson or Aaron Keyes. Perhaps something with a mixture of artists and styles? Passion “Here For You” or Hillsong United’s “Aftermath” would be worth a listen.

Something more ‘old school’, with a bit more melody? Graham Kendrick has a brand new album out called “Banquet”. You want female singer / songwriters then there’s Claire Hamilton. Something that’s a little more roots? Then Philippa Hanna’s “Out of the Blue” will be right up your street.

Want rock and roll? Why not check out Peter Furler’s (former lead singer of Newsboys) debut solo album. And if none of that does the job and you’re just looking for something different then try “Too Twitchy” from The Paul Poulton Project!

And if none of that lot is good enough for you, check out,you never know what you may find!

‘Like’ Soteria on Facebook or follow us on twitter (@soteriamag) to get all our latest reviews everyday!

Page 5: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

You must have noticed the similarity between these two characters! They must have both headed in the same, dark lord, direction. Perhaps there is an image consultancy out there who were just waiting to give them advice? Or just maybe J.K. Rowling in her inception of the character just happened to pull ideas from one of the most enduring images of early film?

Until recently there was a claim going through the courts about J.K. Rowling stealing the idea for “The Goblet Of Fire” from a book by Adrian Jacobs called “Willy The Wizard”. The claim was not granted in the U.S. courts and has just been thrown out in the UK because of the amount of court costs owing by the claimant.

While I think that the claim in this case was very weak, it is possible to see elements of other stories in the Harry Potter series. As mentioned above there is a striking similarity between Voldemort and the 1922 black and white film version of Nosferatu.

Want another example? The necklace that Harry, Ron and Hermione carry

around with them in “The Deathly Hallows” that starts to turn them against each other. An item that they must look after until they can destroy it. Does that remind you of anything? Yes, my

precious, it reminds us, it does!

There are many other common themes and threads that weave their way through the Potter storyline. None, of course, greater than the Chosen One defeating

the enemy in a final battle, just like The Matrix, or more importantly the Bible.

People building a story do tend to use ideas that are common in society. It’s impossible to write in a vacuum, there isn’t enough room, especially in these bagless ones! A good writer will weave their story around common plotlines and make something new and original. The reader will carry on reading and most would be none the wiser.

For all those who think Harry Potter is a waste of time I leave you with a quote from Stephen King “Harry Potter is about doing what’s right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.”

Do Voldemort and Nosferatu share Image Consultants?

With the final Harry Potter film, “The Deathly Hallows - Part 2” in cinema’s now, The Holy Pasty dares to ask the incredibly important question...

Nosferatu (1922)

Page 6: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

Terrible Tabloids

Rupert Murdoch is in the news a little more than normal as I write this. He is the head of the company ‘News Corporation’, which owns ‘News International’, which in turn owned “News Of The World” and still owns papers like “The Sun” and “The Times”.

People are beginning to ask questions about how close our government is to these organisations and also the police. Some see it as dangerous when much of the daily news output in a country is controlled by one person or company that can put forward it’s own agenda.

When we read newspapers we sometimes forget about various political bias and take what we read as truth. As Christians we should always be careful about what we read and what we watch, and understand how it may influence our thinking on various subjects. Newspapers are very clever at hiding the bias of their message, but what about when someone is blatant about their message?

Raptured Radio

Earlier this year the rapture meant to take place, only it didn’t! If it did I think we would have noticed, right?

Family Radio is a radio station based in Oakland, California. It broadcasts radio across 150 US markets and at

least 3 localised television channels as well as broadcasting in English to Moscow, Istanbul and the Philippines. That’s a lot of people hearing a broadly Christian message! While we should be praising God about this though we find that this huge influence

has made Christians and our faith a huge laughing stock around the world!

Harold Camping, the president of Family Radio, predicted that the rapture and Judgement Day would be on 21st May 2011. So confident were Family Radio in their

President’s prediction that they poured money into a campaign to tell people about it.

Barmy Billboards

Large billboards went up across the US and other countries declaring the date of Judgement Day. A number of caravans and vehicles were committed to the campaign and decked out with the slogans relating to this prediction. Honest, hardworking people believed Harold Camping and gave up their jobs, sold their houses just to make sure that people had heard and had

time to make sure they were right with God.

Many of the billboards placed around the US had this little phrase on them; “The Bible Guarantees It”. This is a dangerous game

to play if you’re wrong...and he was!

I would love to meet some of those people who gave up everything they had to spread this message. They clearly, genuinely, 100% believed that

News Corp owns the Christian

Publisher Zondervan, which includes the rights to the NIV Bible!



Page 7: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

this was going to happen. Why else would they have given everything? I have a lot of respect for their faith. On the other hand I have very little respect for their judgement!

This isn’t the first time Mr Camping has made a prediction that has turned out to be wrong. He also predicted

that Jesus would return in 1994! Camping’s method is Numerology, taking numbers from key Biblical passages of prophecy and then applying them to presumed dates of various events, this is

incredibly flawed thinking!

Crazy Christians

Camping isn’t the first Christian to predict the date of the end of the world. 21st March 1844 was predicted by William Miller as the return of Christ. Jonas Swendahl believed the 1844 date was a precursor to Jesus return in 1874. Charles Taze Russell added another 30 years and came up with a date in 1914 for Christ’s return.

More recently Pat Robertson another Christian media preacher in the US declared that the world would be judged in 1982, another prediction that failed to come true!

Harold Camping’s high-profile campaign has led to many Christians facing ridicule because of one preachers misplaced belief. These are people who have nothing to do with Camping. We are all tarred with the same brush, “you’re a Christian, you thought the rapture was coming!”

Biblical Backing

The Bible does say that judgement, the end of the world, and the rule of Christ will all come to pass. However Jesus himself was very definite when he pointed out that no man would know the day or the hour of His return! The Bible talks about the Day of the Lord coming as a ‘thief in the night’ in 1 Thessalonians 5v2.

We need to be clear about what’s in the Bible and what it says. This most basic fundamentally simple rule could have saved a lot of people a lot of trouble. If there is a prophecy that contradicts the Bible then it is not from God.

As Christians we are called to use our whole being in our faith. While many churches now have signs asking you to switch your mobile phone to silent, you are not meant to do the same

with your brain. The Bible tells us we are meant to mature and not be blown about with every new doctrine. We must test what we hear, accept what is good and biblical and reject and challenge that which is not! Popularity is no judge of teaching - after all thousands of people CAN be wrong!

Russell started the ‘Zion Watchtower’

his followers became known as ‘International Bible

Students’ which later became known as the

Jehovah’s Witness. An organisation

that has predicted the return of Christ in 1925, 1941

and 1975!


Page 8: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

THE END...Do you know how the world is going to end? Truthfully neither do we! The Bible gives us some ideas but interpretations differ. For nearly 2000 years scholars have been trying to work out what it all means, so we’re not going to clear it up in 2 pages! Let’s open this can o’ worms and find out what it’s all about shall we?

Eschatology (Escha – final, logos – word) considers the events in the run up to the second coming of Jesus, and the end times. Matthew 24v36 reminds us that the angels in Heaven and even the Son Himself (Jesus) do not know the day or hour of Christ’s return – only God knows! The second coming of Christ is pivotal in the Christian faith.


The second coming of Christ will be preceded by signs referred to as ‘birth pains’ (1 Thessalonians 5 v 13). These signs or events will help the diligent Christian in their understanding of the end times and what to expect. Matthew 24 tells of how Jesus warns his disciples (in private, and ultimately us) of the need to guard themselves, in the end times. Jesus does not paint a rosy picture!

The ‘believer’ needs to make sure they are not deceived (v4), even by those who may claim to be the Messiah. Wars and rumours of wars, nation rising against nation, famines and earthquakes are all

to be expected. The ‘believer’ may face persecution, even death. Many will turn away from the faith. Wickedness and betrayal will increase. (Seems familiar!?).


The apostle Paul underlines this by encouraging the Church of the Thessalonians to be on their guard, and to remember that the Christian is not appointed to suffer wrath, but receive their salvation through the Lord Jesus. That doesn’t mean the Christian will not endure suffering.

Again in 2 Thessalonians Paul is keen to encourage the reader not to become unsettled or alarmed. Even in the face of lawlessness and rebellion, the Christian is encouraged to stand firm.


Revelation 7 v 14 considers the Great Tribulation – a period (according to many scholars seven years) of intense suffering and

OPENING A HUGEPremillenialism

7 Years Great Tribulation >>

Resurrrection and Rapture >> Christ’s

Return starts 1000years reign.

Amillenialism1000 years (not literal) started at Pentecost, Jesus reigns now

in Heaven and will return in final judgement.

Page 9: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

persecution of the Church (Christians).

Revelation 20 considers Jesus’

1000 year reign on Earth. It is important

to note there are three generally accepted views

of the End Times. Some of these are further splintered into groups that take slightly different interpretations.

Ultimately the common understanding between all

three viewpoints is that the ‘believer’ (those who put their trust in Jesus) will be saved only in the name of Jesus, and will endure some form of persecution and suffering (particularly in the end times).

It is important to note that God is not wanting anyone to perish, but that people would come before Him in repentance.


Revelation 21 v 8 warns that those who refuse to believe, who do evil things, kill, sin sexually, do evil magic, worship idols and tell lies, will have a place in the lake of burning sulphur.

In contrast the Christian can look forward to a new Heaven

and a new Earth. 2 Peter 3 v 10 states that, ‘The Day of the Lord

will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare (or burned up).’

But Revelation 21 comes with reassurance, that there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the former things would have passed, and God will make all things new (verse 5).


It could be said that the Early Christians were somewhat impatient and wanted answers, even to the same questions we ask today, including “How will the world end”.

Certainly some of the writing in the Bible shows that the early followers believed that Christ would come back in their lifetimes. Today we too live in the hope of Christ’s return, and we continue to ask ourselves when will the end come.


The Bible certainly does not shy away from this, but a greater emphasis is placed on the requirement for the Christian to be ready for Christ’s second coming. We need to be ready whatever our level of understanding of the end of the world...





7 Years Great Tribulation >>

Resurrrection and Rapture >> Christ’s

Return starts 1000years reign.


A 1000 years (literal or non-lit


of the Gospel being spread results in

Jesus return.

Amillenialism1000 years (not literal) started at Pentecost, Jesus reigns now

in Heaven and will return in final judgement.

Page 10: The End Of The World Is Nigh?


Films, we love them! It has to be said though that some actors don’t always make the best choices of what to act in! In each of our ‘rounds’ below can you work out which films belong to which actor?Of course we like both of the actors in each round but which is better?



SwitchMarley And Me

ChocolatThe Corpse Bride

Alice in WonderlandThe Break-UpSecret Window

Along Came Polly

Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryBruce Almighty

He’s Just Not That Into YouEdward Scissorhands

Finding NeverlandThe Iron Giant

Friends With MoneyThe Rum Diary

Aniston Depp

Lopez Cruise

Minogue DeVitoBiodome

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s NestMatilda

CutStreet FighterMoulin Rouge

TwinsBatman Returns

JuniorThe Delinquents

The Magic RoundaboutLA ConfidentialThe RainmakerWhite Diamond

The War of the RosesBlue


The Back-Up PlanValkyrie

Days of ThunderMonster-in-Law

War of the WorldsThe Wedding Planner

Vanilla SkyShall we Dance

Out Of SightMission Impossible

AnacondaYoung Guns

Antz Maid in ManhattanThe Last Samurai

Rain Man

Page 11: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

The summer holidays are long, and often include weeks on end where water seems to constantly be thrown from the sky. In a family it’s important to have things to do to keep everyone occupied. So we thought we’d check out the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth and see what they have to offer.

Firstly it’s a fantastic location, away from the city centre on Rope Walk, just across a small harbour bridge from the historic Barbican and the Mayflower Steps.

If you follow the buildings flow then you start on the top floor and work your way down into the depths. The whole place is designed to be disabled accessible with ramps as well as steps and also lifts.

The first display you come to is full of marine life that you would find in the Plymouth Sound itself. There are a lot of creatures to look at in open topped tanks, although there are signs asking people not to dip their fingers in! In one area there is a table of activities for younger children too.

Along the walls of this room and the connecting corridors there are plenty of tanks where you can get a great view of some of the marine life. This can be anything from anenomes to spiny lobsters. In one tank there is a rather large octopus, which blends in so well you hardly notice you are looking at it, until it suddenly comes into focus!

We’re moving into deeper waters now and heading into the ocean. The next large room is the centre-piece for the NMA, the Eddystone exhibit. This is a huge tank full of life that you would find off our coasts in the SouthWest. It is modelled on a real reef and nationally recognised dive site. Honestly I could sit for hours in front of

this tank, but my children won’t allow it, and anyway there’s plenty more to see!

The Atlantic Ocean tank is the largest in the UK and features all sorts of creatures. These include Sand Tiger Sharks, Rays, Barracudas and many

more fish. It also features a full-sized replica of a WWII Supermarine Walrus seaplane! This tank has a passage under part of it so you can see the various creatures swimming over your head! Then coming around into the next room you can see even more of the display including the plane and many different types of marine life there too.

The last area is the Blue Planet and features more weird and wonderful creatures that haven’t been seen. These include fish like Clown fish, made popular by Disney Pixar’s “Finding Nemo”. Another large tank sees a coral reef with many species, including a Loggerhead turtle called “Snorkel”.

The NMA has a strong message of conservation alongside it’s exhibits, expressing how important it is to look after our oceans and wildlife. When you see the range of animals that we have even just off our coast. This is a fascinating and educational day out for all the family with plenty to see and do, and places to eat, drink and enjoy the scenery. One cafe even includes a soft play area for younger children.

OPENING TIMES:10am - 6pm

in the summer.Admission:

Adults: £11.50Children 5+: £7.00

Under 5’s: FreeFamily (2+2): £32.00

Page 12: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the

Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do

not know when that time will come.”

(Mark 13:32-33)


God said in Revelation 1 that the (end) time is near. Many

Christians believe that we are living in the end times, that doesn’t mean that it will be in a week or ten years. the truth is we don’t know.

So we should live everyday with a sense of urgency for the lost and determination to stay holy and focused

on the Lord.Some Christians have a mindset that because God said it nearly 2000 years ago it will be a lot longer. What would God think if when He came back to get His people they were all living like the rest of the world? The word “holy” simply means set apart for God, and we are called to be holy.

Urgency is a real issue the Church faces. If we truly believe that we are going to heaven, then we also have to believe in hell. It seems we’ve been so focused on going to heaven through the grace of God, that we’ve forgotten that there are still people living apart from God. As Christians we have the responsibility to tell people the message of the Gospel and give people the chance to be saved themselves.

The enemy is always at work telling people that it doesn’t matter what happens to others, we just need to look after our own salvation. This is wrong! Of course we need to work out our own salvation and share this good news with everyone we possibly can. We need to share this gift of eternal life because that’s what you do with a gift, you give it to people.

This will transform the way we live and think. You may think you don’t have the ‘gift’ of evangelism, but you’re still called to be a witness to Christ’s work in us. Remember God uses all good things to His glory.

Some Bible teachers have undermined the urgency to deliver the gospel. The have taught that God won’t punish sinners, but this seems contrary to many passages in the Bible.

Romans 6v23 says “For the wages of

Page 13: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

Evangelism can be a bit of a dirty word!

It doesn’t HAVE to be standing in the centre of town shouting about sin and


Sure some people are suited to walking around carrying a cross over their shoulders and fielding all sorts of questions, praying for healing and talking to strangers about Jesus....BUT THAT’S NOT ME!

Believe it or not, many ‘evangelists’ agree that the best way to tell someone about Jesus is to be friends with them first. This isn’t about being friends just to talk to them about the Gospel. It’s about being genuine friends.

If you are a Christian, a friend should notice that you are a little different. It could be the way you handle a crisis, the way you treat your boyfriend / girlfriend, or it may be that you are always busy on a Sunday. It won’t be long before they ask questions.

When the questions come don’t shy away from the truth. Tell them what the Bible says, be honest about what you believe. You don’t need to press them for a response, you aren’t Jeremy Paxman.

Let the Holy Spirit do His job, pray for your friend regularly and don’t be afraid to share Christian magazines and music with them and even invite them to church events!

God can and will use you in the new birth of a baby Christian, you just need to be willing, open and listen to Him!

sin is death,” This means that if you have chosen a life of sin, apart from God and not acknowledging Him, then you have to pay the price, which is death.

God did something about this by sending Jesus his only Son to show us how to live and also to make us right with God and save us from a life alone apart from God. Let’s finish that quote from Romans...“but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”

2 Thessalonians 1v7-10 tells us He will come with mighty angels in flames of fire, bringing judgement on those who don’t know God and on those who refuse to obey the good news of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power.

We need to be honest with people when talking about the Gospel. To show this truth, but also that there is another path. The Bible says that “all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. Eternal life is what all Christians have to look forward to. Heaven is a wonderful place, our imaginations cannot stretch far enough to realise how amazing it will be. No death, no sickness, no hurting no hate, no spitefulness. Hell is pretty much the opposite of all that.

While we wait for Jesus to come we are to work, to prepare the way, to go into all the world and preach the good news. Our reward will be in heaven but for now we must seek to love, share, persevere, keeping ourselves holy and proclaiming the Gospel of Christ until He returns.

Page 14: The End Of The World Is Nigh?
Page 15: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

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Page 16: The End Of The World Is Nigh?

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