the etheric and spiritual ascensions€¦ · complete etheric body ascension. this is the ascension...

The emotion of compassion is the bridge from the emo- tional third density to the pure love vibration of the fourth density. Once you have completed your own personal grid- work, you will no longer have need of emotion. Emotion is the veil which must be lifted in order for you to regain your full memory. To you love- and Lightbearers, here is the Key! My guides and I extend the love and Light of our infinite Creator to all of you. * THE ETHERIC AND SPIRITUAL ASCENSIONS by Brian Grattan T here is much confusion on Earth regarding preparation for pre-ascension. As you are aware, classes are being held and channeling is referencing old patterns, old beliefs about "ascension." If you, the disciple, find living on a planet during this opening — which is taking place until the year 2028 — in the third/fourth density to be confusing, we wish to introduce two very distinct realities as they relate to the etheric body ascension and the one which we are discussing: the complete Spiritual Ascension. Kindly be advised that the nature of what humankind views as its past, referencing its etheric (energy) Lightbody ascension, requires only the freeing of the soul energy within the atom, which has been accomplished on this planet through nuclear fission. This process, as we have discussed, equals the liberation of the soul with the fifth initiation. Once one has consciously accomplished this liberation, one starts to build one's etheric Lightbody. The sixth initiation is no longer definitely required, simply the coding of the beautiful blue/green light of the ninth ray, which can code the D N A for the complete etheric body ascension. This is the ascension that many, many beings have accomplished, such as Djwhal Khul, Janet M c- Clure, Jesus and Mohammed; certain among you have also ac- complished this level of ascension. "Ascension" is a word that your various religions have gravitated to regarding the raising of one's vibration above that of Earth. This is in reality a misnomer because what happens has been, in effect, the raising of one's consciousness to the level of the fifth initiation, which is the seventh astral level. This seventh astral level still requires the (finer) astral body for travel, but it does What all of mankind have learned in the past about creation is the way that existence isn't a paradox! Brian Grattan is the author of Mahatma and Rider on a White Horse, published by Light Technology Publications. allow the individual on this level to begin to build the Lightbody. This Lightbody is completed just prior to one's complete ascen- sion from the dense physical Earth and Earth's consort of the seven astral "heavens" (previously referred to as the sixth initia- tion). At this juncture into a fifth density, or the galactic core, again we remind you that we cut the dimensional "pie" into nine densities. This division may be at variance with other teachings, but your intuition can adapt to your scheme of referencing dimen- sions. Then one has raised one's vibration above that of the Earth and her astral levels in what we refer to as the "intuitive dimension." Even your Councils of Twelve for the various galaxies, with which all of humanity is bonding, work at a finer level of this same fifth dimension (all dimensions have seven levels of vibration). So let us articulate these perspectives so that you can integrate how dif- ferent the "ascensions" are, particularly the etheric body ascension and the spiritual body ascension. Remember, the ninth ray codes the body of Light, your etheric body, with finer and finer gradations through to the upper level of the sixth dimension, which is your twelfth chakra, and the twelfth initiation; all that is universal is sixth dimensional and physical because the etheric (Lightbody) has one permanent atom. The Etheric Lightbody Has One Permanent Atom Many are aware that certain teachings on the Earth separate the physical body from the etheric body, projecting a five-body system (not the four-body system, as we teach). There is some validity to these teachings because they do allow the disciple to integrate a five-body concept. If this method proves easier for you in the integra- tion of these vast concepts, which we simply do not have suffi- cient language to explain, then by all means do whatever works for you. However, always keep in mind that the etheric (Light)body is physical, with one permanent atom! Thus, as you are beginning to deduce, there will be two totally different levels of ascension on this planet momentarily — the aforementioned astral/etheric ascension, which this opening will achieve for multitudes and the Spiritual Ascension, which will be available for all fourth- through sixth-dimensional beings in this universe. Many universal beings are already celebrating this Spiritual Ascension as a fait accompli because they function outside of se- quential time. SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE! 44 FEBRUARY 1993

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Page 1: THE ETHERIC AND SPIRITUAL ASCENSIONS€¦ · complete etheric body ascension. This is the ascension that many, many beings have accomplished, such as Djwhal Khul, Janet Mc Clure,

The emotion of compassion is the bridge from the emo­tional third density to the pure love vibration of the fourth density. Once you have completed your own personal grid- work, you will no longer have need of emotion. Emotion is the

veil which must be lifted in order for you to regain your full memory. To you love- and Lightbearers, here is the Key!

M y guides and I extend the love and Light of our infinite Creator to all of you. *


by B rian G rattan

There is much confusion on Earth regarding preparation for pre-ascension. As you are aware, classes are being held and

channeling is referencing old patterns, old beliefs about "ascension." If you, the disciple, find living on a planet during this opening — which is taking place until the year 2028 — in the third/fourth density to be confusing, we wish to introduce two very distinct realities as they relate to the etheric body ascension and the one which we are discussing: the complete Spiritual Ascension.

Kindly be advised that the nature of what humankind views as its past, referencing its etheric (energy) Lightbody ascension, requires only the freeing of the soul energy within the atom, which has been accomplished on this planet through nuclear fission. This process, as we have discussed, equals the liberation of the soul with the fifth initiation. Once one has consciously accomplished this liberation, one starts to build one's etheric Lightbody. The sixth initiation is no longer definitely required, simply the coding of the beautiful blue/green light of the ninth ray, which can code the D N A for the complete etheric body ascension. This is the ascension that many, many beings have accomplished, such as Djwhal Khul, Janet M c­Clure, Jesus and Mohammed; certain among you have also ac­complished this level of ascension.

"Ascension" is a word that your various religions have gravitated to regarding the raising of one's vibration above that of Earth. This is in reality a misnomer because what happens has been, in effect, the raising of one's consciousness to the level of the fifth initiation, which is the seventh astral level. This seventh astral level still requires the (finer) astral body for travel, but it does

What all of mankind have learned in the past about creation is the way that ex istence isn 't — a paradox! Brian Grattan is the author of Mahatma

and Rider on a White Horse, published by Light Technology Publications.

allow the individual on this level to begin to build the Lightbody. This Lightbody is completed just prior to one's complete ascen­sion from the dense physical Earth and Earth's consort of the seven astral "heavens" (previously referred to as the sixth initia­tion). At this juncture into a fifth density, or the galactic core, again we remind you that we cut the dimensional "pie" into nine densities. This division may be at variance with other teachings, but your intuition can adapt to your scheme of referencing dimen­sions. Then one has raised one's vibration above that of the Earth and her astral levels in what we refer to as the "intuitive dimension."

Even your Councils of Twelve for the various galaxies, with which all of humanity is bonding, work at a finer level of this same fifth dimension (all dimensions have seven levels of vibration). So let us articulate these perspectives so that you can integrate how dif­ferent the "ascensions" are, particularly the etheric body ascension and the spiritual body ascension. Remember, the ninth ray codes the body of Light, your etheric body, with finer and finer gradations through to the upper level of the sixth dimension, which is your twelfth chakra, and the twelfth initiation; all that is universal is sixth dimensional and physical because the etheric (Lightbody) has one permanent atom.

The Etheric Lightbody Has One Permanent AtomMany are aware that certain teachings on the Earth separate the

physical body from the etheric body, projecting a five-body system (not the four-body system, as we teach). There is some validity to these teachings because they do allow the disciple to integrate a five-body concept. If this method proves easier for you in the integra­tion of these vast concepts, which we simply do not have suffi­cient language to explain, then by all means do whatever works for you. However, always keep in mind that the etheric (Light)body is physical, with one permanent atom!

Thus, as you are beginning to deduce, there will be two totally different levels of ascension on this planet momentarily — the aforementioned astral/etheric ascension, which this opening will achieve for multitudes and the Spiritual Ascension, which will be available for all fourth- through sixth-dimensional beings in this universe. Many universal beings are already celebrating this Spiritual Ascension as a fait accompli because they function outside of se­quential time.

SED O N A Journal of EMERGENCE! 44 FEBRUARY 1993

Page 2: THE ETHERIC AND SPIRITUAL ASCENSIONS€¦ · complete etheric body ascension. This is the ascension that many, many beings have accomplished, such as Djwhal Khul, Janet Mc Clure,

There is no precedent on Earth for the complete Spiritual Ascen­sion at any level of the physical densities. This has been achieved because your expanded Source wishes to hasten the total evolution of this expanded Cosmic Day through the Mahatma energy. The achievement of hastening the evolutionary process with such quantum progressions has placed massive shifts and undertakings on all participants. Your archangels have had to be reprogrammed by the Council of Twelve for this Cosmic Day — through Metatron — to be able, for example, to access our dense physical structure; this is completely new for these great ad­ministrators of the plan. (One of the teachings of the Mahatma is to correct the misunderstanding and distortion on this planet of the nature of the archangels, as none of these beings can work in a third dimension.)

As there is no precedent to look at for comparison, or even perfection, with the Spiritual Ascension on these physical levels of consciousness, the total operation is viewed intuitively and without guidelines. Thus with the celebrations of Melchizedek and others regarding their imminent Spiritual Ascension, we know that this same possibility is imminent on Earth for those among you who can par­ticipate in these magnificent progressions. All levels of conscious­ness are uniting the Creator and Co-Creator levels and being ener­gized on the Earth as the focal point at this time — through the 352 levels of the Mahatma. This includes those on this planet who con­sciously or unconsciously participate at whatever initiation level they function on in fourth-dimensionality as part of the Mahatma energy.

Our Graduation into the Monad is Behind ScheduleYes, I think you're beginning to understand how the ninth ray

codes and creates the Lightbody! Now, why would our new ex­panded Source implement such a hurry-up offense, with nearly 1.2 billion years remaining in this Cosmic Day? Simply because we are nowhere near our scheduled complete graduation into the Monad at our current evolutionary pace! There are many, many reasons for this. The main reason is the nonrecognition on the part of Source that the Co-Creator level was and is a bonafide member of this Source, and on the Co-Creator's part, feeling vanquished and not part of the Source of this Cosmic Day. As we have previously described to you the many reasons for this seeming dichotomy, we wish not to languish with these contributing factors that have already been discussed.

A much more logical explanation, and one to which mankind should relate more cognitively, is the fact that this Cosmic Day has taken 3.2 billion years to reach a halfway benchmark; and "gradua­tion day" equates to 1.2 billion remaining sequential years. In other words, we're nowhere near the critical-path objectives set out at the beginning of this Cosmic Day! Thus the hastening of our evolution with all balanced means at our disposal, through the Mahatma ener­gy originating with our new expanded Source, has become a reality; and the tenth ray being anchored on Earth through Mahatma will facilitate and accelerate our spiritual resolve.

The tenth ray has never been applied or implemented in any universe of the Cosmic Day the way it is now. What do we mean by this? We mean that twelve rays have been functioning at the univer­sal level "forever," but their application was to balance creation with whatever level of these higher rays could be interpreted and used, relating to support and balance for physical creation. As we have discussed at length previously, your Logos steps down to the next level of creation the amount of energy that respective level can hand­le. What the expanded Source, through the Mahatma, has man­dated is a stepping down from the Monadic level of spiritual energy, which means energy without atoms! The significance of this is profound, meaning that the fourth through the sixth dimensions now

can also assimilate the nonatomical material, which we're calling the "microtron," and which is of a such fine vibrational frequency that your most sophisticated scientific equipment has not yet this discovered spiritual energy. The microtron is stepped down from the Monad to the Universal Council of Twelve through an elaborate electromagnetic grid system established by the archan­gels for the spiritual benefit of all of creation, but particularly your fourth through sixth densities. Thus the emphasis now is on the spiritualization of matter through the tenth ray.

It is very significant at this point in time that the Co-Creators here in physicality begin to integrate the tenth ray in a gentle and correct manner.

The Tenth Ray is the Vehicle for AscensionKindly be advised that on October 8, 1992, the tenth ray was

anchored on this planet in a profound and generous way. This magnificent opening will allow those among you who can absorb and consciously integrate this energy to create, for the first time ever in this universe, the spiritual material body.

The tenth ray, if you allow it, can actually code the new body of Light into the physical structure; it is the vehicle to accomplish the physical-spiritual ascension.

This ray has been available since the early 1970s and, at this juncture, the Earth has raised her vibration sufficiently for its in­tegration. Mankind, however, is not even aware that it is here!

The opportunity of the tenth ray arrives with such clarity that any confusion or interaction with the mental/emotional/physical bodies can only take away from your integration instead of en­hancing it. This ray arrives without judgment, without polarities — it simply is.

The information that came through me, the personality, was "transmigration and transfiguration." The tenth ray is remarkably gentle, as it is your first complete connection ever with what we reference as the spiritual level, or the beginning of the Monad. When you stop and think of this, you will realize that this is a gift that will allow the complete Spiritual Ascension from this universal level (and therefore from all universal/physical levels). It is not the soul/higher self, but the Oversoul level that contains this energy. (Refer to the diagram, "The Co-Creator and Creator Levels," on pages 178-179, and Ray Ten, page 167, of Mahatma.)

Invite the Archangels into Your ChakrasTo work with the new energies, start by invoking the Mahat­

ma. All of these energies must be invited consciously into a fourth-dimensional reality. Bring the white-gold Light of the Source through your whole channel, all the way into the center of the Earth. Ground, ground and ground. Then ask the archangels, one at a time, to come into your four-body system. Ask Metatron to come into your causal body/soul level. Ask Ratziel to come into your crown/third-eye area. A sk Khamael into your throat/heart chakras. (Khamael is huge and very encompassing.) Ask Michael into your solar plexus.

See Michael/Raphael/Auriel/Gabriel as a square unit, four cornerstones who work together. Ask Raphael/Auriel/Gabriel into your polarity chakra. Ask Sandalphon into your base chakra. (Refer to the diagram on the next page.)

It is very important to see and hold the alignment between Metatron and Sandalphon. These two are inextricably linked to each other.

Then invite the tenth ray into your entire channel. See this luminescent pearl Light with the incandescent white Light of Source flowing through your whole beingness and into the center of the Earth with the Mahatma energy. Visualize this Light as a


Page 3: THE ETHERIC AND SPIRITUAL ASCENSIONS€¦ · complete etheric body ascension. This is the ascension that many, many beings have accomplished, such as Djwhal Khul, Janet Mc Clure,

waterfall that is engulfing every cell in your physical body.Then call on the Mother energy for support. Feel the God­

dess energy permeating your beingness and anchoring in your heart chakra. Once she is comfortably anchored there, see her energy flowing through you and anchoring into the center of the Earth.

The secret to working with the tenth ray is to integrate, in­tegrate, integrate all aspects of yourself and then completely let go of the mental and emotional bodies and allow the tenth ray to become the new you and the beginning of your new physical spiritual body!

As so few have yet read and integrated the contents of Mahatma, we will give separate seminars on the creation of the Spiritual A scen­sion through the integration of the tenth ray. It is very significant at this point in time that the Co- Creators here in physicality begin to integrate the tenth ray in a gentle and cor­rect manner.

You must try to understand that while the D N A of the physi­cal body has been able to ac­cept and in­tegrate every level and ray up to and including the ninth ray, the physical body must be recoded to integrate the tenth ray; this is what creates the discom fort that so many are feeling in what is becoming your new spiritualized body. Kindly be advised that the discomfort that one might feel now and in the foreseeable future will be expressed through the tenth ray until such time as the completed physical Spiritual As­cension and the recoding of the new body is undertaken. At this point, the individual who has accomplished this remarkable feat will be free to interact with all lower Monadic (Oversoul) levels plus physical/universal levels. Your expanded Source, as we have discussed, has brought about this truly remarkable achievement in evolution that is without precedent!

You really must not consider this quantum leap from what you have viewed in your past as your fifth/sixth initiations through to the twelfth initiation and beyond as not being supportive and allowing of your truly privileged possibilities at this time. In other words, please do not go into overwhelm with these concepts that flow so beautifully with your integration of the tenth ray.

Because of the optimum importance of integrating this ray, we will be pleased to teach and work with groups of 15 or more — who have or have not assimilated the teachings of the Mahatma energy — in the anchoring of the tenth ray.

If you believe that you're having a problem on this journey that is going to create difficulty for you, then guess what happens as you start to enter the fourth dimension? You manifest whatever is your view of your reality. (As you watch the Earth seemingly coming undone at the seams in the beginning of the fourth dimension, past third-dimensional patterning still dictates the terms of your reality.) Do you see this? What I'm saying was never that important in terms of the third density; but now your implementation of the fourth density — with whatever flow you allow — is bringing and will bring instant manifestation. For ex­ample, if your belief is that the Serbs cannot get along with and integrate with the Muslims in the same community, then the fourth dimension will magnify their heinous distortions and

destruction at a much greater rate of acceleration.

As you pro­gress further into the fourth dimen­sion, you will all realize what this new density is, progressively and with greater and greater grada­tions of clarifica­tion, living in the now of your own creative abilities.

Please forget most of what you ever held as truth, because your realities have changed totally! For example, what you learned regarding old methods, even today have ab­solutely no reality with your new­found creative

abilities. In other words, what was, isn't. That is not to suggest that mass consciousness and your subconscious mind don't harken to the old ways for comfort and safety; but you must validate and totally integrate the idea that you are the creator of your own reality more than ever before in what you view as your past. Again, the example is that if you believe that you are going to have a problem today in any area of your life, then you most assuredly will. If you believe that your integration and instant manifestation will flow fourth-dimensionally and that you can truly validate these completely new teachings of the Mahatma, then you can effect these changes, such as becoming fourth-dimen­sional as the creator of your reality, and also allow yourself to integrate the tenth ray, which is seventh-dimensional.

Don't go into overwhelm with this concept; trust and it will become your reality. Because Source through the Mahatma has allowed these quantum progressions, all that is required on the part of the personality is to allow all 352 levels of self to begin to integrate, one with the other, your alternate realities, allowing the Creator's plan to be integrated in the way that it was intended, not as the status quo that it has become. Please simply get out of the way with your

The Archangels Embodying the Tenth Ray

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Page 4: THE ETHERIC AND SPIRITUAL ASCENSIONS€¦ · complete etheric body ascension. This is the ascension that many, many beings have accomplished, such as Djwhal Khul, Janet Mc Clure,

preconceived realities, your sense of limitation about who you are and why you're here — including your extremely limited scientific conclusions. Your existing religions, social and monetary struc­tures cannot and will not work in a fourth density. Since the Source has anchored on Earth through the Mahatma, the increas­ing spiritual influx of microtrons is affecting all of existence on physical Earth, especially the distortions between material idolatry — which mandate all of human existence — and the absolute necessity of mankind's integrating its spiritual reality during this 36-year opening.

The amount of Mahatma's spiritual energy (the microtrons) anchored on Earth is here to stay; there is simply no way that this magnificent energy is going to retreat and return to Source just be­cause mankind wishes to worship the greatest illusion of all, the material world. (Kindly be reminded that this illusion is a Source- perspective, as Source is also learning and integrating greater and greater levels of wholeness that Source has not felt were inclusive of the All That Is, the I A M Presence.) Humankind, on your soul levels, will have to make this adjustment as part of your spiritual evolution because there is simply no way that the devastating third-dimensional effects of worshipping the dark side of your material world will be tolerated any longer, after 3.2 billion years into this Cosmic Day.

This becomes self-evident as you look around the world, as all institutions barely function or don't function at all anymore. This is the beginning of the end of humankind's long-standing love affair with worshipping the dark side of night, not knowing that their total reality was and is a quasi-illusion, that mankind's only reality

will become the spiritual, which includes the spiritualization of what you call matter. Those entering the fourth dimension who cannot make these adjustments will be lovingly cared for in a suitable third density.

Nuclear Fusion Spiritualizes MatterHerein we are speaking of the bulk of humanity, who are

consciously pre-probationary and probationary, and those who remain in the first initiation stage, the baptism. All who have achieved Discipleship, the second initiation, could consciously achieve their astral/etheric ascension and not require further dense physical embodiment. (Refer to the chart, "M a n 's Response to Initiations," on page 170 of Mahatma.) This should include many millions among you because of the soul energy within the atom being released through nuclear fission. Those who achieve the spiritual ascension of the fourth through sixth dimensions through nuclear fusion may number hundreds of thousands. Fusion is required to interface the microtron with the atom in order to spiritualize matter.

The human potential during the next 36 years of this opening will surpass the past eons of the history of Hu-man/God-man. The exponential growth started when the Council of Twelve for this Cosmic Day anchored on the Earth on June 14, 1988, as the Mahatma energy. This 40-year opening will achieve greater spiritual evolution on Planet Earth than have the previous 3.2 bil­lion years. You may wish to integrate this vast conceptual reality as part of your integrating unlimitedness. *