the eu in humanitarian demining

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/2002 1 EUDEM2 EUDEM2 The EU in humanitarian The EU in humanitarian DEMining DEMining - - Phase 2. Phase 2. State State - - of of - - the the - - art on Humanitarian Demining art on Humanitarian Demining Technologies, Products, Services and Practices Technologies, Products, Services and Practices in Europe in Europe

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Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20021

EUDEM2EUDEM2The EU in humanitarian The EU in humanitarian DEMiningDEMining -- Phase 2.Phase 2.

StateState--ofof--thethe--art on Humanitarian Demining art on Humanitarian Demining Technologies, Products, Services and Practices Technologies, Products, Services and Practices

in Europein Europe

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20022

AP Expected Feedback

For each work package:

Opinion on the proposed objectives/methodology?

How can we achieve our objectives?

What can be your input?Note: M= Milestone, m= month.

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20023

Workpackage Structure EUDEM2


C01 WP600

Final Reporting

CO1 WP800

Project Management

CO1 WP100

ProjectCo-OrdinationCO1 WP110

Technical Coordination

CO1 WP120

Workshop Organisation &

ReportingCO1 WP700

Workshop #1

CO1 WP710

Workshop #2

CO1 WP720

Workshop #3

CO1 WP730

Requirements & Concept

CO1 WP200

EUDEMWebsite& Database

CO1 WP210

Information Retrieval FacilityCO1 WP220

Technology Survey

CO1 WP230


CR1 WP240


CR1 WP250

Dissemination & Exploitation

CO1 WP300


CO1 WP310


CO1 WP320

Information Retrieval Facility CO1 WP330

Workshops & Conf. ReportingCR1 WP340


CO1 WP350

Technology Survey

CO1 WP400


CO1 WP460

Mechanical Systems

CO1 WP410


CO1 WP420


CO1 WP430

Chemical Sensors

CO1 WP440

Remote Sensing

CO1 WP450

Evaluation & Assessment

CO1 WP900

Support Tasks

CR1 WP500

Information Desk

CR1 WP510

Reference Material

CR1 WP520

Clusters Organization

CO1 WP530

EC-RTD Projects RepresentationCO1 WP540

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20024

Project Planning:Short Term activities (m1-m7):

(from “M1: Kick-off Meeting” to “M3: Concept Meeting with AP”)

WP2 Requirements and Concepts, in particular (m1-m3)

WP 210: Website & DatabaseWP 230: Technology SurveyWP 240: Support TasksWP 250: Interviews

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20025

Support Tasks (1/5)OBJECTIVES:

EUDEM: “Service Provider”

Provide direct support and reference material on topics of recurrent and general interest to R&D on humanitarian demining

Support the ongoing projects and interested parties within the EU.Thru information collection & (re)presentation in Work Shops & Confs.

Assist and support DG-INFSO to foster clustering activities

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20026

Support Tasks (2/5)“EUDEM end-user” SUPPORT on:

Policy (related to organisational and co-ordination aspects)

Practice (related to currently used demining technology and


Technology (related to R& D for new technologies, specification of

equipment and testing).

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20027

Support Tasks (3/5)TYPE of (EUDEM end-user) SUPPORT:

Passive:Continuous support via the EUDEM2 website,

Active:personalised by sending information related to the topics that are of interest for the EUDEM end-userOn special request of the EUDEM end users (help desk).

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20028

Support Tasks (4/5)“Information Desk” service (WP 510):

Extension of current “unofficial” activityContact with existing services

AP: Define strategy: how to advertise, which other references touse, AP involvement, …

Reference Material (WP 520): Gather in one place information of general and frequent interest which is currently scattered in different web sites.

Deminers needs and requirementsLink to IMAS, (Example of) SOPsContact points for mine replicas for test purposesRoles and competences of the key-players (organigramme).Contact points (national and international), ex. Technology, end users, …(EU) Test facilities & Test/Evaluation Procedures & Results(EU) R&D and HD projects – overview, lesson learntBibliography: key references of technologies used (e.g. mechanical demining, dogs HI).Technology Survey

AP: who will help to collect this information?

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/20029

Support Tasks (5/5)Cluster Organization (WP 530): CLUSTERS and WORKING GROUPS:

Analysis of project and definition of common themes for clustering. Basic idea: avoid duplication of effort and take-up lessons learned.Starting point: first clustering meeting of DG-INFSO, Nov. 2001.

AP: What about Clustering EU projects and national projects? Is clustering useful and how can it be achieved?

EC-RTD Project (Re)Presentation (WP540), at conferences and workshops

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200210

Website and Databases (1/5)

Basic idea:

Have all relevant information in a common place

Avoid information duplication (i.e. use links rather than document copies).

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200211

Website and Databases (2/5)ENHANCED STRUCTURE:

Web/DB2: Move towards a multimedia, fully database oriented Website (files are internally seen as objects with attributes)

Combination of a knowledge-based and a multi-media databases, with objects of all types: attributes (name, web site, …), text, image, and video.Relationships between objects facilitates grouping and selection according to different criteria -> Enhanced search opportunities.Restructure according to themes and working groups…Developing the web based user access primitives; and rendering of resultsA user triggered search translates into a local (EUDEM2 Website) search plus a global - localization and retrieval - (Internet search). All information resulting from the global search will be logged, analysed and filtered at regular intervals (ex. monthly) and used to enhance the EUDEM2 Website. LOG files (statistics, FAQ, …)

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200212

Website and Databases (3/5)INITIAL STRUCTURE:

Web/DB1: The present DB Content (-> m6 2002):

§ PART I: Identification Data (mandatory reply, unless otherwise specified) – Organisation name, type, contact person, staffing figure, involvement in demining and type of involvement;

§ PART II: Structural data on the organisation type – Products/services/research topics, current activities, Specific technologies, etc.;

§ PART III: Background data on the organisations’ partners and more specific information – Comments, needs, references.

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200213

Website and Databases (4/5)INITIAL STRUCTURE:

Web/DB1: Update the present website (-> m6 2002):

CONTENTS during the initial phase, m1-m6 (see also WP5 “Support Activities”), 1/2:

General project presentationAdd links and list(s) of publications of general and technical interest (updated, commented lists)Reference to ARIS, JMU, etc for announcements of events for the following 5-6 monthsAnnouncements of EU eventsAsk the present entries to update and correct the data in the present database. User provided documents via an ftp site (ex. brochures). Other information needs to be send to us and we will decide what can be on the website

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200214

Website and Databases (5/5)CONTENTS during the initial phase, m1-m6 (see also WP5 “Support Activities”), 2/2:

Topics to be discussed in particular:Past EUDEM interviews per topicInformation Retrieval Facility(Database of) European projects, demining projects?Internet fora?

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200215

Technology Survey (1/4)OBJECTIVES:

Support for the current R&D projectsStudy Methods and Tools non financed yet as R&D by public sourcesNew technologies (to be discussed at a later stage)In general: ~ 6 month study period, sequential (plus continuous background, wide-spectrum activity)

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200216

Technology Survey (2/4)Typical Technology Survey "Life Cycle“ (1/2)

1. Identification of technologies of interest and possible priority ranking.2. Initial contacts with experts in the selected domain, complemented by

existing literature-> first, coarse description ("higher level view", understandable for

non-specialists).3. Visits of companies and institutions dealing with the technology

(direct contacts). Understanding how the technology is tested, checking possible developments already carried out in the defence sector.

4. In depth analysis of the technology ("lower level") and of recent technological progress. Seek advice from experts in the relevantdomains. Technology assessment via a "maturity table“.

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200217

Technology Survey (3/4)Typical Technology Survey "Life Cycle“ (2/2)

5. Assessment of compatibility to demining needs and circumstances.Evaluation of cost and feasibility of adapting the equipment to the deminer's needs and to the peculiarities of humanitarian demining applications, and of the real "potential" of the technology for HD applications. Seek advice from relevant demining experts.

6. Document the final findings and allow for feedback, especially by other experts (see above); seek the deminers' advice wherever appropriate.

7. Information dissemination via appropriate channels. Organise workshops or business partnership fora, if a promising approach has been analysed.

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200218

Technology Survey (4/4)Ex. Mechanical systems (first planned task)

Suggested by project referees (systems useful to increase productivity; current focus mostly limited to sensors).

Aims: review current state of their use, highlight existing studies.

Possible combination with sensor systems.

Look for R&D avenues which could be of interest and fall within the competence of the EU.

Possible candidate for cluster activities?

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200219

Interviews (1/3)Past interviews (~ 45):

Valuable detailed information (“absorbed” into EUDEM report).Carried out during EUDEM (1999), mostly authorized for publication.Selection criteria: see list of interviews carried out, table of categories.Publication delayed due to initial uncertainties in EUDEM follow-up, and subsequent bureaucratical delays.Strategy: recontact all the interviewees and give them the opportunity to provide an update (ex. short text, brochure), to be added to the unchanged interview text.

Future Interviews (as from m7):See example of two select interviews.Keep the way of working, face to face; get more reliable information.How to treat them, which information needs to be presented and how does it need to be presented?

AP: Comments on changes in the selection criteria? AP: Questionnaire (see EUDEM report): suggestions to add other topics or rephrase the

existing questions?

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200220

Interviews (2/3)Past interviews (~ 45):

Valuable detailed information (“absorbed” into EUDEM report).

Carried out during EUDEM (1999), mostly authorized for publication.

Selection criteria: see list of interviews carried out, table of categories.

Publication delayed due to initial uncertainties in EUDEM follow-up, and subsequent bureaucratical delays.

Strategy: recontact all the interviewees and give them the opportunity to provide an update (ex. short text, brochure), to be added to the unchanged interview text.

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200221

Interviews (3/3)Past interviews (~ 45):

ORGANISATIONS TYPE InterviewsIndustry Equipment manufacturers 6

R&D 9Operators NGO 3

MAC 4 (Geneva, Croatia)Commercial 2

Research centres Supra-national 2 (ISL, JRC)National 7University laboratories 4

Government agencies MOD, Foreign Affairs, 5Development Aid

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200222

AP Follow-up Activities

AP input strategy.

Schedule next meeting

Specifications detailed work packages and work plan

Advisory Panel Meeting I – 14/01/200223


WP5: Support Tasks

WP 4:Technology


WP 3: Dissemination & Exploitation

WP 6:Interview


WP 7:Workshop

Organisation& Reporting

WP 8 : Final Reporting

WP 2: Requirements & Concepts

WP 9 : Evaluation & Assessment