the evangel -...

The Evangel St. Stephen Lutheran Church Faith and works are like the light and heat of a candle; they cannot be separated. —Joseph Beaumont Inside this issue: Sunday School Info; Sunday Adult Class; Pub Theology Group 2 Second (Noisy) Offering; Birthdays & Anniver- saries; Sunday Scrip- ture Readings 3 NCD Information 4 Book Life Group; Com- munity Garden Info 5 Daily Narrative Lection- ary Readings 6 Lay Minister Schedule 7 Fall Festival & God’s Work, Our Hands 8 Volume , Issue September 2016 From the Pastor... Justified by grace, we are a Community of Servants who follow Jesus’ example by living lives of service to others. I’ve always liked September. I like it because generally the heat and humidity is over and the temperatures are more to my liking. I like it because fall is my favorite season of the year. But I especially like it for the sense of newness that happens in September. School is beginning. Football season is starting. Orchestras and theatres are beginning new seasons. New things are starting at church. There’s just a wonderful sense of new- ness in September and I have that sense of newness and excitement especially this fall as we begin a new program year at church. What’s new? Lots! Our Life Groups are starting up again..... Women’s Bible Study, Men’s Bible Study, and the Book Group. There’s an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a new Life Group called Pub Theology that I’ll be leading. We’ll be meeting at Eagle Monk Brewery on Mt. Hope on the second and fourth Thursday of each month beginning September 22. Each evening we’ll have three or four questions to focus our discussion. I think it will be a fun group..... and very Martin Luther like! I’m also excited about our new Sunday morning schedule that will begin on Sunday, September 11..... 9:00 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Class and 10:00 a.m. worship. I know not everyone is excited about the changes. Change always involves compromise, adjustment, and effort. Change isn’t easy. But I’m very grateful for your willing- ness to go along with this change and trust that you will continue to worship as you have in the past. The Coun- cil and I believe that this will be a very positive change for the congregation..... an opportunity for us to wor- ship together as one congregation instead of being divided into two..... an opportunity to get to know all the people in our community of faith..... a more joyful feel to worship because more people are present..... a better use of our resources..... a better atmosphere for worship guests. I think that once we make the adjustment, we’ll be glad we made this change. Thank you for being willing to put your own personal wants and desires aside for the good of the whole congregation and ministry. To kick off our new program year and worship schedule on September 11, we’re going to celebrate with our Annual Fall Festival and God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. Sunday School and Adult Class will start at 9:00 a.m. Then during worship at 10:00 a.m. we’ll begin a new cycle of the Narrative Lectionary, and present Bibles to our Sunday School Children. Following worship we’ll continue the celebration in the Fellowship Hall with a meal. Brian Holmes will be cooking his wonderful pulled pork for us and you are asked to bring a dish to pass. For God’s Work Our Hands we will be partnering with the local ministry EVE’s Shelter (End Violent Encounters) all month long. EVE's Shelter provides emergency shelter for women, and women with children who have been victims of domestic violence. Meals and personal care items are also provided. We will be using the Second Offering money to buy clothes, shoes, and items needed in the shelter. We are also asking that you give more generously than usual so that we can provide Meijer gift cards to women and children in the shelter as they often have to leave home without any clothes or personal things. So..... there’s a lot to be excited about as we begin September. I hope you’ll be part of it all. Blessings, Pastor

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Page 1: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a

The Evangel St . S tep hen Lut h eran Ch ur c h

Faith and works are like the

light and heat of a candle;

they cannot be separated.

—Joseph Beaumont

Inside this issue:

Sunday School Info;

Sunday Adult Class; Pub

Theology Group


Second (Noisy) Offering;

Birthdays & Anniver-

saries; Sunday Scrip-

ture Readings


NCD Information 4

Book Life Group; Com-

munity Garden Info


Daily Narrative Lection-

ary Readings


Lay Minister Schedule 7

Fall Festival & God’s

Work, Our Hands


Volume , Issue September 2016

From the Pastor...

Justified by grace, we are a

Community of Servants who

follow Jesus’ example by living

lives of service to others.

I’ve always liked September. I like it because generally the heat and humidity is over and the temperatures

are more to my liking. I like it because fall is my favorite season of the year. But I especially like it for the

sense of newness that happens in September. School is beginning. Football season is starting. Orchestras and

theatres are beginning new seasons. New things are starting at church. There’s just a wonderful sense of new-

ness in September and I have that sense of newness and excitement especially this fall as we begin a new

program year at church.

What’s new? Lots!

Our Life Groups are starting up again..... Women’s Bible Study, Men’s Bible Study, and the Book Group. There’s

an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a new Life Group called Pub Theology

that I’ll be leading. We’ll be meeting at Eagle Monk Brewery on Mt. Hope on the second and fourth Thursday of

each month beginning September 22. Each evening we’ll have three or four questions to focus our discussion. I

think it will be a fun group..... and very Martin Luther like!

I’m also excited about our new Sunday morning schedule that will begin on Sunday, September 11..... 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School/Adult Class and 10:00 a.m. worship. I know not everyone is excited about the changes. Change

always involves compromise, adjustment, and effort. Change isn’t easy. But I’m very grateful for your willing-

ness to go along with this change and trust that you will continue to worship as you have in the past. The Coun-

cil and I believe that this will be a very positive change for the congregation..... an opportunity for us to wor-

ship together as one congregation instead of being divided into two..... an opportunity to get to know all the

people in our community of faith..... a more joyful feel to worship because more people are present..... a better

use of our resources..... a better atmosphere for worship guests. I think that once we make the adjustment,

we’ll be glad we made this change. Thank you for being willing to put your own personal wants and desires

aside for the good of the whole congregation and ministry.

To kick off our new program year and worship schedule on September 11, we’re going to celebrate with our

Annual Fall Festival and God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. Sunday School and Adult Class will start at 9:00 a.m.

Then during worship at 10:00 a.m. we’ll begin a new cycle of the Narrative Lectionary, and present Bibles to

our Sunday School Children. Following worship we’ll continue the celebration in the Fellowship Hall with a meal.

Brian Holmes will be cooking his wonderful pulled pork for us and you are asked to bring a dish to pass.

For God’s Work Our Hands we will be partnering with the local ministry EVE’s Shelter (End Violent Encounters)

all month long. EVE's Shelter provides emergency shelter for women, and women with children who have been

victims of domestic violence. Meals and personal care items are also provided. We will be using the Second

Offering money to buy clothes, shoes, and items needed in the shelter. We are also asking that you give more

generously than usual so that we can provide Meijer gift cards to women and children in the shelter as they

often have to leave home without any clothes or personal things.

So..... there’s a lot to be excited about as we begin September. I hope you’ll be part of it all.



Page 2: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a

Page 2 Volume , Issue

Sunday School will begin on Sept. 11 at 9am! There will be 3 classes: Grades K-4 will be taught by Julie Dartt on the mid

level in the First Classroom to the left, Grades 5-8 will be taught by Brian Yusten on the mid level in the Lounge and Grades

9-12 will be taught by Mike Borta in Pastor Gary's Office. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sunday School Information Miriam Bunge, Coordinator

PUB THEOLOGY Beer, Conversation and God!

Second and fourth Thursdays of the month beginning September 22

Eagle Monk Brewery

4906 W. Mt Hope Hwy (just East of Snow Rd.)

7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Come and discuss theological issues while enjoying a pint of craft beer.

What is Pub Theology?

“In a nutshell, it’s people sitting around a table, talking about issues of faith and philosophy, ethics and ideas over a beverage. It is a safe space, where people can be honest and open about topics of faith, ask any questions, and at the end of the night, know that it’s perfectly fine if we disagree with one another. In other words, this isn’t church, and no one is going to make any-one pray, sign a faith statement, or tithe (though be sure to tip the bartender!)..... In its simplest form: Pub Theology is open conversation about stuff that matters over a beverage. Or as I like to say: beer, conversation, and God.” Bryan Berghoef, Pub Theology 101


God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say


They are simple phrases. They sound Christian – like something you might find in the Bible. We hear them all the time..... may-

be even say them ourselves. They capture some element of truth. Yet they miss the point in important ways. In this class we’ll

look at these common “Christian” sayings and compare them with the wisdom found in Scripture.

Session 1 Everything Happens for a Reason

Session 2 God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Session 3 God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle

Session 4 God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It

Session 5 Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

Page 3: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a

The Evangel Page 3

8 Jack & Nancy Beyerhelm

24 Joe & Rachel Sturdevant

SEPTEMBER Anniversaries

3 Naida Schelter

Kali Montgomery

Alex Holly

4 Jared Nicolay

5 June Hansen

Jordan Dixon

7 Jackie Williams-Armstrong

11 Chris Miller

12 Mike Borta

13 Judy Higgins

17 Quenten Carpenter

Virginia David

Elijah Yusten

SEPTEMBER Birthdays 18 Sandy Bara

Craig Satterlee

19 John Cox

21 Kristine Ranger

25 Carlos Vallin

Eric David

26 Brandon Stevens

27 Linda Stiffler

Donna Milnes

28 Joyce Rohrer

28 Andrew Roman

29 Nancy Storm

July’s Second (Noisy) Offering was used to support the St. Stephen Food Bank. A total of $429.78 was col-

lected Thank you for your generous support of this important ministry.

Second (Noisy) Offering

September 4: Luke 11:2-4, Forgive Us Our Sins

September 11: Creation and Fall, Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17; 3:1-8

September 18: Abraham’s Descendants, Genesis 15:1-6

September 25: Joseph’s Dream, Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15-21

Sunday Narrative Lectionary Readings

Page 4: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a

The Evangel Page 4

Natural Church Development Team Life Group Update

August 19, 2016

This is an update from the Natural Church Development (NCD) Team regarding the status and progress of our St. Stephen Life Groups that launched in February. The NCD Team met with the facilitators of the Life groups most recently on August 17th to plan for Fall. The current groups are: Men’s Bible Study (Heath Buckley, facilitator), Women’s Bible Study (Margie Bauer/Miriam Bunge, facilitators), and Book Study Group (Margaret Sheffer, facilitator). Ultimately, we would like two facilitators for each group. The groups have between six and ten members and have been meeting since March. One important aspect of small groups is that people are getting to know each other on a different level than they do at or after Sunday worship, and that has been extremely positive. Here is an update from each group since we last met in April: Book Study Group—Cindy (on behalf of Margaret) reported that they met throughout the Summer. They met at the home of Julie Dartt on August 25th to watch The Red Tent, a book that they studied. Their service project will be to make blankets for Hospice on September 15th and September 29th at the Church (5:15 p.m.). Everyone is welcome! They will resume their regular meetings in October with a new book to study titled “The Robe” by Lloyd C. Douglas. Margaret is still seeking a co-facilitator. Women’s Bible Study Group—Miriam and Margie reported that they did not meet over the summer. Before their Summer break, they did a Bible study at the home of a shut-in, and it was great. They will join the Book Study group for the service project at the Church in September. They will meet beginning September 13th at Margie's Bauer's home from 7 p.m-.8:30 p.m. Starting in October, they will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Men’s Bible Study Group—The Men’s group will begin meeting on every other Wednesday beginning Sep-tember 14th (to be verified—may go back to Tuesdays). The first meeting will be at the Family Tree Restau-rant in DeWitt; future meeting locations will be vary. The group will begin a Bible discussion on the Gospel of Luke, then on to Acts. Heath is still seeking a co-facilitator. These groups are going great, but we really need co-facilitators for the Book Study group and the Men’s group. If you feel led to step up, please let Margaret and Heath know. Here is what we plan to do beginning this Fall: We will continue with our current groups, which are going extremely well. We thank the facilitators for all of their work and enthusiasm in this ministry. (cont’d. on next page)

Page 5: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a

Page 5 Volume , Issue

On September 15 and September 29, the book club will be meeting at 5:15pm in the Fellowship Hall at church to cut and tie fleece blankets for Hos-

pice patients. Everyone is invited to join us—just bring a sharp pair of scissors (rotary are best) and a quilt mat if you have one.

Our next book will be The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas. I will have the dates for that posted in the next Evan-

gel. Please feel free to call Margaret Sheffer (231-215-8988) if you have any questions, we always welcome new


Book Life Group Margaret Sheffer, Coordinator

For current gardeners and others wanting to volunteer in the garden, we will be cleaning out the beds on

Wednesday, September 28 at 6:00 pm.

Community Garden Info Kristine Ranger, Co-Coordinator

(cont’d. from page 4) We will begin a Pub Theology group. There is a lot of great material regarding this type of group. It will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays beginning on September 22nd (7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.) at EagleMonk Pub and Brewery on Mt. Hope Rd., just east of Snow Rd. Pastor Gary will be the facilitator. We will convene a meeting at Church with people who have previously expressed an interest in a Grief Support group. We will talk to people about a group for Seniors. We will talk about additional women’s groups that may be needed—the current ones are about at capaci-ty—great problem! Finally, in addition to seeking additional facilitators to support the Book Study and Men’s groups, we will need facilitators for the new groups that are in the works.

Page 6: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a

The Narrative Lectionary readings will also be listed in each Sunday’s announcements, posted on the St. Stephen website (, and found in the online version of The Evangel.

Page 6 Volume , Issue

Thursday, Sept. 1, Matthew 4:1-11, The Temptation of Jesus

Friday, Sept. 2, Matthew 14:13-21, Feeding the Five Thousand

Saturday, Sept. 3, Luke 24:13-25, The Walk of Emmaus

Sunday, Sept. 4, Luke 11:2-4, Forgive Us Our Sins

Monday, Sept. 5, Exodus 34:1-9, Moses Makes New Tablets

Tuesday, Sept. 6, Psalm 32, The Joy of Forgiveness

Wednesday, Sept. 7, Mark 2:1-12, Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Thursday, Sept. 8, Matthew 18:23-35, The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Friday, Sept. 9, Acts 2:37-42, The First Converts

Saturday, Sept. 10, Colossians 2:6-19, Fullness of Life in Christ

Sunday, Sept. 11, Creation and Fall, Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17; 3:1-8

Monday, Sept. 12, Cain and Abel, Genesis 4:1-16

Tuesday, Sept. 13, Noah, Genesis 6:11-22

Wednesday, Sept. 14, The Tower of Babel, Genesis 11:1-9

Thursday, Sept. 15, God Calls Abram, Genesis 12:1-9

Friday, Sept. 16, Abram Lies to Pharaoh about Sarai, Genesis 12:10-13:1

Saturday, Sept. 17, Abram and Lot Part Ways, Genesis 13:2-18

Sunday, Sept. 18, Abraham’s Descendants, Genesis 15:1-6

Monday, Sept. 19, Abraham’s Sacrifice, Genesis 22:1-19

Tuesday, Sept. 20, Isaac and Rebekah, Genesis 24:1-67

Wednesday, Sept. 21, Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing, Genesis 27:1-29

Thursday, Sept. 22, Jacob Marries Leah, then Rachel, Genesis 29:9-30

Friday, Sept. 23, Jacob Wrestles an Angel, Genesis 32:22-32

Saturday, Sept. 24, The Rape of Dinah, Genesis 34:1-31

Sunday, Sept. 25, Joseph’s Dream, Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15-21

Monday, Sept. 26, Egyptian Midwives Save Hebrew Babies, Exodus 1:1-22

Tuesday, Sept. 27, Birth and Youth of Moses, Exodus 2:1-25

Wednesday, Sept. 28, God Calls Moses, Exodus 3:1-15

Thursday, Sept. 29, Plagues 1-3, Exodus 7:1-8:19

Friday, Sept. 30, Plagues 4-6, Exodus 7:20-9:12


Page 7: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a


Staff Members

Gary A. Bunge, Pastor [email protected]

Renee Dixon, Office Manager [email protected]

Rebecca Bossenbroek, Director of Worship [email protected]

Council Members

Jay Bennett, President [email protected]

Renee Dixon, Recording Secretary [email protected]

Luke Bunge, Treasurer [email protected]

Don Sheffer, Facility Development Team Leader [email protected]

Rebecca Bossenbroek, Financial Development [email protected]

Margie Bauer, Leadership Development Team Leader [email protected]

Cindy Jenks, WELCOME Ministry Development [email protected]

Julie Dartt, NOURISH Ministry Development [email protected]

Claudia Cameron, SERVE Ministry Development [email protected]

Council Meeting

Tuesday, September 20

7:00 pm


ALTAR FLOWERS Robert & Naida Jan & Jerry Becker Community Garden Lorri Wells


ASSISTING MINISTERS 9:30am Diane Singletary Paulette Margaret Sheffer Cindy Jenks

(Paulette Piirainen Piirainen


USHERS 9:30am Kristine Ranger Ken & Margie Paulette Piirainen & Mike Borta

(Terry Greiner, 694-5358) Bauer Kristine Ranger

(Ken Bauer, 669-2301)


(Claudia Cameron Char Seifert (Sept. 4 & 11).


COFFEE HOUR Faith Care Group (Margie Bauer) for entire month. C

St. Stephen Lutheran Church 2900 North Waverly Road, Lansing, MI 48906

Phone: 517-321-2244 Fax: 517-321-2632

Email: [email protected] | Website: Traditional Worship: Sundays at 8:30 am

Sunday School Class: Sundays at 9:45 am (Sept – May)

Contemporary Worship: Sundays at 11:00 am

Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

The Evangel Page 7

Page 8: The Evangel -… · an update included elsewhere in the Evangel. And we’re also starting a

2900 N. Waverly Rd.

Lansing, MI 48906

St . S tep hen Lut her an Chur ch

Phone: 517-321-2244

Fax: 517-321-2632

Email: [email protected]



FALL FESTIVAL and GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fall Festival A celebration meal following worship.

Brian Holmes will be providing his marvelous pulled pork. Please bring a dish to pass.

God’s Work Our Hands will be the whole month of September.

The Second Offering will go to support EVE’s Shelter, a shelter for women, and women with children who have been victims of domestic violence. The offering will be used to buy clothing, shoes and items needed in the shel-ter as women often have to leave home quickly with nothing. Please give generously to this offering so that we

can also supply Meijer gift cards to residents of the shelter.