the evening star.(washington, dc) 1862-03-03 [p ].€¦ · edited bvthe youngladleaofthe frit claaa...

IXK'AlV NEWS. Amtiixmti To-Ni«ht. Tikatib.. Flr»t alghtof Mr tnd Mr* Barney William, with the presentation at "Th<» Irian I.lon." Birney u" Tom Moore" and Mra Williams m " Mrt. Fl**ip;" the Interlude "la and rot of Place." Mr*. WillUmi In four character*. and the farce of « The Irish Tlg«r,M Barney u « Paddy Rvan C&nTiKartT H&lx .The Leonl Pantomime Company, with Butler, Ward. Parker, Talbot, Armstrong, Wymnt, Misses Duvall, La Folle, Mllea, Wella, !Ua*ete, little EUa,a»d otbertfars, In an lmmenae bill of songa, dances and burl»*qae, concluding with the capital pantomime, *" Raoul, or the .Magic Star " MvuciL Hall .Open all day. Free concerts at 5 o'clock, excellent refreshments, good music, and other attractiona. Philharmonic Hall, Pa avenue, between Eleventh and Twe'fth streets.Barnnm's won- derful What fa It" and the celebrated Albino ftnillv all day. and at nl«bt In conjunction with the original Camrbeil Mtnstrela in a hu?e bill of rlthtoplan songs, ctoruwi, dance*, burlesques and sidesplitting comlralitlea Kixo's Ampitrbatbk . FIrat night of Tony Paator. the celebrated clown androniic performer, with Dan Gardiner, M'lle Helolae, and others. In novel programme of eqnectrlan performances. Acadbmt of Mrstc .Free concerts, embracing elections from the moat popular opera*, at foor o'clock. Superior refreshments, 4tc., 4c Hall open all day Te**«*ascit Hall. E street. between Ninth and Tenth streets .Grand ball of the Fenian Brotherhood In celebration of the birth of Robert Kmmet. Lookout for a rare entertainment. »»ctt* rcacHA .hew are aware or me racttnat gutta perch* is rapidly coming into use »* a substitute for India rubber, In the mincfscture of hundred* of articles for military and domestic use, especially tfco«e which should be of the wme flexibility In all the variations of temperature to wbich tbev mny b? subjected While rubber article* not designed to be stiff are very prone to become so in cold weather, the same goods, if manufactured of gutta percha. maintain, under all changes of the atmosphere, a uniform flexibility, while they are free from the smell of vulcanization, and equally aa dnrable and impervious to water good* made of rubber Tbeae ire very oeciaed advintagrs tn a large clau or military i.ood«, af may readily be Imagined. Brigadier General Kelly writes to the New York Gutta Peretia Manufacturing Company, February 5: ''The regiments In my brigade, ervlnt: in the Department < f Western Virginia, have, for teveral months. u«ed your gutta percha blankets and talma*, and 1 have yet to hear of a single complaint of tbem from any source They are entirely waterproof, and have stood the damp atmosphere of the mountain* admirably, and are in a* good condition now as the day they were received I regard th*»m as necessary for every "©Idler in the field, and worth very much more than you charge for them, wheu you take into account their u»efulne*a in contributing to the health of the men " General Rosecrans writes. 'Gutta perrba is the best material I know of for waterproof goods," and foionel Crotbers, aid to Governor Plerpont, also states that ' They am emphatically waterproof, and the only article of that kind that 1 i __. _ . ai * f_ i « line rrcr »«rii iaii is Our attention ha* been called to this subject by (Mr Anib'ihlre's, 519 Seventh street. west side, between 1) street ard LouUlana avenue) a depot for gutta pereha tfo.>ds «iuitable for military and family use*. the first establishment in the Federal Metropolis devoted entirely to the sale of gutU per ha goods. 'ikbrit !?mith os "Thk War".Last Saturday night. Hon Oerrlt ^mltb, of New York, lectured before the Washington Lecture Association upon "The War " He held that the war power wax sufficiently ample to enable Cocgresa to burn ev»ry schorlbouse la Missouri, to prevent their being vised as a refnue bv rebels; to throw open every jail and prison in Rentucay and Maryland, arid arm tbe prisoners tn the defence of the government; and to organize and arm the negroes for tbe same service, giving them their freedom for tbur psv Congress had tbe power to abolish the practice of going to school or to church, or the ins'itutioii of slavery, and this Congress was an unworthy one in not having used tbn power aright In annihllat'ng tbe rebellion. H- would have Congress do that, Constitution r no Constitution, which would subserve tbe best interests of the couutry. For bimse'f be bad no constitutional scruple*, and be pud thdt Congreas would do it* duty, untrammeled by red tape or constitutional tape. To save the country we should stop all lighting save fighting the rebels. and cease listening totbeadvlceof Kentucky. Rather take counsel of William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillip*. John Jsy. Dr Cheever, and Fred l>oug!a* If it were an anti-slavery rrbelItoB .. I * *- I .1 -a « ... i » tun, »r id<* an vice oi t riuenan and Garret Dav'.i Had the President been born in New England, and not In Kentucky, the war would have been over Had the counsel cf the Pathfinder b?en heeded, the rebellion would have been destroyed. Ir we compromise with rebel*, the Government is dead, dead Headvised that the Government and people take conn»*l of God, do their whole duty, anl help to make this nation a *tlnlng light to th« whole earth, and an example of perfect pol tlcal liberty t9 all tLe nation* 1*TKRE«TlSO PcBLIC S^CHOOL EXHIBITION .On Friday evening ia*t the female department of the t*econd District School (M's* E H Bogg* teacher) gave. In their school room, which is located in the second story of the large building at the northeast corner of the Intersection of Tenth and D streets, an exhiblabn which wa« attended by a number of the friends of education in this city It appearstba' 'be young ladle* of the first ela*a s-<m* wrf k* alnc- appointed two of their number i Vliases El'n J W heatley and Saltie E Rndier) aa fdltreaaea. To these two waa entrusted the duty of examining the exerciaea of the claaa in literary eompoaition for the month of February, id aefecting from among them aultabie pieces aa contribution* for a paper to be read in public at tbecloaeof the tcon;h- Accordingly, on Friday l*a-, lnvltationa were extended to the friends of thearbooia to attend the reading of the flrat number of " The Literary Mirror, rootilbaied to and edited bv the young ladlea of the frit claaa of the ««cond district school, female department. Washin uton, D C " It bore the motto: 'Perseverance conq iera all things;" and the rontributiona were re*d bvMiaa Rodier and Mia* D E Durail.Mi*a W heatley being aick There waa an editorial, and a number of artlclea on Tarloua aabj»rtv They were read clearly and distinctly, and were ni no uiue itjim, ana one or two of the pieces were marked by much originality and power. rhe reading waa agreeably Interspersed w'.th the tinging of quartettes, choruses. Ac , by the piplls of th» whole school, under the leadership of Prof J. Daniel. The drawing* of the pupils, and the traces of their exercl*es In Algebra (still visible on the black-board,> evidenced thesr proficiency In those branch' s of study. This Interesting sffiir Is the fir*t of a monthly aerie* of similar exhibitions proposed to be given by this school. Fuveth Willi Siiiios CiihIbww. r~.- t*c* Walt»r ..-iundsy.Jas Douglas, drunk; dismissed K Kivers, drunk and disorderly; do. Cbaa W Teal, manta-a-potu; turned over to the military. Henry Clark and Henry McNally, vagrants; workhouse day* each. Monday .Sirah Ann Do vie, disorderly; dli mixed William Mcliahn aad Henry Danfortb, attempting to sell a Government horse; turned over to the military. Edw'd Ooldln. drunk and disorderly; dlnmiased. Molly Droasell and Madura Elmer, robbery; Jill for a bearing. Louisa Brooks, col , drunk and fighting; fined fR2 5P. Pat McfVxvaid. drunkand disorderly: do ,91 5$. J as Faulkner, do ; do. Bridget Manoney, larrenv. retained for a htsrinir Rd«r'<l Tiekn«r suspicion of highway robbery; dismissed F. McDerinot, drunk; do. Richard Rivera, drunk mud dls >rd-riy; turned over to the military, with a recommerdatlon to give hlrn a »Lower bath. Polici .The Third Ward patrolmen reported the following ca«*e SaturdayAdolph Kutaler, assault and battery on Cat bar in* Williams, dls nlu«d by Justice Barnaclo. Thomas Norris, Michael Foley. Patrick Foley, disorderly; floed f I each by Justice Th< mpson. J no. McPher on, fastridiny; fl-ied 15.&4 Juttlce Clark The Fourth Ward patrol r-ported.Isaac Sickle, Pddltng without license; Eliza Qrrmon *nd F. Quern, assault and bjttery; Mary Kobloson, lifiifan tv: alt d)«fn\acs»H I ..» - r j i .-wj « uawv,r ovrcocio J rob Shearer, araault and battery; dlamiaard without bearing bv Juatice Walter. C R lor dan, creating a nu;aance; fined $!.5P by Juatice Ferguaou. Flobul . Lovcraof choice flowera ahould not fall to examine :he magnificent rarle'lea at the f oral depot of Aleaira Clementaon A. Hanft, over Nlidrs Hotel, corner Pa. avenue and Third atreet. Ho'jqueta. wreatha, vaaea and baskets of the bole eat fliwra are arranged by them, with remarkable artl*W~«k!U, combining delightful fragrance with a moat beaitiful blending of oolora For a taper b gift, nothing eanexcela booq iet from Meaara Ciementooa & Hauft Puiiititio.1 op a. »woid .0« Saturday Rvrnmg l. a u<>ortgbt, of tbe A"*ociated Pre*, vru preaenfed by lume of bta military friend* with a beautiful aword of Philadelphia manufacture. Tbe presentation tpeeeh wn made bv Major Barker, of Gen MrCiellan'a body guard, and «ria briefly responded to by Mr. (iobright. WasrKTbe achoonera General Taylor and Qraoa WaUon, with coal Philadelphia to UeoM Point. Baltimore, for Mesara Oiveu & Co . of tbla city, were blown aahore and wrecked daring tbe late atortny weatber Looa out for tbe (bird greud aaaembiy of tbe \ode aou Ciub. at Franklin Hall, to-morrow A rfcb eatertalmeat la in aatteipaf >.,a ir'Juii _i:o 'aini tfy- **ry-jj-T*v '-"iMf'ii Saoctiira Accib***..Mr. George Buber Randal. a or later employed la the Government prlatlas rBw, Mt tbtsclty on the afternoon tram for Baltimore, on PMnrdaj ev nli»jr, and r*»a dlaco*. ered be the #a*'wee* «f the nett train, lying on the railroad track, about three miles aotjth of tb« Reiav House, with an arm and leg severed from bis body On r-xaminaron It was foond tbat bis bead wiu crush-d and two of bis libs protruded throngb the skin. H* was of courae desd. It la supposed tbat befell from the train while pasalng from the platform of or>e ear to tint of snother, and that the rear of the tra!n ran over his body. He was forty-eight rears old, and leaves a wife and six children He waa a native of Alexandria. bat at an eerlyage went to Baltimore, and learned the prlnter'a trade tn the office of the old £ /(* mer« Heyvblitan For two year* he conducted the f or*oil County I'tmorrat, and had been in the Government printing office here for about two year* at the time of his death. Hla bedv was brought to thla city, and waa rect-lved by the rolumbla Typographical Society, of which Mr. Rnndil waa an active member. They conveyed the trdy to the late home of the deceavd. on Sixrb *trif[ between G and H, from whence he will be burled thia afternoon at three o'clock. I A Tkip to Hooker's Division.The awlft and graceful steamer Metamora, which haa recently made Its appearance on the water* of the Potomac* on 9-iturdsv and yeaterday made trips as far down river aa audd'i Ferry. Aa the carried large excursion parties of ladles and gentlemen. no particular attempt waa made to ahow her peed, buton Wednesday la«t an opportunity waa given to 8">me fifty of our c.ltl«»n* to witness the manner In which »be can «!!p along on occasion The steamer left hff whirf at the foot of Eleventh street at half-p-i*4* m , and In forty minutes thereafter wai brought to at the bluff* of Mount Veraon! On ber return trip she g<ive evidence of her superiority over all conte«tants by the apKarent ease with which she overhsuled the gunoat "Yankee," nearly three miles In advance when the "Metamnra" started, but which was In a few minutes passed, ard keeping up this rate of *pced the "Metamora" reached her dock again, having made the return trip In thirty-flve minutes. The Metamora has 190 feet deck and three saloons, and Is fitted up in the usual style of completeness of the celebrated North river boats, from which fraternity she comes It Is not yet known for what object she was brought here, unlets It may be to make one of a line between this city and one of tbe surely to be captured porta now in possession of the rebels An Imposition .Editor £far: A "victim" de sires to caution travelers against the lmposition firartlced bv mmr of the omnibus drivers on the Ine betwetn Pennsylvania avenue and the steamboat landing Ttie regular fare Is ten centg. enough in nil conscience; but last nigbt excur. stonist* from Hooker's division were bled to the tune of twenty-Ave cent.* for a jolt from the foot of Rleventb at to Willard*' Hotel. If there la no other rerr.tdy, let the uninitiated arrange their t-rm* before being seduced Into these vehicular money traps " Will you walk into my parlor" ( aid the iDlder to the flv) evidently is not confined to the realms of cobweb* alone. A Victim. Highway Kobbkrt .Last night a stranger in, th« city, wa* at a hotel Inquiring for a private boarding-house. Two men took him in charge, profesalng that they would take blm to a boarding-house. They carried him over Four-and-ahalf street, where thev knocked him on the head with a billy, inflicting a sevtre wound, robbed bia pockets of between thirty and forty dollar* and left hint As soon «s be could be made complaint to the police, and they arrested Kdw'd Tlcknor on suspicion of being concerned In the IT.t. but a ftp r r H*»arino h#fnr*» inttip* W 11a p »t the' Fourth Ward station, be waa dismissed. Robkkrt axd Akkest .Saturday night, a verdant chap, wLo had a pocket full of money, paid a visit to the house of Susan Prince, on Maine avenue, near Fonr-aiid-a-balf street. In the morning he found th'it be bad been robbed of abo-it two hundred dollar*, ad In Treasury notes. He made application to the police, and Sergeant Cronln and patrolman Leacn proceeded to the Lours, and arrested Molly Drofsell and Madara Klmer. who were taken to the Fourth Ward Station. After beirlni; the statement of the loser, Justice Walter committed them to Jail for further hearing The areen 'un has not yet recovered his money Ckntial Ucabdhocsb Ck»%t.Eefor» Jmitite iv/ilt*9 aiin/tav i'llenkatk p«»r.««.! 1 .. J . VVIIIICilT f UIUHK and disorderly; dismissed. Thomas Lyons, drunk; do. Monday .Bartholomew Gabogan, fast riding; and George A brown, druuk. were turned over to the mTtary Wm F Thomas, assault and batterv; ruled for a further heiring Phillip Mehrling. driving on tte pavement; fined 81 59. Mai Westbelni d^> ; do #1 58 Mary Eaton, d sorderly in G<>*» all-v; do. 81.50 Martha Aon Dant, do.; do. 83 (M Jam»»s s»v»ny, drunk; do 81 W. Mary Jane Hall.colM, disorderly; (brought front the country, 1st district;) fined 81.6?. Chamjino t hi ('ommitxikts .91noe Saturday the police magistrates woo try tbe corporation cases, hnve b^-en r^qii red to change the direction of their workhouse c< mmltmen's Tbey were formerly directed o 44 John R Queen, lniendant of the Washington A«yltlm;, nut Mr. Jnslah Adam, recently appointed by M iyor Wallach, having entered upon th- di»"har^e of tbe duties of that ottice, all comm tmen's are directed to him. The almshouse- has heretofore been designated »>y tbe rru<ts ft Qu'-en»town; but It is now known as Paradise s nee Adam has got there. S' W aid Station Oku-Erf, re Juttie* Clark .Saturday *"d Sunday .James Dfgney, profanity; fined £2 04 VVm Beckett, do : do #2 04 John Mylac, do j do 91 58 Andrew Jones, disorderly conluct; §104 Peter Etnerlch, selling 1 q joron Sundays, An- d £25, upon which he appealed to cou-t John M Slocum. drunk; do 8104 C. Lusbey, disorde ly conduct; do. WW. John Wilson, do.; do f4 ! Daniel Ulrich,drunk; do SI H John Twine, do.; do. tlM. Oot oct .SatnrdiT night, an Invalid soldier named C XV. Teal, in a moment of Insanity from disease. escaped from the military hospital on Fifth street, ar»d without other clothing than a shirt, was making his way he knew not whither. He waa soon misled, but before th-attendant*got fairly on hi* trail be wm captured by patrolman Graat, and secured In the Fourth Ward stationhouse, and properly cared for until he was returned to the hospital. A BoLt) Bvb«labt in Oboboktow!* .Tba raa- laence or sir (ieorge w. Uray, on Bridge street, near Green, In Georgetown. wa« entered bv burgiars late on Saturday night, or early Sunday morning The thievta succeeded in getting a gold watch worth about 8'.(X> belonging to Mr. Gray, and a stiver watob belonging to hia son; bat disturbed no otber article* about the house They -em to have entered by a back window from the porch, but went ont at the front door opening on Bridge street. Thk Alexandria Phisonsbs..'The Dangerfield who was capturvd with tbe rebel relief party iiasoclation iu Alexandria Is John B. not Henry Oangerfield Tbe lat'er has been in Richmond since April last The Marberry of the gang has been Incorrectly stated as Chirlen Marberry W Henry Marberry, of the Alexandria branch of the O.nk A# IT «-t- * - * *. * aiuici uu» ui t ir*una. ii iuo correct name. St. Patrick'# Day .Tt.e sona of the Emerald I lie In this city propose to have a general celebration of St. Pat'ick'a Day thla year lien. Shield*, (who aucceedaOen Lander in Western Virginia,) will be invited to deliver an adiress. t he General waa on the floor of the Senate on Saturday, and aeema t >have recovered his health. Marriage* in FubkCart .Although there were only twentv-elghl daya In February, the extraordinary numDer of one hundred and thirteen marriage ficensea were laaued from the Clerk'a OSre during tbe month, a greater number than in any four week (heretofore. Perhapt Valentine day accounta fdr It. 15 thi afternoon of Saturday laat, four U. 8. commtasioned leant fellows who wore the uniform ol lincie Sam.entered a restaurant on Pa. avenue, down town, brutally drunk, and behaved In a most outrageous manner.using the inont profane language* trying to strike a poor cripple attending at the eating bar, for demanding hi* pay for what eatables they ordered, and one of them drawing a revolver on the proprietor In his e#ort* to quiet them. 'What a sad ex amp e such men set to iheir subordinates ! Were it not time our army commander* would look after auch miscreants, degrading their station, and who are void of all soldier iy or gentlemanly conduct? It* Coal Oil, Coal Oil..Bert Kerosene Oil, (warranted.) by the barrel 36 cents, by the gallon SO cents. Lamps, Cans {and Shades, aa cheap as can be bought la Washington, at Stewart & Boa's, corner of Twelfth and U street*. mar 3. qvbkf Why is it Tbat Cbistadoro's Haib Pti is the Best m the Worlc ? 13 realise eminent ehermsts «»» scl Beoaase it oontains n > oaustic compoand* ' Because It wears longer than any other I Because it operates tHtiamtantoutlw ' Beoauae tt does not atain the tkm ! Became itnoanaheaaad etremthena th« Hair! Because it oorreata > h > b*d t flee te of other dyea Becauae >u preaenoe cannot be deteoted! Bttautt *1 Htwr /nil Maaafaatarad by J. CRI8TADORO, Aetor Bouee, New York. Sold aver; where,aad applied by a'.l Bair Dreeeara. Prlee 91, fl so and 93 per box, according to eise. No.L Caietawjao'a Bair liaaiiTATm, la invaluable with hia Dye.aa it nrpirta theat| m et ao!tue»a, tte moat bcaat fal tlo**, and great vitality to the Hair. PnaeWaeatt. fi.aa! tl per boti.e, aeo#rdtn« loetsa. fc»N,W*r.t« KSMMHt'."*4* T <»1triVi%i 1 - -nr I Wi utiim tb« portfolio tad militaryan( velopa manafectured by J. C. Moran, 436 Pfnnsylvanla noe, tad pronounca it the be«t tfelna of Ua klad in th« market, containing morr and brnrr stationery, and more attraotlre and n*fnl gtrta of jewelry. Ha dtaplaya alao a orilllant as ortmrnt of Jewelry tad silver-plated ware, vasn which von oan «of»ply yourself for onadollaf. All na«o*s can And th^ brat stock of Ctothlng, Pnrntih'oc Good-, Trunk*, HaU and Cape, at Smith's, No. 470 Seventh street, near P~-» | f- S7«m Why is it that families idd keepers of boardl hr houses «end from all section* of the city to Dayton's Bakery. 456 Eleventh street, between © and B, for pies? An titer .Because they are made by experienced male and female operative*, who have been engaged la the manufacture of plea only for thirty years paat, and every one admtta that they exrel all other plea made at any other bakery In tbla city. ft».«t SlVK* HtTIJfilKD VoLCffTEBKS STC* tit CAMT Young men be warned In time, aupply yourselves with Holloway'aPllla and Ointment. The? are guaranteed to cure the worst caaea of Sorea, t'lcera, Scurvy, Fevers and Bowel Complaints. Onl> 55 cent! per Box or Pot. *18. TTLis'a Compound Sthcp Oc* A*a»ic .'We take great pleasure In recommending the above favorlta remedy for Cougha, Colda, and all affections of the Throat and Lunga An attache of tbla office bad a severe cougb for several weeks, and after trying every likely thing, without any relief, waa perfectly cured by a single bottle. are not aurprlaeo that It is to largely patron lied by oar MHuicra la camp..nan. iitpper. B Tbb Initn Hbbb Doct6b, From Canada, will describe diseases and teU his patients the nature ef their complaints or tilnew, without receiving any Information from them. No ckargtfor Consultation or A drift. oum MOTTO. We nae irnch Balms aa have no strife W 1th Nature or the Laws of Life : VV 1th Blood our hands we never itrfn Nor poison men toeaae their pain. Our Father.whom all goodneas All*, Provides the means to cure all Ills; The simple Herbs beneath our feet, Well used, relieve our pain compM«. A simple Herb, a simple Flower, Cull'd from the dewy Lea. rone, mew scan spent wun loucmng pcwer Of change and health to the. Room No. 11, Washington Building, Penn. avenue, corner of 7th street. Canadian reference* of the 1 ndlan Herb Doctor: Sir E Head*, Governor of Canada Hon. Hy, Stearns, Mayor of Montreal, C. E. Hon. Geo. Hall, Mayor of Quebec. C. E Hon. John Hutchinson, Mayor of Toronto, C . W. Hon. J. B. Robinson. Hon. Jas. Cummings, Mayor of Hamilton, C W. Hon. W. Matthews, of Brantford, C. W. Hon. W. Barker, Mayor of London, C. W. W. garage, late Col. of Artillery. H. P. Dwight,8upt. of Montreal Telegraph. J. Taylor, Justice of the Peace, Toronto, C. W. R. H Crook, Alderman, Toronto, C W. J. Urquiaart, Surgeon, Toronto, C. W. fe 17-tf Takx mo mokk dnplkasart a^d rmsapx Midictnts .For unpleasant and dangeroua diseases, u*e Helm hold's Extract Bucbu, which ha* received the endorsement of the mo*t prominent physicians in the United State* la nnv nflfcrMl tn humanity as a certain cure for the fallowing diseases and abuse of the urinary or sexual organ*: General debility, mental and physical depression, Imbecility, determination of bleed to tne bend, confuted ideas, hysteria, general Irritability, restlessness and sleeplessness at night, loss of appetite, absence of muscular efficiency, dyapepala, emaciation, low spirits, disorganization or paralysis of the organs of generation, palpitation of the heart and, In fact, all the concomitants of a nervous and debilitated state of the system To insure the genuine cut this out. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cures guaranteed. See advertisement In another column. feb 4-tf IflDIA RCBBKH t»OOD*. India rnbber Sheets for protecting children's beds, that no family should be without; 75 cents each. Rubber Blanket*, for soldlera, 91 45 Rnbber Ponehoa and Blankets combined, §2.50 each. India RubherCoats, white or black, #2.50 each. India Rubber Legglna 81 per pair. a .J .li V-i- *. ar» *- » f * " " " * mm «ii Kiuai <n ivuuim uuvai, inciua<U|[ nuober Boots and Shoe*, Rubber Stopper* for bottle*, Door Matt, Under Sheeting* for bed* Ih *tckn*-t*, fcc , A.c , at manufacturers price*, st H A. Hall's India Rubber Warehouse, 3tW l*a av , i.etw; »*n Ninth and Tenth streets. feb 1-1/ CoitMft, Bunions, Calositlea, Bad Natl*, Enlarged Joints, and all d'sease* of the feet cured without pain, by Dr. White, Surgeon Chiropodist, 426 Pennsylvania avenue, between Fourand-a-half and Sixth streets. Room 7.2d floor. Ofllce hot rs from 9a. m. to ftp ra. Calls made at private residence* when desired. feb 17 Familim who have never used Boston crackers are invited to try those manufactured freab every day by I. L. Dayton. Hold by all respectable grocers. ja 98-tf DIKOi Suddenly, MILES KELLY, native < f Irelacd, N-w H<>ts Chanty Wexfu d, agea & years. His frietid* aid acsuaia'ano je a'e respectfully luvl;H to attend hi* faneral, "B Tuesday titer boon, March 4. a: half past 2 o'clock- * On Sunday night at 11 o'clock, QIJEREAU, *on of William Q and E izabeth A. Foice, aged 3 years »r.d 10 m ntha. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, at th re-idenoe of the p*r*nts, Teoh street, on 1 o sday aiternooa at 3 o'ulook. * On £und«T morning, March 2d, Nr. JOHN the66tti yea' of his a«e. His friends and relatives ar- respeotfnlly re3ie>te.l to attecd his faneral. from his lat* resienon. No. 36 < street, between llta and 14th, on Tuesday at 2K o'oiook ». in. * M Instant, WILLIAM WINFIELD SCOTT, »ouni(»t eon if Kiohard and Malvlna C omenta aged 9 months and IS day*The r*lativea and friends are reapeotfuily invited to attend the funeral, from «*> reaiaenea cf hia parent , on M street, between 18th and 19th, on the 4fh inatant, at 2 o'olock p. m. * HORSES, WAGONS?, AND HARNESS *1 FOR SALE CHEAP. On« a pan rood Hoad HORSES, sound and true. ooior bay and brown. One large Covered WAGON. suitable TiTf* for a sutler's or express buaineaa. Eastern built, and one of the bast made Wagons thai can be found One Covered WAGON, suitable for on* or two horses, Washington built, and ran about six months. fwo sets Double HARNESS. wo sets Canvas and Woolen BLANKETS. ThA R^invA nrnsArtw will hA anM u«r > Aha*R ».< oan b* Menrf>T*ioa[fine on ALBERT BK.£l>, at Mni«r'» L' very Stable, comer C and 6th at*. feat-lw* rpo DEALERS AND SUTLERS. I desire to oloae out the following gooda. aad offer them at prioe* «mdtr tht regular marktt wrict: tthKMAN CIGAK8. difleren' brand*, 100,000 DOMESTIC CIGARS, varimia kindm, 25 boxes dark aweet TWELVES TOBACCO. 90 boiea medium oolcred FOUND LUMP TOBACCO » bozea bright POUND LUMP TOBACCO, 800 groaa FINE CUT in foi'. Goodwin'a Plantation, Auderaon's Amulet and Conuah'a Virgin Laaf. WHO. W. COCHRAN, 399 Penna. avenue, eaac of _f» 26-6t NEW YORK GROCERY! NEW YORK GROCERY! NEW TEAS. OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COh FEE. EXTRA SUGAR-CURED HAMS, And all other kinds of fancy groceries: For aale by WM. COR WIN BURGY, Importer of Teas, fe IS Corner of I and Eleventh au. STITCHED IN CONTRAST OOLOR&-AI1 oolora and aisee, ladiea very beat Kid Glovca. A l&rce lot of oheap and fine Black Dieaagilka. Fancy Silka, lor the preaent and approaching aeaaona. Many New Sprint Sooda. Oae >noe only, the aotual oaah value marked in ikin flfurci. ' oIr~Sorthern and F.aatem Correapondenta ieoii aa NewPnppliea duly, PERRY * BRO., ft ii-6t Ft aTCDiieand Ninth »teat. Dayton's Superior Spiced Ginger Snaps ! Dayton's Superior Spiced Gtngtr Snaps ! Dayton's Superior Spiced Ginger Snaps iniohlbr KINO ft BURCHELL, ooraer, Vermont avenue and 15th it JROWN. corner F and l»h at. lELLWIB, *S8 Ttn at.. Navy Yard. t .GREEN, oorner I aoa 13th at. TOWKL8i . TOW.L8 m . T°WEL8:: 130 aoaen tluokaback, PamMk, MM Blfd »r» Towels, 1 JK» yari« B dibU Crash. _ 85 piece* heavy Huckaback TowallBf, 85 pieces Dmuk Tat.1# Linen, ISO Table iNapkins, Bleacned and Brown Co ton PhutiM. LiLec Sheeting, Blankets, Quilts, and Furniture With awlf utook of all ripds of Dry Good*, for ^ls at th> lowest »W><a. £ UARTEE.HAfeTHJW' CERTIFICATES ^ OOriMltifgKT 'claims j » i W ; H«l l*i ^ ^ GTRAYE D AWAY-On Blfkt |Mt. "from the Brtiah LH'&od * RACOON. Whofttrvi! bring ti>« aaa* to tte %tor« <"' « »U raoaiT# «i i award. W ita raff or>ilar on its D*«k. w a tt« | OST OR HTOI.KN-flO Rw-'ASS IM iMfrmi.reiimrVfi.vri'W' Auction Room*, SctmUi airtet of a lad.'* RETI Ok" LK. oontaipinf a mm »>( mnt«r. wlnah wai I jet at t*» at>ora rooma on Sa:urday imrninj. mhiu* I03T.On Saturday,'it io»t*nt on P»no»ylva* naavjaus. bstwej" 'OthjKreot at.<i the Traaa ury Pe»*rttneot, an KNVRLOPK contaiimt ® 155 or $H5ia Treaetry rotea Tie fi der win rt«»M a literal reward b? feavmr It M U H. Ridenonr'a, *04 Pein»ylyaEia avenue, between 9th and 10th at*, n* W1I.I.1AM BOND. LOST.Ey Ma'or T>kih»m O'Neht, of the ad Battalion New Yo'V Vn'iiiit»»r Artillery.'ru portaiitaod cooh,t»uwa. i'AI'KR^i of no ua* »o ny one bat Mmae'f. Ant on* !«'»it>C ths Poiket Book at the Scar Office will le rewarded. THOMAS O'NHIM..'nN. V Vol Ar iliery, mh 3 3t* Can p M ratherDistrict of Columbia. w**his»t»ii Corsry..I nereW certify tnat Pat- rv riok Cucick,o( aaii oousiy bxougi t before me a* an ftatray, runnirc at laree in street! of W&inin»tnn Harfcr Ktt M A ft K. fthnnt 14 handa hight b.»ard '%fi ell hir.d foot white between 3 ano 7 yeara old; sho-1 a'! roand tiivea under my kAai lovi Sd <ta<«»r March, iwi. U. ROWLAND, J P The owner of the abo»e ir*re 1* r?<nf»tc«l to cms forward, prove proaert*. pa? oher»*« aiid Uk« her away. iAtrTC* CTSICK. It* J at. acuth, tatwen 6: h asd 7th tti. LOST.A large GO'-f> RIXG with a oaibuacle setting- mtcrib'd "IMarie, March H h, 1KS6 " The find- t will te suitatly rewarded by leaving it at No. 219 Fstreet, between Uth and l?th. inh 1-3t» ©OA RKWAKD WILL BK HAIL) FOR <3>£U the return of hone, and »o que« frv tinn« asked. Th« hmse wSs Mr^fl on the s h Inst., by ftaera >n sisning his nW" R.^-n' ». Hamhin. Surg, loth P. A.S. V. The horse la about !5 hands higk: sorrell in color; with on" U> i > 1. J f a. At. .. » ef » win e ii-nu iwi\% me wane cirfnuir; jrniu i iv*r 10 Is inches *how the fetlock joint: wtite in the forehead: with * lft'jre eca-- on th* left sbnu.Jer. from a collar cald;*f««»oa tne »am* ahonltle-, half of the letter C, made from an >inperf«*)t atteT pt to brat d th» letter O RIRRI.*ND ft DOWLING, m'i 1 51* No. 170 Hridge et, Searftown, I>.C. ffilA REV\ A R n . Lost, ft white Cornelian OT IIP *M<*ONlC MARK. With the initial "fc. D L " The above reward will be paid to th* fl SKWRKNU. 330 Penn.av. f 2fi at* DOG LOST.Riwakd. Strftyed from No. 339 Kiehteentii «tre*t, a Iftrire white ^*^.1 Newfoundland Dl>G. The above rewftrd. will he pvd for hi« delivery, or for in ]orm*tion that wt.l leftd to hia reoovery. ft>» lw» District of Columbia. Cocstt op WasHia#To»,! To iritI hereby o r- <rv tifr tt at Jamea S. Beavers. of this count/ L.Tl brought before roe. one of th<» Juaneea the tre%ce, in and for said ci>nnty, thia 8th Febm a-y IB®, a da<k brown MAR K. about l.S)% hai.da higb; having its left hind loot white «p to tbe anc >; it* rieht hind fb»t with ft little white under the fetiook ; a star on ltd forehead, anil ita back aor*. Said mare when found had on it & im.itary aaddle and bridle. Given under my hand and e»a!. . W. THOMPSON. J. P. The owner wi'l come forward, prove property, pay eharpes.and take the above name I mare or she will be «o l to pav expeu.ra. Call at office of Metropolitan Polic*. 316 llth at. 1* 11 2aw3w RAN AWAY.From the aubaonlier. llvicc n»ar Lnrrattavilie, Prince Georce'a county, m Mil., on the7th February. 1862. my NKGKO WOMAN, Bettie." who oafla heraeif jpw* iiettie Shorter. She i* about twenty-five yeara of ate, four f»et 10 inches inrh; dark£3L» copper ool«re<1: thin rmuml nf » li»h» frame; baa «om« oTher toe* on one foot injured from a bum wuou a ohlid; bad on when she left a b'un country made yarn frock; and had other clothes with her. She took with her. her chi d Olivia. a*>out 12 month* old. #25 will be «>venfor Apprehension of the ahove won,a- child, provided that they are delivered to me or secured m jail, so that 1 can get them atain STANISLAUS BRAUFORi). fell 3t<1&2nw?W DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA \Vaphi*gton CoCHTy . I hereby oertify, John H ,a Newman, cf said county, brought 1 »r me as a stray, runtii&g at la te fn tne^^*streets of beorgetown, a dark hay MARK, sup posed to be about 10 years old; about 15 han!« high: a star iu her forehead; ring-bone on her left hin 1 foot, both f>releet au'd; switch tail; has been worked iq gears. Given order my k'.ai acd seal, this 18th day of February. 18oa HKNRY RKAVKR, J. P. (Mai.) The owner of the above described wi'l please come forward, prove p-op-rty. pay char«e«. ana owe h»ra»ay.or she wi 2" t>e to[^ »o yVi cen?e* Appiy at of Metropolitan Po 10,616 llth street fe 19 *a 3w V OST-CHRCK No. 3««», for one hundred and 1_J Gfty eiptit dol.arc, drawn by Bra* GamvonP*?ma*ter U. 8. A .on the Trra*ury of t*>e United Stare*, ila'ed Waatiinrton, February lat, Ifc^.in favor of «'apf. C R. Lowe1 lor bearer he payment «»l tlie fsrne havti g beea etopped at per«> a'« fcrfo'«i negotiating the earn*. Tne tiuder will reward© I by roturmng it to Captain C. H. I -O W ELL. camp of the 6m U. S*. Cava; y, or to the office of Major B Cameron, corner P and 15th «' , feao-l"f BOARDINGk " TWii OR THREE GENTLEMEN CAN BB I aoeommodaud with pieaeaut Room* a d Board »t No- <17 Twlf h K. » h 3 St* 1/ 1U T O I »» » t ~~ 'nil i hal nuiM» l«po« 1*4 Evrapraii plm, v> earner or Pennsylvania "i.v*nn<> a!.o 6 ti cpsonte onrc«r to brown s sod to* iNitioual, la now fntpi"hed throiunout with new and han<iiorne furniture. The proprietor inform* his and the publio that they can be ascomm dated with room?, by the da» f>r wef k. wuh or without nieals. Tee Diuiut Saloon open at a i hours. H. DURHAM GtL-TON, fe lft-eotw* Proprietor. THREE OR POUR UK NT I.EM KN CAN b? aeomn odated with Board, » ^6H Eighth street, between M and N, in a pnvau iiimiy. fea5-lw« FOK hale ZXD rkjnt. (^OR RENT.A Sr»_t-olais furnished HOUSE. a. no. tut k atrae. -Kent molera'e. Pogg-siion given imrao uately. Apply ftt No. 3tf 1 E a treat. mli 1 1 w FOR R FN T. . On# newlr F1TRNISHKD ttOOM, xrUh Boar I, in a private family, ou aeeond floor, at No. 409 tth street, betw*»en O and H eta feffl a-* EPURN1TURK FOR SAI,E AND HOOM* TO F RENT, auitab'e for a boa-ding hoiue, in a good locality. Inquire at Kxoelaioi Fie Halvj, 481 Serenth atreet. littrwii g and H. mh l at* FOR RKNT-A ftrat-cJaea B U 8 I N E SS 8TA*D>.Store liaeemer.t a^d Fixture'.ne*r Pennaylvania avenu* and seventh atree*.No. 61 J^ouiaiana avenue. For terma apply on the p-ernItea. mli 1 Jt* Furnished house for rknt-no. Nin*t*»nth atreet, recently oooupied br Hria. Sen'l Stoueman. For terma apply to JoHN 0. L.ARKE, at the Bank of Meaara. Rigga & Co. mh 1-lw* BURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT..The r three atory biown HOU^h, wine and baok building. at the oorner of H ai d Stat atreeta.gaa and wat*r throughout. Poaaeaeu.n given immediately. Apply at No. If 3 H st.eet, b*tween 8<>th and Slat atreeU. ___ mb *_ A RARE CHANCE FOR A PERSON TO engage In nurineas, In Waahincton, in a well eatabliahed Sutler Sutp'y Store, now coinr a g od ' ' - i.u.iumi, mict b im guooenon w in ru ue.'«,and the beat location in the oity. To the right kind of aman.ttua is an oppurtunttv aelcom met Mill titbw sell cut eatireiv or aeoept a parti, or, ifnututlly latis'aotory. For particulars address "H TV Box TftT Foat Office, Washington, with reai mmt and address. inh 1 3?* rOR KKNl-A PARLOR au<l CHfMBKK r very neatiy furnished, on the first floor, elevated a feet above the sidewalk; location very pleasant and healthy, near the State Department and President's House, on New York avenue, be tween Uth and 15th street*.No. 460-and bat a few yards east of the omnibus line to the Capitol. fe& tf 17ARM FOR SALE.Two Farms, containing I together too anres; one at Junction, the otner adjoining, at Savage Switch. fronting the Washington Railroad; either ot whioh will be sold, with tha f usntity of land to sait purchasers. The improvements are of the first class, and l^nd of the best quality, with orchards tf choice fruit in full bearing ; lailroad station within 5 inmates' wa k of either dwailing. Jerms eaay. or particulars apply at the Wine Store of W,H. CiMPmiLL.itii Pa aveaue. f»36-i»' ffOR RENT.A three-story BRICK HOUSE, r with every modern improvement, containing even room* and kitchen, for $12" per Mmum, to a satisfactory tenant. Lxjoation No. lvl* Second tree;, between I) and E streets north No prce«>ation will be received to raat for a Use period an two years Apply to JA». C. McUUIKKA CO.. ie 26 6t A notion and Commission Merchants. AH RARE CHANCE..The proprietor of tue City HoteltUhe only h ret class Hotel new open ia Alexandria. Vs.,) is desirous to retire from business, and will sell, for a fair pri-sei Ue Ft KM If BR. FIXTURES and OOOD W|l,L of the lionse. His lease win terminate on the 1st of J^Luary, IKS, bu: the property can ao doubt be leased for a laueh looser term at a moderate rent. This Hotel ia now doing, ana has lor many years done, a large and area table businees. The desire of the nndersigned to retire from publie busiaeae la the oaly lnauoeineut to Mil, as heoould not hope to engage ia one more profitable. For terms and partiea arsapply m JAB A ENGLISH,who is aa thorixed to negotiate, or^o the nndersirr fd. laiytf &AM'L HKFEKBOWER. AHBNY PFRftON HAVING A NEAT FURMuacit amitu »- » 1 . .. m «. i-.vm*v h w m wisi iMa uiougrsKi F"°* oan find a too*l tcaant by apply log to tha aiiaorlbar. Will Uka ft hoace for a term of yaara or parohftaa on fair larma. WiU t\ke ttie baa'. oftreipl ft ^A^ffuraasss?. s ws A MKE1CAN BfgClFig.-Tha S A i*Mdy ftod NrtHi oar* for ft far.**, Mnm i'v'itu^-^oura InJYow Quae to ai» dftya. 0> Jt. "a v Wi > 4 ?! * V pROFOiALf FOR WVLLft, PCMfS, * . Ornei, Winrinni, * i abroad U. f*J ( PnoroMAL* ib wrtltic will » thu O0om. mp to It o*«>o«fc in. «>" ike UU anr of Ml- i it, fo- tn\k>!>» Pump.. Hydrapt* I,o« for oc «. ard for *i»* I* Wane i*»> a* an naoaaaary materia a sad w rkinan-h ir r »ti « ayjnz. axing and aenipietirc in <lie beet ma. a-< aod for the «am* In per'ec: itputr for Jtat.' a>e,?n tne Firat L>i«t-w , cmpo**) u( 'h« Firal and *eaoad Hares; m 11>« Sr»>n4 D:a*'iot, co«poeedo: the Third. P<.arth%c<* " v/ \\ ar*r. and id the Third i>iitricf oorc»c>*ed of t.ia i ifcb ard Sixth War<ii (a»ch latr t to Tor arat«'y and to be g iv?a to d ffe ent e ntrec . lor t^ e term of one j ar. oommenetog -n tne 1 at »» of Apri . iftU, a«re»mNir to the <- luwmt »p^:: ck!iou: FOR WELL*. Digging and wa iicf *e..i, ice udlr.g an i r*rnor1ng the rtirt, per loo', une*.. T"> «» . f> he four itches thic*, of a good bird brie*. Cleaning "«* w«»i«, eaoh. o'd we'll d»<jer, per foot. Taciuguato d wai.e ai d pu'Urg In * :(«.pfoot. C*«*a of eight feet le-gth. per foot. Cases noie e irht fe*tleng'h, per fo<r*. Covering new wrlia, inc.u.ii. c inste-iale. The ooTPrmg tn t»* of the foe«t li*»t :u fh .re j< .it. i lee« than thiee 1 o tec tr ick aid double faring r.-w *«.:«, including briok and pinsp stone. Upen-ne oM we lt, and ordering »ame with 0.1 materials, each. Opening o;d velle, ar.d oover ng tauewtth at a timber. FOR PUMPS. Kmvib; (l» pump* Id repair, tig »:op»l-<; * eats, Ac,, whei, it cad be done without taLing oat th« pump, each. Sakmg ou' and pnt'isc 'n oil pumr'.yer e% !i iakt> c new joint* in old ogs. « W lota put id oiil ptrtiipi, per foot. New b 'Xei an^ B»on:s hi oi<l pomps. eash. New pumps, p"- foot Hoses and t pouts for new pumps, (M i. Cupper chambers for pumps. The t'? log or the rump* to ba of tne h-*t «*a otjed wnite oak. and tne remainder of the * p«t *a 6oned yellow pn.e FOR HYDRANTS Keejiot the tijr. rants in repair, v;*. stopri'r at. leaka, &o . all n?w va'vre and spouts, recainnc the old onea, au 1 r«>;irtr* the o d irons belnocr't to them, when it can be doae without t&k:ng tue hTdrar.t out. sanh. Taking oat hydrant* and patties ic «m*, jvt, N<*w hydrant*, par fct. fcp^uts /or hydrant*, each. r^'Ui QtUtiCB U'J UU< Paintint pumps and hydrants each. IRON WORK. Handles, ax.«e, «p®i s, plnte«, -anis and repars, par lb. r*»out and lover box Irons for pnrops, eaoh. N*w J iota to old spear«. New ppont and vaiv^-irore for hydrants. Tka work and m*»ena's to be alt ot tf* I'eet * aai ity of their respective kicds. Nootfer wit! be revived that is not made by a tract.oa pump mater. The p«r»on or ptf-ts whose offer m*yheano"ptea will be required to en^er in*o oo; <t for one thousand dollars, with two (tood sureties. ror.ditionrd lor the faithfel perform*ue« i f h»« "r ttieir onntract: and shoo l art ooctraotoror contract! rs fail or refuse to comply «i!h ai.y c.''!>e conditions or t'rmi of his or tneir tsontrnct, or to «=*« oute any work withiu the time Miraoil in the v il r of the CommiSMJner directing it to be ttif Mayor is author id to employ ar.* other * net person* to execute the earn*, or to fir ~ish ihe materials upon such terme as he ir d**"' expedient. u >1111.11 iinu mo uvo faow i>r oon'r»t:iur» »<i fai inc shal! b* responsible to th * Corro-atiou lor any loss or dsmace it may eu«t*T. i tf«* Mayor iray at bn discretion rami the oontrait ot «uoh contractor or contractor#, RICHARD WALLACH. fel4-taw«w Mayor. ^WORDtj FOR PRESENT ATI ON T1FFAVY te tO. Noa. 640 and 3.V2 Broadway, Niw York. And No. 79 lira K.chki;it:, P»r «, IMPORTERS AND aUMCPACTUUM OF ALL KIND* OF MILITARY W'ARK«, Solicit the a'tention of Civio a;.d Military A«sociatmr.e, Cororrand* on Nat i>na or State Pa'noiie Clubs and ludividoa s 'o their ,arge stock of RICH STAFF AND DRESS AS MY AND NAVY SV\OaDS. Their assortment includes t»>e ehotoest B LAl-'LS OF KNtiLlSH MANUFACTURE, identical with tbo»» made for \Vi kinrnn.of London, worn hy th« »>fli ?e* * uf the British Armr. an 1 moat ai proved I » experie.ioed Lurop an au'i. i ties the elegantly w ou;ht BLADK8 OF SOLING KN ON THK RHINE, in fibre and finish the rf oqcnised modern pea W the o«i<-i>raUd Lamar*} Sr«W; the ficellej| ir.d aernoeabie BLADcS OF COLLINS.OF HARTFORD, Be«f<J*a those of other domestic fat>r ^\nta. The mountings cf the b*tie«. in a ct'fsn^ cu'ed xrithtn the establishment, witi l e foono 'o comp-18« nil rt^utii'e »ty!ei, of orf-aTie ta'«m t'.e oal>%rJ» b<-in< « (-jrvm >» 'lt. t R'.me, PLAIS or I IKKtilLT "ll.r'-K I* A1RI> Hci>i h<u St«»L k Clt katupk e e . sun i> uds CHASBD or r MB" afcD 6 LI or >. LID MlVrt; I' 6 GhiP . and 0 C - R' ' vl tl»* i\nif vn i tj o* id tulAl a (.it f\ r iaif» ami i*f » . .- U| « a fell I ICR « J* pur VI! design t*h'iu il *u ar'tc © ol f JTRK tE:^*BY ELIiAKCI, of a riotioea* and cc* es« >. >t lefrswetni in sVck.ber q'lir^dfjr presentation, li.e cat* lii tie* m tn« « t*r>li«-in*r»t »or th« afvtu e ol the oh loeft wirfrs in * > «i » J s v r. atil .is e-al art>«tio re«. yrcfj a-e unuouti *u i-au'et oI'l satulactori and ipcid) pro juetto i. I.: an'^T to orders, uesifts Vj<j estimates wi'i t«e pr< n.,i .j forwa 1 -(1 In iivnJui.'i, parcha*»i-K ' words of Ti2au» & Co ar« icf.rm-d ma*. rveiy b'ade »«. ubt«:«eo t te '* ever mo-e severe t^au thoes e. J ,: ed jO"y-r irwnt. bei«'r* it placf1 or. *& e *h«<esi<itb is id the ts'aMisl ur nt ar<: at ' c nui ac of a. who prefer mmeo a'e pr->rl f tioe ce of their sworui L. Towiis J. >1. Tf m «n- J H. Towsi». L. TOWBKt? * CO., STEAM BOOK AND .1"T? PKlNTrNG ESTABLISHMENT, Comtr Lcui'iana u~tn*r t:.\i Sink ft. The attention ol th* > j c< «r:iuty r®. pectin iiivi ' t«>' t 1 Job prittioc fcstab!i en tv-d ' '<*<1 with new materia!, u !! j i^nv.iir.ow prepared to execute, in a sati«.v.-t ):y *ty!e, every variety of Pi u.tir {, vii Uookp, 8pee' hes. Pan,p|,:-te Car Circular*, Sutlers' Blanks, Ao .Ac. The attention of mem! ar» of G'-i-jreM ta e*peoiai.y re^uoitrxi ;.»r our fvili) «.* lur pnnuuf Speeches, » vrc have th<» I*r.,rt rteam poorer .a the cit*. de~-law6a £JUT THItJ ADV fcRTiSUHBNT Ol »"! CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT? AND tfKING IT WITH YOU! The auhccriber will advance, in tho w*y of purohaae or loan, rm\ll anuss for ahort pcr.o-a, on DIAMONDS. WATCH*"'®. VALUABLE JEWELRY, or ary deaoription of a&ti-ftotory secnritiM Adt lad* or ( (itleinan who Wuald iik« to obtain & lew dollars t*mpcr»ri!«, in a <ui<*t manner, m»y do fo t'T »pp yicr at 466 ll'h ttreet, be.weeu ( % J H, from II to 3 o'oioek. ftCT-lut PROF. ALEX. WOLOWJJRI BEG"* LEAVE to inform taia friend* and the pub to, that, having met with nmiob Bacoe«e, <a ooutiuuins h a Course of Inatrnouon on ihe Piano and ib ringing, by hie r.ew metm-d. All tnote who daairo to btfsome, In a abort time, finer icier* or eio#!i«ut performera' n the piau.i ehouid avail th<»m»eiv«* f hia r.aar aa^lAm r^C k. . * L *- ' ...» MV w a;c««iii vi l"0»| HOMVU- UJ »PF » : . (kl I IB rerid«Loe, Nu. 3036Ui street, MVM& R (treotaud New York avenue. Reception boura 1-el ween 10 and 12 o'eiocfc a. m., ueada**, Thar<daya aod t*aturdars. le 54 lm BAKNL'M 18 HKHK !-On f.ea -xhibiuon. the ftarat atook of Clothing in the city. at the Peop.e'a Ciothici ftore, No. 460 »«v»r;ti etreet, eppoaits Post Offioe. N B.-aJ of tiie above toixla fo: taie at very IgW »noe«. »n I COAL olI..COAL. OIL.! AM Now larmthmc the trade w th the bee? KKRO81NK OIL at Baltimore pricea; a.»o, HAY, CORN, UATi, Ac., at V>weat inane; price. 8. W 0'L\LuHLK\. fe2S lm* Corner New Jersey av. and K et. MNAVY AUKNVS BILLS ONK.Y Auvacoed oa bUia a* the Wath lnxton Navr Aceiu, by uah vtiv, collins a. brack. r* Oa i«* k.-.-. »« i iq «Q- I w t « V r^TPmu ITHTOTB r< IBnTi MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! To loan in mall amonn t, on cod security ; or tmall i.otf« caabrd. wn good eadoaemetita. Applv, witii real uuue itd address, to "X V 7.." Box 1-21. la ai» Butter and e o e 8. Goahen Butte- exoeiunt iresh punt, I- roh Koil and W alea Ann, Western Kutter, for bakers' u»«. For aaielov bt U. e. Dl'*l K«»W, fe SB 6t* No 4 80 Knntn at., pear Fa ar. Photographic cards AND ALBUMS! The larfstand fiusat in the c of Phoiuaraahio Carda and Aiiuni* are to be fomd at TH* NATIONAL B'tOKSTOhh \V M. F. KluHarKlN. 87 S Pence jlv»maTaTfnne. New atylei received dany. fe » *w* j^JlLITAKV KUOK8 M,UTARV BOOKS found me bood aa i»»u«i f.ouithe Preai. I'all uduuiiKOunUxi. _ u»u mumm wm f RICHSTKIN. fa 38 2v* 8T» Peaneyl»an*av«nue. VKBY pt,K30N*» 1NTKRK6T-That ftn« took of Clothing for aale ovar Salts' Jewe.ry Mora is now flared at lees than wio:«u!f nric-e, at SMITH'S. Wo. ««0 Seventh street cfcoaite rmtOMam. fctwa IpOR A FEW LAYS ONLY..1 have rtinuvod my fine e ock tf Cijthin* front over halts' Jewtiry Store to J. II. SMITH'S. fto. 4«0 SJrrenth aueet, near F, where 1 aha)) oier it at teaa tb n wi.u.eaale coat pi toes, fur a faw uaya only. fer ?m _ J. W KEt.r. nno fc * t ^ * * -- -. *- r "" nii«»i'>oi oi itoiBiog, t anumf,,'M®®1od!»,J'BnAlllAUl** nd » »"U VoitS IkA&iUi FOR SiLC.uiwoltfM l*««ri«u( "! »orM«; myn m Cocoord, M. H.; oot&n «*jm, MMlaco* atjUi Miitu ia «M « bkiu'IM« VtH ^ WE^ufsa.i s \ - I - I - -II. > SECOND b.L>, i ION. rvmrK o'clock, r. m. OL& MJUT'*T MUDOET ^ Gtn ITn-»r s-r're4 !r. froru MWurl. lf»»i Wa»Lln«u>« to-nlfbt to hU coirnaM en tbe upper u>na -c, mult vartnt br thedeitti of the gallant !,ard»f Tituuri to \»»nnu«, T«*w Ta* following dtapatcb received b*r« tbown that emu iron' itonli »«»w to Nathvir.e: N«aavtixs, M*rrk t, 186. To Jr\» A Katto*. JV<* Anu mi ? *««« «* Gtmrra! .Th* Frdtfal flajc floating »Tit tb* k'vl tufle here I wu in (barge of the oft e, V rctd'.u It uutll re.itved by o;d«»r« frota the Pep&rUnejt. A H Special Afcect P O. Ut-p«rtincBt. CArrrtz or a. coxrcOiiiTiiciMKU The following !ian extract from letter r*celrt'd In tbta city : r 9 >*CHOOKtR KtTTITtm, at amik** f/ H*cjon Pi.tMt, Jan SO. _Oa tb* M*<b Inat we eaptjf»Hl (tie aehoo irr ' X«j»r R«W,Hlaaded with »nn«. amnion tton h - ri>»>«» ., . .- « -I *n»om to£jO(M) A yer\ good day * work for at rh" schooner stood in for Shtp Ialand shoal, watting f<r tb«' pi Is*. lenry Cun. veto®, by tho vmv, we h*d rap<or»4 tb»* day before. board ei b* vriib ur boats, and t ^k her wliboot re istsnre. There Is another vrmr 1 stpee.tod tn every dir. If come*, the "Kittatlnny" will be r< ady to receive her with o/>«n armt D otnciax co7>r:*mTio* or th« ivteriiio* or oaumct. Tkt Rrbtls bum'if 'k'ir tV.mttr Qum'trrt and firm tug /fi*ni Gu** . rr»hbU DiI ttrwtton 0/I The following dispatch was reecired yesterday f.crn CDmasod^re Foofe, dated Cairo, March lat j " Lieutenant Co-rmsndlnsr Phelps, rai with a fi iz of trice »'d»v, to Columbus, baa tbts inonieut returned, and report* that Columbus ia being evacuated. He aaw th« rebels burning their winter qeartera and r-moylnjf their heavy puns on the b!u#«; bet the guns la the n««ui -«t <ci II iruia » miflU. n f IW HW 8 '. rue tcrce of cavalry dta* n up o(ter.tatiau«lv on the bluff*, but no tnffcatry *.« to be *e«n. aa ^»rttofor«*. and tL* ecc mrme.t 9rmn In our armed reromo!a*aa<*. « ft* davi a1n~«, bat l>een removed Larue t"e« were v aible ta tbe lowu of Coluirbua a id upon the rivat bank* bt low. tndicattrg tbe d»*tr:jeUo« of tba town, iLihtarv it'orraaud equ'iunenta {Signed.) A M Foora, Flag Oftoet.*' It la helirved L-re that our army bai by thta time occupied Columbus ItKoret'xo 01 THr Burma*! A!»* 0«ie Kailroat .We learn that tbe broken llae of tb« Baltimore and Olio railroad, from Haneock In tbla direction, will br opened fo i»*ar Martin»burg within four or Ave daya. VONOK KSS lOtfJLL. m\ntt .mi.. Moswv. March 3 i*«NATE .After the rrfepUou «< lb* Uom«at««d bill pa»-d by tbe Mrjk>~ Mr lj-ne printed the credential* of Hon J oat- ph A rt r I* lit. appointed by tbf boVUrnor of Indiana to fill the vacaocv In that Sute'a repne[ pt-iiiat'on la 'be body occaaioued by tbe xpti.aion cf Hon Jr-aae D Bl^fcl; who wm duly iw»i m la Mr VVllaiot p*«-ae»t-d «^*eral peMtiona i<*r the emancipation of th-9 mtu under (L» war pow-r «>f the Govrr im<-tit; referred. Also, a rtr»«'lut'.on of 'be t'caiwyivaula Legist *t'jre reUttvo to the d^feocc* uf tb« Delaware Hlwt-r Rtid Bay ; nftrred Mr. Wilkloaou p rseo*«d a petition from Pf»»w Vi.rk t r C/iin. wa.<u>kl - " **- . vvHf.'V^iVU'tl II » » I1IUW Carotins, Ocor^lt mid F»>rida to the p»U1cal condition of territories rrf-rrt-d Mr. Harris prr-teuted tte pr(:i|»n of all tue Stat* iftiynaf \'» i *rk, ><k -ip Con?r»-a» to confer on «»en. Wool the raufc of M«J f OfMra' n Utr* d Mr Cbardler reported >mk t*rm the "««uo»!t. tee on Ownnrrv, ih« b:'l i*^»W»g .f f<* of Amrncao rnerrto»»it YcaHa *«ittn^ t* fofe'.a port* to take tbe oath of ilte^ltKr; MM p «« ».! 1-1 or » a .A coimnuntctttou vol pr«?*e~?ed f»-'to t'a» S-c'Hary of War in rf»pnnij to i reao'ul of ih«- H a-»- t an mltt'o* u re;«ri ol t'ae eu^a rPieni at Dralne«v;tlt* The ^f-ndtr ain. ud'i.en'r to tbe kill la relation to certain nulrosda in Mi*«our wrre net foyfomd In. A re*ol"tioa rrq'ieat'. lie Pr^M'tst cf the United S*'at» tic :;iii j- lcate "o ttr Houte cwf'ea of ail correspond'-nre rel«M-»n tbe c* dttioa | «'f Mfiitu, a id th; dr< of see Allied powers iq rt- jllon to (be eat«f>.iPtirnc it ft mooa'CH" therein, Wcsadoptfd .Mr Holnun i«tJ'rrd a 'evolution declaring tba' la tbe j iflgTne t of the Huqk tbe «» ah'iald not l> p Om touted 1 ,i an, Oturr pJ'P .> thift tO Pr9»erve tbe Coii«::!u':<ju in iia i>re«e it f rm ali l.ov. jov moved (ay th- r'-aMnt ion ob lh« able Agreed t .>e»»6y ua>*56 . , ^ g ^ LtA Tb LAJCAL A E WS r».it;SiL Cocet .Tbe March »er« ®f the CrtH.inxl Court < omme e»s to-dtr Martha! Lamuo luiumj^d lue f«'.iowln^ i:«t of *r.i id Jurort, who ail »n>we ed to tUelr u«m-aet the opening of court : John P ln^U, P»wce Sboem iter, Huucii l'aU»r, VilrnUut UirbeiijU, Edward Ha 1, W'tu V Wik, M'«bail Brown, A E. Oftuit, John W. Thnmpao'i, E e-nr Lied* 1 ey, Ttiuaioa Levric, John Purdy, Henry M. s»ween*y, Peter Herrv, Bar Jamia Dub/, Gee A. tiotirer Lemuel F Clu-k f..K« T a . ». J »&«, * r cu wick Voting, Samuel F<> #ier, Lemuel J. Middi* t >u John J. UerreU, ciuncey Bettor. and Joarpfc a VVIUmA. Jua^c citwford tnen de!tr«eed « react lmI rw'v« charge to tkif greed Jury, after which, be raited their attention to ibe Maryland lava of 17M in relation te uegroaa, and the law of Congresa of If in relation to Ute laaut of rauli uot*a lu tb»- Datrlot 1 be petit Jury »'U then called a* foiiova Joba F Brlo^ti. Weorpe B Smith, Iflannr NewmiD, John Wjlib laaae Mara ball. David Pk >a. maker, charlt* J (Jat-eu, Kicbard W. Gar:, Samuel Hrereton, J an Djv:«, Wn A.tU» nedy, Ihomae Button, Creole Tavlor, Jaa NtColaan, Prealey M Mari n. Wm P SL'dd, J'» ah R^y, Alex ndtr B re.aiid, Frtder:ck A. Kloft r, Wm. V)iii Keswick, AUuud-r Utunaed. » n d. matf. Arnifrw J Ki*v. Bt-.edict Mot' llas. Win H Hitler, VSm A King. Patrick McDevitt, Frtu u Harper, btmuel StoM, and 'Ibutupaon Van The ca t cf AiOert C. Ward, (loriamtlf of Indiana,) was then tak»n up. 'Ibrre ar* two tndictmeut« again*! for arau't and battery wltb luUnt to kill, a. d one for robt>4ty. and It l* {or tins rtfciiae flrxt baaitd be la now being tried it is cbar/ed teat wblle lb company wllK James H Matthew*. ta prv»ie In tbe 35th New lurk; in tbiacitv'.on ifce mt «lay of January last. Ward took a paling from a leu.e n.d struck Matthews on tbe b.ud, and then dla^nar pistol at him two or tbr<*e tituta, ti ghtly wooitdlng him on the forebtad The Hut. W. Voorof Indiana. ai d W. Fendatl. Jr , ippnrtd u rouustl for tk»«- dcfrn^e James B. Matthews, tbe principal witness for tbe piosncutiin, was examined, »nd lestilrd to hiiaseif and Ward waving visited four oouaes <d prostitution in the course of the evening on wulch the aliped assault occurred, and their drinking together several t!:ues He further te»ti#ed that \Vard struck hioi with tbe piling taken troui a fence, and tben nr«d three time* at htm, one tea 1 I let striking his forehead, and one or two p. in»through his coat. AKKKSTKD AND R*rr»*i» .Several wb. ago some odlcen iroin Hutlmo'e rame to tnla clty In pursuit of Wm H I'ollock. wto wu charged with forgery upon John C Yoshtll, prt»prietoi of fcuMjuekaana Hotel, la ttnt city If pursuing , dUtrs lost the trail at d r*turned hoaie A description of the person wm i«*fC with Patrolman >1 Devitt, whoarr<*t«d him U»t w»«k . Tne prisoner waa committed to jail teyJaatiee Clark, and being waling to return BaitMu '? without delay, the Saaal r.qutsitioa from '.he Governor was Waived, and the prisoner delivered to the Baltimore tfli-rrs. Row AMOSG THE PlKALSI.This ID«rt.Bg, Mary Johnson (colored) was arretttd for pr«»:iltv and a moulting Jenny B-ndar, by pabolma* M< Itovltl .ml *> ft,.*>1 aa ft! tor JaAl aftoir. Ma. Subaequautly, Jennv B««d« »» am« '< by lb* Mini ulhcef, for i fotoalljfi a»d tk* cob re«*d saying «otie t>ard w>*da and « uftfallr paid a fine ©t M »«>* wya Temperance «1le). wUnrr tbe offrnae waa iinrmllM, is rough. f A C\K1>7~7 1 DtSIRE to iB/ori*m y W.Oud* fcod th* BaUla Miat 1 akva Mi. J oaler in the TflAO. acid CltiAl sTOKKNo. 5'»9 Nut* *«««'. foar di>or« i-orih ul t'suiuy va-.i*. ave-at, <1*4 i*u iu f.out cl Lk« UtxM J vk*i*i *k*.. t>a hsfy» b«»p(,t Uttaia tt- MBUtakaauiiBiiiii bi ny buMQM*. " " *** wm H P.O UTU ^ POT4T> KK W* Urt )bm r#c«i»#c a jm in«- «.i < ^ Mi I1*'!) li * I'u Miif, i < »*# u* r nal «mat')B«ri at»o, » a iA Vr* ' A»**y* ** »»<«» BVBSV * BAkNAy,. I

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Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1862-03-03 [p ].€¦ · edited bvthe youngladleaofthe frit claaa ofthe ««conddistrict school, femaledepartment.Washin uton, D C" It bore the motto:

IXK'AlV NEWS.Amtiixmti To-Ni«ht.

Tikatib.. Flr»t alghtof Mr tnd Mr* BarneyWilliam, with the presentation at "Th<» IrianI.lon." Birney u" Tom Moore" and Mra Williamsm " Mrt. Fl**ip;" the Interlude "la androt of Place." Mr*. WillUmi In four character*.and the farce of « The Irish Tlg«r,M Barney u« Paddy Rvan '»

C&nTiKartT H&lx .The Leonl PantomimeCompany, with Butler, Ward. Parker, Talbot,Armstrong, Wymnt, Misses Duvall, La Folle,Mllea, Wella, !Ua*ete, little EUa,a»d otbertfars,In an lmmenae bill of songa, dances and burl»*qae,concluding with the capital pantomime,*" Raoul, or the .Magic Star "

MvuciL Hall .Open all day. Free concertsat 5 o'clock, excellent refreshments, good music,and other attractiona.Philharmonic Hall, Pa avenue, between

Eleventh and Twe'fth streets.Barnnm's won-derful What fa It" and the celebrated Albinoftnillv all day. and at nl«bt In conjunction withthe original Camrbeil Mtnstrela in a hu?e bill ofrlthtoplan songs, ctoruwi, dance*, burlesquesand sidesplitting comlralitlea

Kixo's Ampitrbatbk .FIrat night of TonyPaator. the celebrated clown androniic performer,with Dan Gardiner, M'lle Helolae, and others. Innovel programme of eqnectrlan performances.Acadbmt of Mrstc .Free concerts, embracing

elections from the moat popular opera*, at fooro'clock. Superior refreshments, 4tc., 4c Hallopen all dayTe**«*ascit Hall. E street. between Ninth

and Tenth streets .Grand ball of the FenianBrotherhood In celebration of the birth of RobertKmmet. Lookout for a rare entertainment.

»»ctt* rcacHA .hew are aware or me racttnatgutta perch* is rapidly coming into use »* a substitutefor India rubber, In the mincfscture ofhundred* of articles for military and domesticuse, especially tfco«e which should be of thewme flexibility In all the variations of temperatureto wbich tbev mny b? subjected Whilerubber article* not designed to be stiff are veryprone to become so in cold weather, the samegoods, if manufactured of gutta percha. maintain,under all changes of the atmosphere, a uniformflexibility, while they are free from the smell ofvulcanization, and equally aa dnrable and imperviousto water a« good* made of rubber Tbeaeire very oeciaed advintagrs tn a large clau ormilitary i.ood«, af may readily be Imagined.Brigadier General Kelly writes to the New

York Gutta Peretia Manufacturing Company,February 5: ''The regiments In my brigade,ervlnt: in the Department < f Western Virginia,have, for teveral months. u«ed your gutta perchablankets and talma*, and 1 have yet to hear of asingle complaint of tbem from any source Theyare entirely waterproof, and have stood the dampatmosphere of the mountain* admirably, and arein a* good condition now as the day they werereceived I regard th*»m as necessary for every"©Idler in the field, and worth very much morethan you charge for them, wheu you take intoaccount their u»efulne*a in contributing to thehealth of the men "

General Rosecrans writes. 'Gutta perrba isthe best material I know of for waterproof goods,"and foionel Crotbers, aid to Governor Plerpont,also states that ' They am emphatically waterproof,and the only article of that kind that 1i __. _. ai * f_ i «line rrcr »«rii iaii isOur attention ha* been called to this subject by(Mr Anib'ihlre's, 519 Seventh street. west side,

between 1) street ard LouUlana avenue) a depotfor gutta pereha tfo.>ds «iuitable for military andfamily use*. the first establishment in the FederalMetropolis devoted entirely to the sale of gutUper ha goods.

'ikbrit !?mith os "Thk War".Last Saturdaynight. Hon Oerrlt ^mltb, of New York,lectured before the Washington Lecture Associationupon "The War "

He held that the war power wax sufficientlyample to enable Cocgresa to burn ev»ry schorlbousela Missouri, to prevent their being vised asa refnue bv rebels; to throw open every jail andprison in Rentucay and Maryland, arid arm tbeprisoners tn the defence of the government; and toorganize and arm the negroes for tbe same service,giving them their freedom for tbur psvCongress had tbe power to abolish the practice ofgoing to school or to church, or the ins'itutioii ofslavery, and this Congress was an unworthy onein not having used tbn power aright In annihllat'ngtbe rebellion.H- would have Congress do that, Constitution

r no Constitution, which would subserve tbebest interests of the couutry. For bimse'f be badno constitutional scruple*, and be pud thdt Congreaswould do it* duty, untrammeled by redtape or constitutional tape. To save the countrywe should stop all lighting save fighting the rebels.and cease listening totbeadvlceof Kentucky.Rather take counsel of William Lloyd Garrison,Wendell Phillip*. John Jsy. Dr Cheever, andFred l>oug!a* If it were an anti-slavery rrbelItoB.. I * *- I .1 -a .« « T« ... i »

tun, »r id<* an vice oi t riuenan andGarret Dav'.i Had the President been born inNew England, and not In Kentucky, the warwould have been over Had the counsel cf thePathfinder b?en heeded, the rebellion wouldhave been destroyed. Ir we compromise withrebel*, the Government is dead, dead Headvisedthat the Government and people take conn»*lof God, do their whole duty, anl help tomake this nation a *tlnlng light to th« wholeearth, and an example of perfect pol tlcal libertyt9 all tLe nation*

1*TKRE«TlSO PcBLIC S^CHOOL EXHIBITION .OnFriday evening ia*t the female department of thet*econd District School (M's* E H Bogg* teacher)gave. In their school room, which is located inthe second story of the large building at thenortheast corner of the Intersection of Tenth andD streets, an exhiblabn which wa« attended by anumber of the friends of education in this city

It appearstba' 'be young ladle* of the first ela*as-<m* wrfk* alnc- appointed two of their numberi Vliases El'n J W heatley and Saltie E Rndier)aa fdltreaaea. To these two waa entrusted theduty of examining the exerciaea of the claaa inliterary eompoaition for the month of February,id aefecting from among them aultabie pieces aacontribution* for a paper to be read in public attbecloaeof the tcon;h- Accordingly, on Fridayl*a-, lnvltationa were extended to the friends ofthearbooia to attend the reading of the flrat numberof " The Literary Mirror, rootilbaied to andedited bv the young ladlea of the frit claaa of the««cond district school, female department. Washinuton, D C " It bore the motto: 'Perseveranceconq iera all things;" and the rontributiona werere*d bvMiaa Rodier and Mia* D E Durail.Mi*aW heatley being aick There waa an editorial,and a number of artlclea on Tarloua aabj»rtvThey were read clearly and distinctly, and wereni no uiue itjim, ana one or two of the pieceswere marked by much originality and power.rhe reading waa agreeably Interspersed w'.ththe tinging of quartettes, choruses. Ac , by thepiplls of th» whole school, under the leadershipof Prof J. Daniel.The drawing* of the pupils, and the traces of

their exercl*es In Algebra (still visible on theblack-board,> evidenced thesr proficiency In thosebranch' s of study.This Interesting sffiir Is the fir*t of a monthlyaerie* of similar exhibitions proposed to be givenby this school.

Fuveth Willi Siiiios CiihIbww. r~.-t*c* Walt»r ..-iundsy.Jas Douglas, drunk; dismissedK Kivers, drunk and disorderly; do.Cbaa W Teal, manta-a-potu; turned over to themilitary. Henry Clark and Henry McNally,vagrants; workhouse J» day* each.Monday .Sirah Ann Dovie, disorderly; dli

mixed William Mcliahn aad Henry Danfortb,attempting to sell a Government horse; turnedover to the military. Edw'd Ooldln. drunk anddisorderly; dlnmiased. Molly Droasell and MaduraElmer, robbery; Jill for a bearing. LouisaBrooks, col , drunk and fighting; fined fR2 5P.Pat McfVxvaid. drunkand disorderly: do ,91 5$.J as Faulkner, do ; do. Bridget Manoney, larrenv.retained for a htsrinir Rd«r'<l Tiekn«rsuspicion of highway robbery; dismissed F.McDerinot, drunk; do. Richard Rivera, drunkmud dls >rd-riy; turned over to the military, witha recommerdatlon to give hlrn a »Lower bath.

Polici .The Third Ward patrolmen reportedthe following ca«*e SaturdayAdolph Kutaler,assault and battery on Catbarin* Williams, dlsnlu«d by Justice Barnaclo. Thomas Norris,Michael Foley. Patrick Foley, disorderly; floedf I each by Justice Th< mpson. J no. McPher

on,fastridiny; fl-ied 15.&4 Juttlce ClarkThe Fourth Ward patrol r-ported.Isaac Sickle,Pddltng without license; Eliza Qrrmon *nd F.Quern, assault and bjttery; Mary Kobloson,lifiifan tv: alt d)«fn\acs»H I..» -

r j i .-wj « uawv,r ovrcocio JrobShearer, araault and battery; dlamiaard withoutbearing bv Juatice Walter. C R lordan, creatinga nu;aance; fined $!.5P by Juatice Ferguaou.

Flobul .Lovcraof choice flowera ahould notfall to examine :he magnificent rarle'lea at thef oral depot of Aleaira Clementaon A. Hanft, overNlidrs Hotel, corner Pa. avenue and Third atreet.Ho'jqueta. wreatha, vaaea and baskets of thebole eat fliwra are arranged by them, with remarkableartl*W~«k!U, combining delightful fragrancewith a moat beaitiful blending of oolora

For a taper b gift, nothing eanexcela booq ietfrom Meaara Ciementooa & Hauft

Puiiititio.1 op a. »woid .0« SaturdayRvrnmg l. a u<>ortgbt, of tbe A"*ociated Pre*,vru preaenfed by lume of bta military friend*with a beautiful aword of Philadelphia manufacture.Tbe presentation tpeeeh wn made bvMajor Barker, of Gen MrCiellan'a body guard,and «ria briefly responded to by Mr. (iobright.WasrKTbe achoonera General Taylor and

Qraoa WaUon, with coal Philadelphia toUeoM Point. Baltimore, for Mesara Oiveu &Co . of tbla city, were blown aahore and wreckeddaring tbe late atortny weatber

Looa out for tbe (bird greud aaaembiy of tbe\ode aou Ciub. at Franklin Hall, to-morrowA rfcb eatertalmeat la in aatteipaf >.,a

ir'Juii _i:o 'aini tfy- **ry-jj-T*v '-"iMf'ii

Saoctiira Accib***..Mr. George Buber Randal.a or later employed la the Government prlatlasrBw, Mt tbtsclty on the afternoon tram forBaltimore, on PMnrdaj ev nli»jr, and r*»a dlaco*.ered be the #a*'wee* «f the nett train, lying onthe railroad track, about three miles aotjth of tb«Reiav House, with an arm and leg severed frombis body On r-xaminaron It was foond tbat bisbead wiu crush-d and two of bis libs protrudedthrongb the skin. H* was of courae desd. It lasupposed tbat befell from the train while pasalngfrom the platform of or>e ear to tint of snother,and that the rear of the tra!n ran over his body.He was forty-eight rears old, and leaves a wifeand six children He waa a native of Alexandria.bat at an eerlyage went to Baltimore, and learnedthe prlnter'a trade tn the office of the old £ /(*mer« Heyvblitan For two year* he conductedthe f or*oil County I'tmorrat, and had been in theGovernment printing office here for about twoyear* at the time of his death.Hla bedv was brought to thla city, and waa

rect-lved by the rolumbla Typographical Society,of which Mr. Rnndil waa an active member.They conveyed the trdy to the late home of thedeceavd. on Sixrb *trif[ between G and H, fromwhence he will be burled thia afternoon at threeo'clock.I A Tkip to Hooker's Division.The awlftand graceful steamer Metamora, which haa recentlymade Its appearance on the water* of thePotomac* on 9-iturdsv and yeaterday made tripsas far down river aa audd'i Ferry. Aa the carriedlarge excursion parties of ladles and particular attempt waa made to ahow herpeed, buton Wednesday la«t an opportunity waagiven to 8">me fifty of our c.ltl«»n* to witness themanner In which »be can «!!p along on occasionThe steamer left hff whirf at the foot of Eleventhstreet at half-p-i*4* m , and In forty minutesthereafter wai brought to at the bluff* of MountVeraon! On ber return trip she g<ive evidenceof her superiority over all conte«tants by the apKarentease with which she overhsuled the gunoat"Yankee," nearly three miles In advancewhen the "Metamnra" started, but which wasIn a few minutes passed, ard keeping up thisrate of *pced the "Metamora" reached her dockagain, having made the return trip In thirty-flveminutes.The Metamora has 190 feet deck and three saloons,and Is fitted up in the usual style of completenessof the celebrated North river boats,

from which fraternity she comesIt Is not yet known for what object she was

brought here, unlets It may be to make one of aline between this city and one of tbe surely to becaptured porta now in possession of the rebelsAn Imposition .Editor £far: A "victim" de

sires to caution travelers against the lmposition

firartlced bv mmr of the omnibus drivers on theIne betwetn Pennsylvania avenue and the steamboatlanding Ttie regular fare Is ten centg.enough in nil conscience; but last nigbt excur.stonist* from Hooker's division were bled to thetune of twenty-Ave cent.* for a jolt from the footof Rleventb at to Willard*' Hotel. If there la noother rerr.tdy, let the uninitiated arrange theirt-rm* before being seduced Into these vehicularmoney traps " Will you walk into my parlor"( aid the iDlder to the flv) evidently is not confinedto the realms of cobweb* alone.

A Victim.Highway Kobbkrt .Last night a stranger in,th« city, wa* at a hotel Inquiring for a privateboarding-house. Two men took him in charge,profesalng that they would take blm to a boarding-house.They carried him over Four-and-ahalfstreet, where thev knocked him on the head

with a billy, inflicting a sevtre wound, robbedbia pockets of between thirty and forty dollar*and left hint As soon «s be could be madecomplaint to the police, and they arrested Kdw'dTlcknor on suspicion of being concerned In theIT.t. but a ftpr r H*»arino h#fnr*» inttip* W 11a p »t

the' Fourth Ward station, be waa dismissed.

Robkkrt axd Akkest .Saturday night, a verdantchap, wLo had a pocket full of money, paida visit to the house of Susan Prince, on Maineavenue, near Fonr-aiid-a-balf street. In themorning he found th'it be bad been robbed ofabo-it two hundred dollar*, ad In Treasury notes.He made application to the police, and SergeantCronln and patrolman Leacn proceeded to theLours, and arrested Molly Drofsell and MadaraKlmer. who were taken to the Fourth WardStation. After beirlni; the statement of the loser,Justice Walter committed them to Jail for furtherhearing The areen 'un has not yet recovered hismoneyCkntial Ucabdhocsb Ck»%t.Eefor» Jmitite

iv/ilt*9 aiin/tav i'llenkatk p«»r.««.! 1..J . VVIIIICilT f UIUHK

and disorderly; dismissed. Thomas Lyons,drunk; do.Monday .Bartholomew Gabogan, fast riding;and George A brown, druuk. were turned over

to the mTtary Wm F Thomas, assault andbatterv; ruled for a further heiring PhillipMehrling. driving on tte pavement; fined 81 59.Mai Westbelni d^> ; do #1 58 Mary Eaton,d sorderly in G<>*» all-v; do. 81.50 Martha AonDant, do.; do. 83 (M Jam»»s s»v»ny, drunk; do81 W. Mary Jane Hall.colM, disorderly; (broughtfront the country, 1st district;) fined 81.6?.Chamjino t hi ('ommitxikts .91noe Saturday

the police magistrates woo try tbe corporationcases, hnve b^-en r^qii red to change the directionof their workhouse c< mmltmen's Tbey wereformerly directed o 44 John R Queen, lniendantof the Washington A«yltlm;, nut Mr. JnslahAdam, recently appointed by M iyor Wallach,having entered upon th- di»"har^e of tbe dutiesof that ottice, all comm tmen's are directed tohim. The almshouse- has heretofore been designated»>y tbe rru<ts ft Qu'-en»town; but It is nowknown as Paradise s nee Adam has got there.

S' W aid Station Oku-Erf, re Juttie*Clark .Saturday *"d Sunday .James Dfgney,profanity; fined £2 04 VVm Beckett, do : do#2 04 John Mylac, do j do 91 58 AndrewJones, disorderly conluct; §104 Peter Etnerlch,selling 1 q joron Sundays, An- d £25, upon whichhe appealed to cou-t John M Slocum. drunk;do 8104 C. Lusbey, disorde ly conduct; do.WW. John Wilson, do.; do f4 ! DanielUlrich,drunk; do SI H John Twine, do.; do.tlM.Oot oct .SatnrdiT night, an Invalid soldier

named C XV. Teal, in a moment of Insanity fromdisease. escaped from the military hospital onFifth street, ar»d without other clothing than ashirt, was making his way he knew not whither.He waa soon misled, but before th-attendant*gotfairly on hi* trail be wm captured by patrolmanGraat, and secured In the Fourth Ward stationhouse,and properly cared for until he was returnedto the hospital.A BoLt) Bvb«labt in Oboboktow!* .Tba raa-

laence or sir (ieorge w. Uray, on Bridge street,near Green, In Georgetown. wa« entered bv burgiarslate on Saturday night, or early Sundaymorning The thievta succeeded in getting agold watch worth about 8'.(X> belonging to Mr.Gray, and a stiver watob belonging to hia son;bat disturbed no otber article* about the houseThey -em to have entered by a back windowfrom the porch, but went ont at the front dooropening on Bridge street.

Thk Alexandria Phisonsbs..'The Dangerfieldwho was capturvd with tbe rebel relief partyiiasoclation iu Alexandria Is John B. not HenryOangerfield Tbe lat'er has been in Richmondsince April last The Marberry of the gang hasbeen Incorrectly stated as Chirlen Marberry WHenry Marberry, of the Alexandria branch of the

O.nk A# IT «-t- * - **. *aiuici uu» ui t ir*una. ii iuo correct name.

St. Patrick'# Day .Tt.e sona of the EmeraldI lie In this city propose to have a general celebrationof St. Pat'ick'a Day thla year lien. Shield*,(who aucceedaOen Lander in Western Virginia,)will be invited to deliver an adiress. t he Generalwaa on the floor of the Senate on Saturday,and aeema t >have recovered his health.

Marriage* in FubkCart .Although therewere only twentv-elghl daya In February, the extraordinarynumDer of one hundred and thirteenmarriage ficensea were laaued from the Clerk'aOSre during tbe month, a greater number thanin any four week (heretofore. Perhapt Valentineday accounta fdr It.

15 thi afternoon of Saturday laat, four U. 8.commtasioned leant fellows who worethe uniform ol lincie Sam.entered a restauranton Pa. avenue, down town, brutally drunk, andbehaved In a most outrageous manner.using theinont profane language* trying to strike a poorcripple attending at the eating bar, for demandinghi* pay for what eatables they ordered, andone of them drawing a revolver on the proprietorIn his e#ort* to quiet them. 'What a sad examp esuch men set to iheir subordinates ! Were it nottime our army commander* would look after auchmiscreants, degrading their station, and who arevoid of all soldieriy or gentlemanly conduct? It*Coal Oil, Coal Oil..Bert Kerosene Oil,(warranted.) by the barrel 36 cents, by the gallonSO cents. Lamps, Cans {and Shades, aa cheap as

can be bought la Washington, at Stewart & Boa's,corner of Twelfth and U street*. mar 3.

qvbkfWhy is it Tbat Cbistadoro's Haib Pti is

the Best m the Worlc ?13 realise eminent ehermsts «»» sclBeoaase it oontains n > oaustic compoand* '

Because It wears longer than any other IBecause it operates tHtiamtantoutlw '

Beoauae tt does not atain the tkm !Became itnoanaheaaad etremthena th« Hair!Because it oorreata > h > b*d t flee te of other dyeaBecauae >u preaenoe cannot be deteoted!Bttautt *1 Htwr /nilMaaafaatarad by J. CRI8TADORO, Aetor

Bouee, New York. Sold aver; where,aad appliedby a'.l Bair Dreeeara.Prlee 91, fl so and 93 per box, according to

eise. No.LCaietawjao'a Bair liaaiiTATm,

la invaluable with hia Dye.aa it nrpirta theat|m et ao!tue»a, tte moat bcaat fal tlo**, and greatvitality to the Hair.PnaeWaeatt. fi.aa! tl per boti.e, aeo#rdtn«loetsa. fc»N,W*r.t«

KSMMHt'."*4* T <»1triVi%i 1 - -nr

I Wi utiim tb« portfolio tad militaryan(velopa manafectured by J. C. Moran, 436 Pfnnsylvanlanoe, tad pronounca it the be«t tfelnaof Ua klad in th« market, containing morr andbrnrr stationery, and more attraotlre and n*fnlgtrta of jewelry. Ha dtaplaya alao a orilllant as

ortmrntof Jewelry tad silver-plated ware, vasnwhich von oan «of»ply yourself for onadollaf.

All na«o*s can And th^ brat stock of Ctothlng,Pnrntih'oc Good-, Trunk*, HaU and Cape,at Smith's, No. 470 Seventh street, near P~-» |

f- S7«mWhy is it that families idd keepers of boardl hrhouses «end from all section* of the city to Dayton'sBakery. 456 Eleventh street, between © andB, for pies?An titer .Because they are made by experienced

male and female operative*, who have been engagedla the manufacture of plea only for thirtyyears paat, and every one admtta that they exrelall other plea made at any other bakery In tblacity. ft».«tSlVK* HtTIJfilKD VoLCffTEBKS STC* tit CAMT

Young men be warned In time, aupply yourselveswith Holloway'aPllla and Ointment. The? areguaranteed to cure the worst caaea of Sorea, t'lcera,Scurvy, Fevers and Bowel Complaints.Onl> 55 cent! per Box or Pot. *18.TTLis'a Compound Sthcp Oc* A*a»ic .'We

take great pleasure In recommending the abovefavorlta remedy for Cougha, Colda, and all affectionsof the Throat and Lunga An attache of tblaoffice bad a severe cougb for several weeks, andafter trying every likely thing, without any relief,waa perfectly cured by a single bottle. w« arenot aurprlaeo that It is to largely patron lied byoar MHuicra la camp..nan. iitpper. B

Tbb Initn Hbbb Doct6b,From Canada, will describe diseases and teU hispatients the nature ef their complaints or tilnew,without receiving any Informationfrom them.

No ckargtfor Consultation or Adrift.oum MOTTO.

We nae irnch Balms aa have no strifeW 1th Nature or the Laws of Life :VV 1th Blood our hands we never itrfnNor poison men toeaae their pain.Our Father.whom all goodneas All*,Provides the means to cure all Ills;The simple Herbs beneath our feet,Well used, relieve our pain compM«.A simple Herb, a simple Flower,Cull'd from the dewy Lea.rone, mew scan spent wun loucmng pcwerOf change and health to the.Room No. 11, Washington Building, Penn. avenue,corner of 7th street.Canadian reference* of the 1 ndlan Herb Doctor:

Sir E Head*, Governor of CanadaHon. Hy, Stearns, Mayor of Montreal, C. E.Hon. Geo. Hall, Mayor of Quebec. C. EHon. John Hutchinson, Mayor of Toronto, C . W.Hon. J. B. Robinson.Hon. Jas. Cummings, Mayor of Hamilton, C W.Hon. W. Matthews, of Brantford, C. W.Hon. W. Barker, Mayor of London, C. W.W. garage, late Col. of Artillery.H. P. Dwight,8upt. of Montreal Telegraph.J. Taylor, Justice of the Peace, Toronto, C. W.R. H Crook, Alderman, Toronto, C W.J. Urquiaart, Surgeon, Toronto, C. W.

fe 17-tf

Takx mo mokk dnplkasart a^d rmsapx Midictnts.For unpleasant and dangeroua diseases,u*e Helmhold's Extract Bucbu, which ha* receivedthe endorsement of the mo*t prominent physiciansin the United State* la nnv nflfcrMl tnhumanity as a certain cure for the fallowing diseasesand abuse of the urinary or sexual organ*:General debility, mental and physical depression,Imbecility, determination of bleed to tne bend,confuted ideas, hysteria, general Irritability, restlessnessand sleeplessness at night, loss of appetite,absence of muscular efficiency, dyapepala, emaciation,low spirits, disorganization or paralysis ofthe organs of generation, palpitation of the heartand, In fact, all the concomitants of a nervous anddebilitated state of the system To insure thegenuine cut this out. Ask for Helmbold's. Takeno other. Cures guaranteed. See advertisementIn another column. feb 4-tf

IflDIA RCBBKH t»OOD*.India rnbber Sheets for protecting children's

beds, that no family should be without; 75 centseach.

Rubber Blanket*, for soldlera, 91 45Rnbber Ponehoa and Blankets combined, §2.50

each.India RubherCoats, white or black, #2.50 each.India Rubber Legglna 81 per pair.a .J .li V-i- *. ar» *- » f * " " " *mm «ii Kiuai <n ivuuim uuvai, inciua<U|[ nuoberBoots and Shoe*, Rubber Stopper* for bottle*,Door Matt, Under Sheeting* for bed* Ih *tckn*-t*,fcc , A.c , at manufacturers price*, st H A. Hall's

India Rubber Warehouse, 3tW l*a av , i.etw; »*nNinth and Tenth streets. feb1-1/

CoitMft, Bunions, Calositlea, Bad Natl*, EnlargedJoints, and all d'sease* of the feet curedwithout pain, by Dr. White, Surgeon Chiropodist,426 Pennsylvania avenue, between Fourand-a-halfand Sixth streets. Room 7.2d floor.Ofllce hot rs from 9a. m. to ftp ra. Calls made atprivate residence* when desired. feb 17

Familim who have never used Boston crackersare invited to try those manufactured freab everyday by I. L. Dayton. Hold by all respectablegrocers. ja 98-tf

DIKOiSuddenly, MILES KELLY, native < f Irelacd,N-w H<>ts Chanty Wexfu d, agea & years.His frietid* aid acsuaia'ano je a'e respectfullyluvl;H to attend hi* faneral, "B Tuesday titer

boon, March 4. a: half past 2 o'clock- *

On Sunday night at 11 o'clock, QIJEREAU, *onof William Q and E izabeth A. Foice, aged 3years »r.d 10 m ntha.The friends of the family are invited to attend

the funeral, at th re-idenoe of the p*r*nts, Teohstreet, on 1 o sday aiternooa at 3 o'ulook. *

On £und«T morning, March 2d, Nr. the66tti yea' of his a«e.His friends and relatives ar- respeotfnlly re3ie>te.lto attecd his faneral. from his lat* resienon.No. 36 < street, between llta and 14th, onTuesday at 2K o'oiook ». in. *

M Instant, WILLIAM WINFIELDSCOTT, »ouni(»t eon if Kiohard and MalvlnaC omenta aged 9 months and IS day*Ther*lativea and friends are reapeotfuily invitedto attend the funeral, from «*> reaiaenea cf hiaparent , on M street, between 18th and 19th, on the4fh inatant, at 2 o'olock p. m. *

HORSES, WAGONS?, AND HARNESS*1 FOR SALE CHEAP.On« apan rood Hoad HORSES, sound and true.

ooior bay and brown.One large Covered WAGON. suitable TiTf*for a sutler's or express buaineaa. Eastern

built, and one of the bast made Wagons thai canbe foundOne Covered WAGON, suitable for on* or two

horses, Washington built, and ran about sixmonths.

fwo sets Double HARNESS.wo sets Canvas and Woolen BLANKETS.ThA R^invA nrnsArtw will hA anM u«r > Aha*R ».<

oan b* Menrf>T*ioa[fine on ALBERT BK.£l>, atMni«r'» L' very Stable, comer C and 6th at*.feat-lw*

rpo DEALERS AND SUTLERS.I desire to oloae out the following gooda. aad offerthem at prioe* «mdtr tht regular marktt wrict: tthKMAN CIGAK8. difleren' brand*,100,000 DOMESTIC CIGARS, varimia kindm,25 boxes dark aweet TWELVES TOBACCO.90 boiea medium oolcred FOUND LUMP TOBACCO» bozea bright POUND LUMP TOBACCO,800 groaa FINE CUT in foi'.Goodwin'a Plantation, Auderaon's Amulet andConuah'a Virgin Laaf.

WHO. W. COCHRAN,399 Penna. avenue, eaac of_f» 26-6t



And all other kinds offancy groceries:

For aale byWM. COR WIN BURGY,

Importer of Teas,feIS Corner of I and Eleventh au.STITCHED IN CONTRAST OOLOR&-AI1

oolora and aisee, ladiea very beat Kid Glovca.A l&rce lot of oheap and fine Black Dieaagilka.Fancy Silka, lor the preaent and approaching

aeaaona.Many New Sprint Sooda.Oae >noe only, the aotual oaah value marked inikin flfurci.

' oIr~Sorthern and F.aatem Correapondenta ieoiiaa NewPnppliea duly,

PERRY * BRO.,ft ii-6t Ft aTCDiieand Ninth »teat.Dayton's Superior Spiced Ginger Snaps !Dayton's Superior Spiced Gtngtr Snaps !Dayton's Superior Spiced Ginger Snaps

iniohlbrKINO ft BURCHELL, ooraer, Vermont avenueand 15th it

JROWN. corner F and l»h at.lELLWIB, *S8 Ttn at.. Navy Yard.

t.GREEN, oorner I aoa 13th at.

TOWKL8i . TOW.L8 m .

T°WEL8::130 aoaen tluokaback, PamMk, MM Blfd »r»Towels,1 JK» yari« B dibU Crash.

_85 piece* heavy Huckaback TowallBf,85 pieces Dmuk Tat.1# Linen,ISO Table iNapkins,Bleacned and Brown Co ton PhutiM.LiLec Sheeting, Blankets, Quilts, and FurnitureWith awlf utook of all ripds of Dry Good*, for^ls at th> lowest »W><a. £


W ;


GTRAYE D AWAY-On Blfkt |Mt."from the Brtiah LH'&od * RACOON. Whofttrvi!bring ti>« aaa* to tte %tor« <"' « »UraoaiT# «i i award. W ita raff or>ilar on its D*«k.w a tt«


iMfrmi.reiimrVfi.vri'W'Auction Room*, SctmUi airtet of a lad.'* RETIOk" LK. oontaipinf a mm »>( mnt«r. wlnah waiI jet at t*» at>ora rooma on Sa:urday imrninj.mhiu*

I03T.On Saturday,'it io»t*nt on P»no»ylva*naavjaus. bstwej" 'OthjKreot at.<i the Traaaury Pe»*rttneot, an KNVRLOPK contaiimt® 155 or $H5ia Treaetry rotea Tie fi der winrt«»M a literal reward b? feavmr It M U H.Ridenonr'a, *04 Pein»ylyaEia avenue, between9th and 10th at*,

n* W1I.I.1AM BOND.

LOST.Ey Ma'or T>kih»m O'Neht, of the adBattalion New Yo'V Vn'iiiit»»r Artillery.'ru

portaiitaod cooh,t»uwa. i'AI'KR^i of no ua* »ony one bat Mmae'f. Ant on* !«'»it>C ths PoiketBook at the Scar Office will le rewarded.

THOMAS O''nN. V Vol Ar iliery,mh 3 3t* Can p M ratherDistrictof Columbia. w**his»t»ii

Corsry..I nereW certify tnat Pat- rvriok Cucick,o( aaii oousiy bxougi t beforeme a* an ftatray, runnirc at laree instreet! of W&inin»tnn Harfcr Ktt M A ft K. fthnnt14 handa hight b.»ard '%fi ell hir.d foot whitebetween 3 ano 7 yeara old; sho-1 a'! roandtiivea under my kAai lovi Sd <ta<«»r March, iwi.

U. ROWLAND, J PThe owner of the abo»e ir*re 1* r?<nf»tc«l to

cms forward, prove proaert*. pa? oher»*« aiidUk« her away. iAtrTC* CTSICK.It* J at. acuth, tatwen 6: h asd 7th tti.

LOST.A large GO'-f> RIXG with a oaibuaclesetting- mtcrib'd "IMarie, March H h, 1KS6 "

The find- t will te suitatly rewarded by leaving itat No. 219 Fstreet, between Uth and l?th.inh 1-3t»

©OA RKWAKD WILL BK HAIL) FOR<3>£U the return of hone, and »o que« frvtinn« asked. Th« hmse wSs Mr^fl on thes h Inst., by ftaera >n sisning his nW" R.^-n'». Hamhin. Surg, loth P. A.S. V. The horse laabout !5 hands higk: sorrell in color; with on"U> i > 1. J f a. At... »ef »win e ii-nu iwi\% me wane cirfnuir; jrniu i iv*r 10Is inches *how the fetlock joint: wtite in the

forehead: with * lft'jre eca-- on th* left sbnu.Jer.from a collar cald;*f««»oa tne »am* ahonltle-, halfof the letter C, made from an >inperf«*)t atteT pt tobrat d th» letter O

RIRRI.*ND ft DOWLING,m'i 1 51* No. 170 Hridge et, Searftown, I>.C.

ffilA REV\ A R n . Lost, ft white CornelianOT IIP *M<*ONlC MARK. With the initial "fc.D L " The above reward will be paid to th*finder.atfl SKWRKNU. 330 Penn.av. f 2fi at*

DOG LOST.Riwakd.Strftyed from No.339 Kiehteentii «tre*t, a Iftrire white ^*^.1Newfoundland Dl>G. The above rewftrd.

will he pvd for hi« delivery, or for in]orm*tion that wt.l leftd to hia reoovery.ft>» lw»

District of Columbia. Cocstt opWasHia#To»,!To iritI hereby o r- <rvtifr tt at Jamea S. Beavers. of this count/ L.Tlbrought before roe. one of th<» Juaneeathe tre%ce, in and for said ci>nnty, thia 8th Febm

a-yIB®, a da<k brown MAR K. about l.S)% hai.dahigb; having its left hind loot white «p to tbe anc >;it* rieht hind fb»t with ft little white under thefetiook ; a star on ltd forehead, anil ita back aor*.Said mare when found had on it & im.itary aaddleand bridle.Given under my hand and e»a!. .

W. THOMPSON. J. P.The owner wi'l come forward, prove property,pay eharpes.and take the above name I mareor she will be «o l to pav expeu.ra. Call at officeof Metropolitan Polic*. 316 llth at. 1* 11 2aw3w

RAN AWAY.From the aubaonlier. llvicc n»arLnrrattavilie, Prince Georce'a county, mMil., on the7th February. 1862. my NKGKO /»WOMAN, Bettie." who oafla heraeif jpw*iiettie Shorter. She i* about twenty-fiveyeara of ate, four f»et 10 inches inrh; dark£3L»copper ool«re<1: thin rmuml nf » li»h»frame; baa «om« oTher toe* on one foot injuredfrom a bum wuou a ohlid; bad on when she left ab'un country made yarn frock; and had otherclothes with her. She took with her. her chi dOlivia. a*>out 12 month* old. #25 will be «>venforApprehension of the ahove won,a- child, providedthat they are delivered to me or secured mjail, so that 1 can get them atain

STANISLAUS BRAUFORi).fell 3t<1&2nw?W

DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA \Vaphi*gtonCoCHTy .I hereby oertify, John H ,aNewman, cf said county, brought 1 »rme as a stray, runtii&g at la te fn tne^^*streetsof beorgetown, a dark hay MARK, supposed to be about 10 years old; about 15 han!« high:a star iu her forehead; ring-bone on her left hin 1foot, both f>releet au'd; switch tail; has beenworked iq gears.Given order my k'.ai acd seal, this 18th day ofFebruary. 18oa

HKNRY RKAVKR, J. P. (Mai.)The owner of the above described wi'lplease come forward, prove p-op-rty. pay char«e«.ana owe h»ra»ay.or she wi 2" t>e to[^ »o p»yVicen?e* Appiy at of Metropolitan Po 10,616llth street fe 19 *a 3wV OST-CHRCK No. 3««», for one hundred and1_J Gfty eiptit dol.arc, drawn by Bra* GamvonP*?ma*terU. 8. A .on the Trra*ury of t*>e UnitedStare*, ila'ed Waatiinrton, February lat, Ifc^.infavor of «'apf. C R. Lowe1lor bearer he payment«»l tlie fsrne havti g beea etopped at per«> n»a'« fcrfo'«i negotiating the earn*. Tne tiuder willb« reward© I by roturmng it to Captain C. H.I -OW ELL. camp of the 6m U. S*. Cava; y, or tothe office of Major B Cameron, corner P and 15th«' , feao-l"f


TWii OR THREE GENTLEMEN CAN BBI aoeommodaud with pieaeaut Room* a dBoard »t No- <17 Twlf h K. » h 3 St*1/ 1UTO I »» » t ~~

'nil i hal nuiM» l«po« 1*4 Evrapraii plm,v> earner or Pennsylvania "i.v*nn<> a!.o 6 ticpsonte onrc«r to brown s sod to* iNitioual, lanow fntpi"hed throiunout with new and han<iiornefurniture.The proprietor inform* his and the publiothat they can be ascomm dated with room?, bythe da» f>r wef k. wuh or without nieals.Tee Diuiut Saloon open at a i hours.

H. DURHAM GtL-TON,fe lft-eotw* Proprietor.

THREE OR POUR UKNT I.EM KN CANb? aeomn odated with Board, » ^6H Eighthstreet, between M and N, in a pnvau iiimiy.fea5-lw«

FOK hale ZXD rkjnt.(^OR RENT.A Sr»_t-olais furnished HOUSE.a. no. tut k atrae. -Kent molera'e. Pogg-siiongiven imrao uately. Apply ftt No. 3tf 1 E a treat.mli 1 1 w

FOR R FN T. . On# newlr F1TRNISHKDttOOM, xrUh Boar I, in a private family, ouaeeond floor, at No. 409 tth street, betw*»en O andH eta feffl a-*EPURN1TURK FOR SAI,E AND HOOM* TOF RENT, auitab'e for a boa-ding hoiue, in agood locality. Inquire at Kxoelaioi Fie Halvj,481 Serenth atreet. littrwii g and H. mh l at*

FOR RKNT-A ftrat-cJaea B U 8 I N E SS8TA*D>.Store liaeemer.t a^d Fixture'.ne*rPennaylvania avenu* and seventh atree*.No. 61J^ouiaiana avenue. For terma apply on the p-ernItea.mli 1 Jt*

Furnished house for rknt-no. m»Nin*t*»nth atreet, recently oooupied br Hria.Sen'l Stoueman. For terma apply to JoHN 0.L.ARKE, at the Bank of Meaara. Rigga & 1-lw*

BURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT..Ther three atory biown HOU^h, wine and baokbuilding. at the oorner of H ai d Stat atreeta.gaaand wat*r throughout. Poaaeaeu.n given immediately.Apply at No. If 3 H st.eet, b*tween 8<>thand Slat atreeU.___


engage In nurineas, In Waahincton, in a welleatabliahed Sutler Sutp'y Store, now coinr a g od'' -

i.u.iumi, mict b im guooenon w in ru ue.'«,andthe beat location in the oity. To the right kind ofaman.ttua is an oppurtunttv aelcom met titbw sell cut eatireiv or aeoept a parti, or,ifnututlly latis'aotory. For particulars address"H TV Box TftT Foat Office, Washington, withreai mmt and address. inh 1 3?*rOR KKNl-A PARLOR au<l CHfMBKKr very neatiy furnished, on the first floor, elevateda feet above the sidewalk; location verypleasant and healthy, near the State Departmentand President's House, on New York avenue, between Uth and 15th street*.No. 460-and bat afew yards east of the omnibus line to the Capitol.fe& tf17ARM FOR SALE.Two Farms, containingI together too anres; one at Junction,the otner adjoining, at Savage Switch. fronting theWashington Railroad; either ot whioh will besold, with tha fusntity of land to sait purchasers.The improvements are of the first class, and l^ndof the best quality, with orchards tf choice fruitin full bearing ; lailroad station within 5 inmates'wa k of either dwailing.Jerms eaay.or particulars apply at the Wine Store of W,H.CiMPmiLL.itii Pa aveaue. f»36-i»'

ffOR RENT.A three-story BRICK HOUSE,r with every modern improvement, containingeven room* and kitchen, for $12" per Mmum, to asatisfactory tenant. Lxjoation No. lvl* Secondtree;, between I) and E streets north No prce«>ationwill be received to raat for a Use periodan two years Apply to

JA». C. McUUIKKA 26 6t A notion and Commission Merchants.

AH RARE CHANCE..The proprietor of tueCity HoteltUhe only h ret class Hotel newopen ia Alexandria. Vs.,) is desirous to retirefrom business, and will sell, for a fair pri-sei UeFtKM If BR. FIXTURES and OOOD W|l,Lof the lionse. His lease win terminate on the 1stof J^Luary, IKS, bu: the property can ao doubt beleased for a laueh looser term at a moderate rent.This Hotel ia now doing, ana has lor many yearsdone, a large and areatable businees. The desireof the nndersigned to retire from publie busiaeaela the oaly lnauoeineut to Mil, as heoould not hopeto engage ia one more profitable. For terms andpartiea arsapply m JAB A ENGLISH,who is aathorixed to negotiate, or^o the nndersirr fd.laiytf &AM'L HKFEKBOWER.AHBNY PFRftON HAVING A NEAT FURMuacitamitu »- » 1. ..m «. i-.vm*v hwm wisi iMa uiougrsKi F"°*oan find a too*l tcaant by apply log to tha aiiaorlbar.Will Uka ft hoace for a term of yaara or parohftaaon fair larma. WiU t\ke ttie baa'. oftreipl ft^A^ffuraasss?.s wsA MKE1CAN BfgClFig.-Tha SA i*Mdy ftod NrtHi oar* for ft far.**,Mnmi'v'itu^-^oura InJYow Quae to ai» dftya.

0> Jt. "a v Wi > 4

?! *



Ornei, Winrinni, *i abroad U. f*J (

PnoroMAL* ib wrtltic will b» » thuO0om. mp to It o*«>o«fc in. «>" ike UU anr of Ml- iit, fo- tn\k>!>» Pump.. Hydrapt* I,o« for oc

*» «. ard for *i»* I* Wane i*»> a* annaoaaaary materia a sad w rkinan-h ir r »ti «ayjnz. axing and aenipietirc in <lie beet ma. a-<aod for the «am* In per'ec: itputr for

Jtat.'a>e,?n tne Firat L>i«t-w , cmpo**) u( 'h«Firal and *eaoad Hares; m 11>« Sr»>n4 D:a*'iot,co«poeedo: the Third. P<.arth%c<* " v/ \\ ar*r.and id the Third i>iitricf oorc»c>*ed of t.ia i ifcbard Sixth War<ii (a»ch latr t to h» h« Torarat«'y and to be g iv?a to d ffe ent e ntrec .

lor t^ e term of one j ar. oommenetog -n tne 1 at »»of Apri . iftU, a«re»mNir to the <- luwmt »p^::ck!iou:

FOR WELL*.Digging and wa iicf *e..i, ice udlr.g

an i r*rnor1ng the rtirt, per loo', une*.. T"> «» .f> he four itches thic*, of a good bird brie*.Cleaning "«* w«»i«, eaoh.

o'd we'll d»<jer, per foot.Taciuguato d wai.e ai d pu'Urg In * :(«.pfoot.C*«*a of eight feet le-gth. per foot.Cases noie e irht fe*tleng'h, per fo<r*.Covering new wrlia, inc.u.ii. c inste-iale. The

ooTPrmg tn t»* of the foe«t li*»t :u fh .re j< .it. ilee« than thiee 1 o tec tr ick aid doublefaring r.-w *«.:«, including briok and pinspstone.Upen-ne oM we lt, and ordering »ame with 0.1

materials, each.Opening o;d velle, ar.d oover ng tauewtth at a

timber.FOR PUMPS.

Kmvib; (l» pump* Id repair, tig »:op»l-<; *eats, Ac,, whei, it cad be done without taLing oatth« pump, each.Sakmg ou' and pnt'isc 'n oil pumr'.yer e% !i

iakt> c new joint* in old ogs.«W lota put id oiil ptrtiipi, per foot.

New b 'Xei an^ B»on:s hi oi<l pomps. eash.New pumps, p"- footHoses and t pouts for new pumps, (M i.Cupper chambers for pumps.The t'? log or the rump* to ba of tne h-*t «*aotjed wnite oak. and tne remainder of the * p«t *a6oned yellow pn.e

FOR HYDRANTSKeejiot the tijr. rants in repair, v;*. stopri'r at.

leaka, &o . all n?w va'vre and spouts, recainncthe old onea, au 1 r«>;irtr* the o d irons belnocr'tto them, when it can be doae without t&k:ng tuehTdrar.t out. sanh.Taking oat hydrant* and patties ic «m*, jvt,N<*w hydrant*, par fct.fcp^uts /or hydrant*, each.r^'Ui QtUtiCB U'J UU<

Paintint pumps and hydrants each.IRON WORK.

Handles, ax.«e, «p®i s, plnte«, -anis and repars,par lb.r*»out and lover box Irons for pnrops, eaoh.N*w J iota to old spear«.New ppont and vaiv^-irore for hydrants.Tka work and m*»ena's to be alt ot tf* I'eet * aai

ity of their respective kicds.Nootfer wit! be revived that is not made by a

tract.oa pump mater.The p«r»on or ptf-ts whose offer m*yheano"pteawill be required to en^er in*o oo; <t for one

thousand dollars, with two (tood sureties. ror.ditionrdlor the faithfel perform*ue« i f h»« "r ttieironntract: and shoo l art ooctraotoror contract! rsfail or refuse to comply «i!h ai.y c.''!>e conditionsor t'rmi of his or tneir tsontrnct, or to «=*«oute any work withiu the time Miraoil in the v il rof the CommiSMJner directing it to be ttifMayor is author id to employ ar.* other p« * netperson* to execute the earn*, or to fir ~ish ihe materialsupon such terme as he ir a» d**"' expedient.u >1111.11 iinu mo uvo faow i>r oon'r»t:iur» »<ifai inc shal! b* responsible to th * Corro-atiou lorany loss or dsmace it may eu«t*T. i tf«*Mayor iray at bn discretion rami the oontrait ot«uoh contractor or contractor#,

RICHARD WALLACH.fel4-taw«wMayor.


Noa. 640 and 3.V2 Broadway, Niw York.And No. 79 lira K.chki;it:, P»r «,

IMPORTERS AND aUMCPACTUUMOF ALL KIND* OF MILITARY W'ARK«,Solicit the a'tention of Civio a;.d Military A«sociatmr.e,Cororrand* on Nat i>na or State

Pa'noiie Clubs and ludividoa s 'o their ,argestock ofRICH STAFF AND DRESS AS MY ANDNAVY SV\OaDS.Their assortment includes t»>e ehotoestB LAl-'LS OF KNtiLlSH MANUFACTURE,

identical with tbo»» made for \Vi kinrnn.of London,worn hy th« »>fli ?e* * uf the British Armr. an 1moat ai proved I » experie.ioed Lurop an au'i. ities the elegantly w ou;htBLADK8 OF SOLING KN ON THK RHINE,in fibre and finish the rf oqcnised modern t» pea Wthe o«i<-i>raUd Lamar*} Sr«W; the ficellej| ir.daernoeabieBLADcS OF COLLINS.OF HARTFORD,

Be«f<J*a those of other domestic fat>r ^\nta.The mountings cf the b*tie«. in a ct'fsn^cu'ed xrithtn the establishment, witi l e foono 'o

comp-18« nil rt^utii'e »ty!ei, of orf-aTie ta'«m t'.eoal>%rJ» b<-in< « (-jrvm >» 'lt. t R'.me,PLAIS or I IKKtilLT "ll.r'-K I* A1RI> Hci>i h<uSt«»L k Clt katupk e e . sun i> udsCHASBD or r MB" afcD 6 LI or >. LID MlVrt; I' 6GhiP . and 0 C - R' ' vl tl»* i\nif vn i tj o* id tulAla (.it f\ r iaif» ami i*f » . .-

U| « a fell I ICR « J* pur VI! design t*h'iu il *u ar'tc © olf JTRK tE:^*BY ELIiAKCI,

of a riotioea* and cc* es« >. >t lefrswetni insVck.ber q'lir^dfjr presentation, li.e cat* liitie* m tn« « t*r>li«-in*r»t »or th« m» afvtu e olthe oh loeft wirfrs in * > «i » J s v r. atil .is t«e-al art>«tio re«. yrcfj a-e unuouti *u i-au'et oI'lsatulactori and ipcid) pro juetto i. I.: an'^Tto orders, uesifts Vj<j estimates wi'i t«e pr< n.,i .jforwa 1 -(1In iivnJui.'i, parcha*»i-K ' words of Ti2au» & Co

ar« icf.rm-d ma*. rveiy b'ade »«. ubt«:«eo t te '*ever mo-e severe t^au thoes e. J ,: ed jO"y-r irwnt.bei«'r* it i» placf1 or. *& e *h«<esi<itb r«is id the ts'aMisl ur nt ar<: at ' u» c nui ac of a.who prefer mmeo a'e pr->rl f tioe ce oftheir sworui

L. Towiis J. >1. Tf m «n- J H. Towsi».L. TOWBKt? * CO.,

STEAM BOOK AND .1"T? PKlNTrNGESTABLISHMENT,Comtr Lcui'iana u~tn*r t:.\i Sink ft.

The attention ol th* > j c< «r:iuty i« r®.pectin .» iiivi ' t«>' t 1 Job prittiocfcstab!i en tv-d ' '<*<1 u® withnew materia!, u !! j i^nv.iir.owprepared to execute, in a sati«.v.-t ):y *ty!e, everyvariety of Pi u.tir {, viiUookp, 8pee' hes. Pan,p|,:-te Car Circular*,Sutlers' Blanks, Ao .Ac.The attention of mem! ar» of G'-i-jreM ta e*peoiai.yre^uoitrxi ;.»r our fvili) «.* lur pnnuufSpeeches, » vrc have th<» I*r.,rt rteam poorer .athecit*. de~-law6a


AND tfKING IT WITH YOU!The auhccriber will advance, in tho w*y of purohaaeor loan, rm\ll anuss for ahort pcr.o-a, onDIAMONDS. WATCH*"'®.

VALUABLE JEWELRY,or ary deaoription of a&ti-ftotory secnritiM Adtlad* or ( (itleinan who Wuald iik« to obtain & lewdollars t*mpcr»ri!«, in a <ui<*t manner, m»y do fot'T »pp yicr at 466 ll'h ttreet, be.weeu ( % J H,from II to 3 o'oioek. ftCT-lut

PROF. ALEX. WOLOWJJRI BEG"* LEAVEto inform taia friend* and the pub to, that, havingmet with nmiob Bacoe«e, <a ooutiuuins h a

Course of Inatrnouon on ihe Piano and ib ringing,by hie r.ew metm-d. All tnote who daairo to btfsome,In a abort time, finer icier* or eio#!i«ut performera' nthe piau.i ehouid avail th<»m»eiv«* fhia r.aar aa^lAm r^C k..*L *- '...» MV w a;c««iii vi l"0»| HOMVU- UJ »PF » : . (kl I IB

rerid«Loe, Nu. 3036Ui street, MVM& R (treotaudNew York avenue.Reception boura 1-elween 10 and 12 o'eiocfc a. m.,ueada**, Thar<daya aod t*aturdars. le 54 lm

BAKNL'M 18 HKHK !-On f.ea -xhibiuon. theftarat atook of Clothing in the city. at thePeop.e'a Ciothici ftore, No. 460 »«v»r;ti etreet,eppoaits Post Offioe. N B.-aJ of tiie abovetoixla fo: taie at very IgW »noe«. »n

I COAL olI..COAL. OIL.!AM Now larmthmc the trade w th the bee?

KKRO81NK OIL at Baltimore pricea; a.»o,HAY, CORN, UATi, Ac., at V>weat inane;price. 8. W 0'L\LuHLK\.fe2S lm* Corner New Jersey av. and K et.

MNAVY AUKNVS BILLSONK.Y Auvacoed oa bUia a* the Wath

lnxton Navr Aceiu, byuah vtiv, collins a. brack.r* Oa i«* k.-.-. »« i

iq «Q- I w t « V r^TPmu ITHTOTB r< IBnTi

MONEY! MONEY!MONEY!To loan in mall amonn t, on cod security ; or

tmall i.otf« caabrd. wn good eadoaemetita.Applv, witii real uuue itd address, to "X V 7.."Box1-21. la s« ai»

Butter and e o e 8.Goahen Butte- exoeiunt iresh punt,I- roh Koil and W aleaAnn, Western Kutter, for bakers' u»«.For aaielov bt U. e. Dl'*l K«»W,fe SB 6t* No 4 80 Knntn at., pear Fa ar.

Photographic cardsAND ALBUMS!The larfstand fiusat in the c t» ofPhoiuaraahio Carda and Aiiuni* are to be fomd at


87 S Pencejlv»maTaTfnne.New atylei received dany. fe » *w*


found me bood aa i»»u«i f.ouithe Preai.I'all uduuiiKOunUxi.

_u»u mumm

wm f RICHSTKIN.fa 38 2v* 8T» Peaneyl»an*av«nue.VKBY pt,K30N*» 1NTKRK6T-That ftn«took of Clothing for aale ovar Salts' Jewe.ryMora is now flared at lees than wio:«u!f nric-e,at SMITH'S. Wo. ««0 Seventh street cfcoaitermtOMam. fctwa

IpOR A FEW LAYS ONLY..1 have rtinuvodmy fine e ock tf Cijthin* front over halts'Jewtiry Store to J. II. SMITH'S. fto. 4«0 SJrrenthaueet, near F, where 1 aha)) oier it at teaatb n wi.u.eaale coat pi toes, fur a faw uaya only.fer ?m

_J. W KEt.r.

nno fc * t ^ * * -- -. *-

r "" nii«»i'>oi oiitoiBiog,tanumf,,'M®®1od!»,J'BnAlllAUl** nd » »"U

VoitSIkA&iUi FOR SiLC.uiwoltfM l*««ri«u("! »orM«; myn m Cocoord, M. H.; oot&n «*jm,MMlaco* atjUi Miitu ia «M « bkiu'IM« VtH

^WE^\ -

I - -» I- -II. >

SECOND b.L>, i ION.rvmrK o'clock, r. m.


Gtn ITn-»r s-r're4 !r.froru MWurl.

lf»»i Wa»Lln«u>« to-nlfbt to hU coirnaM entbe upper P« u>na -c, mult vartnt br thedeitti ofthe gallant !,ard»f

Tituuri to \»»nnu«, T«*wTa* following dtapatcb received b*r« tbown

that emuiron' itonli »«»wto Nathvir.e:

N«aavtixs, M*rrk t, 186.To Jr\» A Katto*. JV<* Anu mi ? *««« «*

Gtmrra! .Th* Frdtfal flajc floating »Tit tb*k'vl tufle here I wu in (barge of the oft e,V rctd'.u It uutll re.itved by o;d«»r« frota thePep&rUnejt. A H

Special Afcect P O. Ut-p«rtincBt.CArrrtz or a. coxrcOiiiTiiciMKU

The following !ian extract from letter r*celrt'dIn tbta city :

r 9 >*CHOOKtR KtTTITtm, at amik** f/H*cjon Pi.tMt, Jan SO. _Oa tb* M*<b Inatwe eaptjf»Hl (tie aehoo irr ' X«j»r R«W,Hlaadedwith »nn«. amnion tton h - ri>»>«»., . .- « -I

*n»om to£jO(M) A yer\ good day * work forat rh" schooner stood in for Shtp Ialand shoal,watting f<r tb«' pi Is*. lenry Cun. veto®, by thovmv, we h*d rap<or»4 tb»* day before. W« board

eib* vriib ur boats, and t ^k her wliboot reistsnre. There Is another vrmr 1 stpee.tod tn

every dir. If come*, the "Kittatlnny" willbe r< ady to receive her with o/>«n armt Dotnciax co7>r:*mTio* or th« ivteriiio* or

oaumct.Tkt Rrbtls bum'if 'k'ir tV.mttr Qum'trrt andfirm tug /fi*ni Gu** .rr»hbU DiIttrwtton 0/IThe following dispatch was reecired yesterday

f.crn CDmasod^re Foofe, dated Cairo, March lat j" Lieutenant Co-rmsndlnsr Phelps, rai with

a fi iz of trice »'d»v, to Columbus, baa tbtsinonieut returned, and report* that Columbusia being evacuated. He aaw th« rebels burningtheir winter qeartera and r-moylnjf theirheavy puns on the b!u#«; bet the guns la then««ui -«t <ci II iruia » miflU. n f IW HW 8

'. rue tcrce of cavalry dta* n up o(ter.tatiau«lvon the bluff*, but no tnffcatry *.« to be*e«n. aa ^»rttofor«*. and tL* ecc mrme.t 9rmn Inour armed reromo!a*aa<*. « ft* davi a1n~«,bat l>een removed Larue t"e« were v aible ta tbelowu of Coluirbua a id upon the rivat bank*bt low. tndicattrg tbe d»*tr:jeUo« of tba town,iLihtarv it'orraaud equ'iunenta

{Signed.) A M Foora, Flag Oftoet.*'It la helirved L-re that our army bai by thta

time occupied Columbus

ItKoret'xo 01 THr Burma*! A!»* 0«ieKailroat .We learn that tbe broken llae of tb«Baltimore and Olio railroad, from Haneock Intbla direction, will br opened fo i»*ar Martin»burgwithin four or Ave daya.

VONOKKSSlOtfJLL.m\ntt .mi..

Moswv. March 3i*«NATE .After the rrfepUou «< lb* Uom«at««d

bill pa»-d by tbe Mrjk>~Mr lj-ne printed the credential* of Hon

J oat-ph A rt r I* lit. appointed by tbf boVUrnor ofIndiana to fill the vacaocv In that Sute'a repne[pt-iiiat'on la 'be body occaaioued by tbe xpti.aioncf Hon Jr-aae D Bl^fcl; who wm duly iw»i mlaMr VVllaiot p*«-ae»t-d «^*eral peMtiona i<*r the

emancipation of th-9 mtu under (L» war pow-r«>f the Govrr im<-tit; referred.Also, a rtr»«'lut'.on of 'be t'caiwyivaula Legist*t'jrereUttvo to the d^feocc* uf tb« Delaware

Hlwt-r Rtid Bay ; nftrredMr. Wilkloaou p rseo*«d a petition from Pf»»wVi.rk t r C/iin. wa.<u>kl - " **-

. vvHf.'V^iVU'tl II » » I1IUW

Carotins, Ocor^lt mid F»>rida to the p»U1calcondition of territories rrf-rrt-dMr. Harris prr-teuted tte pr(:i|»n of all tue

Stat* iftiynaf \'» i *rk, ><k -ip Con?r»-a» toconfer on «»en. Wool the raufc of M«J f OfMra'n Utr* dMr Cbardler reported >mk t*rm the "««uo»!t.

tee on Ownnrrv, ih« b:'l i*^»W»g .f f<* ofAmrncao rnerrto»»it YcaHa *«ittn^ t* fofe'.aport* to take tbe oath of ilte^ltKr; MM p «« ».!

1-1 or » a .A coimnuntctttou vol pr«?*e~?ed f»-'tot'a» S-c'Hary of War in rf»pnnij to i reao'ulof ih«- H a-»- t an mltt'o* u re;«ri ol t'ae eu^a rPieniat Dralne«v;tlt*The ^f-ndtr ain. ud'i.en'r to tbe kill la relation

to certain nulrosda in Mi*«our wrre netfoyfomdIn.A re*ol"tioa rrq'ieat'. n» lie Pr^M'tst cf the

United S*'at» tic :;iii j- lcate "o ttr Houte cwf'eaof ail correspond'-nre {« rel«M-»n I® tbe c* dttioa| «'f Mfiitu, a id th; dr< of see Allied powersiq rt- jllon to (be eat«f>.iPtirnc it ft mooa'CH"therein, Wcsadoptfd

.Mr Holnun i«tJ'rrd a 'evolution declaring tba'la tbe j iflgTne t of the Huqk tbe «» ah'iald notl> p Omtouted 1 ,i an, Oturr pJ'P .> thift tO Pr9»ervetbe Coii«::!u':<ju in iia i>re«e it f rm

ali l.ov. jov moved t» (ay th- r'-aMnt ion ob lh«able Agreed t .>e»»6y ua>*56 .

,^ g^

LtATb LAJCAL AEWSr».it;SiL Cocet .Tbe March »er« ®f theCrtH.inxl Court < omme e»s to-dtr Martha!Lamuo luiumj^d lue f«'.iowln^ i:«t of *r.i id

Jurort, who ail »n>we ed to tUelr u«m-aet theopening of court : John P ln^U, P»wce Sboemiter, Huucii l'aU»r, VilrnUut UirbeiijU,Edward Ha 1, W'tu V Wik, M'«bail Brown,A E. Oftuit, John W. Thnmpao'i, E e-nr Lied*1ey, Ttiuaioa Levric, John Purdy, Henry M.s»ween*y, Peter Herrv, Bar Jamia Dub/, Gee A.tiotirer Lemuel F Clu-k f..K« T a . ».

J »&«, * r cuwick Voting, Samuel F<> #ier, Lemuel J. Middi*t >u John J. UerreU, ciuncey Bettor. and Joarpfca VVIUmA.Jua^c citwford tnen de!tr«eed « react lmIrw'v« charge to tkif greed Jury, after which,be raited their attention to ibe Maryland lava of17M in relation te uegroaa, and the law of Congresaof If in relation to Ute laaut of rauli

uot*a lu tb»- Datrlot1 be petit Jury »'U then called a* foiiovaJoba F Brlo^ti. Weorpe B Smith, Iflannr NewmiD,John Wjlib laaae Maraball. David Pk >a.maker, charlt* J (Jat-eu, Kicbard W. Gar:,Samuel Hrereton, J an Djv:«, Wn A.tU» nedy,Ihomae Button, Creole Tavlor, Jaa NtColaan,Prealey M Mari n. Wm P SL'dd, J'» ahR^y, Alex ndtr B re.aiid, Frtder:ck A. Kloft r,Wm. V)iii Keswick, AUuud-r Utunaed. » n

d. v» matf. Arnifrw J Ki*v. Bt-.edict Mot' llas.Win H Hitler, VSm A King. PatrickMcDevitt, Frtu u Harper, btmuel StoM, and'Ibutupaon Van Rt-w.ckThe ca t cf AiOert C. Ward, (loriamtlf of Indiana,)was then tak»n up. 'Ibrre ar* two tndictmeut«again*! for arau't and batterywltb luUnt to kill, a. d one for robt>4ty. andIt l* {or tins rtfciiae flrxt baaitd be la now beingtried it is cbar/ed teat wblle lb company wllKJames H Matthew*. ta prv»ie In tbe 35th Newlurk; in tbiacitv'.on ifce mt «lay of January last.Ward took a paling from a leu.e n.d struckMatthews on tbe b.ud, and then dla^nar

pistol at him two or tbr<*e tituta, ti ghtly wooitdlnghim on the forebtad The Hut. W. VoorofIndiana. ai d W. Fendatl. Jr , ippnrtdu rouustl for tk»«- dcfrn^eJames B. Matthews, tbe principal witness fortbe piosncutiin, was examined, »nd lestilrd tohiiaseif and Ward waving visited four oouaes <d

prostitution in the course of the evening on wulchthe aliped assault occurred, and their drinkingtogether several t!:ues He further te»ti#ed that\Vard struck hioi with tbe piling taken troui afence, and tben nr«d three time* at htm, one tea 1 Ilet striking his forehead, and one or two p. in»throughhis coat.

AKKKSTKD AND R*rr»*i» .Several wb.ago some odlcen iroin Hutlmo'e rame to tnlaclty In pursuit of Wm H I'ollock. wto wucharged with forgery upon John C Yoshtll, prt»prietoiof fcuMjuekaana Hotel, la ttnt cityIf pursuing , dUtrs lost the trail at d r*turnedhoaie A description of the person wm i«*fC withPatrolman >1 Devitt, whoarr<*t«d him U»t w»«k .

Tne prisoner waa committed to jail teyJaatieeClark, and being waling to return t« BaitMu '?without delay, the Saaal r.qutsitioa from '.heGovernor was Waived, and the prisoner deliveredto the Baltimore tfli-rrs.

Row AMOSG THE PlKALSI.This ID«rt.Bg,Mary Johnson (colored) was arretttd for pr«»:iltvand amoulting Jenny B-ndar, by pabolma*M< Itovltl .ml *> ft,.*>1 aa ft! tor JaAl aftoir.Ma. Subaequautly, Jennv B««d« »» am« '<by lb* Mini ulhcef, for i fotoalljfi a»d tk* cobre«*d saying «otie t>ard w>*da and « uftfallrpaid a fine ©t t« M »«>* wya Temperance «1le).wUnrr tbe offrnae waa iinrmllM, isrough.

f A C\K1>7~71 DtSIRE to iB/ori*m y W.Oud* fcod th* BaUlaMiat 1 akva Mi. J oaler in the TflAO.acid CltiAl sTOKKNo. 5'»9 Nut* *«««'.foar di>or« i-orih ul t'suiuy va-.i*. ave-at, <1*4 i*uiu f.out cl Lk« UtxMJ vk*i*i *k*.. t>a hsfy» b«»p(,tUttaia tt- MBUtakaauiiBiiiiibi ny buMQM*.

" "

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Mi I1*'!) li * I'u Miif, i < »*# u* r u»nal «mat')B«ri at»o, » a iA Vr* ' A»**y* **

»»<«»BVBSV * BAkNAy,.

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