the exodus account god’s great rescue of the hebrew people from slavery in egypt

The Exodus Account God’s Great Rescue of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt

Upload: chrystal-craig

Post on 24-Dec-2015




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The Exodus Account

God’s Great Rescue of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt

Hebrew Slavery in Egypt

Hebrews in Chains

Sphinx and Pyramid

Hatshetsup Temple

The Great Temple of Abu Simbel

Ramesses II

The Pharaoh of Egypt

Moses found by Pharaoh's daughter

God Speaks in Burning Bush

Moses before Pharaoh

Announcing a Plague

Ten Plagues

The PASSOVER: Lamb’s Blood

Moses Parting the Red Sea

Parting of the Red Sea

Crossing of the Red Sea

Arial View of the Crossing

Gathered at Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai

Sin Below Mount Sinai

Moses and the Ten Commandments

The Tabernacle

Ark of the Covenant

Tabernacle – altar for sacrifice

Bread from Heaven (Manna)

Wandering in the Wilderness

Crossing the Jordan River

Entering the Promised Land