the extraordinary jubilee year of mercy · jubilee year of mercy pope francis: mother teresa shows...

VOL. 4 | NO. 1 | AUGUST - OCTOBER 2016 | P 0.00 The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’ The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs Be mediators of mercy

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Page 1: The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy · Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’ The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs Be mediators

VOL. 4 | NO. 1 | AUGUST - OCTOBER 2016 | P 0.00

The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy

Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’

The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs

Be mediators of mercy

Page 2: The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy · Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’ The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs Be mediators



We, the clergy of Pasig, together with His Excellency Bishop Mylo Hubert C. Vergara

once again relieved ourselves of our busy schedules to be together for a three- day pastoral planning. Those were days of listening and sharing given the pastoral priorities that need to be worked out and implemented hopefully through the joint effort and collaboration of the clergy and the laity. We will succeed because God makes a way for His plans to realize. As Bishop Mylo mentioned in his homily, this is not just our pastoral plan, more importantly this is our Lord’s plan for His people in the Diocese of Pasig. Truly, the work that we do is God’s work. According to the bishop, we attain success not so much because we never give up as that God never gives up on us. Surely, He never stops giving us the grace and the means.

The Lord was indeed present during our planning to provide us with ideas and insights while we sort out possibilities in the face of problems and challenges that may get in the way. It was an opportunity for each one to openly share his thoughts given his unique situation and experience with pastoral workers and parishioners while journeying together to realize their vision and mission. What was clear during the planning process was the fact that for as long as we talk and walk together, we are not far from our goal. We therefore hope that as we bring down pastoral plans to people in our respective parishes, we will continue the process of consultation hoping to see needs and concerns and come up with programs attuned to the pastoral priorities set up for the Diocese of Pasig. We pray that as God provides, we, who work in His vineyard will generously share time, talent, and treasure to bring about a lively and fruitful ministry.

Through the years, our 13th year as a Diocese, we have tried with God’s grace to live up to our motto ‘THAT ALL MAY BE ONE.’ We praise and thank our Lord for all the blessings bestowed on our Diocese most especially the gift of the Eucharist in which we draw strength, courage, and inspiration.

2 Pasig Plan, God’s Plan.

3 Shepherding God’s People

4 Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’

5 Diocesan News

6 Shifting from Analog to Digital TV

7 Pamukaw-malay sa BEC

8 The Doors of your Lives

10 Feed my lambs

11 Be Mediators of Mercy

12 St. John Marie Vianney, Curé of Ars

13 PaDSS, Mother of Pasig Catholic Schools

14 From “Education” to “Formation”

15 What WYD-Poland is not

“ “ We will succeed

because God makes a way for His plans

to be realized.

2 Daloy | August - October 2016

REV. FR. MARIANO BARANDAChancellor, Diocese of Pasig

Pasig Plan,God’s Plan

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Editor-in-Chief and Managing EditorFR. JOSELITO JOPSON

Associate EditorCONRADO ALVEZ JR.

SEM. JM MALLANAO, News & Feature EditorMELINDA FERNANDEZ, Business ManagerAPOLINAR SAMAR, Circulations Manager

EMERSON S. NAVARRO, Layout ArtistPhoto Cover: ICC-MPAM

Page 3: The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy · Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’ The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs Be mediators

“ “ The Lord calls also lay

members of His church to be involved in the task of evangelization, social

services and development.

Shepherding God’s PeopleMost Rev. Mylo Hubert C. Vergara, D.D.Bishop of Pasig

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Lk. 10:2) Moved by human misery and the shortage of committed servants, God continues to call men and women hoping that through His grace they will imitate His Son Jesus who came not to be served but to serve.

Last May 9, 2016, our Kababayans came out of their homes amid the discomfort brought about by the hot weather to exercise their right to

choose leaders. People wanted to change if only to address among others, issues that had stunted the growth and development especially of the marginalized, as well as problems related to peace and orders, drugs, and corruption. Much as we wanted our leaders to succeed, we pray that our Lord’s teachings and command of love always be the guiding principle of one’s actions. As the new administration looks forward to a much better future for the Filipino people, the clergy of the Diocese of Pasig have gone out of their way to plan out a three-year program based on the pastoral priorities, namely: BEC, STEWARDSHIP, FORMATION, and SOCIAL SERVICE. As servant leaders, priests should not just confine their ministry to the spiritual needs of parishioners but also to their material concerns given the assistance of pastoral workers and concerned members of the community. After all, our Lord is interested in man as a whole, body and soul. It is incumbent on us clergy of the Diocese of Pasig to shepherd the flock entrusted to our care leading them to good pastures. His Holiness Pope Francis shares his thoughts on how to be a pastor, saying that a pastor must listen, walk with his flock and proclaim. Shepherding, however, is not just the domain of bishops and priests. The Lord calls also lay members of His Church to be involved in the task of evangelization and social services and development. By reason of our baptism and confirmation, we become sharers in Christ’s mission as king, priest, and prophet. I hope and pray that the clergy and laity work hand in hand towards the realization of our mission and vision. Let us also pray that the Church and State come into harmonious partnership to bring about peace and progress. This is what the people have been longing for. This is what our loving Father in heaven longs for His beloved children. We can do it because God, who is with us, cares. Celebrating the Year of the Eucharist and the Family as declared by the CBCP and the Year of Mercy, may our people see and appreciate all the more the real value of the Holy Mass as the source of unity for family and community.


Page 4: The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy · Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’ The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs Be mediators

4 Daloy | August - October 2016

VATICAN, Sept. 4, 2016– “More than just helping people in need, the Christian life must include the roots of

charity, putting our entire lives at the service of Christ, as Mother Teresa did,” Pope Francis said Sunday. “The task which the Lord gives us … is the vocation to charity in which each of Christ’s disciples puts his or her entire life at his service, so to grow each day in love,” the Pope said in his homily for the Canonization Mass of Mother Teresa of Calcutta last September 4, 2016 It is estimated that there were 120,000 people in attendance at the Mass, according to the Vatican Press Office. Referencing the question: “Who can learn the counsel of God?” in the Book of Wisdom, Francis said our task is to realize the call of God and then to do his will. But in order to do his will, we must first find out what it is. “We find the answer in the same passage of the Book of Wisdom: ‘People were taught what pleases you,” he said. What we are called to do, therefore, Pope Francis said, is “to translate into concrete acts that which we invoke in prayer and profess in faith.” Following Jesus is not for the weak, the Pope continued, but is a serious task, although one is filled with joy. “It takes a certain daring and courage to recognize the Divine Master in the poorest of the poor and to give oneself in their service.” The many volunteers and workers of mercy present

in St. Peter’s Square Sunday for the Jubilee of Mercy and for Mother Teresa’s canonization are like the “large crowd traveling with Jesus in the Gospel of Luke,” the Pope said. They make visible Christ’s concrete love for each person. “How many hearts have been comforted by volunteers! How many hands they have held; how many tears they have wiped away; how much love has been poured out in hidden, humble and selfless service!” he said. Mother Teresa’s life was given to this service. She was committed to defending life, especially the “unborn and those abandoned and discarded,” Francis said. She was “a generous dispenser of divine mercy.” “She was committed to defending life, ceaselessly proclaiming that the unborn are the weakest, the smallest, the most vulnerable,” he added. Just as Christ has bent down to help us, we must bend down to help the Christ found in those in need. “Wherever someone is reaching out, asking for a helping hand in order to get up, this is where our presence – and the presence of the Church which sustains and offers hope – must be.” Speaking of Mother Teresa, Pope Francis noted how she “bowed down before those who were spent … seeing in them their God-given dignity.” “Today, I pass on this emblematic figure of womanhood and of consecrated life to the whole world of

Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’

Pope Francis waves to the faithful as he leaves after the canonization ceremony of Mother Teresa in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. Photo by Andreas Solaro/AFP

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August - October 2016| Daloy 5

PASIG CITY, 21 Agosto 2016 – “Teenager na po ang Diyosesis,” pahayag ng Obispo ng Pasig Mylo Hubert

Vergara, D.D. sa Misang pasasalamat para sa ika-13 anibersaryo ng pagkakatatag ng Diyosesis ng Pasig. Binaliktanaw ng Obispo ang panahon nang bahagi pa ang Pasig, Pateros, at Taguig ng Arkidiyosesis ng Maynila hanggang sa naging diyosesis ito noong ika-21 ng Agosto, 2003. Binase niya ang kanyang pahayag sa mga pagbasa sa Linggong iyon. “Dumaan sa makipot na pintuan. Hindi ito madaling daanan. Isinabuhay ni Hesus ang Misteryo Paskual ng kanyang paghihirap, kamatayan, at muling pagkabuhay. Tularan natin si Kristo sa Misteryo Paskual,” paanyaya ng Obispo, “at ang uuwian natin ay ang Diyos Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo kasama ang Mahal na Birheng Maria at mga banal.”

‘Teenager’ na ang Pasig – Bishop Mylo

Bishop Mylo blesses TMP Site

Turn to P. 14

Turn to P. 7

The Natatanging Pamilya Awardee, Edades Family, with Fr. Orlin Ordoña, Fr. Lito Jopson, Bp. Mylo Hubert Vergara, and Fr. Angelo Te. PHOTO: CONRAD ALVEZ

Youth from different vicariates of the diocese pose groufie as they the celebration of the DYD 2016. PHOTO: PATTY MAE PERPEÑA

Diocese of Pasig conducted “Walk for Peace with Mary in the Year of Mercy” last September 3, 2016, from Sta. Martha Parish to Sta. Clara de Montefalco Parish. PHOTO: ALBERT GEREZ


Pasig Bishop Mylo Hubert C. Vergara performed the Rite of Supplication for God’s blessing on the first pouring of concrete

in the construction site of the Tahanan ng Mabuting Pastol (TMP) last May 23, 2016 at the vicinity of Sta.Clara de Montefalco Parish, Caniogan, Pasig City.

The highlight of this activity was the Rite of Blessing, the Word of God and Bishop Mylo’s exhortation about the Feast of Sta. Clara de Montefalco, last August 2015 when the whole diocese gathered to bury a time capsule, marking the start of the whole project. The actual concrete pouring of cement symbolized that all is set and nothing can stop the pursuit of this project.

Bishop Mylo thanked God and the whole diocese because this event marked the start of dreams of the diocese to have offices, Bahay Pari (retirement house for priests), and a diocesan formation center.

At the end of the rite was the blessing of St. Benedict’s medal. “Kasi usually, kapag may mga blessing ‘di ba mga coins yung

inihahagis natin? Naglagay tayo ng mga St. Benedict’s medals sa buong ground ng building bago buhusan ng concrete to ask for

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6 Daloy | August - October 2016


The Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Television or ISDBTV, the official Japanese system of digital TV, will slowly

be implemented in the Philippines starting late this year or early next year. In a speech delivered by Sec. Mario Montejo of the Department of Science and Technology, he underscored the advantages of such system: “ISDBT provides better viewing experience, and education opportunities, disaster management, wider TV space… we have to plan before adopting a system that best suits the country.” He acknowledged that the Philippines is in a critical transition to digital terrestrial TV that would change viewer expectations. Minister Shindo on the other hand promoted the system as able to “protect life and to enjoy our lives.”The ISDB TV’s infinite possibilities ISDBT, promoted as having “infinite possibilities”, has three features favorable to both consumers and businesses - social innovation, data broadcasting, and technological innovations.Social innovation ISBDT provides real time enjoyment connected with advertising. It is an interactive device in which one can order products or participate in game shows in the convenience of his own home as in Japan’s JOIN TV. ISDBT works in harmony with social networking such as Facebook and Twitter. It can also serve as a tool for measuring surveys and public opinion.Data broadcasting

Also known as datacasting, TV experience will now be active in providing information of almost anything like weather forecast, food and restaurants, and even police information with a system that

is friendly to children and the elderly.Government information is easily accessible, providing

knowledge, education, information, service and formation among the viewers.Contribution to education

Universities and other educational institutions can avail of services of ISDBTV. In a test broadcast in Botswana, the Department of Agriculture teaches the public on how to breed cattle.

There is also a “telehealth” that informs the people on how to take care of their health.

ISDBT’s greatest contribution: Emergency Warning Broadcast System

Also known as EWBS, there will be a real-time government response during emergencies like typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, and even terrorism. The greatest fear a citizen can have is isolation and a lack of information. Through ISDBT, the government can give regular and fast updates that could save people’s lives in an instant.Technological innovation

With this technology, the TV will not be confined simply in the home; one can watch programs anywhere using their smartphones and tablets.

In an island without electricity, TV can be viewed because it doesn’t require power. The program is free-to-air and transmitted through terrestrial and satellite transmission. Thus, TV information can easily be attained by many, eliminating digital divide.Conclusion

With this new technology already in its experimental and implementation phase, with existing broadcast stations already shifting their systems to the digital format, the Philippine Church cannot continue lagging behind digital TV to the point of default. Digital TV will soon catch fire among the viewers, affecting 80% Catholics.

In whatever technological advancement there may be, the Church is at the frontline of this journey, leading the people of God to the Father. The document Comunio et Progressio has it: “The People of God walk in history. As they, who are essentially, both communicators and recipients, advance with their times, they look forward with confidence and even with enthusiasm to whatever the development of communications in a space-age they have to offer.” (CP # 187)

May we be enthusiastic to use the digital TV to proclaim the goodness of God!

“ “ In whatever technological advancement

there may be, the Church is at the frontline of this journey, leading the

people of God to the Father.



Page 7: The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy · Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’ The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs Be mediators

August - October 2016| Daloy 7

“ “ Layunin ng pagdalaw na maitala ang

mga mauunlad, tagumpay at mga naging hadlang, balakid, kabiguan,

at mga suliraning binabalikat na karanasan sa pagsasabuhay ng BEC.




Ang Diocese of Pasig ay nagnanais na mabuo at mapalaganap ang Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) o Munting Sambayanang

Kristiyano (MSK) sa lahat ng parokya ng diyosesis bilang pagpapatupad sa panawagan ng 2nd Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II) ukol sa pinagpanibagong simbahan. Upang mapulsuhan ang mga kalagayan ng BEC sa mga parokya ng apat (4) na bikaryato—ang pagsisimula, ang pagkilala bilang batayan at paraan ng pagiging tunay na simbahan, ang ating DBEC Director, Rdo. Pde. Joselito Jopson ay dumalaw kasama ang DBEC at VBEC Lay Coordinators at CO’s. Nakipanayam siya sa mga kura paroko at mga lider-layko ng mga parokya. Layunin ng pagdalaw na maitala ang mga pag-unlad, tagumpay at mga naging hadlang, balakid, kabiguan, at mga suliraning binabalikat na karanasan sa pagsasabuhay ng BEC. Nakita ang mahigpit na pangangailangan ng matatag na pananaw, pag-unawa, kamalayan, at paninindigan ng mga kaparian at ng mga tagapagsulong at tagapagsabuhay ng mga BEC tungo sa kabuuang buhay ng Simbahan. Nagtalaga si Rdo. Pde. Joselito Jopson ng Vicariate Priest Coordinators sa apat na bikaryato ng diyosesis na tututok at gagabay sa BEC ng mga parokyang sakop ng kani-kanilang bikaryato: Pde. Julito Villarente (Immaculate Conception Vicariate); Pde. Pol Matilos (St. Anne Vicariate); Pde. Arnel Martinez (Sto. Niño Vicariate); at Pde. Arnel Mananquil (Sto. Tomas de Villanueva Vicariate) Tuwing ikatlong buwan, ang DBEC Director, Priest Coordinators, ang mga Community Organizers, at DBEC Lay Coordinator ay nagpupulong, at nagbabahaginan upang makalikom ng mga datos na gagamitin sa pagbabalangkas ng batayang programa sa pag-unawa, pagkakakilanlan, at pagsusulong ng BEC upang mapagwagian ang mga hamong hinaharap sa pagbubuklod at pagpapaunlad ng BEC sa Diyosesis ng Pasig.

Bishop... from P. 4God’s protection and blessing through the intercession of St. Benedict,” explained Fr. Daniel Estacio, Director for Liturgical Affairs and Exorcism Ministry. (When there is a blessing we usually throw coins. This time we placed St. Benedict’s medals on the whole ground of the building before pouring concrete cement asking for God’s protection and blessing through the intercession of St. Benedict).

Clergy, religious and laity of the diocese were in full attendance to witness the event. CONRAD ALVEZ

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On-going construction of the Tahanan ng Mabuting Pastol adjacent to the Sta. Clara de Montefalco Parish, Caniogan, Pasig City. PHOTO: CONRAD ALVEZ

Page 8: The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy · Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our ‘vocation to charity’ The Doors of your Lives Feed my Lambs Be mediators

The Doors of Your Lives

Each day we enter and leave by so many doors without ever noticing. As we celebrate the Jubilee of Mercy of our redemption, it is good to stop and give thanks for all the doors God opens for us. We

reflect on Christ, the door of the Father, who knocks on the doors of our hearts, our homes, and our Churches.

The Door to our Hearts We live in an age which longs for the presence of God. Our hearts search endlessly for meaning and purpose, never at rest until the grace of God enables us to answer his call. Christ stands at our hearts and knocks. He calls tenderly on us, and as in that upper room where the disciples huddled in fear, he assures us: “Do not fear! It is I!” And so the first Jubilee Door I am called to prepare is the door to my heart. I am called to reopen my heart to Christ as I did when I was baptized. Like Mary, who bore him deep within her body, Christ gives me the grace to reopen my heart to the conversion, unity, and justice of the Kingdom of God.

The Door to our Homes We all remember the stories of the days of our grandparents when “no one locked their doors”. We now live in an age of dead bolts and alarm systems. Gone are the days we once knew when the doors of our homes would open regularly to grandma and grandpa and all the aunts, cousins, neighbors and friends. The doors of our homes don’t seem to swing open quite so easily or as often as they used to. Thus, the second challenge of the Jubilee is to find a way to open the doors of our homes to other families, the young, our lay mission partners, and all who need us.

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Turn to P. 13

The Door to the Church The third door of our lives is the door to the Church, the “ianua

ecclesiae”. The Church door is the silent witness to all the moments of our lives. The Church door is the door to salvation, the portal of the Kingdom of God. Thus, in the dedication of a Church, the bishop

invites the people to enter through these doors for the first time with the words: “Go within His gates, giving thanks; enter His courts with

songs of praise.” And so, the third challenge of the Jubilee is to make ourselves go often to the door of the Church and take the time to pray and to be present before God to experience his fidelity and love to those he calls ‘children’! In today’s world, there is great need of healing and reconciliation like never before. In celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy, the Holy Father has called us to be a people of reconciliation and healing. Harsh words, thoughtlessness, anger, broken promises, and criticism are all occasions of hurt and most often, we are the ones who experience hurt.

When hurt is left to fester, it can be destructive to us personally as well as to the community, the young, our lay mission partners whether in school or parish. In a way hurt makes us turn away or distance ourselves from some member of our community, turn a deaf ear to a young person who really needs help at this time, or be indifferent to a lay collaborator. We therefore take this short period of the time to reflect: Is there

something within me that needs to be healed?; Is there someone that I need to reconcile and heal within the community, in the school or

parish, or in my very own family? What are some ways that I can grow closer to Jesus during this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy?

In celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy, the Holy Father has called us to be a people of reconciliation and healing.

“ “

August - October 2016| Daloy 9

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10 Daloy | August - October 2016

The Social Services and Development Ministry of the Diocese of Pasig has adopted “FEED MY LAMBS” as the acronym for its

various programs not only for 2015, declared as the Year of the Poor, or for 2016, declared as the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, but for every year because everyday of every year is for the poor, and mercy and compassion is also for always. As the song goes, “not for just an hour, not for just a day, not for just a year, but always.” “FEED MY LAMBS” stands for: F-eeding Program/Hapag-asa; E-ducational Assistance/Youth Servant Leadership Educational Program; E-cological Awareness/Empowerment of SSDM Beneficiaries; D-isaster Risk Reduction Management; M-icrofinance (entrepreneurship) in coordination with Pondo ng Pinoy; Y-outh Development for SSDM (future volunteers/officers); L-ivelihood Skills Training; A-dvocacy (Migrants, Labor, Housing, Restorative Justice, Senior Citizens, Discrimination against Women); M-edical/Dental Health and Nutrition Services; Operation FEED MY LAMBS Soup Kitchen; B-uilding Lives Through Formation and Volunteerism ; and S-elf–Help Approach (SHA) Program; Survey of the Poor. The major activities that the Diocesan Social Services and Development Ministry has been focusing on are: Hapag-asa Integrated Nutrition Program, Educational Assistance Program (EAP), Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM), Youth Development for SSDM, Livelihood Skills Training, Medical/Dental/Health and Nutrition Services, Building Lives through Formation and Volunteerism. The other programs are as important and are also given due attention as and when needs arise.

Second Semester Plans Hapag-asa Integrated Nutrition Program for malnourished children aged 0–6 years old and malnourished pregnant women runs from Monday to Friday for a period of six months. Hapag-asa classes are held in San Antonio Abad, St. Jude, and San Sebastian Parishes; Graduates averaging 50 per class have improved nutritional status. Upcoming Hapag-asa classes will start during the rest of the year in the following parishes: St. Jude, Sto. Tomas de Villanueva, St. Joseph, San Antonio Abad, Sta. Clara de Montefalco, and St. Peter the Fisherman.

Educational Assistance Program Fifteen Youth Servant Leaders (YSLs) funded by Caritas Manila and 13 YSLs funded by Caritas Pasig graduated from college at the end of the school year 2015–2016. They received a graduation cash gift of P1,500 each. For SY 2016-2017, there will be 30 Caritas Manila-funded YSLs and 10 Caritas Pasig-funded YSLs. Additional slots will be announced according to the warranty of funds.

Disaster Risk Reduction Management For the rest of the year, SSDM-DRRM volunteers will be mobilized for disaster preparedness. Trainings on disaster preparedness

will include Rope Rescue, Water Safety and Water Rescue, and First Aid, BLS/CPR.

Youth Development for SSDM Hoping to instill among Grade 11 students and teachers in Pasig Catholic College better awareness about life’s realities and develop a deeper love and mercy for the disadvantaged and less-privileged sectors of our community through service, as well as to infuse young blood into the SSDM, of which many if not most of the volunteers are already past middle-aged, Caritas Pasig-SSDM and Pasig Catholic College (PCC) have started moves to introduce SSDM to Grade 11 students. The students will be part of Caritas Outreach Programs and activities. Initial meetings were held last May 17 to June 6, 2016. Hopefully, there will be born a Caritas Pasig Junior Chapter in the near future.

Livelihood Skills Training Free Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) is given in continuous partnership with TESDA-accredited schools like Southern Luzon Technological Foundation, Inc. (SLTFI) with offices in Kapitolyo, Pasig City for call center training and Moulding Future Innovations (MFI), formerly Meralco Foundation, with offices in Ortigas Ave, Pasig City, for availment of TWSP. Training calendar and schedules are dissiminated during meetings of the Diocesan SSDM and the parish SSDMs, and information campaigns endorsed by Bishop Mylo are done through parish announcements during masses. Tarpaulin posters are distributed to volunteers and parish offices. Aside from continuing/expanding the existing activities, plans for the rest of the year include the following: Job Fair in Taguig City on September 17, 2016 and in Pasig City on September 22, 2016, both as part of the celebration of Caritas Pasig Week (Sept. 17-24, 2016); Livelihood Rug Making c/o PESO Taguig; and expansion of partner schools for Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) of TESDA.

Medical/Dental/Health and Nutrition Services The four vicariate medical and dental clinics located in the Parishes of San Antonio Abad, Sto. Rosario de Pasig, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, and San Roque continue to be operational. Upon submission of reportorial requirements, medicine assistance are made available.

Building Lives through Formation and Volunteerism Forthcoming activities include continuation of talks on Catholic Social Teachings by Bro. Ping Javier of Pasig Catholic College, pilgrimage of SSDM volunteers to four churches in Batangas on Aug. 27, monthly formation activities for the YSLs, Advent recollection for the YSLs, and Catechism for Hapag-asa kids and parents.



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August - October 2016| Daloy 11

Be Mediators of MercyBe Mediators of Mercy

As a response to the declaration of the Jubilee of Mercy by Pope Francis, the Diocese of Pasig Education Commission headed by

Rev. Fr. Orlando Cantillon wishes to help the faithful believers of Jesus from the Diocese to become effective witnesses of God’s divine mercy. The Commission has launched a series of Spiritual Formation seminars focusing on the significance that the Jubilee Year will bring for the Church, that hope which is a time to experience the “sweet and gentle touch” of God’s forgiveness and his presence in difficult times. “This Jubilee Year is a privileged moment,” Pope Francis said, “that the Church may learn to choose only that which pleases God most: forgiveness and mercy.” The Diocese of Pasig Commission on Education has lined up a series of formation seminars on the following topics in line with the Extraordinary Year of Mercy. This is being offered to all the parishes in the diocese. Fifteen (15) participants per parish are encouraged to avail of this program. As a rule, this should be echoed in their respective parishes: Formation 1 – On Biblical Notion of Mercy; Formation 2 – On Mercy in the Teachings of the Popes; Formation 3 – On Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy; and Formation 4 – On Sacraments of Mercy (Annointing, Confession, and Healing).

“ If we receive God’s mercy, we will be able to give it to



Also the Education Commission hopes that in this Year of Mercy, we may be mediators of mercy “to grow closer, give relief, create unity, and do other possible good deeds. If we receive God’s mercy, we will be able to give it to others.” Pope Francis said, “We (can) do acts of mercy, opening our hearts to reach out to everyone with the works of mercy, which are the merciful inheritance that God the Father has for us.” Pasig Bishop Mylo Vergara, D.D. and Msgr. Sabino Vengco

emphasized in their talks that this Year of Mercy “is a good occasion to come back, to embrace and forgive one another, and to forget the bad things.” Both believe that the Lord offers each individual a special relationship of “personal, exclusive, and privileged love.” They also

explained that humanity is a special treasure from God. “The mercy of the Lord renders man precious, like a personal wealth that he cares for.” The Year of Mercy is an invitation— to love, kindness, and unbounded generosity. Encountering mercy means encountering God. It can transform our lives, our relationships, our work, and our ability to embrace and experience life. Contact us for more forthcoming formation seminars.


DALOY reaches out to all parishes, schools, and institutions in the Diocese of Pasig and beyond. Through the internet, we can even reach out to all faithful anywhere in the world! It is the most powerful tool to reach out to people and share the Word of God to them. Call us at 696-6824 for more information on how you can reach out through the power of media.

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St. John Vianney is the universal patron saint of all parish priests. Though he was not known to be a great theologian

or a doctor of the Church, his selfless priestly ministry is a great example for every priest to aspire for. The simplicity of his background gives us a concrete insight of how God’s greatness is seen in the weak and the humble. The words of St. Paul to the Corinthians truly resonate in the life of this humble saint. “God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong”. (1Cor. 1,27) As a son of a peasant farmer, Vianney’s vocation has always been nurtured by a loving and devout family. He especially acknowledged his mother’s piety that led him into his profound love of religion at an early age. In the book, The Curé of Ars, he says, “I owe a debt to my mother. Virtues go easily from mothers into the hearts of their children who willingly do what they see being done.” St. John Vianney’s journey to priestly ministry was met with significant obstacles and challenges. He was considered to be intellectually slow and did not show a lot of potentials to be a good candidate to the priesthood. In the end, after much perseverance, patience and hardwork, he was admitted to the priesthood. In 1818, he was sent to be the parish priest of Ars-en-Dombes, an isolated village from Lyon and remained there for the rest of his life. The priestly life of John Vianney and his relationship with his parishioners were not always ideal in the beginning. He was not a welcome presence when he

St. John Marie Vianney, Curé of ArsBy REV. FR. JESUS ANGELO TE

started at Ars. He was unafraid to challenge people’s ways and was always prepared to defend his position when attacked. With a profound motivation to preach the message of the gospel and change people’s ways for the sake of Christ, the people of Ars slowly embraced John Vianney as their Curé (parish priest). He was a noted preacher and a celebrated confessor: he had the reputation to have insight into his penitents’ souls and their futures. There was a great demand for the sacrament

of reconciliation that he would spend up to eighteen hours a day hearing confession. Ars became a place of

pilgrimage. The priestly life and ministry of John

Vianney were sanctified by a noble intention to serve the people of God with great fidelity. It was continuously nurtured and nourished by his great love for the Eucharist. As he said, “Without the Holy Eucharist, there would be no happiness in this world; life would be insupportable. When we receive

Holy Communion, we receive our joy and our happiness.” This was a man who simply

and wholeheartedly responded to God’s call with the purest of intentions. His teaching was his

faithful witness to God’s presence in his life that converted so many souls. The conversion of

his whole parish became widely known. St. John Marie Vianney is indeed one

of the greatest saints in the Catholic Church. His humility and simplicity allowed God’s glory to shine more brightly through his untiring service. After 41 years of ministering to the people of Ars, John Vianney gave up his soul to God. As we remember his exemplary life, let us offer a prayer for every priest who has touched our lives in our journey of faith. May the intercession of the Cure’ of Ars sanctify the lives

of our priests serving all over the world.

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August - October 2016| Daloy 13

PaDSS, Mother of Pasig Catholic Schools

The birth of the new Diocese of Pasig has brought developmental changes in both administrative and

academic management of schools and parishes in 2003. Additional parishes and schools were identified in the new ecclesiastical boundaries of the diocese and new manpower was organized to pool the unified identity of its birth.

Last August 21, 2003, the first Bishop of Pasig, Most Rev. Francisco C. San Diego, D.D. was installed to shepherd the vicariates of Immaculate Conception, St. Anne, Sto. Tomas de Villanueva, and Santo Niño. Belonging to the geographical assignment are the Catholic Schools managed by the Parish Priest who served as the school director and supervised by Rev. Fr. Amando N. Litana as Superintendent of Catholic Schools.

In 2009, Rev. Fr. Salvador O. Yun+ (2009-2010) became the superintendent. However, his untimely demise in 2010 partially incarnated his plans for the Diocesan Schools.

In 2010, upon the retirement of Most Reverend Francisco C. San Diego, D.D. and installation of Most Rev. Bishop Mylo Hubert C. Vergara, DD, as Bishop of Pasig last June 23, 2011, Fr. Ordoña saw to it that he worked closely with the new Bishop, integrating new plans and programs for the Diocesan Schools.

Currently, Bishop Mylo Hubert C. Vergara clustered the


August - October 2016| Daloy 13

eleven schools last April 1, 2015 and appointed three directors to manage the eleven schools.

These are: Rev. Fr. Orlindo F. Ordoña, Chairman of the Administration and Finance Division, also assigned to supervise the Commission on Leadership and Governance, Commission on Financial and Logistical Stewardship, and the Commission on Human Resource. He is also assigned as Director of the Pasig Catholic College, Pateros Catholic School, Sta. Rosa Catholic School, Tipas Catholic School, and Escuela Catolica de San Sebastian;

Rev. Fr. Orlando B. Cantillon, Chairman on Commission on Curriculum and Instruction Division, is also assigned as the director of Colegio de Sta. Ana, Sto. Niño Catholic School, Bicutan Parochial School, Holy Family Parochial School, and Sto. Niño Parish School;

Dr. Leo B. Galve, Lay Director and Chairman of the Student Services Division is assigned on Commission on Promotion and Public Affairs and Commission on Research and Tertiary Education;

Lastly, Sr. Julieta A. Magsino, SMCC, is appointed to head the Commission for Integral Evangelization Division.

These four appointees were assigned to chair PaDSS Commissions as shown in the diagram.


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14 Daloy | August - October 2016



After the Clergy Planning on June 20 to 22, 2016 which resulted in the four Pastoral Priorities namely: Building of BECs, On-

Going Formation, Social Services, and Empowered Stewardship, the Diocesan Education Commission will have new title: “The Diocesan Formation Commission.” The Commission believes that every baptized person is called to ministry. This can only happen if he/she is well-formed in creed, cult, and code of our Christian faith.

The Diocesan Formation Commission (DFC) will have its general planning activity on September 20 and 21, 2016. Initially the commission solicited feedbacks from the recent formation seminar held last July 16, on “Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy” with Bishop Broderick Pabillo as the keynote speaker. This is the third of the series of seminars in line with the celebration of the Year of Mercy for this year 2016.

DFC hopes to offer the opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service. The seminar group in the future becomes the nucleus of the Diocesan Formation Commission program. A group will consist of six to twelve participants and a trained mentor who will meet monthly to plan out the needed formation for the doctrinal, moral, spiritual, social, and educational growth and development of all the faithful believers of Christ in all the parishes in the diocese . These meetings will be from two and a half to three hours long.

Through study, prayer, and reflection, DFC hopes to move toward a new understanding on the role of the commission. This process can be illustrated by a two-rail fence. One rail is the central formation series. The other is the collective experience of the members via collegial

Pope... from P. 4 ‘Teenager’... from P. 4

study group wherein the BEC units in every parish are the beneficiaries. The rails are linked by fence posts which represent the seminar sessions where life and study meet. The fence is grounded in the soil of regular worship which is vital to the life of the group.

Participants are given continuous formation with the help of resource guides. Participants from all parishes in the diocese help in setting the learning goals depending on the needs of their own parish. They spend between one to two hours in articulating and preparing topics for study each month. During the seminar, participants have an opportunity to share their insights and observations as well as to discuss questions which their community raises for them to attend to.

Through discussion and guided reflection, the seminars will furnish an opportunity to deepen understanding of the service they render.

More importantly is the development of skills in theological reflection. The goal is to learn to think theologically. By examining their own beliefs and their relationship to our culture and the tradition of our Christian faith, participants can learn what it means to be effective ministers/leaders in their respective parishes. In coming to terms with the notion that everything we do has potential for manifesting the love of Christ, we will discover that our ministry is at hand wherever we go.

The members of the Diocesan Formation Commission are Rev. Fr. Orlando B. Cantillon (Director and Vicar General), Fr. Bernardo Carpio (Catechetical Director & Assistant Parish Priest of ICC), and Fr. Edgar Barrameda (Guest Priest of St. Anne).

Members: Bro. Ping Javier – Executive Vice-President on Religious Affairs (PCC), Sr. Nora Alialy MCST Religious Coordinator, Sr. Leonila Guerra – CIE head (CDSA), Sr. Francisca Roxas SCMM – CIE Head (SNCS), and Sis. Nelia Magpantay – Secretary to the School Director.

volunteers: may she be your model of holiness!” he said. “Let us carry her smile in our hearts and give it to those whom we meet along our journey, especially those who suffer. In this way, we will open up opportunities of joy and hope for our many brothers and sisters who are discouraged and who stand in need of understanding and tenderness.” After the Mass, Pope Francis continued immediately with praying the Sunday Angelus, first greeting and thanking everyone who took part, especially the Missionaries of Charity, whom he called the “spiritual family of Mother Teresa.” He also greeted the various national delegations, pilgrims, volunteers and workers of mercy, and anyone who, through media, joined in the celebration from around the world. “I entrust you to the protection of Mother Teresa: she teaches you to contemplate and adore Jesus Crucified every day, to recognize him and serve him in our brothers in need.” The Pope concluded his Angelus message by asking for prayers especially for Sister Isabel, 51, a Spanish missionary nun who was shot and killed Sept. 2 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti during what appears to have been a robbery. Pope Francis prayed for an end to violence and for greater security around the world. “We also remember other Sisters that recently have experienced violence in other countries,” he prayed, doing so “by addressing in prayer the Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of all saints.” HANNAH BROCKHAUS (

“Ang Diyosesis ay naglalakbay din. Mula sa pamumuno ng yumaong si Bishop San Diego, dumaan din ito sa maraming pagsubok sa buhay ng diyosesis tulad ng pagtatatag ng curia’t ang pamamastol sa mga pari’t mga naglilingkod sa ubasan ng Panginoon.” Inanyayahan ni Bishop Mylo ang lahat sa Diyosesis ng Pasig na pagsumikapang pumasok sa makipot na pintuan. “Maraming hamon ang kinahaharapan ng diyosesis tulad ng pagpapagawa ng kisame ng katedral. Mayroon pa tayong retirement home at pastoral center na ginagawa sa Sta. Clara de Montefalco Parish. Kailangan tayong magsumikap. Hindi ito magagawa ng inyong Obispo lamang,” paalala ni Bishop Mylo. Pinaalalahanan din tayo ng mahal na Obispo na tupdin ng lahat ang nais ng Panginoon. “Gawin natin ang gusto Niya. Ipagpatuloy natin ang pagsasabuhay Kristiyano at pagkakaisa. Tandaan ang motto, ‘Ut unum sint.’ (“That they may be one.”) Mararating din natin ang buhay na walang hanggan.” Samantala, ang Edades Family ang tinanghal ng Parokya ng Immaculate Conception Cathedral bilang natatanging pamilya ng Parokya para sa pagdiriwang ng Natatanging Taon ng Habag, Eukaristiya at Pamilya. Ang Edades Family na kinabubuuan ng mag-asawang Bert at Josefina ay 31 taon nang kasal. Sila’y may mga limang anak: Thea, Migs, Paulo, Gelo, at Leah. Si Bert ay kasalukuyang ikalawang Pangulo ng ICC Music Ministry at ang buong pamilya’y aktibong lumalahok sa Simbahan bilang miyembro ng koro. FR. LITO JOPSON, PDMSC


“ DFC hopes to offer opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service.

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8. Heartbreaking stories. During plenary sessions or activities, we heard stories of loss, pain, fear, struggle, and suffering. But God led every heartbreaking story to be a testimonial of hope, faith, love, and mercy. We have witnessed how they were restored by love. Their stories were an affirmation that God is merciful and boundless.

9. Loud crowd. There was noise almost everywhere, as if everybody wanted to be heard. But as we heared closely, it’s not just a loud crowd, we were sharing Jesus. It’s a beautiful noise of evangelization. His love and mercy were so huge that we couldn’t contain them to ourselves. We saw Pope Francis right in front of us, blessing us. Everyone was shouting, crying, and waving. We were out of control. The Vicar of Christ was within our reach. It was like experiencing God in our grasp. Who wouldn’t be overwhelmed and shout for joy? All our praise went up.

10. Information overload. Everyday we attended workshops, catecheses, or talks. There were a lot to learn. We needed to take notes, so as not to forget every detail. But God was sending us on a mission and He wanted to equip us so that when we go back to our homes and communities, we may be able to share the God we met and experienced in WYD Kraków.

Reality is… God is amazing! His love is boundless and His mercy is infinite. He will work together according to His plan. He is calling us by our names to be bearers of hope, love, and mercy.

My hope and prayer is for you to also experience WYD spirit, wherever you may be. Let us follow Jesus.

As Pope Francis said, “Jesus is the Lord of risks, of the eternal “more”. Jesus is not the Lord of comfort, security, and ease. Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage, and a readiness to trade in the sofa for a pair of walking shoes and to set out on new and uncharted paths.”

Jezu ufam Tobie! (Jesus I trust in You)

By NABEL BELONIO, PDYM Assistant Coordinator


What WYD Kraków is not

Diocese of Pasig with the world. #YouthGoals during WYD Opening Ceremony at Błonia Park in Kraków, Poland.

World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide event of the Catholic Church not only for the youth, but for people of all ages.

WYD was initiated by Pope John Paul II in 1985 and celebrated every two or three years in various countries. It is an opportunity to experience the universality of the Church and to encounter the Holy Father. It is a way to deepen our faith in Christ with youth ministers around the world. It is a youthful communion of sharing, praying, celebrating, and going on a pilgrimage. This year, the World Youth Day took place in the City of Mercy – Kraków, Poland.

We always expect the best. We often associate reality as something undesirable because we foresee it as something grandeur. But God has a more beautiful way of showing it. Often, the real essence of beauty lies within. But it is yet to unfold. I would like to share the things that made our WYD experience truly amazing: 1. No free WiFi. We stayed with a foster family that had no WiFi. But we had real connections. We shared beautiful life and faith stories. Real conversations and laughters are always healthier.

2. Away from home. According to Google, the distance from Philippines to Poland is 9,721 kilometers away by air travel. We’re physically and literally away from our comfort zones, families and friends. But in Poland, we were blessed with a home, new friends, bigger families. I had a new sister who took us in for a week. The Polish are very warm and loving people. We were loved and taken cared of.

3. We got lost. We got maps on our hands, yet we often got lost in going home and in going to the venue of the event or elsewhere. But God sent people to lead the way. We found ways to arrive at our destination safe and sound.

4. Hello, sleepless nights. We left home early and went back home late at night. But in WYD, every morning we woke up was a dream come true that unfolded right before our eyes. We were always energized and looked forward to each day.

5. Hot and cold. We experienced extreme weather conditions. The sun was up and shining but it’s raining at the same time. It felt like the heaven was pouring and blessing, so we sang out our praises. Singing in the rain was fun!

6. Endless walks. We walked a lot, around 15-20 kilometers a day. It seemed endless, tiring and exhausting. But walking together with other young people whom we shared faith was worthwhile. We were leading one another to God. We walked in high spirits and looked forward to what God prepared for us.

7. Modest meals. Filipinos are used to eating rice But it’s different in Europe. Bread is their staple food. We rarely had a chance to eat rice. But every meal was a feast. Our foster sister always prepared delicious breakfasts and to-go snacks. We never ran out of food. We never ate alone. Together we gave thanks to God for His grace and shared food with families and communities. Every served meal was prepared with love. We’re not only fed; we were also spiritually nourished.

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Calling on all Pasig Diocesan Media Ministers!

Be there!

Saturday, 15 October 20168:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Aula Minor, Pasig Catholic College

Photo: Marvin Jay Bequillo, SNP-Media Ministry