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Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy



Rong Xiang Xu





Collaboration of

Xia SunBradford S. Weeks

Mo Xiao W Xiangqing Zhang W Junxiang Zhao WChengqun Luo W Zenglu Xu W Ruiqing Zhao WGuangshun Wang W Hongsheng Wang W Dongcai Hu

69 figures, 39 in colour and 68 tables, 2004

Basel W Freiburg W Paris W London W New York W

Bangalore W Bangkok W Singapore W Tokyo W SydneyABC



Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Xu, Rong Xiang.Burns regenerative medicine and therapy / Rong Xiang Xu; editor, Xia Sun; co-editor, Bradford S. Weeks;collaboration of Mo Xiao ... [et al.].

p. ; cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 3-8055-7661-7 (hardcover)

1. Burns and scalds. 2. Burns and scalds--Treatment. 3. Wound healing. 4. Wounds and injuries. I. Sun, Xia.II. Weeks, Bradford S. III. Title.

[DNLM: 1. Burns--therapy. 2. Wound Healing. 3. Complementary Therapies. 4. Ointments. 5. Sitosterols.WO 704 X86b 2004]RD96.4.X8 2004617.1)106--dc22


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Bibliographic Indices. This publication is listed in bibliographicservices, including Current Contents® and Index Medicus.

Drug Dosage. The authors and the publisher have exerted everyeffort to ensure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text arein accord with current recommendations and practice at the time ofpublication. However, in view of ongoing research, changes in govern-ment regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to drugtherapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the packageinsert for each drug for any change in indications and dosage and foradded warnings and precautions. This is particularly important whenthe recommended agent is a new and/or infrequently employed drug.

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© Copyright 2004 by S. Karger AG,P.O. Box, CH–4009 Basel (Switzerland)www.karger.comPrinted in Switzerland on acid-free paper byReinhardt Druck, BaselISBN 3–8055–7661–7




VII Preface

1 Brief Introduction to the History of Burns Medical Science

5 Introduction

5 Consideration of Scientific Paradigms and Research Reasoning from the Viewpoint ofFoundation and Development of Medical Science Systems

7 Research Status of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine and Therapy from a HolisticPhilosophy

8 Discussion of the Future of Regenerative Medicine and Therapy Based on the Results ofMulti-Organ Regeneration Research

13 Rationale Foci of Local Treatment of Burns Medicine and Therapy

13 Pathogenesis Focus of Burns Wounds14 Pathological Focus of Burns Wounds16 Therapeutics Focus

19 Evaluation and Classification of Burn Severity

19 Clinical Assessment of Burn Area20 Clinical Evaluation on Depth of the Burns Wound23 Clinical Classification of Burns Severity

27 Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

27 Standardized Local Treatment of the Burns Wound27 Background Information of Standardized Local Treatment and Sources28 Standardized Local Treatment of Burns Wounds34 Indications and Diagnostic Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy34 Diagnostic Principles of Burns Medical Therapy34 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (BRT with MEBT/MEBO)35 Burns Surgical Therapy with Excision Followed by Skin Grafting or Cultured Composite

Autografting Technique36 Intensive Description of Burns Regenerative Therapy with MEBT/MEBO36 Concept and Principle of BRT with MEBT/MEBO37 Therapeutic Effects of Moist-Exposed Burns Ointment (MEBO)37 Clinical Application of BRT with MEBT/MEBO37 Clinical Treatment40 Systemic Comprehensive Treatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO



45 Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicineand Therapy with MEBT/MEBO

47 Systemic Antishock Effect of Local Treatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO47 A Comparative Study on the Antishock Effect between BRT with MEBT/MEBO and

Conventional, Dry-Exposed Burn Therapy Using a Rabbit Model50 Experimental Study on Maintaining Physiological Moist Effect of BRT with

MEBT/MEBO on Treating Burns Wounds53 Clinical Study on Invisible Water Loss of Burns Wounds Treated with BRT with

MEBT/MEBO55 Experimental Study of Moist-Exposed Burn Ointment on Improving Wound

Microcirculation of the Zone of Stasis in the Early Stages after Burns57 Clinical Study of Moist-Exposed Burns Ointment on Improving Microcirculation of

Burns Wounds60 Experimental Study of the Effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO on Hematological

Parameters in the Treatment of Burned Rabbits63 Studies on the Anti-Infection Effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO63 Effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO on the Immunity of Burns Patients68 Study on the Bacterial Count of Viable Tissue of Burns Wounds Treated with BRT with

MEBT/MEBO70 Comparative Study of the Effects of Moist-Exposed Burn Ointment, Silver Sulfadiazine

and Hot Dry-Exposed Therapy on Controlling Burn Wound Infection withPseudomonas aeruginosa

74 Experimental Research on the Mechanism of the Anti-Infection Effect of BRT withMEBT/MEBO

77 Primary Exploration on the Mechanism of the Anti-Infection Effect of BRT withMEBT/MEBO

82 Experimental Research on the Anti-Anaerobic and Anti-Fungal Effect of MEBO88 Studies on the Effects of BRT with MEBT/MEBO on Regeneration and Healing of Burns Wounds88 A Comparative Study of Fibronectin and Moist-Exposed Burns Ointment (MEBO) in

the Treatment of Experimental Corneal Alkali Burns in Rabbits89 A Comparative Study of the Effects of Moist-Exposed Burns Ointment (MEBO) and

Other Drugs on the Healing Rate of Corneal Epithelial Defect in Rabbits92 Exploration of Pathological Changes and Mechanism of Experimentally Burned Rabbits

after Treatment with Moist-Exposed Burns Ointment96 Electron-Microscopic Observation of One Case of Skin Burns Wounds Treated with MEBO99 Pathomorphological Changes of Deep Burns Wounds Treated with MEBO

104 Observation of Microcirculation in Nail Folds at the Recovery Stage of Burns WoundsTreated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO

106 Physiological Healing Procedure and Histological Observation on Deep Second-DegreeBurns Treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO

111 Clinical Procedure and Histological Observation of Full-Thickness Burns Treated withBRT with MEBT/MEBO: A Case Report

114 Effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO on the Expression and Regeneration of EpidermalRegenerative Stem Cells

119 Clinical Reports of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO)119 Clinical Trial Report of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO):

Multicenter Study

129 Clinical Demonstrations of Burns Regenerative Medicine andTherapy (MEBT/MEBO) on Successful Treatment of Extensive Burns

130 Extensive Burns Cases with Most Wounds of Superficial Partial-Thickness131 Extensive Burns Cases with Most Wounds of Deep Partial-Thickness134 Extensive Burns Cases with Most Wounds of Full-Thickness

141 Clinical Results of Surgical Excision and Skin Grafting Therapy inthe Treatment of Extensive Burns Patients

145 A Commentary on Burns Medical and Regenerative Therapy

149 Conclusion

VI Contents




This book, which you now hold in your hands, willchange how medicine is practiced around the world. It isan extraordinary book written by an extraordinary medi-cal doctor who is also a pioneering scientist in the bestsense of the word. Prof. Rong Xiang Xu has a very rarespirit, for he is a man with a compassionate heart whoobserved the terrible suffering of his burns patients andrather than simply accepting conventional treatments(which do little to correct the burns trauma), this doctorcreated, with much diligence and hard work, the new stan-dard of care for burns treatment.

I first learned of Dr. Xu’s work through reading theburns literature and learning of his research efforts in Chi-na. After analyzing his published research in the late1980s, I determined to meet and question this man whoseresearch was so daring and innovative. In 1991, I broughta group of American doctors to China to study Dr. Xu’sMEBT/MEBO protocols. What I saw in Dr. Xu’s burnsclinics astounded me.

I trained at major American teaching hospitals such asHarvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital, University ofVermont Medical Center and Dartmouth HitchcockMedical Center, each of which offered what we believedto be the best burns treatments in the world. We were con-fident in the 1980s that no one took better care of burnspatients than we did. Our burns patients were treated intechnologically endowed surgical suites, given potent dou-ble antibiotic intravenous protocols along with topicalsilver-impregnated cold cream, all this administered un-der utterly sterile conditions in isolation suites and, ofcourse, costing enormous sums of money. Our goals were,in retrospect, quite humble: keep the patients alive,reduce their pain, control their infection, and perform anysurgery necessary to maximize their cosmetic and func-tional recovery. Typically, the majority of our patients leftour burns units horribly scarred yet appreciative of ourefforts.

Today, I know that the burns treatment protocolsoffered in the best American hospitals are obsolete anddespite our best intentions, scientifically irresponsible.We must not be satisfied with clinical results which leaveour patients so disabled and in such pain. That is a provo-cative statement and I offer it with the earnest hope thatyou, dear reader, will determine for yourself whether it isa valid statement. The book you hold in your hand withits many references describes a new way of treating burns

patients and, while you may question its scientific ratio-nale, you must, at the end of the day, behold its superiorclinical results. Dr. Xu offers intriguing opinions aboutregenerative medicine and therapy which may or may notbe validated in the future. He raises, once again, theancient dichotomy between Vitalism and Materialismwhich we, in our infatuation with quantitative scientificmethodology, have turned away from as we split atomsinto leptons, quarks and neutrinos. Today as we wade intogenetic analysis, we are not inclined to step back and seethe vital context within which the genetic process oper-ates. We see the trees but not the forest. But again, as clini-cians who have taken the oath to serve our patients, I sug-gest that once you have done your due diligence andinvestigated Dr. Xu’s clinical results, then you will no lon-ger be able to practice conventional dry burns therapyagain. Therefore, like all revolutionary books, this one issomewhat disconcerting. My sympathies are with you!

It is my honor to add a few preface words and I see mychallenge as helping introduce the reader to these innova-tive ideas in a manner most conducive to enhancing colle-gial and collaborative discussion. Therefore, I want toaddress our human need for certainty and our aversion tonew ideas in general. Without intending to evoke defen-siveness in the reader, I am reminded of a story of a wom-an who traveled far and wide to find the right doctor forher problem. Finally, she selected a very famous and tal-ented doctor and during their first consultation, sheexclaimed, ‘Oh doctor, I am so pleased that you will carefor me. I do hope that you can treat what is wrong withme!’ whereupon the doctor responded: ‘My dear lady, it ismy hope that you have what I treat!’ We doctors tend to bebetter practitioners than students of science and we are allguilty at times of being slow to learn new approaches tofamiliar problems. Innovation is not an easy path for adoctor to follow as lives are at stake and somehow we areencouraged to ‘let someone else do the research.’ In theold days, the doctor always observed his patient and con-sidered various factors that impacted the progress of thetreatment. The doctor was always an innovator and al-ways felt responsible for doing his part in pushing backthe frontiers of knowledge. Today, however, things havechanged for most doctors and very few of us continuescientific work after beginning to practice. That does nothave to be so, but to innovate as a doctor is not withoutperil.



There is a saying in America that you can determinewhich is the pioneer in a crowd of men by looking at theirbacks, for the pioneer is the one with the most knives inhis back. All people, scientists and doctors included, areuncomfortable with change and the innovator is oftenunfairly criticized as he tends to ‘rock the boat’. It is partof human nature to be wary of change, especially if some-one tries to improve what we ourselves are offering to ourpatients. In medicine, where unscientific practices can killpeople, we all should be cautious before embracing newideas. I know from experience that most of the medicalpractitioners are well-intended and we do our heart-feltbest to advance science for the benefit of our trusting andlong-suffering patients. So why do we resist change? Whyare innovations met with distrust and resistance? Consid-er what a professor might feel if he were to learn that whathe taught other doctors and what he published as recom-mended treatment protocols now no longer were the opti-mum protocol. That would feel very uncomfortable. Thatmight be, depending upon the character of the professor,almost unbearable, for to the degree we offer out-datedtreatments, to that same degree we are exacerbating ratherthan ameliorate the suffering of our patients.

Therefore, despite ourselves, doctors are slow to studyinnoative ideas, choosing instead to focus our effort on im-proving only that which we currently practice, not learningsomething new and different. The scientists among us knowthat economics and politics interfere too often in the scien-tific world and so I urge you, dear reader, to put aside pre-judices and comfortable paradigms and to remember thelast time you listened to a dressing being changed for aburns patient. Listen in your mind’s memory to the screamsof pain as the dried scabs are pulled away from living tissuebeneath in order to cleanse the burns wound. Rememberthe look of anguish on the faces of both patient and nurse asthe blood flows anew before a new layer of Silvadene© isapplied. In my clinical experience, no nursing task is moreheart-breaking than the dressing change of a burns patient.Now, remember if you will, the last time you shook handswith a ‘successfully treated’ burns patient upon dischargefrom the hospital as she returned home, scarred almostbeyond recognition and still suffering from restrictedmovement due surgical procedures and consequent deep-tissue scarring. You know you did your best as her doctor,but what a horrible outcome. She remains scarred for life.

Now, comes the ‘what if’? What if, dear reader, a burnstreatment protocol exists that takes away severe pain, thatrequires no horrendous dressing changes, that features aself-cleaning circulation within the wound that removesdead cells and bacterial debris and delivers regenerativenutrients to the living tissue at the base of the burnswound? What if this burns treatment protocol works inaccordance with the natural laws of tissue regeneration sothat minimal antibiotic use is required and so that burns

wounds heal faster and with practically no scarring com-pared to the burns treatments offered today in the finesthospitals around the world? ‘What if’ indeed!

As you read ahead, please remember two things:First, please remember that Dr. Xu is offering his

scientific experience to anyone interested in learningabout his innovative burns treatment protocol. He hasfounded research institutions, sponsored internationalsymposia, published scientific journals and been recog-nized by his government as the inventor of one of themost significant technologies in China today. Dr. Xu isseeking colleagues to continue this research and writesthis book now as an invitation for other dedicated scien-tist to investigate this new paradigm. Dr. Xu has done hisresearch and has published his findings on burns regener-ative therapy. Now it is our turn. As his medical col-leagues worldwide, it is up to us now to accept the respon-sibility to determine for ourselves whether there is meritin his claims. He now welcomes medical colleagues fromaround the world to come and learn what he has to teach.The world can no longer ignore his gift. These medicalclaims, though they sound fantastic to western ears, areindeed supported by rigorous and controlled scientificstudies – both in vitro and in vivo.

Secondly, remember if you will, that I myself took timeoff from my practice and went to China on my ownexpense to determine whether Dr. Xu really was able totreat burns patients with MEBO/MEBT so that his pa-tients were in minimal pain and upon discharge, walkedaway happy to look in a mirror – not scarred in any signif-icant way. What I saw in Dr. Xu’s burns hospital beds andthrough his microscopes at his research centers has in-spired me to treat my burns patients with MEBO/MEBT.He has also inspired me to renew my commitment topractice, first and foremost, scientific medicine so as toalways be open to learning innovative ways of offering thebest care possible for my patients. He himself is an excel-lent example of this work ethic.

Burns regenerative therapy with moist-exposed burnsointment is the new standard of care for burns treatment.In the pages ahead, you will learn how Dr. Xu, in coopera-tion with natural laws inherent in living tissue, foundedthe new science of regenerative medicine for the benefit ofburns patients in particular, and all mankind in general.Let us work together to silence forever the screams of painduring burns dressing changes which haunt too many ofus in the field of burns treatment. Great suffering canserve to inspire heroic efforts. Today we can begin a his-toric collaboration together in the field of regenerativemedicine and therapy, thanks to the pioneering effort ofProf. Rong Xiang Xu.

Bradford S. Weeks, MDThe Weeks Clinic Recipient:International Orthomolecular Physician of the Year, 2003

VIII Preface



Brief Introduction to the History ofBurns Medical Science


Fire was, perhaps, man’s first double-edged sword, for,throughout history, it has both served and destroyed man-kind. While fire served to keep wild animals at bay in thenight and warm people chilled by the winter air, it alsoturned on its master. From time to unfortunate time, fireleapt out at man and caused what remains today one ofthe most painful of human experiences, the burn.

Burns injuries were first described in the Ebers papy-rus (1500 B.C.) which tells the reader that a delicate mix-ture of cattle dung and black mud was ‘just what the doc-tor ordered’ for a burn. Through centuries that followedany physician worthy of note had a favorite remedy forthe relief of burns pain and suffering. Dupuytren, thefamous 19th century French surgeon who first describedthe contracture that bears his name wrote: ‘Burns hadbeen the object of one of the most bizarre treatment meth-ods’. Fabricius Hildanus, a 15th century German physi-cian, was the first to classify burns into three degrees anddebates raged well into the 20th century about how best totreat the burns – to cool or to not cool, to moisten anddrain or to dry and seal for sterility. Finally, consensuswas reached after the First World War that the best treat-ment for burns was surgical skin transplantation with sub-sequent scar reduction and pain control medications asneeded. In the early 1950s, spurred on by thermal injuriesduring the Korean War, the US government establishedthe original Surgical Research Unit (The US Army BurnCenter) at Brooke Army Hospital in San Antonio, Tex.,USA where skin grafting became the preferred treatmentfor 30% total body surface area (TBSA) burns. Survivalwas now the expected prognosis and one counted oneselflucky to survive.

Since the 1950s and 1960s, many medical experts fromother countries threw themselves into the research workof burns medical science and contributed a great amountof experimental data which advanced the field of burnstreatment. By now, patients with more than 90% TBSAburns can expect a fighting chance for survival when of-

fered treatment from a protocol involving surgical burnstherapy consisting of localized treatment and systemicmedical management. Once established in academicteaching centers, this two-pronged approach was quicklypracticed around the world. The localized treatment ofthe 1960s was typified by a drying of the burned skinwhich enabled a crust (deep, partial-thickness) or eschar(full-thickness) to develop over the burned tissue. Thiscrusting was accompanied by surgical excision of necroticskin tissues and of viable dermis (tangential excision ofcrust). In addition, whole subcutaneous tissue (fascialdebridement of eschar) was also an all too frequent aspectof the treatment. After this debridement was achieved,autografts or cultured epithelial autografts were placed ontop of the lesion to close the wound from exogenous infec-tious agents. In the case of small, deep burns, initial exci-sion and immediate autografts were recommended in theearly stage after an injury. The systemic treatment, basedupon what was then known about burns pathophysiology,was practiced in accordance with conventional surgicalwounds management. This combined therapy consistedof medical management to avoid shock syndrome as wellas to avoid infection while at the same time offering localand systemic nutrition support for tissue and whole bodyphysiology, respectively. A great many protocol formulaswere championed by leading scientists and doctors andthese were offered with qualified success worldwide. Thistreatment became the ‘standard of care’ and becameknown collectively as ‘conventional surgical burns thera-py’ or ‘surgical excision and skin grafting burns therapy’.Its theories and treatment measures were compiled inmedical textbooks worldwide prior to being introducedinto China in the late 1950s. A recent improvement of thisconventional surgical therapy was the innovation byAmerican doctors who successfully treated patients withextensive, deep burns by using cultured composite auto-grafts. This represented an important advance in the auto-graft technique.


2 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

In the 1980s, burns specialists began to look deep-er into the physiology of traumatic burns wounds re-sponding to conventional therapies. To their chagrin,these burns specialists discovered that these ‘state-of-the-art’ clinical treatment protocols, while representing a life-saving improvement compared to the primitive pre-1940s protocols, nonetheless remained a merely destruc-tive therapy as far as the localized tissue was concerned.These burns specialists noted that conventional therapiesneither rehabilitate the burned tissue itself, nor do theycooperate with the natural physiological repair mecha-nisms of burned tissue. Therefore, the feasibility and rea-sonableness of conventional surgical therapy, character-ized as it is by dryness, excision and grafting, was evaluat-ed and found lacking both in theory and methodology.Although Western researchers conducted massive experi-mental studies that addressed concerns of desiccation,excision and skin grafting, little progress was attained andultimately the clinician was left with a suboptimal medi-cal result – the disfiguring scar. This arena of painfuldressing changes, rampant infection, devitalized tissueand residual scarring was the frustrating stage upon whichthe burns therapist pleaded for innovation but uponwhich no champions advanced until recently.

During World War II, an alert and observant Armysurgeon, Joseph E. Murray (born April 1, 1919), hadnoted that skin grafts were only compatible between iden-tical twins. From this observation, Murray then postu-lated that transplantation of internal organs might also befraught with rejection and he began the experimentation,initially with canine and later with human kidneys, whichultimately resulted in his sharing the 1990 Nobel Prize forPhysiology or Medicine with E. Donnall Thomas. Mur-ray’s work in organ- and tissue-transplant techniques setthe tone for burns therapies for the rest of the 20th centu-ry. Consistent with the reductionistic genius of the Ameri-can mind, an ill patient was seen as a collection of parts –some functioning better than others. In the case of theburns patient, the therapeutic goal became to surgicallyremove the burned parts before transplanting thereuponsome unburned parts. It was no surprise that, prior toMurray and Thomas, the host system rejected the grafttissue since a living being is far more than the sum of itsparts. Today, potent immunosuppressive pharmaceuticalagents are required for successful transplantation proto-cols in burns. Though life-saving, these drugs, true to theirname, hobble the native host immune system of the sur-viving burns patient. Frequently, the doctor is chagrinedat the trade-off whereby his patient survives – but at theexpense of his immune system. As in most areas of medi-cine and surgery, burns specialists suffered along withtheir patients for they knew that there must be a betterway to help those burned patients.

Nonetheless, despite the frustrating situation wherethe best the burns specialist could offer would be a lifehobbled by chronic pain and disfiguring and motion-restriction scarring topped by systemic immunosuppres-sion, no one was ‘thinking outside of the box’. Beneaththis consensus that transplantation surgery was the treat-ment of choice, we can now discover another unspokenconsensus, i.e. that burns are a disease of the skin andtherefore ought to be treated dermatologically rather thansystemically or holistically. Everyone saw that the burnedpart was the problem and that it should be replaced.

In the 1970s, in China, Professor Xu Rong Xiang alonewas thinking outside of the box where he boldly estab-lished an entirely new theory of burns physiology uponwhich he then built a dramatically effective burns treat-ment which he called ‘Burns Regenerative Therapy’(BRT). This innovation, which integrates moist-exposedburns treatment (MEBT) and moist-exposed burns oint-ment (MEBO), was a balm to the struggling burns therapyindustry. The therapeutic essence of MEBT/MEBO is tomaintain the burns wound in an optimum physiologicallymoist environment through the use of a specially designedointment – MEBO. Rather than surgically excising theburned tissue and its underlying dermis, the goal becameto heal the burned tissue and stack the cards in favor oftissue regeneration – an unimagined goal. MEBO, the pat-ented topical remedy, is composed of natural plant ex-tracts dissolved in a sterile and refined sesame-oil basewith beeswax as a preservative. When applied topically,MEBO promotes burns tissue repair in an astonishinglyeffective manner. Initially, MEBO cleans the burned tis-sue by stimulating the discharge and removal of debris(liquefaction of necrotic tissues). As a complementaryhealing benefit, MEBO also enhances the regenerationand repair of the residual viable tissue at the base andperiphery of the burn in order to anchor vitality withinthe wound-healing process. Coincident with the applica-tion of MEBO, a systemic comprehensive treatment is ini-tiated based on the natural pathophysiology of burned tis-sue. Accordingly, BRT and MEBT/MEBO is distin-guished from conventional surgical therapy in that dry-ness, excision, skin grafting and scarring as well as theexcruciating pain associated with dressing changes is nolonger a necessary component of burns care.

The history of MEBT/MEBO is quite auspicious andparallels the ascendancy of China in the marketplace ofmodern times. Today, the West embraces China as one ofthe three countries in the history of mankind which wereable to safely send a man into space. Equally so, Westerndoctors who have observed the miracle regenerative curesof MEBT/MEBO embrace Dr. Xu and his team as pio-neers in burns therapies. The West first learned aboutMEBT/MEBO on August 16, 1988 via a Chinese pressrelease that declared the clinical success of this newly dis-


Brief Introduction to the History of Burns Medical Science 3

covered burns treatment theory and its uniquely effica-cious therapy. Bolstered not only by clinical success (bothin China and abroad) but also supported by copious scien-tific research, MEBT/MEBO immediately altered the di-rection of academic research in burns treatment world-wide.

Dr. Xu is one of the bright lights in the firmament ofscientists alive today. Yet he too stands above the shoul-ders of scientists who came before him. The treatmentphilosophies of traditional Chinese medicine urge thepursuit of regeneration as opposed to replacement ofburned or diseased tissues as have a precious few Westerndoctors who sought to apply agents to improve and accel-erate the wound-healing process. Ambroise Pare (1510–1590) postulated that a surgeon’s goal in wound manage-ment was to create an environment where the healing pro-cess could proceed in an optimal fashion. Pare demon-strated the beneficial effect of the application of hot oil tofresh open wounds. Since then and over the centuriesmany publications have pointed out that a moist environ-ment enhances epithelialization in the wound-healingprocess. Controlled experimental and clinical data havein recent times supported the suggestion that a moist envi-ronment enhances wound healing in the form of an occlu-sive dressing compared with a dry environment. Xu hasdeveloped MEBT – a therapeutic procedure based on themoist environment of the wound, using an ointment thatenhances epithelial repair, and in particular that of par-tial-thickness burns wounds. MEBO consists only of natu-ral ingredients including – apart from honey and sesameoil –17 amino acids, 14 fatty acids, and 4 polysaccharides.The ointment’s main active substance is considered to beß-sitosterol at a concentration of 0.25%. Clinical andexperimental investigations by Chuanji, Yunying and Xuhave indicated that MEBO has the following therapeuticeffects:1 Analgesic: MEBO reduces pain in partial-thickness

burns wounds.2 Anti-shock: MEBO reduces evaporation of water from

the burns wound surface and improves microcircula-tion by decreasing peripheral and systemic capillaryexudation.

3 Anti-bacterial: MEBO changes the biological behaviorof bacteria, inducing a decrease in bacterial toxicityand invasive capacity, as well as sensitivity to antibiot-ics; it also increases the wound’s local and systemicimmunity.

4 MEBO promotes epithelial repair; it also reduces heal-ing time in partial-thickness burns.

5 MEBO improves and reduces scar formation and con-tributes to the formation of a smooth, thin, and aes-thetically acceptable scar, thus preventing the forma-tion of hypertrophic scars.In 1989, Americans finally learned that the paradigm

had shifted in burn care when Newsweek published areport subtitled: ‘Could a new medication from Chinachange the world’s approach to treating burn injuries?’This caught many US doctors unawares and even today,14 years later, 90% of US burns specialists are unawarethat this BRT and MEBT/MEBO has been validated inhundreds of experimental studies and clinical practicesaround the world. These results substantiate the claimthat the theory and practice of BRT and MEBT/MEBOcomprise a successful revolution in burns care by offeringa patently superior methodology of burns treatment whencompared to the desiccation, excision and grafting re-quired by conventional therapy. In addition, BRT andMEBT/MEBO also offered the first sophisticated andaccurate characterization of natural burns pathogenesis,allowing scientists around the world to finally understandthe principles of effective therapeutic burns treatment.MEBT/MEBO therefore attained the rarified status of atruly revolutionary and beneficial clinical success story.With this new therapy, which heralds an advancementinto a new field of burns medical science, patients sustain-ing partial-thickness or full-thickness dermis burns can-not only survive what once were life-threatening burnsinjuries, but can now do so without inordinate pain,immune-depleting surgical excision or the disfiguringscars from the now obsolete surgical technique of skingrafting. Today, the history of burns therapy has ad-vanced into a bright and promising future. Professor Xu isteaching the world to work with the regenerative forces ofnature. In the pages that follow, Professor Xu welcomescollaboration as we surge forward together committed toreducing the pain, disfigurement and suffering of burnspatients the world over. Let us strive together for thisnoble and finally attainable goal.

Bradford S. Weeks, MD





Regenerative medicine and therapy is an innovativeconcept described through a new research field and repre-sents a unique approach towards the goal of regeneratingfunctional tissues and organs. On the occasion of the pub-lishing of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy, Iwould like to share with readers the insights into the gene-sis, current research status and exciting advances in thiscritically important realm of health sciences – regenera-tive medicine.

Consideration of Scientific Paradigms andResearch Reasoning from the Viewpoint ofFoundation and Development of MedicalScience Systems

Medical historians today are fortunate to be able toscan, across thousands of years, the extensive researchfocusing on human health problems and related therapieswhich have evolved today into the modern disciplines oflife science and medicine.

During the development of these modern disciplines,certain questions have consistently arisen in the minds ofgenerations of researchers including: ‘What are the advan-tages and disadvantages of a current medical system?’,‘What medical practice will be adopted in the future thatis most advantageous for human physiology and health?’,and ‘Is it possible for the average human being to attainone hundred years of age and still be in good health?’ Thequestion as to what the future of medicine will reveal hasalways teased men and women in the health sciences. Asearly as 2,000 years ago, both eastern and western medi-cine originally arose from an apprenticeship with natureand natural phenomena. Everyone attempted to harnessnature’s secrets to solve the health problems of their time.The first written documentation on traditional Chinesemedicine is the Huang-Di Nei-Jing or Yellow Emperor’s

Cannon of Internal Medicine ( that was finished during the Spring andAutumn Warring States Period (between 800 and 200BC). This documentation represents the development ofmedicine away from sorcery and en route to being used asthe foundation of Chinese medicine. Shen Nong (3493BC), hailed as the ‘Divine Cultivator’, tested myriadherbs and in so doing gave birth to the art of medicine.Hua Tuo (110–207 AD) was the most famous doctor inancient China who developed the use of Mafei San (surgi-cal anesthesia) a good 1,600–1,700 years before westerndoctors learned about ether and other chemical or phar-macological anesthetic agents. These and other greatachievements supported the foundation of Chinese medi-cine with its comprehensive and systematic gifts whichinclude modern day’s internal medicine and surgery.

Ancient Greece and Rome dominated the empiricismof the ancient west. At around 6 BC, Alcaemon (, from ancient Greece, performedhuman autopsies and concluded that the brain was theorgan of thought and sense. By the 5th century BC, Hip-pocrates, father of modern western medicine, afterstudying the conditions of dying patients (, articulat-ed the elaborate general doctrine that all of the Four Hu-mors, phlegm, blood, yellow bile and black bile, had tobe in correct proportion to one another for good health toresult ( At almost the same time, Aristotle(, the student of Plato, pushed backthe frontiers of knowledge and superceded his teacherby proposing that the earth was composed of the fourelements: earth, water, air and fire ( With about 2,500 yearsof development, there came into being two academic sys-tems: eastern and western medicine. Eastern medicine,


6 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

which originated from ancient Chinese medicine, hasbrought tons of benefits and contributions to humanhealth by providing treatments based on plain philosophyand holism, while western medicine experienced two peri-ods: one during the warring period of ancient Egypt andancient Rome when the massive wounded were treated,which brought morphologic research from anatomy toapplied surgery, and the other during the Renaissancewhen medicinal chemistry was developed based on alche-my, thereby resulting in the rudiments of modern westernmedicine and surgery.

Historically, both eastern and western medicine havecontinuously integrated modern scientific discoveries intotheir medical treatments and thus continued to develop.However, historians might also question what kind of sig-nificant benefits, whether in Chinese or western medicine,these discoveries have played in promoting human healthand in effectively treating diseases. Let me share with youan image that concerns me. Imagine a modern, well-edu-cated medical doctor holding a knife in his left hand and apharmaceutical drug, a cellular poison, in his right. Now hesuggests to the patient: ‘I will use the knife to excise yourinjured organ to cure disease and save your life and then Iwill use the ‘‘poison’’ to cure the disease. Is that OK?’ Yousee, combating poison with poison, is the paradigm whichwe were taught by the older generations of doctors. Andbecause no one offered a more reasonable option, westerndrugs today are made primarily of chemical toxins whichare incompatible with life and which, not surprisingly,when applied to diseased human beings, inevitably havedeleterious side effects on health. Therefore, it is not anunjust comparison to liken western drugs to poison whenseen in the context of the rule of life or vitality.

For many centuries, medical professionals the worldover have sought to reduce drug toxicity as much as possi-ble while many governments have set up national drug-control administrations to ensure drug safety for humans.However, no substantial and meaningful changes havebeen made to the traditional medical system due to theinflexible concept of ‘poison’ and, until now, due to thelack of effective nontoxic options for the treatment of dis-ease. Where is the new medical system that conforms tothe principles of human vitality? In which directionshould the practice of human medicine go? Herein, Iwould like to share with devoted readers the exciting storyof the establishment of regenerative medicine and therapyas well as our compelling research which supports thisnew paradigm shift towards a medicine which is in accor-dance with the laws of human health and wellness.

We inaugurated the research into the secrets of regen-erative medicine and therapy in early 1980. Althoughmany difficult challenges fell before us since 1987 (theyear we established out Research Center), our pub-lished research results demonstrate that we are presently

amongst the leaders in this field. Back in 1989, I pub-lished research demonstrating the heretofore unthinkableresult of scar-free healing of burns through the applicationof regenerative cells. The clinical results were impressiveand the pictures demonstrating irrefutable clinical effects(no scars) are available for the interested reader in TheChinese Journal of Burns, Wounds and Surface Ulcers.

Subsequently, the work done by Dr. James A. Thom-son and his colleagues from Wisconsin University in 1989revealed that when cells were isolated directly from theinner cell mass of human embryos at the blastocyst stageand then cultured in vitro to produce a pluripotent stemcell line, they would then transform into many types ofcells. Thomson’s group believe that any cell from a fertil-ized egg, termed as ‘totipotent stem cells’, if placed into awoman’s uterus, has the potential to develop into a fetusand then to form an entire viable organism. Meanwhile,Dr. John Gearhart and his colleagues isolated pluripotentstem cells from fetal tissue of terminated pregnancies andconfirmed Dr. Thomson’s results. Their work was pub-lished in Science and saluted as ‘the first breakthrough outof the ten big achievements in 1999’.

This technological achievement triggered a burst ofstem cell research and a whirlwind of ethical debate fol-lowed immediately by a drive for commercialization,some of which was quite unscrupulous. For example, acertain laboratory announced that they had created ahuman ear on the dorsum of rats. More stir! Not surpris-ingly though, on closer inspection, we learned that theirstatement was not actually true. In fact, the scientists inthat laboratory did something different though not entire-ly insignificant. They managed to first make a human earmodel scaffold using polyglycolic acid (macromoleculechemical material) and then, after placing this structurebeneath the rat subcutis, cartilage cells cultured and pro-liferated within the said scaffold creating something thatlooked like an ear but was not one at all. Like a shadowperpetually attached to its master, commercialization isnever far from the frontiers of science.

Imagination, while an important component of sci-ence, is only a distraction unless the rigor of the scientificmethod is also employed. No trickery is allowed. Unfortu-nately, such tricky performances – such as human ears onthe backs of mice – disturb the current field of stem cellresearch. Traditionally, Chinese scientists and doctorsprefer to investigate principles from experimental resultsand holistic concepts in order to discover tri-dimensionaldevelopment modes en route to comprehensive conclu-sions. In contrast, westerners are adept at imaging fromscantling phenomenon, then designing several researchdirections for further exploration before finally attainingan answer. The Western mode of research necessarilyrequires adequate funding which seems to not be in shortsupply. For example, a result that might require ten thou-


Introduction 7

sand dollars in China might require, in the West, a priceof ten million dollars. Nonetheless, despite funding dis-crepancies, we are pleased to reveal that, though relativelyunderfunded, Chinese researchers have accomplished theclinical application of regenerative medicine while West-ern researchers are still formulating strategies. This differ-ence in degree of clinical success validates the eastern wayof thinking about research, which produces empiricallysuperior clinical results in an expeditious manner.

Our focus in this book will be to reveal that the clinicalresults springing from the research on burns wherein datasuggest that most dry wounds heal with scar formationwhereas most moist wounds heal with less scarring. Whileprobing the mechanism of this superior healing overmany years, we discovered one type of unknown cell thathas a regenerative capacity which may play a significantrole in this process. After years of basic research and clini-cal study, we found that the cells with regenerative poten-tial turned out to be keratin 19 positive expressed epider-mis stem cells which appear to be the primitive cells at thestart of human embryonal development. Coincidently,this understanding shed a great light on the mystery ofoptimal physiological healing of deep burns by regenera-tion. Using wound repair as a model, we dynamicallydemonstrated that the process of skin regeneration anddevelopment can resemble embryonic tissue develop-ment. Based on the discovered skin regenerative law, weconducted experimental studies on the regeneration andrepair of tissues and organs of mammals by creating avital environment. I am now pleased to report that up tothe present, we have had consistent success in repairingand regenerating 55 types of tissues and organs.

Research Status of Stem Cell andRegenerative Medicine and Therapy from aHolistic Philosophy

The ‘healing’ process can be observed to result in oneor the other of two major sequelae – scarred and scar-freehealing. Healing with scar formation is the result of aber-rant and suboptimal physiological processes while scar-free healing is the result of healthy and appropriate physi-ological processes working in conjunction with the forcesof regeneration. Mankind has always known this to betrue but until now has failed to discover the dynamicsbehind the variable healing results. Certainly, if one couldcomprehend and reveal this mystery in order to apply it tomedical fields, then the health of people the world overwould be astonishingly enhanced. Such a goal is worthyand, accordingly, that has been my focus and aspirationsince I pioneered the science of regenerative medicine andtherapy many years ago.

Let’s begin with definitions. The term ‘regeneration’implies that the human body can be stimulated to regener-ate by itself through the use of its own potential but thisstimulation requires both an appropriate trigger or promo-tion factor as well as an appropriate physiological environ-ment. In fact, each tissue or organ, including epidermis,epithelium mucosa, vascular endotheliocyte as well asblood cell in human body is engaged in exactly this processall the time. Disease, therefore, can be understood to occurwhen the speed of repair is slower than the speed of injury.Until the present, a lot of pathological and physiologicalmechanisms remain obscure to those using the conven-tional paradigm. Therefore, in order to uncover the mys-tery of regeneration in human body, we must avoid thethoughts of traditional medical thought and instead utilizea new body of thought which we can apply to the observa-tion and study of human physiology. This new body ofscience has led us to the field of regenerative medicine.

Our whole framework of regenerative medicine hasepoch-making significance – diseases will be cured and thepeople’s health will be improved by the potentials whirlingunharnessed within each human cell, tissue and organ.

In 1989, I announced the embryonic form of regenera-tive medicine. Today, 13 years later, American scientistsare offering similar concepts, which they call ‘treatment offuture regeneration’. Although they use the crude trans-plantation approach to accomplish the renaissance oforgans, nonetheless, they do make use of the humanbody’s regenerative potential. Our schematic thoughts ofregenerative medicine focused on the in vivo and in situorgan regeneration, it’s the life regeneration combinedwith human physiological activities. While already bear-ing clinical fruit, I believe our system of regenerative med-icine will continue to develop and mature as we completeour research. Until now, our ideas are the most advancedand, to our knowledge, are the only ones whose efficacy isconfirmed by clinic practice. Because of this, we submitour proof of regenerative medicine as a scientific conclu-sion, not a hypothesis.

On February 26th 2002, we attended the Stem CellsRegenerative Medicine Conference held in New Jersey.Participants had intense debates focusing on areas of stemcell research which we had already finished and where wehad a lot of great achievements.

Though some scientists announced their success inreconstituting ‘bone’ or ‘heart’, experts and investors alikedeclared that they only wanted to see some real results.This is in accordance with the principles of science whereresults are what counts. Results are more important thantheories. Accomplished research which springs from thesolid foundation of truthful thought is the path to progressand innovation.

Physiological tissue repair and functional organ regen-eration through cultivation in deep burns management


8 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

has been demonstrated in our research results. The repairand promotion of mucosal tissue regeneration in the gas-trointestinal tract is of interest but will not be detailed atthis time. Stem cell research, which is widely known to thepublic, mainly refers to conventional hematopoietic stemcells. However, great debates are continuing over whetherhematopooietic stem cells are the appropriate ones to usebecause these cells are immature. What is a stem cell? Astem cell is an undifferentiated or partly differentiatedcell with the capacity of transforming into ‘mediate cells’with the structure and function of tissue and organs. Stemcells are similar to tumor cells as regards their prolif-erative capacity, but the former constitute normal tissueand organs ultimately, while the later form tumors. Theunique characteristic of stem cells is that they can developinto fully functional organs.

In the February conference, I presented our researchresults. Comparisons were made to current Americanadvances in this field. Though we found that histiocytes ofeach tissue and organ have the potential to regenerate, thechallenging problem to doctors and researchers is how tomaintain and induce the regeneration of these cells. In ourburns treatment, we have worked out a great success. Weuse moist-exposed burns ointment (MEBO) to treat deepsecond-degree burns and by creating a physiological envi-ronment and adding life-regenerative substances, we fa-cilitate healing without scar formation. Information aboutregenerating skin subsequent to second- and third-degreeburns wounds will be discussed later. This innovativeburns medical therapy (MEBT) is not only applicable totreating burns injuries, but also to the replacement andreformation of human skin – an innovation from whicheveryone may benefit.

Entering into the 21st century, almost every doctormay question which innovative therapy is most promisingfor modern medicine. Many life scientists and physicianshave turned their attention to stem cell research. Thereare various research approaches to the study of stem cellpotential. Foremost of these is embryonic stem cells,hematopoietic stem cells and adult stem cells. No matterwhich kind of stem cell, the dream of renewing the humanbody’s physiological function lies in stem cell researchboth in vivo and in situ. The law of in situ regeneration isthe only one with any value for medical application.

Discussion of the Future of RegenerativeMedicine and Therapy Based on the Results ofMulti-Organ Regeneration Research

Despite continuous progresses in science and technolo-gy, few attempts have been made to successfully developfunctional tissue or organs from human cells. The excep-

tion is our embryology study and our work on the adultstem cells in vivo and in situ. Almost one decade ago,American researchers tried to establish a new life sciencesystem using various approaches and electronic technol-ogies, but ended up only describing an ideal blueprint forthe human genome. However, without sufficient under-standing about cells, the genomic research that only fo-cuses on life substance within the cell is of little applicablevalue since genes play their roles under the assistance ofthe function of cells. It is true that genomic research isvery important in the life sciences, but such research willaccomplish nothing if it is removed from cellular bio-chemistry and cytology. While an important approach tolife science research, gene technology proves inadequateto solve any health problem or to cure any disease unlesscombined with the appropriate use of cytology focused onharnessing the function of the cell, life’s smallest unit.

Stem cell research and its application is another hottopic in life science apart from genomics. According tocurrent reports from over the world, the most advancedstem cell research is the isolation and culture of stem cellin vitro before transplanting ‘tissue’ which has been engi-neered (e.g. epithelium tissues and cartilage transplantedinto the patients). However, a challenging problem thatremains unsolved is how to maintain continuous prolifer-ation of stem cells in vitro. It is well known that the envi-ronment in vitro does not completely meet the actualphysiological requirements as that in vivo and in situ. Theinadequate transmission of information and suboptimalregulation between histiocytes results in an inadequatephysiological linkage and constitution. This failing ismagnified when the scale increases to commensurate withthe macro-physiological function of tissue or human or-gans. Our research focused on the adult stem cells* in vivoand in situ and revealed that the damaged tissues andorgans are able to repair themselves only if the adult cellscan be transformed into stem cells with the potential ofreconstituting tissue and organs. Until now, we haveaccomplished physiological tissue repair and functionalorgan regeneration in situ by cultivating skin stem cells indeep burns management. The following is the briefing ofour current research status and achievements.

* Adult stem cell: Now we named these special cells ‘potential regenerativecells’ (PRCs), which means that the special differentiated histiocyte has thepotential ability to regenerate to a functional tissue similar to a stem cell butnormally exists in tissue as a histiocyte. It can also be called the special differen-tiated histiocyte in all types of organs in the organism coming from proliferat-ing cells during different development stages.

The major difference between PRC and adult stem cell (SC) is: PRC is amature differentiated tissue cell, while SC normally refers to the undifferen-tiated cell. Some SCs can be identified by some special markers and, in skinregeneration, SCs are the proliferating form of PRCs. SCs can repair injuredand defective skin by restructuring and regenerating new skin according to theoriginal skin physiological structure.


Introduction 9

Gastrointestinal Mucosa Regeneration

One paper published in Science in the December 7,2001 issue evoked great responses in the field of cell andtissue research. The authors collected small intestine tis-sues from embryonic mice and identified the types of cellsby a special staining approach. The tissue slices from 17-day-old mouse embryo showed that the intestinal epithe-lium derived from four principal cell types. The report isan experimental study describing in detail that intestinalmucosa villas are composed of many types of cells.

We herein compared their reports to our results incloning villas of small intestine with cells. We culturedgastric and intestinal wall tissue from mouse embryos invitro, using a tissue culture composition called GIC thatcan promote the proliferation of stem cells*. The resultsshowed that in the culture of gastric tissues, GIC stimulat-ed the cells cluster beneath the gastric wall mucosa to per-sist in division and to form new tissue by proliferation. Inthe culture of intestinal tissues, GIC initiated the cellsadjacent to the intestinal wall mucosa to become stemcells with the potential of proliferation. They ultimatelydifferentiated into brush-border muscosa with absorptivefunction, or into endocrine cells in intestinal tract thatproliferated until forming new intestinal tissues. Theintestinal tissue section worked upon by American re-searchers is identical to our cultured intestinal tissue sec-tion. As a thought for a further step forward, we have reli-able results in many functional assays. The cloning pro-cess of our gastrointestinal tissues in vitro can be visibleduring the months of culture but this itself is only attain-able through the development of stem cells.

This is the first time in the history of the life sciencesthat tissue or organs can develop in vitro. To ensure thenovelty of our achievement, we have conducted a world-wide search of the published literature on this subject.The search by a subsidiary of the National Science andTechnology Ministry did not reveal any report of similarresults. The website of inthe United States covered our results as the headline newson the issue of December 23, 2001.

These results offer proof that we have successfullycloned two different types of organ, stomach and intes-tine, in vitro. GIC, as the necessary substance for cells,serves as the nutritive culture medium and protector. It isregarded as the only agent currently available for initiat-ing cells to proliferate in order to repair tissue. The re-search of the role on GIC in promoting the growth ofmucosal stem cells in the gastrointestinal tract has greatclinical value. In the treatment of gastric diseases, GICcan protect the gastric wall and also repair ulcerative tis-sues. GIC can repair injured intestinal mucosa, andensure the intestinal mucosal cells’ ability to absorb nutri-ments. Using a mouse model featuring acute mucosal

ulcers, we found that a 3-day treatment with GIC repairedthe ulcers without scarring and resulted in recovery of fullfunction. GIC is suggested as the first priority before sur-gery for any gastrointestinal disease.

Nerve Regeneration

Sciatic nerves from white mice were sampled, cut intwo and cultured in two different culture media in vitrowith one containing GIC and the other with normal tissueculture medium without GIC. The results showed newnerve which had regenerated from the residual nerve cul-tured in GIC. Of note, the nerve in the control groupshrank. Thus, we demonstrate that regenerative technolo-gy makes it possible to physiologically regenerate thedefective nerve, thus advancing the tissue and organregeneration from cytology to histology.

Kidney Regeneration

Failure of renal function is a very tough issue in medi-cal practice. Because of pathological changes to the glo-merulus and the renal tubules once deprived of filteringand reabsorption, a lot of patients need dialysis therapy.Our studies suggest a hope of regenerating glomerulus andrenal tubules using regenerative technology. Cortical cellswere taken from kidney and transformed to stem cells inculture. Glomerulus and renal tubules were formed by thecloning and constitution of stem cells. Regeneration insitu results are the same as the in vitro results, which beginwhen a regenerative substance is injected into a kidneywith function failure. Animal experiments are now in pro-cess.

Marrow Regeneration

In this study, we took progenitor cells from marrowand cultured them in specific regenerative substances invitro to form new marrow. Marrow transplantation isknown as the best way to treat colony growth factors andthe best method for promoting the formation of marrowprogenitor cells. In our research, the regenerative poten-tial of the progenitor was activated. One progenitor candevelop into marrow consisting of various hematopoieticstem cells. The regeneration of human marrow tissue,once achieved in vivo and in situ, may lead to the possiblecure of various blood disease.

Pancreas Regeneration

In histology and cytology, the function of the pancreasis as follows: The intestinal mucosa is stimulated by thefood such as sugar or starch, then the intestinal mucosasends the signal to the acinar cells to release amylopsim.


10 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

After amylopsim enters into the intestine, the starch, afterturning into glucose, is absorbed. Meanwhile, the acinarcell also informs its neighbor, the islet cell, to release insu-lin. At this point, the glucose is converted into energy byinsulin after entering into blood. This whole process iscontrolled by endocrine and nerve functions. The twotypes of cell in the pancreas coexist and are codependent,each of them having its own secretory role.

Diabetes is the result of a disorder of growth and func-tion of the acinar and islet cells of the pancreas. The disor-der may result in excessive hyperplasia of the acinar cells(type II diabetes) or atrophy of the islet cells (type I dia-betes). There is no physiologically effective therapy avail-able to treat diabetes until now. It is necessary to under-stand how acinar cells grow and coexist with islet cells interms of histological and cytological regulation. Someresearchers only isolated and cultured islet cells fromembryonic pancreas tissue in vitro, which destroyed theintegrity of the pancreas. On the other hand, traditionalChinese medicine, working in conjunction with the lawsof balance, suggests that both strengthening body resis-tance and consolidating the constitution are equally im-portant therapeutic goals.

In the experiment, we found that all pancreas cellsdied after culturing in media only containing regularMEM media for 8 days. In contrast, in the other group,after coexisting for 65 days, acinar and islet cells estab-lished a harmonious proliferation when cultured inMEM medium containing additional ‘life substance’. Onday 80, acinar and islet cells showed the tightest linkageuntil forming a new pancreas on day 92. Function exami-nation on the nascent pancreas showed that before tissuenecrosis in the control group, the amylopsin levels wereremarkably different in the two groups. In the controlgroup, it was several times higher than normal; but it wasnormal in the experimental group. Also, the pH value inthe experimental group was normal while that in the con-trol group was much higher. Determination of insulinshowed that both the nascent and the mature pancreas iscapable of producing abundant insulin while no insulinwas produced in the control group because of the deathof islet cells. These results indicated that normal pancreastissue has been successfully cultured in vitro. Within 1 or2 years, such results will be commercialized for thera-peutic purposes and diabetic patients will be greatlyrelieved.

Skin Regeneration

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. The com-monly observed skin regeneration occurs as regenerationof epidermis, which is easily achieved as long as basal cellsare available. In fact, skin regeneration is not as simple asthe regeneration of cells, but involves the physiological

adhesion, assembly and regeneration of multiple cells andmultiple tissues with the final formation of functional full-thickness skin as a result. Full-thickness skin should in-clude the combination of three germinal layers, physiolog-ical conjunction with subcutaneous tissues and coexis-tence with the host body. Therefore, it is inappropriate todefine skin regeneration as the regeneration of any indi-vidual tissue or cell. Last year, in an international confer-ence on stem cell research held in Singapore, Frenchscientists, claiming to be ‘Fathers of Skin’, announcedthat they fulfilled skin regeneration in vitro. I questionedthe French scientists whether the ‘skin’ that they culturedwas composed of epidermis, dermis and appendages, andwhether the dermis further involved blood vessel, lymph,nerve, sebaceous gland, follicle and sweat gland. Theirfaces turned red. Therefore, a quotation mark should beadded to their cultured ‘skin’ as they, in fact, only culturedepidermis.

Skin histiocytes are derived from three germinal layers:ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Skin regenerationrequires the regeneration of all skin tissue, such as musclein the endoderm, connective tissue in the mesoderm andepithelia in the ectoderm. Currently, we alone in theworld of scientists have been able to accomplish the regen-eration of skin. This book will cover our techniques indetail and demonstrate how these techniques have beenwidely used in clinics as the dominant modality of burnstherapy.

Surgical therapy has been the dominant approach inburns therapy all over the world for decades. However,almost all surgeons admit that they adopted surgical skingrafting not because it is the best therapy, but becausequite simply it was the only choice. Surgery treats burnswounds by excising the burned skin and converts burnswounds into surgical wounds in preparation for skin graft-ing. This technique only treats complications of burns,instead of curing burns tissue. I was a surgeon for manyyears and I still remember when, as a student in medicalschool, teachers had such an expression that nobodywould be willing to perform surgery as a burns treatmentif skin regeneration were possible. Another instance, astextbooks indicate, second-degree burns healed below thescab by epithelial growth and covering the wound alongthe area below the scab, which indeed is the surgical wayto heal the wound. Therefore, it is important to distin-guish between the two different medical conceptions.

As early as before 1989, we have matured burns skinregeneration therapy that was derived from successfulburns treatment in clinic practice. Subsequent to burns,the human body has an instinct to initiate the regenera-tive potential of stem cells in vivo and in situ. However,the typical use of disinfectants and antibacterial agents onburns wounds makes it impossible to create a physiologi-cal environment sufficient to initiate and activate stem


Introduction 11

cell activation in burns wounds. The goal was to maintainand promote stem cells in order that they might prolifer-ate and differentiate to further repair and clone organs.

In the 1980s, I put forward an innovative conception onburns management, keeping the burn physiologicallymoist in order to promote repair and regeneration. Thisinnovation finally led to the establishment of Burns Regen-erative Medicine and Therapy (Moist-Exposed BurnsTherapy, ‘MEBT’) and the discovery of Moist-ExposedBurns Ointment (MEBO), a topical drug used for main-taining a physiological environment for burns wounds.MEBO should be used under the technical criteria of burnsregenerative therapy (BRT) in order to fulfill the thera-peutic potential. Years of clinical practice have testifiedthat this treatment can heal deep second-degree burns Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations of burns regenerative therapy.

Fig. 2. Procedure of organ cultivation bystem cell in vivo and in situ.

Fig. 3. Histological expression process ofregeneration and duplication of human skintissue and organs in vivo and in situ by adultstem cells after burns.


12 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

without scarring and also to spontaneously heal superfi-cial third-degree burns. Numerous successes of clinicalpractice encouraged me to further explore the mecha-nisms of wound repair. Eight years of basic research dis-closed that the mystery of physiological regeneration ofburned skin lay in tissue stem cells. Based on this discov-ery, burns skin regenerative medicine was established andthrough physiologically repairing and regenerating skin,we were able to culture stem cells in vivo and in situ.

The principal part of BRT is MEBT and MEBO thatconsist of two procedures and eight techniques. Two pro-cedures refer to liquefaction and discharge of necrotic tis-sues without causing secondary injuries, and maximumregeneration of skin tissue over the basal layer of viabletissue on wounds. Eight technologies include: initiationand regulation of stem cells; culture of stem cells in vivoand in situ; discharging necrotic tissues by liquefactionwithout causing further injury; exogenous tissue culturemedium (MEBO) for skin regeneration; physiologicallycontrolling bacteria and toxin infection by non-bacteri-cidal mode; creation of a physiologically moist environ-ment for skin regeneration; micro-isolation of skin woundfor regeneration, as well as supply of oxygen and nutri-ments required for skin regeneration (fig. 1).

BRT is the only technology currently available to suc-cessfully repair and clone organs by the culture of stemcells in vivo and in situ. The cloning process of otherorgans will soon be identified subsequent to the success ofcloning skin. On May 28th, 2002, we disclosed one ofour research results ‘Mapping process of regeneratingand cloning human tissues and organs’ which has beensubmitted for patent application. The website in the United States made afull coverage on this significant event. The mapping ob-jectively demonstrated that evolvement of cells in repair-ing injured tissue is indeed a process of differentiationand integration. Firstly, when the body is injured, the via-ble cells in situ are initiated and transformed into adultstem cells. Secondly, adult stem cells are further inducedand directionally differentiated into various tissue stemcells that will commit to tissue repair in the late stage.Thirdly, the nascent tissues come into being and the newlyregenerated tissue stem cells further link with the nascenttissue. Finally, various nascent tissues integrate into theinjured organ to form new functional tissue and organsand therefore fulfill the repair and regeneration of tar-geted tissues and organs in vivo and in situ (fig. 2).

This research result is a milestone in the human lifesciences. It confirmed the assumption of the following:

(1) injured tissues have potentials to repair with full re-covery of function in vivo and in situ; (2) activity of cellsplays the principal role in this repairing process, and (3) itis within our ability to initiate the stem cells, regulate thedirectional differentiation, repair tissues and regenerateorgans in vivo and in situ.

The mapping process of regeneration and duplicationof human tissues and organs in vivo and in situ representsa general and typical process. While each different tissueor organ has its own mapping, we will publish them short-ly. Figure 3 shows the histological expression process ofregeneration and duplication of human skin tissue andorgans in vivo and in situ by adult stem cells after burns.

Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy presents thebasic research and clinical results in repairing burnswounds by the culture of epidermal stem cells in vivo andin situ, which is only a small proportion of our scientificresearch results. Achievements on the repair and regener-ation of other organs including stomach, intestine, mar-row, pancreas, liver, kidney, heart as well as nerve will bepublished in separate volumes of Regenerative Medicineand Therapy. Regenerative medicine, while a dream inthe west, is happily a clinical reality in China. We arepleased to be publishing volumes of Regenerative Medi-cine and Therapy in order to contribute to the knowledgebase of scientists and doctors the world over who will bechallenged and themselves stimulated by our advances instem cell research.

Above, we present the basic concept of regenerativemedicine. Future research in this field requires delibera-tive and cooperative efforts between scientists and doc-tors from every country. Embryonic stem cell research isone of the approaches, but it has little value of clinicalapplication as the tissue and organs of humans are moreappropriately and advantageously considered as a wholesystem. Available successful clinical results from tradi-tional Chinese medicine should be considered as the basisof regenerative medicine research in ‘total’ practice. Tra-ditional Chinese medicine offers a valuable philosophythat should be further expanded through the incorpora-tion of concrete scientific methodology, innovative re-search approaches, well-established scientific thoughts,rational analysis, and rigorous conclusion. This is ourcommon course as we establish a systemic academic col-lege of world-class scientists. We believe that significantachievements in regenerative research will be ultimatelyobtained through our collaborative efforts and we wel-come all who in a like manner will apply themselves tothis noble cause.



Rationale Foci of Local Treatment ofBurns Medicine and Therapy


Burns are systemic complex injuries following skinexposure to thermal energy. In this chapter, we focus onthe local pathogenesis of burns when and after thermalinjuries occur to disclose the pathogenic basis and ratio-nale of local therapeutics.

Pathogenesis Focus of Burns Wounds

Following thermal injury, skin undergoes three injuryphases in pathogenic order: physical injury, biochemicalinjury, and rejection response of necrotic tissue.

Physical Injury Phase

This includes direct and indirect physical injury. Im-mediately following skin surface exposure to thermalsource, the resultant direct injury leads to necrosis ofinterface skin, which is called ‘direct physical thermalinjury’. Although the thermal source causing the directinjury is removed, the heat does not dissipate from theskin immediately. The residual heat continues to producea cumulative thermal effect which causes secondary ther-mal injury to the skin. This secondary trauma usually per-sists for 6–12 h. This is called the ‘indirect physical injuryphase’.

Biochemical Injury Phase

Local biochemical injury begins within 1 h of the ther-mal insult and lasts for up to approximately 72 h post-burn. This persists through the thermal biochemical reac-tion phase and the biochemical inflammatory reactionphase on the time order. At 1–2 h postburn, there is asignificant increase in capillary permeability occurring inthe injured, though still viable tissues, contiguous with thenecrosis caused by direct thermal injury. This results in

exudation of intravascular fluid toward the wound surfaceand interstitial space while tissue ischemia is occurring.Simultaneously, the injured but viable tissues and cells inthe area of lesion develop edema due to metabolic disor-der. At this time, the permeable capillaries release plentyof chemical substances which not only locally aggravatethe injury itself and damage the peripheral uninjuredareas, but also may subsequently result in systemic injury.Although it is not quite clear what these chemical sub-stances are, they appear to include histamine, 5-HT,hydrogen ion, kinin and bradykinin, etc. This phase iscalled the ‘thermal biochemical reaction phase’. About 2 hlater, the thermal biochemical reaction continues to affectthe viable tissues in the injured area to cause a series ofinflammatory reactions. The initiation of such an inflam-matory pathological reaction in the injured area mayresult in the full spectrum of pathological injuries. Forinstance, inflammatory reaction activates the blood coag-ulation system to induce progressive thrombosis of themicrocirculation, which may cause necrosis of the injuredbut viable tissues and may also result in ischemic andanoxic necrosis of the surrounding uninjured tissues. Thisprocess may last for 72 h postburn and is called the ‘bio-chemical inflammatory reaction phase’.

Reject Reaction of Necrotic Tissues

At 72 h postburn, the wound tissue comes into a phaseof rejection reaction, which is a response of the viable tis-sues due to disintegration of necrotic tissue and cells inthe interface of the lesion area. Usually mixed and exten-sive, this reaction process primarily includes three patho-geneses: (1) the disintegration of necrotic histiocytes inthe injury interface; (2) the regeneration of viable histio-cytes in the interface of the lesion area; (3) microbial in-fection in the injury interface. Besides an inflammatoryreaction, disintegration of necrotic histiocytes may inducecell liquefaction in the injury interface and, more impor-


14 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 4. Illustration of the pathomorphological characteristic of burnswounds.

tantly, the accumulation of cell liquefied products contin-ues the aggravation of the injured tissue. Meanwhile, theresidual viable tissues in the injury interface begin instinc-tive regeneration when disintegrated tissues develop intoa destructive substance unfavorable to the environmentof cell regeneration, thereby inducing serious inflamma-tion. The combination of the two above pathogeneses dis-turbs flora residing in the skin and causes the destructionof microbes in the injured area, both of which furtheraggravate damage and may result in systemic injury atany time. This process is called ‘rejection injury of necrot-ic tissues’, and is the last primary injury of a burnswound.

Pathological Focus of Burns Wounds

Pathological changes after burns consist of injury pa-thology, repair pathology and physiology according to thechanges of local wound. The injury pathological focusmainly refers to pathomorphological changes followingthermal injury of skin while repair pathology and physiol-ogy refers to auto-repairing pathological and physiologicalchanges of injured skin.

Characteristic of Morphological Changes of InjuryPathology

The injury area of burns skin is divided into necroticand reaction layers from superficial to interior. The for-mer results from physical injury, the latter from chemicalreactions following thermal injury. In accordance withpathogenesis characteristic of burns, the tissue in the ther-mal chemical reaction layer is gradually transformed tothe progressive necrosis and inflammatory reaction lay-ers, thus the unique morphological appearance of localpathology following burns injury is formed. There arethree concentric zones of thermal injury from superficial

to internal which exist in burns wounds (excepting first-degree burns) (see fig. 4). The central ‘zone of necrosis’ isdirectly injured by the heat source, causing immediate celldeath. Outside this zone is the ‘zone of stasis’ which is dueto indirect thermal injury and chemical injury resultingfrom the circulatory stasis and tissue degeneration causedby progressive microcirculatory thrombosis. The outer-most zone is the ‘zone of hyperemia’ where skin tissueexperiences an inflammatory reaction caused by localthermal and chemical injury. This zone is characterizedby a series of fully reversible pathomorphological changesincluding tissue edema, hyperemia, anoxia and exuda-tion.

The pathological injury changes within the three zonesreveal the most complicated biodynamics of all traumaticwounds. Apart from the natural changes among the threezones, their changes are also closely related to the admin-istration of different clinical therapies. The application ofa therapy which causes further injury to local wound mayworsen the viability of all three zones. If no secondaryinjury is caused, the three zones may resolve in a naturalprocess. However, if one uses a therapy which is protec-tive and therapeutically effective to the tissue beneath thenecrotic tissues, the progressive injury of the tissue in thezone of stasis may be prevented or reversed. Though thenecrotic layer of the burns wound surface is impossible torescue, the management of necrotic tissue of burnswounds affects viable tissue in the deep layer. If thenecrotic layer is left alone, a nonphysiological pressureexerted upon the underlying tissue results due to tissuedehydration and lack of normal skin elasticity. The pres-sure and increased microcirculatory blood concentrationmay lead to pressure ischemia with consequent anoxiathus aggravating the progressive necrosis of the underly-ing tissue. Application of therapy characterized by dry,coagulation, formation of crust or eschar will cause lethalinjury to stasis and hyperemia tissues, and thereby causeextension of the depth of the burn wound even to full-thickness necrosis. However, if measures for losing thenecrotic layer or preventing pressure to the underlying tis-sue are adopted, this full-thickness necrosis can be pre-vented and reversible changes of underlying stasis andhyperemia tissue may be attained.

Besides the aforementioned indirect factors, treatmentof the zone of stasis is also affected by various direct fac-tors. For example, the application method of crust/escharformation characterized by drying, dehydration and pro-tein coagulation, or maceration method may speed up themicrocirculatory progressive thrombosis. Alternatively,options exist for protecting the deep tissue which opti-mize the recovery of the tissue.

Repeated observation has taught the astute observerthat the zone of hyperemia may recover naturally if nofurther injury occurs to the stasis tissues. Unfortunately,


Rationale Foci of Local Treatment of Burns Medicine and Therapy 15

most typical burns treatments inadvertently allow pro-gression of burn to necrotic tissue due to serious ischemia,anoxia and cell death.

Characteristic of Repairing Pathological andPhysiological Changes

A revolutionary concept for the thorough repair of theaforementioned pathomorphological changes is put for-ward by the author after years of study of skin regenera-tion. The data derived from previous studies worldwide ismarginally useful as it involved tissues treated by the stan-dard treatment model of conventional burns surgery andburns care. Of note is that this treatment itself preventedpeople from understanding the natural repair mecha-nisms of burns wounds healing. A case in point is Dr.Jeckson who stated that he had never had a chance toobserve how burns wounds heal in spite of his severaldecades of experience in the research and treatment ofburns. What he had observed, admittedly, was either theburns wound covered by crust/eschar and thick dressing,reactive granulation tissue, or the absence of burn tissuedue to surgical excision. His admission suggests that con-ventional burns therapy worldwide is limited to surgicalexcision and skin grafting therapy. Confirmation of thatunfortunate fact is offered by the famous burn surgeonand chairman of the American Burn Association Dr.Deitch who stated in 1988: ‘Burn surgeons only know howto excise and graft skin instead of how to regenerate skin.’These remarks pinpoint the importance of evaluatinginnovations in burns regenerative medicine and therapy.

Following the separation, rejection or discharge ofnecrotic tissues, the residual viable skin tissue or informa-tion tissue (isogenous tissues and cells residing in subcuta-neous tissue related to dermis and epidermis) remains inthe injured area. The pathological change of natural burnsrepairing begins as follows:1 Superficial second-degree burns involve only the epi-

dermis, so the repairing takes place in the epidermistissue. The wound itself heals spontaneously withoutleaving a trace of scar whatever therapy is used sinceepidermis is formed by the layer-by-layer changes ofbasal cell layers.

2 Deep second-degree burns involve part or most of thenecrotic dermis. The pathology of repairing varieswhen different therapeutic techniques are applied.When treatment of dry and crust formation is applied,necrotic tissues are promoted to form a crust that isrejected from the underlying viable tissues along withthe zone of leukocyte infiltration. If no infection andsuppurative pathological change occur in the sub-crust,then the epithelial cells in residual dermis may growalong the zone of sub-crustal leukocyte infiltration.This then covers the wound under which dermis col-

lagenous fibers and blood vessels proliferate in a disor-derly manner. The wound closes pathologically via thisepithelization and scar formation follows the sheddingof crust. If subcrustal infection and suppurative patho-logical changes occur, the wound may be further in-jured and deep second-degree burns may progress intothird-degree trauma followed by a full-thickness necro-sis resulting in granulation of the wound. The woundresolves with permanent pathological healing even if ithad a chance to close by skin grafting. However, sup-pose the necrotic tissues were to be discharged from thewound without causing any injury to the wound. Sup-pose also that the residual viable tissues were retainedto the degree that a physiological environment is estab-lished sufficient to promote spontaneous residual tis-sue repair. In this case, we would witness wound heal-ing without scar formation. By managing environmentand local substances to optimize endogenous repairand regeneration, we facilitate healing of deep second-degree burns resulting in scar-free healing and recoveryto normal tissue anatomy and physiology.

3 Third-degree burns are equivalent to full-thicknessburns and involve tissue beneath the dermis. They aredefined according to the concept of skin burns. Interms of anatomy or histology or cytology, the skinconsists of two layers: the epidermis derived fromectoderm, and dermis (corium) derived from meso-blast. Full-thickness refers to the combination of epi-dermis and dermis. As the conjunction area betweenthe underlayer of dermis and subcutaneous tissue is anarea like a rugged highland instead of a plane, full-thickness projects deep into the surface layer of subcu-taneous tissue. In other words, full-thickness or third-degree burns involve tissue as deep as the surface layerof the subcutaneous tissue. Burn injuries involvingmost of the subcutaneous tissue and muscle layerextend beyond and should be excluded from the con-ception of skin burns. Diagnosis should be made inaccordance with the injured tissue. For example, burnsinvolving partial or major subcutaneous tissue shouldbe termed subcutaneous tissue burns, burns involvingfull subcutaneous tissue and muscle layer should betermed muscle burns, burns involving full muscle layerand bone should be termed bone burns. It is same withthe diagnosis of electric injury: burns caused by elec-tricity are the ordinary skin burns while burns causedby electric current involve skin, subcutaneous, muscle,bone as well as other tissues which electric current pen-etrates. For a better and simpler understanding, theauthor has tried to classify third-degree burns intothird superficial and third deep burns, of which the lat-ter refers to non-skin burns involving the tissue underthe subcutaneous layer. Thus, we might differentiatebetween skin and non-skin burns.


16 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

The pathological repairing of third-degree burns ischaracterized by the repairing of granulation tissue. Thereis no epithelial cell in subcutaneous tissue for closing thewound due to the full-thickness necrosis. It is convention-ally recognized that a wound with a diameter of around2 cm may close by migration of epithelial cells from thewound margin and heal spontaneously, while the larg-er wound should only be closed and healed by surgicalskin grafting. Remarkably, despite this conventional wis-dom, the author’s studies proved that third-degree burnswounds therapy is possible through direct pathological orphysiological healing without surgical intervention. Theresults of these studies indicated that: (1) Subsequent toburns, the adult tissue cells in residual viable subcuta-neous and/or fat layer may be converted into adult skinstem cells. (2) Adult stem cells have the potential to regen-erate and duplicate the organ of full-thickness skin.(3) The aforementioned regeneration and duplication wasaccomplished by the collaborative efforts of endogenoushuman regenerative potentials and control of localizedtissue environmental conditions. (See relevant informa-tion below.)

Therapeutics Focus

Burns regenerative medicine and therapy refers to themedical management up to the complex pathogenesis ofburns. Emphasis in this volume is made on the therapeu-tics focus of local burns wounds, an especially conclusivedescription. Considering the management of the burnswound environment, two techniques are currently avail-able worldwide for local burns treatment. One option isbased upon the perceived benefit of maintaining thewound in a dry and dehydrated state while the otherstrives to maintain the wound in a physiologically moiststate. Research clearly demonstrates that the former com-promises while the latter encourages tissue regeneration.Simply stated, one is pathological and the other physiolog-ical as regards tissue repair. In clinical treatment, carefulconsideration is needed for choosing the appropriate burntherapy according to the depth of the burns wound. Forsuperficial burns, as long as pain is relieved and furtherinjury is prevented, any burns therapy may achieve suc-cessful results. For deep second-degree and/or third-degree burns, the choice of therapy is more critical sincepathological healing may result in disability and lifelongdistress for the patient.

Due to differences of cultures and academic ideologiesin the medical circles, two categories of burns therapy pre-dominate in treating deep burns wounds. These are:(1) ‘surgical excision and skin grafting therapy’, and(2) ‘conservative repairing therapy (burns regenerative

medicine and therapy)’. The former is symbolized by thetherapy established in the 1930s, with the characteristic ofexcision and skin grafting (a variety of autografts) forwound closure. As the main stream in the western medicalcircles, this therapy has been adopted in hospitals all overthe world. The latter, burns regenerative medicine andtherapy, involves two modalities: moist-exposed burnstreatment (MEBT) and moist-exposed burns ointment(MEBO). This innovative and impressive modality wasestablished by Dr. Rongxiang Xu in the late 20th century.It features the discharge of necrotic tissue by liquefactionin a manner that does not cause further secondary injuryand also supports the establishment of a physiologicalenvironment sufficient to repair residual viable tissueswhile regenerating skin tissue. This therapy has been suc-cessfully exported to 48 countries and enjoys wide clinicalapplication while attaining the predominant status forburns care in eastern medical circles. Herein to follow arethe main points of the two categories of the burn thera-pies.

Therapeutics Focus of Surgical Excision and SkinGrafting Therapy

Surgical excision and skin grafting therapy is estab-lished upon the premise that no effective method is avail-able for treating a series of postburn illness. It is consid-ered that the tissue in the zone of stasis of deep second-degree burns is doomed to a complicated and dangerousprogressive necrosis. Additionally, it is assumed thatwound with necrosis of full-thickness dermis is unlikely toheal spontaneously. During the procedure of conservativerepairing treatment for deep burns wounds, infection,inflammation and other serious complications may devel-op and become life-threatening, and the treatment resultwill be pathological. Based upon the above consideration,a therapy was established: First transform the burnswound to a traumatic wound via surgical interventionand then perform the conventional burns treatment in anattempt to increase survival rate. In the clinic setting, thewhole burned necrotic tissue together with some viabledermis or subcutaneous tissue are removed, creating asurgical wound of muscle layer over which a variety ofautografts are placed to close the wound. Admittedly, thistherapeutic option anticipates a compromised and subop-timal result while striving mostly to save the patient’s life.This therapy is a purely surgical technique and functionswith disregard to burns physiology. As a treatment, itresembles the treatment of a gastric ulcer by surgical inter-vention – subtotal gastrectomy. Therefore, this therapydoes not treat burns tissue itself but constitutes simply asurgical therapy for treating muscle or deeper burns ratherthan skin burns.


Rationale Foci of Local Treatment of Burns Medicine and Therapy 17

Therapeutics Focus of Burns Regenerative Medicineand Therapy (MEBT/MEBO)

MEBT was invented on the basis of a series of burnsnatural pathogeneses, appreciating each aspects of burnstissue’s physiological response including physical, chemi-cal and biochemical reactions. Additionally, it incorpo-rates an understanding of necrotic tissue rejection as wellas principles of physiological repair and regeneration. Themain therapeutic focus is manifested in the followingaspects: (1) alleviation of wound pain by microprotectionof injured nerve ending and by relief of hair arrectorespilorum spasm; (2) prevention or resolution of continuousphysical thermal injury by the application of an ointmentwhich draws away the residual heat from the woundthrough a specially designed frame structure dosage;(3) discharge of necrotic tissues by liquefaction withoutcausing further secondary injury while allowing the resid-ual viable tissues to continue an endogenous process ofregeneration; (4) creation of a physiologically moist envi-ronment to ensure the physiological repair of residual skintissues; (5) realization of skin regeneration in compliancewith the principles of endogenous histological and cyto-logical regeneration; (6) control of microbial concentra-tion and toxicity at the wound site so as to prevent andcontrol pathogenic infection through continuous active

drainage of the wound as well as by other mechanisms;(7) regulation of the physiological repair of burns woundswith the comprehensive active ingredients of the MEBOointment.

Burns regenerative medicine and therapy (MEBT/MEBO) was established in the context of a worldwideconsensus that surgical burns therapy comprised a subop-timal therapy. It arose in a therapeutic vacuum where nosubstantial innovations had been offered for modernburns treatment. MEBT/MEBO has basically realized thetreatment of burns tissue itself, and become the main-stream medical therapy for skin burns. However, evenMEBT/MEBO has its limitations, for presently it also isnot suitable for treating burns involving muscle or deeperlayers. Unfortunately, current research has made no pro-gress in regenerating new skin from muscle tissue. Forburns with a diameter less than 20 cm involving the mus-cle layer, the wound may heal with MEBT/MEBO by themigrating of epithelial cells from the wound margin trans-versely to regenerate skin and then close the wound. Withthe assistance of a surgical technique, electric burns andlocal burns involving bones may be treated with satisfac-tory results (data attached below). Happily, burns replace-ment therapy offers a breakthrough therapeutic benefit inthat it may enable larger muscle layer burns to heal spon-taneously.



Evaluation and Classification ofBurn Severity



Clinical Assessment of Burn Area

In 1961, Wellace advanced the generally accepted ‘ruleof nines’ which, while simple and practical, is not veryaccurate. The ‘hand method’, which uses the patient’shand as a standard for measurement (i.e. the surface areacovered by the patient’s hand with fingers closed beingroughly 1% of the whole body surface) is very useful formeasurement of small or multiple scattered areas.

The head and neck is 9% of the area of the whole body,two upper limbs is 18% (2 ! 9), two lower limbs (includ-ing buttock) is 46% (5 ! 9 + 1), the front and the back ofthe trunk (including perineum) is 27% (3 ! 9). This pro-

portion may be different according to the patient’s ageand gender. Therefore, some more accurate methods havebeen put forward. In 1970, ‘Chinese rule of nines’ wasnamed, this is based on the actual proportion of body sur-face area of Chinese people, and is now popularly applied(table 1). In China, there is another rule named the ‘rule oftens’ which considers the head and the neck area as 10%,upper limbs 2 ! 10%, trunk (including perineum andbuttock) 3 ! 10% and lower limbs 4 ! 10%. This methodis also very simple and easy to apply.

Table 1. The ‘Chinese rule of nines’ fordetermination of burn area Position % of adult body

surface area% of child bodysurface area

Head and neck hair 3face 3 (9 in total) 9+ (aged below 12)neck 3

Both upper limbs upper arms 7forearms 6 (2 ! 9 in total) 2 ! 9hands 5

Trunk front 13back 13 (3 ! 9 in total) 3 ! 9perineum 1

Both lower limbs buttocks 5*thighs 21 (5 ! 9 + 1 in total) 5 ! 9 + 1– (aged below 12)shanks 13feet 7*

* For adult females, buttocks and feet account for 6%.


20 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Clinical Evaluation on Depth of the Burns Wound

Since burns wounds are conventionally treated withdry-exposed therapy or bandaging method, the resultantobscuring of the wound by scar or dressing preventsinspection of the wound the next day. People can only seethe crust and the dressings, thus it becomes very difficultto estimate wound depth accurately. Though some instru-ments have been invented for diagnosis of burn depth,their accuracy typically proves to be less than visual esti-mates by experienced doctors. One advantage of burnsregenerative medicine and therapy (MEBT/MEBO) isthat burns wounds can be inspected in the whole treat-ment process by the naked eye. This allows doctors toaccurately observe the changes in the wound over time,thus allowing for simple determination of wound depth.At this point, thanks to accurate observation of the patho-logical changes in the burn area, the clinical characteris-tics of burns wounds and the clinical diagnosis of burndepth can be summarized as follows.

First-Degree Burns

Diagnosis of first-degree burns is the same as the con-ventional surgical standard. The burns wound is ery-thematous in appearance, has no blister, may be painfuland have slight swelling. These wounds typically healspontaneously by 3 days postburn with varying degrees ofepithelial exfoliation. The injured area should not beincluded when estimating the total extent of the burnsince, pathologically speaking, the skin was only thermallyirritated and not burned, as there was no structure injuryto epidermal basal layer and no formation of zone of sta-sis. MEBO can accelerate the recovery of first-degreeburns with resolution of erythematous skin within 24 hand immediate cessation of pain. The injured epithelia inthe superficial layer of epidermis can be exfoliated andremoved together with the MEBO and no systemic reac-tion occurs.

Second-Degree Burns

Worldwide, the incidence of second-degree burns isclinically the highest. The pathological changes of second-degree burns are very complicated and, until now, quitedifficult to manage. Second-degree burn is often painfuland sensitive to pin-prick. The microcirculation in theinjured tissue is damaged. Congestion and exudationoccur, and a zone of stasis may exist in the dermis. Whenprogressive necrosis of the dermal tissue occurs due tomicrothrombosis formation, this worsens the clinical pic-ture. Second-degree burns destroy the skin barrier and

result in a serial systemic reaction and infection. Withoutapplication of BRT, as epithelial tissue is seriously in-jured, the wounds healed with disfiguring and painfulscar formation, dooming the patient to a lifetime of suf-fering.

The diagnosis of second-degree burns is not difficult.However, with conventional burns treatments, it is diffi-cult to differentiate betwen superficial and deep second-degree burns because the wounds cannot be inspecteddirectly and clearly. Therefore, the diagnosis is based onlyon the doctor’s conception of the process and not on directexperience. However, when burns regenerative medicineand therapy (MEBT) is applied, there is direct and ade-quate evidence for establishing the correct diagnosis.

Superficial Second-Degree Burns Scald Wound. Within 2 h post-scald, obvious color

change occurs in the dermis and blisters of different sizeappear. After blister exfoliation, the skin tissue looksmoist, slightly red with exudation and has good elasticity.Fine hair stands straight and is sensitive to pain whenpulled out. The wound is smooth. Two hours later, woundexudate increases with bright red color, and wound swell-ing (especially wounds in the face) can be observed. 48 hlater, swelling subsides and exudate decreases gradually.Four days later, epidermis of the wound thickens and thewound heals in about 6 days.

Burns Wound. The wounds may have different appear-ances according to different causes, e.g. epidermal layer ofthe wound burned by a gas fire flame has a dark color.Compared with scald wounds, the wound surface causedby flame is drier and after removal of the blisters, thewound looks dark red, because flame results in seri-ous dehydration. Pathological changes in burns woundscaused by flame are the same as in scald wounds.

Deep Second-Degree Burns Deep second-degree burns may be further differen-

tiated into two subtypes: (1) superficial subtype of deepsecond-degree burns with thermal injuries reaching thedermal papilla layer; (2) deep subtype of deep second-degree burns with injuries reaching the dermal reticularlayer. The key points to distinguishing the deep second-degree burn from the superficial second-degree burn atthe early stage are that in the former, the necrotic layerand the zone of stasis do exist in the dermis of thewound, while in the latter (superficial second-degreeburn), there is no formation of either the necrotic layer orthe zone of stasis. Therefore, in the treating procedure,superficial second-degree burns wounds do not have


Evaluation and Classification of Burn Severity 21

liquefied products of necrotic tissue, while deep second-degree burns wounds produce copious amounts of lique-fied products from necrotic tissue before the wound heal-ing.

The Superficial Subtype of Deep Second-Degree BurnsWounds. The appearance of this type of wound is similarto superficial second-degree burns wounds. Scald woundshave blisters of different size and after blister exfoliation,the dermal tissue looks light red or pale with much exu-date. The wound has good elasticity. 24 h later, numerousred pin-spots appear in the pale wound while the superfi-cial layer of the dermis becomes semi-transparent, sensi-tive to pain, and gives a positive reaction when the hair ispulled out. After the exudation stage, the wound looksred, superficial layer of the dermis begins to liquefy, thebase of the wound is in a position lower than skin surface.In about 10 days, liquefaction products decrease, thewound grows up to the skin surface. Healing occurs withinabout 15 days without scar formation. Hyperpigmenta-tion may appear temporarily. After 1 month, the skin col-or recovers to normal. The burns wounds appear dark orbrown in the dermis at the early stage and blisters of dif-ferent size may exist. After removal of the blisters, thedermis looks red alternating with white. Exudate occursbut fine hair disappears. The wound is sensitive to pain,gives positive reaction to needle stab test. After the exuda-tion stage, the wound looks red much as the scald wounddoes.

The Deep Subtype of Deep Second-Degree BurnsWounds. At the early stage postburn, no blister appears,or small blisters may appear after a while. Scald woundswith no blister have epidermis separated and adhered tothe dermis. Flame burns wound is dry with black carbon-ized substances on the epidermis. The wound is obtuse topain. Some patients even have no pain sensation. Iftreated inappropriately, loss of pain sensation will con-tinue, which is an unnecessary and unfortunate conse-quence. After removal of dead epidermis, the woundlooks pale and leathery. In the deep region, dark red spotsmay be seen. The wound surface is dry with less exudate.After the exudation stage, the necrotic layer begins toliquefy. At this point, the wound base is obviouslyrecessed relative to the skin surface. The wound heals tothe skin surface in about 25–28 days. Generally, scar for-mation is not obvious. Often the final skin color is notuniform as some patients retain a disfiguring hypopig-mentation.

Third-Degree Burns

Diagnosis of third-degree burns is easier than second-degree burns. The scald third-degree wound is pale withno blood supply and almost no exudate. Pain sensation islost or reduced. Flame burns wound has a carbonized epi-

dermis which can be adherent to the dermis. The woundsurface is lower than surrounding normal skin surface,there is a loss of pain sensation, and no exudate appears atthe exudation stage. After treatment with MEBT/MEBO,sparse exudate can be seen. After the exudation stage, thenecrotic tissue begins to liquefy, but this occurs muchslower than that of deep second-degree burns wounds.Liquefaction completes in 15–20 days and granulationtissue appears in the wound. The superficial third-degreeburn with thermal injury reaching the subcutaneous layermay heal by skin regeneration. A small area of deep third-degree burns wound (diameter !18 cm) with thermalinjury reaching the muscle layer may heal without skingrafting but with scar formation. Large deep third-degreeburns wound needs skin grafting. Pediatric third-degreeburns wound is usually dark and red in color. When con-ventional surgical burns therapy is applied, it is difficultto estimate burn depth accurately, especially to distin-guish deep second-degree and third-degree burns.

Pathological Basis of ‘Three Degree Four DivisionMethod’ for Diagnosis of Burns Depth

First-Degree BurnsOnly the epidermal layer is injured without blister. The

blood vessels are dilatated and the microcirculation iscongested. The injured area is red shortly postburn. Thisarea is sensitive to pain, because the sensory nerve end-ings are still there and endogenous chemicals such as ki-nin are released from thermal injured tissues, irritatingthe nerves. First-degree burns wounds heal without scarformation. When treated with conventional therapy, hy-perpigmentation may be caused temporarily, but this typ-ically vanishes in a few months. The skin recovers nor-mally. When treated with MEBO, the skin recovers tonormal appearance in about half a month.

Second-Degree Burns Thermal injury reaches epidermal and dermal layers.

The injured area is moist, with blister formation and epi-dermis exfoliation. Congestion is obvious. If injuryreaches the dermal layer, swelling in the dermis and deeptissues may press the blood capillaries and obstruct theblood flow which causes the wound to look pale. Theinjured area is very sensitive to pain as is the first-degreeburn. Second-degree burns can be classified as superficialsecond-degree burns or as deep second-degree burns.

Superficial Second-Degree Burns Wounds. Some epi-dermis extended to papilla, so they are not injured. Thebasal layer of the epidermis, i.e. regenerative layer, sur-vives. The basal cells can divide and regenerate to coverthe wound, thus the wound could be completely epidermi-dalized.


22 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 5. Diagram of skin structure illustrating burns depth.

Deep Second-Degree Burns Wounds. Epidermis is com-pletely destroyed, only parts of the skin appendages sur-vive, i.e. basal cells of follicles and sweat glands which arelocated in the deep part of the dermis. The wound can alsobe covered and healed by division and regeneration ofthese surviving cells in the appendages. When conven-tional surgical therapy is applied, in most cases the woundresults in infection and worsens, ultimately healing withepithelialization. Conversely, when MEBT/MEBO is ap-plied, epidermidalization can occur, the full thickness ofskin can be completely recovered. Changes in skin pig-mentation may occur to different extent.

Third-Degree BurnsProgressive stasis zone necrosis and coagulation necro-

sis of epidermis occur, dermis and deep layer tissues ofdermis are completely destroyed by thermal injury. Noblood flow can be found in the necrotic area, the wound ispale. When treated with dry-exposed therapy, a blackcrust may form and even carbonization may occur. Inchildren, wounds are red and black, because children havemore water in the tissue and the skin is thinner. In thethird-degree burns area, one can see some blood vessels ina thrombotic state. The lesion is not sensitive to pain,because sensory nerve endings are destroyed. The inter-face of the basal part of the injured area and normal tissuehas reduced pain sensation. Small third-degree burnswounds can be covered by wound edge surviving epithe-lial cell proliferation and regeneration. But for large third-degree burns wounds, skin grafting or epithelial cell trans-plantation is required. Recently, it was found that sweatgland epithelia in the subcutaneous fatty layer can regen-erate to cover the wounds. Accordingly, third-degree

wound injury reaching the fatty layer is capable of sponta-neous healing.

Burns due to different causes may have differentdepths, so for diagnosis of burn depth, the doctor needs toclearly establish the cause of burn and understand the var-ied characteristics. For example, burns wounds with car-bonized surface may not necessarily be third-degreeburns. A moist scald wound with blisters must be a sec-ond-degree scald. An acid burns wound with crust ismuch shallower than a non-crust alkali burns wound.

When applying MEBT/MEBO, the wounds are ex-posed to the naked eye’s inspection in the whole course,which provides an advantageous condition for clinicaldiagnosis.

‘Three Degree Six Division Method’

People usually classify burn depth according to thepenetration of anatomical structure. i.e. superficial, par-tial and full-thickness burns. Burns are also classified intothree degrees by numbers: first-degree burns, only superfi-cial cell layer is involved; second-degree burns involvebasal layer of the epidermis and superficial layer of thedermis, while third-degree burns involve subcutaneoustissue. According to wound manifestation and healing,deep burns wounds can be divided in an even more de-tailed manner. Second-degree burns can be divided intothree grades: Superficial second-degree burns refers toburn injury reaching the basal layer of epidermis withsome of the basal layer still surviving. Superficial deepsecond-degree burns refers to burn injury reaching thedermal papillary layer while deep second-degree deepburns refers to burn injury reaching the dermal reticu-lar layer. The theoretical basis is that in superficial sec-ond-degree burns wounds, the skin microcirculation hasbeen injured but there is no stasis zone and most of theskin structure is retained. In deep second-degree burnswounds, the stasis zone occurs in the dermal papillarylayer but epidermal structure is lost while most of the skinappendages are still retained. In deep second-degree deepburns wounds, a microcirculation stasis zone is formed inthe dermal reticular layer and only a small part of theappendages is retained.

Third-degree burns can be divided into two grades.Superficial third-degree burns refers to necrosis of the der-mis, but subcutaneous tissues still have vitality and asmall part of the epithelial tissue of the sweat glands indeep subcutaneous areas survives. Deep third-degreeburns refers to muscular layer thermal injury. Bone burnsrefers to bone injury (fig. 5).

In clinical practice, people often find that some burnswounds contain an obvious granulation while, around thelesion, there are a few scattered skin island tissues. This iscalled mixed-degree burn.


Evaluation and Classification of Burn Severity 23


Clinical Classification of Burns Severity

The classification of burns patients according to severi-ty is very helpful as it aids in triage (the organization ofrescue and transfer of the patients to medical facilities andthe rational allocation of manpower and material re-sources). With clear classification, care can be delivered inan orderly manner according to relative importance andurgency.

Classification Criteria Applied in China

Slight BurnsSecond-degree burns with a total area below 10% body

surface area (BSA).

Moderate Burns Total burn area 11–30% BSA, or third-degree burn less

than 10% BSA.

Severe Burns Total burn area 31–50% BSA of third-degree burns

area 11–20% BSA; and total burn area less than 31% BSA,but having one of the following conditions: (1) severe sys-temic condition or shock; (2) compound injury or compli-cated injury; (3) moderate or severe inhalation injury.

Extraordinarily Severe Burns Total burn area above 51% BSA or third-degree burns

area above 21% BSA.

Attention Points in Estimation of Burns Severity

1 To estimate the severity of burns, in addition to burnarea and depth, consideration should include patient’sage and health condition, complications, intoxication,etc.

2 The purpose of classification is to help organization ofrescue, transfer of patients and allocation of manpowerand material resources, but not for grading the treat-ment level. Patients with slight burns may deteriorateinto a serious situation so that they also need carefuland high level treatment.

3 Classification should be done in a proper way andrequires confirmation.

4 Accurate and detailed notation of the estimation andclassification decisions should be recorded to assurequality control.



Clinical Principles of BurnsRegenerative Medicine and Therapy




Clinical Principles of BurnsRegenerative Medicine and Therapy



Standardized Local Treatment of the Burns Wound

Background Information of Standardized LocalTreatment and Sources

In clinical burns treatment, as in all areas of medicine,there is a ‘voltage drop’ between the rarified academicenvironment and the trenches of clinical practice. The cli-nician often cannot keep abreast of academic advances intreatment techniques. Many experienced doctors maydisregard innovations preferring to stay with the ‘triedand true’. In some cases, fidelity to past protocols andmaintenance of their dignity and reputation is moreimportant than the actual therapeutic results experiencedby their patients. Thus we see in medicine, as in all arenasof human commerce, an unfortunate phenomenon where-by the innovator must promote an improvement in thestatus quo to a temperamentally unresponsive profession-al audience. Rather than being accepted on their ownmerits, innovations are typically greeted with a coldshoulder and an unfortunate degree of suffering is visitedupon patients until the paradigm shift is accomplished.Rare is the doctor who seeks out and consults an inventorabout proposed improvements in clinical protocols. Evenin today’s information age where theories and practicescan be easily investigated, many doctors remain unable orunwilling to consider proposed improvements to conven-tional and outdated treatment techniques.

In order to meet this challenge and to demonstrate tomedical professionals and the public the benefits of aninnovation in burns treatments, this chapter will present acomparison of two groups of clinical pictures of burnspatients treated either by the contemporary methods orby the burns regenerative medicine and therapy (BRT)protocols (MEBO/MEBT). These pictures compel theviewer to rise above petty loyalties to different schools of

thought and to rely instead upon the desire to offer thebest possible care to those suffering from burn injury.These pages invite burns doctors around the world to jointhe collaborative effort and further this exciting area ofresearch and clinical care.

The author has restrained himself from commentingon the relative therapeutic effects pictured below, choos-ing instead for the reader to experience their merit forhim/herself.

Sources of Representative Cases

Case of extensive deep burns treated by conventionalsurgical dry therapy (excision and skin grafting, abbr. drytherapy): A case of 71% third-degree burns, source from aburns center standing for the international level of burnssurgery. Another case with 81% third-degree burnstreated with cultured composite autograft (CCA) technol-ogy, and the data from the international journal Burns[vol. 25, No. 8, 1999].

Extensive deep burns treated by BRT (MEBT/MEBO):A case of 85% third-degree extensive burns treated by aburns team led by Professor Rongxiang Xu who is theinventor of this therapy, data from The Chinese Journal ofSurface Burns, Wounds and Ulcers, No. 3, 1997.

Severity of Burns of Three Cases

In accordance with the international classificationsand standards of burn severity, 3 cases were significantlycomparable. Though there are remarkable differences inmedical conditions, the results revealed many more dif-ferences in therapeutic effects (table 2).


28 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 2. Comparison of severity of burns and medical conditions among three cases

Sex Age Sign onadmission

Causeof burn






Dry therapyM 23 shock flame 71% tracheotomy first class no sterilization

and isolation

Moist therapyM 35 shock flame and

hot cement85 % tracheotomy secondary

classopen multiplemetatarso-phalangeal fractures


Composite autograft therapyF 12 shock flame 81% tracheotomy advanced

hospital in USAopen left tibiaand fibula fractures

sterilizationand isolation

Compared Parts and Burn Depths

To accurately and objectively demonstrate the clinicaltreatment, anterior chest and face with comparable third-degree burns wounds in each case were selected for com-parison. The case of composite autograft therapy serves asa reference to show the common ground and contempora-ry development of surgical excision and skin grafting ther-apy. Autografts are widely used in the standard surgicalburns management and cultured composite autografts(CCA) have recently been used in the United States forskin grafting.

Standardized Local Treatment of Burns Wounds

To help facilitate the understanding of a variety ofburn treatment techniques, 3 cases were compared at thefollowing three clinical procedures: treatment of burntskin, healing and closure of wound, and need for recon-struction after wound healing.

Case 1: Surgical Excision and Skin Grafting BurnsTherapy

Background Information

A 23-year-old male was burned when fire burned hiscotton clothes ignited by steel residue at his workplace.Immediate antishock management was administrated atthe factory clinic. At 4 h postburn, the patient was trans-ferred and arrived at the hospital 7 h 20 min later. Upon

arrival, initial assessment revealed that the patient suf-fered severe burns, including face and both auricles, ante-rior neck, both hands, chest, abdomen, left thigh and bothlegs; wound showing leather-like; dendritic vascular em-bolism. His vital signs included: T: 35.9°C, P: 44/min, R:32/min and BP: unmeasurably low. The patient devel-oped hypovolemic shock postburn which was compli-cated by inhalation injury.

On admission, rapid fluid resuscitation was started tocorrect shock and tracheotomy was performed to improveventilation. Escharectomy was then performed on thethird-degree wounds of the left forearm and both legs torelieve pressure and improve blood circulation at theextremities. Superior vena cava puncturing and right car-diac floating catheterization were performed to monitorheart function. On day 2 postburn, surgical eschar exci-sion to the underlying fascia and micro-particle autograft-ing was performed on the extremities. On day 6, thepatient received eschar excisions on the chest and abdo-men, on which evenly holed allograft sheets were applied.Four days after the operation (day 10 postburn) smallpieces of split-thickness autografts were placed on thesewounds through the openings of the allograft. The patientdeveloped severe Pseudomonas septicemia, and becamecomatose with low body temperature for 1 week. Septi-cemia was well controlled after intensive care. After that,repeated skin grafting was performed 9 times and most ofthe wounds healed. On day 43 postburn, corneal ulcer inthe left eye occurred and was treated with eye drops andretrobulbar injection. Corresponding measures were tak-en to prevent stress ulcer, control infection and preventpulmonary complications. The length of hospitalizationwas 70 days.


Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 29

Fig. 6. a Before treatment. b Exposure and dryness of burned skin.c Adopting various methods to enable dryness, dehydration andeschar formation of burned skin. d Excision with electric knife andremoval of dead burned skin, subcutaneous tissue together with via-ble fat layer down to the underlying fascia. e Muscle layer covered byviable deep fascia appeared after excision.

Procedure and Results (fig. 6, 7)

First Step: Treatment of Burned SkinDryness and debridement of eschar replaced the burn

wound by a surgically induced traumatic wound with nei-ther burnt tissue nor skin tissue.

Second Step: Healing and Closure of Wound

Third Step: Reconstruction after Wound HealingDuring a period of 14 months, nine surgical recon-

structive operations were performed. However, disable-ment and disfigurement still presented.

Fig. 7. a Punching holes evenly on prepared allograft sheet. b Stretch-ing the graft as mesh and covering the wound. Four days later, smallpieces of split-thickness autografts were placed on the wound throughthe allograft openings. c Bandaged with adequate dressings. d After20 days, the allograft was rejected. Autografts survived partially.e Re-autografting of areas where the previous grafting failed. f Evenmonkey skin was grafted (on day 47 postburn). g Gradual woundhealing after multiple grafts. h On the 74th day after injury, thewound was healed but the patient was disabled.


30 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


(For legend see page 29.)


Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 31

Fig. 8. a Before treatment. b Removal of debris and loose dead epi-dermis. c Biopsy of wound skin for pathological examination con-firmed all layers of skin had been destroyed. d Cultivating andscratching skin and relieving eschar with a specially designed ‘ploughsaw blade’, applying MEBO and treating with burns regenerativetherapy. e Removing liquefied necrotic tissue. f Liquefied and dis-charged necrotic tissue. The newly regenerated skin tissue cells weredetected in the subcutaneous tissue by histological examination.g The necrotic tissue was liquefied and discharged. The semiviableinjured tissue was revitalized. The newly regenerated islands of epi-thelial cells appeared upon the granulation tissue, which formed onthe surface of the subcutaneous tissue (20th day after injury).


32 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy



Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 33

Case 2: Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy(BRT with MEBT/MEBO)

Background Information

A 35-year-old male sustained scalds by 1,000°C hotcement and flame burns secondary to a cement kiln col-lapse accident at 8:30 p.m. on April 12, 1996. He wasadmitted to the hospital 4.5 h after injury. Initial assess-ment showed: (1) burn-blast combined injury; (2) exten-sive deep burns (85% TBSA); (3) severe inhalation injury;(4) shock; (5) open multiple fractures on both feet.

On admission, the patient was in a critical state and inshock. The extensive deep burns wounds were covered bycement powder. He had inhaled cement and his nasalhairs were singed. He suffered from respiratory abnormal-ities and hoarseness. Tracheotomy was performed imme-diately. BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment and cultivat-ing technique was started on the wound and systemiccomprehensive management begun. Histological exami-nation of the wound skin showed third-degree burns. Onday 30 postburn, liquefaction and discharge of woundnecrotic tissues were finished. On day 49 postburn, newlyregenerated skin was present on the wounds. Ten days lat-er, large sections of regenerated skin appeared on thewounds and all wounds had healed completely on day 72postburn. One year later, follow-up showed the patientfree of disablement, capable of independent viability andno need for reconstruction.

Fig. 9. a Continuous treatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO andprotection of the wound with the ointment (MEBO). Pathologicalexamination showed regeneration of skin tissue, and there were someislands of epithelial cells distributed on the surface of the granulationtissue. b Histological examination revealed that those islands weremasses of regenerating skin tissue from subcutaneous tissue com-posed of capillaries, collagen, epithelial cells, etc. c The epithelialislands expanded gradually and started to integrate. d The regener-ated skin islands connected to form a larger piece. e On the 49th dayafter injury, histological examination confirmed that the newlyregenerated skin was of physiological full-thickness. f On some partsof already integrating skin, there was a physiological anatomic struc-ture of large blood vessels in the subcutaneous tissue. g All areas ofthe wound were covered by regenerating skin, either closing thewound, or developing new skin of a similar structure, appearance andfunction to that of normal skin. h 72nd day; appearance of healedwound with regeneration of full-thickness skin.

Procedure and Results (fig. 8, 9)

First Step: Treatment of Burned Skin

Second Step: Healing and Closure of the Wound

Third Step: Reconstruction after Wound HealingNo need.

Ed. note: In the spirit of brevity, the author has offeredphotographic documentation of 2 cases only. However,the author has documented hundreds of similar cases andfor those who would appreciate reviewing that extensivephotographic library, we refer you either to the literatureor to

Case 3: Surgical Excision and Cultured CompositeAutograft Therapy

Background Information

Cultured epithelial autografts (CEA) have been used asan adjunct in the surgical management of extensive ther-mal burns. Unfortunately, the lack of a dermal matrixmakes CEA susceptible to infection, shearing forces andlimits their incorporation into the burn wound. A cul-tured composite autograft (CCA) has been developedrecently in which autologous keratinocytes and fibroblastsare surgically harvested from the burns patient’s normalskin. These components are proliferated and then com-bined to form an epidermal and dermal matrix whichgrows into confluence and is then applied to the lesion.

Standard wound coverage techniques as well as CCAtechology were utilized for successful wound closure in a12-year-old female with an 81% third-degree burn. Afterfascial excision and allograft coverage, autografts wereplaced on her posterior burns and then 7,500 cm2 of CCAwas placed onto her anterior thorax, abdomen and lowerextremities. Sixty percent of the burns was covered withCCA resulting in a success rate of 40%. No evidence ofinfection was noted, even in areas where CCA failed,although in those areas random epithelialization ap-peared to occur which then seemed to facilitate autograftplacement. Early debridement and allografting followedby conventional autografts and CCA placement may pro-vide an effective skin coverage strategy in patients withextensive deep burns.

Procedure and Results

Disablement and disfigurement. Reconstruction wasrequired. Pictures of the treatment procedure are notavailable here as copyright is concerned. See Burns1999;25:771–779 for details.


34 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Indications and Diagnostic Principles of BurnsRegenerative Medicine and Therapy

It is concluded from a comparison of the descriptions inthe previous section that burn injuries involving skin onlyshould be treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO ratherthan with surgical excision and skin grafting therapy. Thelatter is only appropriate in the treatment of burns woundswith full-thickness necrosis of subcutaneous tissue togeth-er with muscle or deeper burns. To facilitate the clinicalperformance, the diagnostic principles and clinical indica-tions of various therapies are standardized below.

Diagnostic Principles of Burns Medical Therapy

Many textbooks describe the method of diagnosis ofburn depth. It is based on naked eye observation and thedoctor’s own experience; therefore, it is often difficult todifferentiate between full-thickness burns and deep par-tial-thickness injury. Understandably, therefore, woundsshould not be excised since the result is the removal of allskin tissues and superficial fascia. After surgical excision,we see that the prognosis is worse and the mortality anddisablement rates are elevated.

In order to standardize the diagnosis of burn depth, thefollowing principles should be followed.

Principle of Clinical Diagnosis

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether theburn wound requires surgical excision or not. If thewound demonstrates surviving skin tissue in the deeplayer with appearance of exudate within 6 h after injury,then the subcutaneous tissues are viable with functionalmicrocirculation and surgical excision is not required.After treatment with this BRT, white exudates will appearon the wound surface. One notices that the more the exu-date, the more superficial the wound. If the wound has noexudate 3 days postburn, surgical operation should beconsidered. If the wound reveals no hemorrhage of subcu-taneous tissue after the fasciotomy, it can be excised.However, this does not apply to the wound where the exu-date disappeared after treatment with dry therapy. If suchcases occur, there are mistakes in the treatment.

Pathological Diagnosis

Pathological diagnosis is used to diagnose the depth ofburns wounds without exudate and to determine whetherthe wounds need to be excised. Wounds with exudate do

not need pathological diagnosis. Pathological diagnosis iseasy and painless. If there is misdiagnosis of one biopsysample of a small piece of skin including subcutaneoustissue from the wound, histological examination of thesection is performed. If most of the subcutaneous tissue isnecrotic, the wound can be excised and treated with skingrafting. If the subcutaneous tissue is still structurallyvital, then the wound should not be excised and BRT(MEBT/MEBO) should be applied. Accurate pathologicaldiagnosis based upon scientific investigation is feasibleand, when performed correctly, can afford the patient cor-rect diagnosis and optimum prognosis. It is no longeracceptable for the physician to rely upon the naked eye astoo many treatment errors could result.

Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy(BRT with MEBT/MEBO)


BRT with MEBT/MEBO is an independent method:1 For treating superficial second-degree and deep sec-

ond-degree burns and scald wounds of various causesand in different areas.

2 In coordination with cultivating and relieving tech-niques, BRT can be used for treating full-thickness der-mis burns and scald wounds, provided viable subcuta-neous tissue of various causes and different areas arepresent.

3 For treating burns wounds deep in the muscular layerwith diameters of less than 20 cm.

4 For treating wounds at the skin donor site.5 For treating granulation wounds deep in the muscular

layer, for promoting regeneration of granulation tissuein burned bone after debridement, and to create aphysiological environment at the receiving site for skingrafting.

6 For treating all kinds of surface wounds.7 For treating other skin lesions including hemorrhoids,

leg ulcers, bedsores, chronic ulcers, infected wounds,chilblains, etc.

Clinical Application

Direct application of MEBO – a specially developedtopical drug for BRT with MEBT/MEBO – onto thewound surface to a thickness of 0.5–1.0 mm every 4–6 h.Detailed clinical treatment is recommended as follows:


Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 35

1 For first aid at home (especially in the kitchen): Imme-diately apply MEBO on the wound to relieve pain, stopbleeding, alleviate injuries and prevent infection incases of scalds and burns by hot oil, boiling water, orfriction burns. The sooner, the better. The consequenttreatment should be conducted according to the follow-ing specific cases.

2 Treatment for first-degree burns or scalds: Directlysmear MEBO onto the wound 2–3 times daily.

3 Treatment for superficial second-degree burns orscalds: Directly smear MEBO onto the wound to athickness of 0.5–1.0 mm. Renew the ointment every4–6 h; before doing so gently wipe off any residual oint-ment and exudates. It usually takes 6–7 days to heal.Blisters, if present, should be punctured and dis-charged while blister skin should be kept intact in theearly stage. No disinfectant, saline or water is requiredor in fact even allowed except in the case where exoge-nous toxins remain at the site such as might be the casewith chemical burns or other dirty wounds. Patientssustaining moderate or extensive burns should be sentto hospital or a clinic experienced with the BRT treat-ment protocols.

4 Treatment for deep second-degree burns: Treatment inthe early stage is the same as that for superficial second-degree burns. Remove the blister skin on day 5–6 afterinjury. As the dermis tissues are damaged and white incolor, the application of MEBO should be continued onthe wound to a thickness of 0.5–1.0 mm every 4 h.White metabolic products resulting from liquefaction ofnecrotic tissue by the ointment will appear on thewounds (do not misdiagnose this cleansing process asinfection). Be sure that the residual ointment and whiteliquefied products are wiped off gently (do not irritateor debride the tissue) before reapplying MEBO. Allowanother 6–7 days for the necrotic tissue to be liquefiedand discharged completely, then continue the abovetreatment using less dosage of MEBO until the woundheals. In the event that the wound is still not healed after25 days postburn, the diagnosis should be changed tofull-thickness degree. In brief, the venerable medicalprinciple of ‘primum non nocere’ (first do no harm) andof ‘no secondary injuries’ should be honored during thewhole treatment procedure. We accomplish that by:(1) protection of the treated wound in the early stagefrom further injuries (avoid any measures which mayirritate, debride or exacerbate wounds); (2) liquefactionand removal of the necrotic tissue without causing sec-ondary injuries; (3) regeneration and skin repair with-out causing secondary injuries (any method which mayirritate or damage the wounds is not allowed). Patientssustaining moderate and extensive burns should be sentto hospital or a clinic with experience of BRT andMEBT for appropriate treatment.

5 Treatment for second-degree burns: For the small-areaburn wound, we recommend cultivating tissue andthen preparing the lesion for application of MEBOthrough gentle loosening of necrotic tissues by scratch-ing with a specially designed device – ‘plough sawblade’ is the appropriate treatment for the deep sec-ond-degree burns wounds. For larger burns wounds,the aforementioned method is adopted if the patient’ssystemic condition is stable. The principle of ‘no sec-ondary injuries’ should be followed strictly during thetreatment. Patient sustaining third-degree burns mustbe hospitalized at clinics offering care from cliniciansexperienced in BRT with MEBT/MEBO.

6 In the treatment of small burns wounds occurring ininconveniently exposed body parts, bandaging is rec-ommended. However, dressing changes and renewal ofMEBO ointment at a thickness of 2–3 mm every 12 h isrecommended. Contrary to the typical dressing changeprotocol, however, rather than debride the woundbeneath the bandage, we recommend that the bandagebe gently removed leaving the residual ointment andmetabolic products to continue their cleansing activi-ty.

7 Treatment for other superficial trauma wounds includ-ing abrasion, friction burns, skin cracking, and stasisulcers: Treat the ulcer wounds according to the instruc-tions for either superficial or deep second-degreeburns, or dress the wounds with MEBO in accordancewith the surgical methods. However, any disinfectant,antiseptic or saline is contraindicated as they are bothunnecessary and deleterious to wound health.

8 Treatment for hemorrhoids: Directly apply MEBOonto the affected area every morning and evening, orsmear MEBO onto the postoperative wound to relievepain and promote healing.

Burns Surgical Therapy with Excision Followedby Skin Grafting or Cultured CompositeAutografting Technique

Indications and Application

1 Full-thickness degree burns wounds reaching the lowerlayer of the subcutaneous tissue of different areas andof different causes.

2 Skin grafting technique is used for treating granulationtissue wounds without epithelial regeneration and forplastic surgery.

3 The hospitals should be qualified to conduct surgeryand the operation should be conducted by surgeonsspecialized in BRT with MEBT/MEBO and/or burnssurgery.


36 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Intensive Description of Burns Regenerative Therapy withMEBT/MEBO

BRT with MEBT/MEBO is an entirely new burnstreatment technique that operates in compliance with thelaw of life. BRT was invented on the basis of academicthoughts according to the pathogenesis of burns. This newtherapy comprises a complete set of theories and tech-niques for the local and systemic treatment of burns. Theprofile of this therapy is that through liquefaction andremoval of the necrotic tissue, culture and regeneration ofresidual viable skin, and through repair and replication,burns wounds are finally healed. Wounds are not kept in adry environment as required in conventional surgicalburns therapy, but in a physiological moist environment.

For local treatment, BRT with MEBT/MEBO is associ-ated with MEBO. For systemic treatment, it forms an inde-pendent system in compliance with the law of life, includ-ing its theory, methodology and therapeutic results. Inlocal treatment, BRT resolved the problems of wound painand complete regenerative healing of deep second-degreewounds. Through reducing bacterial toxicity by varia-tion, and promoting local resistance to infections, BRTwith MEBT/MEBO effectively prevented and controlledwound infections. Through creating a physiologicallymoist environment and good nutrition supply, BRT withMEBT/MEBO promoted the culture and differentiation ofstem cells from the epithelia and relevant tissues in theresidual fat layer and finally healed the wounds to full-thickness. Furthermore, exposed bone wounds from burnscan also be healed by drilling on the bone in combinationwith MEBO application, culturing granulation tissue tocover bone and heal the wounds. In systemic treatment,measures of strengthening cardiac function and removingthe obstacles in blood supply of renal parenchymal bloodvessels are adopted, and then blood volume replacementand comprehensive antishock measures are taken. Accord-ing to the severity of the burn case, effective broad-spec-trum antibiotics are applied to control infections at an ear-ly stage, but the antibiotics are stopped in order to protectthe function of the organs at days 7–10 postburn.

Due to the remarkable effect of this therapy, it hasbeen introduced in Syria, the United Arab Emirates,Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, etc., and hasachieved great clinical success in these countries. NowBRT with MEBT/MEBO is spreading its academicthought as well as its technology to the United States andEuropean countries. At the Congress of the Pan-ArabAssociation for Burns and Plastic Surgery held in theUnited Arab Emirates on February 22, 2000, specialistsfrom dozens of countries gave presentations on theirresearch on BRT with MEBT/MEBO.

Concept and Principle of BRT with MEBT/MEBO


BRT with MEBT/MEBO is a medical treatment whichpromotes the cell regeneration of residual skin tissue andwound healing by keeping burns wounds in a three-dimensional physiologically moist environment and facil-itating the liquefaction and discharge of necrotic skin tis-sue.


MEBO, specially invented for BRT with MEBT/MEBO, is an ointment whose base includes a frame struc-ture composed of beeswax which musters a refined botan-ical oil containing active ingredients.

When applied onto the wounds, the oil sequestered inthe beeswax frame is warmed up in contact with bodytemperature and thus penetrates into the wounds. Fourbiochemical reactions between MEBO’s active constitu-ents and the burn tissue take place while the nutritionalsubstances are supplied continuously onto the survivingcells in the wounds. The oil then loses its lipophilic nature,seeps out of the drug layer and is discharged from thewound. Fresh MEBO continues to penetrate into the tis-sue, so that liquefied necrotic skin is removed from thesuperficial to the interior planes without causing furtherinjury. Simultaneously, this mechanism of action also fea-tures a replenishment of the drug in continuous cycles.These cycles ensure active drainage of metabolic wasteproducts including pathogenic bacteria from the injuredviable tissue, hence the caveat to not apply topical steriliz-ing agents. Tissue fluid in the wound supplies the requi-site physiologically moist environment. The cycle alsoensures continuous supply of indispensable nutritionalsubstrates and enzymes to the recuperating wound tissue.Furthermore, the frame structure of MEBO base effec-tively insulates and isolates the vulnerable wound fromthe external environment by forming a viscous dressing.A remarkable characteristic of this ‘dressing’ is that it pre-vents foreign external contaminants from penetratingwhile allowing for the exodus of metabolic debris prod-ucts resulting from the regeneration of the wounded tis-sue. In a metabolic sense, the MEBO allows the wound to‘breathe’ in a manner very similar to that of normal skin.


Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 37

Therapeutic Effects of Moist-Exposed BurnsOintment (MEBO)

Under the direction of qualified BRT with MEBT/MEBO therapists, MEBO has the following therapeuticeffects:1 Variation of pathogenic microorganism and reduction

in bacterial toxicity.2 Effectively killing pain by protecting nerve endings

and relaxing pilorum arrectors.3 Anti-inflammatory by the effects of ß-sitosterol and

other ingredients.4 Made of nutrient food, MEBO may protect cells by

increasing the tension in the cell membrane and helpdying cells convert into vigorous normal ones.

5 With the co-ordination of BRT with MEBT/MEBO,MEBO develops a physiologically moist environment,favorable to the regeneration and repair of tissue struc-tures. Thus, it is effective for reducing scar formation,enhancing the power of self-repairing of wounds andpromoting the regeneration and differentiation of stemcells from residual epithelial tissue, vascular plexusand fibrous tissue in the fat layer to regenerate skin.

Clinical Application of BRT with MEBT/MEBO

Treatment Conditions

Strictly sterilized conditions are not emphasized. De-bridement using any disinfectant, saline or water is for-bidden. Small burns can be dealt with at home withMEBO. Moderate and minor burns encountered in thebattlefield can also be treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO. For treating large burns, the room should be keptat a temperature of 30–34°C and first-aid apparatuses ordevices should be equipped with it.

General Application

Directly smear MEBO onto the wounds with a thick-ness of 1 mm. At the beginning, no debridement is re-quired except for chemical burns or dirty wounds. RenewMEBO every 3–4 h, before which wiping off the residualointment and liquefaction products with gauze or tissuepaper (gentle and careful renewal is demanded to avoidpains and bleeding). For wounds with blisters, be sure topreserve the blister skin, directly apply MEBO until theblister skin is removed 5 days later. For deep second-degree burns, after applying MEBO, dermal tissue in thenecrotic layer begins to liquefy on day 7 postburn. RenewMEBO and wipe off the liquefaction product timely. After

the complete discharge of necrotic tissue, apply lessMEBO and renew every 4–6 h till the wounds heal. Forthird-degree burns, treatment with a special debridementtechnique can be applied coordinately.

Special Application

For treating not easily exposed small burns wounds,apply MEBO with a thickness of 2–3 mm, then apply adecompression bandage using dry gauze. Before changingthe dressing every 12 h, gently remove the drug sedimentand liquefied necrotic tissue. For treating traumatic, ul-cerative and operative wounds, 1–2 layers of gauze im-pregnated with MEBO also could be used.

Principle of Systemic Treatment

Burn is a systemic disease caused by thermal injury.The changes in topical treatment directly affect the sys-temic pathophysiological status. BRT with MEBT/MEBOsystemic treatment is essentially different from conven-tional surgical dry therapy. While using BRT with MEBT/MEBO, the protocol of surgical dry therapy is forbidden.Two principles should be followed in this treatment onextensive deep burns: (1) In the early stage, a comprehen-sive antishock treatment principle is applied, which in-volves enhancing cardiac function, protecting renal func-tion and supplementing effective blood volume accordingto the vital signs. (2) In the middle and later stages, expec-tant treatment is applied, with a protocol of keeping awater-electrolyte balance, nutritional support and main-taining a comprehensive balance. In the anti-infectiontreatment, a large dose of strong and powerful broad-spec-trum antibiotics should be used in the early stage for 7–10days and then withdrawn immediately, in order to protectand enhance the anti-infective function of the internalorgans. For nutritional supporting treatment, a protocolof oral administration is desired. Others are dealt withaccording to the case.

Clinical Treatment

Treatment for First-Degree Burns

The clinical signs of first-degree burns include skin red-ness, slight swelling and pain. Immediate application ofMEBO may relieve the pain. The erythema graduallydiminishes as MEBO is warmed in situ and absorbedthrough the skin. At 12 h postburn, the skin may return tonormal. For burns with edema, the epidermis is partiallydestroyed, the pain may be relieved more slowly and thewounds heal in 2–4 days when the superficial stratum cor-neum exfoliates.


38 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Treatment for Superficial Second-Degree Burns

According to the pathogenic process of superficial sec-ond-degree burns, the treatment can be carried out in twostages.

First Stage. Treatment in the early stage – the periodfrom emergency treatment postburn to the end of shockperiod (within 3–4 days after injury). The clinical signsin this stage include pain, edema, blisters, and a greatamount of blood plasma exudated from the site whereblister skin exfoliates. According to the principle of BRTwith MEBT/MEBO, apply MEBO directly all over thewound, puncture the blister (if present) on the lower partto discharge liquid. Do not remove the blister skin, direct-ly apply MEBO on the blister skin 3–4 times daily. Withthe application of MEBO, a layer of thin soft membraneforms upon the wound free of blister skin, the membranestill allows the exudates to ooze through, and then it grad-ually thickens. Do not remove the soft membrane, since itcan substitute the skin role of fulfilling breathing and pro-tection. Continue MEBO application directed by BRT.

Second Stage. It is the wound-repairing period whenthe shock stage ends and the residual viable epidermis tis-sue begins to regenerate and recover, usually lasting 3–4days. In this period, the basal cells in the epidermis recov-er to form a granular layer and thus promote wound heal-ing. In clinical treatment of BRT with MEBT/MEBO,after the edema period, the blister skin loosens and exfo-liates, and the thin soft membrane formed on the woundsalso loosens and exfoliates. Simply cleaning away the blis-ter skin and soft membrane is first desired, then continuethe application of MEBO to protect the regeneratedwounds till healing. During the whole treatment, neitherpain nor further injury to wounds is allowed. The correctapplication method helps the wounds heal without caus-ing any infection, pain, scar formation or hyperpigmenta-tion. Generally, superficial second-degree wounds treatedwith BRT with MEBT/MEBO heal within 6–8 days andthe skin recovers completely to its normal physiologicalstatus within 3 months.

Treatment for Deep Second-Degree Burns

According to pathological and clinical manifestations,deep second-degree burns can be divided into injury onthe dermal papillary layer and injury on the reticularlayer, or simply referred to as deep second-degree superfi-cial (DIIS) and deep second-degree deep (DIID) burns.

DIISClinical signs include wound pain, extensive blisters,

wound without blister skin becoming red and white, thesuperficial dermal tissue is necrotic and turns white, thesurviving deep dermis tissue is red, while under pressure

it turns white and soon returns to red after release of pres-sure (DIID burns wounds respond more slowly). The exu-dates of the wounds are only less than those of superficialsecond-degree burns.

BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment and clinical mani-festation: It is a four-period process: firstly, treatment inthe early stage (shock period), same as that for superficialsecond-degree burns; secondly, liquefaction and rejectionperiod of necrotic dermal tissue (rejection period); third-ly, regeneration and recovery period, and, fourthly, reha-bilitation period of skin physiological function afterwound healing.

First Period. The treatment of the first period is thesame as that for superficial second-degree burns, empha-sizing on wound protection. A thin layer of soft mem-brane may appear on the wound free of putrid or blisteredskin. The next treatment period starts on day 4–5 post-burn when the wound edema diminishes gradually.

Second Period. Clean away the putrid skin, blisteredskin or thin soft membrane in the same way as dealingwith superficial second-degree burns. Continue the appli-cation of MEBO. Gradually, the necrotic layer of woundsurface begins to liquefy from the superficies to the interi-or and produces white liquefied products floating over thewound surface. Usually at 3–4 h after application ofMEBO, the wound is totally covered with whitish lique-fied products, indicating that MEBO is consumed com-pletely. The liquefaction products must be cleaned awaybefore the renewal of MEBO. Another 3–4 h later, the re-newed MEBO is consumed again when the liquefactionproducts float over the wound. Clean the liquefactionproducts, renew MEBO again and keep the clean-renew-clean process going until the necrotic tissues are entirelyliquefied and discharged. This process generally occurs 5–15 days postburn. Patients with large-area burns are urgedto turn over during drug renewal.

Third Period. After the second period treatment, thechestnut-like residual dermis tissues, millet-sized, are ex-posed on the basal layer of the wound. Continue MEBOwith less thickness directed under BRT with MEBT/MEBO and renew every 4–5 h (every 6–8 h at night). Cov-ered and protected by MEBO, the residual dermal tissuereconstructs and regenerates. Once dermis tissue regener-ates to smooth skin, less irritation to the wound isallowed. Again reduce dosage and renewing times as longas the wound is not dry, but crust formation is forbidden,i.e. not only prevent wounds from being macerated byMEBO, but also avoid the wounds becoming dry and get-ting covered by a crust. Duly keep the normal skin aroundthe wound clean. For large-area burn patients, do as in thesecond period by helping them turn over regularly on thebasis of drug change intervals. The pressured parts of thebody still need MEBO protection till the wounds heal.This period occurs 15–20 days postburn.


Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 39

Fourth Period. Although the wound heals after thethird stage, the functions of the newly healed skin stillneed to rehabilitate completely. The epidermis requiresfurther physiological adjustment and metabolism; thesebaceous glands need compensatory metabolism; the ex-cretory duct of the sweat gland is not yet clear; the func-tions of pigment cells are unable to meet the requirementsof normal skin. Under these circumstances, MEBO is stillnecessary to be used as a skin-care oil for another 10–15days. Or apply newly developed MEBO series products –MEBO Cleansing Cream to promote quicker recovery ofskin function, or apply MEBO Itch Relieving Cream tostop itching.

DIIDThe clinical signs of deep second-degree burns are sim-

ilar to those of deep second-degree superficial burns,except that DIID has more serious injuries and more seri-ous response during the liquefying period and thereforethe reconstruction and regeneration of wounds becomemore complicated. The clinical treatment for deep sec-ond-degree burns also can be divided into four periods.

First Period. Clinical signs – no extensive blisters, epi-dermis entirely destroyed and adherent to injured dermis,the wounds free of putrid skin are no longer sensitive topain, the wounds are white, with little exudate. Some ofthe wounds may be red alternating with white, but thecolor-changing response to pressure is very slow. Thisperiod begins from the first day of burn through the 7thday postburn. During this period, simply apply MEBO toprotect the wound.

Second Period. From day 7 to day 20 postburn, clearaway all adhering substances to expose necrotic dermisand apply BRT with MEBT/MEBO immediately. Forsmall wounds, simply use this treatment to liquefy anddischarge the necrotic layer. For large burns, simple de-bridement should be used coordinately. The necroticlayer is so deep that the wound liquefying may be incom-plete and cause lumps exfoliation of necrotic tissues,which need to be cut with surgical scissors and removed.Attention should be paid to keep a certain distancebetween the surviving viable tissue and the cutting. Anyfurther damage to the surviving viable tissue such asbleeding (which may cause infection) should be absolutelyavoided. Simple debridement can be adopted accordingto the condition of the wounds. When the necrotic layer isalmost completely liquefied, clean away the liquefactionproducts in time to ensure that the non-smooth survivaltissue is kept in a MEBO environment, but not in an envi-ronment filled with liquefaction products.

Third Period. The period of reconstruction and regen-eration of residual dermis tissue. As little residual dermistissue is left and the dermis frame is fundamentallydestroyed, correct BRT with MEBT/MEBO is quite vital

in this period. The reconstruction of dermis tissue in-volves three parts: (a) the reconstruction of vascular tree;(b) the reconstruction of fibrous tissue dependent on vas-cular tree; (c) the regeneration of skin appendages, glandtissue, formation of excretory ducts, and formation ofskin tissue. Any careless injuries and pressure to thewound are forbidden. This period usually happens ondays 20–28 postburn.

Fourth Period. Aiming at helping the healed skin re-turn to normal, the treatment in this period varies ac-cording to burns severity and skill in the treatment. Thesevere injuries to skin and the factors affecting the skinduring reconstruction make the newly healed skin quitedifferent from normal skin in structure, appearance andfunction. So the rehabilitation is very important, includ-ing two aspects: ‘protective therapy for healed skin’ and‘functional exercise’. The former is accomplished by ad-justing the structure of newly regeneration skin tissue withthe application of MEBO Scar Lotion, by adjusting thefunction with MEBO Cleansing Cream, and by killing itchwith MEBO Itching Reliever just after the wounds heal.

Treatment for Third-Degree Burns

Third-degree burns are also an indication for BRTwith MEBT/MEBO. As the epidermis and dermis ofthird-degree burn wound are totally destroyed, it is quitedifficult to cure third-degree burns. The conventionalmedical science for burns is convinced that third-degreewounds cannot heal spontaneously, and the only solutionis to use surgical skin grafting to close them. The clinicalstudy and administration of BRT with MEBT/MEBO forcuring third-degree burns wounds will be described indetail thereinafter. The following is just a brief descrip-tion of the principle and method of this treatment.

Principle. Decompression of the deep tissues to relieveany pressure caused by the necrotic layer is of criticalimportance; protect the necrotic full-thickness skin; pro-mote stem cells containing the skin information in subcuta-neous tissue to regenerate and differentiate to form a skinisland; culture the newly regenerated skin island whileliquefying and discharging the necrotic dermis; promotethe skin island to spread and cover subcutaneous tissue toform new skin; and help third-degree burns wounds healspontaneously. For third-degree wounds injured down tothe muscle layer, excise most of the necrotic tissue by surgi-cal operation, liquefy and discharge the rest of the necroticlayer with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, upon which culturegranulation tissue, then plant skin cells till the wound closesand heals. For wounds with bone exposed, clean away theexposed outer soft tissue, drill holes on the bone surfacewith a bone drill at intervals of 0.5–1 cm, deep into medul-lary cavity of bone until bleeding. Apply MEBO to coverthe wounds, and culture and support the growth of granula-


40 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

tion tissue from the holes. When the granulation tissuespreads to cover the bone surface, skin grafting can be per-formed to close the wound, or the wound heals by migra-tion of epithelial cells from the wound edges.

The necrotic tissue of third-degree burns should bedecompressed by cutting both horizontally and verticallyat a 1 mm tooth distance and depth with a speciallydesigned method: ‘plough saw blade’. Then apply MEBOfor protection and clean away the exfoliated or liquefiedtissue.

Systemic Comprehensive Treatment with BRTwith MEBT/MEBO

Principles of Initial Treatment

Principles of First Aid1 Keep the patient in a horizontal supine position with

slight elevation of the head. Turning over is contraindi-cated. Expectant administration.

2 Application of any topical drug that may be harmful orirritative to burns wounds is contraindicated. Adoptmeasures to relieve pain and protect burns wounds assoon as possible.

3 Avoid changes of patient body temperature which con-sume vital energy striving instead to keep the patientwarm as much as possible.

4 If appropriate and well-tolerated, cardiotonic and sed-ative medications may be given through intramuscularinjection or intravenous infusion.

5 If the wound is deemed appropriate for treatment withBRT with MEBT/MEBO, smear MEBO directly ontothe wound. Once the wound is thus protected, coverthe wound with adequate dressing and transfer thepatient immediately to the nearest hospital for furthertreatment.

Principles of Emergent Treatment and Nursing1 Treatment condition: a clean or sterile (which is not

absolutely necessary) environment is required. Tem-perature around the wound surface should be kept at34–38°C.

2 Early wound care: any feculency and dirt should becleared away. Do not use any method or topical drugthat may cause further injury to the wound or promotetissue hydrolysis.

3 Principle of initial nursing: do not turn the patientover. Alternately lie on one side or alternately changepressure at various body parts.

4 If BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment is adopted,wound debridement with MEBO and topical applica-tion of MEBO should be performed for wound care.

Wound Debridement with MEBO. Cover the woundwith MEBO immediately after injury regardless of thepresence of dirt or chemicals. Two or three hours later,gently clear away the feculency and dirt together withresidual MEBO before the renewal of MEBO. This meth-od is applicable for first-aid treatment as well as wounddebridement after hospitalization when daily cleansing isappropriate.

Topical Application of MEBO. Smear MEBO onto thewound at a thickness of 0.5–1 mm immediately afterwound cleansing. Gently wipe off liquefied products be-fore renewing MEBO every 4–6 h. Renewing intervalscould be increased to every 6–8 h during the wound repairperiod.

Antishock Therapy

The author considers that in the antishock therapypostburn, it is more important to protect and recover thefunctions and structures of internal organs than to supple-ment blood volume only. The principles of the treatmentare as follows:

Protection and Enhancement of Cardiac FunctionWe propose that a lot of protein degradation products

released from burned skin tissue could be absorbed intothe blood circulation, and could further inhibit and de-crease cardiac function, thus inducing cardiogenic shock.Therefore, severely burned patients (TBSA 150% and/orthird-degree 110%) should be routinely injected intrave-nously with cedilanid (lanatoside C) 0.2 mg in 25–50%GS 50 ml q.d. after injury or admission. Then, theamount and frequency of cedilanid should be regulatedaccording to the changes in heart rate and peripheral cir-culation. 48 h postinjury, the administration of cedilanidshould be stopped unless the patient is still sufferingfrom abnormal cardiac function, in which case cedilanidshould be applied until the symptoms disappear. If symp-toms of heart failure arise during the course of treatment,the patient should be treated with 0.2–0.4 mg cedilanidimmediately. One treatment is frequently sufficient.

Protection of Renal FunctionAfter massive burns, one of the main complications in

the shock stage is renal dysfunction that is caused firstlyby microvascular spasm of the renal parenchyma andrenal ischemia. It is also the major etiology of renal fail-ure. Therefore, treatment of renal function is the crux ofantishock and comprehensive treatment to relieve themicrovessels in the renal parenchyma. This needs to beaddressed as early as possible. The principles of renaltreatment are follows: After injury or immediately up-on admission, severely burned patients routinely requirean intravenous drip with 1% procaine 100 ml, caffeine


Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 41

sodiobenzoate 0.5 g, vitamin C 1.0 g, 25% GS 100–200 ml, q.d. or b.i.d.–t.i.d. depending upon the degree ofshock and the amount that urine production is reduced.This intravenous drip should be continued in patientswith anuria until urination is recovered. The routinetreatment plan may be maintained until wound healing.

Supplement Blood VolumeAfter massive burns, a great deal of intravascular fluid

exudes toward the wound surface and tissue space, whichleads to the reduction in effective blood volume resultingin hypovolumic shock. Therefore, during the above treat-ment course, the blood volume should be monitored andreplenished as needed. In particular, attention must bepaid to avoid massive intravenous infusion blindly with-out precise attention being paid to cardiac and renal func-tions, as well as other excretory functions. The principle isas follows:

Compositions of Fluid Infusion. The ratio of crystalloidsolution (normal saline or 5% GNS) to colloid solutionshould be 1:1. The colloid solution should be composed of3/4 parts of plasma and 1/4 part of whole blood when thecondition allows, otherwise 1/2 part of plasma and 1/2part of plasma substitute can be used.

Amount of Fluid Infusion. According to the basic prin-ciples of surgery, the amount of fluid infusion should beequal to the amount of body deficiency. In the shock stageof massive burns patients (during 48–72 h after injury),we offer a more detailed formula:

Total amount of fluid infusion (ml/day) =

physiological water needs (5% GS 2,000–2,500 ml) +[1 (ml/kg) ! TBSA% (2nd to 3rd degree)

! body weight (kg) ! 100%]hourly urine volume (ml)/body weight (kg) ! 1 (ml/kg)

Speed of Fluid Infusion. After extensive burns, the trau-ma stresses the heart, kidney and brain tissue, making theirfunctions vulnerable. During the first 24 h postburn, 1/2 oftotal fluid amount should be infused in the first 8 h, an-other 1/2 should be infused over the next 16 h evenly again,with regard to cardiac and renal functions. During the sec-ond 24 h postburn, all of the fluid should be infused at auniform speed. During the third 24 h after injury, theamount and speed of fluid infusion must be determinedstrictly in the light of the symptoms of shock and theamount of urine. When the symptoms of shock are im-proved markedly or disappeared and the amount of urineis 11 ml/h Wkg, the speed of fluid infusion should bedecreased and the fluid amount should be reduced by 1/3.

Nursing Care in Shock StageAfter severe burns, the onset of shock would be related

to thermal injury as well as adequate nursing care. Theburns patient can hardly withstand any further stress due

to the already severely compromised condition of allinternal organs. Thus, nursing care constitutes a criticalservice in supporting as stress-free a recovery period aspossible. Nurses should:a Directly apply MEBO on the wound surface immediate-

ly, isolate the wound from contacting with air, relievewound pain, protect the wound from any irritative dam-age, resist the tendency to debride the wound.

b Apply air conditioner or bedstead and sheeting tomaintain room temperature at 30–34°C, and preventfluctuation in room temperature.

c Smooth out the bed sheet and dressing, protect thewound from any compression, change dressing andMEBO every 12 h gently, while keeping the patient inthe horizontal supine position. Again, turning the pa-tient over is contraindicated.

d Control the speed of fluid infusion such that it flows ata constant rate remembering that rapid fluctuation ofinfusion speed is forbidden.

Anti-Infection Therapy

We have observed that there are two pathogenic typesof postburn infection. One has an endogenous pathogene-sis, while the other is exogenous. The endogenous infec-tion is similar, but different from the primary infectiontypically noted by surgical burns therapists. This consistsof subclinical infection in that the possibility of postburninfection always remains a potential reaction to burns.The latter infection consists of postburn infection causedby all exogenous sources and factors including iatrogenicburns.

Principles of Anti-Infection TreatmentPrincipled Scheme of Routine Treatment. Burned pa-

tients with TBSA !30% generally do not need to betreated with systemic antibiotics. All the burned patientswith TBSA 130% (TBSA 110% in children) must betreated with systemic anti-infection drugs routinelywhether infection occurred or not. The principle is: (1) Toapply one or more powerful broad-spectrum i.v. or i.m.antibiotic as early as possible after injury until the 5th to7th day for massive deep second-degree burns and the 7thto 10th day for massive third-degree burns. (2) The moreextensive TBSA and deeper the wounds, the more power-ful and broad-spectrum antibiotics are required. (3) Re-gardless of the patient’s condition, stop applying all anti-biotics at the aforementioned time.

Principle of Expectant Anti-Infection Treatment. Inorder to prevent and treat secondary and routine infec-tion, a prophylactic antibiotic protocol should be admin-istrated. However, it is very important to rule out inflam-matory and noninfectious etiologies initially as antibioticswould be contraindicated if infection is not problematic.


42 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Remember that some patients with fever and increasedheart rate may not be infected. After postburn routinetreatment, the burned body struggles to repair and re-equilibrate a myriad of physiological functions and un-necessary antibiotic administration at this time wouldinterfere with native resistance functions. Indications forantibiotic use: Three clinical manifestations must occursimultaneously: body temperature 139.5°C or !36.0°C;heart rate 1140/min; toxic granules in neutrophil leuko-cytes. Clinical vigilance is required.

Profile of Expectant Anti-Infection TreatmentOne single dose of one or more powerful broad-spec-

trum renal-sparing antibiotics should be applied. It maybe repeated until examination reveals that the neutro-philic toxic granules are no longer present. The patientsshould be examined for secondary infection sites andtreated appropriately. The failure to control infections iscommonly due to occult foci of infection within internalorgans or under the wound surface. The patient recover-ing from general asthenia should be offered fresh bloodinfusions to aid in the regulation of internal balance.Abuse of antibiotics without indications of infection iscontraindicated.

Balance-Regulating Treatment at the Stage of WoundLiquefaction

After shock stage is addressed, the burn wound entersthe rejection stage. For deep second-degree burns wounds,injured and necrotic tissue starts to be rejected from resid-ual viable tissue at approximately the 5th day postburn.This rejection reaction continues until all the necrotic tis-sue is discharged. The role of the physician and nursingstaff at this time is to not interfere with this natural cleans-ing and regenerative process. During this stage, internalorgans and many physiologic systems which had beenstressed are particularly vulnerable to rejection which canthen lead to single or multiple organ failure. Therefore, thisis the most critical stage of the BRT (MEBT/MEBO) andrequires extreme vigilance. Based on our clinical experi-ence of many years, we consider that the key to treatmentin this stage is to enhance and restore the systemic vitalityand comprehensive balance, without which any monother-apy would only have a suboptimal chance of success. Thistherapeutic measure is termed ‘balance-regulating treat-ment’, and its protocol includes the following.

Wound DrainageDuring the stage of wound liquefaction, as necrotic

skin tissue is liquefied from the superficial to the deeperlayer (under the effect of MEBO), it is very important toclean up liquefied materials prior to successive applica-tions. Remember, there are differences between clearance

of MEBT/MEBO liquefied materials and surgical de-bridement. After treatment with MEBO, the changes inburns wounds should be supervised continuously. WhenMEBO on the wound surface completely changes into awhitish liquefied material, this layer should be wiped offor cleaned with a soft dry absorbent gauze or tissue paperat once. When the necrotic skin tissue separates intopieces without liquefying completely, it should be cutaway gently from the wound (not debridement) and thenMEBO ointment should be reapplied immediately. Un-like debridement, the RBT patient typically feels no painduring the cleaning process. If he does, it is an indicationthat the cleaning is too aggressive. Any harmful tissuestimulation should be strictly prohibited. In order to en-sure for correct clinical practice, there are six operativerules for this treatment, i.e. the burn wound must nothurt, there should be no fresh bleeding, no maceration, nodesiccation, no liquefied materials, and no lack of appliedMEBO.

Treatment of Body Fluid EquilibriumAfter extensive burns, large amounts of body fluid

exude toward the wound surface and evaporate. We knowthat this body fluid plays a vital role in systemic reactionsthat result from traumtic stress. Therefore, it is an impor-tant procedure of the comprehensive treatment to main-tain body fluid equilibrium. The principles of this treat-ment are as follows: The amount of fluid infusion for theburns patients suffering from TBSA 150% should be ini-tially b.i.d. in response to physiologic demand. Subse-quently, the amount of fluid infusion should be modifiedin response to changes of urine volume and shock symp-toms. The amount of peroral fluid should be calculatedtogether with intake volume per day. The range of in-crease or decrease in fluid infusion should not be greaterthan 10% of total volume. The compositions of fluid infu-sion and the regulations of water-electrolyte balance con-form with the basic principles of surgical treatment. Inthis treatment stage, the fluid amount of nutritional sup-port treatment should be included into the total fluid vol-ume. Note that after fluid infusion, the quantitative andqualitative changes of urine should be carefully moni-tored and treated prophylactically.

Regulation of Body TemperatureDuring the stage of wound liquefaction, the basal

metabolism rate upregulates as an adaptive mechanismincluding an increase in catabolism to supply energy forregenerative needs. At the same time, the burns patientsfrequently show hyperpyrexia because of an interferencein feedback regulation of burned skin to the thermoregu-latory center. The clinical treatment is as follows: firstly,make the diagnosis of adaptive hyperthermia clear and,secondly, do not misdiagnose high fever as infection.


Clinical Principles of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy 43

Treat accordingly. The diagnostic indexes of this reg-ulative imbalance of body temperature are as follows:(1) body temperature 139.5°C and which fluctuates irreg-ularly suggests no indication of infection; (2) no relation-ship between symptoms and high fever (body temperatureis high, but the patient feels as ‘usual’) suggests no infec-tion; (3) no abnormal signs in the wound suggests no local-ized infection. Rather than inappropriately relying uponthe antipyretic effect of antibiotics, the physician shouldavail himself of simple physical cooling (for example, fan-ning the patient and the wound surface), as well as clear-ing away the liquefied materials, thereby facilitating heatrelease from the wound. If physical cooling produces littleeffect, especially in pediatric burns, a small dose of gluco-corticoid should be applied, being cautious to preventhemorrhage of digestive tract ulceration.

Trilogy Syndrome of Heart Rate, Respiration andBody TemperatureAfter a massive burn and during the stage of wound

liquefaction, we see an adaptive increase in heart rate of1120/min, respiratory rate of 130/min, and body tem-perature of 139.5°C. The symptoms are similar to sepsisin many ways, e.g. shortness of breath, confusion, markedhypoxia, and a murky gray or brown discoloration of thewound. This trilogy syndrome of heart rate, respirationand body temperature is often due to tiredness, mentalstress and insomnia. Most of the patients have a history ofthe syndrome and are in a calm state of before the onset ofthe syndrome. It is considered preliminarily that themechanism of this syndrome is myocardial strain, andthat the reaction of heart failure resulted from seriousinsomnia and mental fatigue. The principle of treatmentis immediate enhancement of cardiac function and intra-venous injection of lanatoside C (0.2–0.4 mg in 25–50%GS 50–100 ml). If the trilogy is accurately identified, thesymptoms should disappear immediately upon treat-ment. The possibility of concurrent infection should beentertained if the above-mentioned treatment was notvery effective. In clinical practice, many patients sufferingfrom this trilogy syndrome are misdiagnosed with sepsis,and treated inappropriately with massive antibiotic intra-venous infusion. This is unfortunate and contraindicatedas the window of opportunity for optimizing regenerationhas been lost, and these patients die of cardiac failurethough the cause of death would be mistakenly attributedto sepsis.

Protective Treatment of Multiple Organs’ FunctionIn the stage of wound liquefaction, heart, lungs, kid-

neys, liver, brain, gastrointestinal tract and other organsare experiencing posttraumatic stress, global hypofunc-tion and setting the stage for their individualized restora-tion. Any treatment increasing the metabolic burden on

these organs constitutes an additional stress. Therefore, itis necessary to create a favorable physiological environ-ment for the organ’s recovery. The methods for creatingthis environment are exactly the principles of protectivetreatment of multiple organs’ functions: (1) The conse-quences of all treatment protocols on internal organs inthe shock stage should be re-examined. (2) Stop applyingany drug that is harmful to the healthy function of heart,lungs, kidneys, liver, digestive tract and other organs.(3) Stop applying any drug that is detrimental to the syn-thesis of protein. (4) To ensure an adequate energy supple-ment, reduce all factors predisposing to catabolism. (5) Toapply some drugs temporarily which can protect the func-tions of liver, kidneys, digestive tract and other organs.

Nutritional Support Treatment

Extensive burns patients must be treated continuallywith nutritional support from the transition from shockstage until full rehabilitation. The principles of nutritionalsupport treatment with BRT (MEBT/MEBO) are basical-ly the same as the principle of supporting treatment oftraumatic surgery. However, the supplementary amountsof total energy and protein for the former are significantlyhigher and of longer duration as compared with that ofgeneral traumatic patients. In clinical practice, we recom-mend nutritional support from the 4th to the 8th day afterinjury since protein is constantly required for repair andrehabilitation. After the shock stage, it is optimal to takefood by mouth as soon as possible as nutrition supplythrough the digestive tract is encouraged. The principlesof treatment are as follows:1 Daily caloric requirement of burned patient (kcal) =

24 (kcal/kg) ! body weight (kg) + 40 (kcal) !TBSA%.

2 Glucose should provide between 55 and 60% of thetotal calories, fat between 20 and 30%, and proteinbetween 15 and 20%.

3 The ratio of nitrogen to calorie should be 1:150–200.In addition to the above supplementation, burned

patients should take protein-rich foods and vegetables asliberally as possible.

Comprehensive Expectant Therapy

For extensive burns patients, the comprehensive treat-ment should include attention to multiple sites, e.g. cardio-vascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, uro-genital system, nervous system, endocrine system, and notonly attend to the healing of local wounds. In clinical prac-tice, there are no fixed models and schemes of comprehen-sive expectant treatment. The doctors must observe andanalyze the changes of burned patients’ conditions careful-ly and work out a medical scheme individually.



Experimental and Clinical Study onBurns Regenerative Medicine andTherapy with MEBT/MEBO




Experimental and Clinical Study onBurns Regenerative Medicine andTherapy with MEBT/MEBO


Systemic Antishock Effect of Local Treatment with BRTwith MEBT/MEBO


A Comparative Study on the AntishockEffect between BRT with MEBT/MEBO andConventional, Dry-Exposed Burn TherapyUsing a Rabbit Model


Many clinical reports have shown that treatment withBRT with MEBT/MEBO reduces the volume of fluid loss,thereby minimizing the shock effect in the treatment ofextensive burns. Using an 8-hour postscald rabbit model,the authors designed a comparative study between thistherapy and conventional dry-exposed burns therapy inorder to evaluate the antishock effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO.

Materials and Methods

18 healthy adult male and female rabbits weighing 2.0–2.6 kgwere divided randomly into group A (treatment with MEBO, n = 9)and group B (dry exposure, n = 9). The animals were anesthetizedwith 3% pentobarbital sodium 30 mg/kg intravenously via ear vein,intubated and then catheterized (left common carotid artery). Thecannulae were connected with a multi-channel physiological record-er so that the respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), arterial bloodpressure (ABP) and electrocardiogram (ECG) were able to be moni-tored continuously. At 30 min after operation, when the above-noted vital signs were stable, the anesthetized animals’ backs werescalded with 75°C water for 20 s in order to produce consistentdeep second-degree burns of 40% BSA. The degree of tissue burntrauma was then verified by pathological examination. Next, thewounds of both groups were put under a 100 W incandescent lightbulb at a distance of 50 cm. The wounds of group A were treatedwith MEBO applied at a thickness of 1 mm, and renewed every 2 h.The wounds of group B were washed with 0.1% bromogeramine andnormal saline. Additionally, both groups received the following total

amount of fluid infusion in the first 24 h after injury (ml) = 40 ! bodyweight (kg) ! 2 (ml) plasma substitute +40 ! body weight (kg) !2 (ml) balanced salt solution +400 ml 5% glucose solution. Half of thetotal amount was infused at a corrective rate during the first 8 h afterinjury.

The RR, HR, ABP and ECG were measured at 5 min and at theend of each hour until the 8th hour after injury. Through the carotidartery catheter, blood samples were taken from 6 rabbits in eachgroup at 5 min and 8 h, respectively. A type NXE-1 viscometer wasused to measure blood viscosity at different shear rates. The woundtissues were sampled for pathological examination at the end of theexperiment. The statistical analysis was derived from auto-controlt test.


Before injury and at 5 min after injury, RR, HR andABP were not significantly different between the twogroups. In group B, RR and HR increased, ABP decreasedprogressively postinjury and blood viscosity was raisedmarkedly after treatment compared with that beforetreatment. In group A, the MEBO-treated group, the RR,HR and ABP of all animals gradually recovered to thepreinjury levels after treatment while blood viscositydecreased significantly (tables 3, 4).

By contrast, 6 animals in group B developed ventricu-lar premature beat at 4 h postinjury. One of them ap-peared apneic, required the rescue effort of artificial respi-ration and closed cardiac massage, but died 1 h laterdespite this. Another animal died at 8 h postinjury. Thesetwo deaths were the only fatalities in the study and bothwere from the non-MEBO-treated group. In group A, 2animals developed occasional ventricular prematurebeats, but no death resulted. Upon gross inspection,wounds in group A were moist and supple with a pale redcolor and normal microcirculation. In group B, wounds


48 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 3. Changes in respiratory rate, heart rate and arterial bloodpressure (mean B SE)

Time Group A Group B

Respiratory rate, times/minBefore injury 48.125B6.578 47.625B6.3910 h postburn 77.375B9.999*** 79.750B12.033***1 h postburn 58.500B10.337* 71.750B12.256**2 h postburn 52.125B6.289 79.375B11.999***3 h postburn 50.500B6.302 89.500B12.047***4 h postburn 52.500B8.502 93.750B9.823***5 h postburn 44.250B10.250 95.750B7.959***6 h postburn 44.500B10.610 97.250B7.778***7 h postburn 49.125B15.179 97.250B7.790**

Heart rate, times/minBefore injury 146.25B5.1755 145.00B10.69050 h postburn 163.50B8.9921** 166.88B15.7973**1 h postburn 141.25B11.2599 173.75B9.1613***2 h postburn 131.75B13.5831 178.75B8.3452***3 h postburn 133.75B13.0247 187.50B13.8873***4 h postburn 134.64B20.7571 195.50B28.4076***5 h postburn 126.62B17.4105 210.00B24.6740**6 h postburn 138.75B14.3487 218.00B24.9280***7 h postburn 137.45B15.2993 223.00B33.7004***

Arterial blood pressure, mm HgBefore injury 104.5838B13.31 112.2075B11.940 h postburn 77.7925B19.89** 79.9530B19.24**1 h postburn 88.2500B11.20* 72.2075B21.64**2 h postburn 90.5012B8.59* 73.2088B20.27**3 h postburn 89.7913B9.69 69.3775B19.58***4 h postburn 92.9163B9.50 56.0838B11.57***5 h postburn 94.3750B14.55 56.8750B12.16***6 h postburn 93.8324B12.15 48.4587B15.70***7 h postburn 94.9579B13.22 41.3750B15.76***

Compared with before injury: * p ! 0.05, ** p ! 0.01, *** p !0.001.

Table 4. Change of whole blood viscosity(mPa) (mean B SE) Shear rate

s–1Group A

before treatment 8 h after treatment

Group B

before treatment 8 h after treatment

5.75 8.87B3.82 6.56B3.28** 8.28B2.75 16.02B2.31**3.60 6.94B3.24 5.24B2.77* 6.57B2.16 9.04B2.07**

15.30 5.78B2.85 4.13B2.35** 5.80B1.87 8.74B1.08**30.72 4.82B2.15 3.32B1.93** 5.59B1.56 7.76B1.25*38.40 4.55B2.08 3.08B1.78* 5.38B1.32 7.08B1.16*

115.0 3.47B1.30 2.74B1.12* 4.75B0.69 6.02B1.68*230.0 3.31B1.14 2.03B0.99* 4.50B0.62 5.62B0.86*307.2 2.86B1.05 2.09B0.95* 4.34B0.61 5.07B0.69*

Compared with before treatment: * p ! 0.05, ** p ! 0.01.

appeared wizened with a layer of eschar at the surface,fluid congestion under the crust membrane and compro-mise in the microcirculation as seen by stasis and dark redflaking lesions. Pathomorphological examination showedepidermis defects and residual degenerative necrotic tis-sues in dermis surface only in group B. Furthermore, dra-matic congestion and edema of the intradermis and a sig-nificant tortuosity and thrombosis of the capillaries werealso observed. By contrast, pathomorphological examina-tion of group A showed swelling of the dermis, mild con-gestion with telangiectasia, infiltration of the small lym-phocytes and a total absence of thrombosis.


Burns regenerative medicine and therapy (BRT) hasantishock effects by the proposed mechanism of reduc-tion of water evaporation from the wound surface, main-tenance of a sufficient blood volume, decreasing bloodviscosity, improving the local and systemic microcircula-tion, and reducing the absorption of burn toxins.


MEBO Is Superior to Dry-Exposed Burns Therapy inAntishock EffectThe authors used a rabbit model with the same area

of second-degree scalds to be treated with the sameantishock fluid resuscitation but different wound caremanagement, i.e. MEBT/MEBO in group A and con-ventional dry-exposed therapy for group B. Measure-ment of HR, RR and ABP were made and the samestatistic analyses indicated that animals in group A


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 49

experienced a smoother shock period than those ingroup B. The ECG showed that 2 rabbits in group Adeveloped ventricular premature beat (22.2%) and thedeath rate was 0, compared to 6 rabbits with ventricu-lar premature beat (66.6%) and two deaths with a mor-tality of 77% in group B. The results showed that treat-ment in group A was superior to that in group B withrespect to antishock effect. In the management of exten-sive burns, BRT with MEBT/MEBO has proven itselfto be the treatment of choice though questions remainregarding the precise protocols of fluid infusion in orderto afford subjects the optimal volume for protectionagainst shock.

Mechanism of Antishock Effect of BRT withMEBT/MEBOMaintenance of Effective Blood Volume. For extensive

burns, the permeability of local capillaries increases sig-nificantly with the majority of exudation of plasma-likefluid occurring in the first 2 h postinjury. Another in-crease in exudation then occurs during the 6–8 h post-injury. Furthermore, the sympathetic upregulation due topain and nervousness may increase the water loss fromevaporation through the respiratory tract. All of the abovefactors conspire to increase blood concentration, reduceeffective circulating volume, and dispose the physiologytoward hypovolemic shock. The base of MEBO includessesame oil and beeswax. Sesame oil has a minimal molec-ular weight and high lipophilic tendency that utilizes cer-tain properties of its co-ingredient, beeswax, to resist ran-cidification and saponification. Therapeutic aspects ofthis sesame/beeswax base conspire to prevent evaporationof water from the wound site while isolating wound tissuefrom the outside environment. In addition, the applica-tion of MEBO to the wound has an immediate and muchwelcomed analgesic effect. Remembering that pain-in-duced stress or anxiety and since many clinic reports haveverified the effectiveness of MEBO as a potent analgesic,it is reasonable to assume that MEBO also reduces waterevaporation from the respiratory tract. This study can beinterpreted as confirmatory in that rabbits in group Areceived BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment within 8 hpostinjury and suffered less water evaporation than thosein group B, indicating that an effective blood volume wasmaintained, thereby protecting them from hypovolemicshock.

To Improve the Microcirculation. Shock is a clinicalsyndrome mainly characterized by acute dysfunction ofthe microcirculation. In the clinical setting, symptomsinclude microvascular contraction, enhanced capillarypermeability, endothelial cells injury and functional/mor-phological changes of blood cells, which may lead tothrombosis. Efforts should be made to reverse microcircu-lation dysfunction in the period 1–4 h postinjury through

aggressive antishock therapy. Failure to do so can provelethal. In this study, gross and micropathological exami-nations revealed unfortunate dryness of the wound, flak-ing of ecchymosis under the eschar, and tortuosity withthrombosis of capillaries in group B.

The presence of thrombosis postburn was associatedwith relatively sluggish blood flow, varied vascular struc-ture, altered blood concentration and aggregation of bloodcells. Excessive water evaporation from the wound sitesmagnified blood concentration and deteriorated microcir-culation stasis, finally leading to dry necrosis. This cas-cade contributed to the obvious shock in group B animals.In contrast, wounds in group A appeared rubicund andmoist with an absence of capillary microthrombi, and anormal blood circulation without coagulopathy. Accord-ingly, there were only slight symptoms of shock in groupA. These differences may be attributable to the effect ofBRT with MEBT/MEBO in improving microcirculation.By preventing water from excessive evaporation, thisBRT method maintained an effective blood volume. Thisrelatively fast blood flow prevented the microcirculationfrom developing stasis and enforced effective perfusion.Additionally, as wound tissue remained moist, cell dehy-dration was minimized and the physiology resisted ten-dencies toward shock.

To Reduce Whole Blood Viscosity. Viscosity refers tothe degree of friction of blood elements during fluid flow.Viscosity of the blood may be increased by the sympexisresulting from slow blood flow and/or aggregation oferythrocytes, and by increases of macromolecule proteinssuch as fibrinogen. Trappeiner was the first to proposethat burns could cause a concentration of blood. Baxteralso reported an increased viscosity of the blood in burnspatients. It was observed that following a burn injury,plasma exudation and high concentration of blood mightresult in the above changes and therefore increase bloodviscosity, as burn shock is aggravated by an excessiveblood viscosity. The results of this study showed a signifi-cantly decreased viscosity of the blood at 8 h postinjury ingroup A compared to group B. This suggests that BRTwith MEBT/MEBO reduces plasma exudation, mini-mizes aggregation of erythrocytes, improves blood viscos-ity and flow, and reduces sympexis, all of which signifi-cantly minimizes the risk of shock as compared to dry-exposed burns therapy.

To Reduce the Resorption of Burn Toxins. When skin isburned, many new compounds called burn toxins are pro-duced and absorbed into the circulation. Hunter andRosenthal isolated a 12,000–14,000-dalton protein fromburn exudates which contained peptide, polynucleotide,hexose and pentose. This protein inhibited cardiac musclefunction and so they named it myocardial depressant fac-tor (MDF). Mitsuyoshi found an increase of serum lipidperoxide (LPO) in burns patients which he proposed


50 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

could cross-link with lipoprotein in serum to produce tox-ins. Mombnhko intravenously administered the rat puri-fied burn toxin extracted via immunoadsorption. At 2 hpostinjection, arterial blood pressure decreased from 125B 7 to 74 B 8 mm Hg, suggesting that burn toxinsreduced blood pressure to aggravate shock by inhibitingcardiac function. The results of this study showed anobvious decrease in blood pressure, 66.6% of rabbitsdeveloping ventricular premature beats and 2 deaths ingroup B, which suggested a remarkable shock resultingfrom burn toxins. In group A, shock was minor with lessburn toxins. One of three possible solutions put forwardto counter burn toxins was the early excision and removalof burned tissue so as to prevent burn toxins from absorp-tion, and therefore alleviate shock.

MEBO was applied to animals in group A at a standarddosage at room temperature. Two layers appeared on thewound surface subsequent to application, an ointmentlayer and a liquid layer. Warmed by the body temperatureof the wound, the ointment layer becomes less viscous andattaining a relatively liquid form it mobilizes the necrotictissue with the wound. MEBO then mixes with exudates,liquefies necrotic tissue and metabolic products to pro-duce a conglomerate of lipophobic, whitish materialwhich is propelled away from the wound. Thus, by con-verting the lipophilic necrotic debris into a lipophobicMEBO complex, the wound is cleansed via an automaticdrainage process while neither irritating nor distressingthe viable wound tissues. This innovative process is supe-rior to the excision of necrotic tissues and results in theadvantage of a reduced absorption of burn toxins. In thisway, MEBO reduces shock potential as it causes no de-crease in blood pressure, no inhibition of cardiac muscleand no damage to the microcirculation. In contrast, con-ventional therapy involving dry-exposed burns therapyresults in the drying of necrotic tissue, and an unhealthyabsorption of burn toxins which increases the odds ofshock and even death.

Experimental Study on MaintainingPhysiological Moist Effect of BRT withMEBT/MEBO on Treating Burns Wounds


The essential therapeutic principle of BRT withMEBT/MEBO is to keep the burn wound in a physiologi-cal (moist) environment in order to promote the gracefuldischarge and removal of necrotic tissue as well as theregeneration of healthy tissue from the wound. Only BRTwith MEBT/MEBO offers this therapeutic advantage. Noother burns protocol offers what is unique to BRT – the

ability of maintaining a moist physiologic wound environ-ment while at the same time optimizing efficient drain-age.

Materials and Methods

Forty-two healthy adult rabbits of both sexes (including nonpreg-nant females) weighing 2.1–3.0 kg were used in this study. Animalshad their backs depilated via application of 8% sodium sulfide solu-tion. Anesthesia was achieved by intraperitoneal injection of pento-barbital sodium (40 mg/kg). On each side of the back, one deep sec-ond-degree burn wound was formed by igniting a heated cake of cop-per, 3 cm in diameter copper plate at 100°C for 4 s. The depth andtissue characteristics of the wound were verified by pathologicalexamination.

Vaseline was produced by Yangzizhou Pharmaceutical Factory,Nanchang City, PR China. Model EPIC evaporometer (Servomed)was used for measuring wound evaporation.

Experiment 1BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment with auto-control: Ten rab-

bits were used in this experiment. The water evaporation value ofnormal skin was measured before injury. Then the animal wasburned on both sides of the back. The wound on one side was treatedwith MEBO, while the wound on the other side was allowed to dryexpose spontaneously as auto-control. MEBO was applied at a thick-ness of 0.5–1 mm and reapplied at an interval of 6–8 h. Measurementof wound water evaporation was done at 0.5, 6, 24, 48, 72 and 168 hpostburn. The healing time of each wound was recorded.

Experiment 2BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment with dry-exposed therapy

control: Twenty-four rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups,MEBO and dry-exposed therapy groups, 12 in each. The treatmentmethod and observations were done as described in experiment 1.Pathological examinations were conducted at the same time.

Experiment 3Vaseline treatment: Eight rabbits with deep second-degree burns

wounds on both sides of the back were treated with Vaseline. Thetreatment method and observations were done as described in exper-iment 1. The results were compared with the MEBO-treated group.

The ambient temperature was 25–28°C and humidity 50 B 5%.The data were presented as mean value B SD and analyzed statisti-cally using the t test.


Wound Water EvaporationCompared with normal skin, the water evaporation

values of burns wounds treated with dry-exposed therapyin both experiments 1 and 2 increased dramatically andreached their peaks at 6 h postinjury, and then tended todecrease slowly. Conversely, the water evaporation ofwounds treated with MEBO was much lower (p ! 0.01;table 5a, b). The water evaporation of wounds in the Vase-line-treated group was always kept at a low level, signifi-cantly different from that of normal skin as well as MEBOtreated wounds (p ! 0.01) (table 5c).


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 51

Table 5. Comparisons of water evaporation

Wound Beforeinjury

Time after injury

0.5 h 6 h 24 h 48 h 72 h 168 h

a Between MEBO-treated wounds and dry-exposed wounds in the auto-control group (g Wm–2Wh–1, mean B SE) (data from experiment 1)

Dry exposed(n =10) 4.48B0.81 83.70B11.12++ 87.00B10.38++ 81.60B10.57++ 73.60B10.46++ 69.40B6.97++ 61.70B6.11++

MEBO treatment(n = 10) 4.48B0.81 5.69B1.21+, ** 5.74B1.35+, ** 5.44B0.84+, ** 5.54B0.93+, ** 5.29B0.77+, ** 5.69B1.36+, **

b Between MEBO-treated and dry-exposed groups (g Wm–2Wh–1, mean B SE) (data from experiment 2)

Dry exposed(n = 24) 4.48B0.67 82.38B7.54++ 85.92B5.11++ 79.58B7.06++ 74.41B5.04++ 69.54B5.14++ 56.62B5.60++

MEBO treatment(n = 24) 4.67B0.75 5.32B1.09+, ** 5.37B1.04+, ** 5.29B0.97+, ** 5.16B0.82+, ** 5.18B0.84+, ** 5.30B0.93+, **

c Between MEBO-treated and Vaseline-treated wounds (g Wm–2Wh–1, mean B SE) (data from experiment 3)

Vaseline treatment(n = 16) 4.68B0.87 1.60B0.35++ 1.76B0.51++ 1.64B0.34++ 1.78B0.55++ 1.77B0.50++ 1.79B0.32++

MEBO treatment(n = 24) 4.67B0.75 5.32B1.09+, # 5.37B1.04+, # 5.29B0.97+, # 5.16B0.82+, # 5.18B0.84+, # 5.30B0.93+, #

Compared with the value before burns: + p ! 0.05, ++ p ! 0.01; compared with dry-exposed control: ** p ! 0.01; compared with Vaselinetreatment: # p ! 0.01.

Gross ObservationAfter injury, the wounds in all three experimental

groups appeared pale or red-white, with inflammationand swelling above the level of the wound edge. Woundstreated with dry-exposed therapy gradually dried andsunk below the level of the wound edge. Wounds treatedwith MEBO remained moist and swellings subsided with-in 48 h postburn. Necrotic tissues began to liquefy fromsuperficial to interior and were removed. In experiment 1,MEBO-treated wounds healed more quickly than the dry-exposed auto-control wounds. The difference was statisti-cally very significant (p ! 0.01) (table 6). Wounds treat-ed with Vaseline became macerated after 6 h and weregetting worse with serious and persistent tissue edema.The eschar dissolved earlier than wounds treated withMEBO.

Pathological ExaminationParaffin-embedded sections of the wound tissues in the

3 experimental groups were stained with hematoxylin andeosin staining, and then examined under a light micro-scope. All of them proved to have pathological changes ofdeep second-degree burn injury and the pathologicalchanges were almost the same at half an hour postinjury.After 6 h, the injured tissue became loose and there wasvacuolar degeneration of cells and attenuation of fiber tis-sues. These changes were most serious in wounds treatedwith Vaseline. Micro blood vessels were dilated and had

Table 6. Comparison of healing time of different wounds in the auto-control group (mean B SE) (data from experiment 1)

Wound Numberof wounds

Healing timedays

p value

Dry exposed 10 19.80B2.61!0.01MEBO 10 15.00B1.16

embolism and infiltration of a few white blood cells. After24 h in dry-exposed treated wounds, the zone of necrosisexpanded and deepened continuously. The microcircula-tion was further blocked with embolism and infiltrationof a large amount of inflammatory cells (mainly neutro-phils) occurred. After 48 h, a zone of leukocyte infiltrationwas formed around the junction of necrotic and survivingviable tissues. This phenomenon became increasingly ob-vious as time passed. In MEBO-treated wounds, tissue inthe zone of stasis recovered rapidly. Micro blood vesselsshowed some dilation and congestion. Infiltration of in-flammatory cells was scattered in the micro blood vessels.After 48 h, the cells concentrated on the junction ofnecrotic tissue and where MEBO was applied to form adense area. In the Vaseline-treated wounds, pathologicalchanges were quite different from those in the MEBO-treated ones. Vacuolar degeneration of tissues was moreserious and the inflammatory reaction was diffused.


52 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


This research revealed that burns wounds treated withMEBO had less water evaporation than those treated withconventional dry-exposed therapy. The rate of evapora-tion was approximate to that of normal skin. Unlike Vase-line, MEBO had excellent permeability allowing activedrainage of excreta. MEBO demonstrated that its moistphysiological environment is favorable to wound healing.


Burn injury destroys the body surface barrier. Injuredskin loses its ability to prevent evaporation of water fromthe body. This results in an excessive loss of body fluidfrom the lesion area which itself is a stress against healingsince a burn wound that is allowed to dehydrate will befurther injured by dehydration and necrosis. For deep sec-ond-degree burns wounds, the injured tissue in the zone ofstasis can be rescued, but excessive drying will cause irre-versible damage. This tendency to dehydration is a maindisadvantage of conventional dry-exposed therapy. Stud-ies of pathophysiology teach that a moist environment isfavorable for the regeneration and repair of injured tissue.The specially designed MEBO ointment alone succeeds increating an environment in which burns wounds can re-main exposed while avoiding the ravages of dehydrationand maceration.

The key to the maintaining of water in burns wounds isto prevent evaporation. The results of this study revealedthat burns wounds treated with MEBO had significantlyless evaporation than those given dry-exposed therapy.MEBO is different from other medical lubricants or oint-ments such as Vaseline in that MEBO retains woundmoisture while keeping the wound surface permeability.For example, excessive water can permeate through theMEBO ointment layer and be removed easily. The differ-ence between water evaporation of MEBO-treated andVaseline-treated wounds was very significant (p ! 0.01).This was proved by the test of skin sweat excretion [1].What attracts our great attention was that although thewater evaporation of burns wounds treated with MEBOwas significantly different from that of normal skin (p !0.05), the difference between the mean values was lessimpressive. MEBO’s water retention abilities have beencompared to sebum. MEBO maintains wound moisturewithout compromising drainage, therefore comprising amoist environment that is optimal for wound repair andhealing [2].

It has been reported that there is a zone of thermal-injured tissue with viability in the deep part and the sur-roundings of coagulated tissue postburn. This is called thezone of stasis [3]. Blood flow of micro blood vessels in thiszone diminishes progressively after burns, and remains

very susceptible to further injury. Dehydration or me-chanical injury will tip the scale toward tissue necrosis inthis zone of stasis. Therefore, it is really difficult to distin-guish this zone from the initially coagulated tissue thatpresents after 5 days postburn. This tendency to allow thezone of stasis (a recussible wound state) to deteriorate intoa non-recussible death state is consistent with convention-al dry-exposed therapy. By comparison, MEBO inhibitedthe deterioration of this process by avoiding secondaryinjuries such as dehydration. Therefore, MEBO promotesthe recovery of tissues within the zone of stasis and thusproves favorable to wound tissue regeneration and repair.Burns wounds treated with MEBO healed more quicklythan those treated with dry-exposed therapy (p ! 0.01).This result could not be attributed to the moisture main-taining effect of MEBO alone, but without a moist envi-ronment, it is hard for any medical treatment to achieve[2]. Vaseline treatment, though it also kept the woundmoist but macerated, resulted in suboptimal changes inwound tissues as opposed to the healthy tissue resultingfrom MEBO treatment. Based on our results, MEBO pro-vided a physiologically moist environment uniquely fa-vorable to wound tissue regeneration and repair.

The unique dosage form and pharmacokinetic featuresof MEBO are responsible for its moisture-maintainingeffect. The following three aspects may account for themechanism of its action:1 MEBO has its unique dosage form with frame struc-

ture, which, when applied on the wound, warms andmorphs into an equilibrium of two phases, liquid andsemisolid. It isolates the wound from external irrita-tion and prevents excessive water evaporation fromthe wound surface.

2 MEBO has an active drainage effect whereby excessivewater, liquefaction products and excreta are passivelyand automatically removed through the drug layer [2,4].

3 MEBO base contains hydrophilic and lipophilic groupsand has high surface activity. It has higher affinity tothe wound tissue than water, which allows for the for-mation of a strong adsorptive film on the wound whichprotects it from either maceration or dehydration.


1 Xu RX: Moist Exposed Burn Therapy (MEBT): Textbook for Technologi-cal Training. Beijing, Beijing Guangming Chinese Medicine Institute forBurns, Wounds and Ulcers, 1989, pp 160–168.

2 Xu RX: The medical science of burns and ulcers: A general introduction.Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:11–21.

3 Research Group for Burns of the Third Military Medical University: BurnTherapy. Beijing, People’s Health Publishing House, 1977, p 125.

4 Du HE: The micro-mechanism of moist exposed burn ointment. Chin JBurns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1993;5:9–10.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 53

Clinical Study on Invisible Water Loss ofBurns Wounds Treated with BRT withMEBT/MEBO


It has been confirmed that treatment with BRT withMEBT/MEBO offers a unique ability to inhibit excessiveloss of water evaporation through the burn wound surface[1–4]. However, there has not been adequate quantitativeclinical research at this time. In this study, the authorsobserved minimal dehydration of burns wounds treatedwith BRT with MEBT/MEBO in 25 burn patients withdifferent area and different depths compared to the waterevaporation value of wound to that of normal skin.

Materials and Methods

Twenty-five acute burns patients, 21 males and 4 females, werehospitalized within 6 h after injury. Burn area ranged from 4% totalbody surface area (TBSA) to 95% TBSA. After simple debridement,all patients were treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO [5]. Observa-tion at 6, 24, 48 and 72 h postburn measured the water evaporationcapacity of superficial second-degree, deep second- and third-degreewounds, compared to normal skin as a control. In 4 cases with burnarea over 50% TBSA, their daily amounts of water evaporation weredetermined based on wound evaporation and body surface area.During the liquefaction period, 12 cases with deep second- and third-degree wounds received semi-exposed MEBO treatment, and theirwound water evaporation was compared with those receiving ex-posed MEBO treatment.

A Model EPIC evaporometer (Servomed) was used to measurewound water evaporation [6]. Measurement was done at 2 h afterapplication of MEBO, in a room sheltered from the wind. Roomtemperature was kept at 32–36°C with a relative humidity of 45–62%.


Normal skin water evaporation of the 25 burns pa-tients had an average value of 18.48 B 5.02 g Wm–2

Wh–1.Wounds were classified according to their depths and onetypical wound from each degree was selected randomly.Blister skin (necrotic epidermis) of every selected typicalwound was divided in half with one half remaining intactand the other half having its protective skin removed.Then the evaporation of both halves of the wound wasmeasured, respectively. The results revealed that waterevaporation in wounds with preserved epidermis had avery significantly lower evaporation capacity than thosewith removed epidermis (p ! 0.01). Water evaporationreached its peak at 6 h postburn and then decreased, butstill remained markedly higher than that of the normalskin (p ! 0.05). For very deep wounds, water evaporationof wounds with removed epidermis tended to decrease(p ! 0.05), while evaporation in wounds with preservedepidermis did not decrease significantly (p 1 0.05) (ta-ble 7).

In 4 extensive burns patients with burn area over 50%TBSA, their total body surface and burns areas were mea-sured. Daily water evaporations of the wounds with dif-ferent depths were calculated, respectively. Then invisibledehydration per hour per 1% of second- and third-de-gree wounds can be obtained. The average value was0.71 ml Wh–1

W % TBSA–1 (table 8).During the liquefaction period, deep wounds were

treated with exposed or semi-exposed method, the twomethods did not result in a significant difference inwound water evaporation (p 1 0.05) (table 9).

Table 7. Evaporation of wounds with different depth at different intervals (g Wm–2W h–1, meanBSE)

Depth of wound Blisterskin


Time after injury

6 h 24 h 48 h 72 h

Superficial second-degree removed 22 57.45B6.40** 43.86B5.88** 35.73B4.23** 32.68B3.70**preserved 22 28.68B7.58** 24.23B4.62** 23.09B4.56** 22.86B2.88**

Deep second-degree removed 25 44.84B4.66** 37.40B4.94** 32.36B4.53** 30.56B3.62**preserved 25 26.40B4.80** 24.68B3.44** 23.24B4.05** 22.20B4.80**

Third-degree removed 15 42.53B5.30** 35.93B4.06** 32.07B3.84** 29.07B40.53**preserved 15 25.13B2.13** 23.67B2.58** 22.33B4.25* 21.93B2.85*

Compared with normal skin: * p ! 0.05, ** p ! 0.01.Comparison between blister skin removed and preserved, all the differences were very significant: p ! 0.01.


54 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 8. Invisible dehydration of 4 extensive burns patients


Burn area of different depth, % TBSA

TBSA superficialsecond-degree



Wound evaporation, g W m–2W h–1




Daily invisibledehydrationml

Invisibledehydrationml W h–1


% TBSA–1

1 53 23 30 61 44 1,097 0.862 73 6 21 46 49 45 26 888 0.503 94 40 54 53 39 1,598 0.714 95 3 67 25 60 42 36 1,746 0.77

Table 9. Comparison of water evaporation between the exposed andsemi-exposed wounds (mean B SE)

Wound Numberof wounds

Evaporationg Wm–2

Wh–1p value

Exposed 13 42.58B7.8910.05Semi-exposed 12 43.92B8.43


1 BRT with MEBT/MEBO effectively inhibited waterevaporation from wounds and decreased total bodyfluid loss. Additionally, preservation of necrotic epi-dermis, including blister skin, also helped to decreasewater loss.

2 The fluid injection of burns patients in the earlystage postburn follows the formula: 0.4–1.2 ml/(h !% BSA), with adjustment according to depth of thewound and exfoliation of the epidermis.

3 During the liquefaction period, MEBO could be ap-plied in either the exposed or the semi-exposed mode.


Skin is the surface barrier of the human body. As such,it plays an important role in maintaining body fluid sta-tus. Burn injury causes damage of this barrier and in-creases vascular permeability, causing a significant rate ofincrease of dehydration. Loss of body fluid through burnswounds is proportional to the burn area and depth as wellas being related to burn intervals postburn [7]. The resultsof this study showed that water loss through the wound inthe first few days postburn was much greater than throughnormal skin (p ! 0.05) and reached its peak at 6 h post-burn, then tended to decline and gradually decrease alongwith the deepening of wound. Preservation of necroticepidermis, including blistered skin, also helped to de-crease water loss. Previous studies gave similar results [8,9]. However, our degree of local wound water loss was

much less than that of those previous reports due to theuse of the BRT protocol (MEBT/MEBO) to treat thewounds. We conclude that BRT reduced wound exuda-tion and inhibited evaporation.

Increased capillary permeability causes exudation ofbody fluid into the interstitial space, thus forming ‘burnedema’. Another pathway of water loss is invisible dehy-dration through the burn wound. In this study with 4cases having burn area over 50% TBSA, the average waterloss per hour per 1% of second-degree and third-degreewound water loss was 0.71 ml. It would be helpful to eval-uate the volume of fluid resuscitation during the shockstage postburn. Based on this study, the fluid injection ofburns patients in the early stage postburn can follow theformula: 0.4–1.2 ml/(h ! % BSA), also adjust accordingto the depth of the wound and the exfoliation of the epi-dermis.

MEBT suggests application of MEBO ointment withthe exposed method, but in some cases, the semi-exposedmethod may be also advisable. The efficacy of the semi-exposed method was comparable to that of the exposedmethod. Our limited experiment proved that there was nosignificant difference in wound water evaporation be-tween the two methods during the liquefaction period (p 10.05), indicating that application of MEBO with theexposed or semi-exposed methods had a similar efficacyon inhibiting water loss from the wound surface. It isinteresting to note that wound water evaporation mea-sured at the liquefaction period was greater than duringthe edema resorption period. This might be due to therequirement of more water for the liquefied reactionbetween MEBO and necrotic tissues as well as the produc-tion of liquefaction products.


1 Xu RX: Moist Exposed Burn Therapy (MEBT): Textbook for Technologi-cal Training. Beijing, Beijing Guangming Chinese Medicine Institute forBurns, Wounds and Ulcers, 1989, pp 160–168.

2 Wang CC, Pu ZB, Liu HB, et al: Experimental study on maintaining physi-ological moist effect of moist exposed burn therapy/moist exposed burnointment on treating burn wound. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers1998;10:18–20.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 55

3 Zhang LX, Yang KF: Clinical investigation on moist exposed burn therapy:A report of 2076 cases. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:22–26.

4 Fu QL, Geng MZ: The early treatment of moderate and severe burns andits theoretical basis. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1992;4:1–3.

5 Xu RX: The principle of burn wound management. Proc Natl Conf Burns,Binzhou, 1992.

6 Operating Manual of Model EPIC Servomed Evaporometer. Sweden,1981.

7 Fang ZY, Wu ZL, Gao XS, Xu FX (eds): The Theory and Practice of Burns.Shenyang, Liaoning Science and Technology Press, 1989, pp 64–274.

8 Davies JWL: The fluid therapy given to 1027 patients during the first 48 hafter burning. 1. Total fluid and colloid input. Burns 1975;1:319–324.

9 Ge SD, et al: Research on local invisible dehydration of burn wound. ChinJ Plast Burn Surg 1985;1:10–12.

Experimental Study of Moist-Exposed BurnOintment on Improving Wound Microcirculationof the Zone of Stasis in the Early Stages afterBurns


After sustaining a cutaneous burn, typically three con-centric circles develop around the wound. Seen from theinterior to the exterior, these three zones are termed thezone of necrosis, the zone of stasis, and the zone of hyper-emia. During the initial postburn period, coagulation ne-crosis of the tissue occurs in the zone of necrosis of burnswounds. Meanwhile, progressive injury occurs in the zoneof stasis, especially within 24–48 h postburn. Pathologicalchanges in the stasis zone include the dilation of capillariesand small veins, the swelling and hyperpermeability of vas-cular endothelial cells, a loosely arranged pattern of endo-thelial cells with increased intercellular gapping. Lysisproducts of erythrocytes accumulate in blood vessels andmicrothrombosis and necrosis occur. The more micro-thrombi are formed, the more necrotic the tissue [1, 2].BRT with MEBT/MEBO aims to rescue tissues in the sta-sis zone by improving microcirculation and avoidingmassive formation of microthrombi. We have shown that

Fig. 10. Illustration of the burn wound area.

progressive necrosis of the tissues in the stasis zone can beprevented [3]. This experiment was designed to investi-gate the efficacy of BRT with MEBT/MEBO in improvingmicrocirculation of burns wounds through a comparisonof the blood circulation volume in zone of stasis in burnswounds treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO comparedto that of conventional dry-exposed therapy.

Materials and Methods

Ninety-six healthy male SD rats, weighing 250 B 30 g, were usedand divided randomly into 2 groups, 48 in each. The animals weredepilated on the backs by applying 8% barium sulfide solution andanesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 3% pentobarbital sodiumat a dose of 30 mg/kg. A hollow cylindrical bronze rod with an out-side diameter of 3 cm and a bore diameter of 5 mm, weighing about1 kg, was put into boiling water for 15 min and wiped dry. Then, thehot end of the rod was applied onto one side of the depilated back ofthe rat for 12 s to form a third-degree burn wound (determined bypathological examination), as shown in figure 10. A preliminaryexperiment had determined that in the central uninjured area, themicrocirculation blood volume decreased quickly postburn andremained low for a long time. This area is considered as the zone ofstasis.

In both groups, 8 animals were used to compare the blood circula-tion volume in the stasis zone and the area of necrotic tissue. Theremaining rats (40 in each group) were used to observe pathologicalchanges in the tissue at the intervals before burn and at 4, 24, 48 and72 h postburn, respectively (8 animals observed at each interval).Rats in the BRT with MEBT/MEBO groups were treated withMEBO by applying the ointment onto the wounds at a thickness of1 mm, once a day. Rats in the dry-exposed therapy group weretreated with 1% silver sulfadiazine (SD-Ag) cold cream once a day.No drug was applied onto the zone of stasis in both groups.

Blood flow volume of microcirculation in the zone of stasis wasmeasured by a Doppler laser blood flow monitor before burn, and at5 min, 30 min, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 48 and 72 h postburn,respectively. The necrotic area in the zone of stasis was measuredusing a Leitz automatic image pattern analyzer at 14 days postburn.Tissue water volume in the zone of stasis was determined beforeburn, and at 4, 24, 48 and 72 h postburn. Before burn and at 4, 24, 48and 72 h postburn, full-thickness skin tissue samples were taken fromthe normal skin and the zone of stasis. Each sample (200 mg) washomogenized, centrifuged and the supernatant fluid was used fordetermination of MDA content.

The data were expressed as mean B SE. Student’s t test was usedfor statistical analysis.


As shown in figure 11, microcirculation blood flow vol-ume in the zone of stasis decreased rapidly postburn inboth groups and reached the lowest value at 2 h postburn.However the reduction of blood flow volume in the dry-exposed therapy group was significantly greater than thatin the BRT with MEBT/MEBO group, at all time inter-vals (p ! 0.01).

As shown in table 10, the MDA content of tissues inthe zone of stasis increased significantly at 4 h postburn inboth groups. In the BRT with MEBT/MEBO group, MDA


56 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

content turned to the level of pre-injury at 24 h postburn,while in the dry-exposed therapy group, the MDA levelrose continuously and was significantly higher than thatin the BRT with MEBT/MEBO group, at different timeintervals (p ! 0.01).

As shown in table 11, water volume of tissues in thezone of stasis increased at 4 h postburn in both groups. In

Fig. 11. Dynamic changes of microcirculation blood flow volume inthe zone of stasis postburn.

the dry-exposed therapy group, water volume increasedsignificantly at 4 and 48 h postburn and returned to thenormal level at 72 h postburn, while in BRT with MEBT/MEBO group, water volume turned to the normal level at48 h postburn (p ! 0.05).

In the dry-exposed therapy group, necrotic tissue ar-ea in the zone of stasis at 14 h postburn was 20.96 B3.51 mm2, it was significantly larger than 8.38 B1.78 mm2 in the MEBT/MEBO group (p ! 0.01).


Treatment with MEBT/MEBO in the early stages afterburns could improve the wound microcirculation in thezone of stasis, lessen further injuries to the support tissuesof the burn wound, then increase the recovery of injuredtissue at the zone of stasis.


Microthrombosis and vascular hyperpermeability aremajor changes in the wound microcirculation system afterburns. In the zone of stasis, microthrombosis is oftenobvious [1, 2]. BRT involves covering the burn woundwith MEBO because this specially designed ointment iseffective for improving wound microcirculation and pre-

Table 10. MDA levels in the zone of stasis between the two groups (nmol/mg protein, mean B SE)

Group Before injury Time after injury

4 h 24 h 48 h 72 h

MEBT/MEBO 0.065B0.07 0.147B0.047* 0.078B0.024* 0.069B0.019 0.063B0.022Dry-exposed 0.065B0.021 0.240B0.078*, + 0.303B0.097*, + 0.363B0.099*, + 0.378B0.114*, +

Compared with before injury: * p ! 0.01; compared with group 1: + p ! 0.01.

Table 11. Comparison of water volume in the zone of stasis between the two groups (%, mean B SE)

Group Before injury Time after injury

4 h 24 h 48 h 72 h

MEBT/MEBO 66.2B2.5 77.3B3.1* 76.5B2.64* 67.1B2.7 65.9B2.4Dry-exposed 66.2B2.5 89.9B4.3**, + 86.4B3.9**, + 77.2B4.0* 68.9B3.3

Compared with before injury: * p ! 0.05, ** p ! 0.01; compared with MEBT/MEBO group: + p ! 0.05.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 57

venting progressive necrosis of tissues in the zone of stasis[3]. The zone of stasis is developing progressively at theearly stages postburn, so its area is difficult to measure.Our experiment provided a unique model which helpedto solve this problem.

In the dry-exposed therapy group, the necrotic area oftissue in the zone of stasis was 20.96 B 3.51 mm2 at 14days postburn. This value was significantly higher thanthe 8.38 B 1.78 mm2 of the MEBT/MEBO group (p !0.01). This proved that MEBO is effective for improvingmicrocirculation and preventing further coagulation ne-crosis of the injured tissue with viability in the zone ofstasis. According to the results of this study, we concludedthat BRT with MEBT/MEBO has the following advan-tages:1 Improving microcirculation in the zone of stasis, pre-

venting massive microthrombosis, increasing bloodflow volume, lessening the degree and shortening theduration of both ischemia and hypoxia relative to tis-sues in the zone of stasis, and thus protecting the vitali-ty of the viable tissues.

2 Reducing capillary permeability, preventing massiveexudation through burns wounds and tissue edema.Exudation and edema will cause ischemia and necrosisin the surrounding tissues of burns wounds or evenhypovolemic shock.

3 Reducing the production of oxygen free radicals andinhibiting injury due to lipid peroxidation. MDA is aproduct of lipid peroxidation, its content reflects thedegree of the reaction. In this study, MEBO quicklydecreased the MDA content of tissues in the zone ofstasis, while in the dry-exposed therapy group, theMDA level rose continuously.


1 Bonaldi LA, Frank DH: Pathophysiology of the burn wound; in AchauerBM (ed): Management of the Burned Patient. Norwalk, Appleton & Lange,1987, pp 21–47.

2 Li A (Ngao) (ed): Burn Therapy, ed 2. Beijing, People’s Health PublishingHouse, 1995, pp 94–96.

3 Xu RX (ed): New Advances of Modern Surgery. Beijing, Chinese MedicalScience & Technology Press, 1998, pp 18–48.

Clinical Study of Moist-Exposed BurnsOintment on Improving Microcirculation ofBurns Wounds


The typical changes in microcirculation immediatelyfollowing burn trauma include cellular and gross anatomi-cal changes. At the cellular level, we see an increase of

vascular permeability and an increased risk of micro-thrombus. At the macro level, we see three concentric cir-cles developing around the wound after cutaneous burns,ranging from interior to exterior and termed the zone ofnecrosis, the zone of stasis and the zone of hyperemia [1].The microcirculation in the zone of stasis is characterizedby the formation of progressive microthrombus. The loca-tion of the zone of stasis varies according to the depth ofthe burns. Burns affecting the dermis are termed second-degree burns while third-degree burns involve the full-thickness of skin as well as subcutaneous tissues. The ulti-mate burn depth is determined by the development of thestasis zone, which may extend full-thickness, arrestingblood circulation and causing tissue necrosis resulting in athird-degree burn. However, if there is some improve-ment in the microcirculation in the zone of stasis, deepsecond-degree burns will rarely deteriorate into third-degree burns. BRT was designed to deal with the zone ofstasis by improving the microcirculation, avoiding theformation of microthrombus and thereby arresting pro-gressive necrosis.

Recent research suggests that significant release of vas-cular active factors in plasma, endothelin (ET) and nitricoxide (NO), has a close correlation with the deteriorationof vulnerable tissue within the zone of stasis during theearly postburn stage [2–4]. ET and NO released from theburn wound become the primary source of ET and NO inplasma. The studies during the previous decade have paidgreat attention to ET and NO known as ‘star molecules’because they are the most powerful vascular contractionand dilation factors known to man. Under normal non-traumatic situations, vascular endothelial cells maintain arelatively stable ratio of ET/NO to ensure the normalcapacity for vasoconstriction and dilation within the mi-crocirculation of the skin. However, certain pathologicalconditions such as stress, ischemia, hypoxia and acidosismay stimulate the massive increase in the synthesis andrelease of ET and NO. These challenges upset the originalbalance of ET and NO, causing a cascade of reactivepathological damages. This study investigates the relativeimpact on plasma ET/NO ratio by BRT (MEBT) and con-ventional therapies and gives a further investigation onthe mechanism of MEBO for improving the microcircula-tion of burns wounds.

Materials and Methods

The study involved 34 adult patients who suffered 30–40% TBSAburns with more than 20% TBSA of deep second-degree wounds, allof whom were admitted to the hospital at 4–5 h after injury. All sub-jects were randomized to receive either BRT with MEBT/MEBO orconventional dry-exposed therapy. The MEBO group included 18patients (11 male, 7 female) with a mean age of 26 B 10.9 years whilethe dry-exposed group comprised 16 patients (10 male, 6 female)with a mean age of 28 B 12.0 years.


58 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 12. Dynamic changes in plasma postburn ET (pg/ml, mean B SE)

8 h 1 day 2 days 3 days 5 days 7 days 14 days

ET, pg/mlMEBT/MEBO 87.7B23.5** 78.0B15.2** 70.2B20.9** 69.3B14.6* 41.2B13.5 46.9B14.8 40.7B12.1Dry-exposed 169.6B45.9** 228.1B53.8** 183.2B44.7** 117.8B41.9** 103.4B31.6** 98.7B26.3** 88.1B29.2**

NO, Ìmol/lMEBT/MEBO 21.7B5.4* 18.0B6.2* 20.3B3.9* 16.73B4.0* 3.7B3.9 15.6B4.2 14.7B3.4Dry-exposed 23.6B6.9** 28.1B7.8** 31.2B9.4** 27.6B7.8** 19.3B7.4 14.7B6.9 13.7B7.0

Compared with normal level: * p ! 0.05, ** p ! 0.01.

Fig. 12. Changes of the ET/NO ratio in both groups after injury.

All patients were treated with the standard of care as regards fluidsupplement, anti-infection and anti-inflammation. For the BRT withMEBT/MEBO group, MEBO ointment was spread at a thickness of1 mm guided by the following principles: replace the ointment every4–6 h during the exudation and repair periods; during the liquefac-tion period, the intervals of reapplying MEBO is determined by theamount of liquefied products on the wound. The typical interval callsfor reapplication every 4 h. The patients receiving the dry-exposedtherapy received topical debridement and were treated with 1% sil-ver surfadiazine (SD-Ag) daily.

Venous blood was sampled, respectively, from burn patients inboth groups at 8 h, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days postburn, and also from 5healthy control males and females. NO was determined by the Griessmethod. ET was measured with radioimmunoassay (RIA). Both ETand NO kits were purchased from East Asia Immunity TechnologyInstitute, General Hospital of CPLA.


The normal level of ET in plasma was 42.8 B 12.2 pg/ml, NO: 14.5 B 3.6 Ìmol/l, the ratio of ET/NO 2.95.Table 12 shows that ET in both groups markedly in-creased after injury, but we see that the increment in theBRT with MEBT/MEBO group was much lower than thatin the dry-exposed group. The MEBO group returned tonormal level on the 5th day postburn as compared to thedry-exposed group’s value which remained at a high level

even at day 14. Table 12 shows an obvious increase of NOin both groups at 8 h. In the BRT with MEBT/MEBOgroup, the NO gradually decreased to normal by day 3compared to day 7 for the dry-exposed group. Figure 12shows that the ratio of ET/NO in the BRT with MEBT/MEBO group decreased to 2.95 after 1 day, while that inthe dry-exposed group remained much higher than 2.95 atall phases.

The MEBO group required 5.6 B 2.5 days to heal thesuperficial second-degree burns wounds and required15.6 B 4.7 days for the resolution of deep second-degreewounds as evidenced by good skin elasticity and no scarformation. In the dry-exposed group, 8.7 B 4.6 days wererequired for healing superficial second-degree burnswounds, and 21.6 B 6.4 days were required for the com-pletion of healing in deep second-degree wounds. How-ever, note that the end result of this protocol, as con-trasted with the MEBO protocol, was suboptimal as itresulted in scar formation and poor elasticity.


We have demonstrated that BRT with MEBT/MEBOimproves the microcirculation of burns wounds, shortenshealing time, and promotes deep second-degree woundsto heal without scar formation by means which includethe optimization of the ratio of ET/NO.


The formation of progressive microthrombus in thezone of stasis may deepen and extend the area of burnswounds, thereby directly worsening both the rate ofwound healing and the clinical prognosis. Therefore, animportant question must be weighed up by the world’sburns therapists: How can one best alleviate tissue dam-age, promote wound healing and reduce the possibility ofscar formation? Current research suggests that BRT(MEBT) offers the best answer to these questions.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 59

This study was designed to investigate the effect ofMEBO on plasma ET/NO so as to further discover themechanisms of MEBT therapy. ET, separated from super-natant fluid of cultured pig aorta endothelial cell by Ya-nagisawa in 1988, is mainly synthesized in the vascularendothelial cell and is known to be the strongest vasocon-strictive peptide in addition to other biological actions.However, the excessive release of ET may cause microblood vessels to contract and spasm for an extended peri-od of time, resulting in microthrombus formation. NO isa potent gaseous free radical and is synthesized in thecytoplasm of vascular endothelial cells, vascular smoothmuscle cells, macrophages, platelets, etc. This reactionoccurs when nitrogen monoxide synthetase (NOS) cata-lyzes the guanidin-end nitrogen of L-Arg to combine withoxygen. There are two types of NOS: constitutional NOS(cNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS). NO has a very shorthalf-life as it may react with circulating oxyhemoglobin,deoxyhemoglobin, superoxide anion or free oxygen tocreate stable products such as nitrite and nitrate. Theseare metabolized mainly through the kidney.

NO expresses its effects in two ways. On the one hand,NO is antagonistic with ET in dilating micro blood ves-sels, forming a protective layer in the tunica intima, pre-venting platelets and neutrophils from adhering to thevessel wall, and inhibiting the formation of microthrom-bus. On the other hand, the excessive release of NO mayresult in severe wound exudation and edema in the earlystages postburn, thus increasing damage to tissue andcells. Under the normal situation, NO and ET maintain acertain dynamic equilibrium as an increase of ET pro-motes an elevation of NO synthesis while NO inhibits thesynthesis of ET. A physiologic ratio of ET/NO representsa healthy balance.

According to the studies in recent years, the iNOS andET mRNA genes located in burns wounds, heart, lung,kidney, liver and gastrointestinal tract express an increas-ing activity postburn, which leads to a massive release ofET and NO, especially from the wound. The significantincrease of ET and NO in the circulation and the imbal-ance of the ET/NO ratio have a close correlation withshock, acute renal failure, acute respiratory failure, stressulcer and cerebral edema after severe burns. Great caremust be paid to the role of ET/NO if one is to preventprogressive damage of the wound tissues in the zone ofstasis at the early stages postburn [2]:1 NO and ET, known as the most potent vasoconstric-

tion and vasodilatory factors, should maintain ahealthy balance during the critical postburn period.

2 The increment of NO and ET in blood plasma post-burn has a positive relationship with the increase of thecapillary permeability, leading to massive exudationand hyperedema [3, 4].

3 The increase of ET in plasma, the contraction andspasm of the micro blood vessels, the thrombus forma-tion around the wound and underlying tissue, and ede-ma pressure may cause secondary ischemia and necro-sis to the adjacent tissues.

4 The exudates, being rich in protein, provide a good cul-ture medium for bacteria growth.It was found that the application of a non-selective ET

receptor antagonist, AK-044, may alleviate the secondarydamage to burns wounds resulting from the increase ofET [5]. In this study, the increment of ET and NO in theBRT with MEBT/MEBO group was obviously lower thanthat in the dry-exposed group. In the former group, theET/NO ratio in plasma decreased after 1 day toward anormal level of 2.95, representing a timely improvementin the tissue microcirculation status particularly in thezone of stasis. This prevented the occurrence of progres-sive microthrombosis and prevented the progressive ne-crosis of tissue by optimizing the wound environment. Inthe dry-exposed group, ET and NO increased significantlyat all phases and the ET/NO ratio in plasma remainedmuch higher than normal (2.95), usually at around 6. ETmight play a dominant role in this change by keeping themicro blood vessel contracted and spasming for a longtime resulting in microthrombosis, low vitality of woundtissues, and poorer healing process compared to that inthe BRT with MEBT/MEBO group. The results suggestthat the BRT with MEBT/MEBO group is superior to thedry-exposed group in wound healing time and outcome.However, further study is yet to be conducted for the spe-cific mechanism on how MEBO controls the adequaterelease of ET and NO from the burns wounds, and on howto promote the return of the ET/NO ratio to normal asrapidly as possible.


1 Bonaldi LA, Frank DH: Pathophysiology of the burn wound; in AchauerBM (ed): Management of the Burned Patient. Norwalk, Appleton & Lange,1987, pp 21–47.

2 Battal MN, Hata Y, Matsuka K, et al: Reduction of progressive burn injuryby using a new nonselective endothelin-A and endothelin-B receptor antag-onist, Tak-044: An experimental study in rats. Plast Reconstr Surg 1997;99:1610–1619.

3 Kowal VA, Walenga JM, Sharp PM, et al: Postburn edema and relatedchanges in interleukin-2, leukocytes, platelet activation, endothelin-1, andC1 esterase inhibitor. J Burn Care Rehab 1997;18:99–103.

4 Sozumi T: The role of nitric oxide in vascular permeability after a thermalinjury. Ann Plast Surg 1997;39:272–277.

5 Jia XM, Zhu ZM, Zeng Q, et al: The dynamic changes of endothelin-1 inrat plasma, wound and organs at the early stages postburn. Med J PLA1997;22:40–42.


60 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Experimental Study of the Effect of BRT withMEBT/MEBO on Hematological Parameters inthe Treatment of Burned Rabbits


Many researchers found that treatment with BRT withMEBT/MEBO improved the microcirculation in burnswounds. However, the effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBOon systemic postburn situations has not been established.The authors used a rabbit model for the following experi-mental study on this subject.

Materials and Methods

Seventy-two healthy adult rabbits of either sex eating a uniformdiet and weighing 2.0 B 0.5 kg were divided randomly into threegroups: group 1 (normal control, n = 12), group 2 (treated withMEBO, n = 30), and group 3 (dry exposure, n = 30). Without anesthe-sia, all animals were shaved on the waist with barium sulfide. Ani-mals in group 1 received no treatment and cardiac blood was sam-pled for measuring normal hematological parameters. Animals ingroups 2 and 3 sustained deep second-degree burns of 10% BSA via100°C water applied for 5 s (confirmed by pathological examina-tion). Animals in group 2 were then treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO renewed every 6 h. Animals in group 3 were offered no treat-ment with wounds remaining dry and exposed. No fluid infusion wasadministered. Blood samples were taken from the left ventricle of theheart for determining hematological values at 4, 24, 48, 72 h and 6days postinjury. The parameters tested included apparent blood vis-cosity at different shear rates, plasma viscosity, hematocrit (HCT),erythrocyte agglutinative index (EAI) and erythrocyte transforma-tion kinetics (ETK). To standardize the experimental conditions andinstruments, blood sampling was performed in accordance withrequirements for determination of blood flow viscosity establishedby the International Council for Standardization in Haematology(ICSH) in 1988. These laboratory determinations were made by a

specially assigned technologist at room temperature using a Type NE-1 viscometer (manufactured by Chengdu Instruments, China) [1].

Apparent blood viscosity at the shear rates of 230, 115, 46, 11.5,and 5.75 s–1 were determined, respectively, using 1.3 ml blood. Plas-ma viscosity is the viscosity at the shear rate of 115 s–1. Hematocrit(HCT) was determined by a Wintrope tube, type LXJ-64-01 centri-fuge, at 3,000 rpm for 30 min [2]. Erythrocyte agglutinative index(EAI) was the ratio of apparent blood viscosity obtained at low andhigh shear rates (5.75 and 230 s–1). Erythrocyte transformation kinet-ics (TK) was calculated according to the formula given in Chen [3].


Owing to the minor difference of sex and strain in thehematological parameters of the rabbits, it was feasible towork out a uniform range [1–4]. Randomized divisionkept animals in a normal control group, allowing theMEBO-treated and the dry-exposed groups to live underthe same conditions. Therefore, no repeated blood sam-pling was allowed and the data were significantly valu-able. Apparent blood viscosity and plasma viscosity atdifferent shear rates in group 3 were higher than those ingroup 2. Table 13 shows that the parameters in group 3began to increase at 4 h post-injury, peaked at 24 h, andremained higher at 48 h, 72 h and 6 days than those ingroup 2. There were significant statistical differences (ta-ble 14; p ! 0.01). Compared to the normal group, parame-ters including apparent blood viscosity, plasma viscosityand others in the MEBO-treated group began to increaseat 4 h postinjury, peaked at 24 h, decreased at 48 h, fur-ther decreased at 72 h and nearly returned to normal at 6days (table 15). But statistical analysis showed that hema-tological parameters did not change significantly (p 1

0.05), except at 24 h postinjury when the blood viscosityat shear rates of 11.5 s–1 (t = 2.4696, p ! 0.05) and 5.75 s–1

(t = 2.700, p ! 0.05) increased markedly (table 16).

Table 13. Changes of hemorrheological parameters in group 3 (dry group) (mean B SE)

Parameters 4 hpostinjury

24 hpostinjury

48 hpostinjury

72 hpostinjury

6 dayspostinjury

Blood viscosity230 s–1 5.45B0.54 8.66B0.59 6.24B0.188 4.57B0.588 5.61B0.43115 s–1 5.92B0.66 8.86B1.37 6.55B0.28 5.27B1.13 6.57B0.4646 s–1 6.49B0.71 10.87B1.42 7.99B0.48 5.98B0.44 7.14B0.4123 s–1 7.26B0.43 12.71B1.43 9.32B0.33 8.03B0.46 8.84B1.59

11.5 s–1 12.89B1.32 21.13B2.65 13.12B0.34 10.74B1.52 10.88B0.735.75 s–1 18.12B3.42 25.22B0.96 19.99B4.32 14.39B1.74 12.39B0.12

Plasma viscosity (115 s–1) 2.71B0.08 2.64B0.32 2.33B0.123 2.15B0.116 2.30B0.095HCT 0.42B0.051 0.43B0 0.4B0.026 0.36B0.04 0.036B0.015EAI 3.29B0.27 2.86B0.12 3.17B0.68 3.14B0.023 2.21B0.255TK 0.64B0.086 0.96B0.098 0.84B0.093 0.82B0.21 0.95B0.144


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 61

Table 14. Comparison of hemorrheological parameters between groups 2 and 3

Parameters 4 h postinjury

t p

24 h postinjury

t p

48 h postinjury

t p

72 h postinjury

t p

6 days postinjury

t p

Blood viscosity230 s–1 4.888 !0.001 10.74 !0.001 5.716 !0.001 1.412 10.05 3.558 !0.01115 s–1 3.776 !0.01 8.212 !0.001 3.364 !0.01 2.765 !0.05 3.289 !0.0146 s–1 1.838 10.05 8.031 !0.001 4.528 !0.001 4.125 !0.01 2.691 !0.0523 s–1 0.861 10.05 7.014 !0.001 4.435 !0.01 3.502 !0.01 3.909 !0.01

11.5 s–1 4.611 !0.001 116.15 !0.001 6.572 !0.001 4.985 !0.001 3.261 !0.015.75 s–1 4.564 !0.001 10.47 !0.001 23.12 !0.001 6.031 !0.001 2.043 10.05

Plasma viscosity 0.634 10.05 0.125 10.01 1.188 10.05 1.426 10.01 0.254 10.05HCT 1.866 10.05 1.237 10.05 0.563 10.05 0.574 10.05 0.563 10.05EAI 2.038 10.05 0.121 10.05 1.075 10.05 9.306 !0.001 0.547 10.05TK 2.648 !0.05 1.748 10.05 6.106 !0.001 3.276 !0.01 5.048 10.001

Table 15. Hemorrheological parameters in group 1 and changes in group 2 (mean B SD)

Parameters Group 1(normalcontrol)

Group 2

4 hpostinjury

24 hpostinjury

48 hpostinjury

72 hpostinjury

6 dayspostinjury

Blood viscosity230 s–1 4.20B0.05 4.13B0.52 4.48B0.7 4.01B0.65 4.00B0.72 4.12B0.72115 s–1 0.69B0.71 4.54B0.68 5.67B0.91 4.58B0.98 4.27B0.8 4.42B1.1046 s–1 5.53B0.99 5.44B1.00 6.97B1.03 5.12B1.07 4.88B0.86 5.11B1.2623 s–1 6.79B1.32 6.59B1.30 8.49B1.20 6.00B1.18 5.59B1.17 6.04B1.40

11.5 s–1 7.61B1.69 8.5B1.69 9.55B1.26 7.34B1.46 6.69B1.52 7.41B1.815.75 s–1 9.33B2.58 12.21B2.7 13.45B1.9 9.92B1.86 8.33B1.88 9.57B2.28

Plasma-viscosity (115 s–1) 2.05B0.39 2.48B0.6 2.60B0.55 2.60B0.38 2.28B0.16 2.27B0.20HCT 0.36B0.05 0.37B0.05 0.40B0.04 0.38B0.06 0.34B0.06 0.34B0.06EAI 2.19B0.58 2.73B0.47 0.82B0.55 2.65B0.86 2.07B0.19 2.32B0.34TK 0.73B0.08 0.75B0.08 0.82B0.34 0.75B0.05 0.64B0.04 0.72B0.09

Table 16. Comparison of hemorrheological parameters between groups 1 and 2

Parameters 4 h postinjury

t p

24 h postinjury

t p

48 h postinjury

t p

72 h postinjury

t p

6 days postinjury

t p

Blood viscosity230 s–1 0.1490 10.05 0.6514 10.05 0.4635 10.05 0.1826 10.05 0.1437 10.05115 s–1 0.3052 10.05 1.6984 10.05 0.1818 10.05 0.2855 10.05 0.4152 10.0546 s–1 0.0128 10.05 2.0160 10.05 0.5630 10.05 0.9918 10.05 0.5243 10.0523 s–1 0.3239 10.05 1.8600 10.05 0.3276 10.05 0.7940 10.05 0.2600 10.05

11.5 s–1 0.7449 10.05 2.4696 !0.05 0.2430 10.05 0.8100 10.05 0.1632 10.055.75 s–1 1.5470 10.05 2.7000 !0.05 0.3907 10.05 0.6635 10.05 0.1456 10.05

Plasma viscosity 1.2020 10.05 1.6320 10.05 2.0210 10.05 1.0440 10.05 1.0040 10.05HCT 0.2916 10.05 1.2964 10.05 0.5249 10.05 0.5249 10.05 0.5249 10.05EAI 1.4471 10.05 1.5768 10.05 0.8872 10.05 0.3239 10.05 0.4260 10.05TK 0.3536 10.05 1.7166 10.05 2.4241 10.05 2.0142 10.05 0.1661 10.05


62 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Treatment with MEBO after burns could amelioratetotal body stress reaction, reduce water evaporation fromthe wound surface, lessen local and systemic capillaryexudation and thus improve the hemorrheological charac-teristics of microcirculation. It also suggested that whenthe minor or moderately burned patient was treated withMEBO at an early stage, fluid infusion and/or blood trans-fusion would not be necessary, whereas for severelyburned patients, the amount of fluid infusion could bereduced as tolerated.


Hemorrhagic change is considered to be one of thepathophysiological changes following burns and serves asa basis of microcirculation disorder. Subsequent to exten-sive burns, microvascular permeability increases and co-pious intravascular plasma exudes toward the wound sur-face and tissue space leading to localized hemoconcentra-tion, reduction of effective blood volume, decreased plas-ticity of red blood cells and increased blood viscosity.These hemorrhagic changes comprise the pathophysiolog-ical basis of burn shock and contribute to the deleteriousstress reaction immediately following the trauma ofburns. For instance, adrenaline, 5-HT, and prostaglandinmay all increase the activation of platelets to erythrocytes,thereby changing the localized electrical potential. Theincreased secretion of catecholamines due to stress reac-tion directly promotes platelet adhesiveness. The injuredsub-microstructure of the vascular wall elaborates anadhesion protein on platelets and erythrocytes causingsignificant intravascular platelet aggregation and contrib-uting to adhesion and aggregation of platelets and erythro-cytes. This, of course, precipitates thrombotic events [5].In this study, we compared the blood viscosity of aMEBO-treated group with controls and demonstrate thatthe viscosity of the MEBO group approximated that of thenormal controls. As animals in the MEBO-treated groupwere treated only with MEBO (they received neither fluidreplacement nor special feeding), such changes verified

that MEBO alleviated body stress reaction followingburns and ensured body recovery.

Despite becoming a systemic disease, burn injuriesbegin with a wound on one region of the body surface. Ithas been reported that BRT with MEBT/MEBO couldhave both local and systemic therapeutic effects on burnmanagement [6]. We are pleased to report that rabbits inthe MEBO-treated group were as active as normal rabbitsand fed freely. Blood viscosity did not change significant-ly (p 1 0.05), except at shear rates of 11.5and 5.75 s–1 24 hpostinjury.

The blood viscosity value of normal rabbits in thisstudy was slightly lower than the mean values as indicatedin many domestic and international reports. This differ-ence is probably explained by the fact that venous bloodfrom rabbits (weighing 2.5 kg) was sampled in thosereports instead of cardiac blood from rabbits (weighing2.0 B 0.5 kg) which we used in our study. Differentdietary factors as well as geographical differences maycontribute as well. Blood viscosity is a comprehensivemarker as it indicates aggregation, deformability and therheological properties of platelets, RBCs and WBCs. Inthis study, blood viscosity and plasma viscosity of rabbitswere compared to and found to be lower than those ofhuman beings. It remains to be further discussed whetherthis lower viscosity is associated with low HCT, difficultyof RBC aggregation, or whether it is simply some biologi-cal characteristic associated with ‘herbivores’.


1 Du ZY, Jiang XQ: Analysis on hemorrheology of healthy rabbits. TransTaishan Med Coll 1991;12:134–136.

2 Zhang YM, Jiang XQ, et al: Investigation and analysis on hemorrheologicalparameters of human health. Chin J Hemat 1992;13:312–313.

3 Chen WJ (ed): Hemorrheology. Tianjin, Tianjin Science & TechnologyPress, 1987, pp 50–53.

4 Guo ZR, et al: Experimental study on the effects of different resuscitationregimens on hemorrheology during burn shock period. Chin J Plastic SurgBurns 1988;4:130–132.

5 Xu RX: The medicine of burn and ulcer: A general introduction. Part 1.Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:11–21.

6 Xu RX: A summary report of the first session of the editorial board of thejournal and to the national symposium on the moist exposed burn therapy.Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1992;4:2–5.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 63


Studies on the Anti-Infection Effect of BRT withMEBT/MEBO

Effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO on theImmunity of Burns Patients


The antibiotic and wound-healing properties of MEBOhave been proven in clinical practice. There are differentopinions about the mechanism of this antibiotic effect, soresearch on this subject is very important. During theperiod from January 1993 through December 1995, weconducted clinical observations on the effect of MEBO onburns patients’ immunity and demonstrated that MEBOenhanced patients’ immunity as part of its antibiotic andwound-healing effects.

Materials and Methods

Clinical DataOne hundred and twenty burns patients were divided randomly

into two groups. Sixty patients in the MEBO group, including 40males and 20 females, aged 6–65 (35.5 B 14.8) years. Course of dis-ease: 1–36 h (18.5 B 8.8 h) before administration of MEBO. Cause ofburns: direct flame, 30 cases; scald, 16 cases, and chemical burn, 14cases. Burn position: craniofacial, 17 cases; neck, 17 cases; trunk, 18cases, and limbs, 23 cases. Burns depth: superficial second-degreeburns, 26 cases; deep second-degree burns, 24 cases; third-degreeburns, 10 cases. Burn area: 1–25% (13 B 6%) total body surface area(TBSA). By contrast, there were 60 cases in the control group includ-ing 41 males and 19 females, aged from 7 to 65 years (36 B 14.5years). Course of disease: 1–35 h (18 B 8.5 h) before administration.Cause of burns: direct flame, 29 cases; scald, 17 cases, and chemicalburns, 14 cases. Burn position: craniofacial, 13 cases; neck, 7 cases;trunk, 18 cases, and limbs, 22 cases. Burn depth: superficial second-degree burns, 24 cases; deep second-degree burns, 26 cases, andthird-degree burns, 10 cases. Burn area: 1–26% (13.5 B 6.3%) TBSA.The data of the two groups were similar and comparable (p 1 0.05).

Treatment and ExaminationAll patients were subjected to debridement before collecting sam-

ples of skin tissue. Patients in the MEBO group were treated with

burns regenerative therapy (MEBT/MEBO) [1, 2], and skin tissueswere taken twice from the original sites before the treatment beganand after the wounds healed, respectively. Patients in the controlgroup were treated with another traditional Chinese burns oint-ment – Jing Wan Hong –, and skin tissue was taken at the same timephase as in the MEBO group. Patients in both groups were observedclosely, and their wound healing time and incidence of wound infec-tion were compared.

Five pieces of skin tissues taken from the edge of the burnswounds using a pair of biopsy forceps were immersed in 10% forma-lin and kept in separate ice bottles, respectively. Four pieces of skintissue were also taken from the normal (non-burned) skin of the samepatient and treated identically as the other tissue. In addition, normalskin tissues from 60 surgical cases were taken during subdermal cystoperations and treated identically to both burns tissues. The levels ofIgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3 were determined usingthe frozen section immunohistochemical method. The first antibodywas supplied from Vector and the second from DAKO. Venousblood samples of burns patients and healthy persons were taken inthe morning before breakfast. Peripheral blood immunoglobulin (Ig)levels were determined using the agar diffusion method.

Classification Standard of Antibody Producing Cell and C3

The classification standard was as follows: – = no positive cellsor particles were found or only occasionally found in the wholeslide; + = positive cells accounted for less than 30% of the totalnumber of interstitial cells in the lamina propria; ++ = positive cellsaccounted for 31–70% of the total number of interstitial cells in thelamina propria; +++ = positive cells accounted for more than 71%of the total number of interstitial cells in the lamina propria. Histo-logical diagnosis was based on the criteria stipulated at the ChinaNational Pathology Research Group Conference held in Zhengzhouin 1978.


Clinical Efficacy AssessmentIn the MEBO group, burns wounds with different

depths had shorter healing time than those in the controlgroup (p ! 0.01; table 17). Only one case (1.7%) in theMEBO group had wound infection, compared to 9 cases(15%) in the control group. The difference between the

Table 17. Comparison of healing time of wounds with different depth in two groups (day, mean B SE)

Group Superficialsecond-degree


Third-degree Averagehealing time

MEBO 9.5B2.3 (5–14) 25.5B2.3 (21–30) 36.5B2.8 (31–43) 23.5B9.3 (5–42)Control 13B3 (7–19) 29.5B2.8 (24–35) 42B3.5 (35–49) 28B10.5 (7–49)**t value 4.65 5.49 3.88 2.49

Compared with MEBO group: ** p ! 0.01.


64 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 18. Comparison of staining intensity of immune factors in burns and non-burns areas of the patients (%)

Area Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

Burns area 120 60 (50.0) 60 (50.0) 59 (49.2) 61 (50.8) 57 (47.5) 63 (52.3) 58 (48.3) 62 (51.7)Non-burns area 120 80 (66.7) 40 (33.3) 79 (65.8) 41 (34.2) 77 (64.2) 43 (35.8) 82 (68.3) 38 (31.7)Normal person 60 44 (73.0) 16 (28.0) 42 (70.0) 18 (30.0) 39 (65.0) 21 (35.0) 42 (70.0) 18 (30.0)

Table 19. Staining intensity of local immune factors and depth of burns wound (%)

Wound Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

Superficial second-degree 50 28 (56.0) 22 (44.0) 29 (58.0) 21 (42.0) 27 (54.0) 23 (46.0) 28 (56.0) 22 (44.0)Deep second-degree 50 26 (52.0) 24 (48.0) 24 (48.0) 26 (52.0) 25 (50.0) 25 (50.0) 24 (48.0) 26 (52.0)Third-degree 50 6 (30.0) 14 (70.0) 6 (30.0) 14 (70.0) 5 (25.0) 15 (75.0) 6 (30.0) 14 (70.0)

Table 20. Staining intensity of local immune factors and burn area (%)

TBSA Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

^5% 52 29 (55.8) 23 (44.2) 29 (55.8) 23 (44.2) 30 (55.7) 22 (42.3) 30 (57.2) 22 (42.3)6–15% 50 26 (52.0) 24 (48.0) 25 (50.0) 25 (50.0) 22 (44.0) 28 (56.0) 23 (46.0) 37 (54.0)616% 20 5 (27.8) 13 (72.2) 5 (27.8) 13 (72.2) 5 (72.8) 13 (72.2) 5 (72.8) 13 (72.2)

two groups was significant (¯2 = 5.35, p ! 0.05). MEBOwas proven to have infection-controlling and healing-pro-moting effects.

Experimental ResultsIgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3 in the

burns area had higher staining intensity compared tothose of the non-burns area and to those of normal per-sons (p ! 0.01). The immunity of the local area changedpostburn. Immunologic function and reaction were en-hanced. In the non-burns area, the immunity was similarto that of normal persons. The difference was not marked(p 1 0.05; table 18).

Local immunity was closely related to burn depth.IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3 in the localarea of third-degree burns wounds had stronger stainingintensity than those in superficial second-degree burnswounds (p ! 0.05). The deeper the wound, the stronger thestaining intensity (table 19).

Burn area was positively related to local immune factorstaining intensity. IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells

and C3 of patients with burn area 616% TBSA had stron-ger staining intensity than patients with burn area ^5%TBSA (p ! 0.05). The larger the burn area of TBSA, thestronger the staining intensity of the immune factors (ta-ble 20).

In burns wounds after treatment with MEBO, the localIgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3 had strongerstaining intensity than before treatment and than those inthe control group (p ! 0.05). MEBO significantly en-hanced the staining intensity of local IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3, while the Jing Wan Hong oint-ment treatment group did not show a significant effect(p 1 0.05; table 21).

There was no significant correlation between stainingintensity of local IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells andC3, and the duration of MEBO treatment (p 1 0.05). Theimmunity of the patients was enhanced, irrespective ofthe duration of the treatment (table 22).

There was no positive correlation between the Jing WanHong ointment treatment and the staining intensity of localIgA-, IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3 (p 1 0.05).


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 65

Table 21. Staining intensity of local immune factors of patients in the two groups, before and after treatment (%)

Group Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

MEBO treatmentBefore 60 31 (51.7) 29 (48.3) 29 (48.3) 31 (51.7) 28 (46.7) 32 (53.3) 30 (50.0) 30 (50.0)After 60 18 (30.0) 42 (70.0) 17 (28.3) 43 (71.7) 16 (30.0) 44 (70.0) 17 (28.4) 43 (71.7)

Control treatmentBefore 60 29 (48.3) 31 (51.7) 30 (50.0) 30 (50.0) 29 (48.3) 31 (51.7) 28 (46.7) 32 (53.3)After 60 29 (48.3) 31 (51.7) 28 (46.7) 32 (53.3) 28 (46.7) 32 (53.2) 28 (46.7) 32 (53.3)

Table 22. Staining intensity of local immune factors and the course of MEBO treatment (%)


Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

^10 19 6 (31.6) 13 (68.4) 6 (31.6) 13 (68.4) 5 (26.3) 14 (73.7) 6 (31.6) 13 (68.4)10–20 10 3 (30.0) 7 (70.0) 3 (30.0) 7 (70.0) 3 (30.0) 7 (70.0) 3 (30.0) 7 (70.0)21–30 13 4 (30.8) 9 (69.2) 3 (23.1) 10 (76.9) 4 (30.8) 9 (69.2) 4 (30.8) 9 (69.2)

631 18 5 (27.8) 13 (72.2) 5 (27.8) 13 (72.2) 4 (22.2) 14 (77.8) 4 (22.2) 14 (77.8)

Table 23. Staining intensity of local immune factors and the course of Jing Wan Hong ointment treatment (%)


Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

^10 18 9 (50.0) 9 (50.0) 8 (44.4) 10 (55.6) 8 (44.4) 10 (55.6) 9 (50.0) 9 (50.0)10–20 11 6 (54.5) 5 (45.5) 5 (45.5) 6 (54.5) 5 (45.5) 6 (54.5) 4 (36.4) 7 (63.6)21–30 12 6 (50.0) 6 (50.0) 6 (50.0) 6 (50.0) 6 (50.0) 6 (50.0) 5 (41.7) 7 (58.3)

631 19 8 (42.1) 11 (57.9) 9 (47.4) 10 (52.6) 9 (47.4) 10 (52.6) 10 (52.6) 9 (47.4)

Table 24. Staining intensity of local immune factors and depth of burns wounds treated with MEBO (%)

Wound Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

Superficial second-degree 26 9 (34.6) 17 (65.4) 8 (30.8) 18 (69.2) 8 (30.8) 18 (69.2) 7 (26.9) 19 (73.1)Deep second-degree 24 7 (29.2) 17 (71.8) 7 (29.2) 17 (71.8) 6 (25.0) 18 (75.0) 7 (29.2) 17 (71.8)Third-degree 16 2 (20.0) 8 (80.0) 2 (20.0) 8 (80.0) 2 (20.0) 8 (80.0) 3 (30.0) 7 (70.0)

Changes in staining intensity of immune factors were notattributed to Jing Wan Hong ointment (table 23).

After treatment with MEBO, the deeper the burnwound, the stronger the staining intensity of local IgA-,IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3, but no statistical

difference (p 1 0.05). MEBO enhanced the local immuni-ty of different depths of burns wounds (table 24).

After treatment with MEBO, the larger the burnwound, the stronger the staining intensity of local IgA-,IgG-, and IgM-producing cells and C3, but no statistical


66 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 25. Staining intensity of local immune factors and area of burns wounds treated with MEBO (%)


Cases IgA

^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)


^ (+) 6 (++)

^5% 24 9 (37.5) 15 (62.5) 8 (33.3) 16 (66.7) 8 (33.3) 16 (66.7) 8 (33.3) 16 (66.7)6–15% 25 7 (28.0) 18 (72.0) 6 (24.0) 19 (76.0) 6 (24.0) 19 (76.0) 7 (28.0) 18 (72.0)616% 11 2 (18.2) 9 (81.8) 3 (27.0) 8 (73.0) 2 (18.2) 9 (81.8) 2 (18.2) 9 (81.8)

Table 26. Changes in peripheral blood andserum immunoglobulin level of patientsin two groups before and after treatment(g/l, mean B SE)

Group Cases Blood IgA Blood IgG Blood IgM Serum IgA

MEBO treatmentBefore 60 2.43B0.71 12.50B1.51 1.56B0.36 2.68B0.64After 60 2.72B0.72 13.42B1.55 1.88B0.38 2.93B0.65

Control treatmentBefore 60 2.41B0.70 12.48B1.50 1.64B0.35 2.68B0.63After 60 2.42B0.72 12.51B1.27 1.66B0.35 2.67B0.62

Normal persons 60 2.41B0.70 12.50B1.50 1.65B0.25 2.65B0.65

Table 27. Peripheral blood and serumimmunoglobulin level and depth ofburns wounds treated with MEBO(g/l, mean B SE)

Wound Cases Blood IgA Blood IgG Blood IgM Serum IgA

Superficial second-degree 26 2.57B0.70 12.76B1.48 1.76B0.35 2.82B0.62Deep second-degree 24 2.67B0.72 13.49B1.56 1.84B0.40 2.89B0.65Third-degree 10 2.92B0.74 14.01B1.58 2.04B0.40 3.08B0.68

Table 28. Peripheral blood and serumimmunoglobulin level and area ofburns wounds treated with MEBO(g/l, mean B SE)

Area Cases Blood IgA Blood IgG Blood IgM Serum IgA

^5% 24 2.57B0.70 12.78B1.51 1.78B0.34 2.79B0.636–15% 25 2.69B0.71 13.50B1.56 1.86B0.37 2.80B0.64616% 11 2.90B0.75 13.98B1.58 2.00B0.42 3.20B0.68

difference (p 1 0.05). MEBO enhanced the local immuni-ty of burns wounds with different areas (table 25).

There was no significant difference in peripheral bloodIgA, IgG, and IgM and serum IgA levels between burnspatients and normal persons (p 1 0.05). After treatmentwith MEBO, peripheral blood IgA, IgG, and IgM andserum IgA levels were significantly higher than thosebefore treatment and those in the control group and nor-mal persons (p ! 0.05), while in the control group, thebefore and after treatment difference was not significant(p 1 0.05). MEBO significantly raised the levels of periph-eral blood and serum immunoglobulin (table 26).

The deeper the burns wounds treated with MEBO, thehigher the level of peripheral blood and serum Ig, but nostatistical difference (p 1 0.05). MEBO enhanced theimmunity of peripheral blood and serum of patients withdifferent burn depths (table 27).

The larger the burns wounds treated with MEBO, thehigher the level of peripheral blood and serum Ig, but nostatistical difference (p 1 0.05). MEBO enhanced theimmunity of peripheral blood and serum of patients withdifferent burns area (table 28). Statistical analysis isshown in tables 29 and 30.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 67

Table 29. Checklist of statistical analysis about the data of local immunity (¯2 test)

Table Comparing parameters IgA

¯2 p


¯2 p


¯2 p


¯2 p

Table 18 Burns area:non-burns area 6.86 !0.01 6.82 !0.01 6.76 !0.01 9.87 !0.01Burns area:normal person 8.93 !0.01 7.05 !0.01 4.92 !0.05 7.61 !0.01Non-burns area:normal person 0.83 10.05 0.32 10.05 0.01 10.05 0.05 10.05

Table 19 Superficial second-degree:deep second-degree 0.16 10.05 1.00 10.05 0.16 10.05 0.64 10.05Superficial second-degree:third-degree 3.87 !0.05 4.48 !0.05 4.84 !0.05 3.87 !0.05Deep second-degree:third degree 2.79 10.05 1.87 10.05 3.65 10.05 1.89 10.05

Table 20 ^5%:6–15% 0.15 10.05 0.34 10.05 1.91 10.05 1.40 10.05^5%: ̂ 16% 4.19 !0.05 4.19 !0.05 4.79 !0.05 4.79 !0.056–15%: 616% 2.87 10.05 2.65 10.05 1.45 10.05 1.31 10.05

Table 21 Before:after treatment 5.84 !0.05 5.08 !0.05 5.16 !0.05 5.91 !0.05Before control:after control 0 10.05 0.13 10.05 0.04 10.05 0 10.05After MEBO treatment:after control treatment 4.23 !0.05 4.30 !0.05 5.16 !0.05 4.30 !0.05

Table 30. Checklist of statistical analysis about the data of blood and serum immunity (t test)

Table Comparing parameters Blood IgA

t p

Blood IgG

t p

Blood IgM

t p

Serum IgA

t p

Table 26 Before MEBO treatment:normal person 0.16 10.05 0 10.05 0.11 10.05 0.25 10.05Before MEBO treatment:after MEBO treatment 2.22 !0.05 1.99 !0.05 2.11 !0.05 2.12 !0.05After MEBO treatment:normal person 2.39 !0.05 2.00 !0.05 2.43 !0.05 2.37 !0.05Before control treatment:after control treatment 0.08 10.05 0.07 10.05 0.20 10.05 0.18 10.05After MEBO treatment:after control treatment 2.28 !0.05 2.06 !0.05 2.13 !0.05 2.24 !0.05


The results revealed:1 Staining intensity of immune factors at the burn site

was significantly higher than at the non-burn site andin healthy people (p ! 0.01).

2 Burns depth and area had a positive relationship withthe local immune factor staining intensity. The deeperand the larger the burns wounds, the higher the stain-ing intensity of the local immune factor and the higherthe immunity (p ! 0.05).

3 MEBO shortened the healing time of burns wounds ofdifferent degrees. Compared with the non-MEBO con-trol, the difference was very significant (p ! 0.01).MEBO promoted healing.

4 Patients treated with MEBO had higher local immunefactor staining intensities than patients treated withthe non-MEBO method (p ! 0.05).

5 Patients treated with MEBO had higher peripheralblood and serum immunoglobulin levels than beforeMEBO treatment and also higher levels than patientstreated with the non-MEBO method (p ! 0.05). MEBOsignificantly promoted immunity.

6 The wound infection rate of the patients treated withMEBO was significantly lower than that of patientstreated with the non-MEBO method (p ! 0.05). MEBOhad an antibiotic effect.The relationship between changes of local and systemic

immunity and the depth and the area of the burns wasalso investigated. Through the enhancement of nativeimmunity of burns patients, MEBO was capable of con-trolling burn wound infection by promoting the endoge-nous defense to bacteria, virus and toxin invasion as wellas through the immune enhancement of burns patients.MEBO shortened the healing time of the wounds.


Burns is a severe injury which both destroys the skinbarrier and lowers the body’s native defense against bacte-rial and viral invasions. At the ACCP and SCCM held inAugust 1991 in the United States, a new definition ofinfection was advanced [3]. Invasions of exogenous bacte-ria and virus cause local infection of the burn woundwhich can progress to systemic infection. Meanwhile, host


68 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

defenses also induce an inflammatory immunologic reac-tion. Thus, systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome(SIRS) may result [4]. MEBO itself does not have a directbactericidal effect in vitro. Some researchers consideredthat MEBO serves as an immunologic barrier in burnwound surface thereby protecting the injured skin. MEBOmay create an environment (temperature, humidity, nu-trition, oxygen supply, metabolism, etc.) suitable for re-sidual skin tissue repair. In effect, it creates an ideal iso-lated ‘aseptic ward’. In addition, MEBO is capable ofaltering the toxic potential of bacteria and virus in burnswounds therefore lowering the infection rate [5].

This study investigated the effect of MEBO on the localand systemic immunity of burns patients, and proved thatMEBO, through regulating human immunity, protectedburns wounds from infection at the same time as it pro-moted wound healing. After MEBO treatment, the inci-dence of wound infection was reduced to 1.7%, signifi-cantly lower than that in the control group (p ! 0.05). Theaverage wound healing time in the MEBO treatmentgroup was 23.5 B 9.3 days, representing a significantcourse of treatment as compared with the control group(p ! 0.01). A vast amount of clinical data proved thatMEBO significantly lowered the infection rate of burnswounds when compared with other methods [1]. MEBO isapplied directly onto the wound surface and is thereforeeasily absorbed into the local tissue fluid circulation enroute to participation in systemic metabolism. MEBOstimulates the immune system via enhancement of theimmunoglobulin level and strengthens body resistanceagainst infections. This paper reports the results of localand peripheral blood and serum immunity of patientswith different depths and different areas of burns. Itproved that MEBO enhanced local and systemic immu-nologic function as well as enhancing resistance to infec-tion for burns patients.

Determination of local and peripheral blood and se-rum immunoglobulin level of burns patients is an impor-tant criterion for evaluating the effect of MEBO on hu-man immunologic function. IgA, IgG, and IgM are im-portant proteins with anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-toxin activities. They also activate complement C3 toachieve bacteriolysis, phagocytosis and neutralization oftoxins. C3 takes part in nonspecific and specific immunereactions and is a factor of body defense. It helps produceimmunoglobulin IgA, IgG and IgM. With appropriate reg-ulation of the neurohumoral system, the human body canenjoy enhanced resistance to infectious factors. MEBOcontains polysaccharides, lipids and proteins, which incombination and when applied to burns wounds can bindwith bacteria and toxins to form protein complexes.These complexes, in turn, stimulate the human immunesystem, and induce a variation of the bacteria whichreduces their toxicity. Therefore, MEBO should not be

used together with other topical drugs which may lessenits efficacy. When applying MEBO to the burn wound, thethickness of the ointment should be appropriate since thecombination of MEBO with the proteins will be hinderedif MEBO is smeared too thickly or too thinly. For thesame reason, the time interval of MEBO applicationshould be appropriate.

Before treatment, it was found that the local immunityof the burns patients was higher than in the non-burn areaand normal persons. Burns patients with large area anddeep wounds had higher local immunity than small areaand superficial burns patients. However, the systemicimmunity of these burns patients was almost the same ascompared with that of normal persons. After MEBO treat-ment, local and systemic immunity of the burns patientsincreased significantly more than before treatment and incontrols. Therefore, we see that MEBO enhanced localand systemic immunologic function of patients sufferingwith burns of different depths, different areas and withdifferent courses of treatment. Our results may provide abasis for further research and clinical application ofMEBO.


1 Xu RX: General introduction to medicine of burns, wounds and ulcers.Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:11–21.

2 Xu RX: The principles of the treatment of burn wounds. Chin J BurnsWounds Surface Ulcers 1992;4:7–21.

3 Bone RC, Balk RA, Cerra FB, Dellinger RP, Fein AM, Knaus WA, ScheinRM, Sibbald WJ: Definitions for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines forthe use of innovative therapies in sepsis. The ACCP/SCCM ConsensusConference Committee. American College of Chest Physicians/Society ofCritical Care Medicine. Chest 1992;101:1644–1655.

4 Sinclair S, Singer M: Intensive care. Postgrad Med J 1993;69:340–358.5 Qu YY, Qiu SC, Wang YP, et al: Experimental research on the mechanism

of the anti-infection effect of MEBO. Industr Med J 1995;8:1–3.

Study on the Bacterial Count of ViableTissue of Burns Wounds Treated with BRTwith MEBT/MEBO


In order to verify the ability of BRT with MEBT/MEBO to inhibit localized infections, we conducted astudy on the bacterial number on viable tissue of burnswounds. The results showed that MEBO therapy effec-tively controlled bacterial number to less than 104 pergram viable tissue during the whole treatment procedure.This result suggests a strong capacity for the prevention ofwound invasive infection.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 69

Materials and Methods

The backs of 28 adult healthy guinea pigs of either sex were depi-lated and scalded on both sides by a hot test tube to obtain full-thick-ness necrotic wounds with a diameter of 3 cm. One wound on eachside of every animal randomly served as a blank exposed group (con-trol group) while the other side served as the BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment group (test group). Wounds in the control groupwere kept clean and allowed to heal spontaneously, while wounds inthe test group received BRT in the typical manner. Twenty-eight ani-mals were harvested seven at a time at four different time intervals(days 3, 6, 10 and 20 postinjury). Viable tissue underlying thewounds was sampled for bacterial count and compared with normalsubcutaneous tissue.

Viable Tissue Sampling and Bacterial CountingThe wound surface was sterilized with iodine and alcohol after

each animal was sacrificed. Sterilized tissue scissors were used to cuttissues from each wound without touching the deep fascia and mus-cle tissue. The sampled wound tissues were spread flat in sterilizedcloth with the subcutaneous tissue exposed. Sterilized ophthalmicscissors were then used to excise viable subcutaneous tissues (exclud-ing necrotic tissues). The sampled viable tissues were weighed, tritu-rated and diluted. Diluents were inoculated into agar culture me-dium at a specific concentration and cultured for 48 h (at a constanttemperature of 37°C). Bacterial colony count was performed fromwhich total bacterial count and bacteria per gram of viable tissuewere obtained.


The bacterial number in viable tissues of burns woundswas less than 104/g in both groups, indicating there was nowound invasive infection during the whole test period.However, the bacterial number in wound viable tissue ofthe test group was significantly less than that in the con-trol group at each observation time (table 31).


There are several general clinical methods for de-termining wound bacterial determination, including(1) swab culture of wound surface; (2) quantifying bacte-rial number of full-thickness burns wound; (3) bacterialcounting of sub-eschar viable tissues. The first method iseasy to perform, but fails to provide appropriate proof forthe existence of invasive infection on burns wounds. Clin-ical application and lack of comparability limit the secondmethod. The third method is usually adopted in clinics topredict the possible success or failure of skin grafting andis regarded as an ideal method for detecting the existenceof wound invasive infection. Many authors used thismethod for early diagnosis of wound sepsis.

In 1983, Bharadulj reported that more than 105 bacte-ria per gram sub-eschar viable tissue is diagnostic forwound sepsis. He also found that patients who died fromsystemic infection bore more than 108 bacteria per gramviable tissue. Other authors agree [Robson et al.]. There-fore, we too adopted this method for the purposes of this

Table 31. Bacterial number per gram of viable tissue

Groups Test group Control group p

Day 3 2.61B1.14!103 4.43B2.09!103 !0.05Day 6 3.81B0.27!103 3.24B0.73!104 !0.001Day 10 3.57B0.64!103 1.08B0.10!105 !0.001Day 20 2.82B1.16!103 7.02B0.43!103 !0.05Normal skin 2.10B0.52!103 2.2B0.63!103 10.05

study. The results demonstrate that in different stagespostburn, no more than 104/g was detected in sub-escharviable tissues taken from the BRT with MEBT/MEBOgroup. We also noted that there was no obvious differencethroughout all stages although the peak occurred duringthe period of wound rejection reaction. In the controlgroup, although no infection symptoms were observed onwounds, bacterial number per gram sub-eschar viable tis-sue increased progressively until a peak of 105/g duringthe wound-rejecting reaction period. A significant differ-ence occurred between the two groups. Based upon bacte-rial number, we see that MEBO had a unique effect incontrolling wound infection compared to normal tissue.

There are four dominant sources for burn wound infec-tion: (1) parasitic bacteria in underlying wound viabletissue; (2) burned tissues; (3) external contamination;(4) hematogenous infection. It has been believed for along while that a dry, clean or sterilized wound environ-ment may lead to a lower incidence of infection thanwould a damp environment. Some experiments havebeen conducted while maintaining the wound moist, butthe results suggested that a dry wound status was pref-erable. Therefore, a therapeutic principle of drying thewound was established to prevent infection and damp-ness was itself regarded as a risk factor for infection. Inter-estingly, our research reached a contrary conclusion.

A wet environment, according to the general rule, wasunderstood to provide a favorable surrounding for bacte-rial growth despite the realization that tissue necrosis,which results from a dry wound status, provides a muchmore nutrient substrate for microbial proliferation. Ac-cordingly, we advocated that a physiologically moist envi-ronment, assuming appropriately regulated humidity,was favorable for tissue recovery as well as enhancementof endogenous resistance to infection with its resultantreduction of infection. Furthermore, it is well understoodthat burn wound infections are caused by a variety of fac-tors and that each of these should be accounted for alongwith a clean wound environment. For example, blockedsub-eschar drainage resulted from dryness of wound andeschar formation would support bacterial colonization,thereby increasing the possibility of wound infection. If


70 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

wounds were kept wet without taking other effective mea-sures, infection would be likely. We invented BRT withMEBT/MEBO in order to maintain the wound in a physi-ologically moist environment, which, while causing noinfection, also allowed for dramatically less bacterialnumber in sub-eschar viable tissue than in wounds treatedby dry therapy. Why? According to the designing theoryof BRT with MEBT/MEBO, we had the following analy-sis.

Moist Environment for WoundIn our study, a ‘moist’ instead of ‘wet’ environment

was emphasized. The special formulation of MEBO de-veloped on the basis of Chinese traditional philosophyensured an appropriate ‘moist’ wound environment.Composed of beeswax and non-water edible plant oil, thedosage form of MEBO has a strong affinity to skin andwound tissues. Its unique structure protects burn tissuesfrom direct immersion by exuded endogenous fluid, pre-vents bacteria in water from contacting tissues and there-fore keeps wounds moist, but not macerated. The physicalchange of the ointment from semisolid to liquid allows acirculation of ointment across the wound, ensuring effec-tive drug concentration and addressing the requirementsof tissue repair. Prior to the invention of MEBO, exposuretherapy with the application of other topical drugs wasconsidered as the predominant measure to monitorwound condition. To its credit, wound exposure allowedbetter assessment of the need for drug renewal as well asfor timely drainage and manual discharge of exudation.

Unobstructed Drainage and IsolationBRT with MEBT/MEBO features an automatic drain-

age system that enables the timely drainage and dischargeof exudation and liquefied products from the wound sur-face. This mechanism of action destroys the bacterialgrowth environment, interrupts bacterial nutriment sup-ply, reduces bacterial concentration and therefore effec-tively arrests bacterial proliferation and invasion. Theunique dosage form of MEBO effectively isolates thewound from bacterial contamination originating from thesurrounding environment by forming a barrier that ac-tually provides the wound with a clean and relatively‘sterile’ environment.

Drug Ingredients and Other ClaimsMEBO also claims to increase local blood flow, pro-

mote recovery of the microcirculation, and encouragewound healing. These three factors all enhance the abilityof local tissue to resist infection.

Comparative Study of the Effects ofMoist-Exposed Burn Ointment, SilverSulfadiazine and Hot Dry-Exposed Therapy onControlling Burn Wound Infection withPseudomonas aeruginosa


Since 1964 when Teplitz et al. [1] successfully estab-lished a representative animal model, burn wound inva-sive infection has been regarded as one of the main causesof burns-related death. Therefore, topical use of antibac-terial agents has played an important role in the control ofburn wound infection. In the 1960s, antibacterial agentswere developed including sulfamylon [2], silver nitrate [3]and silver sulfadiazine (SD-Ag) [4]. Although SD-Ag hasbeen widely used historically because of its risk/benefitratio, we now are discouraged by its tendency to enhancedrug resistance [5, 6]. Researchers have addressed thisweakness in SD-Ag therapy by developing other antimi-crobial agents to fight against burn wound infectioncaused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria.These newer agents include a variety of other topicalagents such as silver pipram [7, 8], silver norfloxacin [9,10] and MEBO [11]. We designed a comparative study toverify the effects of MEBO, SD-Ag and hot dry-exposedtherapy on controlling P. aeruginosa invasive infection ofburns wounds.

Materials and Methods

Pathogenic P. aeruginosa was collected from burns wounds ofinvasive infection, cultured for 16–24 h, then produced into a 4 !108 suspension using normal saline.

One hundred and twenty healthy adult Wistar rats of either sexweighing 100–200 g were anesthetized intraperitoneally with sodiumpentobarbital (40 mg/kg), shaved of dorsum hair, and scalded on theback with 100°C water for 10 s to each form a full-thickness burnwound with 20% BSA (determined by pathological examination) [1].A 1-ml suspension containing 4 ! 108 P. aeruginosa was smearedevenly onto the wound surfaces to achieve contamination and infec-tion. The animals were kept in separate cages, and divided randomlyinto 4 groups as follows (30 in each). Group 1 (control group) re-ceived no treatment. Group 2 (MEBO group) was treated withMEBO according to the method of BRT with MEBT/MEBO whichkept the wound moisturized and covered by MEBO throughout theduration of the study. Group 3 (SD-Ag group) was treated with 1%SD-Ag cold cream, which was applied once a day. Prior to eachadministration of the SD-Ag, the residual cream and necrotic tissuewas wiped off according to the SD-Ag protocol. Group 4 was treatedwith continuous hot, dry-exposed therapy using a heat-controlled airfan to keep the wound dry.

Six animals in each group were killed under aseptic manipulationat the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th days after treatment. A sample ofheart blood was collected and cultured and a specimen of wound skintissue was taken by sterile scalpel, as deep as the muscular fascia [12],and then cut into two parts. One part was used for bacterial count insub-eschar viable tissue. The other was fixed in formalin for patho-


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 71

logical examination. Sections were observed under a light microscopeand the extent of bacterial invasion was classified according to threegrades: ‘0’ referring to absence of bacterium, ‘I’ to invasion of bacteriato necrotic tissues, and ‘II’ to invasion of bacteria to viable tissues.


Bacterial Count of Sub-Eschar Viable TissuesTable 32 shows the mean logarithmic values of bacte-

rial count of sub-eschar viable tissues in each group. Theresults indicated the mean values in groups 2 and 3 weresignificantly lower than those in groups 1 and 4 (p ! 0.01).No marked difference of this value was noted betweengroups 2 and 3 (p 1 0.05) or between groups 1 and 4 (p 10.05).

Correlation between Bacterial Count of Sub-EscharViable Tissue and Clinical CourseAs figure 13 shows, the bacterial count of sub-eschar

viable tissues in groups 1 and 4 increased progressivelyduring the whole course of the disease. The bacterialcount in groups 2 and 3 remained at low levels, less than105/g throughout, and even declined, indicating that boththese topical drugs were effective in controlling the prolif-eration of P. aeruginosa.

Results of Blood CultureThe incidence of positive blood cultures in groups 2

and 3 was markedly lower than in groups 1 and 4 (p !0.005), as is shown in table 33. There was no significantdifference of positive rates between groups 1 and 4 (p 10.50), or between groups 2 and 3 (p 1 0.75).

Pathological ExaminationIn the study, grades of ‘0’ and ‘I’ in the pathological

examination were referred to as negative while grade ‘II’was referred to as positive [13] (table 33).

As can be seen in table 33, positive rates of pathologi-cal examination in groups 2 and 3 were significantly lowerthan those in groups 1 and 4 (p ! 0.005). There was nosignificant difference of positive rates either betweengroups 1 and 4 (p 1 0.50), or between groups 2 and 3 (p 10.50).

Comparison of Incidence of Invasive Infection of BurnsWoundsAccording to the data that bacterial invasion to viable

tissue of wound and/or bloodstream in the circulationwere indicative of invasive infection of burns wounds[13], table 34 shows the incidence of invasive infection ineach group. It was found that the incidences of invasiveinfection in groups 2 and 3 were dramatically lower thanthose in groups 1 and 4 (p ! 0.005). There was no signifi-cant difference of positive rates either between groups 1and 4 (p 1 0.25) or between groups 2 and 3 (p 1 0.50).

Fig. 13. Illustration of the correlation between bacterial count in sub-eschar viable tissues and the clinical course in each group.

Table 32. Mean logarithmic values of bacterial count of sub-escharviable tissues (mean B SE)

Group Bacterial count(logarithmic value)

1 (control) 5.8B2.62 (MEBO) 3.8B2.03 (SD-Ag) 3.1B3.14 (hot dry-exposed) 5.4B2.0

Table 33. Results of blood culture and pathological examination

Group Positivenumber



Blood culture1 (control) 25 5 88.332 (MEBO) 7 23 23.333 (SD-Ag) 8 22 26.674 (hot dry-exposed) 19 11 63.33

Total 59 61 49.17

Pathological examination1 (control) 21 9 70.02 (MEBO) 11 19 36.673 (SD-Ag) 12 18 40.04 (hot dry-exposed) 20 10 66.67

Total 64 56 53.33

Table 34. Incidence of wound invasive infection

Group Positivenumber


Positiverate, %

1 (control) 26 4 86.672 (MEBO) 12 18 40.03 (SD-Ag) 11 19 36.674 (hot dry-exposed) 23 7 76.67

Total 72 48 60.0


72 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 35. Results of bacterial count of sub-eschar viable tissues andpathological examination


Pathological examination




!102 3 19 22102 3 12 15103 10 4 14104 2 5 3105 8 5 13106 11 1 12107 10 5 15

1108 17 5 22

Total 72 48 60

Table 36. Results of positive bacterial count and positive pathologi-cal examination

Bacterial count 6105 Pathological examination




Positive number 46 16 62Negative number 18 40 58Total 64 56 120Coincidence rate 86/120 (71.67%)Non-coincidence rate 34/120 (28.33%)

Comparison of Bacterial Count of Sub-Eschar ViableTissue and Pathological Examination for Diagnosis ofBurn Wound InfectionAccording to table 35, there was a direct correlation

between the positive rates of the bacterial count of sub-eschar viable tissue and the pathological examination (r =0.808, p ! 0.005). The positive rate of pathological exami-nation increased as did the bacterial count.

In further analysis, we took a bacterial number of 105/gsub-eschar viable tissue, the level defining invasive infec-tion, as the boundary for positive and negative [14, 15]. Itwas found by comparison that positive rates of pathologi-cal examination of tissue specimens that yielded counts of105/g sub-eschar viable tissue or more reached 74.2%.The negative rate of pathological examination of thoseyielding counts lower than 105/g reached 69%. The coinci-dence and noncoincidence rates of two diagnostic meth-ods were 71.67 and 28.33%, respectively (table 36). Sta-tistical analysis showed an obvious relationship betweenboth methods (¯2 = 17.62, p ! 0.005) and there was nosignificant difference between both methods in the diag-nosis of burn wound infection (¯2 = 0.031, p 1 0.75).


1 MEBO has a similar effect to SD-Ag in controllingburn wound invasive infection by P. aeruginosa.

2 Hot dry-exposed burns therapy has no effect on con-trolling third-degree burn wound invasive infection byP. aeruginosa.

3 The bacterial count of sub-eschar viable tissue can stillbe used as one of the feasible methods in the early diag-nosis of burn wound invasive infection.


Evaluation of Antibacterial Effect of Hot Dry-ExposedTherapyIn 1949, Wallace introduced the concept of dry-

exposed burns therapy [16, 17] in which the wound wasdirectly exposed to air at a certain temperature. He be-lieved that direct exposure of the wound might allow theformation of a layer of dry eschar/crust by exudation andnecrotic tissue on the wound surface, which served asa barrier against bacterial contamination. Our studyshowed that comparing the hot dry-exposed therapygroup to the untreated control group, there was no ob-vious difference with respect to bacterial count of sub-eschar viable tissue, positive rate of blood culture andpositive rate of pathological examination. We now suggestthat the hot, dry-exposed therapy has no significant effecton controlling invasive infection with P. aeruginosa ofthird-degree burns wounds.

Moist-Exposed Burn Ointment (MEBO) –New Topical Drug for BurnsInfection is the leading cause of death due to burns

complications, and burn wound infection is of great clini-cal concern as it can result in burn wound sepsis and septi-cemia. An enormous amount of research has been con-ducted in this field which has produced many advances inburn infection treatment. However, the very existence ofnecrotic tissue in deep burns provides culture mediumconducive to the growth of pathological micro-organisms.Furthermore, the blocked local blood circulation hindersthe delivery of anti-bacterial and immune-enhancing pep-tides which are integral to host-defense competency.

Mafenide (Sulfamylon), silver nitrate and SD-Ag weredeveloped in the 1960s [2–4]. Sulfamylon is a usefulantimicrobial agent which penetrates into eschar but hasthe disadvantage of inhibiting carbonic anhydrase. There-fore, absorption of topical Sulfamylon may result in meta-bolic acidosis that limits its use in larger burn areas. Silvernitrate was the initial topical agent but its tendency tostain discouraged widespread use. SD-Ag has a strongantimicrobial effect which, despite its poor penetrationinto eschar, made it the topical agent of choice againstburn infection. Our study gave good proof for this.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 73

In order to improve the antimicrobial effect of a topi-cal agent while reducing deleterious side effects, re-searchers developed other metal sulfonamides such aszinc, ammonium, cerium and erbium for topical therapy[18–21]. However, a comparison of relative antimicrobialeffects showed SD-Ag to be the best of the lot so itremained the agent of choice against P. aeruginosa. Thisremained the case despite its worrisome profile of creat-ing multidrug resistance [5, 6]. Great efforts have beenmade to deal with P. aeruginosa resistance to SD-Ag. Inthe 1970s, on the basis of nalidixic acid, great improve-ments were attained in the research of pyridine, pefloxa-cin and its derivative in the prevention and treatment ofburn infection [7, 8, 22]. Recently, silver norfloxacin hasemerged, which was found to be effective in the treatmentof P. aeruginosa with drug resistance to SD-Ag [9, 10].

In 1988, a new topical drug for burns wounds wasinvented, called moist-exposed burn ointment (MEBO)[11]. This innovation has become widely accepted in clin-ical use [23–25]. In this study, animals with infection ofthird-degree burns wounds by P. aeruginosa were used,and the comparison showed that MEBO was effective incontrolling burn wound P. aeruginosa infection. MEBOhad a similar effect to SD-Ag in reducing the bacterialconcentration of sub-eschar viable tissues, positive rate ofblood culture and incidence of invasion infection. Inaddition to its ability to kill P. aeruginosa, the otheradvantages of MEBO are as follows: easy to apply; non-painful, no need for excruciating debridement betweenapplications, and easy assessment of healing progression.It suggested that MEBO was a useful alternative topicaldrug for burn treatment. Further investigation is neededin order to find whether MEBO controls the infection ofother bacteria and micro-organisms as well as the mecha-nism of MEBO against P. aeruginosa.

Roles of Bacterial Count of Sub-Eschar Viable Tissueand Pathological Examination in the Diagnosis ofBurn Wound InfectionInfection has long been one of major life-threatening

causes of burn victims. The extent of infection depends onthe invasiveness of the pathogenic micro-organism andthe power of host resistance [12]. Micro-organism inva-siveness has a close correlation to the strains, toxicity andquantity. Therefore, a variety of methods for determiningthe bacterial count on burns wounds have been devel-oped.

As early as 1964, Teplitz et al. [1] put forward the con-cept of burn wound invasive infection. They definedwound invasive infection as occurring when bacterialcount exceeded 105 organisms per gram sub-eschar viabletissue with bacteria penetrating into the underlying tissueand blood vessels. Many researches agree that a bacterialcount of 105/g sub-eschar viable tissue was a pivotal level

with wounds containing more than 105/g being predis-posed to invasive infection [14, 15]. Therefore, the valueof 105/g of viable tissue is used as one indicator to predictand diagnose burn wound invasive infection. However, ina comparative study between bacterial count of sub-eschar viable tissue and pathological examination of 200cases, McManus and Kim [26] found that only 35.7% oftissue specimen with 6105/g eschar viable tissue demon-strated invasive infection by pathological examination.They concluded that the bacterial density level of 105 ormore organisms per gram sub-eschar viable tissue was nota sufficient indicator for the diagnosis of burn woundinvasion.

In our study, we made a bacterial count on the sub-eschar viable tissues and performed pathological exami-nation of 120 animals with the results showing a linearcorrelation between bacterial count and positive rate ofpathological examination. The positive rate of pathologi-cal examination increased as bacterial density did, andthere was a positive relationship (p ! 0.005). Among 62specimens showing bacterial count 6105/g, 46 werefound positive in pathological examination with a rate of74.2%. Of 58 specimens showing bacterial count !105/g,40 were found to be negative in pathological examinationwith a rate of 69%. The coincidence rate of both diagnos-tic methods was 71.67%. The statistical data demon-strated that if a bacterial count 6105/g was used as thecritical level in the diagnosis of burn wound invasiveinfection, there was a significant relationship between thetwo methods. Therefore, the results of this study suggest-ed that the bacterial count on sub-eschar viable tissueremained one of the feasible methods for the predictionand diagnosis of burn wound invasive infection. Althoughit directly reveals the invasive extent of burn wound inva-sive infection, pathological examination can give false-negative results due to the impact of many factors includ-ing sampling, section and staining techniques. Thus, wemust keep in mind that pathological examination for thediagnosis of burn wound invasive infection has its limita-tions and should not be the sole criterion. Similarly, bloodculture has its limitations in that it may result in a lowpositive rate and delay appearance [27]. Therefore, weconclude that bacterial count of sub-eschar viable tissuecan still be used as one of the feasible methods in the earlydiagnosis of burn wound invasive infection.


1 Teplitz C, Davis D, et al: Pseudomonas burn wound sepsis. I. Pathogenesisof experimental pseudomonas burn wound sepsis. J Surg Res 1964;4:200.

2 Lindberg RB, et al: The successful control of burn wound sepsis. J Trauma1965;5:601.

3 Moyer CA, et al: Treatment of large human burns with 0.5% silver nitritesolution. Arch Surg 1966;90:812.

4 Fox CL Jr: Silver sulfadiazine. Addendum to local therapy of burns. Ritten-burg MS, et al. Mod Treat 1967;4:1259.


74 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

5 Bridges K, et al: Drug resistance in relation to use of silver sulphadiazinecream in a burn unit. J Clin Pathol 1977;30:160.

6 Heggers JP, et al: The emergence of silver sulphadiazine resistant Pseudo-monas aeruginosa. Burns 1978;5:184.

7 Ge SD, et al: Experimental study of topical chemotherapy in preventionand treatment of burn infection. Acad J Sec Military Med Coll 1982;3:46.

8 Ge SD, et al: Experimental study of topical antimicrobial agent in burns.Chin J Plast Surg Burns 1985;1:255.

9 Darrell RW, et al: Norfloxacin and silver norfloxacin in the treatment ofPseudomonas corneal ulcer in the rabbit. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1984;82:75.

10 Ge SD, et al: The effect of pyridonic acid derivatives as topical antibioticson the prevention and treatment of pyocyaneous infection following burn.Chin J Plast Surg Burns 1987;3:10.

11 Xu RX: The clinical application of moist exposed burn therapy. Chin JIntegr Tradition West Med 1988;8:204.

12 Krizek TJ, Robson MC: Evolution of quantitative bacteriology in woundmanagement. Am J Surg 1975;130:579.

13 Yang ZJ, Xu WS, Shi JX: Burn Management, ed 2. Beijing, People’s HealthPress, 1985.

14 Volence FJ, Clark GM, et al: Burn wound biopsy bacterial quantitation: Astatistical analysis. Am J Surg 1979;138:695.

15 Loebel EC, Marvin JA, et al: The method of quantitative burn wound biop-sy cultures and its routine use in the care of the burned patient. Am J ClinPathol 1974;61:20.

16 Wallace AB: Treatment of burn, a return to basic principles. Br J Plast Surg1949;1:232.

17 Wallace AB: The exposure treatment of burns. Lancet 1951;i: 501.18 Fox CL Jr, et al: Metal sulfonamides as antibacterial agents in topical thera-

py. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 1977;13:89.19 Monafo WW, et al: Control of infection in major burn wounds by cerium

nitrate/silver sulfadiazine. Burns 1977;3:104. 20 Fox CL Jr, et al: Topical chemotherapy for burns using cerium salts and

silver sulfadiazine. SGO 1977;104:668.21 Ge SD, et al: N1-metal sulfa drugs and zinepalyanemine and its derivatives

in prevention of burn wound sepsis. Chin J Surg 1982;20:264.22 Modak SM, et al: Control of burn wound infection by pefloxacin and deriv-

ative. Burns 1984;10:170.23 Zhang LX, Yang KF: Clinical study report: 2076 cases treated with moist

exposed burn therapy. Chin J Burns Wounds Ulcers 1989;1:22.24 Zhao RY, Tian LX, Zhao GX: Clinical analysis: 50 cases treated with moist

exposed burn therapy. Chin J Burns Wounds Ulcers 1989;1:32.25 Ma EQ, Huang XY, et al: Clinical report of 69 cases treated with moist

exposed burn ointment. Chin J Burns Wounds Ulcers 1990;2:25.26 McManus AT, Kim SH: Comparison of quantitative microbiology and his-

topathology in divided burn wound biopsy specimens. Arch Surg 1987;122:74.

27 Baxter CR, Curreri PW, et al: The control of burn wound sepsis by the useof quantitative bacteriologic studies and sub-eschar lysis with antibiotics.Surg Clin North Am 1973;53:1509.

Experimental Research on the Mechanismof the Anti-Infection Effect of BRT withMEBT/MEBO


Many basic studies and clinical research have provedthat BRT with MEBT/MEBO has beneficial effects ofanti-infection, promoting burn wound healing and reduc-ing scar formation to name but a few of its attributes.However, the mechanisms of these effects of MEBOremain a bit mysterious. The following study was de-signed to elucidate the anti-infection effect mechanism ofBRT with MEBT/MEBO.

Materials and Method

Apparatus and ReagentsFully automatic enzyme labeling analyzer, Multiskan, MS; AC-

920 hemocyte analyzer; MEBO; RPMI-1640, Gibco, USA; Con A,supplied from Guangzhou Medical Institute; MTT supplied fromFluka; Pathogenic O111B4 of Escherichia coli supplied from BinzhouMedical College.

Animals and MethodsThirty-two BALB/C mice, 8 weeks old, females, weighing 17–

19 g, were supplied from Beijing Medical University. Twenty-eightKunming mice of both sexes weighing 21–24 g, 18 rabbits weighing2–2.5 kg, and 4 guinea pigs weighing 250–300 g were supplied fromBinzhou Medical College.

The animals were divided randomly into a control group and aMEBO treatment group. In the MEBO treatment group, mice weredepilated (2 ! 2 cm) on their backs and smeared with MEBO. Guin-ea pigs were depilated (3 ! 2.5 cm) on their backs and smeared withMEBO. MEBO was applied 2 times a day. Biopsy of skin tissue wasdone on day 9 to determine the activity of interleukin-1 (IL-1), andwas stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) for histopathologicalobservation.

Examination IndexesMorphological Variation of Pathogenic E. coli (O111B4). The bac-

teria were cultivated on culture medium containing a given concen-tration of MEBO [1]. Each generation of the bacteria was stainedusing the G staining method. Staining reaction and morphologicalvariation of the bacteria were observed. The results were comparedwith that of the E. coli communis cultured on the same kind ofmedium containing MEBO.

Determination of IL-1 Level. MTT was used as a substrate. Sinceliving cells containing active succinate dehydrogenase can reduceyellow-colored MTT to form violet or blue-colored formazam par-ticles, the particles were dissolved by adding isopropyl alcohol hy-drochloride [2]. The OD value was determined by colorimetry. Theamount of formazam was proportional to the number of living cells.Determination was performed according to the modified methodsdescribed previously [2]. Mice were killed under sterile conditions,the thymus was removed, cut and screened. After being centrifuged,a suspension with 107/ml of cells containing 2 Ìg/ml of Con A wasprepared. On a 24-pore plate, we added to each pore 0.5 ml of thissuspension and then added mice skin tissue suspension and bloodplasma at 0.5 ml/pore. Two more control groups, one with 1640-nutrient fluid (thymocytes plus nutrients) and the other with Con Aplus thymocytes were set. The 24-pore plate was placed into an incu-bator at 37 °C, 5% CO2 for 68 h. From each pore, 0.5 ml of thesupernatant was drawn away, then 0.1 ml of 5 Ìg/ml MTT solutionwas added to each pore and incubated again for 4 h. 0.5 ml of isopro-pyl alcohol hydrochloride was added to each pore and then the platewas shaken to dissolve the particles. Supernatant from each pore wasdrawn and added to a 96-pore plate, 0.2 ml/pore. The plate wasplaced into a fully automatic enzyme-labeling analyzer to determinethe OD value, reflecting the level of IL-1 in skin tissue cells andblood plasma.

Effect of MEBO on Body Temperature of the Rabbit. The bodytemperature of the rabbit was taken prior to application of MEBO.Then, an area of 6.0 ! 6.5 cm was depilated on the back of theanimal and MEBO was applied twice a day while body temperaturewas recorded simultaneously. This was done for a total of six mea-surements. Changes in body temperature were recorded.

Effect of MEBO on the Classification of Mice Leukocytes. Everymouse in the MEBO and control groups had a 0.2-ml blood sampletaken by enucleation of the eyeball. The blood was added to 10 ml of


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 75

Fig. 14. a Bacillus proteus: Morphological variation of long rod. Lightmicroscope. !1,000. b Bacillus proteus: Morphological variation oflong rod. Electron microscope. !6,500. c The same as b but underthe electron microscope, nucleoplasm. !13,000.

the reagent solution and then examined using an AC-920 hemocyteanalyzer.

Assay of Humoral Immunologic Function. A quantitative hemo-lysis spectrophotometry (QHS) method was used to determine theamount of hemoglobin released after hemolysis of RBC mediated byantibody-forming cells [3]. This amount (expressed as OD value)reflected the amount of antibody-forming cells in mice, thus indicat-ing the humoral immunologic function of the mice.

Table 37. Morphological variation of E. coli communis and patho-genic E. coli

E. coli communis Pathogenic E. coli

Generation (50% MEBO) 1–6 7–9 10–12 1–3 4–6 7–10Variation + ++ +++ + +++ ++++

Form of G– bacillus basically normal ‘+’; a little longer (like diplo-bacillus) ‘++’; became larger like round ball ‘+++’; shape was normal,but had deep particles in the bacteria ‘++++’.

Table 38. Effect of MEBO on classification of leukocytes (mean BSE)

Group Animalnumber

Lymphocytes, % Neutrophils, %

Control 8 69.94B3.35 30.06B3.35MEBO 8 49.59B4.50 50.41B4.50p value !0.01

Assay of Cellular Immunologic Function. Blood samples were tak-en from mice tails in the MEBO and the control groups, respectively,then smeared and stained according to the ·-naphthalene acetateesterase (ANAE) method. These were then examined under themicroscope. 100 lymphocytes were observed randomly. The percent-age of ANAE-positive lymphocytes reflects the cellular immunologicfunction of the body.

Histological Changes of Mice Skin after Treatment with MEBO.0.5-cm2 skin tissue samples of mice taken from depilated areas ofnormal skin and skin treated with MEBO were fixed, embedded,stained with hematoxylin and eosin and then observed under thelight microscope.


Anti-Infection Effect of MEBOMorphological Variation of Bacteria. The results of

morphological variation of E. coli communis and patho-genic E. coli cultured in medium with MEBO are shownin figure 14 and table 37. These reveal that MEBO acts toinduce the variation of both E. coli communis (which iscommon in burns wounds), and pathogenic E. coli. How-ever, the variation of different bacteria might occur at dif-ferent times.

Effect of MEBO on the Classification of CirculatingLeukocytes. Table 38 shows that the amount of neutrophilin blood increased after MEBO treatment.


76 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 39. Effect of MEBO on rabbit body temperature (°C, n = 6,average)

Days after MEBO treatment

0 1 3 5 7

Body temperature,°C 38.63 39.05 39.31 39.43 39.47Average elevation of body

temperature, °C 0.84

Table 40. Effect of MEBO on the production of IL-1 in mouse skintissue cells (mean B SE)

Group IL-1 in skin tissue cells

animals OD

IL-1 in blood plasma

animals OD

Control 8 0.043B0.019 4 0.429B0.171MEBO 8 0.142B0.039 4 0.733B0.105p value !0.01 !0.05

Table 41. Effect of MEBO on specific immunologic function of mice(mean B SE)

Group ANAE positive rate, %(n = 6)

QHS(n = 8)

Control 58.83B10.61 1.296B0.021MEBO 54.17B10.23 1.317B0.027p value 10.05 10.05

Effect of MEBO on Rabbit Body Temperature. 75% ofthe rabbits had an increase in body temperature afterMEBO treatment. On day 7, the average elevation of bodytemperature was 0.84°C (table 39).

Effects of MEBO on Wound Healing and ScarFormationEffect of MEBO on the Production of IL-1 in Mouse

Skin Tissue Cells. It was found that MEBO was effectivein inducing synthesis of IL-1 from IL-1-delivering cells ofthe skin. IL-1 is capable of promoting the proliferation ofthymocytes and has a synergistic action with Con A. TheIL-1 levels in both skin tissue and blood plasma of theMEBO treatment group were significantly higher thanthose of the control group (table 40).

MEBO Promoted Proliferation of Skin Cells and Cellsat the Margin of the Sebaceous Gland. In this study, wefound that the number of skin basal cells in the divisionphase was increased, and the number of juvenile flat cellsat the margin of the sebaceous gland was also increased inthe MEBO group. This finding indicates that the metabo-lism of the cells was vigorous.

Effect of MEBO on the Specific Immunologic Functionof MiceTable 41 shows that MEBO did not affect the cellular

and humoral immunologic functions.


The results suggested that: (1) MEBO can preventinfection; (2) the wound-healing benefit and the reductionof scar formation in the MEBO group were related to itseffect of increasing the production of IL-1 by skin cells.


Clinical practice has strongly proved that MEBOhas anti-infection, pain-killing, wound-healing-promot-ing and scar-forming-reducing effects. Based on ourstudy, we discussed the mechanisms of its actions as thefollowing.

Anti-Infection Effect of MEBOMEBO has potent ability to control wound infection

and keep the wound moist but not macerated. The activeingredients in MEBO ointment and its unique dosagedelivery system create an environment hostile to bacterialgrowth. In culture medium containing MEBO, morpho-logical structural and physiological variations of the bac-teria occurred. MEBO affected the synthesis of the com-ponents for formation of a bacterial wall and inhibitedrelated enzymes. Also, the synthesis of DNA was inhibit-ed and the bacteria proliferation rate was decreased. Deeppigments were found in the bacteria, this indicated thatthe bacteria were in a stable phase of proliferation, duringwhich a high level of glycogen, lipid, etc. was stored in thebacteria.

MEBO induced morphological and physiological vari-ations in bacteria while influencing the production ofplasma coagulase of Staphylococcus aureus [4]. Bacterialpathogenicity is related to the bacterial wall componentand thus MEBO reduced the pathogenicity of the bacte-ria. The bacterial variation characteristics were varied indifferent species of bacteria and at different MEBO con-centrations. The initiation time of the variation was notstandard.

In clinical care, we found that after treatment withMEBO, the body temperature of burn patients might rise


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 77

by 1–1.5°C during the initial stage. At 3 h after applica-tion of MEBO, the temperature of burn patients withsuperficial second-degree wounds rose. In this study, thebody temperature of rabbits increased after application ofMEBO, and rose by 0.84°C on day 7. Furthermore,MEBO induced the production of IL-1, from IL-1-deliver-ing skin cells, such as epidemic cells, keratinocyte, andLangerhans cells. In the early 1940s, people recognizedthat certain extracts from acute inflammatory foci couldcause fever after injection into the body. This type ofinflammatory substance is called endogenous pyrogen(EP). In 1979, purified EP was first proved to have IL-1activity, and EP and IL-1 were considered the same mole-cule [5]. MEBO stimulates local skin cells to produce IL-1,which in turn was absorbed into the systemic circulationthereby affecting the temperature-regulating center lead-ing to elevated body temperature.

The effect of fever on body resistance of mammals isnot clear yet. Some researchers think that fever may pro-mote the immunity of the host. When body temperature israised, but still !41°C, the phagocytic power of mostphagocytes is enhanced. We also found that MEBO canpromote phagocytic power of abdominal cavity macro-phages in mice [6]. In this study, the quantity of neutro-phils in blood circulation was significantly increased aftertreated with MEBO. Bone marrow stimulated by IL-1may account for this interesting finding.

MEBO Promotes Wound Healing and Reduces ScarFormationClinical data revealed that after treatment with MEBO,

patients with superficial or deep second-degree burnswounds healed with full epithelization; superficial third-degree burns wounds healed with a mild scarring thatappeared smooth and soft. In this study, we observed thatthe production of IL-1 was increased in mice skin and sub-dermal tissues after treatment with MEBO. The differencebetween the MEBO group and the control group was verysignificant. Besides macrophages, many other tissue cellswhen stimulated can produce IL-1 in 1 h [9]. IL-1, IL-8 andtumor necrosis factor (TNF) are cellular factors which arecapable of activating and inducing differentiation of T andB lymphocytes, enhancing the activities of monocytes, NKcells and killer cells, thus stimulating lysosomal enzymeactivity and phagocytic activity of neutrophils.

Recently, both animal experiments and clinical prac-tice proved that IL-1 does induce a series of pathophysio-logical changes. These changes are similar to the host’sresponse to infection [6], indicating that IL-1 is an impor-tant regulatory factor of the body as regards inflammationand immunologic reaction. We must differentiate be-tween the local effect of IL-1 and the effect of high lev-els of IL-1 systemically. These are two totally differentconcepts [6]. In this study, the level of IL-1 in mouse skin

and extracellular subdermal tissues in the MEBO treat-ment group were significantly different from those of thecontrol group, as well as the IL-1 level in blood plasma.IL-1 is closely related to wound healing and we know thatwound exudate typically contains IL-1. IL-1 promotesproliferation of fibroblast and secretion of collagenase [6].The effect of IL-1 is complicated. It induces inflammationand fever while at the same time promoting wound heal-ing. Inflammation induced by IL-1 is understood to be akind of host defense reaction [7]. After mice were treatedwith MEBO, their skin basal cell in division stage in-creased. Juvenile cells observed around the sebaceousgland were very metabolically active. This proves thatMEBO promotes wound healing.

Effect of MEBO on Specific Immune FunctionIn this study, MEBO could increase the quantity of

neutrophils in blood, while relatively decreasing the num-ber of lymphocytes. In addition, MEBO did not affect thecellular and humoral immunologic function.


1 Qu YY, et al: Experimental research on the anti-infective mechanism ofMEBO. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1996;40:19–23.

2 Mosmann T: Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival:Application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assays. J Immunol Methods1983;65:55.

3 Bi AH (ed): Medical Immunology. Tongji, Tongji Medical University,1986, p 7.

4 Yu H: Medical Microbiology. Beijing, People’s Health Publishing House,1983, p 54.

5 Yang GZ (ed): Outline and Technology of Immunology and Bioengineer-ing. Jilind, Jilin Science & Technology Press, 1991, pp 2–15.

6 Chen WJ (ed): Molecular and Cell Biology of Blood. Beijing, Chinese Med-ical Science & Technology Press, 1993, vol 126–127, p 362.

7 Yang GZ, et al: Progress in genetic engineering and clinical immunology;in: Domestic and International Progress in Medical Sciences. Shanghai,Shanghai Institute of Medical Science & Technology Information, 1987,p 124.

Primary Exploration on the Mechanism of theAnti-Infection Effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO


Clinical practice has revealed that MEBO has a re-markable anti-infection effect [1]. During the period Mayto June 1992, fourteen burns cases were treated in theBurns Department, Affiliated Hospital of this College,and bacteria isolated from the burns wounds were exam-ined. We found that Bacillus proteus had the morphologi-cal Hauch-ohne Hauch (H-O) variation, and the plasmacoagulation ability of S. aureus decreased. In order toinvestigate the mechanism of the anti-infection effect ofMEBO, we studied the biological variability of some com-mon bacteria, such as Bacillus proteus, P. aeruginosa,


78 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

E. coli and S. aureus, cultured in medium containing acertain amount of MEBO. The effect of MEBO on non-specific immunity in vivo was also observed.

Materials and Methods

Clinical DataDuring the period from May to June 1992, 14 cases of burns were

treated with MEBO (hospitalized for 4–20 days). Swab samples weretaken from the upper and lower (contact with wound) layers of theMEBO ointment, before changing the dressing. Bacteria were iso-lated and cultured.

Reagents, Bacterium Species and CultureAntibiotic sensitivity test paper and nutrient agar were purchased

from Shanghai Medical Chemistry Institute. B. proteus, P. aerugino-sa, E. coli and S. aureus were prepared in our department.

The four above bacteria were cultured on ordinary culture me-dium and medium containing different concentrations of MEBO,respectively, and continuously transferred to 10–15 generations.Each generation of the bacteria was checked. The biological charac-teristic and drug sensitivity of bacteria were examined.

Animal ExperimentForty healthy adult mice of both sexes weighing 20–24 g were

randomly divided into 3 groups, i.e. blank control group (group 1),liquid paraffin control group (group 2) and MEBO group (group 3).Animals in groups 2 and 3 were depilated (2.5 ! 2.5 cm) on theirbacks and liquid paraffin or MEBO was applied on the depilatedarea. The frequency was twice a day for 10 successive days. On the11th day, the mice were sacrificed and abdominal cavity fluids weresampled 30 min after intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 ml of 2% sheeperythrocytes.

Observation IndexesBacteria Variation. The four bacteria were cultured and trans-

formed, 18–24 h as one generation. The dynamics of every genera-tion of the bacteria was observed under a dark-field microscope. Thebacteria were stained with the G method to observe the staining reac-

tion and morphological characteristic. The colony features, biochem-ical reactions, and the ability of plasma coagulation were also exam-ined.

Nucleoplasm Staining. The 7th generation of B. proteus wassmeared, fixed with the vapor of 1% molybdic acid solution, hydro-lyzed DNA with 1% hydrochloric acid for 15 min, then stained withLöffler’s methylene blue and observed.

Antibiotic Drug Sensitivity Test. The four bacteria were culturedon ordinary agar medium and medium containing 20% of MEBO,respectively. Drug sensitivity test paper of eight kinds of antibiotics,i.e. gentamicin, neomycin, erythromycin, carbenicillin, ampicillin,kanamycin, chloromycetin and polymyxin, were stuck on the me-dium, respectively, and observed after 24 h. The diameter of the bac-terial inhibition zone was measured [2].

Determination of Phagocytic Function of the IntraperitonealPhagocytes. The abdominal cavity fluids were smeared and stainedwith Wright’s method. The percentage of phagocytes was determined[3].

Determination of Lysozyme Activity in Abdominal Cavity Fluidand Serum. The agar plate method was used: 2 ml of Micrococcussolution (9 ! 1010/ml) were added to 1% agar at 70°C, then aftermixing well, this was poured into a Petri dish. After cooling, holes(3 mm in diameter) were bored into the substance. Mouse serumfrom 3 groups was added to the holes in one set of Petri dishes andabdominal cavity fluid was added to the holes in another set of Petridishes. These were incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The diameter of thebacteriolytic ring was measured [4].

Total Number and Classification of Leukocytes in PeripheralBlood. Blood samples from the tails were taken from 3 groups ofmice. Leukocytes were counted, stained with Wright’s method andclassification was determined.


Species and Variation of Bacteria Isolated from BurnsWoundsTable 42 shows that after treatment with MEBO, B.

proteus in the wounds had H-O morphological variation.S. aureus in the wounds turned from positive plasma co-

Table 42. Species and variation of bacteriaisolated from burns wounds1 Case No. Bacteria from upper layer of MEBO Bacteria from lower layer of MEBO

1 S. aureus; P. aeruginosa P. aeruginosa2 Staphylococcus albus; E. coli E. coli3 S. albus (negative coagulase) S. albus (negative coagulase)4 S. aureus (positive coagulase) S. aureus (coagulating ability decreased)5 B. proteus B. proteus (H-O morphological variation)6 S. aureus (positive coagulase) S. aureus (negative coagulase)7 S. aureus; E. coli E. coli8 S. aureus (positive coagulase) S. aureus (positive coagulase)9 B. amotile B. amotile

10 B. amotile B. amotile11 P. aeruginosa P. aeruginosa12 S. albus S. albus13 P. aeruginosa P. aeruginosa14 G+ diplococcus G+ diplococcus

1 Samples collected on days 4–20 after MEBO treatment.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 79

agulase to negative, or the plasma coagulating ability de-creased.

Bacteriostasis of MEBOEight species of bacteria, i.e. S. aureus, S. albus, E. coli,

B. proteus, P. aeruginosa, B. typhosus, B. paratyphoid Aand B. dysenteriae, were cultured in simple agar dishes.The scraps of MEBO filter paper were pasted on the bac-terial surface of streak plating. The results showed thatMEBO had no direct bacteriostasis or bactericidal ac-tion.

Effect of MEBO on Bacterial BiologicalCharacteristicsEffect of MEBO on B. proteus Biological Features. B.

proteus was cultured for several generations on mediumcontaining certain amounts of MEBO. We noted that themotility of the bacteria gradually decreased before finallyvanishing. Also, we noted that H-O variation occurred.The 7th generation of the bacteria became long and fila-mentous. In culture medium containing 25% MEBO,90% of the bacteria became long filamentous or long rod,and then became small bacillus. Dark pigments ap-peared, colonies became small and the bacteria grew veryslowly. The decomposition activity of the bacteria to glu-cose and lactic acid was retarded (table 43; fig. 15). Theeffect of MEBO on H antigen of B. proteus is shown intable 44. Fig. 15. a Normal appearance of E. coli. b Appearance of variant

E. coli cultured in medium containing MEBO for 6 generations.

Table 43. Effect of MEBO on B. proteus biological features

Medium Motility

G 1 G 2 G 3 G 4–10


G 1–2 G 3–4 G 5–8 G 9–10

H-O variation

G 1 G 2 G 3–4 G 5–10

H2S test

G 1–7 G 8-10

50% MEBO + B – – + + ++ +++ + + – – + retardeddecomposition

25% MEBO + B B – + ++ ++ * +++ + + + – + retardeddecomposition

+ = Motile; B = weak motility; – = no motility.+ = Typical G– bacillus; ++ = long rod or filament; +++ = G– with dark pigment.+ Colonial migration: + = 1–3 cm; – = no migration.G = Generation; * 90% of the 7th generation of the bacteria became long filamentous.

Table 44. Serological test of B. proteuscultured in medium containing MEBO Original

bacteriaMedium containing MEBO, 12th generation

10% MEBO 25% MEBO 50% MEBO

B. proteus 1:1,280 1:640 1:640 1:320H antiserum ++ ++ ++ ++


80 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Effect of MEBO on the Biological Characteristic ofP. aeruginosa. It was found that P. aeruginosa cultured inMEBO-containing medium started to decrease its motili-ty from the 5th generation, and motility vanished in the10th generation. Variations of morphology and coloniza-tion features of the bacteria were also found (table 45).

Effect of MEBO on the Biological Characteristics ofE. coli. From table 46, we can see that after proliferationto the 10th generation while cultured in MEBO contain-ing medium, E. coli changed as follows: it lost motility,became sphere shaped, colonies became smaller, dry andflat (fig. 16). The decomposition activity of the bacteria toglucose and lactose was retarded (after 32 h).

Table 45. The effect of MEBO on the biological characteristic of P. aeruginosa

Medium Motility

G 1–4 G 5–9 G 10–12


G 1–4 G 5–9 G 10–12

Colonial feature

G 1–5 G 6–9 G 10–12

Oxidase test

G 1–12

MEBO 50% + B – + ++ +++ + ++ ++x +MEBO 25% + B – + ++ +++ + + ++ +

+ = Typical G– bacillus; ++ = a few became long rod or diplococcus; +++ = deep pigment appeared.+ = Colony moderate size and smooth; ++ = colony smaller and dry; ++x = pigment formed but not good.G = Generation.

Table 46. Effect of MEBO on the biological characteristic of E. coli

Medium Motility

G 1–3 G 4–9 G 10–12


G 1–6 G 7–9 G 10–12

Colony feature

G 1–3 G 4–8 G 9–12

Fermentation test


G 1–9 G 10–12


G 1–9 G 10–12

MEBO 50% + B – + ++ +++ + ++ +++ + retardeddecomposition

+ retardeddecomposition

MEBO 25% + B – + ++ +++ + ++ +++ + retardeddecomposition

+ retardeddecomposition

+ = Typical G– bacillus; ++ = long rod (like diplococcus); +++ = bacteria swelling (sphere shaped).+ = Colony medium size and smooth; ++ = colony medium size, a little flat; +++ = colony small, rough and flat.G = Generation.

Table 47. Effect of MEBO on the biological characteristic of S. aureus

Medium Morphology

G 1–7 G 8–11 G 12–15

Colony feature

G 1–7 G 8–11 G 12–15

Plasma coagulase test

G 1–7 G 8–12 G 13–15

Manicol test

G 1–11 G 12–15

MEBO 50% + ++ +++ + ++ +++ ++ + B + retardeddecomposition

MEBO 25% + ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ + + + +

+ = G+ arranged in grape shape; ++ = part of the bacteria became diplococcus-like or arranged in short chain;+++ = piled up in grape shape and had scattered diplococcus-like and short chain arrangement.

+ = Colony medium size and smooth; ++ = colony small and slightly flat; +++ = colony smaller, flat and dry.Plasma coagulase test: ++ = Fluid was clear and obviously coagulated; + = fluid turbid and small coagulate;

B = fluid turbid, small and few coagulate.G = Generation.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 81

Effect of MEBO on the Biological Characteristics ofS. aureus. We found that after 10 generations of S. aureuscultured in medium containing MEBO, bacteria werepiled up in grape shape and had scattered diplococcus-likeand short chains. Colonies became smaller, flat and dry.The decomposition activity of the bacteria to mannitolwas retarded (after 32 h), and the variation of plasmacoagulation ability was very significant (table 47) [3].

Nucleoplasm Staining of B. proteus. Cultured in me-dium containing 25% MEBO and proliferated to the 7thgeneration, B. proteus appeared as a long filamentousvariant. Nucleoplasm staining was done and examined.As the RNA in cytoplasm was hydrolyzed, the nucleo-plasm was stained blue. The bacteria became long rod orlong filament in the course of binary division, because theformation of cell wall was slower than the division of thenucleoplasm. This result proved that bacteria prolifera-tion was retarded when cultured in medium containingMEBO.

Synergistic Effect of MEBO and Antibiotics on Bacte-riostasis. When cultured in medium containing 20%MEBO, P. aeruginosa resistant to carbenicillin and chlo-romycetin became moderately sensitive and B. proteusresistant to chloromycetin and ampicillin became sensi-tive. Both carbenicillin and kanamycin had a synergisticeffect with MEBO against E. coli. Carbenicillin, ampicil-lin, kanamycin and erythromycin had a synergistic effectwith MEBO against S. aureus (table 48). Fig. 16. a Normal appearance of B. proteus. b Appearance of variant

B. proteus cultured in medium containing MEBO for 2 generations.

Table 48. Synergistic bacteriostasis of MEBO and antibiotics












OrdinaryS. aureus 30 21 17 20P. aeruginosa 16 12E. coli 12 21B. proteus 5 12

Containing 20% MEBOS. aureus 38 30 20 25P. aeruginosa 20 16E. coli 22 25B. proteus 20 20

DR = Drug-resistant; MS = moderate sensitivity; S = sensitivity.


82 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 49. Effect of MEBO on peripheralblood leukocytes (mean B SE) Group Animals WRC, 109/l PMN, %

Blank control 8 6.87B0.85 26.0B1.53Vaseline control 8 6.93B1.22 28.3B3.86MEBO 8 8.75B0.91 48.5B2.56

p value !0.01 !0.01

Table 50. Effect of MEBO on phagocyticfunction and lysozyme activity(mean B SE)

Group Animals Phagocytosis%

Lysozyme diameter, cm

abdominal cavity fluid serum

Blank control 8 54.23B6.20 1.70B0.16 2.08B0.17MEBO 8 65.50B4.18 2.33B0.38 2.10B0.11

p value !0.05 !0.05 10.05

Effect of MEBO on Nonspecific ImmunityEffect on Peripheral Blood Leukocytes. MEBO signifi-

cantly increased the peripheral blood count of white bloodcells and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN%) in mice(table 49).

Effect on Phagocytic Function and Lysozyme Activity.MEBO significantly promoted the phagocytic function ofphagocytes and increased the lysozyme activity in theabdominal cavity fluid (table 50).


MEBO can increase the number of WBC in the periph-eral blood of mice. It can also enhance the function ofphagocytes in the abdominal cavity of mice. MEBO caninduce a variation of bacteria and improve nonspecificimmunity.


Bacterial inhibitory test proved that MEBO does nothave a direct bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal effect. Thisfinding may be understood in part due to the oily textureof MEBO making it very difficult to infiltrate and diffuseinto a watery culture medium. After continuous culturein medium containing MEBO, many species of bacteriashowed variations in morphological structure and biolog-ical characteristics that are closely related with thegrowth environment. The morphological variation ofbacteria may cause changes in its biochemical character-istics, antigenicity and toxicity. B. proteus and P. aerugi-nosa had deep pigmented particles and E. coli becamesphere-shaped after culture in medium containingMEBO.

These variations are non-genetic. MEBO had a syner-gistic bacteriostatic effect with antibiotics. This is benefi-cial to the control of local and systemic infections second-ary to severe burns. MEBO promoted the phagocyticfunction of abdominal cavity phagocytes and release oflysozymes, and increased the leukocyte and neutrophilcounts in the peripheral blood. This is very important forclearing out the bacteria and toxins both locally and sys-temically. In summary, the mechanism of the anti-infec-tive effect of MEBO includes inducing variation of thebacteria, decreasing their proliferation rate, reducing bac-terial pathogenicity and promoting nonspecific immunityof the body.


1 Zhang LX, Yang KF: Clinical report of 2076 burn cases treated with moistexposed burn therapy. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:22–26.

2 Shanghai Medical Laboratory: Test of Sensitivity to Antibiotics. 1983.3 Yu H (ed): Medical Microbiology. Beijing, People’s Health Publishing

House, 1983, vol 13–28, p 239.4 Wang MX (ed): Medical Microbiology and Immunology. Beijing, People’s

Health Publishing House, 1989, p 116.

Experimental Research on the Anti-Anaerobicand Anti-Fungal Effect of MEBO


Clinical research data of BRT with MEBT/MEBO re-vealed that MEBO has a strong ability to retard woundinfection. Its mechanism is myriad [1]. This paper reportsthe effect of MEBO on the morphological structure, colo-


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 83

ny character and pathogenicity of anaerobic spore bearingbacillus (Bacillus tetani), anaerobic non-spore-bearing ba-cillus (Bacteroides fragilis, Propionibacterium acnes) andfungi (Candida albicans). MEBO has been proven to pos-sess strong broad-spectrum antibacterial effects. MEBOalso creates an environment for preserving the residualsurviving cells in the burns area and to promote their pro-liferation [2]. Thus, MEBO offers a dual regulatory ef-fect.

Materials and Method

MaterialsAquarium Type B224 was designed by the laboratory of the Affil-

iated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College. Culture medium wassupplied from Shanghai Biological Preparation Institute. Bacteroidesfragilis and Propionibacterium acnes were purchased from ShanghaiMedical University; Bacillus tetani and Candida albicans from thelaboratory of the Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College.These bacteria were cultured separately in anaerobic agar mediumfor use.

MethodMEBO Group. The above-stated four species of bacteria were

inoculated separately into the medium containing a certain amountof MEBO. Anaerobic bacteria were incubated at 37°C for 48–72 h asone generation. Candida albicans was incubated at 37°C for 24–48 has one generation. After 4–6 successive generations, they weretreated with Gram stain and their staining reaction, morphology andcolony characteristics were observed.

Control Group. The above-stated original bacteria were observedbefore being inoculated into the medium containing MEBO.

Examination IndexesVariation of the Bacteria. (1) Bacteroids fragilis, Propionibacte-

rium acnes and Bacillus tetani were inoculated separately into themedium containing MEBO and cultured for multiple generationsduring which morphological and colony variations at each generationwere observed. (2) Variations of Candida albicans were observedafter culture in MEBO-containing media.

Spore Tube Test. Original Candida albicans and the 1st, 2nd, 5thand 6th generations after being cultured in MEBO-containing mediawere inoculated into 0.5 ml human serum medium and cultured at37°C for 3 h, the fungi were smeared, stained and 500 counts of thefungi were observed to determine the spore tube producing rates.

Effect of MEBO on Bacterial GrowthEqual amounts of the colonies of the 10th generation of Staphylo-

coccus aureus, and Bacillus pyocyaneus cultured in MEBO-contain-ing media and the original bacteria of the two species were groundand placed into 0.1 ml of saline, respectively, then 1 ml of saline wasadded and the counts of the bacteria were compared.

Effect of MEBO on the Invasive Power of Bacillus pyocyaneusThe 10th generation of B. pyocyaneus cultured in MEBO-con-

taining media and the original B. pyocyaneus cultured in ordinarymedia were taken and diluted separately to 3 ! 106/ml. 0.1 ml of thebacteria solutions were injected into mice intracutaneously. After20 h the mice were killed. A block of rectangular skin tissue to themuscular layer was taken from the injection site of each mouse. Thetissue blocks were made into sections and stained with HE andobserved.


The effect of MEBO on anaerobic bacteria is given intable 51 and depicted in figures 17–19. The effect ofMEBO on Candida albicans is given in table 52 anddepicted in figure 20. The effect of MEBO on the prolifer-ation rates of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonasaeruginosa is given in table 53. The effect of MEBO onthe invasiveness of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is shown intable 54.

Table 51. Effect of MEBO on anaerobic bacteria

(1) Bacillus tetaniControl group: G positive, slender bacillus, spores could be seen

occasionally on the top, bacteria in the shape of agroup of drumsticks, colonies grown in films(fig. 17a)

MEBO group: 1, 2 generations: most of the bacteria were in a shapeof long rod or long filament1, a few had spores, colo-nies were flat, rough and dry, none grown in films(fig. 17b)3, 4 generations: most of the bacteria were bacillus ofvarious length, many of them had spores. The bacte-ria were in a shape of drumstick, a few were longrods or long filaments, colonies were flat, rough anddry (fig. 17c)

(2) Propionibacterium acneControl group: G positive, non-spore-bearing bacillus, straight or

slightly crooked, colonies were small and round withsmooth surface (fig. 18b)

MEBO group: 1, 2 generations: basically the same as the control3, 4 generations: bacillus of different length ap-peared (like diplobacillus) with aggregation and con-fluence, colonies were small, slightly flat, rough anddry (fig. 18c)5, 6 generations: most of them were small coccoba-cillus with deep colored particulates, colonies weresmall, slightly flat, rough and dry (fig. 18d)

(3 )Bacteroides fragilisControl group: G positive, non-spore-bearing moderate bacillus,

with obtuse ends, colonies were a little convex withsmooth surface (fig. 18e)

MEBO group: 1, 2 generations: basically the same as the control3, 4 generations: long bacillus (like diplobacillus)and some coccobacillus appeared, colonies a littleflat with dry and rough surface (fig. 18f)5, 6 generations: small coccus and coccobacillusappeared; colonies aggregated to confluence to formirregular round bodies; colonies were flat, dry andrough (fig. 18g)

1 Cultured in MEBO-containing media, when MEBO concentra-tion was 25%, the variation percentage of Bacillus tetani to form longfilaments was higher than that cultured in media containing higherconcentration of MEBO.


84 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 17. a The normal Bacillus tetani showing slender rod-like shape.b The 1–2 generations of Bacillus tetani in culture medium withMEBO showing as a shape of long rod or long filament. c The 3–4generations of Bacillus tetani in culture medium with MEBO show-ing in various lengths, many of them having spores. The bacteriawere drumstick shaped, a few were long rods or long filaments.

Fig. 18. a The normal form of Bacteroides fragilis showing moderatesize. b The 3–4 generations of Bacteroides fragilis varied in length(look like diplobacillus) and bacterial colonies fused together. c The5–6 generations of Bacteroides fragilis in culture medium withMEBO were sphere or egg shaped. Many bacterial colonies fused toform irregular spheres.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 85

Fig. 19. a The normal shape of Propionibacterium acne showing G+

(some straight or slightly crooked). b The 3–4 generations of Propio-nibacterium acne in culture medium with MEBO showing varied rodlength. c The 5–6 generations of Propionibacterium acne were smallcoccobacilli with deep-colored particulates.

Table 52. Effect of MEBO on C. albicans

ControlThe fungi were oval with spores and pseudohypha, colonies were mil-

ky with smooth and moisturized surface (fig. 19a)Spore tube test: spore tube producing rate was 90% (fig. 19b)

MEBO1, 2 generations: the same as the control, colonies were a little more

flat and small, compared to the control; spore tube producing ratewas about 85% (fig. 19c)

3, 4 generations: some of the fungi were sphere or oval of differentsizes, pseudohypha appeared; colonies were flat, dry and rough(fig. 19d)

5, 6 generations: the fungi were sphere or oval, filaments with stick orlong rod shape and different length appeared; only few spores;colonies were flat, dry and hard (fig. 19e)

Spore tube rate was about 0.5–2%1 (fig. 19f)

1 Cultured in media with different concentrations of MEBO, theirspore-producing rates were different. In media containing 25% ofMEBO, the spore tube-producing rate was 2%, a little higher than inthat containing higher concentration of MEBO.

Table 53. Effect of MEBO on the proliferation of S. aureus and P.aeruginosa

Bacteria Primary bacteriaculturedcounts/ml

10th generation aftercultured in MEBOcontaining mediacounts/ml

Staphylococcus aureus 1.4!108 1.5!106

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2!108 6.5!106

Table 54. Effect of MEBO on the invasiveness of P. aeruginosa –pathological examination

Control groupIn subcutaneous tissue, there was congestion and edema, infiltrationof inflammatory cells and a suppurative zone

MEBO groupIn subcutaneous tissue and striated muscles, there was infiltration ofa few inflammatory cells without suppurative phenomenon


86 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 20. a The normal shape of Candida albicans showing egg shapewith many blastospores. b The germ tube tests on normal Candidaalbicans gave a producing rate of 90%. c The germ tube producingrate of 1–2 generations of Candida albicans in culture medium withMEBO was 85%. d The 3–4 generations of Candida albicans in cul-ture medium with 25% MEBO showing large oral or few sphere-

shaped and stick- or filament-shaped ones being observed occasion-ally. e The 5–6 generations of Candida albicans showing in shapes ofstick or long rod. Bacterial filaments in various length and few blas-tospores being observed. f The germ tube producing rate of 5–6 gen-erations of Candida albicans in cultured medium with MEBO was0.5–2%.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 87


Micro-organisms proliferate rapidly and are according-ly susceptible to unfavorable factors in their growing envi-ronment. These changes in their environment may resultin variations of their characteristics including morpholog-ical structure, culture feature, toxicity, antigenicity anddrug resistance, etc. Morphological structure variationsare directly related to cell division. Cell division is a com-plicated process and is more susceptible to unfavorablefactors in the environment than to protein and DNA syn-theses. For example, Bacillus tetani and Bactorides fragilismay have polymorphic variations such as polynuclearfilaments or spheres because, in an unfavorable environ-ment, cell membrane synthesis is delayed and cell divi-sion cannot proceed in a timely manner, while metabo-lism proceeds normally. Variation is closely related to theeffect of the strength and the duration of action of theunfavorable factors. In our experiment, we found that thesame bacteria demonstrated variation in morphologicalfeatures when cultured in media containing different con-centrations of MEBO (data not shown).

In this experiment, we observed the antibacterial effectof MEBO on Bacillus tetani, Propionibacterium acnes andCandida albicans. These micro-organisms are normal flo-ra and opportunistic pathogens in the human body. Un-der certain conditions they become pathogenic and, inmost clinical cases, the infections are endogenous in etiol-ogy. Burns patients often receive large doses of antibiot-ics, which always create an imbalance in native florathereby facilitating the overgrowth of opportunisticpathogens such as Candida albicans. Aerobic bacteriainfections such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli andB. pyogeneus predominate in burns wounds though anaer-obic bacteria infections may also occur since burnswounds may become ischemic and necrotic. Therefore,bacterial examination of wounds should always considerboth aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In 1983, WangDewang reported a positive anaerobic bacteria detection

rate of 23.9% in 34 cases of burns and most of them hadmixed infections.

Bacillus tetani is an anaerobic spore-bearing bacteria.After being cultured in MEBO-containing media, longfilament variants appeared, and in 3 generations many ofthem formed only one spore. This spore is not the vegeta-tive form of the bacteria as it cannot proliferate undernormal conditions. Spore keeps the bacteria alive thoughdormant. Only under favorable conditions can the sporeproliferate and produce exotoxin to cause disease. Afterculture in MEBO-containing media for 6 generations, inCandida albicans the number of blastospores was signifi-cantly reduced, the spore tube producing rate was only0.5–2%, while the normal fungi had a spore tube produc-ing rate of 90%. The above facts prove that MEBO has aninhibitory effect on the proliferation and pathogenicity ofBacillus tetani and Candida albicans.

From table 53, we can see the effect on Bacillus pyocya-neus. After this baceria was cultured in MEBO-containingmedia for 10 generations, we again cultured the 10th gen-eration for another 20 h and discovered that the bacteriacount/ml was greatly reduced to only 1/30 of that of theoriginal. The invasiveness of this organism to mice wasalso greatly decreased. This proved that under an unfa-vorable environment, not only morphological structuresbut also physiological features of the bacteria are subjectto variations.

Our data as well as many experimental and clinicaldata reported by other workers proved that MEBO has abroad-spectrum antibacterial effect and can also promotewound healing. Therefore, MEBO is a drug with a dualregulatory effect.


1 Yang K, Ma J, Yang Q, et al: A comprehensive report on the therapeuticeffect of MEBO in treating 4954 cases of various wounds and ulcers. Chin JBurns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1997;4:15–21.

2 Xu R: China Burns and Wounds Medicine. Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers,1997, pp 137–140.


88 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Studies on the Effects of BRT with MEBT/MEBO onRegeneration and Healing of Burns Wounds

A Comparative Study of Fibronectin andMoist-Exposed Burns Ointment (MEBO) in theTreatment of Experimental Corneal Alkali Burnsin Rabbits


Worldwide reports regarding the basic science andclinical applications of fibronectin’s (FN) contribution tothe healing of trauma and burns wounds have shown thatFN can enhance the epithelial healing rate by promotingthe adhesion and migration of epithelial cells at thewound site [1–3]. Clinical application of eye drops madeof FN in treating burned cornea has obtained satisfactoryresults. However, we are still years from the widespreaduse of FN because the extraction and production of FNeye drops are time-consuming, expensive and offer spe-cific preservation challenges. We have used MEBO since1990 in the treatment of burned cornea and we haveachieved satisfactory results in terms of improving cor-neal nutrition, promoting wound healing, amelioratingpain, relieving irritation and reducing the incidence ofcorneal ulceration. Therefore, we embarked on an experi-mental study to verify the effect of MEBO as comparedwith FN in the management of corneal burns in rabbits.

Materials and Methods

MEBO, developed by Beijing Guangming Chinese MedicineInstitute for Burns, Wounds and Ulcers, is an ointment containingsesame oil, beeswax and other active ingredients derived from plantssuch as Cortex phellodendri and Radix scutellariae. FN produced bythe Shanghai Institute of Biological Products was diluted to a solu-tion containing 400 Ìg/ml with sterile normal saline.

Five healthy New Zealand white rabbits (body weight 2–3 kg)without eye disease were anesthetized intramuscularly with 20 mg/kgsodium thiopental and eye solution of 0.4% Novesine two drops ineach eye. 8-mm filter papers, previously soaked completely in 0.5 NNaOH, were laid on the middle of both corneas, respectively. Oneminute later, the paper was removed and the eyes were rinsed imme-diately with sterile normal saline. Then eye drops made of FN wereadministered to the right eyes, four times daily and MEBO wasapplied on the left eyes, three times daily. Both courses lasted 2weeks.

At 6, 24, 36 and 48 h postinjury, the corneal fluorescent stainingzones were photographed with a DF Haiou camera (China) at fixedfocus. After developing the film, we drew the fluorescent stainingzones, analyzed and measured the areas at different hours using acomputer image pattern analyzer, and then calculated the epithelialhealing rate (mm2/h) by linear regression. Observations were madetwice daily on days 3–14 postinjury and fluorescent staining zoneswere regarded as a positive indicator. Epithelial damage rate = (fluo-

rescent staining positive number)/(number of eyes examined)!100%.

Besides corneal fluorescent staining zone, conjunctival conges-tion and corneal transparency were also observed. (1) Conjunctivalcongestion: + = palpebral conjunctival congestion; ++ = palpebralconjunctival and partial bulbar conjunctival congestion; +++ = wholepalpebral and bulbar conjunctival congestion. (2) Corneal transpar-ency: + = slightly opacity with distinct structure of underlying iridialtexture; ++ = moderate opacity with blurred structure of iridial tex-ture; +++ = severe corneal opacity with indistinct structure of iridialtexture.


In the early stage (at 6 h postinjury) epithelial healingwas slow and at 6–48 h the healing rate remained con-stant. The use of FN on eyes shows an epithelial heal-ing rate of 1.279 B 0.317 mm2/h compared to 1.285 B0.128 mm2/h with the MEBO treatment. There is no sig-nificant difference between the two groups although in theMEBO group treatment efficacy is a little faster.

Repeated corneal damage occurred from the earlyhealing stage until 2 weeks postinjury and there is a signif-icant difference in damage rate in both groups: 58.3% inthe FN group and 33.3% in the MEBO group (u = 5.56,p ! 0.01).

The cornea showed disk opacity a few minutes follow-ing burn. Conjunctival congestion with white secretionwas observed at 3 h postinjury. On day 2 postinjury, eyeirritation became obvious with increased secretion andcorneal edema was noted until 1 week postinjury whenedema was still observed in epithelium and matrix. At 2weeks postinjury, the above symptoms were further re-lieved. The advantages of MEBO treatment as comparedto FN in the management of burns eyes were demon-strated both in terms of corneal epithelial exfoliation andregarding conjunctival congestion and opacity.


Some advantages of MEBO include inexpensive cost,convenient application, safety and product stability. Theeffect of MEBO in the treatment of alkali-burned corneascompared favorably to that achieved with FN. MEBOproved more effective than FN in reducing the epithelialdamage rate and was far easier to use given a widespreadapplication. We suggest that MEBO treatment is remark-ably advantageous in reducing the repeated epithelialdamage rate of alkali burns eyes compared to FN treat-ment.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 89


It has been reported that FN has the effect of promot-ing epithelial healing rate on corneal defects [4]. Thisstudy verified no significant difference in promoting cor-neal epithelial healing between the two groups. However,MEBO treatment is remarkably advantageous in reducingthe repeated epithelial damage rate of alkali burns eyescompared to FN treatment. The repair of relative integri-ty of the corneal epithelium is beneficial to the stability ofthe corneal parenchyma and endothelium. The cornea inthe MEBO group showed slight transparency with slightcongestion. Subsequent to alkali burns, the integrity ofbasement membrane underlying corneal epithelium wasdamaged. The appropriate replacement of exogenous FNmay reduce the possibility of epithelium damage, as FN isneeded for the repair of basement membrane. This studydemonstrated that MEBO is superior to FN with regard tofirm adherence of corneal epithelium and maintenanceand basement membrane integrity. In addition, MEBOsupplies rich nutrients necessary for repairing and regen-eration of alkali burns corneas.

FN is a kind of macromolecular glucoprotein whichoperates at the wound surface. The surge of enzymesreleased subsequent to alkali burn causes the degradationof FN at the wound surface. The paucity of FN resultingfrom enzymatic degradation can be compensated withexogenous FN, which reduces the epithelial damage rateby promoting epithelium adhesion. Many combining sitesin FN molecular structure served as a bridge between epi-thelial cells and basement membrane, thereby improvingepithelium adhesion. Affinity between FN and intracellu-lar actin may cause the change of epithelial intracellularactin from sphere to fibriform and then induce cell migra-tion.

As avascular tissue, the cornea receives the nutritionand oxygen necessary for metabolism mainly from diffu-sion of the vascular net in the corneal limbus, from tearsand from aqueous humor. Glucose is the main source ofenergy for the oxygenic metabolism of corneal epitheliumand for intraparenchymatous anaerobic metabolism [5].MEBO contains abundant glucose, organic acid, a varietyof vitamins, proteins and enzymes as well, all of whichdirectly provide energy and nutrition for alkali-burnedcorneal tissue. In this manner, MEBO serves to promotemetabolism of the cornea, to accelerate the prompt re-moval of necrotic tissue and to facilitate swift growth ofnew epithelium. MEBO also has anti-inflammatory prop-erties, bacterial inhibition, repercussive and analgesic ef-fects [6]. By relieving local congestion and corneal irrita-tion, blepharospasm due to pains and nictitation werealleviated, which reduced the friction to corneal surfaceand also improved local resistance.


1 Fujikawa LS, Foster CS, Harrist TJ, Lanigan JM, Colvin RB, et al: Fibro-nectin in healing rabbit corneal wounds. Lab Invest 1981;45:120–129.

2 Nishida T, Nakagawa S, Awata T, Nishibayashi C, Manabe R: Rapid prep-aration of purified autologous fibronectin eyedrops from patient’s plasma.Jpn J Ophthalmol 1982;26:410.

3 Shi SM, et al: Comparative physical properties of ophthalmic viscoelasticmaterials. J Pract Ophthalmol 1989;7:9.

4 Nishida T, et al: Fibronectin enhancement of corneal epithelial woundhealing of rabbits in vivo. Arch Ophthalmol 1984;102:455.

5 Liu JQ, et al (eds): Practical Ophthalmology. Beijing, People’s HealthPress, 1984, p 43.

6 Xu RX: The medicine of burn and ulcer: A general introduction. Chin JBurns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:11.

A Comparative Study of the Effects ofMoist-Exposed Burns Ointment (MEBO) andOther Drugs on the Healing Rate of CornealEpithelial Defect in Rabbits


Corneal epithelium consists of three types of cells atthree different levels. They are basal cells in the deep layer,wing cells in the middle layer and squamous cells at the cor-neal surface. Microvillus in the superficial layer absorbstears to form a tear membrane. Basement membrane be-hind the deep layer is located in the corneal Bowman mem-brane (anterior limiting lamina). Corneal epithelial layer isa natural barrier against micro-organism invasion. Onceinjured, it is prone to infection and shedding. Some cornealdiseases such as dendritic keratitis, neuroparalytic kerati-tis, exfoliation of recurrent corneal epithelium, alkaliburns, vesicular keratitis, etc., and surgeries such as scrap-ing the corneal epithelium for intraocular examination andoperation when performing cutting of the vitreous and re-pair for retinal detachment, may injure corneal epithelium.Rapid and complete repair of corneal epithelial defectsplays a very crucial role for the recovery of corneal physio-logical function and for good eyesight. Corneal physiologi-cal function contributes greatly to the promotion of deepcorneal wound healing and formation of collagenous fiber[1]. In this study, rabbits with corneal epithelial defects ofthe same size were used and treated with MEBO, homolog-ous serum, 0.5% dexamethasone, 25,000 U/ml vitamin A.In addition, the rabbits wore soft corneal contact lenses toobserve the regenerating rate of corneal epithelia and toassess the therapeutic effects of different measures.

Materials and Methods

Eighty-two healthy adult rabbits of either sex weighting 2–3 kgwere anesthetized by 35% urethane 2.5 ml/kg intravenously and, ifrequired, by inhalation of ether. Then 1% dicaine was dropped twicefor surface anesthesia into the palpebral fissure which was expandedwith eyelid retractor. The cornea center was constrictively marked at


90 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 55. Average healing rate of corneal epithelium after injury(mm2/h, mean B SE)

Groups Numberof eyes

Average healing rate

Group 1 (MEBO) 10 1.184B0.106Group 2 (dexamethasone) 11 1.087B0.087a

Group 3 (vitamin A) 11 1.065B0.066b

Group 4 (homologous serum) 10 1.114B0.038e

Group 5 (saline) 10 1.037B0.059b, c, f

Group 6 (contact lens) 10 0.770B0.016b, d, e, f, g

a p ! 0.05, b p ! 0.01 compared with group 1; c p ! 0.05, d p ! 0.01compared with group 2; e p ! 0.05 compared with group 3; f p ! 0.01compared with group 4; g p ! 0.05 compared with group 5.

surface using an 8-mm corneal trephine and was stained with 1%fluorescein followed by rinsing with normal saline. Subsequent to theappearance of a circular mark, an 8-mm stained disk area of epithe-lial defect was created with a lancet scraping off the whole epitheliumwithin cycle and by fluorescein staining.

The animals were then divided randomly into 6 groups, 12 ineach. In group 1, the animals were treated with MEBO every 6 h. Ingroup 2 to group 5, the animals were given eye drops with 0.5% dexa-methasone, 25,000 U/ml vitamin A, homologous serum and normalsaline, respectively, every 2 h. In group 6, the animals wore soft cor-neal contact lens without any eye drops, whereby 6 eyes was removedof lens every 6 h for fluorescein staining and other 6 eyes stained 24 hlater. In addition, 10 rabbits had their secretions cleaned away withcotton sticks soaked with normal saline and no eye drops wereapplied. Corneas were removed at 0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and48 h for microscopic observation on corneal epithelial healing [2].


The observation record showed the following meanhealing time: 48.6 h in the normal saline group, 47.36 h inthe vitamin A group, 45.18 h in the homologous serumgroup, 42.78 h in the MEBO group, 46.5 h in the dexa-methasone group and 65.3 h in contact lens group. Theresults revealed that there was no significant difference ofaverage healing rate between groups 1 and 4, as well asgroups 2 and 4, groups 2 and 3, groups 3 and 5. However,there were statistical differences between other each twogroups. MEBO, homologous serum, vitamin A, and dexa-methasone had superior healing effects compared withnormal saline, while wearing of contact lens retarded thehealing of the defect. Beside homologous serum, MEBO isremarkably superior to other drugs in promoting cornealepithelial healing rate (table 55).


Cornea has sources of nutrition from the vascular netin corneal limbus, tears and aqueous humor. Corneal epi-thelium is a functional barrier between tear membrane

and intraocular tissues through which the fluid outputfrom the stroma is regulated in order to keep the stroma ina normal hydration. A corneal epithelial defect caused byinjury or scraping off can repair rapidly in two stages. Thelatent period comes first, with a mean time of 5.5 B 0.3 hduring which extensive cellular and subcellular changes atthe wound edges are expressed by desquamation of super-ficial cells, by loss of columnar appearance of basal cells,by damage on hemidesmosome link of the basementmembrane as well as by formation of a cell process, indi-cating that residual viable epithelial cells are transforminginto functional cells. A healing period is followed after-wards when epithelial cells around the wound migratetowards the center at a constant pace without mitochysis.This process starts from the uninjured epithelial cellsadjacent to wound edge. We see basal cells in particularbeing enlarged and flatted with pseudopodium migratingtowards the center and becoming the migratory edge ofmonolayer cells, which is followed by two or more layersof epithelial cells. The migration stops as wounds com-pletely close and a firm hemidesmosome adhesion to thebasement membrane is re-formed. At this point, mitochy-sis begins and mature corneal stratified epithelium isfinalized.

The experiment revealed us the two periods for epithe-lial healing. At 2 h postsurgery, the defects did not de-crease, instead, some increased from 8 to 8.1–8.5 mm,which may have resulted from the contraction of tissues atthe wound edge and the shedding of injured cells. It wasnot until 6 h postsurgery that epithelial defects began todiminish progressively until complete wound healing wasachieved. Systemic or local administration and eitherintra- or extra-ocular agents may be factors contributiveto the successful repairing process of corneal epithelialdefects from the latent period till the end of the healingperiod. By means of smearing, eye drops or wearing ofcorneal contact lenses, the study investigated various fac-tors relative to epithelial healing in order to verify thetherapeutic effects of methods and drugs.

MEBO is an ointment containing sesame oil, beeswaxand other active ingredients extracted from plants such asCortex phellodendri or Radix scutellariae. It is highlyeffective in the treatment of burns, wounds and ulcers andits advantages include superior analgesic effects, anti-inflammation, infection prevention and minimal scar for-mation post healing [3]. Although recent reports proveMEBO is significantly superior to other therapies in treat-ing various burns, wounds and ulcers [4], there is no com-parative study on the management of eye injury reported.Therefore, we conducted a preliminary comparativestudy on fibronectin (FN) and MEBO in the treatment ofexperimental corneal alkali burns in rabbits, which veri-fied that MEBO was remarkably effective in the treat-ment of burns on avascular corneal tissue [2, 5]. Further,


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 91

we performed this study to investigate the effect of MEBOon repairing and healing of corneal defect and the roles ofother drugs as well. The results verified that MEBO isobviously superior to other medications except for homol-ogous serum in promoting wound healing while no ob-vious corneal macula was formed posthealing under slit-lamp microscopic examination.

The pharmacological mechanisms of MEBO with re-spect to its role of promoting healing of corneal woundsalso became understood as follows: (1) Composed of amacromolecular sticky base, MEBO has an affinity to tis-sue protein at the wound site. The application of MEBOto the wound may serve as a bridge to directly stimulateand induce cell division and migration in an orderly man-ner that promotes wound healing. (2) MEBO containsvarious nutrients necessary for wound healing. For exam-ple, glucose is an obvious energy source. Vitamins andorganic acids, which are related to the maintenance of tis-sue metabolism and proliferation of connective tissues,may directly support local nutritional needs, thereby pre-venting scar formation [6]. Zinc and enzymes may accel-erate epithelial repair [7]. Protein as the basic element ofthe cell membrane may support the growth, differentia-tion and regulation of cells. (3) MEBO promotes the for-mation of a unique, integrated automatic drainage circu-lation system which corrects for local dysfunctional me-tabolism and circulation resulting from injury. The baseingredients contained in MEBO absorb metabolic prod-ucts from the wound and then transport them to the outerlayer of the ointment. Meanwhile, active ingredients ofthe ointment continuously penetrate into the wound torenew the supply of ingredients necessary for tissue repair.The automatic microparticle transportation and process-ing of emulsification and dispersion are considered as themain measure for the treatment of injured avascular tis-sue [8]. (4) Obaculactone contained in MEBO offers prop-erties of anti-inflammation, detumescence, analgesic ef-fects, and enhancing local immunity and controlling in-fection.

Many reports demonstrate the presence of FN in plas-ma. FN is a macromolecular glycoprotein that is the con-junctive medium between cell and extracellular fibers andmatrix. It adheres to collagen, polysaccharide protein, andreceptors on the cell surface and serves as an intercellularbridge of epithelial cells. It has some correlation withcytoskeleton structures, e.g. microfilament, actin, to in-duce the migration of the cell. FN plays an important rolein the firm adhesion between migrating epithelial cellsand wound surface of corneal epithelial defect. Eye chem-ical burns can be treated with eye drops or subconjuncti-val injection composed of autoblood. Autoblood is benefi-cial because it contains macroglobulins that inhibit colla-genase, release fibrinolysin (which may reduce symble-pharon, thereby promoting the recovery of the blood ves-

sel net around the cornea as well as restoring sensation inthe injured cornea), improve corneal nutrition and pro-mote tissue regeneration. Our previous study has verifiedthat FN can speed up the migration of corneal epithelialcells [2]. Observation on the rabbit corneal epithelial heal-ing rate after application of homologous serum in thisstudy has also suggested an obvious effect of serum in pro-moting the migration of corneal epithelial cells. However,even serum offers less benefit than does the application ofMEBO.

Various reports can be found about the role of cortico-steroids in corneal wound healing. It is believed that long-term administration of corticosteroids at high concentra-tion may retard epithelial regeneration and that stromalwound healing though the mechanism remains unclear.On the other hand, the use of corticosteroids immediatelyafter corneal burns may have good anti-inflammatoryeffects and reduce occurrence of ulcers and neogeneticvascularization [9]. Others report that corticosteroidsmay inhibit conjunctival cells from migrating towards thecorneal surface without impairing the reformation of cor-neal epithelium [10]. In this study, eye drops of 0.5%dexamethasone did not inhibit the migration of cornealepithelial cells and wound healing. On the contrary, it sig-nificantly promoted the healing. Therefore, it is feasible todrop 0.5% dexamethasone on simple corneal epithelialdefects to control inflammation and promote healing,though even this modality, due to adverse effects, is farinferior to the effects achieved by MEBO.

Vitamin A plays a role in promoting epithelial growthand maintaining epithelial normal functions. Many re-ports have confirmed vitamin A contributing to promotewound healing, but some researchers reported that vita-min A failed in promoting epithelial regeneration. Theuse of 25,000 U/ml vitamin A in this study revealed littleeffect on corneal epithelial healing.

Corneal epithelium, when wearing corneal contactlenses made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), is pro-vided with nutrients and oxygen necessary for metabo-lism which derive primarily from tears penetrating be-tween the lens and cornea. Eyelid pressure when eyes areopen produces a positive pressure behind the lens to dis-charge tears and the negative pressure produced behindthe lens after winking allows the entrance of the tears tofloat the lens. Such a process goes in cycles to achieve theexchange and renewal of tears. Subsequent to corneal epi-thelial injury, the ability of local metabolism decreasesand wearing lenses further impairs oxygen absorptionof the cornea, which is unfavorable to wound healing.Though some reports suggested that wearing corneal con-tact lenses might be used for treating corneal ulcer, theobservation in this study verified that such managementimpaired the corneal wound-healing process and healingrate was much lower than those in other groups. We con-


92 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

clude that careful attention should be taken to avoidharming patients through the application of corneal con-tact lenses in the treatment of corneal injury.


1 Smolin G, et al: Tretinoin and corneal epithelial wound healing. Arch Oph-thalmol 1979;97:545.

2 Huang QS, et al: A comparative study of fibronectin and MEBO in thetreatment of experimental corneal alkali burn in rabbits. Chin J BurnsWounds Surface Ulcers 1995;7:18.

3 Xu RX: The medicine of burn and ulcer: A general introduction. Chin JBurns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:11.

4 Xu RX: The principle of burn wound treatment. Chin J Burns WoundsSurface Ulcers 1992;4:8.

5 Huang QS, et al: A dynamic study on MEBO repairing corneal endothe-lium alkali burn in rabbit. Proceedings of the Fourth National Conferenceon Burns, Wounds and Ulcers, Beijing, 1995.

6 Huang QS, et al: Clinical observation of herpes simplex corneal ulcerstreated by combined MEBO and PIC (25 cases report). Chin J BurnsWounds Surface Ulcers 1993;5:21.

7 Morley TE, et al: Zinc deficiency chronic starvation and hypothalamicpituitary thyroid function. Am J Clin Nutr 1980;33:176.

8 Du HE: A preliminary introduction on relationship between the biophar-macy factors and treatment of MEBO. Chin J Burns Wounds SurfaceUlcers 1995;7:8.

9 Woost PG, et al: Effect of growth factors with dexamethasone on healing ofrabbit corneal stromal incisions. Exp Eye Res 1985;40:47.

10 Srinirasan BD: Corneal re-epithelialization and anti-inflammatory agents.J Am Ophth Soc 1982;80:756.

Exploration of Pathological Changes andMechanism of Experimentally Burned Rabbitsafter Treatment with Moist-Exposed BurnsOintment


BRT with MEBT/MEBO, available over the past 10years, is a remarkable innovation for the management ofburns, wounds and ulcers. Satisfactory results were ob-tained using this treatment to deal with profound prob-lems in conventional surgical treatment such as pain,infection, healing with scar formation, and progressivenecrosis of tissues in the zone of stasis. Clinical applica-tions worldwide demonstrated that BRT with MEBT/MEBO is superior to all other therapies and represents theclear standard of care in burns treatment. To verify thetherapeutic effect of MEBO in treating burns wounds, westudied a rabbit model of deep second-degree burnstreated with MEBO and with Vaseline, respectively.Serial histological sections were performed during thetreatment in order to observe the pathomorphologicalchanges, progression and mechanism of repair. This studyprovides references for the prevention and research ofburns, wounds and ulcers.

Material and Method

Thirty healthy adult rabbits of either sex weighing 1.5–2.0 kgwere used in this study. The dorsal hair of each animal was depilatedusing 20% sodium sulfide. Rabbits were restrained in a self-madesoaking support frame, and two 4 ! 4 cm deep second-degreewounds of zygomorphic skin on the back were created via scaldingwith 100°C water for 5 s (lesions were determined by pathologicalexamination). The wounds were then contaminated with 1 ml sus-pension containing 3.0 ! 108 cfu Staphylococcus aureus. At thispoint, the animals were divided randomly into two groups, 15 ani-mals offering 30 wounds in each group. Animals in the control groupwere treated with Vaseline ointment, while animals in the experi-mental group were treated with MEBO ointment. Both ointmentswere applied once every 3 h. The rabbits were caged separately andfreely fed. At six different time phases (days 3–6, 7–9, 10–12, 13–15,16–18 and 19–22 postburn), five full-thickness wound tissues (0.5 !0.5 cm) were taken from each group. All samples were fixed with 10%formaldehyde solution, embedded with paraffin, stained with hema-toxylin and eosin, and studied by the light microscope for pathomor-phological changes.


Normal rabbit skin demonstrated an absence of der-mal papilla, but revealed abundant structures of skin hairand appendages (fig. 21a). Deep second-degree burnswounds on rabbit back skin involved deep dermis causingnecrosis of full epidermis and partial dermis. Fibers in thedermis reticular layer and the subcutaneous layer ap-peared to be thick and sparse with partially survived skinappendages (fig. 21b). The results of pathomorphologicalexaminations of two groups at different phases are shownin table 56.


BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment can make injuredtissue regenerate in a relatively physiological environ-ment that conforms to the natural law of tissue regenera-tion. As a result, scar formation is reduced to the maxi-mum extent. These experimental results were in accor-dance with clinical observations.


Histologically, the regenerative capacity of skin tissuehas a close correlation with tissue repair. Skin cells can beclassified into two categories according to the differentcapability of regeneration: (1) Constantly changing cells,i.e. epidermal cells that have the ability to divide for in-definite periods under a normal state and proliferate tocompensate shed and consumed cells. (2) Stable cells asepithelium in the skin body of a gland that cease prolifera-tion when the organs mature, but have a continuouspotential for division which is activated after injury toregenerate [1]. Tissue repair is also achieved by two


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 93

Fig. 21. a Normal rabbit skin. HE. !100. b Deep second-degreeburns wound on rabbit back skin with partially survived skin ap-pendages, epidermis exfoliated. HE. !100.

Table 56. Summary of pathomorphological changes at different timephases postburn in both the Vaseline and the MEBO groups


Pathomorphological characteristics

Control group (Vaseline)3–6 Diffusion inflammation, visible infiltration of many

inflammatory cells aggregating beneath epidermis layer(fig. 22a)

7–12 Massive infiltration of inflammatory cells, few macro-phages, few new blood capillary formations, narrowlumen, poor wound healing with proliferation of fibroustissue (fig. 22b)

13–18 Scattered colonies, tissue necrosis patency tending toworsening (fig. 22c)

19–22 Infiltration of inflammatory cells, wound tissue edema,disruption of collagen fibers, marked proliferation offibrous tissue, progressing to form hyperplastic scars(fig. 22d)

Experimental group (MEBO)3–6 New epithelial regeneration on wound, increase of blood

capillaries, active regeneration of granulation tissue,inconspicuous proliferation of collagen fiber (fig. 23a)

7–9 Active regeneration of epithelia, increased large basallayer cells, new skin regenerating in varied thickness(fig. 23b)

10–12 Epidermis regenerating from residual skin appendages,visible transition from skin appendages to regeneratedepithelia (fig. 23c )

13–15 Gradual decrease of necrotic tissues, contracting towound surface (fig. 23d)

16–18 Presence of a lot of macrophages in neoformative granu-lation tissues, limited inflammatory cells (fig. 23e)

19–22 Wounds covered by squamous epithelia and presence of afew skin appendages in the dermis (fig. 23f)

approaches. First, by the regeneration of tissues similarboth in structure and function – the structure and func-tion of repaired tissue can be entirely identical to those ofthe original [2]. Take, for example, the tissue repair ofsuperficial second-degree burns wounds. On days 3–4postburn, epithelia began to grow, and continued thuslyon days 5–8 and was mostly completed on days 8–10 post-burn. Secondly, repair of the damaged tissues can beachieved through the formation of fibrous tissue, begin-ning with formation of granular tissues and ending withscar formation. Microscopic examinations of the tissuerepair of deep second- and third-degree burns woundsshowed an intertexture mainly comprised of fibroblastsand neoformative blood capillaries. Together with infil-tration of plasmocytes (such as neutrophil, lymphocyte,plasma cell, macrophage), we noted neoformative granu-

lation tissues that were then replaced by a great quantityof closely aligned collagenous intercellular fibers. Subse-quent to the decrease of fibroblasts, showing a long andnarrow shape, and of blood capillaries, these tissues even-tually developed into scars.

According to our experimental results, in the controlgroup there was sparse blood capillary formation withnarrow lumen. The tissue was swollen with fiber prolifera-tion and massive infiltration of inflammatory cells. Thedisruption of collagen fiber and absence of regeneratedepidermis to cover wounds eventually resulted in woundhealing by eschar (showed in fig. 22d). In the experimen-tal group treated with MEBO, residual skin appendagesregenerated into epidermis with multilayers and largenuclei that progressed and covered the wounds (fig. 23b–d). Granulation tissue was promoted into regenerative tis-


94 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 22. a In the control group 3–6 days postburn, the wound showed diffusion inflammation, visible infiltration ofmuch inflammatory cells aggregating beneath epidermis layer. HE. !200. b In the control group 7–12 days postburn,there was some new blood capillary formation, narrow lumen, poor wound healing with proliferation of fibrous tissue.HE. !100. c In the control group 13–18 days postburn, colonies were scattered, tissues obviously necrosed. HE.!100. d In the control group 19–22 days postburn, marked proliferation of fibrous tissue and progressing hyperplas-tic scars is seen. HE. !100.

Fig. 23. a In the MEBO group 3–6 days postburn, new epithelialregeneration on the wound, increase of blood capillaries, and activeregeneration of granulation tissue can be seen. HE. !100. b In theMEBO group 7–9 days postburn, epithelia regenerated actively, bas-al layer cells became larger, and new skin regenerated in varied thick-ness. HE. !400. c In the MEBO group 10–12 days postburn, epider-mis regenerated from residual skin appendages, visible transitionfrom skin appendages to regenerated epithelia. HE. !400. d In theMEBO group 13–15 days postburn, necrotic tissues gradually de-crease and contracted to wound surface. HE. !100. e, f In theMEBO group 3 weeks postburn, there were a lot of macrophages inneoformative granulation tissues, limited inflammatory cells. HE.!400. g In the MEBO group 4 weeks postburn, wounds were cov-ered by squamous epithelia and there were a few skin appendages indermis. HE. !200.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 95

sue; neoformative blood capillaries were enhanced morethan in the control group with larger lumen and richerblood supply, both of which facilitate an enhanced metab-olism (fig. 23a). Finally, wounds in the experimentalgroup were covered by squamous epithelia and healedwithout scarring (fig. 23g). We noted that when burns

wounds were treated by BRT with MEBT/MEBO, theperpetually changing cells began to divide and proliferatetoward the wound center along the wound edges or thebasal part of residual epithelia, whereas after burns injury,the stable cells residing in skin appendages and granularepithelium were activated to divide and regenerate into



96 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

epidermic tissue that in turn migrated toward and finallyclosed the wound. Pathological examination on days 10–12 postburn showed a transitional migration from skinappendages to regenerated epithelia. When epithelia pro-liferated and divided, wounds were covered by stratifiedsquamous epithelium. The macroscopic appearance ofhealed wounds was initially red or pink and progressivelybecame normal in color.

In clinical management, we observed the elevation ofresidual hair follicles and skin islands over the wound sur-face when deep second-degree burns wounds were treatedwith MEBO. Epithelial tissue was the first to achieve thesame height as the wound, followed by skin islands or con-nective tissues among the hair follicles. Eventually, wenoted wounds healed by epithelialization with mild or noscarring. We suggested, according to clinical observationand pathological examination, that if the dermis networkand Leydig cells (interstitial cells of Leydig) are keptintact, then as regards the treatment of deep burns, epithe-lia regenerated from skin appendages might grow alongthe network and eventually recover the normal dermalarchitecture without scar formation. However, if the der-mis network, Leydig cells and granular epithelia weredamaged, then the residual granular epithelia might forma cell mass with a disordered structure and fail to recoverthe normal structure and function of the skin architecture[3]. This is the case in sweat gland epithelia in adiposetissue that regenerated and divided into nonsecretory epi-thelial tissues to close and heal wounds.

Wounds in the control group (Vaseline) showed slowrepairing, obvious proliferation of fibrous tissue andhealed with hyperplastic scars. By comparison, wounds inthe experimental group (MEBO) expressed rapid repair-ing, active growth of neoformative epidermis, inconspic-uous proliferation of fibrous tissue and eventually healedwithout scarring. These results demonstrate that MEBOretains optimal wound moisture, while tissue is not im-mersed. MEBO created a drug membrane that protectedand isolated wound tissue from outer contaminants, al-lowing native histocytes to propagate in a relatively physi-ological environment in accordance with the nature re-generative law of skin. Local microcirculation was alsoimproved and pathological changes of three zones ofburns wounds (necrosis zone, stasis zone and hyperemiazone) were reversed. These conditions were favorable tothe recovery of tissue in the stasis zone. Therefore, MEBOwas believed to promote epithelial regeneration, controlthe increased speed of connective tissue, and keep epithe-lia and connective tissue in an almost normal rate of pro-liferation so as to heal deep burns wounds with less orminimal scarring.

In the experiment, wounds were contaminated byS. aureus. Microscopic observation showed massive infil-tration and aggregation of inflammatory cells in the Vase-

line group with few macrophages and scattered colonieswithout boundaries (fig. 22c). All wounds were visiblyinfected within 1 week. In the MEBO group, inflammato-ry cells were large in quantity with enhanced capacity ofanti-infection (fig. 23e). Gross observation revealed thatwounds in this group repaired rapidly with absence ofinflammatory response such as red swelling. It was be-lieved that MEBO demonstrated efficacy in promotingthe blood circulation by removing blood stasis, clearingaway heat and toxic material, relieving inflammation andremoving the necrotic tissue while promoting granulation.The experiment also demonstrated that MEBO mightinhibit or kill the growth of S. aureus.

In this study, the rabbit burns model was kept stablewith zero mortality. Light-microscopic examination re-vealed a distinct process of histocyte repair. The resultsshowed that the application of BRT with MEBT/MEBOin burns management could prevent and control infec-tion, promote wound repair, minimize scar formation,shorten healing time, avoid complications and relievepain as well. BRT with MEBT/MEBO also has the advan-tages of facilitating the observation of wound repair andeasy application. BRT with MEBT/MEBO is now irrefut-ably considered to be the standard of care for burns man-agement worldwide.


1 Zhang YM: Experiences in treating facial scars by the combination of abra-sive technique and excision. Proceedings of Cosmetic Symposium, Wuhan,1990, p 142.

2 Wuhan Medical College (ed): Pathology, ed 1. Beijing, People’s HealthPress, 1982, pp 19–21.

3 Academic Committee of the First National Conference of Moist ExposedBurn Therapy: A great historical turn in the burn medical science. Chin JBurns Wounds Ulcers 1989;1:4–10.

Electron-Microscopic Observation of One Caseof Skin Burns Wounds Treated with MEBO


To further investigate the mechanism of deep burnswounds healing without hyperplasic scar formation aftertreatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, we took a biop-sy from a deep wound site of a severely burned childbefore and after treatment in order to observe it via lightand transmission electron microscopy. The aim of thestudy was to find the histological evidence of scar-freehealing.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 97

Case Report

A 12-year-old boy was admitted (PID. 172650) on November 4th1989 after suffering direct gas flame burns on the face, trunk andextremities. Clinical assessment indicated a total burns surface area(TBSA) of 75%, including 45% second-degree and 30% third-degreewounds. The condition of the patient remained stable during anti-shock therapy, but he developed sepsis on day 6 postburn. Serialblood cultures ! 3 were negative. On day 10 postburn, escharectomyand microskin grafting were performed on the left upper and rightlower extremities. On day 20, excision and microskin grafting wereperformed on the back again. On day 30, burns wounds of the rightleg and dorsum pedis with mixed second- and third-degree as well asdeep second-degree burns on the back were treated with BRT withMEBT/MEBO. Wound tissue biopsy was taken from the right legbefore and after treatment, then pathological examinations were car-ried out light and transmission electron microscopically.


Pathological examination revealed satisfactory healingof the burns wounds treated with MEBO without forma-tion of obvious hyperplasic scar tissue.

Light MicroscopyBefore treatment, the infiltration of inflammatory cells

was visible around sweat glands and hair follicles, somehaving formed local foci (fig. 24a, b). After treatment, skinrecovered to normal structure with regenerative capillar-ies and fibroblasts in dermis (fig. 24c).

Transmission Electron-Microscopic Observation Before treatment, a lot of circular vacuoles were pres-

ent in the surrounding nucleus that showed irregularnuclear membrane with disappearance of nucleolus. Elas-tic fibers in the dermis varied in thickness and had a dis-orderly arrangement with deposits in the lumen (fig. 25c).After treatment, cells in the stratum spinosum becameregular, showing distinct nucleus, clear nucleolus and uni-form distribution of nuclear chromatin. Desmosomes ofthe intercellular bridge recovered to normal (fig. 26a–c).


The results proved that after using MEBO, the burnswounds healed without formation of macroscopic hyper-plasic scar. The ultrastructure of the healing burns woundwas similar to that of an ordinary traumatic wound.


In dermis of normal skin, the dominant cell relating totraumatic repair and proliferative inflammation is thefibroblast. It is located adjacent to a collagenous fiberbundle, showing as fusiform, stellar or polygonal shapes,and having thick and short cell process. The fibroblast

Fig. 24. a Before MEBO treatment, the infiltration of many neutro-phils was visible around subcutaneous hair follicles, some havingformed local foci. HE. !200. b Before treatment, infiltration ofinflammatory cells was visible around sweat glands and hair follicles.HE. !200. c After MEBO treatment, epidermis recovered to normalstructure and there was the presence of regenerative capillaries andfibroblasts in the dermis. HE. !200.

contains an oval nucleus which occupies one third ofwhole cell. It also reveals an obvious nuclear membraneand one or two nucleoli. There is expanded lumen ofintracytoplasmic rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER).There are four major types of cell junctions between epi-


98 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 25. a Before MEBO treatment, many circular vacuoles werepresent in the surrounding nucleus that showed irregular nuclearmembrane with disappearance of nucleolus. TEM. !10,000. b Be-fore treatment, elastic fibers in dermis were in varied thickness anddisorderly arrangement with vacuolar degeneration. TEM. !10,000.c Before MEBO treatment, appearance of irregular nucleus, presenceof perinuclear vacuoles and disordered elastic fibers with deposit.TEM. !8,000.

Fig. 26. a After MEBO treatment, intercellular bridge of cells in stra-tum spinosum recovered to normal with distinct nucleus and clearnucleoli. TEM. !4,000. b After treatment, desmosome of cell junc-tion almost recovered to normal with clear shape of cell, regularnucleus and uniform distribution of euchromatin. TEM. !6,000.c After MEBO treatment, structure of desmosome recovered to nor-mal with uniform distribution of nuclear chromatin and regular cellshape with nucleolus in center. TEM. !5,000.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 99

thelial cells, i.e. tight junction, intermediate junction, gapjunction and desmosome.

This study showed that perinuclear vacuoles, disor-dered elastic and collagenous fibers were presented beforeMEBO treatment, comparing to desmosome of intercellu-lar bridge recovering to normal structure after MEBOtreatment. When in the hyperfunction stage, the intracy-toplasmic RER appeared as small fragmental vesiculi-form, and when in vigorous synthesization, it appearedtight with flocculation within the cisternae. The mainfunction of the RER is to synthesize protein. Smoothendoplasmic reticulum (SER) has functions correlatingwith the synthesis of lipoids and steroids.

Stephen [1] reported the presence of myofibroblasts inhypertrophic scar tissue according to electron-microscop-ic observation. Myofibroblast contained incomplete nu-clear membrane with developed RER. As it has both thecharacteristics of smooth muscle cells and the shape offibroblasts, it is also termed ‘modified myofibroblast’. Wehave reported the ultrastructure of scar resulting fromburns injuries in 1985 [2]. Comparison of the previousand present studies indicates that no macroscopic hyper-trophic scar was formed on burns wounds treated withBRT with MEBT/MEBO, and the ultrastructure of thehealing burns wound appeared no different from the ordi-nary traumatic wound. Though we have previously re-ported the clinical experience of applying MEBO fortreating burns wounds of varying degrees [3], this wasour first presentation of light-microscopic and transmis-sion electron-microscopic observations regarding burnswounds. We would like to disclose our research achieve-ments here in order to stimulate further studies.


1 Stephen A: Wound contraction and fibrocontractive disorders. Arch Surg1978;1:1034–1046.

2 Hong ST, et al: Ultrastructure of scars resulted from burns. Metal Med1985;1:5–8.

3 Chen SR, Wang Y, Zhang XZ, et al: Clinical observation of the effect ofmoist exposed burn ointment (MEBO) on treating one case with extensiveburn. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1989;1:46.

Pathomorphological Changes of Deep BurnsWounds Treated with MEBO


BRT with MEBT/MEBO has been in wide use formany years domestically and internationally [1, 2]. Al-though many clinical practices have confirmed its ad-vanced and scientific results in burns management, the

mechanism involved in the healing of deep burns woundswithout hypertrophic scar is not yet clear. From March toNovember 1994, the authors treated 12 patients sustain-ing deep burns with MEBO and performed light- and elec-tron-microscopic observations on wounds before and af-ter MEBO treatment. The aim was to explore the thera-peutic effectiveness of MEBO on the healing of deepburns wounds.

Materials and Methods

Twelve patients sustained 2–98% total body surface areas(TBSA), including 2–82% third-degree burns. Most patients hadburns mainly on the face and extremities and one patient was compli-cated with inhalation injury. Some patients suffered extremely severeburns covering the whole body skin. Areas which received MEBOtreatment included chest, back, upper arm, thigh, leg, and instep.MEBO was applied on burns wounds in accordance with the stan-dardized MEBO protocol.

All of these patients were initially treated by conventional surgi-cal therapy in other hospitals. Therefore, this study focused on deepsecond-degree and superficial third-degree burns wounds with inter-mediate and late granulation tissue on days 3–42 postburn that weretreated with MEBO. The ointment application lasted as long as 5–50days and the wound healed on days 30–92 postburn. Macroscopicobservation of healed wounds showed the coverage of soft, flat andsmooth epithelium or soft and flat scars, without the appearance ofhypertrophic or contractive scars.

Consent to receive MEBO treatment was obtained from patientsor their guardians. Two wound tissue samples 1–2 mm3 in size weretaken from each patient before and after treatment. One of the sam-ples was fixed with 75% alcohol before being transferred to thepathology department for hematoxylin and eosin staining and light-microscopic examination (Olympus). The other was fixed with 2.5%glutaraldehyde and 1% osmic acid, stained with uranium acetate andlead citrate, and gradient dehydrated with ethanol and acetone. Theultrathin sections were examined under a transmission electronmicroscope (CM 10, Philips).


Light MicroscopeThe third-degree burns wounds penetrated to beneath

the dermis and subcutaneous tissue that appeared as uni-form pink necrosis. Some of the muscular tissue was alsoinvolved, where cross-striation of striated muscle disap-peared and had the appearance of the pink color of coagu-lated necrosis. Infiltration of inflammatory cells present-ed around the sweat glands and hair follicles. During thecourse of treatment, collagenous fibers were found to pro-liferate severely, showing thick and disordered arrange-ment at the beginning. These progressed to moderate pro-liferation with thin fasciculi, and finally had the appear-ance of being delicate and orderly. After healing, the epi-dermis recovered to normal, and neoregenerated bloodcapillaries and fibrocytes appeared in the dermis (ta-ble 57).


100 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Electron Microscope Before treatment, fibroblasts showed disrupted karyo-

morphism, contracted nucleoli, expanded perinuclearspace and paranuclear vacuolar degeneration. A faintstaining area was observed in the paranuclear margin ofmussily arranged fibrocytes. Collagenous fibers varied inthickness with breaking and dissolution. After MEBO

treatment, the nucleoli and nuclei of fibroblasts recoveredto normal and collagenous fibers appeared to be uniformin thickness and orderly in arrangement. Master cellswere occasionally visible after treatment in a few cases.Fibrocytes recovered to normal with orderly arrangementand intracytoplasmic rough endoplasmic reticulum ap-peared (table 57).

Table 57. Profile of granulation tissues present on deep burns wounds of 12 cases treated with MEBO

No. PID Sex/age(years)

TBSA/third-degree, %

Site and depth ofMEBO application

Days post-burn forfirst biopsy

Durationof MEBOtreatment

Days post-burn forsecond biopsy

Appearance of healed wounds

1 245563 M/28 98/82,inhalationinjury

beneath clavicle in left chest, deepsecond-degree

42 50 92 flat, soft texture

2 255409 M/37 9/2 anklebone of left foot, deep second-degree 3 33 36 flat and smooth, no disablement(fig. 27a, b)

3 254161 F/6 65/18 left thigh and chest, deep second-degree 35 31 66 flat and thin scarring (fig. 28a, b)

4 255970 M/38 59/13 left forearm, deep second-degree 30 15 45 flat and smooth, soft scar(fig. 29a, b)

5 259202 M/21 70/6 right thigh, deep second-degree 28 5 33 thin scar in soft texture (fig. 30a, b)

6 259203 M/23 10/1.5 left lower extremity, deep second-degree 28 22 50 thin scar in soft texture (fig. 31a, b)

7 258466 M/35 68/4 left upper arm, superficial third-degree 18 21 39 flat, smooth with slightly hard scar(fig. 32a, b)

8 257211 M/27 10/0 right upper arm, deep second-degree 10 20 30 flat (fig. 33a, b)

9 154082 M/28 92/80 back, superficial third-degree 36 18 54 thin scar in soft texture

10 172650 M/12 75/30 instep of right foot, mixed degree 30 15 45 flat, smooth and soft (fig. 34a, b)

11 263623 M/20 2/0 both feet, superficial third-degree 5 31 36 flat and smooth

12 261873 M/62 2/0 both feet, superficial third-degree 30 14 44 flat and smooth (fig. 35a, b, 36a, b)

Fig. 27. Case 2. a Before treatment, fibroblast showed disruptednuclear membrane, contracted nucleolus and intracytoplasmic vac-uoles. b After treatment, fibroblast recovered to normal with centralnucleolus. Collagenous fibers were orderly arranged.

Fig. 28. Case 3. a Before MEBO treatment, appearance of fibroblastwith expanded perinuclear space, paranuclear light staining areasand space. Intracytoplasmic collagenous fibers were dissolved andnecrosis. b After MEBO treatment, presence of special granule inmast cells in small quantity.



Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 101

Fig. 29. Case 4. a Before treatment, fibroblast showed disruptedkaryomorphism with loose chromatin. Paranuclear light stainingappeared. Intracytoplasmic collagenous fibers was disrupted and dis-solved. b After treatment, karyomorphism almost recovered to nor-mal and intracytoplasmic collagenous fibers were uniform in thick-ness.

Fig. 30. Case 5. a Before treatment, intracytoplasmic collagenousfibers varied in thickness and were disorderly arranged. b After treat-ment, collagenous fibers were uniform in thickness and aligned inorder.





102 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 31. Case 6. a Before treatment, presence of much paranuclearvacuolar with absence of nucleus. b After treatment, presence of mastcell with much special granules in a shape of wheel and digitiformarrangement.Fig. 32. Case 7. a Before treatment, collagenous fibers varied inthickness and were disorderly arranged. b After treatment, intracyto-plasmic rough endoplasmic reticulum recovered, collagenous fiberswere uniform in thickness with orderly arrangement.

Fig. 33. Case 8. a Before treatment, collagenous fibers varied inthickness and were disorderly arranged. b After treatment, intracyto-plasmic rough endoplasmic reticulum recovered, collagenous fiberswere uniform in thickness.Fig. 34. Case 10. a Before treatment, elastic fibers in dermis weredisorderly arranged with varied thickness, intracytoplasmic structureshowed vacuolar degeneration. b After treatment, the intercellularbridge of stratum spinosum epidermidis recovered to normal withclear nucleus.





Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 103

Fig. 35. Case 12. a Before treatment, irregular nucleus, perinuclearspace vacuolar, and disrupted elastic fibers with deposit were shown.b After treatment with MEBO distinct form of cells, existence of des-mosome and uniform staining are seen.

Fig. 36. Case 12. a Before treatment, fibroblasts were in irregularkaryomorphism, intracytoplasmic collagenous fibers varied in thick-ness and were disorderly arranged. b After treatment, rough endo-plasmic reticulum recovered, collagenous fibers showed consistentthickness and orderly arrangement.





104 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Light- and electron-microscopic observations of 12cases of deep burns wounds with granulation tissues dem-onstrated the dynamic comparison of histopathologicalalterations before and after MEBO treatment. We notedespecially the changes in fibroblasts, collagenous fibersand mast cells. No uniform histological changes wereobserved such as are reported in the scientific literaturewhere burns wounds were treated with conventional sur-gical therapy resulting in hypertrophic scarring. In ourstudy, short-term macroscopic observation revealed thathealed burns wounds formed no scars which were ele-vated from skin surface. This suggests that MEBO offersexcellent prognosis for the treatment of deep second-degree and superficial third-degree burns wounds withoutscarring.


Many factors are involved in the wound healing pro-cess from trauma in general and burns wounds in particu-lar. Among these factors, the importance of those inherentto the cell itself has been especially recognized lately byscholars [3–6]. However, when conducting research toexplore the mechanism of wound healing free of hypertro-phic scarring, one should attend to histopathology, in oth-er words, try to understand the alterations of collagenousfibers, fibroblasts and mast cells [7].

In 1973 and 1974, Linares used light and electron mi-croscopes for observation and found that hypertrophicscarring as a result of postburn granulation tissue ap-peared whirlpool-like or in a nodosity arrangement. In theearly stage after wound healing, there were a paucity ofelastic fibers initially but eventually over years a structureof lamellar or plexiform shape could be established. Mastcells took on varied shapes: round, oval or claviform withdeep granular staining. These mast cells released hista-mine to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and alsosecreted many active substances to promote scar prolifer-ation. The greater the number of mast cells in granulationtissues, the greater the likelihood of healing with hypertro-phic scarring.

In 1971, using the electron microscope, Gabbiani’sgroup noted the presence of fibroblast-like cells in granu-lation tissues which correlated to wound contraction. In1980, Rudoph demonstrated that these cells had the sameultrastructure as fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells.They named these cells myofibroblasts, the presence ofwhich in granulation tissues predicted the possibility ofhypertrophic scar formation [7, 8].

In the present study, the authors found absence ofwhirlpool-like or nodosity-arranged collagenous fibersand myofibroblast after MEBO treatment. Small numbers

of mast cells were observed in 2 cases which are consistentwith the number expected in normal skin. Research con-ducted by He [7] showed the existence of many more mastcells in hypertrophic scars than in normal skin. Therefore,the light- and transmission electron-microscopic observa-tions as well as our pictures after wound healing revealedwounds free of hypertrophic scars after MEBO treatment.Long-term effects remain to be investigated histologicallyas these were short-term observations.


The authors would like to thank the Electron Microscopy Depart-ment of No. 202 PLA Hospital, Burns Department, and the BasicResearch Department of the General Hospital of Benxi Steel Compa-ny for technical assistance.


1 Xu RX: Medical sciences on burns, wounds and ulcers. Chin J BurnsWounds Surface Ulcers 1994;6:45–51.

2 Zhao JX, Yang GM, Li TY, et al: Clinical analysis of 1003 burn casestreated with moist exposed burn therapy. Chin J Burns Wounds SurfaceUlcers 1992;4:36–40.

3 Peruccio D, et al: Altered biosynthesis of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)alpha is involved in post-burn hypertrophic scars. Burns 1994;20:118–121.

4 Hong ST, et al: Ultrastructure of scars resulted from burns. Metal Med1985;1:5–8.

5 Wang GS, Jian WG, Xu XS, et al: The exploration of pathological changesand mechanism of experimental burned rabbits after treatment with moistexposed burn ointment. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1992;4:7–11.

6 Xi SC: Growth regulation of fibroblast. Chin J Burns Wounds SurfaceUlcers 1994;6:5–7.

7 He GZ: Pathological changes of hypertrophic scar tissue. Chongqing Med J1992;21:118–210.

8 Stephen A: Wound contraction and fibrocontractive disorders. Arch Surg1978;113:1034–1046.

Observation of Microcirculation in Nail Folds atthe Recovery Stage of Burns Wounds Treatedwith BRT with MEBT/MEBO


From May 1992 to May 1994, we treated 13 cases ofpeople with nail fold burns and observed the repair of themicrocirculation in the nail folds. The results revealedthat after repair, the microcirculation was normal insuperficial second-degree burns wounds, almost normalin deep third-degree burns wound and moderately abnor-mal in mixed second- and third-degree wounds.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 105

Materials and Methods

Object of Observation. 13 young male patients with nail fold burnswere treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO. As soon as the burnswounds began healing, the morphology of the microvessels, bloodflow status and repair of the vascular loop surroundings in the nailfold were observed.

Apparatus. WX-6 multiple position microcirculation photomi-croscope was manufactured by Xuzhou Factory of Medical OpticalInstruments and supplied by the Department of Pathophysiology ofBinzhou Medical College.

Method of Observation. At a fixed time in the morning, the fingertemperature of the patient was taken using an electron thermometerat room temperature. The patient was kept in the sitting positionwith the arms at the level of the heart. The observation was doneunder a mercury lamp light at an angle of 45° from the back. Photo-graphs were taken synchronously and were visualized using a closed-circuit TV system. If the patient had injured only one hand, the otherhand served as the normal control.

Observation Index. Appearance: vascular clearness, loop number,input branch, output branch, loop top diameter, loop length, percent-ages of crossed and deformed loops. Status of blood flow: flow rate,vasomotion, erythrocyte aggregation, leukocyte number, whitish mi-cro-thrombus and blood color. Condition at the surroundings of theloops: exudation, bleeding, sub-papillary venous plexus, papillae andsweat duct.

Results and Discussion

The microcirculation status was scored and classifiedaccording to the standard for quantitative analysis of nailfold microcirculation established by Tian [1] (table 58).Abnormal results were observed in 13 patients (7 caseswith superficial second-degree burns and 6 cases withdeep second-degree burns), and are listed in table 59.

At the initial healing of the wound, the comprehensivescores of 7 patients with superficial second-degree burnswere in the normal range. Some of them had newly gener-ated microvessels slightly shorter and smaller than normaland had exudate in the surroundings. Some individualshad more leukocytes and their papillae were not clear.The vessels in the recovery stage demonstrated exudateand, therefore, papillae were not easy to observe.

Changes in the appearance of the microcirculation of 6patients with deep second-degree burns wounds were sig-nificant. Most of the loops were shorter. Two cases had100% crossed loops. One case had a deformed loop ex-ceeding the normal ratio. As a whole, parts of the micro-vessels in the nail fold resembled those in the superficiallayer of the skin. Some cases had slower flow rate, whichmay be due to the changes of the loop appearance, such ascrossed and deformed loops. One case had remote hemor-rhage. Three cases had flat papillae, which may be relatedto the damage of deep tissue.

This study revealed that the microcirculation was re-paired after the treatment of burns wounds. This repaircan be attributed to local application of BRT with MEBT/MEBO and its systemic benefit. MEBO protected the

Table 58. Repair of microcirculation in nail folds of 13 patients

Normal Almostnormal




8 1 3 1 0

Table 59. Cases with abnormalities of microcirculation observed atthe recovery stage

Superficialsecond-degreewound (case No.)

Deep second-degree wound(case No.)

Clearness 0 0Loop number 0 2 cases

with 5 loopsInput branch 2 0Output branch 3 cases with

slightly small0

Loop top 4 cases 0Loop length 4 cases with

slightly short4 caseswith short

Crossed loop 0 2Deformed loop 0 1Flow rate 0 3Vasomotion 0 0Erythrocyte aggregation 0 1 case slightLeukocyte number 2 cases 130 2 cases 0–50Whitish microthrombus 0 0Blood color 0 1 case

with crimsonExudation 3 0Bleeding 0 1 case with remote

hemorrhageSub-papillary venous plexus 0 0Papillae 2 cases

without clear3 cases with flat

Sweat duct 0 0

burns wound from dehydration and helped avoid ban-dage pressure. This was favorable to the repair of themicrovessels.

The microcirculation in the normal hands of theseburns patients was examined and nothing abnormal wasfound (data not shown). The effect of other diseases couldbe excluded.


1 Tian N (ed): Microcirculation: Basic and Clinical. Beijing, Medical SciencePress of CPLA, 1986, pp 343–345.


106 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Physiological Healing Procedure andHistological Observation on DeepSecond-Degree Burns Treated with BRT withMEBT/MEBO


Moist-exposed burn therapy is a local burns manage-ment by which burned tissue is exposed to a three-dimen-sional physiologically moist environment to reject, regen-erate and repair [1]. We herein present a report on thedynamic pathomorphological changes of deep second-degree burns wounds. Studies in this subject are seldomperformed and seldom available.

Materials and Methods

Clinical DataSix cases were enrolled throughout the study, 5 males and 1

female, aged from 21 to 36 years. Total burns surface area variedfrom 12 to 45%, with an average of 24.33 B 12.37%. All patientswere admitted within 6 h postburn. After admission, patientsreceived fluid resuscitation and antibacterial therapy on the basis ofburn severity. Burns wounds were applied with MEBO at a thicknessof 1 mm, which was renewed every 4–6 h till wound healing.

Pathological Observation Tissue specimens were collected on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20

postburn and after healing from wound sites including trunk, upperlimb and both lower limbs. All specimens were allocated into twoparts, one immobilized with 10% formalin, embedded in routineparaffin, sliced up and HE stained for light-microscopic observation;the other was immobilized with 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution, pre-pared on routine basis for observation using TEM 1200EZX-modelelectron transmission microscope.


Light-Microscopic ObservationUnder the light microscope, all burns wounds were

noted to involve deep dermis and the pathologicalchanges of burns wounds at different time phases werealmost the same.

On day 1 postburn, epidermis became necrotic due tocoagulation and necrotic basal layer cells were seen ar-ranged in a column-fencing formation. Edema was pres-ent between epidermis and dermis. Collagenous fibers inthe superficial layer of dermis were denaturated, andswollen and loosely arranged while epithelia of the dermaladnexal epithelia were also denaturated. We observedcontracted nucleoli of the capillary endothelium, bloodclot or stasis in lumen with little infiltration of neutrophil(fig. 37a). Only collagenous fibers and dermal appendagesin deep layer of dermis were approximately normal. Onday 3 postburn, necrotic epidermal cells progressed tovacuolation with mild edema between the epidermal and

dermal layers. Collagenous fibers in the superficial dermishad hyaline degeneration while in the deep tissue, thestructure was loose, and blood vessels were slightly swol-len with congestion. Scattered inflammatory cells (mainlyneutrophils) infiltrated the tissue (fig. 37b). On day 5



Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 107

Fig. 37. a Appearance of deep second-degree burns wound on day 1postburn. HE. !100. b On day 3 postburn, epidermic cells pro-gressed to vacuolation, collagenous fibers in superficial dermis hadhyaline degeneration and scattered inflammatory cells infiltrated indermis. HE. !100. c On day 5 postburn, superficial tissues in dermiswere liquefactively necrotic and exfoliated. Inflammatory cells,mainly neutrophil and occasionally with few macrophages, infil-trated. HE. !100. d On day 10 postburn, the appearance of epitheliaislands was seen. HE. !100. e On day 10 postburn, sweat glands indermis proliferated with the infiltration of inflammatory cells allround, mainly neutrophils, as well as many lymphocytes and mono-nuclear macrophages. HE. !100. f On day 15 postburn, the adnexalepithelia in deep dermis grew vertically from the deep, then migratedtoward and covered the wounds. HE. !100. g Most wounds werecovered with stratified squamous epithelium. Actively proliferatedfibroblasts and neoformative capillaries were visible in the dermis,accompanied by the infiltration of lymphocytes. HE. !100. h Neo-formative skin has an approximately normal structure. HE. !100.

when the necrotic epidermis exfoliated, superficial tissuein the dermis liquefied and loosened due to necrosis andneutrophilic infiltration (occasional lymphocyte andmononuclear macrophages) (fig. 37c). On day 7 postin-jury, the aforementioned pathological changes became

more notable. On day 10, the superficial necrotic tissue inthe dermis liquefied, discharged and thinned. A largeamount of neutrophils infiltrated into the liquefied ne-crotic tissue, interwoven with few mononuclear macro-phages. The dermal adnexal epithelia in the underlying


108 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

deep tissue revealed squamous metaplasia with enlargedcells, deep karyon, rich and red cytoplasm that clusteredto form ‘epithelium islands’ (fig. 37d). Among these is-lands, fibroblasts proliferated and were characterized bylarge volume of cells, conspicuous nucleolus (binucleolatewas frequently present) and basophilic cytoplasm. In ad-dition, infiltration of many inflammatory cells includingneutrophils (mainly), lymphocytes and mononuclearmacrophages was visible in wounds (fig. 37e). On days 15and 20 postburn, an inflammatory exudation layer re-placed the necrotic layer whose liquefaction was nowaccomplished. The underlying residual adnexal epithelia,fibroblasts and endothelia showed active proliferation.The regenerated ‘epithelial islands’ grew vertically, thenmigrated toward and covered the wounds (fig. 37f, g).Neoformative capillaries were noticed and granulationtissues were formed. The infiltration of inflammatorycells (mainly lymphocytes) in the dermis was still present,especially in the periphery of the regenerated skin ap-pendages. After healing, regenerated skin appeared to bealmost normal in structure and the majority of skinappendages were restored completely. Infiltration of cer-tain inflammatory cells and few macrophages in dermispersisted (fig. 37h).

Electron-Microscopic Observation Ultrastructural alterations of the superficial dermis

layer were observed on days 1, 3 and 5 postburn, whilethose of full-thickness skin were done on days 7, 10, 15and 20 postburn and after healing.

On day 1 postburn, electron-microscopic observationindicated loose and disorderly arranged collagenous fibersin the superficial dermis, and a distinct and recognizablelight-dark zone of the fasciculus. Fibroblasts which had acytomembrane profile which remained the same althoughbeing deprived of the cell organ. Nuclear membraneloomed with increscent nucleopore to cause the interpola-tion of nuclein and chromatin, leading to lumpish chro-matin. Microsangial endothelia had similar changes asdid the fibroblasts. The vascular walls appeared as alamellar membranous structure. In the lumen, we notedhemagglutination, frequently joined with blood plateletadherence to the vascular walls (fig. 38a). On day 3 post-burn, collagenous fiber bundles in the superficial dermisvaried in thickness and appeared disorderly with faint orabsent light-dark zones. The cell ultrastructure interwo-ven between fibers disappeared. On day 5 postburn, thesuperficial collagenous fibers merged to produce flocculeswith high electron density surrounded by scattered elec-tron-dense organelle-like structures and necrotic cell frag-ments as well as occasionally by varied lower electron-dense lipid droplets without coating of the limiting mem-brane (fig. 38b). On day 7, when the ultrastructuralchange of the superficial dermis was similar to that on


day 5, deep collagenous fibers and the structure of dermaladnexal epithelia nearly returned to normal, except for aslight broadening of the intercellular space. On day 10postburn, fibroblasts in the dermis showed condensednuclear chromatin, hypertrophic and shift aside nucleoli.Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) proliferated show-ing flat vesicular and vesicular-like expansion, while re-sidual dermal adnexal epithelia were distributed in clus-ters containing a high amount of tonofibrils (fig. 38c). Ondays 15 and 20 postburn, collagenous fiber bundles of der-mis varied in thickness and appeared disorderly; fibro-blasts were binucleated and showed obvious nucleoli withthe presence of karyosome; perinuclear pool demon-strated beading swelling and the RER proliferated(fig. 38d). In dermal adnexal epithelia, nucleoli were dis-tinct and increased numbers of karyosomes were fre-quently observed.

The chondriosome was rich and intracytoplasmic to-nofibril showed an increase in cytoplasmic presence. Also,we observed a gradual establishment and improvement ofthe intercellular desmosomal junction. After healing, neo-


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 109

Fig. 38. a Vascular wall appeared in the lamellar membranous struc-ture. In the lumen, there was hemagglutination, frequently joinedwith blood platelet adhering to vascular walls. TEM. !6,000. b Col-lagenous fibers fused each other, occasionally with cell collapse.TEM. !6,000. c Dermal adnexal epithelia distributed in clusters,with near-membrane nucleolus and expanded endoplasmic reticu-lum. Many tonofibrils are contained in the cytoplasm. TEM.!6,000. d On day 15 postburn, fibroblasts showed active proteinsynthesis and metabolism. TEM. !6,000. e After wound healing, theentire dermis-epidermis junction can be seen. TEM. !8,000. f Fi-broblasts in dermis showed normal and collagenous fibers were uni-form in thickness and arranged in an orderly fashion (after healing).TEM. !10,000. g The healing skin after deep second-degree burns isalmost the same as noninjured skin.

formative epidermis cells and intercellular junction re-covered almost to normal and the integrated dermis-epi-dermis junction reappeared (fig. 38e). The majority fibro-blasts in the dermis appeared as a long strip rich in cyto-plasm with well-developed organelles. However, no addi-

tional active metabolism of the same was observed. Fibro-blasts were uniform in thickness, fasciculated and wellorientated (fig. 38f). The healing skin of deep second-degree wounds became almost identical to that of nonin-jured skin (fig. 38g).


110 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Pathological changes of the deep second-degree burnwounds treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBO can bedivided into three stages: (1) denaturation and necrosis,(2) liquefaction, and (3) restoration. These stages mayoverlap. Burns wounds healed by complete physiologicalregeneration.


Among the available literature regarding the pathologi-cal changes of burns wounds treated with BRT withMEBT/MEBO, the majority report the light microscopicobservation before and after treatment with MEBT [2–4].There are relatively few monographs or systemic studyreports on the ultrapathologic processes during BRT withMEBT/MEBO.

Our study demonstrated that the pathological changesof burns wounds treated with BRT with MEBT/MEBOwere totally different from pathological processes whentreated conventionally [5, 6]. On days 1–3 postburn, theso-called ‘acute inflammatory response period’ with itstypical denaturation and necrosis occurred in the burnedepidermis and superficial dermis, revealing a slight in-flammatory response, but without signs of a ‘leukocyteinfiltration zone’. Then the necrotic tissue began to lique-fy and discharge increasingly as the disease course pro-gressed. Such changes climaxed around day 10 when der-mal adnexal epithelial cells, fibroblasts as well as otherrepaired cells showed signs of regeneration. Microscopicobservation indicated large cell bodies of fibroblasts,increased basophil of the cytoplasm, hypertrophic nu-cleoli, and RER which proliferated, demonstrating thetypical flat vesicular and vesicular-like expansion. At thistime, the proliferation and migration of residual dermaladnexal epithelia and proliferation of granulation tissuesbecame dominant. The most spectacular observation wasthat the ‘epithelia island’ (formed by the regeneratedadnexal epithelia) initially grew vertically, then migratedtoward and covered the wound as granulation tissues pro-liferated. This resulted in a flat skin surface. During thisperiod, either residual adnexal epithelia or fibroblasts dis-played ‘active protein synthesis and metabolism’ [7]. Theprominent characteristic changes involved significantproliferation of RER and the appearance of increasedkaryosomes. Finally, the wounds were noted to be com-pletely covered by regenerated squamous epithelia ashealing was accomplished.

We observed that inflammatory cells demonstrated aseries of responses during wound healing. On day 1 post-burn, we observed infiltration of neutrophils into the der-mis followed by lymphocytes and mononuclear macro-phages. This infiltration increased on day 3. Neutrophilswere the predominant infiltrating cells in necrotic tissue,

and their numbers grew or declined depending upon thelength of liquefaction time. Meanwhile, lymphocytes andmononuclear macrophages, mainly located in the residualdermis, dramatically increased during the period of timethat necrotic tissue was being rejected and wound repairwas initiated. These cells remained the dominant cellsimpacting wound repair subsequent to the liquefactionperiod. This study does not resolve questions as regardsthe significance of the space-time distribution of thesecells nor does it answer definitively questions aboutsequential changes. These questions merit further study.However, we do note the remarkable truth that, duringwound healing, the function and activity of the above cellsdirectly or indirectly, alone or cooperatively, participatedin and regulated wound healing.

The study results indicated a staged pathologicalchange of burns wounds when treated with BRT withMEBT/MEBO. Wounds changed in three stages accord-ing to the different time phase postburn: (1) denaturationand necrosis stage, (2) liquefaction stage, and (3) stage ofrepair by regeneration, which may overlap during woundhealing.

The first stage began subsequent to burn injury till day3 and the pathomorphological change was characterizedby the denaturation and necrosis of burns tissue fromwhich we derived the name ‘denaturation and necrosisstage’. We postulated that these changes were the result ofdirect thermal exposure, local microcirculation blockageand other secondary injuries. The minor inflammatoryresponse at this stage had a close correlation with theeffects of MEBT/MEBO. On day 5 postburn, woundliquefaction became conspicuous and climaxed on day10. After this time, liquefaction diminished and we notedless necrotic tissue. The inflammatory response, however,remained correlated with the liquefaction of necrotic tis-sue. Repair by regeneration was noted on day 10 postburnand was manifested mainly by active proliferation ofresidual dermal adnexal epithelia. This stimulated theproliferation of peripheral fibroblasts and endothelia, andfurther formed granulation tissues, leading to final heal-ing by epithelization. After experiencing further differen-tiation and reformation, the regenerated skin finally at-tained the structure of normal skin. This study demon-strates that the effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO deliv-ered similar pathological changes for both deep second-degree and third-degree burns wounds. The only differ-ence lay in the ultimate healing modes.

Remarkably, this study revealed that the healedwounds appeared as flat fully regenerated skin, featuringrestored, viable hair, almost normal skin elasticity andno scar formation. Histomorphological observation con-firmed that the epidermal cells of neoformative skin hadthe equivalent structure as normal epidermis and that theepidermis had good joints with dermis papilla. The healed


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 111

skin demonstrated a fully functional and integrated der-mis-epidermis junction. The initially infantile and activefibroblasts gradually grew into stable fibrocytes. Arterio-lae and venulae with thick walls and integrated structurereplaced the neoformative capillaries. Collagenous fiberswere uniform in thickness and orientated fascicularly,without the presence of whirl-like and nodular arrange-ment. Follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands as wellas other dermal accessory organs also regenerated com-pletely. Therefore, we concluded that treatment of deepsecond-degree burns wounds with BRT with MEBT/MEBO results in complete physiological regenerationwith minimal scar formation.


1 Xu RX: Brief introduction on Chinese moist medical science for burns.Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1996;8:1–6.

2 Wang GS, Jian WG: Pathological changes of rabbit with experimentalburns treated by MEBO and investigation of the mechanism of action.Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1992;4:7–11.

3 Zhang XZ, Cheng SR: A case report: Electron microscopic observation onburn wound treated with MEBO. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers1992;4:6–9.

4 Zhao YL, Wang Y: Electron microscopic observation on the effect ofMEBO in treating deep burn wound. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers1995;7:1–5.

5 Fang ZY, Wu ZL: Burn Theory and Practice. Shenyang, Liaoning Scienceand Technology Publishing House, 1989, pp 12–14.

6 Fu XB, Wang DW: Basis of Trauma Repairing. Beijing, People’s MilitaryMedical Press, 1997, pp 14–30.

7 Wu ZB: Basis of Ultra-Micro-Pathology. Beijing, People’s Health Press,1990.

Clinical Procedure and Histological Observationof Full-Thickness Burns Treated with BRT withMEBT/MEBO: A Case Report


A 20-year-old female patient sustained a 35% TBSAburn secondary to exposure to gasoline fire (15% deeppartial-thickness and 20% full-thickness loss). The patientwas hospitalized at 12 h postburn and was diagnosed assuffering with full-thickness loss (third-degree) burns onboth lower extremities. The epidermis was necrotic anddetached and the dermal layer was degenerated andnecrotic with a waxy yellow and waxy white appearance(fig. 39a). The pathological section examination of thesampled local wound tissues revealed necrosis of full-thickness epidermis and dermis, degeneration and struc-tural disturbance of collagenous fibers in dermis, andmicrocirculation stasis (fig. 39b).


After admission, the patient was treated initially withMEBO burns ointment to protect burn tissue before weperformed skin cultivation and relief as per our BRT pro-tocol. At 48 h postburn, the wounds began to liquefy andthe liquefaction was complete by day 4 (fig. 40). Theliquefied products were gently removed from the woundsurface before MEBO was reapplied every 3–4 h.

Repeat biopsy at the same burned location was per-formed for pathological examination. The results showedmassive granular tissues among the necrotic epithelial tis-sue, a proliferation of newly regenerated epithelial cellswith collagenous fibers, as well as the typical skin em-bryonic base (EB) (fig. 41a, b). After a 10-day applicationof MEBO, the comparably primitive epithelial tissueswere observed under pathological examination of epithe-lial tissues sampled from the wound edge.

Fig. 39. a A 20-year-old female patient sustained a 35% TBSA burnsecondary to exposure to gasoline fire (15% deep partial-thicknessand 20% full-thickness loss). b Necrosis of full-thickness epidermisand dermis, degeneration and structural disturbance of collagenousfibers in dermis, and microcirculation stasis. HE. !20.


112 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 40. On day 4, the wounds began to liquefy under the action ofMEBO, and the wound skin began to regenerate.

At 20 days post-treatment with MEBO, the pathologi-cal examination of deep burns wounds tissue showed thepresence of the newly formed intact stratified squamousepithelium. The epithelial cells of the superficial layerappeared normal. Appearance of the collencytes and mi-croangium in the dermis layer was typical. On day 30post-treatment, epithelial tissues showed a remarkabledegree of regeneration (fig. 42a), and skin structure wasalmost normal (fig. 42b).

Immunohistochemical ExaminationTwenty days post-treatment with BRT with MEBT/

MEBO, wound tissue was examined and the resultsshowed the clear appearance of collagenous fibers in epi-thelial tissue and subcutaneous tissue. Argentaffin stain

Fig. 41. a Group proliferation of newly regenerated epithelial tissuesand collagenous fibers as well as typical skin embryonic base (EB).b The skin EB formed by microangium, collagenous fibers and epi-thelium (stem cell) in newly regenerated epithelial tissues. HE. !40.

Fig. 42. a On day 30 post-treatment, wound tissue showed good pro-cess of regeneration. b Day 30 post-treatment, epidermis and dermisshowed physiological structure.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 113

indicated active regeneration of reticular fibers. The re-ticular fibers around the small blood vessels of subcuta-neous tissue appeared relatively normal. The basal cells ofepidermis regenerated actively (fig. 43a, b).

Thirty days after BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment,the regenerated and repaired epithelial tissue was AE3stained. The pictures showed positive proteins of squa-mous epithelium, brown-stained cytoplasm and blue-stained nucleus of granular cells in epidermis (fig. 43c, d).

AE1 stain showed negative proteins of glandular epi-thelium, which is representative of glandular epitheliumalready transformed into squamous epithelium (fig. 43e).

Electron-Microscopic Observation On the day of injury, the epithelium showed necrotic

degeneration, and the monocytes showed a clear nuclearshift with karyopyknosis and even phagocytosis (fig. 44).

Five days post-treatment with MEBO, we noted activegrowth of fibrocytes and fibroblasts (fig. 45).

Fig. 43. a Active regeneration of the basement membrane in the basallamina of the epidermis. Argentaffin. !40. b Reticular fibers aroundthe small blood vessel in the dermis stained black. Argentaffin. !40.c Positive protein of squamous epithelium (indicating spontaneousself-regeneration and repair). AE3. !20. d Same as figure 46a. AE3.!40. e Negative protein of glandular epithelium. AE1. !20.


114 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 44. On the day of injury, nuclear shift, karyopyknosis and phago-cytosis of monocyte is seen. TEM. !8,000.

Fig. 45. Five days post-treatment with BRT, active growth of fibro-blast. TEM. !2,000.

Ten days post-treatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, we noted the appearance in epidermis of echino-cytes and desmosome in the stratum spinosum (fig. 46a,b), granular cells in stratum granulosum, and melano-somes in the basal cell layer (fig. 46c, d). We also observedphagocytes active around the small vessels, indicatingrecovery of function (fig. 46e).

Twenty days post-treatment, we noted the appearanceof the hemidesmosome junction between the basal celllayer and epithelia. Active mitochondria and RER infibroblasts also appeared (fig. 47a–c).

Thirty days post-treatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, with the regeneration and repairing of epitheliumalmost complete, collagenous fibers were mature with a

diameter of 0.1–0.5 Ìm and arranged in an orderlyfashion (fig. 48). Light and dark periodic cross-striation(64 nm) was also observed. No pathomorphologicalchanges of collagenous fibers such as distortion, helicoid(whirlpool) or cauliflower-like were observed.

After wound healing, functional exercises and physio-therapy of the lower extremities were required. MEBOwas continued as ordinary skin oil. The patient healedand was discharged home on day 45 postburn.

Effect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO on theExpression and Regeneration of EpidermalRegenerative Stem Cells


As an innovative therapeutic system in burns therapy,BRT with MEBT/MEBO has enjoyed wide clinical accep-tance as part of a protocol including the topical drug oint-ment MEBO. This therapeutic system successfully solvedfour major clinical problems: pain, wound infection, pro-gressive necrosis, and scarring in deep second-degreeburns wounds. Recently, a new landmark innovation, theregeneration and replication of skin tissue in the subcuta-neous fat tissue of full-thickness burns wounds, has beenaccomplished by this innovative protocol. We know thatno stem cells remain in the basal layer of epidermis ofdeep second-degree and superficial third-degree burnswounds. Therefore, we investigated the source of theregenerative epidermal stem cells which makes the fattylayer burns wounds repair spontaneously. This study wasdesigned to observe dynamic changes in the regenerativeepidermal stem cells of deep burns wounds tissues usingthe immunocytochemistry method.

Materials and Methods

Tissue samples were taken from both normal skin and burnswounds of the following 2 burns patients who received BRT withMEBT/MEBO treatment as first aid immediately after the burnsincident.

Case 1. A 6-year-old boy was scalded by hot water on his back andboth lower limbs with an area of 33% TBSA and depth of deep sec-ond-degree.

Case 2. A 24-year-old male sustained flame burns on his fourextremities with an area of 25% TBSA, and depth of deep second-degree and superficial third-degree.

Tissue samples of the injured areas were taken from wounds ofthe 2 patients at 24 h and on 4, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days postburn. Thesamples were placed in plastic tubes and frozen immediately in liq-uid nitrogen, then embedded in Tissue-Tek OCT Compound andfrozen in liquid nitrogen. Sections of 10 Ìm thickness were made in aconstant freezing microtome.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 115

Fig. 46. a 10 days post-treatment. Desmosome junctions among fourechinocytes. TEM. !3,500. b Desmosome 10 days post-treatmentwith MEBO. TEM. !20,000. c Granular cells 10 days post-treat-ment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO. TEM. !20,000. d Melano-somes in basal cell layer 10 days post-treatment with BRT withMEBT/MEBO. TEM. !6,000. e 10 days post-treatment, phagocytesshow active phagocytosis. TEM. !6,000.

Indirect immunofluorescence staining with a biotin-avidin DCSsystem was performed. The frozen section was incubated with 10%horse serum at 4°C for 20 min, then a diluted (1:20) solution ofmouse anti-human keratin type 19 monoclonal antibody (the 1stantibody) was added and the mix was again incubated overnight at4°C. Subsequent to washing with phosphate buffer solution, the sec-tion was added to 7.5 Ìg/ml of biotinized horse anti-mouse IgG anti-body (the 2nd antibody, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, Calif.,

USA) and incubated at 4 °C for 1 h. After another washing, 10 Ìg/mlof biotin-avidin DCS (Vector Laboratories) was added and incubatedat 4°C for 1 h. The section was rinsed and then mounted with glycer-in containing 10% PBS and 1% p-phenylenediamine. A control sec-tion of normal skin was stained in the same way, but without addingthe 1st antibody. All specimens were observed under an Olympusreflecting fluorescence microscope (Japan) and photos were takenusing ASA400 KODAK films.


116 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 47. a 20 days post-treatment, the epithelia adhered with hemi-desmosome and fibroblast in the basal cell layer. TEM. !3,000. b 20days post-treatment, active mitochondrion and rough endoplasmicreticulum in the fibroblast. TEM. !17,000. c Same as figure 47b.TEM. !20,000.

Fig. 48. 30 days post-treatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, thecollagenous fibers are in orderly arrangement with a diameter of 0.1–0.5 Ìm and have light and dark periodic cross-striation (64 nm).TEM. !20,000.


Immunocytochemical examinations were made onnormal skin and burns wounds tissue sections treatedwith specific mouse anti-human keratin type 19 mono-clonal antibody. The results revealed that in the normalcontrols of both cases, there were few positive numbers ofepidermal stem cells with keratin type 19 (fig. 49a).Wound tissue at 24 h postburn showed a moderateamount of positive epidermal regenerative stem cells(fig. 49b) and on day 4 postburn, the number of positiveepidermal stem cells around the sweat gland, capillariesand hair follicles increased (fig. 49c). On days 7 (fig. 49d)and 14 (fig. 49e), epidermal stem cells containing humankeratin type 19 continually increased and exceeded thelevel attained at day 4 postburn, before gradually reachinga peak level. Prior to days 21 (fig. 49f) and 28 (fig. 49g)postburn, the number of positive regenerative stem cellsdecreased to a certain level as the burns wounds pro-gressed to healing. The observation showed that, aftertreatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, the prolifera-tion status of the potential regenerative stem cell of theburns patients changed at a regular rate. We propose thatregenerative stem cells may be the source of epidermalregenerative stem cells. The glowing fluorescent cellsfound observed under the microscope represented thepotential regenerative stem cells in the wound tissues ofdeep second- and superficial third-degree burns. Aftertreatment with MEBO, these stem cells may aid the deeppartial thickness burns wounds to heal without scar for-mation and aid the superficial full-thickness burns woundto regenerate skin while healing spontaneously.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 117

Fig. 49. Stained frozen sections using mouse anti-human keratin type19 monoclonal antibody. Biotin-avidin DCS system, indirect immu-nofluorescence technique. !200. a Normal skin. No keratin type 19positive cells. b 24 h postburn. After treatment with BRT, a moderateamount of keratin type 19 positive cells can be seen. c On day 4 post-burn after treatment with MEBO, keratin type 19 positive cellsincreased. d After treatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, on day 7postburn, the number of keratin type 19 positive cells reached a peak.e On day 14 postburn after treatment, the number of keratin type 19positive cells remained at the same peak level as on day 7. f Aftertreatment with BRT with MEBT/MEBO, on day 21 postburn, thenumber of keratin type 19 positive cells decreased. g After treatmentwith BRT with MEBT/MEBO, on day 28 postburn, the number ofkeratin type 19 positive cells decreased significantly.


118 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


BRT with MEBT/MEBO promotes the activation andproliferation of epidermal regenerative stem cells in theresidual viable tissue of superficial full-thickness burnswounds, and these stem cells play a unique role in thespontaneous wound healing of deep burns.


Research on the cell cycle has revealed that cell divi-sion is closely related to physiological regeneration andwound repair [1–11]. Some cells stay at phase G0 or G1 fora long time and will not proliferate unless the conditionbecomes favorable. But some cells can undergo contin-uous division yielding daughters destined to differentiateto mature cells, while others retain their ability to contin-uously proliferate. These are termed ‘stem cells’. Stemcells in the basal layer of the epidermis are capable of pro-liferating continuously. Newly proliferated cells move up-wards until reaching the deep area of the stratum spino-sum layer, where they replicate two or three times beforelosing their proliferative ability.

In deep second- and third-degree burns wounds, thewhole epidermis and deep part of dermis are damaged soall resident stem cells in the basal layer of epidermis aredestroyed. The residual viable mesenchymal cells aroundthe hair follicles, sweat glands and capillaries in subcuta-neous tissue may provide a source of available regenera-tive epidermal stem cells. These stem cells can synthesizespecific cellular keratin type 19, and therefore can beidentified immunocytochemically. In this study, anti-human keratin type 19 monoclonal antibody was used.With the biotin-avidin DCS system and the indirectimmunofluorescence technique, specific and exact detec-tion of residual epidermal regenerative stem cells in thesubcutaneous tissue of deep second- and superficial third-degree burns wounds is accomplished. We observed thenumber of potential regenerative stem cells with the posi-tive label of human keratin type 19 reaching the peak levelon 7–14 days postinjury in burns wounds treated withBRT with MEBT/MEBO. The immunofluorescent cellswere epidermal stem cells, which induced the fatty layerburns wound to repair spontaneously. Therefore, we con-clude that BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment activatesthe dormant potential epidermal regenerative stem cell toproliferate, thereby ensuring the spontaneous repair andhealing of deep burns wounds without scar formation.BRT with MEBT/MEBO treatment eliminates the life-time of pain caused by the hyperplastic scars of patientswith deep burns.

After transformation and differentiation, the epider-mal regenerative stem cells can yield cells capable of syn-thesizing other types of keratin, i.e. keratin types 9 and 16.

These cells still have the ability of transformation and cantransform into the cells capable of synthesizing harderkeratin – types 1 and 10. These are the typical types ofkeratin contained in mature epidermal cells. This findingproved that MEBO has the effect of promoting the activa-tion, proliferation and transformation of epidermal stemcells.

It has been reported that when the cells are awokenfrom their dormant phase, the first activated protein iscyclin D. We know that cyclin D can only be expressedafter being stimulated by growth factors. For eukaryotes,cells at phase G1 can either enter into the proliferationstate or withdraw from the cell cycle. The main regulatorof the phase G1 limiting point is the cyclin D1/CDK4 com-plex. In order to further investigate the mechanisms of theeffect of BRT with MEBT/MEBO, we will continue ourresearch on the gene regulation for the proliferation cycleof epidermal regenerative stem cells.


1 Xu RX: Conspectus of Chinese moist burn therapy. Chin J Burns WoundsSurface Ulcers 1996;8:1–7.

2 Zhao JX: Experience with MEBT/MEBO in treating burn wounds. Chin JBurns Wounds Surface Ulcers 1999;11:16–17.

3 Xiao M: Clinical observation on MEBT/MEBO promoting severe burnwounds to regenerate and recover. Chin J Burns Wounds Surface Ulcers1999;11:18–20.

4 Xu ZL, Parker SB, Minkoff R: Distribution of type IV collagen, laminin,and fibronectin during maxillary process formation in the chick embryo.Am J Anat 1990;187:232–236.

5 Grana X, Reddy EP: Cell cycle control in mammalian cells: Role of cyclins,cyclin dependent kinases (CDKS), growth suppressor genes, and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIS). Oncogene 1995;11:211–215.

6 Fuchs E, Green H: Multiple keratins of cultured epidermal cells are trans-lated from different MRNA molecules. Cell 1979;17:573–577.

7 Lindberg K, Rheinwaid JG: Suprabasal 40 kD keratin (K19) expression asan immunohistologic marker of premalignancy in oral epithelium. Am JPathol 1989;134:89–98.

8 Bartek J, Bartkova J, Schneider J, et al: Patterns of expression of keratin 19as detected by monoclonal antibodies in human breast tissues and tumors.Int J Cancer 1985;36:299–306.

9 Cohen IK, Mc Coy BJ: Wound healing; in Goldsmith IA (ed): Biochemistryand Physiology of the Skin. New York, Oxford University Press, 1983,vol 1, pp 462–474.

10 Zhang SQ, Wang YC (eds): Cell Cycle Control: Tendency of Cell Biology.Beijing, Beijing Normal University Press, 1996, vol 1, pp 46–60.

11 De Cherney AH, Dougherty WR, Rodgers KE, et al: Expression of cyclinprotein after thermal skin injury in a guinea pig model. J Burn Care Rehab1997;18:292–296.



Clinical Reports of Burns Regenerative Medicine andTherapy (MEBT/MEBO)


Clinical Trial Report of Burns RegenerativeMedicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO):Multicenter Study


In order to further examine and evaluate the thera-peutic effects, main indications and possible side effectsof BRT (MEBT/MEBO) in burns treatment, this multi-center study was designed to conduct a MEBO phase IIIclinical trial. In this trial, MEBO was used for treatingvast numbers of burns patients of both sexes and variedages, all suffering burns from different causes, occurringat different sites, encompassing varied areas and penetrat-ing to varied depths.

The phase III trail was carried out at five branch cen-ters of the China National Science and Technology Centerfor Burns, Wounds and Ulcers. These centers are thedepartments of five general hospitals located, respective-ly, in the cities of Changsha, Taishan, Dalian, and Na-nyang, China. The trail period spanned January 1 1996 toJune 30 1999.

Materials and Methods

Clinical DataGeneral InformationFive hundred and eight hospitalized burns patients were ob-

served. They were divided randomly into two groups: treatmentgroup (MEBO group) and control group (silver sulfadiazine (SD-Ag)group). There were 363 patients in the treatment group, 282 malesand 81 females (male:female = 3.5:1), aged 10 days to 73 years (aver-age 28.4 B 15.5 years), who were treated with MEBO. 145 patientswere in the control group, 122 males and 23 females (male:female =5.3:1), aged 8 months to 72 years (average 29.2 B 12.1 years).

Causes of BurnsThe most frequent causes of burns injury in this trial were flame

and hot liquid – 211 cases (41.5%) and 202 cases (39.8%), respective-ly. 58 burns were caused by chemicals (11.4%), and among thesechemical burns, 28, 26, and 4 cases were injured by acid (5.5%),alkali (5.1%), and phosphorus (0.8%), respectively. 22 cases had elec-tric burns, accounting for 4.3%. The remaining 15 cases (3.0%) wereaccidental scalding by hot solid metal. The burn causes of both thetreatment and the control groups were comparable.

Anatomical Regions of BurnsThe anatomical regions of burns are shown in table 60. In both

groups, the burns often involved the extremities, hands or the headand neck regions of the body. The predilection for these smaller ana-tomic areas sustaining the majority of the burns may be understoodsince there are: (1) the most easily exposed at the time of burn,(2) the upright nature of the human being, and (3) the use of these

extremities in attempts to extinguish the fire or remove scaldingclothing.

Patient AssessmentExtent and Depth of Burns Wounds (table 61). The largest burns

area was 94% TBSA, and the largest third-degree wound was 82%TBSA. In 508 cases of this trial, there were 106 (20.9%) extensiveburns patients with TBSA 150%, 75 cases in the treatment group and31 cases in the control group. The wounds show no significant differ-ences between the two groups (p 1 0.05).

Burn Severity. According to the national standard of classifica-tion, the burn severity of the patients is shown in table 62. There areno obvious differences between the two groups (p 1 0.05).

Burn ManagementLocal Wound TreatmentGenerally, exposure therapy was adopted in both groups. The

occlusive method was used unless the individual requirement con-traindicated it. In both groups, the superficial and deep partial-thick-ness wounds were permitted to heal spontaneously. Skin graftingcould be performed in order to repair full-thickness burns wounds atthe appropriate time.

In the treatment group, patients received standard burns regener-ative therapy (MEBT) throughout the treatment procedure, withMEBO ointment being applied to the wounds at a thickness of 0.5–1 mm every 4–6 h. No conventional debridement was required.

In the control group, the wounds were treated with 1% silver sul-fadiazine (SD-Ag) cream or paste according to the typical SD-Ag pro-tocols after debridement.

Systemic TreatmentSystemic treatment was delivered as required by the patients’

conditions. These systemic treatments included anti-shock, anti-infection, and nutritional support.

In the control group, the anti-shock regime was the standard re-suscitation protocol of burns surgery.

In the treatment group, the following formula was recommendedas a guideline for estimating daily fluid requirements during 48–72 hafter injury:

Total amount of fluid infusion (ml) =

Physiological water needs + 1 ml/kg ! 1% TBSA(second and third degree) ! 1 kg body weight

Amount of hourly urine output (ml)/1 kg body weight ! (ml/kg)

In both adults and children, the desirable denominator should bemonitored, adjusted and maintained at a value of 1 ml.

Clinical Observation IndexHealing Process and Wound AppearanceAny changes in the wound during the whole treatment process

were observed and recorded. We noted the presence or absence ofinfection, regeneration and growth of epithelium, need for skin graft-ing as opposed to spontaneous healing, duration of healing time, andformation and characteristic of scar, etc.

Standard of Wound Healing. Complete healing of all wounds inpatients with total body surface area (TBSA) !50% burned; residualwound healing is less than 5% in patients with TBSA 150% burned.


120 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 60. Frequency of anatomical regions burned in 508 patients of this trial


Neck Leftarm








Trunk Perineum/genital

Treatment groupn 304 293 310 317 243 263 360 373 127 130 135 57% 59.8 57.8 61.0 62.2 47.2 52.7 70.8 73.4 25.0 25.6 26.6 11.2

Control groupn 92 83 97 84 96 98 90 81 62 54 98 22% 63.4 57.2 66.9 57.3 66.2 67.6 62.1 55.9 42.8 37.2 67.6 15.1

Table 61. Extent and depth of burns woundsGroup(n)

TBSA% (n)

Superficialsecond-degree% (n)

Deepsecond-degree% (n)

Third-degree% (n)

Treatment group 29.9B18.1 9.2B8.2 17.7B13.7 11.9B11.7(363) (363) (310) (285) (150)

Control group 31.3B16.4 10.4B7.3 16.9B1.8 12.8B7.4(145) (145) (135) (128) (56)

Table 62. Classification of burns severity

Group (n) Mild

n %


n %


n %


n %

Treatment group (363) 96 26.4 110 30.3 83 22.6 75 20.7Control group (145) 48 33.1 42 29.0 24 16.6 31 21.3

Assessment of Pain during Treatment and Changing DressingPain sensation during treatment was classified by the following

four levels:– 0: No pain, infant and young patients remaining quiet.– I: Mild pain, infant and young patients remaining quiet.– II: Moderate pain but bearable in adults, infant and young pa-

tients crying, wounds bleeding.– III: Unbearable severe pain, wounds bleeding, analgesic required.

Evaluation of the Analgesic EffectThe analgesic effect was classified as the following five levels:

– Excellent: Relief of wound pain within 10 min after application ofMEBO burns ointment.

– Good: Alleviation of wound pain within 10 min and relief within30 min after application of MEBO.

– Fair: Alleviation of wound pain within 30 min after application,with no analgesic required.

– Poor: Wound pain not alleviated within 30 min after application,with analgesic required.

– Very poor: Aggravation of wound pain after application, withanalgesic required.

ComplicationsLocal Complications. These were observed mostly if wound infec-

tion occurred during treatment, such as serious inflammation of nor-mal tissue surrounding a wound, wound cellulitis, sub-crustal/sub-

eschar empyema, bleeding and necrosis of newly regeneration tissuesresulting in inactive growth, etc.

Systemic Complications. These were observed with the incidence ofany systemic complication such as hypovolemic shock, cardiac failure,renal failure, respiratory failure and adult respiratory distress syn-drome, hemorrhage of upper digestive tract, sepsis or septicemia, etc.

Toxicity and Side Effects of the Topical MedicinesHematological, biochemical and serological tests were carried out

to ascertain the degree of toxicity and side effects of the topical medi-cines. The potential for localized skin or systemic allergic reactions tothe topical medicines used in this trial was also monitored.


Wound Healing ModeSuperficial Second-Degree Burns WoundsThe average healing time in the treatment group was

determined to be significantly shorter than that of thecontrol group. Remarkably, whereas no scarring occurredin the treatment group, by comparison, scar formation ofsuperficial second-degree wounds did occur in the controlgroup, which was treated with SD-Ag (table 63).


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 121

Table 63. Comparison of healing modeof superficial second-degree wound Group (n) Area, % Spontaneous

healing timedays

Scar formation

n %

Treatment group (310) 9.7B8.2 9.1B3.6 0 0Control group (135) 10.4B7.3 13.5B2.7 * 5 3.7 **

Compared with treatment group: * t = 9.582, p ! 0.01; ** ¯2 = 11.612, p ! 0.01.

Table 64. Comparison of healing mode of deep second-degree wounds

Group (n) Area, % Spontaneoushealing timedays

Skin grafting

n %

Scar formation

n %

Treatment group (285) 17.7B13.7 20.3B3.1 2 0.7 38 20.4Control group (128) 16.9B11.8 27.2B3.4* 11 8.5** 81 63.3***

Compared with treatment group: * t = 11.977, p ! 0.01; ** ¯2= 17.609, p ! 0.01;*** ¯2 = 72.906, p ! 0.01.

Table 65. Comparison of healing mode of third-degree wounds

Group (n) Area, % Healing timeby skingrafting, days

Skin grafting

n %

Scar formation

n %

Treatment group (150) 11.9B11.7 38.1B7.1 65 43.3 72 48.0Control group (56) 12.8B7.4 42.9B5.5 47 83.9* 51 91.1**

Compared with treatment group: * ¯2 = 27.086, p ! 0.01; ** ¯2 = 31.440, p ! 0.01.

Deep Second-Degree Burns WoundsMost deep second-degree wounds in the treatment

group healed spontaneously. The spontaneous healingtime in the treatment group was significant less than thatof the control group, as were the incidences which re-quired skin grafting and which resulted in scar formation(table 64). These results indicate that treatment withMEBO promotes superior wound healing.

Third-Degree Burns WoundsThe majority of third-degree burns wounds in the con-

trol group were healed by skin grafting, in contrast to43.3% in the treatment group. The rate of scar formationin the control group was markedly higher than that in thetreatment group (table 65).

Analgesic Effect and Alleviation of Pain Sensationduring TreatmentRegarding both the analgesic effect and severity of pain

sensation during treatment and changing dressing, pa-

tients in the treatment group were all dramatically superi-or to the control group (tables 66, 67).

Wound InfectionThe incidence rate of wound infection in the control

group was significantly higher than that of the treatmentgroup (table 68). This finding confirmed that treatmentwith MEBO controls wound infection effectively.

Toxicity and Side EffectsIn this trial, no toxicity, deleterious side effects, local or

systemic allergic reactions were found in either group.

Effects on Extensive Burns PatientsIn both groups, the patients suffering TBSA !50%

burns were discharged with complete healing. In eachgroup, 106 patients were extensively burned. Each of the75 extensive burns patients (TBSA 150%) in the treat-ment group was healed. The cure rate for extensive burnsin the treatment group was 100%. There were no deleteri-


122 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Table 66. Comparison of analgesic effect after application of topical medicines

Group (n) Excellent

n %


n %


n %


n %

Very poor

n %

Treat group (363) 204 56.2 142 39.1 17 4.7 0 0 0 0Control group (145) 10 6.9* 29 20.0* 65 44.8* 31 21.4* 10 6.9*

Compared with treatment group: * ¯2 1 50, p ! 0.01.

Table 67. Comparison of pain sensation during the treatment and dressing changes

Group (n) 0

n %


n %


n %


n %

Treatment group (363) 176 48.5 165 45.5 22 6.0 0 0Control group (145) 5 7.4* 31 21.4* 70 48.3* 39 26.9*

Compared with treatment group: * ¯2 1 50, p ! 0.01.

Table 68. Comparison of wound infection between the two groups

Group (n) Wound infection

n %

Treatment group (363) 28 15.98Control group (145) 57 39.31**

Compared with treatment group: ** ¯2 150, p ! 0.01.

ous side effects noted in the treatment group. On the otherhand, 2 of the 31 extensive burns patients in the controlgroup died and 18 of them were discharged with someresidual wounds. The total cure rate for the control groupwas 73.7%, while the rate of improvement was 24% andmortality rate 2.3%. We conclude from these results thatit is very safe to use burns regenerative medicine and ther-apy (MEBT/MEBO) for the treatment of patients withmassive burns.


Purpose of This TrialIn 1988, the Public Health Ministry of China approved

MEBO as a ‘national grade new topical medicine forburns wound treatment’. Since then, millions of domesticand overseas burns patients have been treated withMEBT/MEBO, and the total cure rate remains more than99%. In 1991, according to the 10-year plan of the PublicHealth Ministry of China, MEBT/MEBO was listed asone of the first ten significant medical achievementswhich merited announcement across the country. How-ever, as the changes in pathology and pathophysiologyafter burns are very complicated, many questions are notquite clearly answered as of this printing. For example, itis asserted by proponents of conventional burns surgerythat deep partial-thickness burns wounds cannot behealed without scar formation. In our opinion, that asser-tion is not substantiated. We also suggest a more open-minded investigation prior to agreeing unquestioninglywith another assertion that full-thickness burns wounds

must be healed by skin grafting. We also query whetherfull-thickness burns wounds might be better treated sothat a spontaneous healing mode might be facilitated.How safe and effective would MEBT/MEBO be is offeredthroughout the entire treatment procedure in a patientwith full-thickness burns wounds? Would there be anydeleterious side effects? In order to answer these ques-tions, we designed a multicenter study on an MEBO phaseIII clinical trial.

Reason for Selecting SD-Ag as a Topical Medicine forControlIt is well known that since the 1960s, SD-Ag has been

considered the optimal topical medicine for the treatmentof burns wounds. Accordingly, SD-Ag is usually selectedas a classical control to examine and compare new topicalmedicines. However, more and more physicians have rec-ognized that SD-Ag offers only a mild topical antibioticbenefit. The physiological consequence of SD-Ag exposedapplication to a burns wound will promote desiccation


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 123

and scarring of the wound. While SD-Ag offers a degree ofprevention of wound infection, it does so at the expense ofwound regeneration and tissue repair because SD-Aginhibits these healthy recovery processes. In an effort toreduce the negative consequences of SD-Ag on tissueregeneration, a modification of SD-Ag application wasdeveloped whereby more frequent applications in anocclusive manner strove to enhance the retention of tissuemoisture. However, when SD-Ag cream has been used atan increased frequency to avoid wound desiccation, manydisadvantages occur including toxicity, and other sideeffects of using SD-Ag have been reported. These include:transient leukopenia; sulfonamide hypersensitivity andkernicterus; argyria; local reactions of burning, itchingand skin rash; delayed separation of burn eschar andregeneration of epithelial cells resulting in an increase ofscar formation; increase of bacterial resistance, etc. Thepharmacological mechanism of MEBO to treat burnswounds is completely different from SD-Ag. MEBO canpromote the regeneration of survival viable skin tissueand cells, then accelerate wound healing by keeping burnswounds in a three-dimensional physiological moist envi-ronment while simultaneously facilitating the liquefac-tion and discharge of necrotic tissues without causing fur-ther injury to viable tissue. MEBO achieves its infectioncontrol by means of enhancing the resistance of local tis-sue to infection in the context of an environment which isno longer conducive to bacterial colonization and prolif-eration. Rather than exercising a direct bactericidal ac-tion, MEBO changes the biological characteristics anddecreases the toxicity and invasive activity of bacteria.Therefore, we selected SD-Ag as a control to clarify theirrefutably superior therapeutic effects of MEBO as com-pared to the industry’s standards.

Effects of MEBO on Burns Wounds ManagementAccording to the results of this trial, MEBO promotes

burns wound healing for each depth of wound. Remark-ably, all of the deep partial-thickness burns woundshealed spontaneously after treatment with MEBO, there-by requiring no skin grafting. The rate of scar formationwas also markedly reduced compared to that of the con-trol group. Furthermore, in this trial, more than half of theclinically diagnosed full-thickness burns wounds could behealed spontaneously by treating with MEBO throughoutthe treatment procedure without requiring any skin graft-ing. Treatment with MEBO provided burns wounds anoptimum physiological environment for regeneration andrepair. Subsequent to application of MEBO, the woundwould heal spontaneously without further damage to via-ble tissue. Therefore, the rates of scar formation, deformi-ty and disability were all significantly decreased com-pared to those of the control group. Meanwhile, it wasfound that in the MEBO treatment group, the incidence

rate of wound infection was significantly reduced com-pared to that in the control group, indicating that MEBOis capable of preventing wound infection.

Analgesic Effect and Alleviation of Pain of MEBOIt was determined in this trial that throughout the

treatment and during dressing changes, the analgesic ef-fect and alleviation of pain in the MEBO treatment groupwas dramatically superior to that of the SD-Ag controlgroup. Unlike SD-Ag which required painful peeling awayof crusted and dried dressing from fragile tissue, treat-ment with MEBO neither aggravated the suffering andpain sensation during the treatment and changing ofdressing, nor did it fail to offer a satisfactory analgesiceffect. The need for an analgesic agent was rare in theMEBO-treated group.

Feasibility of MEBO for Treating Extensive BurnsPatientsIn this trial, 75 extensive burns patients with TBSA

150% were treated by BRT with MEBT/MEBO whichresulted in a 100% success rate whereby all patients werecompletely healed when discharged from the hospital. Notoxicity, side effects and local or systemic allergic reac-tions were found. In contrast, 2 of 31 extensive burnspatients in the SD-Ag control group died and 18 of themwere discharged with some residual wounds. Meanwhile,almost half of the extensive burns patients in the SD-Agcontrol group who were failing treatment due to complica-tions of wound infection, bleeding, severe painful ordelayed healing were switched into the MEBO group forethical reasons, and, despite the relatively late access toMEBO, these patients achieved the same satisfactoryresults. Therefore, it was concluded that treatment withMEBO throughout the clinical procedure for extensiveburns patients was both feasible and safe. In addition, itindicated that when the treatment with SD-Ag for exten-sive burns patients appeared to be unsatisfactory, switch-ing them into a MEBO protocol was reasonable and ap-propriate. MEBO seemed to promote spontaneous heal-ing in the delayed-healing wound and was able to preventor decrease the need for skin grafting.

In conclusion, a clinical display of MEBT/MEBO ontreating superficial and deep partial-thickness burns isshown in figure 50. In figure 51, the clinical procedureand display of MEBT/MEBO on treating facial full-thick-ness burns can be seen. Figure 52 is a clinical graphicreport of the granulation tissue regenerating from burnedbone wounds treated with MEBT/MEBO. Finally, a casereport on the treatment of electrical injury with MEBT/MEBO is shown in figure 53.


124 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 50. a Burns wounds of superficial and deep partial thicknessdegrees on the 1st day after injury. b Applying MEBO directly, treat-ment with MEBT. c On the 3rd day after burn. d On the 4th day afterinjury, the wound of superficial partial thickness degree has started toheal. The wound of deep partial thickness degree has started to beliquefied. e On the 8th day after burn, the wound of superficial par-tial thickness degree has healed completely. The wound of deep par-

tial thickness degree has liquefied. f On the 8th day after burn, thewound of deep partial thickness degree has liquefied. g On the 12thday after injury, most of the necrotic tissue has liquefied and dis-charged and the wound of deep partial thickness degree has started toheal. h On the 15th day after burn, most of the deep partial-thicknesswounds is healed. i On the 25th day after burn, the wound of deeppartial thickness degree has healed completely.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 125


Fig. 51. a Patient with facial burns after exposure to flame. No painsensation, no exudate is observed. b Histological examination ofburns wounds showing full-thickness burns. c Perform ‘skin cultivat-ing and tension relieving’ with unique blade knife on burns wounds.

(For fig. 51d–i see next page.)


126 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 51. d After cultivating, directly apply MEBO according to theprocedure of BRT. e Day 2 postburn. After cleaning the burnswounds covered with MEBO, perform secondary ‘skin cultivatingand tension relieving’ according to MEBT. f An excellent visualexample of the process of wound liquefaction on day 12 postburn.g On day 18 postburn, the necrotic tissues were almost liquefied and

painlessly discharged while subcutaneous tissues were allowed toregenerate new skin. h On day 27 postburn, some burns woundshealed with complete regeneration while other burn lesions were inthe process of healing. i On day 50 postburn, burns wounds healedand skin regenerated physiologically. Note the symmetrical smileand the lack of scarring. Full sensation has returned.


Experimental and Clinical Study on Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy with MEBT/MEBO 127

Fig. 52. a Appearance of burned tibia of left leg. b Removal of thenecrotic tissues at the surface of the bone. c Removal of the necroticperiosteum and outer cortex of tibia with scraper and bone chisel.d Multiple holes drilled in the exposed tibia surface within a distanceof 1.0 cm, deep to viable marrow cavity with minor bleeding.e Appearance of tibial surface after drilling. f Subsequent to the appli-cation of preserved soaked MEBO gauze to cover the wound, withina few days, small granulating buds grew up through the drilled holes.g With continuous treatment with BRT, the granulation tissue devel-oped and spread to form a granulated wound. Skin grafting was thenperformed to close the wound.


128 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 53. a This case involved sustained elec-trical injury to wrist and forearm. The pic-ture shows necrosis of anterior forearmmuscles, radial and ulnar arteries. The in-terosseous artery was viable. The pressurepain point of the upper extremity was at theelbow. b After 55 days of treatment withBRT, the necrotic tissues were liquefiedand discharged while the wound on anteri-or wrist at the site of defective muscles wasfilled with granulation tissue. The wound isnow healing from its margins by epithelialmigration. c In another case, a 9-year-oldpatient was injured by a 150,00-volt electricimpulse on the head. The injury went deepinto the skull. d Two days after the burn,the wound was cleaned and the necrotic tis-sue removed, then multiple holes weredrilled into the skull followed by treatmentwith bone BRT. MEBO was applied direct-ly onto the wound. e Fifteen days aftertreatment with MEBT/MEBO, small gran-ulating buds grew up through the holes.

f Twenty-two days of treatment with BRT and MEBT/MEBO, granulating tissue developed and spread to form agranulated wound and the new epithelial skin island appeared. g Follow-up picture 2 years later. The wound washealed and the skull was completely covered.



Clinical Demonstrations of BurnsRegenerative Medicine and Therapy(MEBT/MEBO) on SuccessfulTreatment of Extensive Burns


Fig. 54. a TBSA 100%, deep second-degree 6%, third-degree 94%,treatment with MEBT/MEBO. b Prof. Rong Xiang Xu evaluatingand directing BRT treatment. c Posterior view of wounds duringtreatment. d The healing image (posterior). e The healing image (an-terior).

Remarkably, rigorous sterile conditions are not re-quired if burns regenerative medicine and therapy(MEBT/MEBO) is used in the care of extensive burnspatients. Basic equipment and general surgical conditionstypically suffice. However, ambient room temperature of32–36°C and careful, well-trained, intelligent nursingcare are required so that removing liquefied product in atimely manner is accomplished. In general, surgical prin-ciples of systemic comprehensive treatment should be fol-lowed. Figure 54a–e shows Prof. Rong Xiang Xu, inven-tor of burns regenerative medicine and therapy (MEBT/MEBO), as he assesses and directs the treatment for aburns patient with deep burns of TBSA 100%.


130 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Extensive Burns Cases with Most Wounds of SuperficialPartial-Thickness

Case 1 (fig. 55a, b)

Fig. 55. Anterior (above) and posterior (below) views. a A 2.5-year-old baby patient, TBSA 70%. b Discharged withcomplete healing after treatment with MEBT/MEBO for only 14 days.


Clinical Demonstrations of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO) onSuccessful Treatment of Extensive Burns



Extensive Burns Cases with Most Wounds of DeepPartial-Thickness

Case 2 (fig. 56a–f)

Fig. 56. a A 21-year-old man, TBSA 98%. b 24 h after treatment with MEBT/MEBO. c, d Regeneration of skin tissueand wound healing on the 30th day after treatment with MEBT/MEBO.

(For fig. 56e–f see next page.)


132 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 56. e At the present time. f Three years post-treatment, the form, structure and function of the new skin isidentical to normal skin (chest and abdomen).

Case 3 (fig. 57a–d)


Clinical Demonstrations of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO) onSuccessful Treatment of Extensive Burns


Fig. 57. a A 28-year-old patient. TBSA 82%. b During the treatmentwith MEBT/MEBO. c Wound repair and physiological healing on the32nd day after treatment with MEBT/MEBO. Anterior and posteriorviews. d At the present time.


134 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy


Extensive Burns Cases with Most Wounds of Full-Thickness

Case 4 (fig. 58a, b)

Fig. 58. a TBSA 94%. Before treatment. b Wound healing on the 40th day after treatment with MEBT/MEBO.


Clinical Demonstrations of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO) onSuccessful Treatment of Extensive Burns


Case 5 (fig. 59a–c)

Fig. 59. a TBSA 93%. Before treatment. b On the 9th day after treat-ment with MEBT/MEBO. c One year later after being healed anddischarged on the 46th day post-treatment with MEBT/MEBO.


136 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Case 6 (fig. 60a–c)

Fig. 60. a Upper and lower: TBSA 90%. Before treatment. b Upper(anterior) and lower (posterior) views: All wounds healed with skinregeneration after 51 days of MEBT/MEBO treatment. c At thepresent time.


Clinical Demonstrations of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO) onSuccessful Treatment of Extensive Burns


Case 7 (fig. 61a–c, 62a–e)

Fig. 61. a TBSA 90%. Before treatment. b The wound healed on the43rd day after treatment with MEBT/MEBO. c At the present time.

Fig. 62. Three years later. a The skin healed spontaneously from deepsecond-degree wounds (chest and abdomen) and had identical ap-pearance as normal skin in structure and function. Note the lack ofscar tissue. b The skin healed spontaneously from wounds mixed ofdeep second- and superficial third-degree burns (inside of left upperarm) and recovered to normal structure and function. c The skinhealed spontaneously from superficial third-degree wounds (back)and almost recovered to normal in structure without obvious scars.

(For fig. 62d–e see next page.)


138 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 62. d The skin healed spontaneously from superficial third-degree wounds (outside of right thigh and knee). Thereare few smooth and soft scars with slight hypo-pigmentation but good elasticity and no hyperplasia or dysfunction.e The scars healed spontaneously from deep third-degree wounds (inside of right thigh and knee). Tissue appearedsmooth and soft without contracture or deformity.

Case 8 (fig. 63a–c, 64a–e)


Clinical Demonstrations of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (MEBT/MEBO) onSuccessful Treatment of Extensive Burns


Fig. 63. a TBSA 95%. Before treatment. b On the 55th day after treat-ment with MEBT/MEBO, the skin tissue regenerated and the woundhealed. c At the present time.


140 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 64. Three years later. a The skin healed spontaneously from deepsecond-degree wounds (dorsal surface of right wrist). The tissueappears completely identical to normal skin in structure and func-tion. b Most skin healed spontaneously from wounds of mixed deepsecond- and superficial third-degree burns (inside of right forearmand wrist). Tissue recovered normal structure with little hypopig-mentation. c The skin healed spontaneously from superficial third-degree wounds (right cheek) with almost normal function (hairgrowth and secretion of sweat glands). d The skin healed sponta-neously from superficial third-degree wounds (chest and abdomen)appearing normal in structure without obvious scars. e Few scarsupon deep third-degree wounds (right shoulder) appeared smoothand soft without contracture or dysfunction.



Clinical Results of Surgical Excisionand Skin Grafting Therapy in theTreatment of Extensive BurnsPatients


Case 1: Male, 23 Years Old. Admission No. 212911(fig. 65a–c)

Final Diagnosis(1) Direct flame burns with 92% TBSA (superficial sec-

ond-degree 2%, deep second-degree 19%, third-degree71%).

(2) Inhalation injury (mild).(3) Hypovolemic shock postburn.(4) Septicemia (Pseudomonas aeruginosa); corneal ul-

cer (Pseudomonas, left eye).

Fig. 65. a Before treatment. b Wound healed by multiple skin grafting at 74 days after injury. c 14 months later, theappearance after plastic and reconstructive operations.


142 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

Fig. 66. a Before treatment (left). b Appearance after the woundshealed and plastic operations (right).

Case 2: Female, 28 Years Old. Admission No. 212918(fig. 66a, b)

Final Diagnosis(1) Direct flame burns with 95% TBSA, third-degree

90%.(2) Inhalation injury.


Clinical Results of Surgical Excision and Skin Grafting Therapy in the Treatment of Extensive BurnsPatients


Case 3 (fig. 67a, b)

Final Diagnosis(1) Direct flame burns with 95% TBSA, third-degree

91%.(2) Inhalation injury.

Fig. 67. a Before treatment. b Most wounds closed after microparticleautografting. Residual granulation wounds on his chest, back, handsand feet were still left for skin grafting later.



A Commentary on Burns Medicaland Regenerative Therapy


A Commentary on Surgical Excision andSkin-Grafting Therapy

Burns therapy with surgical excision and skin graftingis a surgical technique in that it treats the burns woundswith a surgical method. Surgical technique, in essence,treats disease through a destructive means while prioritiz-ing the survival of the patient about the importance of theappearance and function of the burned limb. Before BRTwith MEBT/MEBO was invented, surgical burns therapyhad become a major method of burns treatment. How-ever, subsequent to the invention of burns regenerativemedicine and therapy helpful comparisons have beenmade between both modalities. Impartial investigatorshave learned that deep second-degree burns woundsshould no longer be treated with surgical therapy becauseburns regenerative medicine and therapy is objectivelysuperior to the surgical approach. One remaining indica-tion for the use of surgical excision and skin grafting forthe treatment of burns may involve third-degree burnswith surviving subcutaneous tissues. This, however, mustonly be done after prudent consideration. The indicationof surgical burns therapy should now be defined as: severelarge-area burns reaching the lower layer of superficial fas-cia. Surgical burns therapy should no longer be the majormethod of burns treatment.

This book also introduces the latest technique of skingrafting using cultured composite autografts after surgicalexcision. This new technique aims at overcoming the dif-ficulty of the incorporation of the cultured epithelial auto-graft into the burns wound. This technique can effectivelyprevent ‘autograft exfoliation’ and secondary ulceration.The doctors of the laboratory of Culture Technology, Inc.,Sherman Oaks, Calif., USA, harvested two components ofthe skin, autologous keratinocytes and fibroblasts fromburns patients and cultured them to enhance prolifera-tion, and then combined them to form epidermal and der-mal matrix. Once grown to confluence, the compositeautografts are ready for application to the burn wound.

These results were published in Burns 1999;25:771–779.This technique had been successfully applied in the treat-ment of large-area burns after surgical excision in theBurn Center in Arizona State. While this is a significantstep forward, we must acknowledge that its treating prin-ciple is the same as that of surgical burns therapy. It pro-tects the autograft but cannot avoid the damage or dis-ablement caused by excision. Another comparable disad-vantage to this technique is its expense. Therefore, indica-tion for this technique should be third-degree burns andburns in the muscle layer. This skin grafting using cul-tured composite autografts after surgical excision shouldnot be considered a major method of burns treatment.

A Commentary on Moist-Exposed Burns Therapy

BRT with MEBT/MEBO is a comprehensive thera-peutic technique aiming at treating burns tissue in com-pliance with the law of burns pathogenesis. Comparedwith surgical burns therapy, BRT with MEBT/MEBO is atechnique treating the burns wound in the skin, while sur-gical burns therapy is a technique treating wounds in themuscle. Together, these two approaches, when used ap-propriately, form a complementary therapeutic system.BRT with MEBT/MEBO can be applied for the treatmentof skin burns while surgical burns therapy can be bestapplied to the treatment of muscle burns. Briefly, BRTwith MEBT/MEBO offers unique therapeutic break-throughs in treating skin burns as follows:A BRT with MEBT/MEBO removes the necrotic skin

without causing any damage. Removal of necrotic skinlayer is the first step of burns treatment. Doctors foundno way to remove the necrotic tissue during the pastcentury, except the destructive method which cut awaythe injured wound tissue together with the surroundingsurviving tissues and resulted in further traumatic in-juries. Taking the advantages of the relevant biochemi-cal principles, BRT with MEBT/MEBO can spontane-


146 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

ously remove the necrotic tissue through liquefactionand drainage without causing further injury to the sur-rounding surviving tissue. It alone has successfullyresolved this difficult problem.

B BRT with MEBT/MEBO preserves the surviving tis-sue to the greatest extent currently possible. Burnswound surface is not smooth and a surgical knife can-not distinguish between injured tissue and survivingtissue. Surgeons always excise the surviving tissuetogether with dead tissue and this is a very seriousattack on the patient – at times it can be more seriousthan burns injury itself. Moreover, after excision, thebody surface typically never recovers the loss of subcu-taneous surviving tissue. However, studies demon-strate that, if not excised, this recovery can occur. BRTwith MEBT/MEBO takes advantage of the framestructure of the nutritive base of the drug and the prin-ciple of biochemistry therewith successfully preservingthe surviving tissue.

C BRT with MEBT/MEBO demonstrates that the dreamof skin regeneration has come true. For about a centu-ry, scientists made great efforts to achieve the regenera-tion of injured skin. In the early 20th century, doctorsdiscovered that the subcutaneous tissues survive afterfull thickness third-degree burns and may be capable ofregeneration. However, they did not find an adequatemeasure to achieve this survival and therefore theypursued research on in vitro skin cell culture and trans-plantation of the cultured autograft. By utilizing theregeneration gene for skin information in the subcuta-neous tissue, in concert with the creation of a favorablenurturing environment (one favorable to physiologicalregeneration of the skin), BRT with MEBT/MEBOsuccessfully achieves the skin regeneration within largeareas of deep burns wounds. This achievement greatlydecreased the disablement rate, and increased the sur-vival rate of large-area burns by 50–80% (comparedwith the data published in 1997 and 1994).

D BRT with MEBT/MEBO resolves the problem of painin second-degree burns patients. As any person who hascared for burns patients knows all too well, burns woundpain is the worst aspect of the suffering of superficialburns patients. Surgical treatment aims at saving the lifewithout considering the problem of pain. Surgical oper-ations typically make the pain more serious and manypatients with large-area superficial burns die becausetheir cases worsen after operation. Severe pain causesshock and wound stress regulation disturbance whichcan tip the scales toward multiple system organ failureand death. That is why large-area as well as small-areaburns are described as life-threatening in the burns caretextbooks. Pain remains one of the main causes ofburns-related death in all countries. BRT with MEBT/MEBO takes the advantage of the drug MEBO with

a unique frame structure base to eliminate pain al-most immediately upon application. MEBO covers thewound surface, protects the wound from irritations andrelieves the pain. This unique effect of MEBO finallyresolved the problem of burns wound pain.

E BRT with MEBT/MEBO opens up a new approach tothe prevention and treatment of infection. Local andsystemic infection is a difficult problem of burns treat-ment and today in the era of multidrug resistant patho-gens, we are scarcely further ahead than we were yearsago. Many antibiotics have been applied but the effica-cy proves unsatisfactory. BRT with MEBT/MEBO re-solves this problem by treating the local area in com-pliance with the pathogenesis of the infection of burnswound. This treatment controls infection of burnswound by changing the ecological environment. Con-currently, by applying BRT with MEBT/MEBO to thelarge-area burns, in accordance with the law of system-atic pathogenesis of infections, we discover that BRTwith MEBT/MEBO is capable of mobilizing and coor-dinating the potential physiological energy of the sys-temic wound stress reaction. This alone has successful-ly advanced a systematic anti-infection principle fortreating large-area burns. To be more specific: At theshock stage, when wound stress reaction is on theupsurge, we recommend the systemic application ofbroad spectrum antibiotics with no adverse effect onthe kidney. After this stage, when synthetic metabo-lism of protein begins, we recommend that one stopthe application of any antibiotics. In the whole courseof treatment, if systemic infection occurs occasionally,a single large dose of broad-spectrum antibiotic (onewith no side effects on kidney) is applied. In this fash-ion, BRT with MEBT/MEBO offers a systematicscheme for removing the focus of infection and mini-mizes the dependence upon antibiotics.

F BRT with MEBT/MEBO allows one to create a newantishock scheme. It is a common understanding thatshock is a serious disease of burns. For a long time, nomatter what treating method is adopted, the same stan-dardized fluid infusion antishock scheme is applied.BRT with MEBT/MEBO considers that there shouldbe different antishock schemes for different treatingmethods and different cases. Surgical operation alwaysmakes shock more serious and therefore, fluid infusedto replenish the blood volume is of paramount impor-tance. Remarkably, BRT with MEBT/MEBO does notproduce any new injury. On the contrary, it helps todevelop spontaneous resuscitation. Antishock mea-sures mainly aim at protecting and strengthening thecardiac and renal function. Blood volume replenish-ment is required only according to the principle of gen-eral traumatic surgery. Shock, the greatest killer ofburns patients, is finally tamed.


A Commentary on Burns Medical and Regenerative Therapy 147

G BRT with MEBT/MEBO relieves the economic andmental load of the burns victims. Textbooks over-emphasize that surgical operation is the only methodfor treating burns, so people are frightened of the suf-ferings during the operation and the high cost of thetreatment. In the US, it typically costs a burns patientUSD 150,000 to be treated in the hospital and thisdoes not include the expense of subsequent plastic sur-gery. Because surgical operation requires strictly sterileand isolated wards, such wards are very expensive tobuild and maintain. In western countries, treatingburns victims with burns area over 50% BSA is con-sidered to have no economic value, because most ofthe patients will become disabled. BRT with MEBT/MEBO is very revolutionary in this matter as it doesnot require strictly sterile conditions nor does it re-quire isolation. On the contrary, large-area burns pa-tients can be treated in ordinary hospital wards or evenin battlefield hospitals and they will recover to becomehealthy and normal people. The cost is extremely lowby comparison and small area burns patients, if treatedwith BRT with MEBT/MEBO, do not require hospital-ization.

BRT with MEBT/MEBO can cure burns of differentcauses and different areas, including superficial second-degree, deep second-degree, and full-thickness third-de-gree burns. It is also an ideal technique for granulationtissue regeneration and repair of burns in muscular layerand bone. BRT with MEBT/MEBO is the major methodof burns treatment.

To sum up, what is described above is not speculation.This is clinically demonstrated and despite the skepticismof the reader, responsible investigation into these claimswill convince all that burns therapy has now developedinto a new historic stage. In the past, only surgical excisionand skin grafting were the standard of care and offeredgreat benefit to those whose lives were threatened. Today,however, with the invention of BRT with MEBT/MEBOa major method for burns treatment is available. Eitheralone or in combination with surgical care, we now offeran elevation in the standard of care for the treatment ofburns. As we move together into the 21st century, burnstherapy will continue to develop along the lines of BRTwith MEBT/MEBO.





An Inevitable Outcome of Scientific Research

This book provides an introduction to the existingtherapeutic techniques of local treatment of burnswounds and discusses two therapeutic techniques fortreating burns wounds as regards their historical, scien-tific and technological development. This volume aims ataiding burns medicine researchers and clinicians in devel-oping a correct idea regarding the relative indications ofthe two therapeutic techniques. It is further hoped thatthis volume will assist in the elimination of prejudicebetween different schools as well as to improve the level ofthe comprehensive burns treatment.

Today, there are only two categories of therapeutictechniques for burns treatment worldwide. One is BRTwith MEBT/MEBO, which treats skin burns wounds insuch a manner as to achieve both repair and regenerationby creating a wound environment that optimizes thepotential of remaining viable tissue. Compared to othertreatment protocols, this therapy reduces the rates of scarformation and disability as well as pain suffered and eco-nomic burden more than the other technique, which is asurgical skin grafting technique. This second treatmentprotocol, which aims at treating burns involving wholethickness of the skin and subcutaneous tissues withoutleaving any viable wound tissue in place, is well known toextract a great physiological price in terms of pain, scar-ring and residual suffering. It is also far more expensivethan BRT with MEBT/MEBO. Prior to the invention ofBRT with MEBT/MEBO, widespread utilization of thesurgical technique in the treatment of muscle burns andskin burns was acceptable. However, now that scientificstudies have demonstrated that BRT with MEBT/MEBOis superior in every way, surgical technique is only a rea-sonable standard of care in the treatment of skin burns.This conclusion is now a consensus within academic cir-cles worldwide. Surgical burns therapy was born when noother technique could be applied to treat skin burns. Med-ical researchers and clinicians had been working hard to

find a technique for treating skin burns. The emergence ofBRT with MEBT/MEBO represents a blessing to every-one suffering from burns trauma – both the patients andtheir loyal caregivers. Anyone who has ever cared forburns patients will be relieved and grateful to use BRTwith MEBT/MEBO immediately. BRT with MEBT/MEBO is the realization of the dream of all the medicalworkers and is welcome news to burns patients around theworld.

An Inevitable Outcome of the Development of MedicalScience

Life science research spans a history of more than2,500 years. Medical science is only one part of the lifescience. Medical workers and doctors of successive Chi-nese dynasties took infinite pains in searching for the keyto the door of life science and with it, the ideal methodsfor controlling diseases. In ancient Greece, Hippocratesestablished anatomy and surgery, and laid the founda-tions of modern surgery. Since then, medical workers ofthe east and the west started using plants and herbs fortreating diseases. After the Renaissance, human biochem-istry was established, which laid the foundations for themodern treatment strategy of antagonist chemotherapy.Medical sciences developed along with the developmentof human civilization but the paradigms of medicalscience were slow to change. In the east, the thinkingdeveloped along macro lines of ‘chi’ and patterns of ener-gy flow. Whole plant extracts and consideration of dietpredominated in the east whereas in the west, the focuswas on more narrow and abstract ideas such as activeprinciples of plants, essential elements and ultimatelygenetic dynamics.

The development of medical treatment methods anddrugs lagged behind the development of human civiliza-tion. Despite progress in other areas of human endeavor,the methods and materials for enhancing health and sav-


150 Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy

ing human life are still limited to two categories, i.e. sur-gery and internal medicine. The former, while savinglives, compromises viable tissue as well as future anatomi-cal function. The latter, availing itself primarily of chemi-cals unfavorable to human physiology (e.g. chemothera-py), remains fundamentally antagonistic to tissue healthand vitality. Neither modality cooperates with the endog-enous vital forces and, therefore, medical workers are ill-equipped to facilitate regeneration of tissues and mainte-nance of health. Appreciating the present limitations ofmedical science, all health professionals are encouraged toremain open to new trains of thought, to new methods,techniques and materials, especially those that purport tobe working in harmony with the principles of humanphysiology. The inevitable progress of medical science liesin this direction.

BRT with MEBT/MEBO treats in accordance with theprinciples of human physiology. The techniques and ma-terials of burns regeneration therapy, by being in com-pliance with the law of human life, and aiming as it doesat maintaining normal physiological functions and physi-ological activities, becomes a new paradigm for healing.In this book, we publish the theory of this technique,research results and examples of its clinical application.All the data prove that BRT with MEBT/MEBO, withnew methodology and a new drug (MEBO), points to anew direction in burns medicine research. The success ofBRT with MEBT/MEBO is not only limited to the field ofburns medicine but also sheds light upon the nascentresearch of life medicine itself. Burns wounds are typicaltraumatic wounds and innovations in burns care are gen-erally applicable in the treatment of traumatic wounds ofall kinds. In this book, our data proved that after loss ofepidermal tissue, viable epithelial cells in the sweat glandsof the subcutaneous tissues can, given the appropriateenvironment, transform into epithelial stem cells and thatthese stem cells can, in turn, form new epidermal tissues.This regeneration of epidermal tissue accomplished thefirst cloning of human tissues and organs in the 21st cen-tury. We have demonstrated the inexpensive and potentcloning of a ‘tissue stem cell’. Therefore, the establish-ment of BRT with MEBT/MEBO provides the basis forfurther research in one intriguing aspect of life science –cloning.

The Formation of Burns Medical Therapy in the21st Century

The history of burns therapy as a specialized field ofresearch is less than a hundred years old. While humanshave burned themselves since the dawn of time, no sys-temic intelligent protocols have been established to servemankind in this regard. Hippocrates did record burnstreatment but his methods were not described with anyscientific basis. Subsequently, no specialists in burnsmedicine were formed until after 1930. Research intoburns pathogenesis had not produced any impressivemethods or materials for treating burns wounds alongphysiologic lines. Surgical methods saved lives but leftpatients disfigured and disabled. Surgery, while repre-senting a big step forward, treats the patients while doingnothing to encourage regeneration of the skin. Finally, atthe end of the 20th century, Chinese doctors inventedburns regenerative medicine and therapy, which offeredan entirely new therapy operating in compliance withprinciples of human physiology. Now, as we enter a newcentury and while we pause on that threshold, we all sharethe opportunity to cooperate and combine the best of allapproaches from the east and the west. As describedabove, the technology of the east, i.e. BRT with MEBT/MEBO, should be applied for all burns including muscleburns; while for treating burns in the muscle layer, thetechnology of the west, i.e. surgical excision and skingrafting therapy, should be applied. As a whole, it can becalled integrated east and west burns therapy. In the era ofinformation, any new technology, thinking, method andmaterial when produced, will immediately be known allover the world and the information be shared. New tech-nology is no longer a legendary tree of a doctor that shedscoins when shaken, and the backward technique will nolonger be applied to produce tragedy. We believe that inthe 21st century, people will make greater progress in thefield of burns medicine and the problems will be com-pletely solved as people succeed in the cloning of organs.



Subject Index


Antibiotics, infection prophylaxis after burn injury 41, 42Antimicrobial effects, MEBT/MEBO

anaerobic bacteria infection inhibition 82–87bacterial counts in viable tissue 68–70bacteriostasis 77–82fungal infection inhibition 82–87mechanisms 74–82Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection 70–73

Blood viscosity, MEBT/MEBO effects 60, 62Bone marrow, regenerative medicine 9Burn area assessment, Chinese rule of nines 19Burn depth

clinical evaluation 20–22standardization of diagnosis 34

Burn pathogenesisbiochemical injury phase 13burns regenerative therapy rationale 17physical injury phase 13reject reaction of necrotic tissues 13, 14

Burn pathologyburns regenerative therapy rationale 17MEBO response 92–96morphological changes 14, 15repair changes

deep second-degree burns 15superficial second-degree burns 15third-degree burns 15, 16

standardization of burn depth diagnosis 34three degree four division method of diagnosis 21, 22

Burn severity, classification 23Burns regenerative therapy, see also MEBT/MEBO

historical perspective 2, 3, 6, 11, 12overview 12, 13rationale 17

Burns therapy, historical perspective 1–3

Chinese medicine, historical perspective 5, 6Chinese rule of nines, burn area assessment 19Cultured composite autograft, skin graft outcomes 33, 145

Electron microscopy, studies of MEBO response in burn injurymicrocirculation 108, 109scarring 96–104wound healing 113, 114

Endothelin (ET), MEBT/MEBO effects 61Erythrocyte agglutinative index, MEBT/MEBO effects 60

Erythrocyte transformation kinetics, MEBT/MEBO effects 60Extensive burns

MEBT/MEBO outcomes 129–140surgical excision and skin grafting outcomes 141–143

Extraordinarily severe burns, burn severity classification 23

Fibronectin, MEBO comparative studies in corneal burn model88–92

First aid, MEBT/MEBO 40First-degree burns

diagnosis 20MEBO application guidelines 35MEBT/MEBO therapy 37pathology of three degree four division method of diagnosis 21three degree six division method of diagnosis 22

Gastrointestinal mucosa, regenerative medicine 9

Hematocrit, MEBT/MEBO effects 60, 62Hemorrhoids, MEBO application guidelines 35Histology, MEBO response studies in burn injury 92–96,


Immunoglobulin response, MEBT/MEBO effects 63–68

Kidneyprotection in shock 40, 41regenerative medicine 9

MEBT/MEBOantimicrobial effects

anaerobic bacteria infection inhibition 82–87bacterial counts in viable tissue 68–70bacteriostasis 77–82fungal infection inhibition 82–87mechanisms 74–82Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection 70–73

antishock mechanisms 49, 50clinical trial outcome in China 119–128extensive burns outcomes 129–140fibronectin comparative studies in corneal burn model 88–92hematologic parameter effects 60–62historical perspective 2, 3, 11, 12immunoglobulin response 63–68indications 34limitations 17microcirculation promotion 55–59, 104–111


152 Subject Index

MEBT/MEBO (cont.)ointment

application guidelines 34, 35, 37, 40components 3therapeutic effects 3, 36, 37tissue interactions 36wound debridement 40

popularity of use 3, 16, 36procedures and techniques 12prospects 149, 150rationale 17, 145–147standardized local treatment

treatment comparison with MEBT/MEBO 27–29, 33,40–43, 149

stem cell differentiation promotion 36, 114–118systemic treatment 37wound liquefaction, see Wound liquefactionwound water evaporation prevention 50–54

Microcirculation, MEBT/MEBO promotion 55–59, 104–111Moderate burns, burn severity classification 23Moist-exposed burns treatment and moist-exposed burns ointment,


Nerve, regenerative medicine 9Neutrophil, MEBT/MEBO response 77Nitric oxide, MEBT/MEBO effects 61Nutritional support, MEBT/MEBO 43

Pancreas, regenerative medicine 9, 10Phagocyte, MEBT/MEBO response 82Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MEBT/MEBO effects 70–73

Regenerative medicinebone marrow regeneration 9concept 6funding discrepancy with Western medicine 6, 7gastrointestinal mucosa regeneration 9kidney regeneration 9nerve regeneration 9pancreas regeneration 9, 10prospects 8–12regenerative stem cells 6–8scar-free healing 7skin regeneration 10–12

Scarringelectron microscopy studies of MEBO response in burn injury

96–104regenerative medicine and scar-free healing 7

Second-degree burnsdiagnosis

deep burn subtypes 20–22superficial burn subtypes 20, 21

MEBO application guidelinesdeep burns 35small burns 35superficial burns 35

MEBT/MEBO therapy stagesdeep deep burns 39deep superficial burns 38, 39superficial burns 38

pathology of three degree four division method of diagnosis21, 22

repair changesdeep second-degree burns 15superficial second-degree burns 15

three degree six division method of diagnosis 22Severe burns, burns severity classification 23Shock

management in burn injurycardiac function enhancement 40fluid therapy 41nursing care 41renal function protection 40, 41

MEBT/MEBO antishock effect and mechanisms in rabbit burnmodel 47–50

ß-Sitosterol, MEBO composition 3Skin, regenerative medicine 10–12Skin graft

cultured composite autograft 33, 145extensive burns outcomes 141–143historical perspective 1, 2, 16indications 35rationale 16rejection 2standardized local treatment

treatment comparison with MEBT/MEBO 27–29, 33, 149Skin ulceration, MEBO application guidelines 35Slight burns, burn severity classification 23Stem cell

MEBT/MEBO differentiation promotion 36, 114–118organ cultivation 12regenerative medicine 6–8

Surgical burns therapyextensive burns outcomes 141–143historical perspective 1, 2, 16indications 35rationale 16standardized local treatment

treatment comparison with MEBT/MEBO 27–29, 33, 149

Third-degree burnsdiagnosis 21MEBT/MEBO therapy 39, 40pathology of three degree four division method of diagnosis 21repair changes 15, 16three degree six division method of diagnosis 22

Western medicine, historical perspective 5, 6Wound liquefaction

body temperature regulation 42, 43drainage of wound 42fluid therapy 42organ protection 43trilogy syndrome management 43

Wound water evaporation, MEBT/MEBO prevention 50–54