the faithful navigator’s note - · the faithful navigator’s note: worthy...

Assembly 780 Knights of Columbus 200 E. Kingston Charlotte, NC 28203 Volume 1 10 Issue 1 “The Proudest Boast” March 2014 Inside this issue: Page The Faithful Navigator’s Notes …... 1 The Friar’s Corner …. Assembly 780 Member Questionnaire .. 2 Honor Guard ….. 3 Honor Guard (Cont.) ….. 4 Assembly News ………. 5 Assembly News (Cont.) ………. 6 VAVS Bowling Alley Upgrade... 7 VAVS Bowling Alley Upgrade (Cont.) ..... 8 Culture of Life Update (Cont.) ….. 10 Culture of Life Update ….. 9 Culture of Life Update (Cont.) For The Good of the Order ….. 11 The Faithful Navigator’s Note: Worthy Sir Knights and Brothers All, What a pleasure to be able to communicate to all of you at once. While membership is the life blood of Or- der, communication is what makes that blood flow. We as an assembly owe many people a debt a gratitude for improvements in our communication tools. Chuck Elgin for one with this newsletter and Dan Crockett for our website and email blasts. More modes of communication are planned but we need your help. We clearly understand that no one method works for everyone. Our next mode to reintroduce is our phone tree. However, in order to grow our tree we need to have your correct phone numbers. Please take a moment and fill out the included survey. The survey will provide us the leaves for our phone tree as well as information about what you want us to do. Please be aware we are in the early stages of planning a Memorial Day event, your thoughts and help are always appreciated. I would like to pass on the appreciation I receive from the pastors of the 13 parishes we support; they love our Honor Guard and the love you Sr Knights. In closing know I as well as the Assembly Officers and our wives wish you a spiritually enriching Lenten season as we prepare for our risen Lord. Please take advantage of the Friday Lenten meals at St Matthews, St Vincent De Paul and St Thomas Aquinas. Thanks and God Bless Greg Knights of Columbus | North Carolina | IPSD and FN | [email protected] | 704- 458-2510 | 4909 Ridgetop Trail, Charlotte, NC 28215 Like us on Facebook George L. Gettier Assembly 780 Charlotte North Carolina

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Assembly 780

Knights of Columbus

200 E. Kingston

Charlotte, NC 28203

Volume 1 10 Issue 1 “The Proudest Boast” March 2014

Inside this issue: Page

The FaithfulNavigator’s Notes…...


The Friar’sCorner ….

Assembly 780MemberQuestionnaire ..


Honor Guard ….. 3

Honor Guard(Cont.) …..


Assembly News……….


Assembly News(Cont.) ……….


VAVS BowlingAlley Upgrade...


VAVS BowlingAlley Upgrade(Cont.) ….....


Culture of LifeUpdate (Cont.)…..


Culture of LifeUpdate …..


Culture of LifeUpdate (Cont.)

For The Good ofthe Order …..


The Faithful Navigator’s Note:Worthy Sir Knights and Brothers All,

What a pleasure to be able to communicate to all ofyou at once. While membership is the life blood of Or-der, communication is what makes that blood flow.

We as an assembly owe many people a debt a gratitudefor improvements in our communication tools. ChuckElgin for one with this newsletter and Dan Crockett forour website and email blasts.

More modes of communication are planned but we need your help. Weclearly understand that no one method works for everyone. Our nextmode to reintroduce is our phone tree. However, in order to grow ourtree we need to have your correct phone numbers. Please take a momentand fill out the included survey. The survey will provide us the leaves forour phone tree as well as information about what you want us to do.

Please be aware we are in the early stages of planning a Memorial Dayevent, your thoughts and help are always appreciated.

I would like to pass on the appreciation I receive from the pastors of the13 parishes we support; they love our Honor Guard and the love you SrKnights.

In closing know I as well as the Assembly Officers and our wives wish youa spiritually enriching Lenten season as we prepare for our risen Lord.Please take advantage of the Friday Lenten meals at St Matthews, StVincent De Paul and St Thomas Aquinas.

Thanks and God Bless


Knights of Columbus | North Carolina | IPSD and FN | [email protected] | 704-458-2510 | 4909 Ridgetop Trail, Charlotte, NC 28215

Like us on Facebook George L. Gettier Assembly 780 Charlotte North Carolina

Page 2

The Proudest Boast

The Friar’s Corner

“Lent: The Tone of Our Christion Lives”The liturgical season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, March5th . Every year, the Liturgy of the Word begins with the call fromthe prophet Joel, “Even now, says the Lord, return to me with yourwhole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning.”

Lent has roots in the Church from around the 4th century. It beganas a retreat for those who were preparing for the Sacrament of Bap-tism at Easter. For us, this focus continues.

Lent recalls our baptism and it remains the final preparation forthose preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Lent is characterizedby the disciplines of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. The intention of our devotions and sacri-fices should be for growth in the spiritual life.

The Stations of the Cross, which note critical moments in our Lord’s passion along the ancientroute of sorrows, remain a popular Lenten devotion. Lent is an appropriate time to celebratethe Sacrament of Penance, which is a sacrament of healing.

The disciplines of Lent should set the tone for our Christian lives.

In Peace, Father Mark

Assembly 780 Member QuestionnaireAll Sir Knights are encouraged to complete the Assembly 780 Member Ques-tionnaire on pages 11 - 12 of this newsletter. The Assembly is in the process ofupdating our Membership Records and are in need of updated contact infor-mation for all Sir Knights of Assembly 780. We are also interested in what ac-tivities your are interested in Assembly 780 sponsoring as well as those activi-ties your are interested in getting involved with. Once completed, the Assembly780 Member Questionnaire should be returned to: Chuck Elgin - Faithful Pilot,Assembly 780, 1204 Churchill Downs Drive, Waxhaw, NC 28173.

Honor GuardSince the establishment of the Patriotic Degree in 1900, the Color Corps have provided hon-or guards for religious and civic functions, an activity that has brought worldwide recogni-tion to the Knights of Columbus. They are distinguishable by their official regalia of tuxedo,capes, chapeaux, and swords

To the left is pictured the Fourth Degree Emblem. Bearers of this emblemare committed to conduct themselves honorably as Catholic gentlemen intheir private and public lives, as well as acting patriotically for the good oftheir nation. Likewise, the Fourth Degree sword represents the bearer'sreverence for the Eucharist and the Pope, bishops and hierarchy of theChurch, and displays publicly his willingness to protect his Church andPriests.

Considered under a religious aspect, we have the honor and privilege of wearing on ourswords and our lapels the sacred symbol of the Most Blessed Trinity. This should always re-mind us to live a good Christian life, and that we should never bring dishonor on the emblemwe have been privileged to wear. By this, others may see our good works, through which wewill glorify our Holy Religion, our Honored Order and our Beloved Country.

Correct Formal Wear - Black Tuxedo (the “after 6” version) - no tails, just a straight bot-tom cut jacket with normal lapels. Plain white tuxedo shirt - pleated and with a straight col-lar (no wing tip collars). Black bow tie. Tuxedo studs and cuff links (round black ones).Black cummerbund (no vests). Black socks and shoes.

If interested in procuring a tuxedo, consider the following options:

KC Formalwear - The owner is Kenneth Carter - phone number 919-345-0157 and [email protected]. Tuxedo shirts are available for as low as $5

Formalwear Outlet - 415 Millstone Drive, Hillsborough, NC 27278 - phone number 919-644-8243. They have a package of a complete Tux (jacket, pants, shirt, bow tie, cum-merbund, studs & cuff links) for $95 + tax. Tell them you are a Knight.

If you are a Sir Knight with Regalia and no longer plan to serve in Honor Guards, would youconsider donating your Regalia to Assembly 780? Assembly 780 is in the process of buildingan inventory of Regalia for Brother Knights who do not have Regalia. If interested, pleasecontact Faithful Commander Tom Van Sistine at the number below.

The current Color Corps Commander for the George L. Gettier Assembly 780 is Sir KnightTOM VAN SISTINE. All members of Assembly 780 interested in serving with the ColorCorps can contact him at 704-293-2346, or [email protected].

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March 2014

Thank You for your supportThe following Sir knights attended one or more of the 23 eventsthe assembly780 has supported thus far this fiscal year.

Guillermo Anzola Larry Bodack Nick Bonamo

Bob Conlon Ed Craig David DeBrosse

Art Enderle Chuck Elgin Don Grudo

Mike Hawkins Jim Henry Bob Hinchey

James Jones Greg Kent Jerry Kolb

Matt Lyberg Ray Maxson Scott Muenger

Will Murphy Steve Nogy Marty Oprychal

Ken Pernak Bob Reily Matt Rich

Johan Rief Paul Sparrow David Spinks

Tom Van Sistine Richard White Steve Wilfong

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The Proudest Boast

Assembly 780 NewsOperation Exodus: On January 27th, Opera-tion Exodus completed a ramp for BrotherKnight and Past Grand Knight and FormerDistrict Deputy Ed Switzer. Special Thanksto Sir Knight and Past Faithful Navigator BobWilcocks for designing and supervising theconstruction of the ramp. Pat, Ed’s wife puton a sumptuous lunch for the constructioncrew which consisted of Bob Wilcocks, ChuckElgin, Jim Gilsdorf, John Eichler, Nick Cim-

mento and Ron Schumacher from St MatthewCouncil 10852. We were also joined by PhilAngelo and Roy, two Brother Knights from theSt Luke Council.

If you would like to assist with future Handi-cap Ramp Builds and/or would like to supportOperation Exodus (Operation Exodus is a501c(3) charity). Please contact Sir KnightBob Wilcocks at [email protected] or704-542-1541.

A Message From Our TrusteesWe are seeking nominations for the Assembly 780 Faithful Purser position. Sir Knight Adol-fo Carrion has resigned as Assembly 780 Purser for personal reasons. Anyone interested innominating themselves or someone for the open Faithful Purser position should contact on ofthe Assembly 780 Trustees at:

David Spinks, PFN [email protected] 980-263-4570

Art Enderle, PFN [email protected] 704-708-9385

Ray Maxson ,PFN [email protected] 704-554-1574

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March 2014

Assembly 780 News (Continued)Veterans Assistance Volunteer Service (VAVS) - Veterans Affairs Medical Center(VAMC) in Salisbury, NC. The two major priority items for this year are:

1. Financial support for Wheel Chair games for the summer of 2014 - please consider makinga financial pledge or holding a fund raiser to raise money to help cover transportation, lodg-ing, etc. for the "Veterans" from the VAMC in Salisbury who would like to participate in thisspecial event - please let me know if you have any questions.

2. Financial support to upgrade the bowling alley at the Salisbury location - see attachedflyer on pages 7 & 8. Obviously this is a very large undertaking with a significant cost. It willtake the support of all the different VAVS organizations that support the VAMC in Salis-bury.

If interested in assisting with Veterans activities at Assembly 780 and/or getting directlyinvolved at the Salisbury AMC, please contact Assembly 780 VAVS coordinator Dan Crock-ett at [email protected] or 704-770-1488.

A Message From Our Faithful ControllerA Billing Statement for 2014 Assembly 780 Dues of $20 was mailed to all Sir Knights in Jan-uary, 2014. We are also requesting all Sir Knights to please update their contact infor-mation (name, mailing address, email address, phone number), by completing and returningthe contact form included with the Billing Statement. If you have not received your DuesStatement, please contact me at [email protected] or call 704-743-7187. You can al-ways send payment of $20 to Assembly 780 to my address of 13629 Pacific Echo Drive,Charlotte NC 28277.

Please return your Dues Statement and contact form promptly. Your 2014 Assembly780 Membership Card will be mailed to you in March 2014 if not included with this newslet-ter.

God Bless,Bob Conlon, Faithful ControllerGeorge L. Gettier Assembly 780

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The Proudest Boast

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March 2014

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The Proudest Boast

Culture of LifeAssembly 780 Culture of Life Committee - Mission Statement

“To reinforce the commitment of the Knights of Columbus to the sanctity of life, bypromoting a greater awareness of current Culture of Life issues and encouraging in-creased participation by Assembly 780 Sir Knights in local Culture of Life activities.”

March for Life - Charlotte: Friday, January 10, 2014About 200 people, including several Knights and parishionersfrom St. Matthew and elsewhere in the Diocese, gathered inCharlotte Jan. 10 to commemorate the 41st anniversary ofRoe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortionand leading to the deaths of more than 56 million babiessince 1973. Echoing the words of Blessed Pope John Paul II,Father Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, reminded the marchers andpro-life witnesses, huddled under umbrellas against the coldwinds and persistent rains in Independence Square, that 'weare the people of life and for life' during his keynote ad-dress at the eighth annual March for Life, Charlotte

March for Life - Raleigh:Saturday, January 18, 2014

An estimated 1,200 Catholic high school students braved the cold Saturday to attend a pro-life rally for teens outside of the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Raleigh.

"[I am here] to help stop ending the lives of unborn babies, at the moment of conception tothe moment of birth. That's how strongly I feel about it, that I came out here in the coldweather," said pro-life supporter Salvador Chavero.

The teens started out the daytaking part in a special mass ledby Bishop Michael Burbidge cel-ebrating the sacredness of life.It is a belief many at the rallysay they feel strongly about.

"Yes, I do, because I think it'swrong to end someone's lifethat hasn't even been born,"said Stephanie Chegue.

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March 2014

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The Proudest Boast

Culture of Life (Continued)"It's not right to end somebody's life, and I think it's really good to show young ones, teachthem it's not right just to take away someone's life so early," added Susann Rivera.

Nonetheless, the tone of the rally remained positive, which was a goal of Bishop Burbidge.He also was thrilled with the huge turnout.

"I am so proud, I'm so proud of our young people that on a Saturday morning when they havemany options to do various activities they chose to come here," said Bishop Michael Burbidgeof the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh. "What they bring with it is not only the conviction, butthey also bring the enthusiasm, the joy, that should accompany this message."

From Sacred Heart, many of the teens then marched to nearby Nash Square where theyjoined hundreds of other Catholics who were participating in the annual North Carolina "Rallyfor Life."

WASHINGTON, D.C. January 22, 2014

Tens of thousands of pro-life activists endured frigid temperatures and a snow stormWednesday as they gathered at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to mark the 41st anni-versary of the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling. In previous years, the march has drawn be-tween 400,000 and 650,000, but due to the weather this week, numerous buses and planeswere cancelled, creating a visible drop in numbers at this year's rally and march. March forLife organizers insisted pro-lifers wouldn't be daunted by the frigid weather in D.C. "Wemay be freezing, but we're freezing for the best cause in the world," said Patrick Kelly,chairman of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund. On Tuesday I had the honorof attending Mass at one of our neighboring parishes and chatting with one of a group of 41youth members as they prepared to board the bus that would take them and their 11 adultchaperones to participate in this event. It is most encouraging to witness the overwhelmingsupport for the Culture of Life by our young people today and we must do all that we can toassist them in this endeavor.

For the Good of the OrderPlease pray for the repose of the soul of:

Phil Brennan, brother of Jim Brennan

Please pray for the following Brother Knights:Bob Wilcocks John Wigger Ed Switzer Father Schellberg

Leo Tosto Nick Cimmento Bishop Curlin Ken Ostendarp Ray Gelinas

Please pray for the following relatives of Brother Knights:

Jen McAlister & unborn baby, wife of Shawn McAlister Karen Craig, wife of Ed Craig.

Jo Murray, wife of State Deputy Jack Murray Tom Desch, brother of Bob Desch

Marina Rief, wife of Johan Rief Jim Reilly, brother of Bob Reilly

Please pray for Deployed Military:

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March 2014

Culture of Life (Continued)

Knowledge is PowerBeing “Culture of Life” is a term derived from ‘Pro Life” I’ve included a short list of websites devoted to the cause of right to life.

Pro Life Web Sites

American Life League

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Many more exist, these I found were among the best

Vivat Jesus! Vince Coscia, Culture of Life DirectorIf you would like to join the committee or learn more about our current and plannedactivities, please contact Vince Coscia at 704-536-4287 or [email protected]

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The Proudest Boast

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March 2014

March 2014

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The Proudest Boast

Council Business Meetings:

Bishop Michael J. Begley Council 770 - Tuesday, March 4th at 7:00 PM

St Vincent de Paul Council 9560 - Monday, March 3rd at 7:30 PM

St Thomas Aquinas Council 10505 - Sunday, March 9th at 7:00 PM.

St Matthew Council 10852 - Tuesday, March 4th at 7:00 PM.

Our Lady of Assumption Council 11102 - Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00 PM

St Patrick’s Day Parade: Saturday, March 15th at 11:00 AM

Assembly 780 Business Meeting: All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the Assembly

780 4th Degree Business Meeting on Tuesday, March 25th. Join us at 7:00 PM for Dinnerand prayers. The Business Meeting will commence at 8:00 PM.

1CharlotteCatholic Men’sConference

2 37:00 PMCouncil 9560BusinessMeeting

47:00 PMCouncil 10852&770 BusinessMeetings


6 7 8

97:00 PMCouncil 10505BusinessMeeting

10 11 127:00 PMCouncil 11102BusinessMeeting

13 14 1511:00 AMSt. Patrick DayParade

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 257:00 PMAssembly 780BusinessMeeting

26 27 28 29

30 31

April 2014

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March 2014

17:00 PMCouncil 770BusinessMeeting

27:00 PMCouncil 10852BusinessMeeting

3 4 5

6 77:30 PMCouncil 9560BusinessMeeting

8 97:00 PMCouncil 11102BusinessMeeting

10 11 12

137:00 PMCouncil 9560BusinessMeeting

14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22

8:00 PMAssembly 780BusinessMeeting

23 24 25 26

27 28 298:00 PMAssembly 7804th on 5th Dinner


Council Business Meetings:

Bishop Michael J. Begley Council 770 - Tuesday, April 1st at 7:00 PM

St Vincent de Paul Council 9560 - Monday, April 7th at 7:30 PM

St Thomas Aquinas Council 10505 - Sunday, April 13th at 7:00 PM.

St Matthew Council 10852 - Wednesday, April 2nd at 7:00 PM.

Our Lady of Assumption Council 11102 - Wednesday, April 9th at 7:00 PM.

Assembly 780 Business Meeting: All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the Assembly780 4th Degree Business Meeting on April 22nd. Join us at 7:00 PM for Dinner and pray-ers. The Business Meeting will commence at 8:00 PM.

Assembly 780 4th on the 5th Dinner: All Sir Knights and their spouses are invited to at-tend the Assembly 780 4th on the 5th dinner on Tuesday, April 29th. Watch your email fordetails!

May 2014

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The Proudest Boast

1 2 3

4 57:30 PM:Council 9560BusinessMeeting

67:00 PMCouncil 770BusinessMeeting

77:00 PM:Council 10852BusinessMeeting

8 9 10

117:00 PM:Council10505BusinessMeeting

12 13 147:00 PMCouncil 11102BusinessMeeting

15 16NC StateConvention

17NC StateConvention

18NC StateConvention

19 20 21 22 23 24


278:00 PMAssembly 780BusinessMeeting

28 29 30 31

Council Business Meetings:

Bishop Michael J. Begley Council 770 - Tuesday, May 6th at 7:00 PM

St Vincent de Paul Council 9560 - Monday, May 5th at 7:30 PM

St Thomas Aquinas Council 10505 - Sunday, May 11th at 7:00 PM.

St Matthew Council 10852 - Wednesday, May 7th at 7:00 PM.

Our Lady of Assumption Council 11102 - Wednesday, May 14th at 7:00 PM.

NC State Convention: All Sir Knights are invited to attend the NC State Convention inCharlotte to serve in the Honor Guard at Mass on Saturday, May 17th. Watch your emailfor details!

Assembly 780 Business Meeting: All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the Assembly

780 4th Degree Business Meeting on Tuesday, May 27th. Join us at 7:00 PM for Dinnerand prayers. The Business Meeting will commence at 8:00 PM.


ASSEMBLY OFFICERSFAITHFUL FRIAR Reverend Mark Lawlor [email protected] 704-554-7088

FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR Greg Kent, PSD [email protected] 704-458-2510

FAITHFUL CAPTAIN Johan Rief [email protected] 704-846-4989

FAITHFUL ADMIRAL Stephen Wilfong, PFN [email protected] 704-847-5448

FAITHFUL PILOT Chuck Elgin, PGK [email protected] 704-243-3365

FAITHFUL SCRIBE Jim Henry, PGK [email protected] 704-844-6625

FAITHFUL CONTROLLER Bob Conlon [email protected] 704-743-7187


FAITHFUL COMMANDER Tom Van Sistine [email protected] 704-293-2346

INNER SENTINEL Don Major [email protected] 704-568-3336

OUTER SENTINEL Rory Cunningham [email protected] 704-900-6379

3 YR TRUSTEE David Spinks, PFN [email protected] 980-263-4570

2 YR TRUSTEE Art Enderle, PFN [email protected] 704-708-9385

1 YR TRUSTEE Ray Maxson, PFN [email protected] 704-554-1574

RECRUITMENT DIRECTOR Chuck Elgin, PGK [email protected] 704-243-3365

VAVS DIRECTOR Dan Crocket [email protected] 704-770-1488

WEB DIRECTOR Dan Crocket [email protected] 704-770-1488

GRAND KNIGHT: 770 Ed Norris [email protected] 704-777-7377

Bishop Michael J. Begley Council 770, 220 East Kingston Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203

GRAND KNIGHT: 9560 David Spinks, PFN [email protected] 980-263-4570

St Vincent de Paul Council 9560, 6828 Old Reid Road, Charlotte, NC 28210

GRAND KNIGHT: 10505 Will Murphy [email protected] 704-766-0438

St. Thomas Aquinas Council 10505, 1400 Suther Road, Charlotte, NC 28213

GRAND KNIGHT: 10852 Richard Caron [email protected] 770-335-1822

St. Matthew Council 10852, 9009 Bryant Farms Road, Charlotte, NC 28277

GRAND KNIGHT: 11102 Tim Tucker [email protected] 704-537-1623

Our Lady of the Assumption Council 11102, 4225 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215

STATE DEPUTY Jack Murray [email protected]

SUPREME KNIGHT Carl Anderson [email protected] 203-752-4000

Assembly 780

Parish Contact Information

Our Lady of the AssumptionPastor: Reverend Philip Scarcella, PhD, JCD4207 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215Phone : (704) 535-9965; Fax : (704) 535-3621Website :; Email: [email protected]

Our Lady of ConsolationPastor: Reverend Carl T. Del Giudice2301 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28206Phone : (704) 375-4339; Fax : (704) 375-8039Website :; Email : [email protected]

Saint AnnPastor: Reverend Timothy S. Reid3635 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209Phone : (704) 523-4641; Fax : (704) 527-8671Website :; Email : [email protected]

Saint GabrielPastor: Reverend Francis J. O'Rourke3016 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC 28211Phone : (704) 364-5431; Fax : (704) 362-5049Website :; Email : [email protected]

Saint Patrick CathedralPastor: Very Reverend Christopher A. Roux1621 Dilworth Road, East, Charlotte, NC 28203Phone : (704) 334-2283; Fax : (704) 377-6403Website :; Email : [email protected]

Saint PeterPastor: Reverend Patrick F. Earl, SJ507 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202Phone : (704) 332-2901; Fax : (704) 358-0050Website :

Saint Vincent de PaulPastor : Reverend Mark S. Lawlor6828 Old Reid Road, Charlotte, NC 28210Phone : (704) 554-7088; Fax : (704) 554-0490Website :;Email :[email protected]

Assembly 780

Parish Contact Information

Saint Thomas AquinasPastor: Reverend Patrick J. Winslow1400 Suther Road, Charlotte, NC 28213-0551Phone : (704) 549-1607; Fax : (704) 549-1614Website :

Saint MatthewPastor: Monsignor John J. McSweeney8015 Ballantyne Commons Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28277 Mail : PO Box 49349Phone : (704) 543-7677; Fax : (704) 542-7244Website :; Email : [email protected]

Saint JosephPastor: Reverend Tri Vinh Truong4929 Sandy Porter Road, Charlotte, NC 28273Phone : (704) 504-0907; Fax : (877) 349-1928Website :; Email : [email protected]

Saint John Lee (Korean)Pastor: Reverend Gitae Lee7109 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte, NC 28215Phone : (704) 531-8417; Fax : (704) 536-5549Website :; Email : [email protected]

Our Lady of GuadalupePastor: Reverend Vincent H. Finnerty, CM6212 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC 28214Phone : (704) 391-3732; Fax : (704) 391-6594Website :; Email : [email protected]

Saint Basil the GreatPastor: Reverend Mark ShueyUkrainian Catholic Mission of Eparchy of St. Josaphat1400 Suther Road, Charlotte, NC 28213Phone : (704) 365-1308Website :; Email : [email protected]


We thank you, God our Father, for those who have responded to yourcall to priestly ministry. Accept this prayer we offer on their behalf:Fill your priests with the sure knowledge of your love. Open theirhearts to the power and consolation of the Holy Spirit. Lead them tonew depths of union with your Son. Increase in them profound faith inthe Sacraments they celebrate as they nourish, strengthen and healus.

Lord Jesus Christ, grant that these, your priests, may inspire us tostrive for holiness by the power of their example, as men of prayerwho ponder your word and follow your will.

O Mary, Mother of Christ and our mother, guard with your maternalcare these chosen ones, so dear to the Heart of your Son. Intercedefor our priests that, offering the Sacrifice of your Son, they may beconformed more each day to the image of your Son, our Lord and Sav-ior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

St. John Vianney, universal patron of priests, pray for us and our priests.

George L. Gettier Assembly 780

Knights of Columbus

1204 Churchill Downs Drive

Waxhaw, NC 28173

Publisher - Greg Kent

Editor - Charles Elgin