the fall of burgh

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Post on 01-Jun-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 The Fall of Burgh


    The Fall of Burgh

    Sir Ponsonby stared incredulously at the exhausted squire stood in front of him.

    As if the Civil war and the restless dead werent enough to deal with now the vile

    rat men had invaded his lands. Wearily he rose from his chair and called to his

    chamberlain homas rouse the men. ! will need all of our "nights #rrant and asmany $en at Arms and Archers as can be s%ared.& homas res%onded with

    resignation there will be few enough men to s%are my 'ord( already we are

    stretched terribly thin covering the lands of my 'ords urnbull and )eattie but !

    shall %re%are what ! can.& With this he bowed low and strode from the hall. Sir

    Ponsonby dismissed the squire and made his way to his Solar where his servant

    would be waiting with his armour.

    he last few months had been di*cult for all )retonnians. he terrible Civil war

    between the "ing and his bastard son had devastated the land leaving villages

    burnt and families torn asunder. o com%ound matters no sooner had the +sur%er

    been brought low and the land returned to almost normality than a vast army of

    the dead had ridden rough shod over every army that o%%osed it. )urning the

    abbey of 'a $aisontaal. he land was in chaos and there were few "nights left to

    defend it.

    Sir Ponsonby strode out into the morning air to ins%ect his small retaliatory force.

    ,e had seven "nights errant( all of them little more than boys( raised well before

    they were ready. heir Cavalier and Standard bearer were his own youngest two

    sons. ,is eldest two had fallen in the civil war whilst his current heir rode with

    'ouen 'eoncouer to aid the #m%ire. homas had managed to muster ten men at

    arms- all of them griled veterans of many battles and ten of the villages /nestbowmen. !t wasnt the most glorious of forces but it would have to do. $en of

    )rugh( our lands have been beset by yet another foul foe( we are all that stands

    between these vile /ends of chaos and our families and loved ones( if we should

    fail it will be a dar0 day indeed for )urgh. 1o your duty as you 0now it( obey your

    vows( trust to the 'ady and we shall be victorious2& ,e mounted his noble steed

    and led the small force out of the castle and into the village beyond.

    he villagers turned out to %ay their res%ects to the lord and to say good bye to

    their husbands( sons and brothers. As he rode through Sir Ponsonby eyed the

    hastily erected defences( since the troubles started he had ordered a large%alisade to be erected around the village and homas had conscri%ted every

    able bodied male villager into the newly formed militia. Sir Ponsonby hated

    arming the %easants but he had little choice. With 3 domains to %rotect now his

    regular forces were stretched and exhausted.

    4ust over a league from the village they found the ratmen. he invaders had

    sto%%ed next to a mist wreathed marsh. Sir Ponsonby could see two large bloc0s

    of troo%s- they wore little armour but were carrying shields and crude hand

    wea%ons. ,e estimated that there were 35 or 65 in each bloc0 and each seemed

    to be led by a larger more heavily armoured rat.

  • 8/9/2019 The Fall of Burgh


    7obert( ta0e your archers to the left 8an0( %ut the marsh between you and them

    and %lace your sta0es. 4ohn ! want your men at arms next to the archers %rotect

    their right 8an0. !ll ta0e the "nights and hold our right.& ,e 0new it was ris0y but

    such small units of %easants would struggle to ma0e any im%act u%on the large

    grou%s of the enemy. 9ow then boys remember no one moves until ! give the

    order( theres no room for im%etuous young hot heads today.& With that he too0

    the "nights errant out onto the right 8an0 directly o%%osite the rat men. ,e

    called a halt and dismounted( the 0nights errant followed suit and they all o:ered

    u% a %rayer to the 'ady as0ing for her blessing and %rotection. Whilst they

    %rayed the S0aven started the ra%idly advance. A small unit of dar0ly clad

    S0aven a%%eared on Sir Ponsonbys left 8an0 o%%osite the bowmen( whilst the

    two large units of S0aven started to advance. 7obert 8etcher was in charge of

    the bowmen today( a veteran of numerous battles although no yeoman. Seeing

    twelve rat men bearing down on him ra%idly( he ordered the bowmen to /re and

    smir0ed with satisfaction as he saw three of them fall with whit 8etcher arrows

    buried in their 8esh.

    9o sooner had Sir Ponsonby and the "nights errant remounted than the young

    0nights began to show their restlessness easy now boys( we cant go charging

    straight into their front( the other unit would surely charge our 8an0.& )ut my

    'ord these wretched creatures are no match for true born 0nights of )retonnia.

    We should charge them now( crush them under our hooves and wheel bac0 into

    the rear of the other unit- theyll soon 8ee from our righteous wrath2& Calm

    yourself Charles- we cannot sim%ly rely u%on crushing them on the charge.& !t

    was no use however Sir Ponsonby could see that the young 0nights agreed with

    his son Charles( their cavalier. )efore he could sto% them the young 0nights wereo: and he was swe%t along with them as his warhorse followed the others.

    7esigning himself to the charge he ho%ed that it would be enough to brea0 the

    /rst enemy unit. !f it was not then they were surely doomed.

    Seeing the 0nights glorious charge( 7obert smiled to himself.& 9ow these beasts

    will feel the wrath of )retonnia& he thought to himself. 4ust then he noticed that

    the small unit of s0aven in front of him had bro0en into a run and were charging

    his archers. ,e gave the order and a ragged volley lashed out at the night

    runners and three more fell dead. !t wasnt enough however and the deranged

    beasts lea%t onto the sta0es in front of the archers and then set about them with

    staggering ferocity. 7obert duc0ed as a 0nife 8ashed at his head( he drew his

    dagger and moved to stri0e the s0aven in front of him( as he struc0 he felt a

    searing %ain in his side( loo0ing down he saw that the creature had a 0nife

    clas%ed in its tail and the blade was buried dee% in his side. )efore he could even

    cry out in %ain another dagger %lunged into his nec0.

    4ohn thatcher had been a $an at Arms for ;5 years now( never before had he

    been %laced in charge and he dearly wished that his cousin 7onald( their Warden

    was here to ta0e charge. Seeing the 9ight 7unners attac0ing the archers he

    ordered his small troo% to turn to face the enemy. )efore theyd even had chance

    to reform 4ohn could see it was already too late. #very single archer was dead(

  • 8/9/2019 The Fall of Burgh


    hac0ed stabbed and gutted by the craed beasts that had surrounded them. oung Charles was cut down by one of the s0aven

    warlords( with Sir 4ames( Ponsonbys oldest friend and %ersonal standard bearer(

    being %ulled down soon after.

    7ealising all was lost Sir Ponsonby tried to sound the retreat but young Alasdair

    the units bugler was lying on the ground cho0ing on his own blood even as the

    s0aven stabbed him to death. 1es%erately Sir Ponsonby fought his way over to

    his youngest son Philli%( who still %roudly held onto the "nights standard. Philli%

    you must get away from here( ride home and warn them of our defeat( %re%are

    the castle and the village to?& 9@ ou are now the 'ord of )urgh until your brother returns

    from the #m%ire( if he returns. a0e my Sword and ride as fast as you can. >ou

    must save the village. 9ow @2& With that Sir Ponsonby gave Philli%Bs horse an

    almighty smac0 and the beast shot o: bac0 toward the castle. Sir Ponsonby

    roared an incoherent war cry and set about him with gusto slaying s0aven left

    and right.

    4ohn saw the 0nights charge fail( he saw his 'ord surrounded and the young

    0night ma0ing a des%erate bid for freedom( he glanced at the night runners

    which were now stal0ing towards and his men. ,e turned to his friend @liver and

    sim%ly stated bugger this for a game of soldiers( !m o:.& urning tail he 8ed(

    swiftly followed by the rest of the $en at arms.

    Seeing the $en at arms 8ee the /eld Sir Ponsonby 0new he was doomed. ,e only

    ho%ed that Philli% would ma0e it bac0 in time to %re%are the defences and raise

    the militia. urning bac0 to the melee he felt his horse shift from under him(

    suddenly he was on the ground( his horse thrashing on to% of him as it was

    gutted by the rat men. Suddenly one of the s0aven warlords a%%eared at to% the

  • 8/9/2019 The Fall of Burgh


    dead horse. Snarling with hatred Sir Ponsonby lashed out with his sword. he

    s0aven twisted to avoid the blow and used the momentum to swing its halberd

    toward Sir Ponsonby smashing into his collar bone and severing his noble head

    from his shoulders.