the farmers' union. (memphis, mo.) 1894-06-21 [p ]. i know that genuine love address a letter...

The Truth. Mr. Editor: The heading of this ar Fakmebs9 Union. r THE ONLY TRUE :B E; N MORRIS; Invites the People to Call and Examine bis Stock of HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, KVKKV THLKSDAV BY THE MEMPHIS FL'IJ. COMPANY. 0 Subscription, Per Year io Advance MRON TONIC demonetization our President and a subservient Congress abuse our first opportunity to redeem our pledges by violating them. And if any tariff law is parsed at all it will clearly be along protection lines. It is monstrous! The Republicans are quick to see Mr. Cleve- land's mistake on silver, and are pre- paring to profit by it. They mean to abandon their old position, leave Cleve- land in possession and go forth clamoring against him and in favor of undoing their own work. And still our wise le-idtr- s at Washington are quiesc- ent while the months are slipping away. The stupidity of these people is enough to provoke the saints." County Court. The court met at the court house, STOl ptrlfy the BLOOD rearakskt the LIVER and Ml' KEYS an4 Beau-r- the H KH tad VHi-OU- 4' VOLT... i y , pa Wx.t ME OUEENSW GLASS and ticle should weigh heavily and mightly upon every person. The truth, first, concerning God's purpose in us or our existence here: second, the truth re- garding the very best plans and meth- ods pertaining to the interests and just rights of all men. Now the scripture declares that the truth shall make you free. It U very plain to the obedient what the truth is. Again it says that they perish because ihey had not the love of the truth. Is it not very plain to every intelligent a:d thoughtful mind that all our bad laws and financial troubles are based upon this: Namely. The love of the truth to seek it for the one purpose of obeying it for our own happiness both here and in all the fu- ture bevond. What is sadly most true, the leaders or teachers of the present PEOPLE'S PARTY STATE TICKET. For Supreme Judge, O. L. JONES, ul Knox county. For Superintendent Public Instruction. J. II. ELLIFF, of McDonald count j. For Hull road ( oniinlKxloiicr, T. J. HENDERSON, of Hates county. SsAnpeUtS, Ul gM.ii .'.l.i.-kc- f Btxcactti .;su cveuag at- - cluiely I'oais, mus- cles euJi nerwa reasfea nor Call and see mi: and lea si It is the Largest in Scotland county lorw. y.: rent the nlu anAsappUes raju 1 o w. I keep the Best Line of mt Prices. B g ":t rm t:vt 1 ''''' I JA n I F C vo::!;ai tot: !i k'i i.iflnl bAUICOi.1 PR. ItAi iF.KS taxut TONIC nal'e and spoedy cure. Givo j i ileir, heal- thy Kmpion. FrtHivier.t attempt t counterfeit- ing ad.i to the popularity cf the oriarinaL I'j not experiment get the CIUtilN AL. na lilT. Dr. HRItTtR 3 LlVtK r ILLS I Cure Constipation. Liver Complaint and S ;kx.k I I Headache. Samile Hose and Droatn June 11th and 12th, and transacted the Vuuulod OH reotup'. ul iwo cent iil poalatfe following business: Mrs. Martha Pruett was released on age is, that both priest (minister) and REFRIGIRATORS IN THE MARKET! I keep the Finest Line oe GASOLINE STOVES in the World It WILL DO VOU GOOD TO SEE THEM. TlIEY ARE THE F IN EST AND most convenient of ant gasoline stoves made. g et a catalog 0 e of g as-oli- ne Stoves Free. BEN MORRIS. Memphis, Mo If Yon Want Inionndtioa Abiut xditician have formed a combine against the plain and adulterated truth and on almost every important question of life are substituting satan's ties. knowing that party ties are as strong death. Now I know that genuine love Address a letter or postal card t stronger than death. It will go with The Press Slaims Gompay the soul bevond. This love of the truth constantly delivers us from fear. John Wedderbnr , Managing attorns, God says the wisdom of this world is P O.BOXM3. WASHINGTON'. D.C foolishness with his. Is it not evident that His so-call- people are grasping PENSIONS PBOCt'EED FOB Co to J. C. GRISTY lor PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, All the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, after everything except the wisdom Soldiers, Widows, which cometh from above cultivating and encouraging pride, aristocracy. Y e have it from reliable authority that in the secret caucus of the re- publican convention, a temperance citizen received the most votes forjudge of the western district, but when his position on the great moral question was known, the members present kneel- ed to the saloon influence and changed enough votes to nominate another man. This action was on account of fcer that should the temperance citizen be accidently elected he would refuse to grant saloons licens. How is that for the great moralit(?) party! The lie-publica- ns on this question are like the Democratic party on free silver and reform-grea- t on talk, but careful to see that nothing is done. It would seem that the Republicans feared that theii own dear financial policy were not mak- ing sufficient tramps, penitentiary birds suicides, millionaires, etc., a id thought its ru niug mate should not be hampered in the leasts we fail to see how any tem- perance person can support such a con-temptab- le move as that of defeating a man because he is opposed to saloons, that too, when his party has alwayr been advocating measures that would get rid of that curse. Most of the Re- publicans will gulp the dose down, for they are so steeped in party prejudice, like their Democratic brothers, thai they will tolerate almost anything for the "good of party'' but we believe there is sufficient Christian, moral men and women in Scotland county that will make cause against such action, as will make all local parties a little more care- ful hereafter how they insult men be- cause of the principle they hold. Children, Fa rents. Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled latbc popularity, applause of the world, thereby ignoring the truth. While we build with these faruds there is no liiu of lutv in toe tteirular Army r Navy taxes to the extent of $9.75 on account of erroneous 'assessment. "Mary M. Mitchell was adjudged in- sane and ordered sent to the asylum at r'ulton. The road case of WTm. Lingerfelter and others was dismissed at costs of petitioners. The following grand jurors were drawn for the August term of the cir- cuit court: Vest township John Kinchelo. Miller George W. Cox. Mt. Pleasant R. M. Barnet. Tobin Felix Jeffries. Sand Hill Wm. Lingerfelter. Harrison Joseph Hicks. Thomson O. H. Curry. Johnsan O. D. Line. Union J. P. Davis and Perry Dean. Jefferson--A- . P. Harbur and F. H. 'owler. PETIT JURORS. Miller P. H. Lancaster and Henry Bish. Vest F. M. Hope and Joseph Muir. Mt. Pleasant Sam Norton, Jr., and lames Carr. Tobin A. S. Myers, Jr., and Z. J. Neese. Sand Hill - Jacob Coffman and A. J. 'hancellor. Harrison W. D. Short and Peter Rowe. Thomson S. T. Northcraft and C. i not tin- - war. Survivors of the Indian wins it IS38 to lv'. tun) their widows, im entitled. hance for any such to see the truth. TOILET and FANCY GOODS, TOILET SOAPS, Why? Because God knows that it is oM Hint l claims a speetaltj . Thous- ands entitled to inuiu i rates. Send for new dws. No charge for advice. No fee until cueesaful. not the truth you would obey. This in brief is the deplorable condition of America at this day. Bath Soaps, Face Powders, Tooth Powders, A Fine Line of WALL PAPER, Heath and Millican Mixed Paints, Ready for use, Boiled and Baw Linseed Oil, Colors Dry and in Oil, Sand Paper, Paint Brushes, a fine line of Cigars. Northwest Cor. of Square. Buel, Stevens. Congressional Convention. A delegate Congressional convention wm tin w. i nnuk mnmwflv COPYRIGHTS. of the People's party of the First Con gressional District is hereby called to meet in the city of Kirksville, Adair county, Mo., on Tuesday, the 20th day of June, 1894, at 10:30 o'clock, a. m., to WAGONS J 1ST ID- - C. I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a SE?PSs,9llS9f nJl f honent opinion, writ. to who have had nearly tiflv vcara' exieriince In the patent busmo. tvtuihuntca. nana mri. tly confidential. A lliindbnok of In. formation o internum I'nlciiio and how to ob- tain them tient tree. Also a catalogue vt mechan- ical and scientific ImkiIcb sent tree. Tatents taken through Muun St Co. receive epecial not ice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the Inve ntor. This nnleiidld inhht, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has bv far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Bampie copies sent tree Itui.ding Kditton. monthly. BUN) a. year. Sirntlo copies. 14-- 5 cents. Kvery number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show thu latest designs and secure contracts. Address MINN Jl CO, Ntw Vut;K, 31 Hhoadu a v. nominate a candidate for Congress, and to elect a new Central Committee for said district. The ratio of representation in said PL,0 WS ! convention will be three delegates for each county in the district, and one del- egate additional for each 200 votes cast Plows at Cost for 60 Days. or James B. Weaver in 1892, and one Large and comnlete stock ! All goods made of First-clas- s material vote additional for each fraction of 100 votes. M. Davidson. Johnson Frank Case andT. R. Ham- - et. Union F. M. Troth, Geo. Summers, i. R. Southmayed and J. C. Drake. Jefferson Geo. W. Curry, J. E. Mc- knight, G. M. Woodruff and S. M. Smith. Tne resignation of W C. McManama, as justice of the peace in Sand Hill township, was presented and accepted, and C. H. Hilbart appointed to fill the vacancy. .1. D. Bondurant was released on The several counties will be entitled D. C. Riley, Pleasant s Retreat, s Mo Bxclusl re SaJcsnaii in Scot land Co. fnr And warranted. Our wagons are well known iu nortucast Missouri, and the best proof of their quality is the Great Demand and Our Increasing Trade. to representation, as follows: Call and see Dur goods and Driccs. See our woodwork before painted and Adair 7 delegates. Clark 3 Knox 0 " Lewis 4 Macon 7 " Marion 3 " Dr. C. I. Shop s Family taxes on account of erroneous assess Medicines. 3 4 our wheels, as they are boiled in oil. Great Bargains in Plows for the fall trade. Rolling Coulters and a full line of supplies. Wood and iron turning, and machinery repaired promptly. A natural mechanic with 39 years experience and a factory well equipped with lirst-clas- s machinery and facilities, I am prepared to give the best quality of work for the least money. Putnam . Schuyler Scotland . Shelby . . Total . . Don't fail to writo for free nampirti ol his lloitdnclic Tablets, wliich Kouruntet' it cure in Nearly all our alliance subscriber remembers William Ballard, for sev eral terms president of the Clark count F&L. U. Mr. Ballard was one of thost who ad vacated reforms could be ac-- c miplished within the old parties, and no doubt thought he had accom- plished enough work against the prin- ciples of the alliance to be rewarded, a id sought a Democratic nomination, bit the party of (irover Cleveland would not have it that way. Since his defeat, the Kahoka Review says, Mr. Ballard has been trying to get back in t the alliance. The Clark county F&-- L. U. should have no further use for William Ballard. A lecturer who has been enlightening the people of this city says that the cause of the uneasiness among the Iieoplc is due from the fact that the sun is effected in some way. The sun seems all right and nothing has prevented it sending intense hot rays down to tht the earth. Undoubtely the trouble is-i- n the depleted condition of the masses' pocket books and in lack of work to earn sufficient to keep them from starv- ing and to hide their nakedness. The lecturer should turn the telescope on his own brain and see whether there if nU a mist surrounding that organ. m TheGoriu bank has increased it capital stock from $10,000 to $20,000. Wonderful, is it not, that nearly every treaty minutes. 40 Delegates may oe chosen by a mass ment. The following persons presented road iverseer bonds, which were approved: T. R. Hamlet, C. W. Reckard and C. M. Davidson. The school fund moitg tges of S. A. Boltz and lohn Keiger were ordered foreclosed. The following bills were allowed: lrs. H. S. Dean, stamps, elc, .. .$ .'1 3T A7 '. Chenault repar. hitch rack 13 7.1 ee Barker, taking pauper to Geo. M. Brat, convention of the People's party voters, at the court house, in the several coun ties, to be held on MANI7PAGTUEB8 Of Saturday, June 23, 1894, Boots and Shoes. at 2 o'clock, p. m., or at any other time or place as may be designated by the county committee of the several coun cemetery 1 00 'adogan & Hatcher, supplies. . . 34 85 standard Print. Co., " ... 11 2o ties. J. M. McCai.l. Repairing Neatly Done. Chairman t 'en. Committee. Chas. Cornelius, Sec'y. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HI kinds of TINWARE. A Completeand Varied Assortment of Tinware Always in Stock. . C. Moote, Washington trip. . 24 00 " St. Louis trip 48 40 Hast Sid.' of Square - ne door mrti O Combs' Poultry House. I Sanford, boarding prisoners, 28 2f When the whole productive force of i os. Matlick, rent Mrs. Maddox, 4 00 Missol Rl. M KM I'll is I. H. Saling, cemetery lots .... 20 00 Special articles made to order. Spouting, Guttering ami other work in the nation was in distress last fall and through the winter, and looked to their wise men in the East, to set baling and Raddish. corn's to lo line done promptly ami efficiently, at prices lower than anywhere else in town and out of the best material in the market. cate lots for paupers 2 00 VARIG06ELE Ho STRICTURE With all bad bank in the country is increasing its- - I. D. Wellington, cohin for Give Him an Early Call. North Side Public Square, Memphis Mlssnn capital stocK while all other industries snrrpy. ntteaaa x anas) t, i assaa sVblilty, nssatursi discusf gss tinsu!iootl. aSsSMHkSeaey. ucTt- - Mrs. McVey 22 00 something in motion, even if it was he opening of silver mines, or the making of public road suggested by some crank, or the unloosing of a few millions of silver b til' ions, from the treasury vaults, anything, in fact, o x.t'.t'atterson, supplies paupers, ll ;o All D' seto m-rr- wjttinj ol the orso, CfftS air rapld'y rured hy tsfc sntl rs y roetSod . CSSSS aaslttfsl juarscteed. Uiiksud itoukfrce. C.. or xt.ts. I. S. Crawford, two days salery, 10 00 C. R. Bur res. 10 00 DR. VARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St.. ST. UNUS. ISO. give a ry of hope ai d some work to the unemployed, our revered pres ;. W. Buford, 10 00 3. F. Saling, sheriff's fees 10 00 I. P. Nesbitt, clerk's " l.0 00 BOTTOM CUBED a9fc Keokuk & Western Railroad Co. The short line From and To Southern Iowa Points. A C. GOODRICH, OWL MANAGES. KEOKUK. IA J. F. ELDER, CC PASS. DEPT. ident went nsliiiig, and our srise men chased one another in and out of con- gressional halls trying to find a quo- rum. Sentinel. Nat McKee, transcript 19 59 Win. Bay less, cleaning well ... 6 00 are cramped for money? Gazette-Heral- d. Not any more wonderful than the non- sensical financial system supported by the Gazette-Herald- 's party and the ts. When the people take on sufficient sense to distinguish white from black they will hurl that robben J" system from power. - The State bankers held a big meet- ing at Clinton last week and we have yet to see an old party paper assert that their "demands" were visionary and parental. SSTmts Bxnerlenee in treating all Tart- - A. ties of Rupture enables us to KuaranhMi a nv at a '. R. Johnston, viewing bridge, 7 50 C. M. Woodruff, repairing " 153 94 XMiuve cure, iuesnun euuix auiu iwm. ree. Call or write. TOLTA-MEDIC- O APPUAXOK COas- - PHOSPHODUfSt f. W. Shriver, lumber 16 80 The Grant Baalish 323 Plus Street, ST. Louis, moo Promptly and ,i. iv. Johnston, commissioner, pre cures nO forms of Xi ented reports on the Allen. Egbert and Weakness, AsUssioiu. Spcrmr The Old Reliable .mother bridge, and G. M. Woodruff otorrhea. Impotence and aM ordered to build same. tfftcf of Abut or ansssssSj ia. Been prescribed over The l has. Pearce estate was released ears In thousands of cases; Established 38 years. Troatstaaleor female. married or single, in cases or exposure. Before and Afier. iff abuses, excesses or improprieties, en ill, GUARANTEED. Board and apartments furnished when desired, oaestlon Blank Got. Stone was recently interviewed and in relation to silver, demonstrated to the fact that he fails to know where his party is "at:" "The silver sentiment is growing. On assuming the chair at the Kansas City convention I urged the adoption of to the amount of $40,000, on account of the same being assessed to Mrs. E. S. Barnes. The court purchased a road grader of I. M. Ir. rails for the Memphis road dis- trict. The price agreed on was $170. and Book free. Call or write. for DODD'S Cu DR. druggist for Wood's Phaaekedlnes If ha offers some worthless medicine la place of this, leave his dishonest store. Inclose price In letter, and we will send hy return matt. Price, one packaga, at;six,t& One ndBtdaast, afgsrOlenrs. Psanph let In plain sealed envelope. Seen U postage. Address Tha Won Chemlcnl Ca. 131 Woodward arenas. Detroit, VJeh. For Sale hy Brown A Dawson. OLIC IN HORSES. BsJI AMUAAn DCCTADCni "SERVE HEEDS." GUARSNTEKD. Erery owner 01 a horse shoald krt n uie-htt- lf cash and the other half in one year without interest. ""V,f?'w"' WaBsBijST Thiswonuerful remedf cuuruiiWfd to cure a.l nervous diseases, such as Weak Memorr.Loss of liraln Power. Ileadacba.Wakelnlness. Lost Manhood, NlshUr Kmlssioos, Nerrona l drains and loso! power In Oenerative Organs of either seKcauea bj orereiertton. youthful errors, excessive ue ot tobacco, opium or sllm- - nianis, wnicn icsa io innrniuy. v onsnmpiion or insanlir. t an be carried In ret Docket. SI per box. for &. b mall Drenaid. With m. &A nrd IB w on nana, u nv sir u un m valuable soltnsi. Ou. psckax will Sum eight to tea cases. Fries Seat by ins 1 e- - express. Our Ac count Book, w ich contain aiaU IS stable keepers, aaailid fres. U. IS a Co.. HXi Pin. St. r. ucis. Mo. itc a wnncs issrssin is rsrt sr rassa tee aaoaejr. sola brail drnraista. Ask for It. take no otlier. Write fr free ktaSuwl nnaai u,,t In PiSln wrapper. Address X EUVE SEED CO. , Masonic TeaiBle. Chicago. Havana asa srtaa tsuw. tor sale in stempnis. no. oy t.t r.a a . irntueists. THB OLD DOCTOR'S V LADIES' FAVORITC a bold declaration in favor of free silver coinage and prophecied that such a dec- laration would bring many other States into line. And now behold what has happened almost in a day. Even Re- publican conventions are falling into line. Mark this prediction, that in 18iH every political party will declare for free silver. The Republicans are already preparing to take the lead. Great Caesar! Hi.w blind are those who represent the Democratic partv at All Frontier Adventure Gathered into One Book Senatorial Convention. The F'eople's Party Central Commit- tee of Scotland county, Mo., request the delegates of the various counties in this the 12th senatorial district to hold the senatorial nominating convention about August 2d, ISM. Memphis is the most convenient place in the district, ample ALWAYS SEUABL" an i prrfactlr "AIX. Tha assMa mit low iss paMsS wane, PIONEER And DARIGN aaasadbytlMeiaaAaorv la t:ia OLD DOCTOR S ari sni -- ot a shnda kaAtasah. aaaa pnauss, tt at feasSj PATENTS. FOR PROTECTIOK, NOT FOR ORtiAKrlnT. Write DUBOIS A DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys. Inventive Age Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. Book Free Mention this paper Moss r urard It aot soJ 4 sssSS Iimi tat Mkil DsnicoUrs. HEROES their DEEDS. Li W. W. Selway, PHYSIGIAN, SURGEON. Gynaecologist and Acconcher. Office with E. R. Bartlett. Residence iwsrnuiE.izDii.Miai., B um.ii The thrilling exploit of American hnnlcr heroes and heroines, with Indianx. ntttinsra and wild beat. from the earliew timei to SYPHILIS- - Trcstmsata t asail er at sales . Thbi low. o. yaata now. Lives and famous deeds of IK'Soto Standish. Booue. I., uton. Brady. Crockett 11 1 Bl.ak mm. A txsa. Oallatw t. one door west of Adam Cunningham's, j Calls attended promptly day or night in Bedaesd KSeSf MsaaSBsesassaa, It. tX0DfSTu!.aSasaa!hh. C arson. Custer. Coi..Moch. Wilo Bill, Buffalo Hill. Gens. Crook aisd Miles .Geronimo. fitting .BO iDConven tact, t o U.d tssults, no nenaenu i T rcatmii t rfrt r cl ! j' fcTW'..- atd "t. Stf coati-Uaestio- Ki r k ul Ikj-.'- t i res. Ca ioreri;.. town or country. MEMPHIS. MO. facilities to entertain all delegates and visitors who may attend. There being no organization in the 12th senatorial district, this is for the purpose of mak- ing arrangements for the campaign. James T. Moore, Chairman. J. L. Durnal. Secretary. (Missouri World please copy. ) Bipaus Tab ides cure scrofula. Washington! Why, they have almost thrown away the grandest opportunity a party ever had. Why still neglect It? Why eau't they rise to the occasion? Why not yet redeem the mistakes of t ie past year by enacting revenue tariff and free silver silver laws? After the Democratic party had for 20 years pposed the Republican policy of silver ML a. a. ncrr. m aasat, at. j ouii.miu ornvrirrt-n- t Indian Chiefs, etc.; His- tory of the War with the Ghost-Dancer- s, and all. 250 Esgkavings. l'oung- - Bots nut an- swered. Time for pay- - irrVTC U'VTCII Pianos W.CCktf sells HIGH GRADE Organs In ens Pi without knife. N kiss ot tl 'jtpiles ments allowed Asrent WANTED. Mas a eaamt 1HTT STTT nwn'iiisil from bnsiesss. Fisrsda. dears, CtC alw A IS mm. snonoitunds. DI..L A n . a .. ' M9 Jl WCfJU csa make tbi. tor a t.w bourw PLANET PUBLISHING CO Uipans Tabuies have come to stay. Hipans Tabules banish pain. 0 DB. H. B. BVJTTB, LociSaMO. Box 5001 , St. Louis. Mo u.M.utwnmcmimn tr. ma, xc

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Page 1: The Farmers' union. (Memphis, Mo.) 1894-06-21 [p ]. I know that genuine love Address a letter or postal card t stronger than death. It will go with The Press Slaims Gompay the soul

The Truth.

Mr. Editor: The heading of this arFakmebs9 Union.r THE ONLY TRUE

:B E; N MORRIS;Invites the People to Call and Examine bis Stock of

HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware,



demonetization our President and asubservient Congress abuse our firstopportunity to redeem our pledges byviolating them. And if any tariff lawis parsed at all it will clearly be alongprotection lines. It is monstrous! TheRepublicans are quick to see Mr. Cleve-

land's mistake on silver, and are pre-

paring to profit by it. They mean toabandon their old position, leave Cleve-

land in possession and go forthclamoring against him and in favor ofundoing their own work. And still ourwise le-idtr- s at Washington are quiesc-ent while the months are slipping away.The stupidity of these people is enoughto provoke the saints."

County Court.

The court met at the court house,

STOl ptrlfy the BLOOD rearaksktthe LIVER and Ml' KEYS an4Beau-r- the H KH tad VHi-OU- 4'

VOLT... i y , pa Wx.tMEOUEENSWGLASS and

ticle should weigh heavily and mightlyupon every person. The truth, first,concerning God's purpose in us or ourexistence here: second, the truth re-

garding the very best plans and meth-ods pertaining to the interests and justrights of all men. Now the scripturedeclares that the truth shall make youfree. It U very plain to the obedientwhat the truth is. Again it says thatthey perish because ihey had not thelove of the truth. Is it not very plainto every intelligent a:d thoughtfulmind that all our bad laws and financialtroubles are based upon this: Namely.The love of the truth to seek it for theone purpose of obeying it for our ownhappiness both here and in all the fu-

ture bevond. What is sadly most true,the leaders or teachers of the present


For Supreme Judge,O. L. JONES, ul Knox county.

For Superintendent Public Instruction.J. II. ELLIFF, of McDonald count j.

For Hull road ( oniinlKxloiicr,T. J. HENDERSON, of Hates county.

SsAnpeUtS, Ul gM.ii .'.l.i.-kc- f

Btxcactti .;su cveuag at- -cluiely I'oais, mus-cles euJi nerwa reasfea norCall and see mi: and leasiIt is the Largest in Scotland county lorw. y.: rent the nluanAsappUes raju 1 o w.

I keep the Best Line ofmt Prices. B g ":t rm t:vt 1 '''''I JA n I FC vo::!;ai tot: !i k'i i.iflnlbAUICOi.1 PR. ItAi iF.KS taxutTONIC nal'e and spoedy cure. Givo j i ileir, heal-thy Kmpion. FrtHivier.t attempt t counterfeit-ing ad.i to the popularity cf the oriarinaL I'jnot experiment get the CIUtilN AL. na lilT.

Dr. HRItTtR 3 LlVtK r ILLSI Cure Constipation. Liver Complaint and S

;kx.k II Headache. Samile Hose and DroatnJune 11th and 12th, and transacted the Vuuulod OH reotup'. ul iwo cent iil poalatfefollowing business:

Mrs. Martha Pruett was released on age is, that both priest (minister) and



most convenient of ant gasoline stovesmade. g et a catalog 0 e of g as-oli- ne

Stoves Free.

BEN MORRIS. Memphis, Mo

If Yon Want Inionndtioa Abiutxditician have formed a combineagainst the plain and adulterated truthand on almost every important questionof life are substituting satan's ties.knowing that party ties are as strongdeath. Now I know that genuine love Address a letter or postal card t

stronger than death. It will go with The Press Slaims Gompaythe soul bevond. This love of thetruth constantly delivers us from fear. John Wedderbnr , Managing attorns,God says the wisdom of this world is P O.BOXM3. WASHINGTON'. D.Cfoolishness with his. Is it not evidentthat His so-call- people are grasping PENSIONS PBOCt'EED FOB

Co to J. C. GRISTY lor



after everything except the wisdomSoldiers, Widows,which cometh from above cultivating

and encouraging pride, aristocracy.

Y e have it from reliable authoritythat in the secret caucus of the re-

publican convention, a temperancecitizen received the most votes forjudgeof the western district, but when hisposition on the great moral questionwas known, the members present kneel-ed to the saloon influence and changedenough votes to nominate anotherman. This action was on account offcer that should the temperance citizenbe accidently elected he would refuse togrant saloons licens. How is that forthe great moralit(?) party! The lie-publica- ns

on this question are likethe Democratic party on free silver andreform-grea- t on talk, but careful to seethat nothing is done. It would seemthat the Republicans feared that theiiown dear financial policy were not mak-ing sufficient tramps, penitentiary birdssuicides, millionaires, etc., a id thoughtits ru niug mate should not be hamperedin the leasts we fail to see how any tem-perance person can support such a con-temptab- le

move as that of defeating aman because he is opposed to saloons,that too, when his party has alwayrbeen advocating measures that wouldget rid of that curse. Most of the Re-publicans will gulp the dose down, forthey are so steeped in party prejudice,like their Democratic brothers, thaithey will tolerate almost anything forthe "good of party'' but we believe thereis sufficient Christian, moral men andwomen in Scotland county that willmake cause against such action, as willmake all local parties a little more care-ful hereafter how they insult men be-

cause of the principle they hold.

Children, Farents.Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled latbc

popularity, applause of the world,thereby ignoring the truth. While webuild with these faruds there is no

liiu of lutv in toe tteirular Army r Navy

taxes to the extent of $9.75 on accountof erroneous 'assessment."Mary M. Mitchell was adjudged in-

sane and ordered sent to the asylum atr'ulton.

The road case of WTm. Lingerfelterand others was dismissed at costs of

petitioners.The following grand jurors were

drawn for the August term of the cir-

cuit court:Vest township John Kinchelo.Miller George W. Cox.Mt. Pleasant R. M. Barnet.Tobin Felix Jeffries.Sand Hill Wm. Lingerfelter.Harrison Joseph Hicks.Thomson O. H. Curry.Johnsan O. D. Line.Union J. P. Davis and Perry Dean.Jefferson--A- . P. Harbur and F. H.


Miller P. H. Lancaster and HenryBish.

Vest F. M. Hope and Joseph Muir.Mt. Pleasant Sam Norton, Jr., and

lames Carr.Tobin A. S. Myers, Jr., and Z. J.

Neese.Sand Hill - Jacob Coffman and A. J.

'hancellor.Harrison W. D. Short and Peter

Rowe.Thomson S. T. Northcraft and C.

i not tin- - war. Survivors of the Indian winsit IS38 to lv'. tun) their widows, im entitled.hance for any such to see the truth. TOILET and FANCY GOODS, TOILET SOAPS,

Why? Because God knows that it isoM Hint l claims a speetaltj . Thous-ands entitled to inuiu i rates. Send for newdws. No charge for advice. No fee untilcueesaful.not the truth you would obey. This in

brief is the deplorable condition ofAmerica at this day.

Bath Soaps, Face Powders, Tooth Powders,

A Fine Line of WALL PAPER,Heath and Millican Mixed Paints,

Ready for use, Boiled and Baw Linseed Oil, Colors Dry and in Oil, SandPaper, Paint Brushes, a fine line of Cigars. Northwest Cor. of Square.

Buel, Stevens.

Congressional Convention.

A delegate Congressional convention wm tin w. i nnuk mnmwflvCOPYRIGHTS.of the People's party of the First Con

gressional District is hereby called tomeet in the city of Kirksville, Adaircounty, Mo., on Tuesday, the 20th dayof June, 1894, at 10:30 o'clock, a. m., to WAGONS

J 1ST ID- -

C. I OBTAIN A PATENT f For aSE?PSs,9llS9f nJl f honent opinion, writ. towho have had nearly tiflv vcara'exieriince In the patent busmo. tvtuihuntca.nana mri. tly confidential. A lliindbnok of In.formation o internum I'nlciiio and how to ob-tain them tient tree. Also a catalogue vt mechan-ical and scientific ImkiIcb sent tree.Tatents taken through Muun St Co. receiveepecial not ice in the Scientific American, andthus are brought widely before the public with-out cost to the Inve ntor. This nnleiidld inhht,issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has bv far thelargest circulation of any scientific work in theworld. S3 a year. Bampie copies sent treeItui.ding Kditton. monthly. BUN) a. year. Sirntlocopies. 14-- 5 cents. Kvery number contains beau-tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of newhouses, with plans, enabling builders to show thulatest designs and secure contracts. AddressMINN Jl CO, Ntw Vut;K, 31 Hhoadu a v.

nominate a candidate for Congress, andto elect a new Central Committee forsaid district.

The ratio of representation in said PL,0WS !convention will be three delegates foreach county in the district, and one del-egate additional for each 200 votes cast Plows at Cost for 60 Days.or James B. Weaver in 1892, and one

Large and comnlete stock ! All goods made of First-clas- s materialvote additional for each fraction of 100


M. Davidson.Johnson Frank Case andT. R. Ham- -

et.Union F. M. Troth, Geo. Summers,

i. R. Southmayed and J. C. Drake.Jefferson Geo. W. Curry, J. E. Mc-

knight, G. M. Woodruff and S. M.

Smith.Tne resignation of W C. McManama,

as justice of the peace in Sand Hilltownship, was presented and accepted,and C. H. Hilbart appointed to fill thevacancy.

.1. D. Bondurant was released on

The several counties will be entitledD. C. Riley,

Pleasant s Retreat, s Mo

Bxclusl re SaJcsnaii in Scot land Co. fnr

And warranted. Our wagons are well known iu nortucast Missouri, and thebest proof of their quality is the

Great Demand and Our Increasing representation, as follows:

Call and see Dur goods and Driccs. See our woodwork before painted and

Adair 7 delegates.Clark 3Knox 0 "Lewis 4

Macon 7 "Marion 3 "

Dr. C. I. Shop s Familytaxes on account of erroneous assess



our wheels, as they are boiled in oil.

Great Bargains in Plowsfor the fall trade. Rolling Coulters and a full line of supplies. Wood andiron turning, and machinery repaired promptly. A natural mechanic with39 years experience and a factory well equipped with lirst-clas- s machineryand facilities, I am prepared to give the best quality of work for the leastmoney.

Putnam .

SchuylerScotland .

Shelby . .

Total . .

Don't fail to writo for free nampirti ol hislloitdnclic Tablets, wliich Kouruntet' it cure in

Nearly all our alliance subscriberremembers William Ballard, for several terms president of the Clark countF&L. U. Mr. Ballard was one of thostwho ad vacated reforms could be ac-- c

miplished within the old parties, andno doubt thought he had accom-plished enough work against the prin-ciples of the alliance to be rewarded,a id sought a Democratic nomination,bit the party of (irover Clevelandwould not have it that way. Since hisdefeat, the Kahoka Review says, Mr.Ballard has been trying to get back int the alliance. The Clark county F&-- L.

U. should have no further use forWilliam Ballard.

A lecturer who has been enlighteningthe people of this city says that thecause of the uneasiness among theIieoplc is due from the fact that the sunis effected in some way. The sun seemsall right and nothing has prevented itsending intense hot rays down to thtthe earth. Undoubtely the trouble is-i- n

the depleted condition of the masses'pocket books and in lack of work toearn sufficient to keep them from starv-ing and to hide their nakedness. Thelecturer should turn the telescope onhis own brain and see whether there ifnU a mist surrounding that organ.


TheGoriu bank has increased itcapital stock from $10,000 to $20,000.Wonderful, is it not, that nearly every

treaty minutes.40

Delegates may oe chosen by a mass

ment.The following persons presented road

iverseer bonds, which were approved:T. R. Hamlet, C. W. Reckard and C.M. Davidson.

The school fund moitg tges of S. A.Boltz and lohn Keiger were orderedforeclosed.

The following bills were allowed:lrs. H. S. Dean, stamps, elc, . . .$ .'1 3T

A7 '. Chenault repar. hitch rack 13 7.1

ee Barker, taking pauper to

Geo. M. Brat,convention of the People's party voters,at the court house, in the several counties, to be held on MANI7PAGTUEB8 Of

Saturday, June 23, 1894,

Boots and 2 o'clock, p. m., or at any other timeor place as may be designated by thecounty committee of the several councemetery 1 00

'adogan & Hatcher, supplies. . . 34 85

standard Print. Co., " ... 11 2oties. J. M. McCai.l. Repairing Neatly Done.

Chairman t 'en. Committee.Chas. Cornelius, Sec'y.

Manufacturer of and Dealer in HI kinds of

TINWARE.A Completeand Varied Assortment of Tinware Always in Stock.

. C. Moote, Washington trip. . 24 00" St. Louis trip 48 40 Hast Sid.' of Square - ne door mrti O

Combs' Poultry House.I Sanford, boarding prisoners, 28 2f When the whole productive force ofi os. Matlick, rent Mrs. Maddox, 4 00 Missol Rl.M KM I'll isI. H. Saling, cemetery lots .... 20 00 Special articles made to order. Spouting, Guttering ami other work in

the nation was in distress last falland through the winter, and lookedto their wise men in the East, to setbaling and Raddish. corn's to lo line done promptly ami efficiently, at prices lower than anywhere

else in town and out of the best material in the market.cate lots for paupers 2 00 VARIG06ELE Ho STRICTUREWith all badbank in the country is increasing its-- I. D. Wellington, cohin for

Give Him an Early Call. North Side Public Square, Memphis Mlssnncapital stocK while all other industries snrrpy. ntteaaa x anas) t, i assaa sVblilty,nssatursi discusf gss tinsu!iootl. aSsSMHkSeaey. ucTt- -Mrs. McVey 22 00

something in motion, even if it washe opening of silver mines, or the

making of public road suggested bysome crank, or the unloosing of a fewmillions of silver b til' ions, from thetreasury vaults, anything, in fact, o

x.t'.t'atterson, supplies paupers, ll ;o All D' seto m-rr- wjttinj ol the orso, CfftS airrapld'y rured hy tsfc sntl rs y roetSod . CSSSS aaslttfsljuarscteed. Uiiksud itoukfrce. C.. or xt.ts.I. S. Crawford, two days salery, 10 00

C. R. Bur res. 10 00 DR. VARD INSTITUTE.120 N. Ninth St.. ST. UNUS. ISO.give a ry of hope ai d some work to

the unemployed, our revered pres;. W. Buford, 10 003. F. Saling, sheriff's fees 10 00I. P. Nesbitt, clerk's " l.0 00 BOTTOM CUBEDa9fc

Keokuk & Western Railroad Co.The short line

From and ToSouthern Iowa Points.


ident went nsliiiig, and our srise menchased one another in and out of con-

gressional halls trying to find a quo-rum. Sentinel.

Nat McKee, transcript 19 59Win. Bay less, cleaning well ... 6 00

are cramped for money? Gazette-Heral- d.

Not any more wonderful than the non-sensical financial system supported bythe Gazette-Herald- 's party and the ts.

When the people take onsufficient sense to distinguish whitefrom black they will hurl that robbenJ"

system from power.-

The State bankers held a big meet-ing at Clinton last week and we haveyet to see an old party paper assert thattheir "demands" were visionary andparental.

SSTmts Bxnerlenee in treating all Tart- -

A. ties of Rupture enables us to KuaranhMi anv at a'. R. Johnston, viewing bridge, 7 50C. M. Woodruff, repairing " 153 94

XMiuve cure, iuesnun euuix auiu iwm.ree. Call or write.

TOLTA-MEDIC- O APPUAXOK COas- -PHOSPHODUfStf. W. Shriver, lumber 16 80The Grant Baalish

323 Plus Street, ST. Louis, mooPromptly and,i. iv. Johnston, commissioner, precures nO forms of Xiented reports on the Allen. Egbert and Weakness, AsUssioiu. Spcrmr The Old Reliable.mother bridge, and G. M. Woodruff otorrhea. Impotence and aM

ordered to build same. tfftcf ofAbut or ansssssSj ia.Been prescribed overThe l has. Pearce estate was released ears In thousands of cases; Established 38 years. Troatstaaleor female.married or single, in cases or exposure.Before and Afier. iff abuses, excesses or improprieties, en ill,GUARANTEED. Board and apartmentsfurnished when desired, oaestlon Blank

Got. Stone was recently interviewedand in relation to silver, demonstratedto the fact that he fails to know wherehis party is "at:"

"The silver sentiment is growing.On assuming the chair at the KansasCity convention I urged the adoption of

to the amount of $40,000, on account ofthe same being assessed to Mrs. E. S.Barnes.

The court purchased a road grader ofI. M. Ir. rails for the Memphis road dis-

trict. The price agreed on was $170.

and Book free. Call or write.


druggist for Wood's Phaaekedlnes If ha offerssome worthless medicine la place of this, leave hisdishonest store. Inclose price In letter, andwe will send hy return matt. Price, one packaga,at;six,t& One ndBtdaast, afgsrOlenrs. Psanphlet In plain sealed envelope. Seen U postage.

Address Tha Won Chemlcnl Ca.131 Woodward arenas. Detroit, VJeh.

For Sale hy Brown A Dawson.


Erery owner 01 a horse shoald krt nuie-htt- lf cash and the other half in oneyear without interest.

""V,f?'w"' WaBsBijST Thiswonuerful remedfcuuruiiWfd to cure a.l nervous diseases, such as Weak Memorr.Loss of liralnPower. Ileadacba.Wakelnlness. Lost Manhood, NlshUr Kmlssioos, l drains and loso! power In Oenerative Organs of either seKcaueabj orereiertton. youthful errors, excessive ue ot tobacco, opium or sllm--nianis, wnicn icsa io innrniuy. v onsnmpiion or insanlir. t an be carried Inret Docket. SI per box. for &. b mall Drenaid. With m. &A nrd IB

w on nana, u nv sir u un mvaluable soltnsi. Ou. psckax willSum eight to tea cases. Fries by ins 1 e- - express. Our Account Book, w ich contain aiaU ISstable keepers, aaailid fres.U. IS a Co.. HXi Pin. St.

r. ucis. Mo.

itc a wnncs issrssin is rsrt sr rassa tee aaoaejr. sola braildrnraista. Ask for It. take no otlier. Write fr free ktaSuwl nnaai u,,tIn PiSln wrapper. Address X EUVE SEED CO. , Masonic TeaiBle. Chicago.Havana asa srtaa tsuw.

tor sale in stempnis. no. oy t.t r.a a . irntueists.



a bold declaration in favor of free silvercoinage and prophecied that such a dec-laration would bring many other Statesinto line. And now behold what hashappened almost in a day. Even Re-publican conventions are falling intoline. Mark this prediction, that in18iH every political party will declarefor free silver. The Republicans arealready preparing to take the lead.Great Caesar! Hi.w blind are thosewho represent the Democratic partv at

All Frontier Adventure Gathered into One Book

Senatorial Convention.

The F'eople's Party Central Commit-tee of Scotland county, Mo., request thedelegates of the various counties in thisthe 12th senatorial district to hold thesenatorial nominating convention aboutAugust 2d, ISM. Memphis is the mostconvenient place in the district, ample

ALWAYS SEUABL" an i prrfactlr "AIX. Tha assMamit low iss paMsS wane, PIONEER And DARIGNaaasadbytlMeiaaAaorv

la t:ia OLD DOCTOR S arisni --ot a shnda kaAtasah.

aaaa pnauss, tt at feasSj


Write DUBOIS A DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys.Inventive Age Building,

WASHINGTON, D. C.Book Free Mention this paper

Moss r urard It aot soJ 4 sssSSIimi tat Mkil DsnicoUrs. HEROES their DEEDS.


Gynaecologist and Acconcher.

Office with E. R. Bartlett. Residence

iwsrnuiE.izDii.Miai., B um.iiThe thrilling exploit of American hnnlcr

heroes and heroines, with Indianx. ntttinsraand wild beat. from the earliew timei toSYPHILIS- -

Trcstmsatat asail er at sales . Thbi low. o.

yaatanow. Lives and famous deeds of IK'SotoStandish. Booue. I., uton. Brady. Crockett11 1 Bl.ak mm. A

txsa. Oallatw t. one door west of Adam Cunningham's,j Calls attended promptly day or night in Bedaesd KSeSf MsaaSBsesassaa, It.tX0DfSTu!.aSasaa!hh. C arson. Custer. Coi..Moch. Wilo Bill, Buffalo

Hill. Gens. Crook aisd Miles .Geronimo. fitting .BO iDConven tact, t o U.d tssults, no nenaenu iT rcatmii t rfrt r cl ! j' fcTW'..- atd "t. Stf coati-Uaestio-

Ki r k ul Ikj-.'-t i res. Ca ioreri; or country. MEMPHIS. MO.

facilities to entertain all delegates andvisitors who may attend. There beingno organization in the 12th senatorialdistrict, this is for the purpose of mak-ing arrangements for the campaign.

James T. Moore, Chairman.J. L. Durnal. Secretary.

(Missouri World please copy. )

Bipaus Tab ides cure scrofula.

Washington! Why, they have almostthrown away the grandest opportunitya party ever had. Why still neglect It?Why eau't they rise to the occasion?Why not yet redeem the mistakes oft ie past year by enacting revenue tariffand free silver silver laws? After theDemocratic party had for 20 yearspposed the Republican policy of silver

ML a. a. ncrr. m aasat, at. jouii.miu ornvrirrt-n- t Indian Chiefs, etc.; His-tory of the War with the Ghost-Dancer- s, andall. 250 Esgkavings. l'oung- - Bots nut an-swered. Time for pay- - irrVTC U'VTCIIPianos W.CCktf sells

HIGH GRADE Organs In ens Piwithout knife. N kiss ot tl'jtpiles ments allowed Asrent WANTED.

Mas a eaamt 1HTT STTT nwn'iiisilfrom bnsiesss. Fisrsda. dears,CtC alw A IS mm. snonoitunds.DI..L A n . a .. ' M9 Jl WCfJU csa make tbi. tor a t.w bourwPLANET PUBLISHING CO

Uipans Tabuies have come to stay.Hipans Tabules banish pain. 0 DB. H. B. BVJTTB,

LociSaMO. Box 5001 , St. Louis. Mo u.M.utwnmcmimn tr. ma, xc