the fast paced mobile advertising market growth

Can’t Stop Now: The Fast Paced Mobile Advertising Market Growth

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: The Fast Paced Mobile Advertising Market Growth

Can’t Stop Now:

The Fast Paced Mobile Advertising

Market Growth

Page 2: The Fast Paced Mobile Advertising Market Growth

In the last decade, the mobile landscape in India has

tremendously changed from voice and text-based based

handsets to hand-held gadgets.

It offers rich features, creative applications, 3G network, and

latest operating systems, etc.

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Presently, India is a mobile market nation where mobile standout

amongst the most broad medium of communication for any

marketer in India.

India has the world's quickest growing Smartphone market and

Indian mobile users are demonstrating a distinct interest in

categories like news, entertainment, business, finance and


Page 4: The Fast Paced Mobile Advertising Market Growth

Moreover, advertising and marketing industry is being back by the

Indian government.

Henceforth, mobile ad companies in India have reason to smile

and target Indian clients who like to invest their maximum time on

smartphones and like to use them for looking data and make a

go at shopping.

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Mobile Advertising Growth

In Digital Medium

Mobile Advertising: Trends


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Mobile Advertising

Growth In Digital


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In India, mobile is a greater part of the digital communication

and the development of digital media is energetically fuelled by

Display and Search options.

SMS and Display are the largest contributors to mobile ad

spending in India.

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Today, digital communication has turned into a effective tool in

reaching out to the audience.

It will play a pivotal role in taking the digital medium’s ad spends

to a greater scenario as traditional measurement metrics like cost

per acquisition (CPA) and cost per click (CPC) are no longer very


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The extraordinary growth of India in mobile device will rely on

India's evolving infrastructure and it is conceivable with the

accessibility of less expensive smartphones.

The rise of new handset and tablet makers in India, with a wider

prevalence of 3G and the advent of 4G network the customers

user base will increase further more.

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Soon, mobile would become an advanced media and make

internet surfing on mobile easy.

The emergence of the SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud)

will be an imperative point towards the growth of mobile.

Interestingly, no other medium has the potential to bring all

three factors together in a perfect manner.

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Mobile Advertising:


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India will touch Rs. 3,575 crore ($578.1 Mn) by 2015, a 30% rise

from Rs. 2,750 crore (US$ 444.7 Mn) in the previous year,

according to a joint study by the Internet and Mobile Association

of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International.

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Today, India has 279 million users in the digital space. And this

number will rise every year.

Ad spend in India will touch Rs. 49,000 crore / $8.1 billion (12.6%

growth over 2014), a report by Advertising giant GroupM.

Moreover, it will witness a 37% increase in digital ad revenue in


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That is the reason why established brands and big organizations

are utilizing new technologies to interface and unite with their

targeted audience for a new brand or launch apps.

Mobile ads will soon get a lion share in the marketing.

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SI No. Media2014

(in Rs. crore)


(in Rs. crore)% Change

1 Television 19,350 22,446 16%

2 Print 16,108 16,872 5%

3 Radio 1,808 2,007 11%

4 Out Of Home 2,483 2,582 4%

5 Cinema 340 408 20%

6 Digital 3,402 4,661 37%

Total 43,491 48,976 12.60%

Below given chart tells the success story of Mobile Marketing.

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With the above examination and most latest information and

trends, it can be evaluated that Mobile Advertising in India is set

to develop at a trailblazing pace.

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For online advertisers and marketers, mobile has the potential to

target down to the individuals who are right for their brand.

Page 18: The Fast Paced Mobile Advertising Market Growth

Mobile Ad

Industry Market

in India

Research & Statistics

Page 19: The Fast Paced Mobile Advertising Market Growth

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