the fight for life

The Fight for Life By: Kaitlyn, Jillian and Maria

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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fight, boobie


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The Fight for Life By: Kaitlyn, Jillian and Maria

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Once there was a Blue Footed-Boobie named Jillian. All she

wished for was to be normal because she always stood out. For example, she had pink and orange fur but everyone else had brown and white fur. (One of the boobie’s adaptations is the color of its feet and fur so it can get all the attention.) All of a sudden Jillian heard crying on a big rock floating in the water. Jillian went to see what that noise was. It was a Meerkat! “Meerkat what is the matter?” I…. I am different than everyone else,” said the Meerkat. “Don’t worry, I am different than everyone else too! How are you different Meerkat?” “My body covering is different because it is less bushy and not the same color. What color is it usually? Meerkats are usually light brown and I am dark brown and black. “Really?” Yeah! All of a sudden Ryan the Leather Back Sea Turtle rose up from the water. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I thought this was just a rock! “Nope I’m Ryan; hold on tight!” Kurplunk! The Meerkat had fallen into the water! “AHHHHHHHHH! Help Me! I don’t know how to swim!” Ryan kept swimming and singing. “Ladadada, life is great, isn’t it, asked Maria the Meerkat? “Hello? Helllloooo?” “Ha-ha very funny magic trick. Clap. Clap. I am not joking I don’t know how to swim! Uugghh!” “Want me to help?” “No this girl already helped me. She saved my Life!””Fine then. How rude!” I bet I could have done better.” “Good day now!” Ryan swam away. “What is your name Meerkat?” “My name is Maria.” “Nice to meet you, I am Jillian.” “What are you doing here?” “I’m disappointed about my environment because my habitat is having a competition.” “What is a competition?” “ A competition is a kind of contest among each other. For example,

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like a race for a gold medal.” “Well that is too bad.” “ I know how you feel.” Soon after, they became good friends. That night Jillian went over to Maria’s habitat. Jillian excitedly said, “ Did you want have a picnic by the lake with me tomorrow?” “Sur, but I don’t know how to swim, remember? I almost drowned.” Maria said harshly. “ Don’t worry I will teach you how to swim.” said Jillian. “ Wow. thanks; I haven’t evergone for a swim in the water. I can’t wait!.... Oh wait a second… my ecosystem is having a competition. Remember?” “What makes up an ecosystem?” “An ecosystem is a community and all the nonliving things in the area. That is what makes up an ecosystem.” “I have an idea!” “ What is it Jillian?” “ Do you know how your ecosystem is having a competition? Well, we could get a big basket and collect some food to eat before it all runs out.” “ I think that is a great idea!”

The next day Jillian met up with Maria by the lake. “ Hey what’s that big thing in the water?” said Maria “What is big thing

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in the water?” said Jillian “ AHHHHH! It is coming towards us!” “ You guys relax it is just me, Ryan!” “ Oh hi Ryan!” “ Hi, what are you guys doing over here and what is that big basket for?” “ We are collecting food so we can have enough to eat. My ecosystem is having a competition. I wish they weren’t.” “ I am going to teach Maria the meerkat how to swim!” “ Oh that will be easy. Can I help you teach her how to swim?” “Sure it will be fun.” “I just remembered to ask you something. Do you want to collect food with us?” Maria said. “ Sure but I thought that we were going to teach Maria how to swim.“ We are going to collect food later.” “ The first part is very simple all you do is move your arms and legs.” said Ryan “Thanks Ryan, you are a big help.” said Maria “ Hey Maria why don’t you try to swim by yourself now.” said Ryan. “ I’m doing it!” said Maria. “ Excellent I told you it was easy!” “ So now lets start collecting food.” “But where should we start?” “Let’s start all around this area.” said Jillian “ Lets go to my ecosystem and collect food.” said Maria. “But remember you told me that there is no food in your ecosystem.” “ Oh yeah, lets collect food in your ecosystem then.” “That is a great idea.” “Lets go.”

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After they walked and collected food for a couple of hours, they heard a weird sound in a tree. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.” screamed Maria and Jillian “ Sorry for scaring you; I didn’t mean to scare you.” “ What is your name?” “ My name is Kaitlyn but you can call me Kate.” “ What kind of animal are you?” “ I am a Koala.” “So what are you three doing here?” asked Kate. “We are collecting food for Maria the Meerkat’s family because the rest of her habitat took all of her food.” “Ohh that’s horrible!” Can I help you?” said Kate. “Sure, but we need to make you a basket.,” said Maria. “I heard that a huge storm was supposed to come this way so you won’t have a lot of time.” said Ryan.

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Suddenly a huge lighting bolt hit a rock on the side of the grassland. “The storm has come,” said Ryan. “Oh no! It’s going to rain!” Jillian screamed. An enormous wave knocked Kate the koala into the water and sucked her and her friends Jillian, Maria, and Ryan into the water. “HELLO? Is anyone there? Kate, Ryan, Jillian?” said Maria “ Hi it’s me Jillian,” “and Kate.” “Where’s Ryan?” They all gasped. SWOOSH... SWOOSH... “HAAAA,” said Ryan out of breath. “Ryan!” they shouted, “Are you ok?” “That was AWESOME!” Ryan said. “WHERE ARE WE?” Kate screamed. “I don’t know.” Maria said. “ I think we are in Connecticut,” said Ryan “No, you’re in south of the Savanna,” said a voice. “WHO IS THERE?” Ryan said in a terrified way. “ It is me Daniel, the animal control taking you away. HaHaHa!” “AHHHHH he has me!” screamed

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Kate. “ Kate we will find you. Don’t worry, everything will be okay,” said Maria Soon after the animal control got away and Jillian, Maria and Ryan were going to swim after Kate. “Whoa it is getting really foggy out here and where are we?” Maria said. “I think we are lost.” said Jillian. “ I think so too.” Ryan said. “ Maybe we can ask someone for directions.” said Maria. “ If we can find someone because it is so foggy.” “ Hey, down here!” “ It is me Brian the mouse!” “Hi, can you help us? We are looking for our friend Kate the koala,” said Ryan. “Do you know the directions for the animal pound?” “In fact I do! You just go left right left right left…huh I forget.” “ I think you then go to the right,” said Jillian. “Oh yeah!” “ What?” Everyone said. “We are confused,” said Maria anxiously. “We have to find Kate and fast,” said Maria. “ I will just show you,” said Brian. Soon later Brian, Ryan, Maria and Jillian saw a mysterious object. “ What is that thing.” said Jillian. “I don’t know but all I know is that it is coming towards us!” Maria said. “AHHHHHHHHH!” Ryan screamed. “ Wait, I think that is the truck that Kate is in!” Brian said. “ Ryan quick! Swim us all towards the truck so we can get Kate!” Maria yelled frantically. “Quick it is getting away,” yelled Brian while jumping on Ryan’s head. “Hold on tight it is going to be a bumpy ride.” Ryan said. Soon after, they had caught up with the truck. “Quick Brian jump though the window!!” “Okay,” said Brian as he flew through the window. “ Come on, let’s follow him.” Ryan, Jillian and Maria anxiously pushed each other through the back door. “Quick Brian,

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distract Daniel the animal control catcher and we will go free Kate!” “Okay.” said Brian. When Brian was distracting Daniel, Brian ripped off Daniel’s mustache. “OOOOOOOOWWWWWWW! It burns!” yelped Daniel. “I got Kate, now lets go!” screamed Ryan in astonishment. They happily ran through the truck and Kate found a bunch of food and every one ate it happily ever after.