the first · 2019-08-30 ·...

Page 1 The First News First Presbyterian Church September, 2019 From Pastor Taylor Dear Friends, The very first line of our congregational book for 2019-2020 reminds us, “You are not fin- ished yet.” Brian McLaren’s We Make the Road by Walking invites us on a journey together, making the road of faith by learning, thinking, growing, listening to the ways God is speak- ing to us in the here and now. We will walk this journey together through the hallmarks of our congregational life: worship, Sunday School, devotional time, prayer, relationships, mission. And - we’ll walk this road with all ages and stages of faith, remembering that we are the body of Christ and that means we need everyone (that includes you .) When I taught special education, I had the word “YET” cut out in big letters taped to the chalkboard. I reminded the students again and again that we weren’t finished yet. They weren’t at the end yet. They might not know something yet but with hard work and dedication, they would. We’re all in the not yet. God is not yet finished with any of us and that is glorious news. This year, we’ll gather our hearts and minds and strength and walk this road towards spiritual growth together. We are not trying to get anywhere in particular because faith is not a desti- nation. We make the road by walking; our faith forms as we live it out. Some of you have wondered how we had enough books for people to get a free copy. When I went back to North Carolina last December to officiate my friend Amy’s funeral, her husband sent a gift in her memory to First Presbyte- rian as a thank you for sharing my time with him and his family. Before her battle with cancer and even in the midst of the difficult days, Amy loved walking. She walked the beach, her neighborhood, with friends. And Amy loved devo- tional books. She drank them in and loved doing so with a group of friends gathered in her living room. Even in the darkest of her days, Amy carved out time for her faith. She knew that Jesus was right there with her in her pain and hope and that she had the capacity to keep praying, keep learning, keep listening, keep loving as long as she had breath in her lungs. We all have that capacity, don’t we? I pray that this journey will unfold before you in a way most surprising and beauti- ful. May you know you are not alone and that we make this road by walking together. See you on the way. With love, Pastor Taylor

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Page 1: The First · 2019-08-30 · Ministries $2,000.00 $2,084.01 Mission $2,000.00 $2,084.01 If you haven’t updated your

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The First News

First Presbyterian Church

September, 2019

From Pastor Taylor

Dear Friends,

The very first line of our congregational book for 2019-2020 reminds us, “You are not fin-ished yet.” Brian McLaren’s We Make the Road by Walking invites us on a journey together, making the road of faith by learning, thinking, growing, listening to the ways God is speak-ing to us in the here and now. We will walk this journey together through the hallmarks of our congregational life: worship, Sunday School, devotional time, prayer, relationships, mission. And - we’ll walk this road with all ages and stages of faith, remembering that we are the body of Christ and that means we need everyone (that includes you.)

When I taught special education, I had the word “YET” cut out in big letters taped to the chalkboard. I reminded the students again and again that we weren’t finished yet. They weren’t at the end yet. They might not know something yet but with hard work and dedication, they would. We’re all in the not yet. God is not yet finished with any of us and that is glorious news. This year, we’ll gather our hearts and minds and strength and walk this road towards spiritual growth together. We are not trying to get anywhere in particular because faith is not a desti-nation. We make the road by walking; our faith forms as we live it out.

Some of you have wondered how we had enough books for people to get a free copy. When I went back to North Carolina last December to officiate my friend Amy’s funeral, her husband sent a gift in her memory to First Presbyte-rian as a thank you for sharing my time with him and his family. Before her battle with cancer and even in the midst of the difficult days, Amy loved walking. She walked the beach, her neighborhood, with friends. And Amy loved devo-tional books. She drank them in and loved doing so with a group of friends gathered in her living room. Even in the darkest of her days, Amy carved out time for her faith. She knew that Jesus was right there with her in her pain and hope and that she had the capacity to keep praying, keep learning, keep listening, keep loving as long as she had breath in her lungs.

We all have that capacity, don’t we? I pray that this journey will unfold before you in a way most surprising and beauti-ful. May you know you are not alone and that we make this road by walking together. See you on the way.

With love,

Pastor Taylor

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The First News

All Church Retreat Offers Activities, Worship, And Fun For All Ages

Join your church family for an all church retreat at the W. W.

Mann Center in Brooklet, September 27 and 28.

“This is a retreat for everyone,” said CE Director Susan Par-

rish. “We’ll have activities that everyone can enjoy and learn


See the schedule below and then see Susan Parrish to sign up.

Friday, September 27

5:30pm Chili & Hotdog Supper

6:30pm Energizers & Recreation for all ages!

7:30pm Singing & Smores around the campfire

8:30pm Goodnight!

Ongoing activities:



Checkers…Card Games

Bracelet Making

Conversations with your friends…

Saturday, September 28

9:00am Breakfast

10:00-10:40am Group Gathering with Taylor

10:45-11:30 Choose a Workshop:

Nature Walk

Water activities: fishing, canoeing, kayaking, swimming


11:45am Lunch

12:45-1:25pm Group Gathering with Taylor

1:30-2:10pm Workshops:




2:30-3:00pm Closing Worship

*There will be childcare assistance. Children will

participate with their families and extra hands will be

available for the activities!

Stay Connected To FPC Wherever You Go! On the web:

Facebook: First Presbyterian Church Statesboro

UKirk Georgia Southern

Instagram: First Presbyterian Church

UKirk Georgia Southern

FPC Statesboro Youth

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The First News

Use Your Time And Talents To Be God’s Hands and Feet On Earth We are all made in the image of God, but no two people are exactly alike. We are all given different talents and interests. You are in-vited to pledge your time and talents to FPC this year, by filling out and returning a 2019-2020 Time and Talent Pledge. Forms are available on the table in the narthex and in the church office. Each form, one for adults and one for children and youth, gives you the chance to help in worship, with missions, in the up-keep of the church or in our mission to take care of one another. “As the body of Christ, we are his hands and feet on this earth to do his work, and his heart to show his love,” said Pastor Taylor. “We are inviting everyone to take a few minutes to look inward to

how they can be the hands and the feet and the heart of Christ.”

Small Group Bible Study Sign Up and Supper Set For September 4

Small Group study will take the place of traditional Wednesday Night Supper and Bible Study this fall.

A small group is a group of people who gather to use We Make the Road by Walking in a way that extends be-yond their own personal reading. “We’ll ask questions at the end of the chapters, but more importantly, we’ll get to know one another and what’s making us feel joy and what’s not. We’ll pray together and we’ll trust that the Spirit will fill in the rest,” said Pastor Taylor.

Pastor’s Monday Morning

Bible Study

September 9

8:15 - 9 am

Carlton Hall

Groups will be small, no more than 12 people, and will meet at various times and places throughout the week during September and October.

“This whole journey is meant to draw us together and draw us nearer still to the Triune God. So we gather, just like the early church. Just like Jesus did with his followers. Just like church people have been doing forever,” said Pastor Taylor.

Small group sign up will be on September 4. We will begin with supper and then have a time to learn more about the groups.

A few copies of We Make the Road by Walking are still available. See Susan Parrish.

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The First News

Session Highlights:

Session Honors Presbyterian Women and Approves Budget

In their August 25 meeting the Session:

approved the Minutes of the Stated Session Meeting of 7/14/2019

approved Communion Service for an Emmaus Gathering at FPC in December and for an all-church retreat in September

approved Sunday School and Children's Church teachers for 2019-2020

discussed a variety of safety measures to be put into place to increase the safety of those individuals in the Sunday School building during worship

approved a Resolution honoring our Presbyterian Women

During an afternoon Session retreat, The Session made decisions regarding Session Meetings, Committee structure and meeting times and discussed communication goals, all in an effort to establish a church-wide calendar plan for August 2019 through August 2020. At the retreat, Session also approved a budget for the upcoming year, and ap-proved Stewardship materials and a plan for the upcoming Stewardship Season.

Notable Dates:

Mission Monday: Sept 2

Rebecca's Cafe: Sept 12, Oct 10

Laundry Love: Sept. 22, Oct. 27

Slate of proposed Elders to be presented to Members: Sept 8 and 15

New Elders to be elected by Members: Sept 15.

We will be using We Make the

Road by Walking, by Brian

McLaren in small group,

Sunday School, and worship

throughout the coming year. A

few copies are still available if

you do not already have one.

See Susan Parrish if you need a


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The First News


Revenue Budget Budget Expenses Budget Budget

$17,603.30 $20,499.98 ($2,896.68) $23,647.49 $24,192.55 ($ 545.06)


Revenue Budget Budget Expenses Budget Budget

$140,983.80 $143,500.10 ($2,516.30) $148,017.82 $152,971.38 ($4,953.56)

Stewardship Report - July, 2019

July, 2019

For this month we collected less money than planned. Expenses were also LESS than planned.

This drop in contributions is expected in the summertime, but is worthy of close monitoring going forward

The net income(loss) for the month was $(6,044.19)

This loss was greater than planned by $ 2,351.62

2019, Year To Date

Thus far in 2019, we have collected LESS money than expected. We have also had MORE expenses than ex-


Year to date, we have a net loss of ($7,034.02)

This loss is less than planned for by $2,437.26

Pilgrims and Prodigals balance $ 950.60

Backpack Buddies balance $2,705.38

Our recently established Legacy Funds are now officially working for us. At the end of 2018, three funds were es-

tablished for Capital Facilities, Ministries, and Mission/Benevolence. The goal of these funds is to prepare for

FPC’s future. Monies will not be used until the balance of the three funds reaches $100,000.

Jan 1, 2019 June 30, 2019

Facilities $2,000.00 $2,084.01

Ministries $2,000.00 $2,084.01

Mission $2,000.00 $2,084.01

If you haven’t updated your email address, or haven’t provided one previously, I would welcome your up-

date. (Providing quarterly contribution statements by email saves the church postage fees!)

Have you considered setting your contributions up for automatic payment? It’s quick, easy, and confiden-

tial. Please visit

Linda Kimsey, Treasurer

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The First News

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


10 am Sunday School 11 am Worship

2 - Mission Monday

Labor Day Church Office Closed


8:30 am Community Bible Study 9 am Staff Meeting 3 pm Facilities Comm. Meeting 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


5:30 pm Wed. Night Supper and Small Group Launch 7 pm Chancel Choir

5 6 7

10 am - 2 pm Silver Lining Club


10 am Sunday School 11 am Worship and Communion Noon PW Litany of Thanksgiving Lunch


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study 2 pm Joy Circle


8:30 am Community Bible Study 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


7 pm Chancel Choir


7 am Men’s 2x4 Bible Study 10am - 2 pm Rebecca’s Cafe

13 14

10 am - 2 pm Silver Lining Club


10 am New Member Class 10 am Sunday School 11 am Worship Congregational Meeting to Elect Elders 12-2pm Youth Bible Study


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study


8:30 am Community Bible Study 9 am Staff Meeting 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


5 pm UKirk Supper at LoBue’s 7 pm Chancel Choir

19 20 21


10 am Sunday School 10 am New Member Class 11 am Worship 3 pm Laundry Love


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study 11:30 am Book Club for All Seasons


8:30 am Community Bible Study 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


7 pm New Elder Training 7 pm Chancel Choir


7 am Men’s 2x4 Bible Study

27 5:30 pm All-Church Retreat (through 3 pm on Saturday)


All Church Retreat


10 am Sunday School 10 am New Member Class 11 am Worship


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study


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Open/Close Elder: Bill Mase

Liturgists: Ann Henderson, Marti Schriver

Ushers: Bill Mase

The First News

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


10 am Sunday School 11 am Worship

2 - Mission Monday

Labor Day Church Office Closed


8:30 am Community Bible Study 9 am Staff Meeting 3 pm Facilities Comm. Meeting 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


5:30 pm Wed. Night Supper and Small Group Launch 7 pm Chancel Choir

5 6 7

10 am - 2 pm Silver Lining Club


10 am Sunday School 11 am Worship and Communion Noon PW Litany of Thanksgiving Lunch


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study 2 pm Joy Circle


8:30 am Community Bible Study 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


7 pm Chancel Choir


7 am Men’s 2x4 Bible Study 10am - 2 pm Rebecca’s Cafe

13 14

10 am - 2 pm Silver Lining Club


10 am New Member Class 10 am Sunday School 11 am Worship Congregational Meeting to Elect Elders 12-2pm Youth Bible Study


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study


8:30 am Community Bible Study 9 am Staff Meeting 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


5 pm UKirk Supper at LoBue’s 7 pm Chancel Choir

19 20 21


10 am Sunday School 10 am New Member Class 11 am Worship 3 pm Laundry Love


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study 11:30 am Book Club for All Seasons


8:30 am Community Bible Study 3:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


7 pm New Elder Training 7 pm Chancel Choir


7 am Men’s 2x4 Bible Study

27 5:30 pm All-Church Retreat (through 3 pm on Saturday)


All Church Retreat


10 am Sunday School 10 am New Member Class 11 am Worship


8:15-8:35 am Pastor’s Bible Study

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The First News

Change is the focus of

Book Club Sept. Read

Do we change or does the world change us? Jo and Bethie Kaufman were born into a world full of promise. Growing up in 1950s Detroit, they live in a perfect “Dick and Jane” house, where their roles in the family are clearly defined. But the truth ends up looking different from what the girls imagined. Jo and Bethie survive traumas and trage-dies. As their lives unfold against the background of free love and Vietnam, Woodstock and women’s lib. Neither woman inhabits the world she dreams of, nor has a life that feels authentic or brings her joy. Is it too late for the women to finally stake a claim on happily ever after? The All Season’s Book Club will meet on Monday, Sept. 23 at 11:30 am in the Fielding Russell Room. Bring a lunch and join in the discussion.

New Member Class Begins Sept. 15

If you or someone you know is interested in exploring membership at FPC, a new member class will begin on September 15, at 10 am in Carlton Hall.

The class will meet five times to discuss what it means to be a Presbyterian, what is means to be a part of PC(USA), and what it means to be a part of First Presbyte-

rian. Those desiring member-ship will then meet with Session and will be welcomed into FPC on October 13 during worship.

If you would like to join the class, contact Pastor Taylor at [email protected].

Mission Spotlight: Rebecca’s Café

Rebecca’s Café is a local non-profit established a decade ago by Statesboro residents to

offer hot meals to the hungry, many of whom are homeless, in a comfortable and wel-

coming setting.

Volunteers serve approximately 200 meals every Tuesday and Thursday. Churches and

other or-

ganizations volunteer to prepare, serve and

clean up for one meal each month. FPC

has been involved with Rebecca’s Café

since the beginning, February of 2010.

Beginning this month, on September 12,

FPC will serve on the second Thursday

of each month. Statesboro Kiwanis will

be taking our old second Tuesday spot.

If you are interested in joining the Re-

becca’s Café team, see Ann Henderson.

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Dana Nevil 9/3

Derek Stoddard 9/3

Meghan Gerig 9/7

Diane Herndon 9/8

Lynda Webb 9/9

Edwin Presley 9/10

Walt Strickland 9/12

Samuel Nevil 9/14

Phil Waldrop 9/14

Helen Winstead 9/14

Carolyn Broucek 9/16

Adam Gerig 9/16

Frank McDonald 9/16

JD Dunn 9/17

Susan Parrish 9/19

Carter Copeland 9/20

Aubrey Stoddard 9/20

Ed Bayens 9/21

Duke Miles 9/24

Gayle Gunter 9/29

Christopher Desiderio 9/30

The First News

Please join us on

September 8

after worship

to help us celebrate

the legacy and gifts of

Presbyterian Women

with a covered dish luncheon and program

Yvette Allen, Bill Barnes, Sara Bennett, Jo and Tal

Callaway, Milton Futch, Gayle Gunter, Kathy

Gunter, Harriet Hair, Denise Hill, Sandy Newell,

Arit Onyile, Onyile Onyile, Del Presley, Pat Shel-

burne, Brownee Walton, Genie Ward,

Service men and women.

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The First News

Savannah Presbytery School of the Laity

The Tree of Life: An Introduction

to the Wisdom Literature of Ancient Israel

Instructor: Dr. Christine Roy Yoder, J. McDowell Rich-

ards Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Columbia


This course is an introduction to the wisdom literature of ancient Israel, especially the books of Proverbs, Job,

and Ecclesiastes and will dig deeper into themes Dr. Yoder presented as our keynoter for the 2018 Faith En-

richment Conference. Participants will consider the definition and key characteristics of wisdom, reflect on the

place of wisdom in the Christian Scriptures, and explore the relevance of wisdom’s perspectives for contempo-

rary Christian communities.

Registration forms can be found at

REGISTRATION DEADLINE is September 12, 2019

The Tree of Life:

Wisdom Literature of Ancient Israel

Wall Of Envelopes Will Send

Youth On Missions and Fun

The board in the Education Building with

brightly numbered envelopes is the Youth

2019 fundraiser.

The number on each envelope, 1-128, corre-

sponds to a dollar amount, for example the

envelope marked “63” means you will do-

nate $63. Take an envelope, put your dona-

tion in the envelope and return to Susan

Parrish. Inside each envelope is a coupon

for a car wash either in the fall or the spring.

“The 128 envelopes signifies the number of

years since FPC was founded.,” said Youth

Director Alex Gilbert. “We have a lot of

activities planned for the coming year, mission trips, a ski trip and the Youth Conference at Montreat. The youth

would like to thank everyone who has already taken an envelope and everyone who plans to help us clear the wall in

the coming weeks.”

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Church Staff

Ministers: All Members of the Church

Pastor: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman

Christian Education Director: Susan Parrish

Music Director: Allen Henderson

Organists: Duke Miles & Glenn Haynes

Office Administrator: June Bryant-Hackle

Youth Director: Alex Gilbert

2019 Ruling Elders

Clerk of Session: Eileen Bayens

Administration Committee: Brett Curry (19) & Andrew Allen (20)

Christian Education Committee: Stacey Basquin (20) & Doty Dunn (21)

Facilities Committee: Carlita Slatky (21)

Mission Committee: Patti Moore (21)

Pastoral Care Committee: Frank McDonald (19), Charlotte Wynn (20)

& Lynda Webb (20)

Worship Committee: Bill Mase (21) & Ann Henderson (19)

Service Committee: Annette Smith (19)

Rally Day, 2019

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First Presbyterian Church 1215 Fair Road

Statesboro, Georgia 30458

Our Shared Mission

The mission of the First Presbyterian Church of Statesboro, Georgia, is to

be a Christ-centered family of believers called and committed to worship-

ping, growing spiritually, and sharing God’s love and grace. Included within

this mission is to be witnesses to the new thing God is doing in the world in Christ: breaking

down barriers of every kind, bringing forth life in the face of death, reconciling the world to

God and people to each other. As we work toward attaining these goals we worship together in

song and prayer, study the scriptures, serve our neighbors, and grow in the Spirit of unity and
