the french and indian war

New England Region Middle Region Southern Region Colonies -Massachusetts -Connecticut -Rhode Island -New Hampshire -New York -New Jersey -Delaware -Pennsylvania -Virginia -Maryland -North Carolina -South Carolina -Georgia Geography/ Natural Resources -forest -thin, rocky soil -cool climates -fish, whales - Fertile soil - -warm climate - -long growing season -very rich, fertile soil -hot climate -long growing season Economy - manufactured products (rum) - shipbuilding - merchants - fishermen, -raised livestock (cattle,pigs) -grew and exported grain - agriculture -grew and exported tobacco, rice,

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The French and Indian War. French and Indian War. The French and Indian War was a war between Britain and the Indians . Cause: The colonists kept pushing the Indians west. Effect: The British made the Proclamation of 1763. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The French and Indian War

New England Region

Middle Region

Southern Region


-Connecticut-Rhode Island

-New Hampshire

-New York-New Jersey-Delaware



-North Carolina-South Carolina


Geography/ Natural


-forest-thin, rocky soil-cool climates-fish, whales

-Fertile soil--warm climate--long growing


-very rich, fertile soil

-hot climate-long growing



-manufactured products (rum)-shipbuilding-merchants-fishermen,


-raised livestock (cattle,pigs)-grew and

exported grain-small


-agriculture-grew and

exported tobacco, rice, and later


Page 2: The French and Indian War

The French and Indian War

The French and Indian War

Page 3: The French and Indian War

French and Indian WarFrench and Indian WarFrench and Indian WarFrench and Indian War

The French and The French and Indian War was a Indian War was a war between Britain war between Britain and the Indiansand the Indians..

Cause: The colonists Cause: The colonists kept pushing the kept pushing the Indians west. Indians west.

Effect: The British Effect: The British made the made the Proclamation of Proclamation of 1763. 1763.

The French and The French and Indian War was a Indian War was a war between Britain war between Britain and the Indiansand the Indians..

Cause: The colonists Cause: The colonists kept pushing the kept pushing the Indians west. Indians west.

Effect: The British Effect: The British made the made the Proclamation of Proclamation of 1763. 1763.

Page 4: The French and Indian War

I. FIGHTING BEGINS- English settlers called the conflict the French and Indian War because they fought the French and their Native American allies. What did Europeans call it?

A. George Washington

1. Played a major role in this war, was

only 22 years old

I. FIGHTING BEGINS- English settlers called the conflict the French and Indian War because they fought the French and their Native American allies. What did Europeans call it?

A. George Washington

1. Played a major role in this war, was

only 22 years old

Page 5: The French and Indian War

2. Washington was ordered to build a fort on the Allegheny River. When he arrived, the French already had a fort. Washington was forced to build a makeshift stockade, called Fort Necessity.

2. Washington was ordered to build a fort on the Allegheny River. When he arrived, the French already had a fort. Washington was forced to build a makeshift stockade, called Fort Necessity.

Page 6: The French and Indian War

3. French surrounded Fort Necessity, and Washington was forced to surrender. He was released later.

3. French surrounded Fort Necessity, and Washington was forced to surrender. He was released later.

Page 7: The French and Indian War

V. Treaty of Paris 1763

A. France lost all lands East of the Mississippi River to the English

B. Spain lost Florida to the English

C. Spain gained New Orleans and all French lands west of the Mississippi River

V. Treaty of Paris 1763

A. France lost all lands East of the Mississippi River to the English

B. Spain lost Florida to the English

C. Spain gained New Orleans and all French lands west of the Mississippi River

Page 8: The French and Indian War

Causes of the American Causes of the American Revolution!Revolution!

Causes of the American Causes of the American Revolution!Revolution!

The French and

Indian W


Intolerable Acts

Stamp Act Boston Massacre Boston Tea Par


Proclamation of 1773 Townshend Acts Tea Act

Page 9: The French and Indian War

Proclamation of 1763Proclamation of 1763Proclamation of 1763Proclamation of 1763

The Proclamation of 1763 was a law prohibiting the colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Cause: England was still in debt Cause: England was still in debt from the French and Indian War from the French and Indian War and didn’t want to start another and didn’t want to start another war.war.

Effect: The colonist still moved Effect: The colonist still moved west anyway because owning west anyway because owning land was important (you land was important (you needed it to be able to vote). needed it to be able to vote).

The Proclamation of 1763 was a law prohibiting the colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Cause: England was still in debt Cause: England was still in debt from the French and Indian War from the French and Indian War and didn’t want to start another and didn’t want to start another war.war.

Effect: The colonist still moved Effect: The colonist still moved west anyway because owning west anyway because owning land was important (you land was important (you needed it to be able to vote). needed it to be able to vote).

King GeorgeKing George

Page 10: The French and Indian War

Stamp ActStamp ActStamp ActStamp Act

The Stamp Act was a tax on every sheet of every legal document.

Cause: Britain needed money because they Cause: Britain needed money because they were in debt from the war so they taxed the were in debt from the war so they taxed the colonists.colonists.

Effect: The colonists boycotted British Effect: The colonists boycotted British goods. They also organized the Sons of goods. They also organized the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty. Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty.

The Stamp Act was a tax on every sheet of every legal document.

Cause: Britain needed money because they Cause: Britain needed money because they were in debt from the war so they taxed the were in debt from the war so they taxed the colonists.colonists.

Effect: The colonists boycotted British Effect: The colonists boycotted British goods. They also organized the Sons of goods. They also organized the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty. Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty.

Page 11: The French and Indian War

The Stamp ActThe Stamp Act

Passed March 22, 1765 by British Parliament

Taxed colonists on all paper products

Viewed as fundraising for England

Repealed in 1766

Passed March 22, 1765 by British Parliament

Taxed colonists on all paper products

Viewed as fundraising for England

Repealed in 1766

Page 12: The French and Indian War

Townshend ActsTownshend ActsTownshend ActsTownshend Acts

The Townshend Acts used all the money collected for imported goods to pay the salaries of British soldiers. The Townshend Acts also caused a tax for glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea.

Cause: Britain still needed money, Cause: Britain still needed money, but they needed a way to tax the but they needed a way to tax the colonies “without offense.” colonies “without offense.”

Effect: The colonists boycotted Effect: The colonists boycotted British goods again.British goods again.

The Townshend Acts used all the money collected for imported goods to pay the salaries of British soldiers. The Townshend Acts also caused a tax for glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea.

Cause: Britain still needed money, Cause: Britain still needed money, but they needed a way to tax the but they needed a way to tax the colonies “without offense.” colonies “without offense.”

Effect: The colonists boycotted Effect: The colonists boycotted British goods again.British goods again.

Page 13: The French and Indian War

Boston Massacre Boston Massacre Boston Massacre Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre was a clash The Boston Massacre was a clash between British troops and a group between British troops and a group of colonists in which five colonists of colonists in which five colonists were killedwere killed..

Cause: After lots of ridicule, the Cause: After lots of ridicule, the tension finally broke. Some colonists tension finally broke. Some colonists started throwing snowball in front of started throwing snowball in front of the Boston Customhouse. The the Boston Customhouse. The soldiers became nervous and started soldiers became nervous and started shooting.shooting.

Effect: Six of the soldiers were Effect: Six of the soldiers were acquitted, and two of them had their acquitted, and two of them had their thumbs branded for shooting.thumbs branded for shooting.

The Boston Massacre was a clash The Boston Massacre was a clash between British troops and a group between British troops and a group of colonists in which five colonists of colonists in which five colonists were killedwere killed..

Cause: After lots of ridicule, the Cause: After lots of ridicule, the tension finally broke. Some colonists tension finally broke. Some colonists started throwing snowball in front of started throwing snowball in front of the Boston Customhouse. The the Boston Customhouse. The soldiers became nervous and started soldiers became nervous and started shooting.shooting.

Effect: Six of the soldiers were Effect: Six of the soldiers were acquitted, and two of them had their acquitted, and two of them had their thumbs branded for shooting.thumbs branded for shooting.

Page 14: The French and Indian War

I. Parliament Passes Tea Act- 1773

A. The boycott on tea was making the British East India Company lose money.

B. Parliament cuts out middleman to make tea cheaper to convince colonists to buy it.

C. However, colonists continued to boycott because there was still a tax.

D. Colonists started drinking Liberty Tea

I. Parliament Passes Tea Act- 1773

A. The boycott on tea was making the British East India Company lose money.

B. Parliament cuts out middleman to make tea cheaper to convince colonists to buy it.

C. However, colonists continued to boycott because there was still a tax.

D. Colonists started drinking Liberty Tea

Page 15: The French and Indian War

Tea ActTea ActTea ActTea Act

The Tea Act was a tax on all imported tea from Britain.

Cause: The colonists boycott against British goods had hurt their trade, so the British repealed the Townshend Acts after the Boston Massacre. Parliament only kept the tea tax.

Effect: The Sons of Liberty organized a protest against the Tea Act known as the Boston Tea Party.

The Tea Act was a tax on all imported tea from Britain.

Cause: The colonists boycott against British goods had hurt their trade, so the British repealed the Townshend Acts after the Boston Massacre. Parliament only kept the tea tax.

Effect: The Sons of Liberty organized a protest against the Tea Act known as the Boston Tea Party.

Page 16: The French and Indian War

II. Boston Tea PartyII. Boston Tea Party

A. A. Sam AdamsSam Adams and the and the Sons of LibertySons of Liberty sent a message sent a message to the governor of Massachusetts, demanding that to the governor of Massachusetts, demanding that British ships carrying tea leave the harbor.British ships carrying tea leave the harbor.

B. When they refused, dressed like Mohawk Indians, B. When they refused, dressed like Mohawk Indians, colonists stormed the ships, split open the chests, and colonists stormed the ships, split open the chests, and dumped tea into the harbor under the full moon.dumped tea into the harbor under the full moon.

II. Boston Tea PartyII. Boston Tea Party

A. A. Sam AdamsSam Adams and the and the Sons of LibertySons of Liberty sent a message sent a message to the governor of Massachusetts, demanding that to the governor of Massachusetts, demanding that British ships carrying tea leave the harbor.British ships carrying tea leave the harbor.

B. When they refused, dressed like Mohawk Indians, B. When they refused, dressed like Mohawk Indians, colonists stormed the ships, split open the chests, and colonists stormed the ships, split open the chests, and dumped tea into the harbor under the full moon.dumped tea into the harbor under the full moon.

Page 17: The French and Indian War

Boston Tea PartyBoston Tea Party

Dec. 16 1773 at Griffin’s Warf

Men threw tea into the Harbor

9.7 thousand pounds=18.5 million cups of tea

Turned the Harbor brown for days.

Only 1 man sent to prison

In protest of “taxation without representation”

Dec. 16 1773 at Griffin’s Warf

Men threw tea into the Harbor

9.7 thousand pounds=18.5 million cups of tea

Turned the Harbor brown for days.

Only 1 man sent to prison

In protest of “taxation without representation”

Page 18: The French and Indian War

Boston Tea PartyBoston Tea PartyBoston Tea PartyBoston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was a protest organized by the colonists against the British. All the colonists dressed up as Indians and snuck on-board the British ships in the harbor. Then they threw all the tea on the ships into Boston Harbor.

Cause: The colonists were Cause: The colonists were upset by the Tea Act.upset by the Tea Act.

Effect: The Intolerable Acts Effect: The Intolerable Acts were passed to keep the were passed to keep the colonists under control. colonists under control.

The Boston Tea Party was a protest organized by the colonists against the British. All the colonists dressed up as Indians and snuck on-board the British ships in the harbor. Then they threw all the tea on the ships into Boston Harbor.

Cause: The colonists were Cause: The colonists were upset by the Tea Act.upset by the Tea Act.

Effect: The Intolerable Acts Effect: The Intolerable Acts were passed to keep the were passed to keep the colonists under control. colonists under control.

Page 19: The French and Indian War

Intolerable ActsIntolerable ActsIntolerable ActsIntolerable ActsThe Intolerable Acts were four strict laws that gave the British a sense of more control over the colonies. First of all, they closed down the port of Boston until the colonists paid for all of the tea they threw into Boston Harbor. Second, they forbade any meetings without the governor’s permission. Next, they made the colonists house and feed British troops. Finally, instead of British officials being tried for crimes in the colonies, they would be tried in Britain. Also, King George the third appointed General Thomas Gage the new governor of


Cause: The Boston Tea Cause: The Boston Tea


Effect: The colonists startedEffect: The colonists started

the Revolutionary War. the Revolutionary War.

The Intolerable Acts were four strict laws that gave the British a sense of more control over the colonies. First of all, they closed down the port of Boston until the colonists paid for all of the tea they threw into Boston Harbor. Second, they forbade any meetings without the governor’s permission. Next, they made the colonists house and feed British troops. Finally, instead of British officials being tried for crimes in the colonies, they would be tried in Britain. Also, King George the third appointed General Thomas Gage the new governor of


Cause: The Boston Tea Cause: The Boston Tea


Effect: The colonists startedEffect: The colonists started

the Revolutionary War. the Revolutionary War.

Page 20: The French and Indian War

IV. The First Continental Congress- September 1774IV. The First Continental Congress- September 1774

A. Colonial leaders from 12 colonies call a meeting in A. Colonial leaders from 12 colonies call a meeting in PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia

B. Colonists agree to back Massachusetts and boycott B. Colonists agree to back Massachusetts and boycott all British goods until Intolerable Acts were repealed.all British goods until Intolerable Acts were repealed.

C. Each colony also set up its own C. Each colony also set up its own militiamilitia (army of (army of civilians)civilians)

IV. The First Continental Congress- September 1774IV. The First Continental Congress- September 1774

A. Colonial leaders from 12 colonies call a meeting in A. Colonial leaders from 12 colonies call a meeting in PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia

B. Colonists agree to back Massachusetts and boycott B. Colonists agree to back Massachusetts and boycott all British goods until Intolerable Acts were repealed.all British goods until Intolerable Acts were repealed.

C. Each colony also set up its own C. Each colony also set up its own militiamilitia (army of (army of civilians)civilians)

Page 21: The French and Indian War

V. V. Lexington and ConcordLexington and Concord

A. In Massachusetts, A. In Massachusetts, minutemenminutemen trained regularly trained regularly in preparation to fightin preparation to fight

B. British troops left Boston to go to Concord, B. British troops left Boston to go to Concord, because they heard that the minutemen were because they heard that the minutemen were storing arms there.storing arms there.

C. At Lexington, minutemen confronted the British C. At Lexington, minutemen confronted the British troops and lost a small battletroops and lost a small battle

D. At Concord, minutemen forced the British to D. At Concord, minutemen forced the British to retreat and killed 73 menretreat and killed 73 men

V. V. Lexington and ConcordLexington and Concord

A. In Massachusetts, A. In Massachusetts, minutemenminutemen trained regularly trained regularly in preparation to fightin preparation to fight

B. British troops left Boston to go to Concord, B. British troops left Boston to go to Concord, because they heard that the minutemen were because they heard that the minutemen were storing arms there.storing arms there.

C. At Lexington, minutemen confronted the British C. At Lexington, minutemen confronted the British troops and lost a small battletroops and lost a small battle

D. At Concord, minutemen forced the British to D. At Concord, minutemen forced the British to retreat and killed 73 menretreat and killed 73 men