the fronts and atlantic storm-track experiment...

1917 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society a Météo-France, Toulouse, France. b NOAA/ERL, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado. c NOAA/ERL, Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado. d University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom. e Joint Centre for Mesoscale Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom. f Laboratoire d’Aérologie, Toulouse, France. g United Kingdom Meteorological Office, Bracknell, United Kingdom. h Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. i Centre d’étude des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires, Velizy, France. 1. Background The theoretical and observational study of cyclo- genesis has experienced a remarkable renewal of in- terest owing to the simultaneous emergence of new theoretical problems and new approaches to diagnose this phenomenon. The result is a significant change of The Fronts and Atlantic Storm-Track Experiment (FASTEX): Scientific Objectives and Experimental Design Alain Joly, a Dave Jorgensen, b Melvyn A. Shapiro, c Alan Thorpe, d Pierre Bessemoulin, a Keith A. Browning, e Jean-Pierre Cammas, f Jean-Pierre Chalon, a Sidney A. Clough, g Kerry A. Emanuel, h Laurence Eymard, i Robert Gall, j Peter H. Hildebrand, j Rolf H. Langland, k Yvon Lemaître, i Peter Lynch, l James A. Moore, m P. Ola G. Persson, n Chris Snyder, j and Roger M. Wakimoto o ABSTRACT The Fronts and Atlantic Storm-Track Experiment (FASTEX) will address the life cycle of cyclones evolving over the North Atlantic Ocean in January and February 1997. The objectives of FASTEX are to improve the forecasts of end- of-storm-track cyclogenesis (primarily in the eastern Atlantic but with applicability to the Pacific) in the range 24 to 72 h, to enable the testing of theoretical ideas on cyclone formation and development, and to document the vertical and the mesoscale structure of cloud systems in mature cyclones and their relation to the dynamics. The observing system includes ships that will remain in the vicinity of the main baroclinic zone in the central Atlantic Ocean, jet aircraft that will fly and drop sondes off the east coast of North America or over the central Atlantic Ocean, turboprop aircraft that will survey mature cyclones off Ireland with dropsondes, and airborne Doppler radars, including ASTRAIA/ELDORA. Radiosounding frequency around the North Atlantic basin will be increased, as well as the number of drifting buoys. These facilities will be activated during multiple-day intensive observing periods in order to observe the same meteoro- logical systems at several stages of their life cycle. A central archive will be developed in quasi-real time in Toulouse, France, thus allowing data to be made widely available to the scientific community. j National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado. k Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, California. l Met Éireann, Dublin, Ireland. m University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado. n NOAA Environment Technology Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado. o CIRES/University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Corresponding author address: Dr. Alain Joly, Météo-France, CNRM/GMME, 42, av. G. Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse cedex, France. E-mail: [email protected] In final form 30 December 1996. ©1997 American Meteorological Society perspective in cyclone conceptualization. It suggests, in turn, new approaches to observation and prediction of cyclones. The new problems stem from the studies of cyclo- genesis on the 1000-km scale. This scale of motion is the only one explicitly mentioned in the founding pa- per on the life cycles of cyclones by Bjerknes and

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Page 1: The Fronts and Atlantic Storm-Track Experiment … and Experimental Design ... in temperature with vorticity maxima primarily

1917Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

aMétéo-France, Toulouse, France.bNOAA/ERL, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Boulder,Colorado.cNOAA/ERL, Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder,Colorado.dUniversity of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom.eJoint Centre for Mesoscale Meteorology, University of Reading,Reading, United Kingdom.fLaboratoire d’Aérologie, Toulouse, France.gUnited Kingdom Meteorological Office, Bracknell, UnitedKingdom.hMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.iCentre d’étude des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires,Velizy, France.

1. Background

The theoretical and observational study of cyclo-genesis has experienced a remarkable renewal of in-terest owing to the simultaneous emergence of newtheoretical problems and new approaches to diagnosethis phenomenon. The result is a significant change of

The Fronts and Atlantic Storm-TrackExperiment (FASTEX): Scientific

Objectives and Experimental Design

Alain Joly,a Dave Jorgensen,b Melvyn A. Shapiro,c Alan Thorpe,d Pierre Bessemoulin,a

Keith A. Browning,e Jean-Pierre Cammas,f Jean-Pierre Chalon,a Sidney A. Clough,g

Kerry A. Emanuel,h Laurence Eymard,i Robert Gall,j Peter H. Hildebrand,j

Rolf H. Langland,k Yvon Lemaître,i Peter Lynch,l James A. Moore,m

P. Ola G. Persson,n Chris Snyder,j and Roger M. Wakimotoo


The Fronts and Atlantic Storm-Track Experiment (FASTEX) will address the life cycle of cyclones evolving overthe North Atlantic Ocean in January and February 1997. The objectives of FASTEX are to improve the forecasts of end-of-storm-track cyclogenesis (primarily in the eastern Atlantic but with applicability to the Pacific) in the range 24 to72 h, to enable the testing of theoretical ideas on cyclone formation and development, and to document the vertical andthe mesoscale structure of cloud systems in mature cyclones and their relation to the dynamics. The observing systemincludes ships that will remain in the vicinity of the main baroclinic zone in the central Atlantic Ocean, jet aircraft thatwill fly and drop sondes off the east coast of North America or over the central Atlantic Ocean, turboprop aircraft thatwill survey mature cyclones off Ireland with dropsondes, and airborne Doppler radars, including ASTRAIA/ELDORA.Radiosounding frequency around the North Atlantic basin will be increased, as well as the number of drifting buoys.These facilities will be activated during multiple-day intensive observing periods in order to observe the same meteoro-logical systems at several stages of their life cycle. A central archive will be developed in quasi-real time in Toulouse,France, thus allowing data to be made widely available to the scientific community.

jNational Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado.kNaval Research Laboratory, Monterey, California.lMet Éireann, Dublin, Ireland.mUniversity Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder,Colorado.nNOAA Environment Technology Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado.oCIRES/University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles,California.Corresponding author address: Dr. Alain Joly, Météo-France,CNRM/GMME, 42, av. G. Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse cedex,France.E-mail: [email protected] final form 30 December 1996.©1997 American Meteorological Society

perspective in cyclone conceptualization. It suggests,in turn, new approaches to observation and predictionof cyclones.

The new problems stem from the studies of cyclo-genesis on the 1000-km scale. This scale of motion isthe only one explicitly mentioned in the founding pa-per on the life cycles of cyclones by Bjerknes and

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Solberg (1922). This work related cyclones to previ-ously existing fronts. The semigeostrophic theory offrontogenesis (Sawyer 1956; Eliassen 1962; Hoskinsand Bretherton 1972) provides a simple but realisticdescription of atmospheric fronts. It may be worth re-calling for reference that fronts combine rapid changesin temperature with vorticity maxima primarily local-ized near the vertical boundaries of the troposphere.Returning to 1000-km-scale cyclogenesis, the first ideawas to provide an instability theory of frontal cyclo-genesis in the same spirit as Charney (1947) and Eady(1949) did for the larger-scale cyclogenesis in jetflows. The fronts offer greater organization of the windfield than the simple baroclinic zone. This can lead toa new set of conditions under which normal mode in-stability can occur along a front. For example, remain-ing in the context of semigeostrophic theory see Schärand Davies (1990) or Joly and Thorpe (1990). The lat-ter provides a review of a number of other approachesin a variety of dynamical frameworks. Malardel et al.(1993), however, point out that, on its own, the addi-tional conversion mechanism that a frontal environ-ment provides (downscale kinetic energy transfer dueto the presence of wind shear) leads to active but short-lived systems with very little pressure deepening, incontrast to “bombs.”

The new theoretical approaches result from thelong-lasting questioning of the relevance of the nor-mal mode stability analysis as a theoretical explana-tion of cyclogenesis. This question, together with thealternative approach of the development of alreadyexisting structures, had been voiced originally bySutcliffe (1947), Kleinschmidt (1950), and Petterssen(1955); for a historical review, see Grønås and Shapiro(1997). Farrell (1985, 1989) provided the theoreticalsupport to these views, applied originally to the ex-plosive growth of large-scale waves in the context ofquasigeostrophic dynamics. The general idea is thatthe same physical mechanisms present in the normalmodes can be triggered much more efficiently byinitial conditions involving organized precursors.The framework proposed by Farrell (1988) also ad-dresses some of the difficulties noticed in the newwork on frontal stability. For example, the timescaleof frontogenesis is not different from that of frontalcyclogenesis, so the two mechanisms cannot be sepa-rated as neatly as the normal analysis requires. In thesame spirit, it appears that time-dependent basic flows,not amenable to normal mode analysis in the strictsense [in spite of attempts such as Joly and Thorpe(1991)], can lead to new mechanisms for the de-

velopment—or the absence of development—ofcyclonelike features.

The combination of these new problems and ap-proaches has led to new theoretical interpretations ofcyclogenesis. Thorncroft and Hoskins (1990) illus-trated the nonlinear development of a cyclone alongthe cold front of a baroclinic wave initiated by anupper-level (tropopause) feature. This upper anomalyovercomes the stabilizing effect of frontogenesisshown by Bishop and Thorpe (1994a,b). Bishop andThorpe studied the effect of stretching deformation onmoist frontal cyclogenesis. The effectiveness of thedeformation to hinder cyclone formation is shownquantitatively. Bishop (1993) also explored the influ-ence of deformation on the growth of a baroclinicwave. Joly (1995) generalized the results of Malardelet al. (1993) on the finite amplitude growth to a vari-ety of initial conditions as well as to transient devel-opment: the baroclinic interaction appears to be theonly mechanism that allows deepening greater than10 mb. This does not imply that the nonbaroclinic sys-tems are weak during their short life cycle: just thereverse, it shows that looking only at the pressure fieldcan be misleading. It appears that a whole new set ofideas and hypotheses are now available for testingagainst observations. The meteorological subjects ofinterest are not the explosive large-scale waves but awider spectrum of more or less modest cyclones,which form along preexisting fronts trailing behindlarge low pressure zones. These cyclones stronglydepend on many properties of their environment: thebaroclinicity; the presence of low-level frontal jets andfrontogenetic forcing; and the existence of transient,organized features, for example, potential vorticity(PV) features. Figure 1 shows a recent example of thetype of event of interest.

2. Why FASTEX?

The ultimate objective, numerical forecast of thesefrontal or more generally, these “end-of-storm-track”cyclones, remains a serious practical problem, in spiteof the continuous progress in numerical weather pre-diction. This was noted in the report by the Frenchforecasters Beugin and Rochard (1991) describing thenumerous difficult cases of storm landfall seen dur-ing the winter of 1989–90, in spite of a new genera-tion of forecast models. This is illustrated by Fig. 2showing successive forecasts of the 1996 storm ofFig. 1 from the European Centre for Medium-Range

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Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational suite.Although the general cyclone characteristics are wellpredicted, an accurate forecast of precipitation overIreland and of the wind over the English Channel var-ied with every new forecast, leading to little confi-dence in quantitative forecasts of these and otherparameters. Clearly, however, the problem is not sim-ply the ability of these models to represent cyclonesproperly, as some of the forecasts for a given eventare excellent. This situation calls for a different ap-proach, something else than, for example, trying toimprove parameterizations. The problem is indeedrelated to the sensitivity of these developments to ini-tial conditions. Incidentally, the change of perspectiveadvocated by Farrell in the theoretical understandingof cyclogenesis directly leads to expect such a prob-lem with cyclone forecasting (Farrell 1990). Therichness of possible mechanisms makes the difficultyeven larger than with the pure baroclinic developmentproblem.

Beside the need to evaluate the new theoreticalideas of cyclogenesis, there is also a demand for im-proved, validated, conceptual models of cyclogenesis,including improvements to physical process param-eterizations, which can help the assessments of realforecasts. There is a real need to explore technologiesto provide, with a given model, a series of consistentsuccessive forecasts in the range of 24–96 h, or at leastto know whether this is conceivable. These require-ments motivated the design of the Fronts and AtlanticStorm-Track Experiment (FASTEX).

Further motivations for FASTEX are requirementsfor improved understanding of the organization ofclouds and their resulting impact on radiative balance,the current interest in the mesoscale structure embed-ded within cyclones, and other topics developed insection 4 below. The continuing improvements inobservational technology also gives impetus to newmeasurements of cyclone structure and air motions.These are the areas where better understanding andbetter observations will be translated into validationand improvements of parameterizations, especiallythrough the handling of cloud processes and air–seainteractions.

FIG. 1. An example of cyclone life cycle of interest to FASTEX. Within 24 h, the cyclone forms in the middle of the ocean as anopen wave and hits the west coast with gale force winds. The cyclone is indicated by the large black L. The maps are a series ofanalyses from the Météo-France data assimilation system Arpège. Thin solid lines are surface pressure, contour interval 3 mb, exceptthe 1015-mb reference contour, which is a heavy solid line. Other heavy lines, alternatively solid and dotted, are 925-mb wet bulbpotential temperature.

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The design of FASTEX benefited from two previ-ous sets of field studies that were focused on cyclo-genesis and frontal dynamics. The first was a seriesof field experiments conducted along the east coast ofNorth America in the 1980s: the Genesis of AtlanticLows Experiment (GALE; Dirks et al. 1988), the Ex-periment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over theAtlantic (ERICA; Hadlock and Kreitzberg 1988), andthe two successive field phases of the Canadian At-lantic Storms Program (CASP; Stewart et al. 1987;Stewart 1991). These experiments provided an under-standing of the process of rapid or even explosive cy-clogenesis taking place along the western boundariesof oceanic basins, a category of cyclones that is notthe focus of FASTEX. The second series of field cam-paigns was European: the FRONTS-87 project(Clough and Testud 1988), organized by the UnitedKingdom and France to collect data to validate thesemigeostrophic theory of frontogenesis and studyfrontal precipitation (see, e.g., Lagouvardos et al.1993). More recently, the United Kingdom conductedthe FRONTS-92 project (Browning et al. 1995) thatextended the previous FRONTS work and laid theground work for FASTEX.

The first outline of the main objectives ofFASTEX and its proposed observing systems wasprepared by Joly and Lalaurette (1991). They stressedthe need to concentrate on life cycles rather than themature stage and on weakly or moderately deepeningsystems. Shortly thereafter, because of strong linkswith long-term coooperation on theoretical work with

the United Kingdom and withFRONTS 92, FASTEX becamea French and U.K. initiative.The preparatory work begun in1993, after plans describing thepreliminary project design hadbeen reviewed by a panel thatincluded a number of U.S. sci-entists. The first meeting of theCore Steering Group, includingseveral U.S. representatives,took place in Toulouse, France,in 1993. U.S. agency participa-tion was formulated at the firstmeeting of the Scientific Steer-ing Group under the chairman-ship of A. Thorpe in SilverSpring, Maryland, in March1995. An outgrowth of thismeeting was the addition of sev-

eral key additional scientific objectives related to thetesting of adaptive observation strategies (see section4b below) as a practical methodology of providingforecast improvements. Following inquires to Canadaand a number of European countries, FASTEX soonbecame a large, joint project strongly supported byboth American and European scientists and researchand operational agencies, with regular planning meet-ings and production of documents, most notably theFASTEX Science Plan (Thorpe and Shapiro 1995), theFASTEX Operations Overview (Jorgensen and Joly1995), and the FASTEX Operations Plan (Jorgensenet al. 1996a).

The present article summarizes these plans, begin-ning by defining the cyclones of interest (section 3)and formally presenting the scientific objectives (sec-tion 4). Section 5 presents the observing system andsampling strategies followed by a summary of theexperimental design and decision making (section 6).Finally, the data management approach is outlined(section 7).

3. Climatology of FASTEX cyclones

The objectives of climatological studies of Atlan-tic cyclogenesis are (i) to characterize properties ofcyclones affecting the west coast of Europe, (ii) todetermine frequencies of occurrence, and (iii) to de-rive some picture of their life cycle. The detailed re-sults of the first part of this work are to be found in

FIG. 2. A series of forecasts for 2 February 1996 1200 UTC, the same cyclone as in Fig. 1,together with the verifying analysis, taken from the ECMWF operational dissemination.Contours: mean sea level pressure every 3 mb. Shaded areas: 700-mb relative humidity largerthan 80%.

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Ayrault et al. (1995). This study has evolved intobuilding a new, quantitative classification of NorthAtlantic cyclones. The results, derived from an auto-matic tracking algorithm (Ayrault 1995) employedhere to tackle item (iii), will be published in duecourse.

The starting point for establishing the climatologyof FASTEX cyclones is the classical work of Sandersand Gyakum (1980) and of Roebber (1984). Thesestudies emphasize cyclones in the Pacific and Atlan-tic Oceans. They concentrated on explosively deepen-ing cyclones and, from that point of view, find verylittle activity near the European coasts. This picturedoes not coincide with those of the French and, who find that cyclones are reasonably fre-quent in the eastern Atlantic. The reason for the view-point discrepancy is that eastern Atlantic cyclonesrarely develop into “bombs” (as defined in the abovereferences) and their spectral properties are signifi-cantly different. This is clearly shown by Ayrault et al.(1995) based on an examination of ECMWF opera-tional analyses of the winter seasons of 1984 to 1994at full time resolution (6 h). With this approach, it ispossible to analyze the “ultra-high” frequency variabil-ity of the atmosphere, and Ayrault et al. (1995) findsa peak at 0.5–1.5 days.

A distinctive characteristic of eastern Atlanticatmospheric circulation is the nature of its low-frequency variability (characteristic period > 10 days):it is maximum. This means that the large-scale flowpattern, or the environment in which the cyclonesevolve, undergoes large changes. To study cyclonesin relatively homogenous large-scale environments, itis necessary to separate the large-scale flow in differ-ent weather regimes. Following the definition ofVautard et al. (1988), weather regimes are defined aspersistent patterns of the large-scale flow. Three suchpersistent regimes are seen in the Atlantic. The zonalregime and the Greenland anticyclone regime corre-spond to a zonally extended baroclinic zone, more tothe south in the second case. The blocking regime con-versely correspond to a jet-flow deviated to the northnear 40°W. For cyclones reaching Europe from thewest, one of the first two regimes has to establish it-self. The empirical frequency of occurrence of theseregimes is shown by Fig. 3. It appears that the mostfavorable period for a zonal-like regime is the first halfof January, with about 60%.

Another distinctive property of eastern Atlanticcyclogenesis is its characteristic timescale. The maxi-mum of variability in the 2–6-day range is, during the

zonal regime, centered near 50°N and 45°W. Themaximum of variability in the 0.5–1.5-day range iscentered near 55°N and 25°W, that is at the easternend of the high-frequency variability maxima that isoften used to define the “storm-track.” It has an am-plitude in that range and area that is comparable to thatin the 2–6-day range. This means that the FASTEXcyclones can be expected to be an equal mixture ofrather well known baroclinic systems and a differentkind that evolves more rapidly. The latter categoryindeed appears to be impossible to separate spectrallyfrom fronts (in the temporal sense considered here),and so the successful techniques introduced byBlackmon et al. (1984) cannot be employed to out-line the properties of these cyclones. Instead, an event-oriented technique must be employed. Using a simpleapproach, Ayrault et al. (1995) isolate two types ofsuch frontal cyclones. Type 1 is a reduced-scalebaroclinic wave that grows along a cold front. Type 2grows as a warm-front-like feature in a predominantlydiffluent, frontolytic environment. These preliminaryresults confirm two important ideas outlined in the in-troductory section: (i) the reduced scale (in time and

FIG. 3. Climatological frequency of weather regimes over theNorth Atlantic during the winter months. Derived from ECMWFanalyses from 1986 to 1994. The onset of the zonal or of theGreenland anticyclone regimes implies cyclogenesis events forFASTEX, unlike the blocking regime. (Courtesy of FranckAyrault.)

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space) of the cyclones that develop near the end of theclassical storm tracks and (ii) the existence of newlyidentified types of cyclone that depend more on en-vironmental properties, such as deformation, thanbaroclinicity. Similar remarks can be derived from acase study approach and conceptualization: seeBrowning and Roberts (1994) and Rivals et al. (1997).The latter in particular shows deformation fields andtheir influence.

These conclusions are currently being confirmedand sharpened by the use of a much more sophisticatedtracking and relocating technique (Ayrault 1995).Some of these results are very useful for FASTEXplanning. The events of interest are defined using vor-ticity at 850-mb level [pressure deepening is not a rel-evant criterion; see Ayrault et al. (1995)]. In addition,another criteria is that the cyclone must be reachablefrom Ireland (the reasons for this are given in section5 below) and it must have a large enough amplitude(ζ

max ≥ 10−4 s−1, where ζ is the relative vorticity).

Figure 4 provides a detailed definition and shows thetime distribution of these events for the past Januarysand Februarys for which ECMWF analysis is homog-enous enough in a statistical sense. Over this periodthere are, on average, 11 cyclones within these 2

months. However, the interannual variability is large,with very active winters like 1990, which motivated aprogram like FASTEX in France, and uneventfull oneslike 1989.

An important conclusion to be drawn from Fig. 4is that cyclones rarely come as isolated individualevents. On the contrary, they happen in surges, withvery close chaining of two, three, or even more events.This is reminiscent of the Norwegian idea of “fami-lies” of cyclones. This chaining of events greatly ef-fects the logistics and flight-planning strategy ofFASTEX.

The climatology of events reveals informationabout cyclone life cycles. The result is shown in Fig. 5.The large black dots suggest the most frequent low-level path followed by these cyclones (although it isnot an actual track). The dashed contours define ar-eas that enclose 60% of the trajectories of the cy-clones. The change in shape and, even more so, areaconveys an idea of the dispersion of the trajectoriesat low levels. A drastic change of area can be seenbetween −48 and −60 h. It is not due to a sudden con-centration of trajectories but to a dramatic increase ofthe total number of cyclones as time passes. In otherwords, quite a few new cyclones form within the large

−48 h area. The upper-level components (at 300 mb)are indicated by the white dots on the figure. Theirmotion is significantly (and not surprisingly) morerapid. The dispersion is also larger and indicates thatthe notion of “most frequent location” is really mean-ingless. The −36 h upper-level area covers a fair

FIG. 4. An automatic tracking algorithm has been applied to 6pairs of January and February months of ECMWF analyses.Cyclones having moved within a range of 800 km from westernIreland, with a maximum vorticity at 850 mb larger than 10−4 s−1

having increased in the previous 12 h, define a suitable event (adeveloping cyclone of significant amplitude). Each event is shownby a thick arrow at the time it occurred. The arrows of variablelength correspond to the weather regime: ZO for zonal, GA forGreenland anticyclone, and BL for blocking. (Courtesy of FranckAyrault.)

FIG. 5. Another result from the automatic tracking algorithm.Cyclones reaching the easternmost circle have been backtrackedat two levels. Circles show the most frequent location: black circlesat 850 mb, white ones at 300 mb. A pseudotrack is suggested byjoining these independent modal locations with the heavy squaredashes: this does not correspond, however, to an actual track andit only provides a rough order of magnitude of the phase speed.The areas enclosed by the dashed lines contain 60% of alltrajectories at 850 mb, to give an idea of the dispersion between

0 h and −72 h (left-most dashed area). (Courtesy of Franck Ayrault.)

−48 h area. The upper-level components (at 300 mb)are indicated by the white dots on the figure. Theirmotion is significantly (and not surprisingly) morerapid. The dispersion is also larger and indicates thatthe notion of “most frequent location” is really mean-ingless. The −36 h upper-level area covers a fair

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amount of eastern Canada, including the Baffin Land,the south of Greenland, the Labrador Sea, andthe Atlantic over to 40°W. This diagram denotes thetimescale and locations that have to be sampled ifthe entire life cycle of cyclones is to be studied. Theimplication of this spread of locations to FASTEXtargeting strategies is discussed in the followingsections.

4. Scientific objectives

Sections 1 and 2 explain the reasons that led us topropose FASTEX. To a large extent, these reasonsdetermine the scientific objectives.

a. Dynamics of frontal cyclonesThe recent theoretical results presented above, sup-

ported by new case studies (e.g., Rivals et al. 1997),suggest the following hypotheses:

• The appearance or genesis of a cyclone at low lev-els (step 1) involves a variety of mechanisms, butits subsequent development (step 2), if it occurs,involves only one mechanism, a baroclinic inter-action with upper levels. These two stages may beseparated by a few days of essentially nondevel-opmental behavior.

• The genesis mechanisms include (1) the presenceof a dynamically unstable quasi-steady low-levelfrontal environment [(in the sense of Charney andStern 1962)] or (2) the triggering of the same en-ergy conversion mechanisms as in the instabilitytheory by a precursor structure in an environmentthat then does not need to be unstable. Also (3), theactive participation of the environmental flow isexpected to play a crucial role through, for ex-ample, its induced deformation field.

• The development mechanism, the baroclinic inter-action, results primarily from either upper-levelpreexisting potential vorticity anomalies or fromthe upscale growth of the new, low-level cyclonegenerating its own upper-level component. A con-sequence is that a cyclone can go through severalstages of baroclinic development with transientupper-level coupling.

To address these issues, thermal and dynamicalobservations have to be collected when a low-levelcyclone forms, possibly prior to this on occasion, aswell as when it develops or reaches its mature stage.

Also, not only the cyclone should be measured, but afair portion of its environment as well.

b. Cyclone predictabilityFASTEX is also motivated by the practical fore-

cast problem continuously posed by these cyclones.Part of the answer is to obtain, as a result of the dy-namical objectives, a new set of theoretically andobservationally validated conceptual models. Thesewill identify the key properties of the flow that needto be observed and analyzed properly.

There is another approach, though, that is comple-mentary to the previous one. Indeed, it may not beenough to get the generating mechanisms right to ob-tain a good forecast. It is also necessary to keep theerror level in other parts of the flow as low as possible.FASTEX cyclones may form, as has been said above,in several different ways. This also means that smallinitial errors in the analysis have just as many differ-ent ways to grow, sometimes very rapidly, and wreckthe forecast. The predictability of cyclogenesis de-pends, therefore, on improved control of analysis andforecast error growth.

A possible practical solution is to concentratemeasurements in the areas where small uncertaintiesmay cause the greatest threat to the forecast quality.These areas, assumed to be few in numbers and rela-tively local in space, will obviously depend on thecurrent flow. Hence the idea of an adaptive observ-ing system.

The basic concept is to concentrate measurementson areas that are dynamically critical for a proper pre-diction of cyclogenesis downstream of these zones inthe next 24 to 36 h. Another key idea is that these ar-eas should be objectively determined or predicted. Atleast part, and perhaps all of, the answer can be pro-vided by adjoint models.

FASTEX is designed to allow the first full-scalefeasability test of one or several adaptive observationstrategies. This relates FASTEX to the U.S. WeatherResearch Program. A more detailed discussion of thisnew approach to observation can be found in Snyder(1996) or Palmer et al. (1997).

c. Cyclone cloud systemsCloud-microphysical processes can be critical to

the detailed evolution of cyclones and are essential totheir impact on climate. There are two important is-sues that call for detailed measurements, using newtechnologies, of the cloud systems associated withFASTEX cyclones.

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The first issue is to improve the understanding ofthe internal organization and properties of the cloudsthemselves. The characteristic feature of these cloudsis their arrangement into layers and bands. A recentreview of the current knowledge as well as of the gapsin this knowledge is offered by Ryan (1996).

There are several critical aspects of the verticalstructure of the cyclone clouds.

• The first is the multiple layering of clouds, includ-ing the vertical distribution of the microphysicalcomposition, especially at cloud top and base, andin the melting layer. The radiative properties of thecloud system will, for example, primarily dependon the optical properties of the cloud top and bot-tom boundaries. The presence of a melting layerimplies a region of enhanced liquid water that isimportant both radiatively and for precipitation ratecontrol.

• Another critical aspect of layered clouds is the dis-tribution of latent heating, an essential part of thedynamical and microphysical feedback.

• Within a storm, the horizontal distribution of thesevertical profiles is inhomogeneous and a betterknowledge of their distribution is required. Thewater budget and precipitation efficiency of thesecloud systems is not well known either.

Deficiencies or uncertainties in the knowledge andtreatment of these properties within models impactson the long-term effect of these systems seen as apopulation (the role of these cloud systems in the cli-mate). It also strongly influences the interpretation ofradiative measurements, such as in remote sensinginversion. The latter is an often downplayed issue butis essential if satellite-based measurements of tempera-ture and water distribution are to be used more.

In this area, FASTEX is a contribution to the Glo-bal Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)Cloud System Study program (Browning 1994). Theimpact of layer clouds on climate and the need fordocumenting the related processes are defined by R.Stewart et al. (1996, manuscript submitted to Advancesin Geophysics). A gap in the present datasets identi-fied in these two papers is a series of measurementsperformed well off the coasts, above the open ocean.

The cloud system associated with a FASTEXstorm must be observed on at least two scales. To un-derstand the coupling with the dynamics on the scaleof the cyclone, an overall knowledge of the large-scale

ascent zones and cloud areas is required. At the sametime, the internal distribution of vertical layering,water distribution, and heating is needed. AirborneDoppler radars such as ASTRAIA/ELDORA mountedon the National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR) Electra aircraft (Hildebrand et al. 1996), andthe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) P-3 (Jorgensen et al. 1996b), aided by somein situ microphysical measurements, can provide thismultiple-scale information. In vertical mode, it canalso describe cloud layering.


The second issue related to the cyclone cloud sys-tem is that its organization is affected by various kindsof mesoscale activity. One aspect is the presence ofrainbands: examples relevant to the kind of systemsobserved on the European west coast can be found inLemaître and Scialom (1992) and Browning et al.(1997). Besides the reorganization of the synoptic-scale ascent, there is also the breakup of frontal zonesor precipitating bands into line segments and some-times into mesoscale vortices. An example of theformer is given by Browning and Roberts (1996). Anexample of vortices within a (strong) midlatitude lowis studied by Neiman et al. (1993). The processes in-volve complex interactions between diabatic pro-cesses (moist processes, surface fluxes) and dynamicalones. Many unsolved questions relating to the forma-tion and structure of these features require, as for thelarger-scale ones, the documentation of their lifecycle. Because they occur within cloudy air, the samenew airborne Doppler radar technology can often pro-vide the required data. The origin of some mesoscalebandedness appears to depend on dynamical condi-tions at the rear part of the cyclone (e.g., Browninget al. 1995). This can be studied using dropsondes.

In agreement with the Gewex Cloud System Study(GCSS) plans, results in these areas will be translatedinto work done on the parameterization of cloud pro-cesses for large-scale models. Browning (1994) out-lines a strategy that links uneven observations of cloudsystems to their parameterization.

d. Air–sea interaction objectivesVery little is known of the behavior of the atmo-

spheric boundary layer and its interaction with theocean surface in areas combining large fetch andstrong winds (> 15 m s−1). Outstanding issues for un-derstanding high-wind, open-ocean processes are simi-lar to those already dealt with for lower wind speeds

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(e.g., Dupuis et al. 1995; Fairall et al. 1996). Theseinclude the relationships of the coefficients for drag,sensible and latent heat fluxes to the environmentalwind speed, stability, and sea state; the feedback rela-tionship between the sea state (e.g., directional wave-height spectrum) and the drag coefficient via thesurface roughness; the applicability of relationshipsrelating stress to ocean-surface roughness. Also ofinterest are the role of sea spray for the latent heat flux(e.g., Fairall et al. 1995); the accuracy of various fluxsampling methods; and the impact of nonsteady stateatmospheric and oceanic conditions; the structure andvariability of the midocean, extratropical, atmosphericboundary layer.

Although the parameterizations of the air–sea in-teraction processes are quantitatively uncertain forthese strong-wind conditions, the processes are impor-tant for atmospheric modeling. Since model represen-tations of the lower troposphere over the oceanicregions have minimal input from data, the represen-tations are very dependent on the accuracy of themodel, including the parameterizations of the air–seaexchange processes and atmospheric boundary layerassociated with moderate-to-strong winds and roughseas. However, since current parameterizations are notbased on data relevant to these extreme conditions,these cases will likely generate significant errors, es-pecially in the downwind half of the ocean basin. Howimportant are such model errors? Sensitivity studiesshow that air–sea exchanges of heat and momentum,especially before the rapid deepening stage and inthe warm sector of the storm, have a significant im-pact on the development of extratropical marine cy-clones (Davis and Emanuel 1988; Kuo et al. 1991;Langland et al. 1995). Increases in the surface rough-ness due to increases in the wind speed have also beenshown to impact idealized marine cyclogenesis(Doyle 1995).

Because of the lack of data just described, param-eterization uncertainties, and the apparent importanceof the air–sea interaction processes, the most im-portant experimental objective of the air–sea interac-tion component of FASTEX is to obtain a ship-basedcollection of rare measurements of heat, moisture, andmomentum fluxes in a high wind speed (> 15 m s−1),open-ocean environment; the necessary associatedsea state measurements; and the quasi-continuousmonitoring of the midoceanic boundary layer struc-ture. These will provide the necessary input to developnew schemes and study their impact in new casestudies.

Furthermore, the purely marine cyclones that ulti-mately hit the west border of the ocean form in the areawhere the Gulf Stream is disrupted into severalbranches and vorticies. There also is a maximum lossof heat in the same location that, most likely, benefitsto the atmosphere. It could favor cyclogenesis by re-ducing the tropospheric static stability (the precondi-tioning mechanism).

e. Other objectivesAnother FASTEX objective is to gather high-

quality datasets to test a variety of data assimilationmethods, such as a variational approach (in three andultimately four dimensions) that will utilize thedropsondes. A series of observing system experimentswill be conducted to determine the data requirements(precision and resolution) that are needed to properlyreconstruct the structure and evolution of synopticand subsynoptic cyclones. The importance of agood knowledge of the distribution of water vaporand of condensed water will also be studied. Theresults can then be translated into an assessment ofthe ability of current and future remote sensors oftemperature and water vapor to provide the requiredinformation.

This broad set of objectives has been constructedand will be studied by the FASTEX Scientific Steer-ing Group (Table 1). An appendix is provided that ex-pands the many short form terms used in this paper.

5. The FASTEX observing system

To address the two primary FASTEX science ob-jectives, a relatively large observing system is re-quired. A summary of all sounding platforms andfacilities is presented in Table 2. Multiple scale ob-servations are required, particularly from the incipi-ent stage, where both the environment and cycloneprecursors are of interest. At the mature stage, the me-soscale features and their environment are of interest.The requirement is, thus, for multiple time and mul-tiple scale sampling. Furthermore, because of the widegeographic distribution of Atlantic cyclones and theirprecursors, the observing system must be mobile.

a. OverviewOne of the most challenging aspects of FASTEX

is to observe a cyclone throughout its life cycle. Ourapproach is to define several adjacent areas of obser-vations in the Atlantic, in a flexible way, correspond-

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ing to various stages of cyclone evolution. Then, ap-propriate facilities are distributed in these areas.

Three areas have been defined (Fig. 6). Cyclonesat their mature stage will be observed in the vicinityof the west coast of Europe. Given the dominant north-eastern orientation of storm tracks in all weather re-gimes, the appropriate base from which to investigatemature cyclones with turboprop aircraft is a far westlocation in northen Europe, namely Ireland. This area

is called the multiscale sampling area (MSA). The re-gions upstream of the MSA are suitable for the ob-servation of incipient conditions or precursors tocyclogenesis. The westernmost upstream region istermed the far upstream area (FUS). As seen in Fig. 5,the FUS would normaly be the location of cycloneprecursors 48 or 60 h before reaching the MSA. Theregion of the central Atlantic (near upstream domainor NUS) will be the location of the early stages of cy-

A. J. Thorpe, chairperson Univ. of Reading (UK)

P. Bessemoulin Météo-France (F)

K. A. Browning Univ of Reading (UK)

D. Cadet INSU-CNRS (F)

J. P. Cammas Lab d’Aérologie (F)

J. P. Chalon Météo-France (F)

S. A. Clough UKMO (UK)

Ph. Courtier CNES (F)

P. Dubreuil AES (CA)

K. A. Emanuel MIT (USA)

L. Eymard CETP (F)

C. Fairall NOAA (USA)

R. Gall NCAR (USA)

T. Hewson UKMO (UK)

P. Hildebrand NCAR (USA)

P. V. Hobbs Univ. of Washington (USA)

A. Joly Météo-France (F)

D. Jorgensen NOAA (USA)

T. Johannesson VI (ICL)

K. Katsaros IFREMER (F)

D. Keyser SUNY (USA)

TABLE 1. FASTEX Scientific Steering Group.*

R. Langland NRL (USA)

Y. Lemaître CETP (F)

A. Lorenc UKMO (UK)

P. Lynch Met Éireann (IRL)

B. Martner NOAA (USA)

P. Mascart Lab d’Aérologie (F)

S. Nelson NSF (USA)

T. E. Nordeng DNMI (N)

H. Olafsson VI (ICL)

J. Pailleux WMO/COSNA

P. O. G. Persson CIRES/NOAA (USA)

J. Rasmussen NOAA (USA)

F. Roux Lab d’Aérologie (F)

M. A. Shapiro NOAA (USA)

C. Snyder NCAR (USA)

A. Staniforth AES (CA)

R. Stewart AES (CA)

J. Testud CETP (F)

C. Velden Univ. of Wisconsin (USA)

R. Wakimoto UCLA (USA)

*Country key—CA: Canada; F: France; ICL: Iceland; IRL: Ireland; N: Norway; UK: United Kingdom; and USA: United States.

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R/V Ægir Icelandic Coast Guard 1 Soundings Full field project2

(along 35°W)3

R/V Knorr Woods Hole, USA 1 Soundings 3–21 January(along 35°W)3 Air–sea interaction

R/V Le Suroît IFREMER, France 1 Soundings Full field project2

(along 35°W)3 Air–sea interaction

R/V Victor Bugaev Ukrainian Centre 1 Soundings Full field project2

for the Ecology ofthe Sea (along 35°W)3


Wind Profiles France, Germany, 6 stations Wind profiles, Full field project,Netherlands, signal to noise ratio, hourly measurementsSwitzerland, spectrum widthUnited Kingdom

GTS Various Numerous State4 As available

Buoys European Group of Numerous SST, pressure 6 h, as availableOceanic Stations(EGOS)


Electra L188-L NSF/NCAR 1 Air motion, 6 Jan–28 Feb(Shannon, IRL) thermodynamics, mesoscale dynamics,

cloud physics microphysics,ASTRAIA/ELDORA

WP-3D (N-42) NOAA/AOC 1 Air motion, 6 Jan–28 Feb(Shannon, IRL) thermodynamics, mesoscale dynamics,

cloud physics microphysics,Doppler radar

Gulfstream IV NOAA/AOC (Shannon, 1 Air motion 6 Jan–28 Feb(G IV) IRL; St. John’s,5 NFL) GPS dropsondes

C-130 U.K. RAF 1 Air motion, 6 Jan–28 Feb(Lyneham, UK) thermodynamics, GPS and Omega

cloud physics dropsondes

Lear 36 Flight International Inc. 1 Air motion 6 Jan–28 Feb(St. John’s, NFL) GPS dropsondes,

Aircraft Automated Numerous aircraft Temperature, wind, Full field season aspressure available

Agency/nation/systemSystem type (location/base) Number deployed Measurements Comments

TABLE 2. FASTEX Observing Systems and Modeling Support.1

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ACARS/AMDAR Reporting System (variouscommercial carriers fromNorth America to Europeacross North Atlantic)


Canada Atmospheric Environment 4 stations State 2 Jan–28 FebService 4 day, continuous

VIZ (mix) systems

Denmark, including Danish Meteorological 5 stations State 2 Jan–28 FebGreenland Institute 4 day, continuous

Vaisala Omegasystems

Iceland Iceland Meteorological 1 station State 2 Jan–28 FebOffice 4 day−1, continuous

Vaisala Omegasystems

Ireland Met Eireann 1 station State 2 Jan–28 Feb4 day−1, continuousVaisala Omegasystems 8 day−1

during IOP

France Météo-France 3 stations State 2 Jan–28 Feb4 day−1, continuousVaisala Omegasystems 8 day−1

during IOP

Portugal INMG 2 stations State 2 Jan–28 Feb4 day−1, continuousVaisala Omegasystems

Spain INM Servicio 1 station State 2 Jan–28 Febde Observation 4 day−1, continuous

Vaisala Omegasystems

United Kingdom U.K. Meteorological 7 stations State 2 Jan–28 FebOffice 4 day−1 continuous

Vaisala Loransystems 8 day−1

during IOP

United States NOAA, National 3 stations State 2 Jan–28 FebWeather Service 4 day−1 during IOP

VIZ (mix) systems

Agency/nation/systemSystem type (location/base) Number deployed Measurements Comments

TABLE 2. Continued.

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Integrated sounding NSF/NCAR 2 systems State, low-level 4 day−1 continuous,system (Le Suroît, Knorr) wind profiles 90 min launches

during IOP, NCAROmega system onKnorr

GPS NSF/NCAR, Vaisala 3 systems State Deployed as requireddropwindsondes (G-IV and during flight

Lear 36, C-130) operations

Omega USAF 2 systems State 25 Jan–5 Febdropwindsondes Deployed as required

during flightoperations

ASAP Denmark (DMI), 3 systems State 4 day−1 in FASTEXFrance (CGM), on average domain, during IOP forSwedoIcelandic France. Vaisala

Omega systems


DMSP F10 to F13 U.S. Department Polar orbit Liquid water, Variable times, 2 day−1

of Defense water vapor,windspeed

ERS-2 ESA Polar orbit Windspeed, wave Variable times, 2 day−1

spectra, SST

GOES-8 NOAA/NESDIS Geostationary Visible, IR, water 5 channels, variablevapor, derived hourly resolutionwindfields6 interval

Meteosat EUMETSAT Geostationary Visible, IR, Hourly, variablewater vapor resolution

NOAA-12, -14 NOAA/NESDIS Polar orbit Visible, IR, ozone, Variable times,windspeed twice daily


ARPEGE/IFS Météo-France 2 day−1 Global model, 6 h interval to 96 hvariable resolution, on 1.5° grid, 3 hand adjoint products interval to 48 h on

0.5° grid

CMC Canadian Meteorological 2 day−1 Variable resolution 12 h interval to 72 hCenter Regional Model model

HIRLAM High-resolution limited area 4 day−1 Limited area 6 h interval to 48 hmodel, via Met Eireann

Agency/nation/systemSystem type (location/base) Number deployed Measurements Comments

TABLE 2. Continued.

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clogenesis, which Fig. 5 suggests will be active 24 to36 h before the mature cyclone reaches the MSA.

The measurements taken in the upstream areas willaddress the dynamical and predictability objectives,as well as surface flux measurements, since they arepart of the initiation problem. The cloud system ob-jectives, as well as dynamics studies of mature cy-clones and verification for predictability, will beperformed from data collected in the MSA. The nameMSA arises from the need for a multiscale samplingstrategy to observe both the overall cyclone structureand its evolution, as well as the embedded mesoscalesubstructures.

An important effort is also being made to improvedata gathering along the boundaries of the main ob-servation areas. This is important for future modelingexperiments. Many rawinsonde sites around the NorthAtlantic basin will increase their sounding frequencyto 4 per day. Many countries are involved and it rep-resents a significant contribution to FASTEX. On theeast side of the Atlantic, Ireland, France, and the

United Kingdom will perform soundings every 3-hduring intensive observing periods (IOP). A numberof extra drifting buoys will also be launched to helpdetermine surface conditions in the NUS. Platforms ofopportunity such as commercial aircraft (temperatureand winds during ascents), ASAPs (semiautomaticsoundings from ships enroute during transatlanticcruises), and satellite data will be included in the da-tabase (section 7 below). Figure 7 presents a schematicsummary of the observing system. Table 3 lists theinstitutions and countries supporting this observingsystem.

b. Upstream observations: ShipsThe backbone of the regular observations in the

upstream areas will be provided by four ships. Themain task of these ships is to perform 6-h radio-soundings during the whole FASTEX period.Furthermore, during IOPs, they will launch radio-sondes every 1.5 h for 18 h centered on the crossingof an incipient low. This enhanced data should pro-

IFS/ARPEGE European Centre for 1 day−1 Global model and 6 h interval to 96 h,Medium-Range Weather adjoint products 12 h interval to 240 hForecasts

Ensemble forecast European Centre for Medium- Global models 50 runs, 12 h intervalRange Weather Forecasts for 72–168 h

MRF U.S. NCEP Medium 1 day−1 Ensemble products 12 h interval to 240 hRange Forecast

NOGAPS U.S. Naval Research 1 day−1 Global model and As needed for IOP,Laboratory, Operational adjoint products 12 h intervalGlobal AtmosphericPrediction System

UKMO LAM U.K. Meteorological Office 4 day−1 Limited area 3 h interval to 48 hLimited Area Model

VAGATLA Météo-France 1 day−1 Sea state model 6 h interval to 48 h

1More detail on these systems and support contained in FASTEX Operation Plan.2One port call (approximately 7 days) during the 2-month field season.3Ships nominally spread between 40°–50°N at 35°W. Movement in any direction is possible.4State parameters = temperature, pressure, relative humidity, wind direction, and speed.5G-IV may recover and operate from St. John’s for 2–3-day periods.6Provided by University of Wisconsin, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies.

Agency/nation/systemSystem type (location/base) Number deployed Measurements Comments

TABLE 2. Continued.

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vide a sampling of a phenomena with a horizontalscale of about 1000 km moving at 20 m s−1. Up to 10IOPs are budgeted during FASTEX.

The high-quality vertical profiles obtained from therawinsondes are expected to have a dramatic impacton the reduction of the overall uncertainty of the fore-casts near the coasts of Europe, as seen by a series ofnumerical experiments performed by Fischer (1996).A convenient measure of uncertainty at the range of48 h is provided by the variance of the forecast error.A filtered model representing a generic large-scalecyclogenesis event has been employed using a Kalmanfilter approach. The evolution of the forecast errorvariance has been computed with various distributionsof data upstream of the cold front of the cyclone. Thevariance along the surface cold front downstream ofthe source of data is most reduced when the source ofinformation is permanent and located within the mainbaroclinic zone. For this reason, the ships will not re-main at fixed geographic locations but will move tofollow the low-frequency evolution of the large-scaleAtlantic flow. If conditions and distances allow, theship positions will be adjusted so that they can per-form the high-frequency soundings in the optimal lo-cation near the baroclinic zone.

Two of the ships will also carry instruments tomeasure turbulent fluxes in the marine boundary layer.

They will also obtain detailed observations of the low-level jets in frontal areas. Together with the data frombuoys, this will be a rich dataset with which to addressair–sea interaction objectives.

The ships that will take part in FASTEX are theresearch vessels Le Suroît, from the French fleet ofIFREMER oceanographic vessels, and the VictorBugaev from the Ukrainian Scientific Centre for theEcology of the Sea. The third ship is the Ægir, pro-vided by the Icelandic Coast Guard. Finally, theNOAA-sponsored, Woods Hole–owned research ves-sel, R/V Knorr will also be part of the ship array atthe beginning of FASTEX. It will be equipped for fluxmeasurements and will also carry a gyrostabilizedUHF radar. Furthermore, a sensitive, vertically point-ing S-band Doppler radar will enable the Knorr tocollect valuable information on clouds, cloud layer-ing, and precipitation in midocean.

c. Upstream aircraft observationsAlthough the ships will provide invaluable infor-

mation about the environment and large-scale condi-tions associated with rapid cyclogenesis, they are notmobile enough to be able to observe the smaller scalescorresponding to actual incipient cyclone elements orprecursors to cyclogenesis (such as potential vortic-ity anomalies). These critical observations will be pro-vided by two high-flying jet aircraft, the NOAAGulfstream-IV (G-IV), and a Lear-36 operated byFlight International and leased for FASTEX by theU.S. National Science Foundation. The primary obser-vations provided by these aircraft will be made with adropsonde system employing the Global PositioningSystem (GPS) technology. This system provides windfinding substantially improved over previous drop-

FIG. 6. The areas of operations of FASTEX. The area definedby the heavy solid line is centered over Shannon, Ireland. It definesthe inner boundary of the multiscale sampling area (MSA) andcorresponds to the maximum ferry distance of a P-3-like aircraftin the absence of wind (~1050 km). The heavy long-dashed lineis centered over St. John’s, Newfoundland. It defines the innerboundary of the far upstream area and is the maximum ferrydistance of a Learjet-like aircraft (~980 km). The heavy dashedlines and dash–dotted lines correspond respectively to ~1820 and~2720 km. They correspond to the maximum ferry time of the GulfStream and two thirds of its maximum range. The intersectionloosely defines a near upstream area. The elongated arrow marksthe area within which the research ships will ply.

FIG. 7. Summary of the observing system. The upper-airmeasurements stations operating 4 day−1 instead of 2 are indicatedby a radiosonde-like symbol.

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sonde technology using either Omega or Loran signals.Up to 4 dropsondes can be tracked simultaneously,providing a horizontal data spacing of about 150–200 km. The dropsonde data from the G-IV will be en-coded in near real-time and transmitted by a satellitecommunications system to the Global Telecommuni-cations System (GTS) so the data can be used by real-time data assimilation and forecast models.

In the upstream areas, the aircraft will employ twotargeting strategies. The first strategy addresses thepredictability objectives. Specific algorithms (usingforecast models and adjoint or breeding techniques)will determine the areas where data is required to limitthe growth of the errors in the subsequent forecaststeps. An example from such an algorithm is shownin Fig. 8. The growth of errors appears to be deter-

mined primarily by the existence of a nonzero projec-tion of the analysis error on the first singular vector.To reduce this component, the actual amplitude ofthese singular vectors must be known accurately. Therate of sampling must be compatible with the scaleshandled by the present global data assimilationschemes: it is planned to drop a sonde about every200 km. The structures that appear to control forecasterror are strongly baroclinically tilted, with a maxi-mum amplitude in the low levels. Their horizontalscales are of the order of 1000 km along the barocliniczone and 2 or 3 times this across owing to deforma-tion effects. Because the area of interest is determinedautomatically and the sampling rate is simple and uni-form, this strategy is called “objective targeting.”Verification should be provided by similar measure-ments (at least) when the cyclone will or should be inthe MSA.

The second type of targeting strategy addressesobjectives associated with defining cyclogenesis pre-cursor structure. Information will be obtained on in-cipient structures, such as the low-level distributionof vorticity and potential vorticity anomalies along asurface front, perturbations aloft including featuressuch as jet streaks. Case studies indicate that incipi-ent cyclone components are often part of the upper-level jet flow yet can come from different directions.They are often not associated with cloud or precipita-

Support of the use of large facilities


European Commission

Météo-France France



National Science Foundation U.S.

UK Meteorological Office U.K.

Other sources of support

Atmospheric Environment Service Canada

Danish Meteorological Institute Denmark



Icelandic Meteorological Service Iceland

Joint Centre for Mesoscale Meteorology U.K.

Met Éireann Ireland



TABLE 3. Organizations supporting FASTEX

FIG. 8. An example of the kind of structure that will be sampledas part of the predictability objectives by the upstream aircraft. Itis the most unstable singular vector that maximizes the low-levelenstrophy near Ireland on 7 February 1996 at 1200 UTC for agiven amount of total energy 48 h before. This structure has beencomputed from a 84-h forecast of the same case as the one shownon Figs. 1 and 2, but with the Météo-France Arpège model. Solidlines: mean sea level pressure, contour interval 5 mb, reference(bold) 1015 mb. Dashed and dash–dotted lines, vorticityperturbation of the singular vector at 850 mb. Shaded areas anddotted lines, vorticity perturbation at 300 mb. Signs and contourinterval are arbitrary. (Courtesy of Thierry Bergot.)

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tion. These structures will be sampled at the highestpossible rate in order to allow for model-independentanalysis afterward. This strategy is termed “actualstructure sampling” or “subjective targeting” to dis-tinguish the approach from targets selected by numeri-cal methods.

If practical, targets for dropsonde investigation willbe selected in order to assess new satellite-based re-mote sensing technology (such as interferometry) bycollocating targets with satellite overpasses.

The Lear-36 will perform approximately 15, 5-hflights, all of them dedicated to “objective targeting.”It will be based in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The G-IV will fly up to 20 missions, evenly distributed be-tween the two kinds of targeting strategies. The G-IVwill be based in Shannon, Ireland, along with a num-ber of other aircraft to facilitate NUS and MSA mis-sions, but will recover occasionally in St John’s, tofacilitate coordinated “objective targeting” flights withthe Lear-36.

To determine targets for the adaptive observationstrategy several products will be generated in severalcenters: the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) will runan adjoint code at their facility in Monterey, California,the same basic tool will be employed at theEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Fore-casts (ECMWF) in Reading, United Kingdom, andat Météo-France (Toulouse, France). In addition, cal-culations performed at NOAA’s National Centers forEnvironmental Prediction (NCEP) should derivethe areas of interest from products such as the bredvectors.

d. Observations of mature cyclonesThree long-range turboprop aircraft will operate in

the MSA. They will collect in situ and remote sens-ing (i.e., Doppler radar) data to address the dynamicaland cloud system objectives. They will also provideobservations to evaluate the predictability objectives.Listed by decreasing order of range, these aircraft arethe C-130 owned by the U.K. Meteorological Office(11-h endurance), one of the P-3 aircraft operated byNOAA (9 h), and the Electra belonging to NCAR (7 h).

These aircraft are very well equipped for meteo-rological in situ measurements, including microphys-ics and turbulence. A unique aspect of FASTEX is thecombined use of remote sensing instruments, prima-rily airborne Doppler radar with GPS dropsondes. TheU.K. C-130 will deploy an array of dropsondes at thesame time that the two other turboprop aircraft are col-lecting Doppler information. On the Electra, the main

instrument is the ASTRAIA/ELDORA X-band dual-beam Doppler radar. It has been developed jointly byNCAR’s remote sensing facility (RSF) and by theCentre d’étude des Environments Terrestre etPlanétaires (CETP), of the Centre National de la Re-cherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France.

The sonde deployment strategy for the C-130 willbe such as to obtain regularly spaced vertical profilesrelative to the whole wave cyclone, from front to rear(with respect to cyclone motion). Sondes will bedropped from heights varying from 6 to 8 km, depend-ing on aircraft weight and air traffic constraints. Inwinter, this should be near the tropopause in the dryslot in the rear of the cyclone. For a large system, theG-IV may share this task. This strategy provides acyclonewide description of the thermal and wind fieldsas well as water vapor. The flight strategy will involveflying a series of 4 to 6 legs spaced 100–200 km, about500-km long, from the front to rear of the cyclone andoriented perpendicular to the system motion. Thesondes will be dropped about every 100 km.

The two Doppler radar–equipped aircraft (P-3 andElectra) will follow two basic targeting strategieswhile the C-130 drops sondes. The first strategy is asystematic, regular survey using flight legs similar tothose used by the C-130. The P-3 and the Electra willfly parallel legs spaced by about 100 km, providingcontinuous Doppler radar (and derived wind field)coverage. The leg lengths are about 500 km across thesystem and perpendicular to the cyclone motion vec-tor. At regular interval along these legs (about every120 km), complete 360° turns will be executed, pro-viding a kind a vertical conical scan similar to aground-based Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD)(Protat et al. 1997). This type of scanning allows forthe unambiguous recovery of the terminal falling ve-locity of the reflecting hydrometeors. This strategy iscalled the “lawnmower” or “systematic survey” pat-tern. This pattern is a highly coordinated, multiaircraftone. The Electra will fly at a height of 3 km, the P-3at 1.5 km.

A well-suited technique to invert the combinedmeasurements from the Doppler systems is theMANDOP programme (Scialom and Lemaître 1990;Dou et al. 1996). It is designed to recover the 3-D windfield and its main derivatives on a relatively large regu-lar grid.

The mesoscale substructures and, in particular,their own life cycles will be investigated with the sec-ond flight strategy, called the “phenomena investiga-tion” pattern. The flights are coordinated by a mission

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coordinator on one of the aircraft. The P-3 takes offabout an hour earlier than the Electra and enters thesystem at the same time as the C-130 begins its sur-vey. The P-3, however, will perform an α-like patterncovering the cloud head and frontal systems within 3to 4 hours (1 to 1.5 h per leg) and centered on the po-sition of suspected storm “center.” The idea is to de-rive a map of the precipitating structures present in thecyclone using the lower fuselage radar. Based on thisinformation, the Electra is directed toward mesoscalesubstructures of interest. These can be cold frontalrainbands, cloud head (the cloudy area located on theadvancing edge of a cyclone), or warm frontalrainbands or convective structures in the cold air.Rainbands can be studied in two possible ways. Afront-relative pattern will give an indication of along-front variability, as the same portion of front is cov-ered from two sides. The front is defined, as before,as an area of maximum vorticity but, for practical rea-sons, the actual location will be refined using precipi-tation activity. A band-relative pattern will enable theuse of the highest rate sampling capabilities ofASTRAIA/ELDORA and give access to the internalstructure of the band. The objectives here are to de-rive life cycles of mesoscale features and frontal evo-lution on the mesoscale. The retrieving techniques andthe kind of results that can be obtained are shown byWakimoto et al. (1992) in an explosive extreme cy-clone. Although the activity in these cyclones is gen-erally much stronger than in FASTEX cyclones, thecontribution of vertical circulations to the overall en-ergy budget is one of the challenging questions ofFASTEX.

Figure 9 provides an idea of these flight strategiesshown on the objective composite of one type of fron-tal wave derived from Ayrault (1995). The P-3 and theElectra will be based at Shannon (Ireland). The C-130will be in Lyneham, England, about 50 min flying timefrom Shannon. The entire low-level airspace to besampled by these flights will be blocked about 24 hin advance. Up to 10 cases will be sampled.

FIG. 9. Schematics of system-relative flight patterns to be employed by the turboprop aircraft in the MSA. The flight tracks areoverlayed on the new composite structure for the type 1 frontal wave rederived from automatic tracking and automatic classification oftrajectories covering the mature stage. The solid lines are surface pressure, and the shaded areas represent upward vertical velocity at700 mb. The dotted line denotes an area of descent. The top panel shows the UKMO C-130 pattern going toward the clear air, lowtropopause, part of the cyclone. The two other panels show the two main alternatives for the NCAR Electra (dotted track) and NOAAP-3 (dashed track). The middle panel shows the so-called “lawnmower pattern” from which an overall observation of the ascent zone willbe derived. The lower panel shows the overall exploration of the wave by the P-3, while circles mark possible areas where the Electracould perform mesoscale sampling of rainbands and other structures. (Objective composite frontal wave is courtesy of Franck Ayrault.)

6. FASTEX operations

a. Project scheduleA comprehensive analysis of historical data for

storms of interest to FASTEX (Ayrault et al. 1995)

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suggested that the preferred period for operations willbe during January and February of any given year.According to the climatology, a period of 2 months isrequired to get the 10 complete cyclone cases withmore frequent event occurrences during the month ofJanuary. Figure 3 also supports the preferred Januaryperiod for cyclonic events. Field operations will takeplace during January and February 1997. An impor-tant setup phase will occur in December so that mostparticipants are ready for operations early in January.Table 2 shows the timing availability of major observ-ing systems during the field season.

b. Operations coordinationThe FASTEX Operations Center will be located at

Shannon, Ireland. The position is noted in Fig. 5. TheOperations Center will function to provide scientificguidance, operational coordination, and forecasting sup-port to the project during the 2-month field season. Theseactivities will be managed by scientists and forecast-ers and carry out some specific tasks discussed below.

The FASTEX Science Team will provide overallguidance to the project based on input from scientific,operations, and forecast staff. The Science Team,chaired by K. Browning, is composed of represen-tatives of the agencies that have provided majorfunding support for FASTEX. The Operations Coor-dination Team will implement these decisions andkeep track of system status, operations documentation,and facility updates throughout the field deployment.The Operations Coordination Team is lead by Opera-tions Directors J. Moore and R. Dirks from the Uni-versity Corporation for Atmospheric Research(UCAR). The group of participating investigators lo-cated in Shannon and elsewhere in Europe and NorthAmerica will develop preferences and priorities for thescientific goals of each IOP. These proposals, submit-ted for consideration by the FASTEX Science Team,form the basis of the variety of investigations possibleduring FASTEX.

c. Forecasting supportThe achievement of scientific objectives rely

heavily on the monitoring and forecast of significantweather conditions in the project domain. FASTEXwill take advantage of excellent forecast tools andsupport from an international group of forecaster in theOperations Center. Personnel and equipment fromboth operational and research branches of several na-tional weather services including France, United King-dom, Canada, and Ireland form the FASTEX forecast

support teams and will be brought to Shannon. The co-ordinated deployment of facilities and execution offlight strategies require real-time data input, assess-ment, and decision making by these teams and otherscientific and operational support staff.

d. Operations Center capabilitiesThe distributed nature of FASTEX observing sys-

tems across the entire North Atlantic Basin requiresgood data, voice, and facsimile communications.Support for these capabilities have been providedthrough contributions from all participants. The Op-erations Center will include four wide-bandwidthcommunications links to several national weather ser-vices and the general Internet for the timely receipt ofoperational and specially prepared products for useduring FASTEX. The Center will also have local areanetwork capabilities to enhance the exchange of dataamong the many participant workstations to be locatedin Shannon. This support is vital to the preliminaryanalysis efforts of the investigators and is crucial tothe ongoing assessment of progress and setting of ob-servational priorities.

e. The FASTEX intensive observation periodsThe FASTEX Science Team will define IOPs as a

method for focusing special high-resolution observa-tions during the field season on weather phenomenaof interest. The primary event that will cause an IOPto be called is the extreme likelihood that a maturecyclone will form or move into the MSA within 3 to3.5 days. A start and stop time will be noted that en-compasses the beginning and conclusion of any com-bination of special high-resolution observations. Suchobservations might include more frequent soundingsfrom participating nations, more frequent shipbornesoundings, or research aircraft operations from NorthAmerica or Europe. An IOP will be a minimum of 24 hin duration and will likely extend for 2 or 3 days.Multiple IOPs may exist simultaneously, as attentionis given to cyclones exiting the FASTEX MSA do-main while the formative stages of a new disturbancemay have begun upstream.

f. FASTEX operations scenarioThe complex nature of the conduct of a FASTEX

IOP is illustrated in Fig. 10. There are both temporaland spatial considerations because of the lead timerequirements for operations alert and large distancesand long timescales over which observations might betaken. The focus of observations of a particular cy-

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clonic event is meant to coincide with its entrance intothe MSA region. Therefore, the “0 h” (0 h in Fig. 9) isset for cyclone arrival in the MSA. The important pointhere is that planning and alerting for the start of an IOPmust occur as much as 72 h in advance of the arrivalin the MSA.

An IOP would begin when special upstream obser-vations begin, in this case at the “−60 h” time in Fig. 9.Observations might include increased frequency ofrawinsonde releases in the United States, as well asLearjet flight operations from St. Johns, Newfound-land, to address objective targeting issues. As the de-veloping system moves within 48–36 h of the MSA,the G-IV aircraft will fly once and possibly twice, de-pending on storm speed, to provide dropsonde docu-mentation over the open ocean. As the cyclone nearsthe MSA within “−24 h” in Fig. 9, special high-fre-quency sounding launches aboard the 4 FASTEX shipswould occur to document the approach as passage of

the system near 35°W. Thereafter, planning and ex-ecution of multiple aircraft flight operations occurusing the U.K. C-130, NCAR Electra, and NOAA P-3. Special high-frequency soundings from selectedEuropean operational sounding sites will occur to fur-ther document approach and landfall of the cyclone inEurope.

Conducting of IOP activities require coordinatedsupport from the FASTEX Science Team, PrincipalInvestigators, Operations Coordination Team, and theinternational Forecast Teams. The development andplanning of mission proposals must be closely coor-dinated among the investigators and Science Team.Virtually continuous input is required from the fore-cast groups to assess the timing and movement of thedeveloping cyclone. The status of facilities and anyongoing IOP operations is monitored by the opera-tions coordination team so that the impact on futuredecision making is known. All of this information isused by the scientists, Science Team, and OperationsTeam to plan, select, and carry out the multiplecomponents of sampling the cyclone in the FASTEXdomain.

7. Data management: The FASTEX DataArchive

FASTEX leadership has made a strong commit-ment to provide timely and efficient access to all spe-cial datasets collected during the field phase of theprogram. The primary point of contact and repositoryof archived data will be the FASTEX Central DataArchive (FCA) at Météo-France in Toulouse, France.Other organizations and agencies, however, will alsomaintain subsets of FASTEX data. Collectively, all ofthese data centers are referred to as the FASTEX DataArchive (FDA). All participating investigators areencouraged to forward appropriate data as quickly aspossible to the FCA.

The FCA is already being prepared in Toulouse bya small unit of Météo-France scientists led byG. Jaubert. The main data providers are meteorologi-cal services from Canada, France, Iceland, Ireland,Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, UnitedStates, and various research laboratories. The purposeof the FDA is to provide scientists performing researchrelated to FASTEX with the meteorological and an-cillary data collected during the field phase (January–February 1997).

The architecture for the FASTEX data archive:

FIG. 10. Timelines and locations of the events composing aFASTEX IOP. Length of the heavy arrows are proportional to theduration of the flights (solid), the period of intensive soundingsfrom ships (dash–dotted), the period of 3-h soundings from theUnited Kingdom, Ireland, and France (dashed). Note the lapse oftime taken into account between the cyclogenesis timeline and theUTC clock that determines some of the activities (the upstreamflights, for example). The important decisions may have to betaken 12 h earlier than shown when they imply a change from dayto night flights.

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• Establish a distributed network or a series ofarchive sites, specialized for each of the instru-ments (e.g., remote sensing or original in situ fromaircraft) generating large data volumes, rather thanconstruct a unique archive of all FASTEX data. Inparticular, these specialized sites can provide theoriginal raw data.

• Prepare a central site (FCA) for selected processeddatasets. Its content is described below.

• Provide, through the FCA, a centralized quick ac-cess to information about FASTEX data. This in-formation will be reduced to a vital minimum, forexample, what is available and where to access it.

The database within the FCA will cover 20°N,140°W and 90°N, 40°E. It will include radiosondesfrom World Meteorological Organization (WMO)upper-air stations, ships equipped for ASAP sound-ings, and the FASTEX ships. The archive will consistof dropsonde data at high resolution as well as com-mercial aircraft data. There will be products derivedfrom the remote sensing instruments: wind derivedfrom the profilers on the ships or inland, radiometers,scatterometers, etc., and a number of ground weatherradar scans. A limited number of wind and reflectivityfields from the airborne Doppler radars will eventu-ally be provided by the radar scientists. A wide repre-sentation of satellite data for both geostationary[Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite(GOES) and Meteosat] and polar-orbiting satellites(NOAA and DMSP ones) as well as GTS surface datafrom all land, ship, and buoy sites within the FASTEXdomain will also be available.

Finally, operational analyses, and model reanaly-ses, when available, will provide a composite griddeddataset that will be suitable for diagnostic studies andmodel initialization. They will take the form of glo-bal fields. They will be provided by the Météo-FranceARPEGE model, and possibly the United KingdomMeteorological Office Unified Model. The former willemploy a variational analysis technique.

The radiosonde and dropsonde data collected dur-ing FASTEX will circulate on the GTS. One purposeis to include some of this data in the operational dataassimilation suites so that the planning of FASTEXMSA flights can benefit from (hopefully) better fore-casts of cyclone positions and intensity. Anotherpurpose is to construct the FCA in real time. A high-resolution FASTEX sounding set of the FCA will bequality checked using all available operational andresearch datasets by UCAR–JOSS.

FASTEX data will be available through elec-tronic access from the FCA (for research and edu-cational purpose only). The address is Final datasetswill eventually be disseminated via CD-ROMs fromthe FCA.

Acknowledgments. Many figures in this paper have been con-tributed by scientists from the Météo-France group preparingFASTEX since early 1993: F. Ayrault, T. Bergot, G. Desroziers,G. Jaubert, F. Marin, B. Pouponneau, A. Alibert, F. Lalaurette, andothers. Their contributions at all stages to FASTEX planning isgratefully acknowledged. The organization of FASTEX is coor-dinated by the FASTEX Core Steering Group, chaired byDr. Daniel Cadet from CNRS. Dr. Cadet has played a central rolein securing the funding for FASTEX. The other members of theFASTEX CSG are K. Browning (University of Reading), J. P.Chalon (Météo-France), R. Gall (NCAR), A. Joly (Météo-France),R. Langland (NRL), Y. Lemaître (CNRS), S. Nelson (NSF),J. Rasmussen (represented by M. Shapiro and D. Jorgensen,NOAA), and A. Thorpe (University of Reading).

Appendix: Expansions of short formterms

ACARS Aeronautical-radio-incorpo-rated CommunicationAddressing and ReportingSystem

AOC Aircraft Operations CenterAES Atmospheric Environment

ServiceASTRAIA/ELDORA X-band dual-beam Doppler

radarASAP Semiautomatic ship sound-

ings from enroute vesselsCETP Centre d’éude des Environne-

ments Terrestre et PlanétairesCMC Canadian Meteorological

CentreCNES Centre National d’Etudes

SpatialesCNRS Centre National de la Recher-

che ScientifiqueCOSNA Composite Observing System

for the North AtlanticDNMI Norwegian Meteorological

InstituteDMSP Defense Military Satellite

ProgramEGOS European Group on Ocean


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FCA FASTEX Central DataArchive

FDA FASTEX Data ArchiveFUS Far upstream areaESA European Space AgencyGPS Global Positioning SystemGTS Global Telecommunications

SystemIFREMER Institut Francais de Recherche

pour l’Exploitation de la MerINSU-CNRS Institut National des Sciences

de l’Univers-CNRSIOP Intensive observing periodLAM Local area modelMIT Massachusetts Institute of

TechnologyMFR Medium Range ForecastMSA Multiscale sampling areaNCAR National Center for Atmo-

spheric ResearchNCEP National Centers for Environ-

mental PredictionNESDIS National Environmental

Satellite, Data andInformation Service

NOAA National Atmospheric andOceanic Administration

NRL Naval Research LaboratoryNSF National Science FoundationNUS Near upstream areaONR Office of Naval ResearchRAF Royal Air ForceRSF Remote Sensing FacilitySNR Signal to noise rationSUNY State University of New YorkUCLA University of California,

Los AngelesUSAF U.S. Air ForceVAD Velocity Azimuth DisplayVI Vedusitofa Islands (Icelandic

Meteorological Services)WMO World Meteorological



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