the full set of notes for the digital and social media marketing workshop aka brand me plc

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Brand Me Plc.

ThinkWhat story are YOU telling?

These notes are copyright GMW 2011 Come and follow us on www.twitter/ukmarketinghelp



As now anyone can become FAMOUS

We wonder what his story is what it might be what it might become.

6Action: How do brands differentiate themselves? How will you?

Copyright 2011


7Your Values?What are they? Do they align with your job / role? Do they align with your life plan?



Whats your purpose?


Phil Jones talks about his DING.

Which one do you like the most?

Your digital footprint. From today I want you to be thinking about two key things before you do anything. 1. Does it help my brand i.e. me. 2. If a boss to be saw this would they like it?In essence should I do this on purpose. This does not mean you cant be naughty or fun.This is by the way, why SnapChat and Wispher and Ello exist Maybe even the walled gardens of Tinder etc. The fear of digital being forever. By the way digital practically is forever

You need to be seen to be doing something positive. Presence your big idea.The person with the most results will win. Its not fair its just the way it is. Social proofing is so important. Get people behind you. Its the warm coffee effect.

Express your presence. You have to get your own sector excited first.You have to take it to next level. You have to get syndicated content. Good for SEO.

Outreach touch your own people first. How can you reach out to people? Are you really doing social? Leave people comments start sharing be social. Then go out to new communities.

Copyright 2011

Whats your soap box moment? What do you stand for?



You dont have to be BIG to BE GREAT

Copyright 2011


Copyright 2011


How? Can we win? Use the tools of the revolution. The basics is to go and know digital first.The social ones we all know and love. YoutubeFacebookTwitter LinkedinThey all work at amplifying your brand voice but remember your values and remember its all SOCIAL. Copyright 2011

Digital basics cover your baseGoogle your name see what comes up.Apparently more people do that when they first date someone than is healthy If you cant own your keyword then blog about yourself. Create a blog or Wordpress.comMention yourself a LOT. 4 7% in your copy classic sweet spot. You are your keyword. Get other people to blog about you too. (Make sure they use your name in the hyperlink text) Got a common name buy that keyword with PPC its cheaper than you think. Use services such as Google alerts or TweetBeep, to keep up with everything that is said about you online.

Websites, Online, Social and Mobile: what you can do for free (ish)Websites: Strikingly, Instapage, About.meWords: Blogger and Wordpress. Pictures: Alt tags on web and inside twitter. Social: Facebook, Twitter, especially LinkedIn.Information: Slide share, Tumblr, Wikipedia Portfolio: Behance, Fiverr, Elance. Resumes: LinkedIn (a new strikingly ed as well) Videos: Animoto and Directr.Always remember YouTube.

New ways to create content. for adding your logos onto videos. for creating twitter images. for pretty charts and graphs like for creating your own inspirational quotes.Think of making your own Pinterest board.

Use Knowem and see what else out there with your name on it

Lets start

Copyright Great Marketing Works 2013. These notes have been made specially for you as a favour to GBO. Not for resale / redistribution ever!


Which platforms do companies use?

Lets start with the problem: Facebook.Facebook is, in fact, a quasi-public forum in which what you say attaches very strongly to your identity. It's the persistence that makes it different from "real life" and it's the persistence that Timelines is going to highlight.Worried? You should be and quite seriously. Why because you are damaging your brand without even realising it. Especially if your looking to get a job!Go to and find out!

Do recruiters / employers listen? A study released by Microsoft found that 70 percent of company recruiters said they'd rejected applicants based on information they found online.Are you listening? That same study showed that job applicants are incredibly naive about this: Only 15 percent said they thought information found online would impact their ability to get a job.40% in Microsoft's survey said critical comments about previous employers factored into their decision.Even bad grammar can hurt. "Poor communication skills" were cited by one out of four hiring managers as a reason for rejection.

Last month still around the same:

Its not all bad.

What if too late. Consider creating two identities. By establishing dual online personas -- one personal, one professional -- you can keep the party pics fully separate from the professional associations. This isn't a perfect solution, as the two identities can often be blended. Or if really bad: If all else fails use Reppler, a start-up that offers a tool for scrubbing your social networking accounts of job-damaging material. Or move to Germany: There its illegal for employers to do social searches.

31Question. How will you use social media to become a thought leader in your chosen industry?


The future is content creation. Why?

BlogsUsed to be the easiest of all social media to create. Which is why most brands have a blog. You can have them on your own site Or / And on someone elses. Use / You use them to help your SEO. And some people even read other peoples blogs! And a few bloggers have a lot of power .

Bloggers How to handle them: With kid gloves. They do it for free, they think they are sincere. They tend to be ego driven, male, and power hungry. Who are the best? Only the people decide. Best bet is to investigate your industry maybe go to technorati to start off with. And once you have a relationship with them treat the blogger like you would treat a reporter.

We taught them... About content creation. About using keywords. About keyword density. The best amounts being around 4 7%. About using sites like Technorati for content. making sure we credited back to the original author. And to make sure they added images and extra media especially from Youtube when possible. Why? Google owns YouTube and

Google loves picturesWhy? Because people do. But also because putting relevant pictures is something robots and spammers find it hard to do. Google also loves pictures with ALT tags as well. To help people know what the picture is in case they haven't downloaded it. And this is something we can change to our advantage. i.e. YOUR NAME If we want too. This is optional

Done but now whatWe got a lovely blog all set up. With a great name maybe with some keywords. Maybe a link to video and some pictures. With some great content that we have research and accredited back to the main author. We now need to get social on it all It needs to get out there This is a lot more simple than you might think.The code is free and NOT an OPTION you HAVE to DO THIS so your blog can become social.

You can see the share buttons?

This is relevant in blogging Even though blogging isn't really that social. Its good for you your personal digital footprint. And good for the company you own for SEO. But do people really chat about things and have conversations on blogs? Some do Most dont But we still should get the blog out there into the www as you could even

Super advancedBlogging

Top tips for Blogging. Use / blogs less than 300 words long. Make it something you care about. Get content from others and splice them up. As soon as ANYONE comments on your blog get back to them (unless its obviously spam)Biggest top tip is simple If you dont like doing it Copyright 2013 Find me on @ukmarketinghelp

Just outsource it

Get 1 volunteer but others are allowed to do it while watching


Blogging on SteroidsVlogging can you created a video blog?Do you have enough blogs to put together a podcast? Use PodBeam. With podcasting could you set up interviews with 10 of the best people in your industry? Can you get people to come along to a webinars that you could do with someone? Use gotowebinar. Can you start a blog which is also available on a mobile app? You could use Appsecnd. Can you tap into the iTunes podcast popularity?

Life is about stories. What is the story you are telling potential followers?When will you change your story?

Evergreen vs in the moment. Evergreen content is stuff that you can write about and it is relevant every day. It doesnt change with each. Its important as you can reuse this content and no one will notice. In the moment content are things written or created that have a short shelf life. It might even be that they only last a day or two (or even an hour) i.e. if a comment on something topical.

What if I tweet about this now?

Really mastering Twitter. Advanced twitter tools. Twitter is a complex but simple system to use.It is complex as human beings and psychology are complex. It is simple as it is easy to use.It was born out of a mobile text tech system. It is made for mobile and the moment. You cannot underestimate its potential power. It can change your life and your earning power. It can make the difference to your career

Really mastering Twitter. Advanced twitter tools. You guys will be on Twitter so here are some cool tools to use with Twitter to make a difference. Analysing about potential future content: buzzsumonuzzleswayy

Before we go beyond lets look past. Analysing who to follow: using Klout and PeerIndex

Now a days its about who you hang out with It always has been. Who you know and how knows you. But know its online and everyone can see it. Having someone famous in your industry follow you might just be the difference. Who are the famous people you will be targeting? What do they do? Make a list. You might just find themon LinkedIn.

How not to do this

Copyright 2010


Linkedin aint no Facebook.Some people believe that LinkedIn due to its formation and look is just Facebook for professionals. Its advertising revenue model is very different to Facebook and this is why the user experience is also different. This in turn means that certain demographics or psychographics of people stay within the LinkedIn ecosystem as their user experience is protected. Which creates its own culture. The difference is similar to working in a different country, i.e. Just as working in Japan would be very different to working in America. These cultural differences ARE VERY, VERY IMPORTANT.


Linkedin will stay forever Some 59 percent of those who use social networking sites-like Facebook-say that their most important social networking account is their LinkedIn account. Last year, only 41 percent chose LinkedIn as their most important account.The fact that LinkedIn is cited as the most important is particularly interesting given that LinkedIn users dont visit the site nearly as often as Facebook users.Of the social networks studied, only MySpace was visited less frequently than LinkedIn.Some 20 percent of respondents said they visited LinkedIn daily, compared to 70 percent for Facebook. (Jan 2011).So its quality rather than quantity that counts?

Top tips for LinkedinCreate a positive profile with WIIFM. A good profile will attract others, educate them about you and influence their feelings towards you even if youve never met in person.You have three seconds to communicate your brand on your LinkedIn profile.What you are working on now posts - use them. Gives you the opportunity for you to engage in dialogue with the people you meet on LinkedIn, strengthening your relationships.Joining groups dont join more than 5 to start with.

How do people use it? And who?

Building a professional profile


Which is more professional?

As an individual and why?

Your headline is everywhere.

What about Our Headlines? Your headline is the next most important section of your LinkedIn profile because it shows up in several places throughout LinkedIn. Starting with search results and employee listings on company pages

About you and your Linkedin page.Play the game be nice and social.

Become the go to person. Its the same as real networking.Brad Burton 4networking. Would you give work to someone you didnt know, didnt like and you thought didnt like you? Give others that same courtesy they will do the same checks you do. Even more so as online.So how can you become the go to person.You ALWAYS give first.And you can then wait for them to ask for even more

69So what can you do? Think beyond 1st connections. Investigate everyone. Think about your key demographics. Start listening about your industry.


People ask you for connections too.

72So what can you do? Add more people. Investigate the people. Share more content. Talk about yourself ;)


The 5 Biggest Mistakes You Can MakeNot Having A Good Profile PicturePeople naturally remember faces more so make yours stand out but not for the wrong reasons

Getting Poor Quality TestimonialsOn any networking sites you need people praising your abilities but remember the people you choose must be people who matter.

Talking Too Much About The Company / ProductIt is networking after all NOT selling

Not getting any or good recommendationsUp to you this one but you have to start getting these.

Not sharing high quality content.


Find something you like

Then tell groups or individuals.


I use SlideShare A LOT

But what could you use it for?

LinkedIn now allows you to show offWith images And videos And your projects in Behance. And your youtube links. And your blog posts in Wordpress. As well as to blog / publish inside LinkedIn itself (highly recommended if you want to thought lead.) So you really dont have any excuses content wise.

What do LinkedIn people want you to publish?

Do we have time for Youtube?


How else can you show off?

Everyone is doing it


More on youtube. If a picture is a 1000 words what is a 30 second movie?People believe videos especially when homemade more than high end adverts why? Today Google looks at the real estate of youtube very seriously for your SEO strategy. Why is this? Have you taken over your Youtube spot? What would be your keywords / tags? 85


Youtube. With so much going onto youtube. And so many people watching the videos. Surely you just pop a video up there and sit back and watch everyone tell there friends. It goes viral in a minute and your marketing is done as millions of people go to your website. Its a little harder than that. Think of youtube a bit more like PR i.e. The known with the unknown, using all emotions.



Youtube. So here are some ideas on what can go viral? HumourPain Babies Classic stories You been framed moments Shocking truthsAND remember you can use PPC in youtube as well. Some people therefore just hijack big videos of the time and go PPC through them. No matter how you use youtube you MUST have video. But. 87


How can you make em?Years ago you had a reason to not be able to make videos. It was called money! Now everything you need is just about FREE!DirectrAnimotoDo you know anymore?Videos are amazingly powerful with the right content.

Some might even surprise you.

90What video could you make? Write the idea down.



91BSEEN BONUSIf you have time:And you want to work for a new start up or SME. My advice is that you do.



Do you want to be hired by an SME?The notion of a standard resume, of mass mailings, of dealing with the HR department--even the idea of interviews--is all built around BIG business .Alas, the Fortune 500 and BIG business has been responsible for a net loss in jobs over the last twenty years.

1. Learn to sell. Everyone has sold something, some time, even just ideas Small businesses always need people who can sell, because selling pays for itself. Its not an expense, its a profit centre.

2. Learn to write. Writing is a form of selling, one step removed. Theres more writing in business today than ever before, and if you can become a persuasive copywriter, youre practically a salesperson, and even better, your work scales.

3. Learn to produce video and multimedia (even code) This is just like writing, but for people who dont like to read. Even better, be sure to mix this skill with significant tech skills. i.e. coding is rare for a reason.

Do you want to be hired by an SME?Then you have to realise SMEs dont hire to fill a slot.

And many small businesses are extremely bad at taking initiative that feels like risk.

Theyd rather fill orders than take a chance and go out prospecting for a person who represents a risk. And thats your opportunity.

Once you demonstrate that you contribute far more than you cost, now it's merely a matter of figuring out a payment schedule.

The rest is history your history.

One spot especially for the next three years is social media management and digital marketing. Which I hope you have some tricks for now

How was it for you?



I hope



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