the fun of working with younger players

Softball Discussions The fun of working with younger players Softball Training Coaching Softball

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 2: The fun of working with younger players

Softball Discussions

The fun of working with younger players

Softball Training Coaching Softball

Sometimes when you’re used to working with older players (high school age or close to it), going back to working with younger girls can take some adjustment. They don’t have as much body awareness, and attention spans can be a bit short. It can also take them a bit longer to truly retain everything you’re working on. But there are also some upsides.

I experienced one of those tonight. I was doing a hitting lesson with a 10U player named Isabella. We’ve been working on the basics, and she’s coming along. Her father mentioned that in her tournament over the weekend she’d been backing out of the box some, and seemed reluctant to try out her new swing.So, I figured that after we did some tee hitting I would try pitching some Whiffle balls to her instead of regular balls.

Adjustment working with young players

Page 3: The fun of working with younger players

Softball Discussions

The fun of working with younger players

Softball Training Coaching Softball

Good idea on my part. Isabella started getting the hang of it and taking more aggressive swings. She started hitting those Whiffles hard too.

But the best part was what happened when the bucket emptied. I said “let’s pick ’em up” and she immediately asked “Can we do it again?” We still had time so of course I said “sure.” When we finished that bucket she asked if we could do another. Clearly she was having fun – and building confidence in her swing.Honestly, I think if I hadn’t finally called it we’d still be out there.

You have to love that enthusiasm. And that’s the fun of it. Certain aspects may take more work, but when the light bulb comes on and the excitement is there it makes it all worthwhile.

The will to Learn