the games journal · farmerama was published on the internet, which rapidly became one of the...


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Page 1: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered



ISSUE 436 -APRIL 2012ISSN 0257-361X

Volume 36

Page 2: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


2 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012 www.gamesjournal.atColor codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

In November 2009 a browser came called Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered users of the game. The game has also won a num-ber of awards, among them the Lara Award, the European Games Award for Best Euro-pean Browser Game and also Deutscher Entwicklerpreis in the category Best Brows-er Game. The game can be played in 27 different languages and is continuously expanded by new features.Uwe Rosenberg is one of the most success-ful German game designers, his game Ag-ricola on the topic „develop your farm“ has had an incredibly successful run since 2007 and has also been expanded a few times.So the idea seemed to suggest itself to ask Uwe Rosenberg, who meanwhile had published other successful games with an agricultural topic, to transform the browser game into a board game for the whole fam-ily.Let’s start with an overview;Players are farmers and husband their land; for this they need water, harvest plants and feed their animals and can then later obtain agricultural products which in turn earn

them stars at the end of the game. You win the game if you have most of these stars.In comparison to the browser game the choices and possibilities have been drasti-cally reduced. There are only the plant vari-eties of carrots, corn, oats and hay and four animals, sheep, pig, cow and horse. Water is of paramount importance because without water nothing grows and no animal can thrive without water.Each player has his personal board, which is lanced by waterways that split the board into seven big areas. On the top - indepen-dent of areas - the farm as we know it from the browser game is depicted, and on the right hand edge, again independent of ar-eas we have the stables for the animals with notations for the feed they need and a star value, but more on that later. Each of the seven areas shows one or more acres for plants, some of them with a scarecrow, and a fenced pasture for animals, each pasture offers room for two animals. In the middle of the board there is the so called player wheel with seven areas as well, four of them are marked with one animal and one plant each, sheep with carrots, pig with hay, cow with oats and horse with corn. The remain-ing three areas are harvest areas; one of

them carries a pacifier mark. This wheel has a beam that is marked with a water droplet and at the start of the game this beam sits on the river that runs towards the right-hand edge of the board in the lower region of the board. Next to the player board each player places his scoring board with a track for each animal, those tracks symbolize the products that you can produce with the help of the animals, and a decorative garden with room for six ornamental structures. Those ornamental structures as stacked as

stated in the rules, for the basic game some are removed. Finally we get one animal of each kind and two tiles each of carrots, hay and oats and one corn tile plus three water tiles, which we place into storage in the barn, that is, next to our board, and a set of actions cards for sowing, harvest-ing, feeding, seed store and water. From general stock each player takes two plants of each kind and sows them on acres that are currently marked by the corresponding symbols due to the starting position of the player wheel. A second wheel in the middle of the table, the action wheel, tells you how often you can do an action, it is advanced by one posi-tion at the start of each round; and at long last you turn up two ornamental structures



Farmerama offers a well-made and harmonious transfor-mation of the browser game into a board game, beginners should make time for one or two training games, experts should try the professional version.

Dagmar de Cassan

Page 3: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 3ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


40 Lines for Meeples Dagmar de Cassan, Editor-in-Chief

Something that happened at our last games evening provoked a few musings. First, we played 7 Wonders and found out during play that one of the conflict markers was missing. Not a big deal, you rarely need all of them and if necessary you can replace it with anything at hand. Then we set up Santa Cruz and one loca-tion marker was missing. A close look at the box bottom brought it to light and all was clear for a wonderful game. But that’s how it is - when a card in Agricola goes missing, no big deal; when a card goes missing in Wizards, the game cannot be played anymore. And this made me ask - not only for a careful handling of the games, kindly also dur-ing a games evening and also of games that one does not own - what to do, also for a preventive measure?Should we sort games according to how critical the number of components is for playing? That surely goes for Pachisi, too, but that is quickly counted; to control Settlers will take a bit longer.Should it be marked on the box - not only “At-tention! Small parts!“ but also „Attention! Each missing marker renders the game unplayable”? We all want well-working mechanisms and that very often goes hand in hand with mini-mum amounts and limitations. But can you really imagine a company marking a box with “ATTENTION! ONLY WITH ONE MARKER LOST THE FUN IN PLAYING IS LOST, TOO!” What do you think?

All the same, have fun reading this issue and if you would like to have more information, take a look at our database The Games Journal can now be read as an eBook on a Kindle, too (in German and English) and is therefore even easier to read on modern devices, see

from the stack, they feature plants, stars, water or mixtures.Now we can give our attention to the game itself, which is played in rounds; one of those rounds comprises four different phases:

- Choose action card- Allocate decorative structure- Execute actions - sowing, harvesting, wa-ter, feeding, and seed store- Mucking out - take back action cards, ad-vance action wheel, replenish decorative structures

From our action cards we choose what we want to do and lay the corresponding card out face-down; then all cards are revealed simultaneously. Should two or more players have chosen the same action, the round is interrupted for an ornamental structure ac-tion: All players involved in this “tie” check their player board and barn to determine who can take one of the face-up ornamen-tal structures: 1st Criterion are ornamental structures already in the ornamental gar-den, if you have fewer you get the new structure; in case of tie there you check the 2nd criterion, the scarecrows, the structure goes to the player who has more of them visible on his acres. If there is a tie, toot, the structure goes to the player with fewer plants in his barn. If that again results in a tie, the structure is not awarded. When in a game of four players, two players each have played identical cards, both structures are randomly allocated to a pair and then hand-

ed out according to the above-mentioned procedure. Who gets the structure puts it into his garden and receives the reward ei-ther immediately in case of plants or water or at the end of the game in case of victory points. Should your ornamental garden be full there is one extension available for the first player and only the first player who might require it.What can we do with the card that we played?If you chose water, you take water tiles from general stock, corresponding to the bigger number for water on the action wheel if you chose the action alone, and corresponding to the smaller number if water was played more than once. If you played sowing, you take - in anal-ogy to water - either the bigger or smaller number of plants from your stock and plant it onto a free acre. This acre must be in the area of your board that is marked with the corresponding plant symbol on the player wheel. You place the marker on an acre and top it with a marker of the same kind taken from general stock.For feeding you take the number of plants corresponding to the markings for the ani-mal you want to feed from your barn, put them back into general stock and place the fed animal onto the pasture in the area that is currently marked with this animal by the player wheel.For the harvest action you can - again ac-cording to the bigger or smaller number on the action wheel - harvest plants from acres

Page 4: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


4 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012 www.gamesjournal.atColor codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

and place the plants into your barn next to your board. You can only harvest acres that lie in an area of the board marked by a green section on the player wheel. When the area marked with a pacifier reaches an animal on pasture the animal has produced: You put it back into the stable and move the marker one position up on the scoring track for this animal. The seed store action replenishes your stores; you take one tile from general stock for each plant variety that is not present in the barn, and can then sow one plant im-mediately. If you are out of water, you take one water tile.Which leaves the questions, what do we do with water? Well, water is the core ele-ment of the game, without water nothing goes, because water is the currency for moving the player wheel. For each water tile that you discard, you move your wheel counter-clockwise for one position; thus the markings move and new areas are opened for feeding/sowing or harvesting. The nice thing is, you can do that anytime during your turn, before your actions, after your actions, in-between your actions; It would be too good to be true if that would work without any but; the big but is that you can only move your beam and thus your wheel over areas that are completely empty. So that means you need to plan ahead meticu-lously and harvest in time so that you can move and sow/feed again.When the ornamental structures cannot be replenished at the start of the round, the game ends and you add your stars for wool, truffles, milk and riding lessons, that is, the stars in each of the animal tracks on your scoring board and 1 star per plant tile in your barn and on your acres, 3 stars for ornamental structures with a star symbol and the stars on the animal silhouettes in the stable for animals in the pastures. You win with most stars, in case of tie if you have

more water stored. So far so good - what do we have - best butter or only Farmer-Rama? Sorry for this pun, but that was in my mind for the whole game. To be honest, I am not sure. Seen from a craftsman’s point of view there is absolutely nothing to criticize, it works ex-ceedingly well, each part is well adjusted and works smoothly with all others, from the horse that is most valuable and can only be “harvested” after a full turn of the wheel to the water tile which are scarce but not im-possible to manage.The graphic relate to the browser, if you like them or not is simply personal taste and why the pig produces truffles instead of ham does not matter in the end either, be is as it may be. Did we have fun? Well, yes! Can anyone play it instantly? Rather no! It takes a few rounds to grasp the correlations, how you best interlock sowing, harvesting and water collecting in order to achieve the optimum result. Just take care not to try to avoid ties in action cards in order to post-pone the end of the game; you always get something and should concentrate on your own game. If you base your strategy on the more valuable animals or rather take the cheaper once and take card to have a really full barn at the end of the game. Well that is entirely your own decision. And to make a good one will take a few games.What really needs getting used to - maybe not for those who play the browser game - is the total lack of interaction. With the excep-tion of a tie in action cards played and the resulting ornamental structures you farm along entirely on your own and somehow it is not really comprehensible why this one and only interaction of jointly played cards is the vehicle for ending the game. But even that works well!All in all Uwe Rosenberg has produced a very solid game, which will surely find its target in those players, who know, play and

love Farmerama and would want to try the board game variant around the family tale. Expert players might find the basic game to bland for their taste, they should try the advanced version with the additional or-namental structures, which also offers the possibility to use water not only for moving the player wheel, but to spend it also on ad-ditional sowing and harvesting.

[email protected]

INFORMATIONDesigner: Uwe RosenbergArtist: Bigpoint, Fiore GmbHPrice: ca. 25 EuroPublisher: Ravensburger

Resources management gameFor familiesVersion: multiRules: de fr it nlIn-game text: no

Comments:Graphics taken from the browser game * Reduced and streamlined as regards to the browser game * Feeling and flair nicely transferred * Well-working, well interlocked mechanisms

Compares to:Agricola, Ora & Labora, Neuland, Dicke Kartof-feln as regards to topic

Other editions:Currently none






Page 5: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 5ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


Dominion, Dominion, Dominion - each ca-sual gamer who knows one or two games beyond Uno and Monopoly could not avoid to at least becoming aware of Don-ald X. Vaccarino’s master piece including its apparent 47 big and small extensions and several promo cards. After all, he won “Game of the Year” in Germany in 2009 with it. Dozens of other awards came afterwards. But the inventor of the deck-building genre has other arrows in his quiver, too.

Nefarious - The Mad Scientist Game - is another card game by Vaccarino and was published at Essen 2011 by Ascora Games, a small American publisher. So far there is only an English-language version with Eng-lish rules and card texts. There are rumors that a German version is in the making, but don’t ask me where and when!!

As indicated by the game title we are nefari-ous mad scientists. Our aim is to acquire 20 or more victory points by making as many inventions as possible of as high a value as we can manage. For this purpose you get a player board featuring four so-called invest-ment areas and a safe for storing your mon-

ey. Kindly enough, there is also the course of a game round pictured on this board, which only comprises four phases with the 4th one only being used to check vic-tory conditions. You start with 3 invention cards, 10 bags of money in your safe and 5 so called minions (they look like the hunch-backed Igor, as pictured by Marty Feldman in Mel Brooks Frankenstein Junior, thanks to Christoph Proksch for the reference!), which can also be translated into lackey; they are placed outside the board. Finally you re-ceive one set of four action cards, identical for all players.

In Phase 1 you choose one of your action cards according to what you plan to to in the ensuing action phase, “Speculate”, “In-vent”, “Research” or “Work” - explanation coming up - which all then turn up simulta-neously. In Phase 2 of the round you check if the action cards played by your left and right neighbor correspond to minions that

you might have placed on investment areas on your board in previous rounds. For each correlation you receive 1 bag of money per minion from the bank. As you can have up to five minions placed, maybe even on the same area, you can cash quite an amount of money, usually a maximum of 10.

In Phase 3, the core phase of the game, the action cards chosen in Phase 1 are executed in order of their numbering, from 1 to 4. If you played 1 - Speculate you can place one and only one minion into an investment area of your choice and pay the price indi-cated which ranges from 0 to 2, in correla-tion to the importance in the course of the game. With 2 - Invent you play an invention card from your hand. Most inventions have a price, the more expensive the more vic-tory points they are worth, usually. Costs can vary from 0 to 24, but 20 bags of money need quite some efforts to accumulate that takes time and several rounds. As already mentioned, each such invention earns you victory points, they vary between 1 and 8, and there are some cards yielding variable victory points, that is, one point per inven-tion already made.

Which invention cards you hold is of course a question of random chance, because con-trary to Dominion there is no open display from which you could acquire something. As soon as an invention is built/made/ it might result in once-only effects which are depicted on the card. Green arrows point-ing downwards, that is, at the player who played the card, are only applicable to the player and resolved by him independently of other players; the effects can result in gain or loss of invention cards in hand, one or more bags of money, free placement or removal of minions or combinations. Very favored are the so called “Pro” actions, which result in free placement of a minion, receiving money or drawing cards equal to the amount of inventions already made. Af-ter those green arrows you deal with all red arrows on all inventions built in this round, those arrows involve all other players with the exception of the one who played the card. Of course, there is a bit of gloating when all other players but you must remove a painstakingly built minion or lose money or cards in hand. But there are also red ar-rows which give something to all other players; those inventions are of course only



Enormous allure to play it again, short duration, no game is the same - want to want more from a game except the game itself!

Gert Stöckl


STRUCTUREEach game review also features an evaluation which can help you to find the game that best suits your tastes. The color accompanying each game title represents the USER Group. The headline also contains icons for age and number of players. The BAR in the evaluation box displays color codes for up to 10 features of a game.

USER GROUPWe have defined 4 target groups (color accompanying the head line)

Children: Games for children an educational games. Adults can play in a guiding function.Families: Children and parents play together, all have the same chance to win and have fun.Friends: Young people and adults play together as equalsExperts: Games with special demands on rules and playing time. Especially for game geeks

Please note for the user groups Children, Family and Friends: Children who love to play can be ahead of their peers! Please note that our target group “families” does not imply the classical concept of „family games“! Furthermore, our user groups can overlap. The choice of suitable games always depends on your playing partners and your fun with games!Games that are especially eligible for Solo play or for 2 play-ers or Large groups of players are marked with an icon.

FEATURESEach game targets preferences for different features in a player, therefore each game is not suitable for each player. We have listed 10 features players note when deciding on a game. Only if a player finds his preferred features in a game he will enjoy the game. The color code marks the dominant features. Educational games train the highlighted preference.

Empty boxes: This feature is neclectable or not present One colored box: This feature is present, but not essentialTwo colored boxes: This feature is present and important in the gameThree colored boxes: This feature is dominant and essential

Chance:The game is influenced by dice, cards or any other form of random generator

Tactics: Take decision, short-term planning, planning based on one move

Strategy: Think ahead, long-term planning, planning for several moves

Creativity: The player has to provide words, phrases, images and other creative efforts

Knowledge:Cultural and educational knowledge, long-term memory

Memory: Remember, learn by heart, short-time memory

Communication: Talk to each other, negotiate, inform

Interaction: Influencing each other, bluffing, auction

DexterityMotor skills

Action:Body movement, balance and reaction

ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONVersion: The edition of the game on which the review is basedRules: This lists the languages in which rules are available or are included in the game, often even more translations can be found on the web.In-game text: A YES marks a game with language-dependent components that cannot be played without translation or knowledge of the language.

Page 6: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


6 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012 www.gamesjournal.atColor codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Page 7: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 7ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


reluctantly built. But, after all, the other players can have their pleasures, too. An in-ventor’s life is hard enough!

Choice of Action 3 - Research gives you a new invention card for your hand and two bags of money units. By the way, there is no limit to cards you can hold in hand. If you did choose Action 4 - Work, you simply take four bags of money from the bank. Then all pick up the actions cards that were played and check if there is a winner with 20 points; if not, another round begins.

Sounds like a very average game so far. The rules are simple, action cards and their func-tions are easily understood, each game will probably run a rather similar course, after two or three games I will put the game back into its box and - if I should have nothing better to do or play - might put in on the ta-ble again sometime in the future. But STOP, here comes the twist, literally. The designer was aware of this problem and has invented the so called Twist cards, a truly ingenious element for the game. He has given us 36 of them, and only two of them are drawn for each game at random. Mathemati-cians among us can calculate how many possible combinations that provides, I be-

lieve it to be 630 of them, but it could be that I am wrong. Those Twist cards can spin the course of the game rather madly. Be-sides some rather harmless cards like “you start with 5 instead of 3 cards in hand”, “you start with 20 instead of 10 money bags” there are quite a few which can change the game considerably as compared to a pre-viously played game. So you might draw “the action you chose last round cannot be chosen in this round” or “all actions can be executed twice” or “you can choose two ac-tions in each round” or “the effects of all in-ventions are doubled” or “after each inven-tion made you lose all remaining money”, you must reduce your money at the start of the round to the nearest multiple of five” or “you must acquire 30 instead of 20 victory points. These were only a few examples for the changes you can expect from those Twist cards. Thanks to them I have seen a games evening where during five hours we did nothing but play Nefarious, which is quite an achievement for a game in which one game lasts between 15 and 40 minutes, depending on the number of players. This gives you another glimpse on the designer’s genius.

Therefore I have only one thing to say; if you

do not have a problem with English, you should get yourself copy of the game, de-spite it being rather hard to find at the mo-ment. The fun in playing Nefarious and the allure to play it again are tremendous and one of a kind. Each game runs differently. I probably have played 40 to 50 games al-ready! The drawings on the invention cards are beautiful and you can play it easily with your family. 2 to 6 can play, with 5 or 6 it gets a bit raucous, as all talk at the same time due the effects of the red arrows. Furthermore, the game does cry out for expansions: New invention cards, new twist cards, maybe even additional actions. Therefore “Buy it, buy it, and buy it”..

[email protected]

INFORMATIONDesigner: Donald X. VaccarinoArtist: Glenn Gustafson et allPrice: ca. 35 EuroPublisher: Ascora Games

Card game with choice of actionWith friendsVersion: enRules: enIn-game text: no

Comments:Short and simple rules * Enormous allure to play again due to changing additional rules * Nice adaption of the Neighbor-joins-your-game mechanism

Compares to:Basically all games with choice of action from identical card sets; 7 Wonders for involving your immediate neighbors, all in all first game of its kind

Other editions:Currently none


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Page 8: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

What is the meaning of “Urban Sprawl”? The origin of this expression is surmised for 1937, when the US citizen Earl Draper point-ed out the - in his opinion - unaesthetic and non-economic changes in urban develop-ment of American cities in a conference pre-sentation. (Stefan Siedentop, 2005, Leibnitz Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung). To come to the point quickly, the game „Urban Sprawl“ features the topic of urban development, but does not concern itself overmuch with aesthetics and economics. Aim of the game is to build as many and as valuable buildings as possible in order to garner victory points in order to win the game with most of them. Description of the gameThe game board shows, among other things, 36 square spots which are designat-ed as „City Grid“ and surrounded by streets. One of the “buildings” either fits such an area exactly in the guise of a “block” or takes up exactly a quarter of a block in the guise of a “lot” or can comprise two or three lots. Regardless of the size of a building there are four different kinds of buildings / zones in four different colors: Red = Public or Civic Building “CIVic”, yellow = commercial build-ing “COMercial”, Blue = Industry “INDustrial”

and purple = accomodations “RESidential”. Parks, marked in green, are neutral build-ings that do not belong to any of the four zones. The value of any individual building corresponds to the value of a “block” and depends on the red “Prestige” value and the yellow “Money” value which are marked at the edge of the building area. The total value equals the sum of those two numbers. Ownership for each constructed building is

marked with a pawn in the player’s color. In order to construct a building a player needs building permits and a contract card. The building permits must be collected by using planning cards. There are cards with 1 to 4 building permits. Each “Build Permit” card states the number of permits and further-more also in which are you can build and which size of building you can build. The number of permits is equal to the size of the building, from 1 to 4 lots.The building is constructed in one of the four zone/area colors by using the contract card. Those contract cards show in their up-per middle part how many building permits

are necessary for construction and how big the building is that is build with this card. The contract cards are available from three different contract decks: Town, City and Me-tropolis (see Picture: Contract Deck) Game Set-up:The game board is very big! Next to the board you stack the building tiles and the money, sorted by value. All 12 Buildings “1” are placed on their designated areas on the board. From the town deck you remove the Airport card, and then you shuffle the town cards and place 15 of them onto the town area of the board. Six more town cards are shuffled with the Airport card and placed on top of those 15 cards. The remaining 15 cards are also shuffled and stacked on top of those previously placed 22 cards. Finally you turn up the top card from the Town cards stack and put it on top. This shuffling/stacking procedure is repeated for the City Deck with Sports Team Event card and the Metropolis Deck with the Olympic Games Event, with the one exception that you do not turn up the top card, as those decks are not active at the start of the game. From the Planning Cards you remove the Urban Re-newal Cards and stacked openly on the area for the Planning Discard Pile, and you also remove the 14 event cards. The remaining Planning Cards are shuffled and you draw 14 of them and shuffle them with the pre-viously removed 14 event cards. Those 28 cards are stacked on their designated area and you shuffle the remaining Planning Cards and put them on top. The starting player receives one card from the stack and the others in turn always one more card


8 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012 www.gamesjournal.atColor codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

A well-balanced game, the optimization of action point allocation makes it an ideal game for ponderers.

Erwin Kocsan



Page 9: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012



than the previous player.How to build one’s first buildings?At the start of the game the starting player chooses one of the 12 starting buildings and places one of his wooden cubes there, thus assuming control of the building. This has a price: The value of the building that must be paid corresponds to the sum of red Prestige value and yellow Money val-ue. Then the next player in turn chooses a building. This is continued until all 12 start-ing buildings are controlled by players (See Picture Starting Set up). Each player has been given money: 39$ in case of two play-ers, 27$ when three are playing and 21$ in a four-player game. All other buildings can only be built with Planning and Contract cards.

Game playBeginning with the starting player you play in clockwise direction. While it is your turn you are the active player. The active player first makes investments, then uses Action Points and finally executes the end-of-turn actions.At the start of his turn a player can make one or several investments: He discards one or more “Build Permit” cards of his choice and receives the amount of money stated at the bottom of the card(s). After investment a player can spend six Action Points. Those Action Points are used to execute actions in any order, chosen from:Take a „Build-Permit“ from the displayOwn an Urban Renewal cardBuild a Contract CardTake a Contract card under the FAVOR ruleAll Planning cards and all Contract cards that are in open display on the board show their Action Point price at the right-hand side of the display when they are taken.

FAVORIn the course of the game each player has the opportunity to designate one Contract card for a FAVOR. Such a Contract / FAVOR card costs the normal amount of AP, but the building is not constructed but deposited on the Player Aid sheet. When built, the cost is 0 AP.

The Planning-DeckIn the Planning Deck there are 14 Event cards, 4 Urban Renewal cards which are de-posited on the storage space at the start of the game and are only entering the game when this stack is shuffled, and 36 Build Per-mit cards. The Planning cards are displayed face-up in front of a player until used. When used the cards are discarded to the discard pile. Players can collect as many cards as they want.Building of Contracts/BuildingsWhen a player spends APs in order to build

a Contract, certain costs are involved:Cost One: the amount of APs that is stated next to the card. Cost Two: you need as many Build Permits of the respective zone as stated on the Contract card; Cost Three: The amount of money equal to the value of the building or the block where the build-ing is about to be built. The Contract card is removed from the game and the Build Per-mit Card is deposited onto the Planning Dis-card Pile. You must adhere to building rules when setting up a building: Restrictions as regards to areas/zones demand that a new building cannot be built adjacent to a build-ing of another color unless another building of this color is already set up adjacently or in the neighborhood. A building is consid-ered to be adjacent / in the neighborhood when it is separated from other buildings only be a street, be it horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Money and Prestige MarkersThere are six additional money markers (7-12) and three Prestige markers (4-6). They enter the game due to several card effects. Those markers must always be placed onto a grey square and must, if it would be nec-essary to move them, always be placed on another grey square.

Neighborhood Bonus+Immediately when a building has been set up, the player receives a prestige point for each adjacent building of the same color.

EventEvent cards are present in all four card decks. An event happens when the card is revealed. Events from the Planning deck are discarded openly on the discard area and come into play several times. Events from the Contract Decks are once-only events and are removed from the game after their implementation. If a card shows a brown box an election is initiated. When the card features a yellow or red number a handout of money or prestige can happen.

ElectionWhenever a Planning card is drawn players check first if the card is marked with a brown Ballot box. When that is the case the orange marker is moved one step and an election happens.

PoliticiansThere are five politicians in the game. Politi-cians give advantages to their owners and earn them prestige points at the end of the game.

VocationWhen a player builds a Contract with a Voca-tion symbol he receives a marker with this

symbol and all players, who have this sym-bol on display, receive the amount of mon-ey or prestige stated on the Contract card.

Building EffectsConstructing a building can result in several different effects. Those effects are stated on the Contract card.

PayoutWhenever a Planning card is turned up, players check if the card shows a money symbol at the bottom. When that is the case there is a payout after an election: The value and the symbol show where the payout happens. The Payout table tells you which amount is paid as regards to ranking. Rank-ing depends on the number of buildings that have been constructed in the row.

End of a turnWhen the active player has spent all APs at this disposal or cannot use some or does not want to use more of them his turn ends. He now executes the following actions:Shift all Planning cards on display one posi-tion down towards the 1 AP square.Fill the remaining spots by drawing cards from the deck. If the card drawn is an event card, implement the event. If the card is marked with a box symbol an election hap-pens, in case of a money symbol there is a payout. Finally, you turn up the top card from the planning deck and - if applicable - execute events and payouts.The same procedure is followed for the Contract cards. Please note that at the be-ginning only the Town Deck is active; when the City Deck is active the top Town card is placed on the 5AP area only. When the Me-tropolis Deck becomes active, the top City Card is placed on the 4 AP area only. Should the card be an event card, the event is ex-ecuted. If the card shows a prestige symbol, a payout happens.Finally, you turn up the top card of the Contract Deck is turned up and events or payouts are implemented as for the other decks.The Active-Player Card is handed to the next player in clockwise direction and he starts his turn.

Urban RenewalRenewal allows a player - in combination with an Urban Renewal card or the Contrac-tor to demolish existing buildings and set up another building instead.As soon as the Olympic Games Event is drawn the game ends instantly. All prestige rows enact one final payout. Owners of poli-ticians receive prestige points once more. If you then have the most prestige points you win.

Page 10: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

Evaluation of the GameThe rules are clearly structured and nicely explained with examples. The meaning of the cards is self-explaining due to the sym-bols. The real challenge of the game is the optimum use of the Action Points. Events are well balanced and usually target either the value of a building or the number of buildings in a block. The event “Urban Re-newal” has an effect only very rarely. Politi-cians change owners rather frequently so that there is no imbalance incurring. The shifting of money and prestige markers en-sures a certain tension and challenge in the game. The same goes for the Vocation mark-ers, as they initiate interaction and keep the game interesting. What about a strategy for the game? A player can decide on a certain tactic for his card selection: Collect Permit Cards or build Contracts. Valuable permits earn you money from investments. Con-tracts must be built immediately. For that the right timing seems to be essential! All the same, both kinds of cards are important.All in all I believe that the game meets even very high requirements and seems geared to provide good fun for meticulous strate-gic thinkers.

[email protected]

In 1758 the French writer François Voltaire made an acid comment in his book “Can-dide”, referring to the situation in the French colonies of America (la “Nouvelle France”) and particularly in North America (Canada). He did not agree that France had to defend those territories against Great Britain as they were just “quelques arpents de neige” (a few acres of snow). In effect the best and most productive territories were already in the hands of Great Britain and the rest was, and still is, unproductive and frost for most of the year so he considered a waste of time to fight and spend money and lives for this territory.

Martin Wallace used this “war” as an histori-cal base and designed a deck building card game inspired by Vaccarino’s best seller “Dominion”. Hopefully A FEW ACRES OF SNOW is not a “clone” of Dominion, but a very interesting and addictive game for two players: a sort of interesting “connection” between board games and war games.The game has a beautiful box and includes the following components: a “mounted” map (that shows the Nord-East part of America, from Norfolk to Louisburg and from Richmond to Detroit), two Players Aid sheets (with a summary of the rules on one side and a list of the “Imperial” cards on the other side, with the explanation of their use), 3 card decks (one for the British, one for the French and a small one for common use), wooden counters (to mark the control of the occupied cities and the fortifications), four “siege” markers (two black , one red and one blue) and coins (small “silver” and large “gold” discs). Rules and Players Aids are in FOUR languages (English, French, Italian and German), each one with its own book-let.

Please also note that the game comes in two different editions: “normal” and “lim-ited”. Aside from the “price” the only differ-ence is on the components: the “normal” edition has blue and red disks (for cities), blue and red cubes (for villages), black disks (for fortifications) and plastic coins; the “lim-ited” edition has small houses for villages, a sort of small churches for cities, special shaped forts and wooden coins: silver (1 coin) and gold (5 coins).Nothing changes on the rules but they al-ways refer to the “normal” components.

The set up is done placing villages and cities on the map on the colored locations: a red or blue village on the “square” locations, a red or blue city on the “round” locations. All the “grey” locations are neutral at the begin-ning of the game. Each location, besides its name, may have extra symbols: a ship (if it is a port), a number inside a small grey hex (the Victory Points (VP) assigned by the lo-cation at the game end), a “settlers” symbol (showing that this location must be colo-nized to be occupied) and a military symbol (to show that this location is defended by a garrison).Each player has to prepare THREE decks at the game’s start: Deck One (or INITIAL deck) includes the cards owned by each player at the beginning (10 for the French and 7 for the British); Deck Two (or LOCATION deck) has cards with the name of the loca-tions that each player may reach (19 for the

French and 26 for the British); Deck Three (or IMPERAL deck, with 18 cards for the French and 21 for the British) includes a plethora of supports for the conflict: regular armies, leaders, militia, fortifications, rangers, na-tives, settlers, governors, ships, home sup-port, etc. Each LOCATION card has the name of one of the locations on the map, lists all the loca-tions that may be reached from there and how (by boat, by ship, by cart). On the bot-tom of each card are printed one or more symbols in different combinations (ship, military, settlers, money, fur, boat, wagon). The players must search the deck and find the appropriate card when they occupy the location with the same name for the first time; then they add this location card to their discard deck.

Each IMPERIAL card shows the name of the card, the “cost” (in coins) to purchase it (from 0 to 8), a Naval or Infantry military symbol and some instructions for its use: some cards have also an “ambush” symbol (this means that they may be ambushed). These cards are freely selected by the players dur-ing the game.Each deck has his own place on the board, where you also find a Reserve, a Discard Pile and two Siege “spaces” that we will examine


10 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012 www.gamesjournal.atColor codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

A very interactive deck building game with an interesting historical flavor.

Pietro Cremona

INFORMATIONDesigner: Chad JensenArtist: Jensen, MacGowan, NietoPrice: ca. 50 EuroPublisher: GMT Games

Development gameFor expertsVersion: enRules: enIn-game text: yes

Comments:Self explaining symbols on the cards * Action Points Allocation is central element of the game * This puts the emphasis on planning and thinking

Compares to:Milton Keyes and other building games on given areas

Other editions:Currently none









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later. The final 9 special “green” cards are placed aside the board and during play are avail-able to both players: 5 “Native Americans” (free), 2 “Fortifications” (cost 5 coins) and 2 “Settlers” (cost 7 coins). The British player receives 12 coins at the set-up, while the French gets only 5. Both players shuffle their INITIAL deck and take 5 cards in hands, putting the remaining cards in the DRAW DECK space on the board.The British is always the first in each turn; the players alternate their turns and the game ends when one side has used (or lost) all his village (or city) counters. Each player then sum the VP of the locations under his control (doubling their value if a CITY is built in a location) and the higher score wins the game. The French player may also immedi-ately win the game taking Boston or New York: the British win immediately if he takes Quebec.

Each turn allows the players to take TWO ACTIONS (only one in turn 1) to be selected between the following:

– EXPANSIVE ACTION: (1.1) – Settle a location: you may enter a new location playing a card that has that location in his list of possible destinations, plus a card with the right transport symbol (ship, wagon, boat) plus, eventually, a card with a settlers symbol (if the destination has this symbol)(1.2) – Develop a location: you may trans-form a village in a city by playing a card with the name of that location together with a Settlers card.

(1.3) – Fortify a location: you may add a forti-fication counter to a location if you play that location’s card plus a fortification card, pay-ing 3 coins to the bank.

– AGGRESSIVE ACTIONS:(2.1) – Besiege a location: you have to play a card that has that location on his lists, then a card with the right transport symbol and a card with a military symbol (Naval or In-fantry, depending on the attacked location). The latter is placed in your “siege” space on the board. You then place the siege marker of your color on the besieged location and one black marker on the siege track, adding your military strength and subtracting the defensive value of the location. The siege track is divided in three section; attacker section, neutral section (numbered 0-1) and defender section. (2.2) – Reinforce a Siege: you play a military card on your siege space to counter an en-emy attack or to reinforce your own attack. If at the beginning of his turn the attacker has at least 2 points on his side of the siege track he wins the siege and takes all his cards back on his discard pile: the defender must discard 1 “Imperial” card (back into the Imperial deck) and put all the other cards on his discard pile. If at the beginning of his turn the defender has at least 1 siege point on his track he wins the siege (same proce-dure and discards).(2.3) – Raid: some cards (Native Americans, Coureurs de bois, Rangers) allow the player to launch a raid on his opponent’s locations within range: no extra locations or transport cards are necessary. The opponent may block the raid using a defensive card (Native American, Rangers, Coureurs de bois and, only for the French, Militia) or the location card from his hand. If the raid is not blocked the attacker takes the village counter (and the location remain empty) or the city coun-ter (and the location receives a village coun-ter instead). The raided counters will give extra VP at the game’s end.(2.4) – Ambush: similarly to the above ac-tion (and using the same cards), you may play a card saying that you want to ambush your opponent and he may block you (same rules as the raids) or discard one card with an Ambush symbol (this card will go back to the Imperial deck) if he has one in his hand. Otherwise the Ambush has no effect.(2.5) – Priest/Indian leader: those cards (2 French and 1 British) oblige your opponent to give you (from his hand or his reserve) a “green” American Native card. If he hasn’t it he must show you his complete hand to prove that.

– FINANCIAL ACTIONS:(3.1) – Take money: you play a Location card and take the value indicated in the gold

circle(3.2) – Merchant: you play a card with a ship symbol plus 1 or 2 cards with gold symbol and take that amount of coins(3.3) – Trader: you play a TRADER card plus extra cards with a “fur” symbol, and you re-ceive 2 coins per exposed fur.(3.4) – Piracy: this is valid only for the French player and only if he plays the card LOUIS-BURG, together with another card with a ship symbol. Then he takes 2 coins from the British player.

– CARD MANAGEMENT ACTIONS: these are actions that you may use to take new cards from the Imperial or Green decks (paying the cost, if indicated), discard one or more cards from your hand to the Discard pile (the first is free, the following ones cost 1 coin each), placing cards on the RESERVE space of the board (one card per action) or taking all the cards from the reserve (free action) paying 1 coin per card. You may also play special cards that give you the opportunity to increase your hand (Home support), search for a card from the discard deck (Intendant), and so on.

– Finally you may also PASS your turn (doing nothing) or CONCEDE A SIEGE (same proce-dure seen in 2.2).When you finish your turn you refill your hand (to a maximum of 5 cards) from the Draw deck: if this is exhausted you take the discard pile, shuffle it and then refill. If you have more than 5 cards in your hand at the end of your turn (this may happen if you play HOME SUPPORT) you cannot draw any card.The first game or two may be confusing as you need to know the cards and their “pow-er” , but thereafter everything is very simple and intuitive, so you may concentrate on your strategy: these are very different for the French and the British.The British have a stronger military power and must try to use it since the beginning: almost all games start in effect with the British attacking Halifax, a very important location from which it is possible to reach Louisburg and, if you take it, Quebec, thus winning the game. To this strategy (that was discussed deeply for weeks in Internet until Martin Wallace changed a few rules, as we will see later) the French must coun-ter besieging immediately Halifax (in order to oblige the British to spend a lot of time and add military cards to the siege) and/or fortifying Louisburg to better sustain an eventual siege.

If the Halifax strategy is halted then the Brit-ish player must move inland and take the most important locations (the ones that will give many VP, such as Deerfield, Albany,

Page 12: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


12 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012 www.gamesjournal.atColor codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Page 13: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

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Richmond and Baltimore) protecting them with fortifications to avoid the French raids. Then he may improve his most important locations from villages to cities to double their VP.

The French player must protect Louisburg, raiding Halifax as soon as possible (as we have seen) and advance along the Great Lakes to take most of the locations that gives him a good flow of VP (Fort Frontenac, Oswego, Fort Niagara, Detroit, etc.): then he may advance quickly from Oswego to Fort Stanwix and/or from Montreal towards Ticonderoga in order to raid Albany and Deerfield until the British will be able to for-tify them (raids are not allowed against or through fortifications).To accomplish those strategies you have to increase your initial hand with new cards: the location cards arrive … free of charge when you conquer the location on the map, but all the Imperial cards have to be select-ed and bought as “actions”.

The British has a “light” Initial hand: just 7 cards that becomes 8 after turn 1 (with the acquisition of Halifax). All those cards are very powerful and you must use them at the best in order to quickly “turn” your deck again and again. At the beginning use the action “Merchant” as often as possible to acquire 5 or 6 coins every turn discard-ing three cards each time. If you wish to try the Halifax strategy you must maintain a light hand, so buy a minimum of Impe-rial cards (the Rangers, one Regular Infantry, the Artillery) and never stops the Merchant action to accumulate money. If this strat-egy is countered by the French do not lose too much time but try to win the siege as quickly as possible and fortify Halifax: then go for the VP locations. Another dirty tactic is advancing on Fort Halifax in order to raid Quebec as often as possible obliging the French player to defend it: for this strategy you need to acquire as early as possible at least two green cards Native Americans. The French need to launch a strong reaction to the Halifax strategy, as we have seen, in order to make very difficult for the British to go for Louisburg, but his main goal is to reach the locations along the Great Lakes (to accumulate VP) and to raid the British as often as possible. To get this goal the French must acquire some native Ameri-cans as soon as possible and use them continuously to oblige the British to spend time and cards for the defense. Also try to trade as much as possible, especially at the beginning when your deck is low and the cards turn quickly, as you will need later the money to purchase troops for your defen-sive sieges or for your own attacks against

the British locations. Do not lose the op-portunity to use Piracy against the British (remember? The Louisburg card plus a ship) as you will gain “only” TWO coins, but your opponent loses them …

Of course the more cards you take (reach-ing new locations or purchasing from the Imperial deck) the more difficult is to have in hand the “right” ones at the right mo-ment (you have to wait until the draw deck is exhausted before turning the discard pile back in play): you must be patient, some-times, and slowly build your hand card by card, playing a good “combo” when you are ready. A good action may be to reach a loca-tion with your first action (2-3 cards) and to immediately fortify it (2 cards and 3 coins) to avoid the risk of a raid. This tactic will take time but is very powerful as you secure a location from enemy raids and you change 4-5 cards in a single turn.When you have too many location cards in your hand and you know that some of them are practically useless (no money, no mili-tary, no need to use them for a move inland, etc.), it could help the use of the Governor, that will allow you to discard TWO cards back into the Location deck. The game is very interesting and very inter-active. Once you learned the game mechan-ics and how to use the cards you will be able to play it in 90 minutes: we were unable to play it in 60 minutes (as written on the box) even after more than 20 games as the “mid-dle game” is very important and you have to think a little about your next actions.

We (my friends and I) are all expert gamers and/or wargamers and we never fell in love with Dominion (even if, sometimes, it is nice to play) so we started our test with a certain “negative” attitude, despite the good evalu-ations of BGG. But after the first test we were really hooked and we wanted to play again and again to find a new winning strategy or how to counter it. At the moment we are happy to say that we were unable to a sure path to the victory, thus we may admit that the game is really well done.But it is important to say that we always played with the “officially” modified rules (by Martin Wallace) that are listed here:

OFFICIAL ERRATA – Remove the French “Bateaux” card from the initial deck and place it in the Imperial deck (the French starts with only 9 cards)– You cannot place LOCATION cards into the Reserve space – The raid distance is increased to TWO con-nections (plus the usual extra connection per additional card played)– The HOME SUPPORT card allows you to take only the card available on the Draw

deck. If there are less than three cards left you take only what remain and you cannot shuffle the deck to pick up the remainder. You shuffle the deck only when you need to refill your hand.

EXTRA “RULE GENERATOR” SHEETAt PLAY 2012 in March (the Italian “Festival dei giochi” or gaming national convention) Martin Wallace and his Italian distributor (Asterion) presented an expansion for A Few Acres of Snow: a simple cardboard sheet with the instructions for a randomly generated series of rules. You use 1D6 and you randomly select a set of “extra rules”: then you dice again and you pick up the selected rule.For example: with an initial “4” you select the second group of rules. With a further “3” you select the rule “An Ambush is blocked and the action is not counted”; with a “5” you get “Put a fortification marker on Quebec at the beginning of the game”; and so on.This introduces some “random” effects on the game that I personally do not like, but obviously it varies the game very much, as this is a game that you want to play again and again probably this rule will keep it fresh for a long time. Try it anyway.

Pietro Cremona

INFORMATIONDesigner: Martin WallaceArtist: Peter DennisPrice: ca. 30 EuroPublisher: Treefrog Games

Deck building gameFor expertsVersion: multiRules: de en fr itIn-game text: yes

Comments:Harmonious symbiosis of deck build-ing and conflict simulation * Gaming experience and some “learning” games are necessary * No guaranteed winning strategy

Compares to:Dominion and other Deck building games

Other editions:Currently none


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14 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012 www.gamesjournal.atColor codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Klondike 1896 is a new game by Vladimír Suchý, who has acquired a certain degree of fame for his games published by Czech Games Edition, for instance Sechsstädte-bund / League of Six, Die Werft / Shipyard or, the latest one, Der Letzte Wille / Last Will. Klondike 1896, however, is not published by the afore-mentioned rather well-known Czech publisher, but by a publisher so far unknown in the world of board games, Stragoo Games from the Czech Republic, too. (From the editor: Stragoo Games was founded in 2011 as a subsidiary of Bonapar-te, an established Czech publisher for puz-zles and standard board games.)

The statement “a new game” needs to be revised immediately, because you get two games in one with Klondike 1896. The rules list them as Introductory Game and Advanced game. I am not too happy with those names, because as an experienced reader of many game rules I would suppose the Advanced Game to be an extension or expansion of the Introductory Game. But in this case the Advanced Game is an en-tirely different game that does not have a lot in common with the Introductory Game. While the Introductory Game is an auction game, with a mechanism that reminds me

of a simplified version of Ra or League of Six, the Advanced Game is something for fast thinkers and even faster “placers” and can be compared to games like Mondo, Galaxy Trucker or Ubongo.Therefore I will split this review into two parts in order to describe both games and adhere to the albeit hapless denomination of the publisher.

Introductory GameGold Rush in Dawson City, players try to acquire the highest-yield claims along the river.The Introductory Game is played in rounds. Each round a number of tiles, the claims, is displayed in relation to the number of play-ers. In turn players can bid for one of those claims, following the rule that they can either place a marker in their color on an empty tile or chase away another player from such a tile by placing the marker on an already occupied tile together with any number of rubies. You must take care to place more rubies than already placed by the previous owner. The chased-away player takes back rubies that he might have placed and must immediately place his marker again and can now in his turn chase off another player. This goes on until all tiles in the display are taken

by players. The rubies now on the tiles are put back into general stock and all players take their tiles and place them on their indi-vidual boards.

Each player has such a board, which is made up from small square grids. Each grid holds 6 x 6 square spots, on which are depicted rubies, gold nuggets or simply green mead-ows. How you combine the four grids is up to you and allows for some variations, you just need to agree at the start of the game how to do it.

The tiles that you can bid for have different shapes, similar to Tetris pieces and cover dif-ferent numbers of squares on your board. You want to place those tiles on your board in a way that allows you to form a connec-tion from the left to the right edge of the board as soon as possible while covering as many gold nuggets and rubies as possible. The rubies can be used in the next auc-tion, and gold nuggets are victory points and marked on the track for victory points.

You need to take into account a few simple rules while placing those tiles, for instance that each tile that you place must touch at least one tile that is already on the board. Furthermore, a small additional tile is auc-tioned off in each round, but that was it for the entire rules!



Klondike gives you 2 short, simple family games for an occasional game, unfortunately there are only enough components for four players.

Markus Wawra

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As soon as a player reaches the right edge of his board the game ends and you score the game. For each column that you did not cover between your last tile and the edge of the board you score penalty points. You win with the highest total score from gold nug-gets minus penalty points.

Advanced GameWhat shall we do with all that wonderful gold? How about a career in politics in Daw-son City?

The Advanced game is also played in rounds and in the Advanced Game, too, you place tiles on the grids according to similar rules, but that all that the two games have in common. At the start of the game each player re-ceives a complete set of different tiles. In each round you lay out a number of favor cards in relation to the number of players and a target card. On the target cards you find different numbers for gold nuggets and rubies. Players try simultaneously to cover on their board gold nuggets and ru-bies, as depicted on the card, with tiles from their stock. If you believe that you are done you take one of the favor cards in the dis-play. Those cards show different numbers of symbols for one of the most influential citizens in town - Sheriff, Lord Mayer, Horse Coper and, of course, whorehouse madam. As as the last player but one has taken a fa-vor card the last player is allowed to place a bet on one of the other players. Then you check for all players if they have reached the numbers stated on the target card. If a player has covered exactly the necessary

numbers he can advance the marker on the score track for the number character symbols; if you miscounted you must move back on the corresponding character score. The slowest player wins or loses with the player on whom he placed his bet, but only with the numbers on the last remaining fa-vor card.

After a pre-set number of rounds the game is scored. There is a majority scoring for each track as well as the total of all symbols. If you then have achieved the highest score you win the game.

My ConclusionBoth games are rather simple family games and well suitable for an in-between game of 20 to 30 minutes playing-time. The graphic design is simple, but functional. Other pub-lishers might have done it prettier. The col-ors for the citizens are somewhat funny; es-pecially the pink for the madam is very, very pink! The rules come in several languages, but unfortunately the German rules have some mistakes, so that I did switch very soon to the vastly better English rules.

But the biggest shortfall, in my opinion, is the number of players. I do believe that both games would work well for more than the number of players stated in the rules, that is, two to four players, but unfortunately there are only enough components for four players. I think that this is a missed chance, because within the last few years there were very few games for more than four players.So we are left with two games in a box of one, which both have a certain allure, but

turn out to be average in the end and do not really stick out from the mass of other games; yet, I can absolutely recommend them for a short occasional game!

Markus Wawra

INFORMATIONDesigner: Vladimír SuchýArtist: not statedPrice: ca. 25 EuroPublisher: Stragoo Games

Bid and placement gameFor familiesVersion: multiRules: br cz de en es ru skIn-game text: no

Comments:2 very different games in one box * Simple rules * Short duration * Simple components

Compares to:League of Six, The Speicherstadt and other bidding games (Introductory Game) * Mondo, Galaxy Trucker, Ubongo (Advanced Game)

Other editions:Currently none


y ra





Page 16: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

The board is set up from 6 map parts, you can choose how to combine them and which side to use; they provide the loca-tions for the oil wells of different values which are randomly dis-tributed as to value, but accord-ing to type. The oil price is set at 5000 $, players start with 15.000 $ and one lorry, 5 derricks and a train, all trains start on one of the

starting positions on the track board, as does the black train of the Oil baron. A round comprises eight steps in the following order:- Roll die for market price- Draw and choose action cards, first a red one for the black train, then one for each player, each player chooses his card- Deal Sale Licenses

- Prospect and drill for oil. Move-ment points according to the action card are split for lorry and train, you can look at a well and implement special actions and build a derrick when the lorry is adjacent to an oil well - no credit possible.- Extract, transport and store oil - with your own train or that of another player- Sell oil - the right to sell oil is auctioned by using sale licenses, you can only bid when you have oil stored with a company.- Deal with overflow- Hand on market price dieWhen the Oil Baron’s train reach-es the end of its track the game ends and the richest player wins; you add oil plumes, train posi-tions and money earned. There are special rules for two, three and five players.This reworked new edition of Giganten leaves a lot of choices for your decisions, you must carefully consider your actions, auctioning of sale rights is a cen-tral element and you may bluff, but if you are caught it costs you half of your licenses.


12 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 201216

Johnny Jokey has hoarded so many treasures in his lair that he has completely lost track of all his treasures. Where did he leave the saber and what has happened to the parrot? You assist Jonny Tölpel in sort-ing out his treasure hoard. Seven theme cards of different colors are laid out in a row. These cards each show one single show

pirate item, for instance pirate equipment like head scarf, wooden leg or eye patch. Other cards show his environment - a cave, an island, a palm tree or ship -, his treasures, sea animals or parts of his ship. Then you add an image card beneath each of the theme cards, each image card must correspond in his background

color to the theme card. After a short time for memorizing the images on these pirate cards you turn over all image cards be-neath the theme cards; the rest of these pirate cards is shuffled and stacked. Then you turn over the top card from the stack look at the background color and try to remember the image under the theme card with the same color. Each player can name one item, then the card is turned up and checked; if you were first to name the item depicted on the card you take the card and the card that was turned up from the stack is now placed underneath the theme card, again after a few moments to memorize. When all pirate cards are given out, you win with most pirate cards in your stack. Alles Kanone! is a simple memo game featuring standard mech-anisms; but these mechanisms have been cleverly varied by combining color and image. The theme cards offer a little help because all images on the pirate cards are depicted on the theme card of the same color.

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37



Memo gameFor familiesVersion: multiRules: de en fr itIn-game text: no

Comments:Adaption of Alles Tomate! * Pretty illustrations * At-tractive topic for children * Standard mechanisms, nicely varied

Compares to:Alles Tomate! and other memo and spotting games

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Reiner KniziaArtist: Gabriela SilveiraPrice: ca. 8 EuroPublisher: Zoch


AGE: 6+


Economics gameWith friendsVersion: enRules: enIn-game text: no

Comments:Reworked edition of Giganten, Kosmos, 1999 * Changed number of play-ers * Special rules for two, three and five players

Compares to:Giganten, Schwarzes Gold

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Wilko ManzArtist: A. Taubenheim, L. RadlPrice: ca. 60 EuroPublisher: Fantasy Flight Games


AGE: 13+


Page 17: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our website.

Claustrophobia is a fantasy ad-venture for two players, one play-er represents demons, the other humans. The game is set in the labyrinth of sewers underneath New Jerusalem in the universe of Hell Dorado. The game board develops dur-ing the game. The game com-prises several scenarios. The demons get aggressive and

multiply with the intensifying dark. Humans must organize themselves more and more care-fully in order to win. In a round you play the phases of initiative, human actions, menace and de-mon actions. The game features painted miniatures and many more scenarios are available for download from the website.The expansion De Profundis in-

troduces twelve new scenarios with specific victory conditions for each scenario; the scenarios introduce new options, some of which can also be used in the basic game. For the new rooms special rules apply, new rooms are Demonic Well, Fog, Healing Fountain, Large Room, Sancti-fied Zone and Tomb. The Large Room can hold five instead of three warriors. A new feature for the Demon player are the hell-hounds; he can only introduce two of them during a game; deploying a hell hound costs 3 points. A new feature for the Hu-man player are the Sicaria; they are female warriors that are for rules purposes are considered to be Condemned Warriors, the have different abilities with per-manent effects, in analogy to the gifts for the redeemer.The Profundis is a copious and harmonious expansion for Claus-trophobia, you can play it as a stand-alone game or combine it with the core game; the expan-sion enriches the game without changing its fundamental char-acteristics.

13ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


Block 5 is a new game on num-bers, cards and combining card for numbers and discarding them. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are in the stack 10 times each, plus five cards marked 3+. You hold 8 cards and try to be the first out of cards to win. At the start of the game you try to make up a total of value 5 from your cards and place the cards

you use for this as a first row or underneath an already existing row. If you cannot make up a total of value 5 from your cards you draw a card from stack; for instance, you could use 3+2 or 1+2+2 or 3+1+1. If you place the 5th row of value 5 you place these cards at a 90 degree angle to the previous

rows to mark the completion of the block. Then you start a new block with one and only one card of any value; others in turn again add one row with the value of the single card until there are 5 rows altogether, always using one or more cards. Each block can be doubled once by adding another 5 rows. Ev-ery time when you complete a block you start a new block with a single card. 3+ is used like a 3, but when you place it you draw 3 cards from the stack, keep one and can hand the other two to a player or players of your choice or keep them for yourself. If you can lay out your last card, you win the game instantly; so you can never end the game and win by laying out a 3+ card as your last card.Block 5 is one of those fast little games that only seem simple; you must consider carefully how to best get rid of cards of high value; and then there is the luck of the draw, so the game all in all offers a very good mixture of chance and tactics!

Card shedding gameFor familiesVersion: multiRules: de huIn-game text: no

Comments:Simple basic rules * Very good mix of chance and tactics * Block doubling is an essential element of the game

Compares to:All card displaying games with the aim to have no cards left

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Aya and Alma ModanArtist: Arthur WagnerPrice: ca. 11 EuroPublisher: Piatnik


AGE: 6+


Fantasy adventure gameWith friendsVersion: enRules: enIn-game text: yes

Comments:Very beautiful components * Very good for fans of the genre * 12 new scenarios

Compares to:Claustrophobia, Dungeon Twister and other Fantasy adventure games

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: CrocArtist: S. Gantiez, B. BenoitPrice: ca. 30 EuroPublisher: Asmodee


AGE: 14+




Page 18: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


14 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 201218

All dents in the 5x5 grid on the board are covered with a cap. The colored strips are turned over and arranged in a way that all triangles at the end of each strip show the same color; then the strips are shuffled and ran-domly and covertly inserted into the board – now each dent has a randomly assigned color. In a turn you remove three caps

one by one and decide for each cap after removing it if you want to take it out of play or use to cover up another dent. If you cover another dent it must have another color than the dent where you took to cap off. One cap in your turn must be taken out of play and the first cap you remove in your turn must be different from the one

that was placed last in the previ-ous player’s turn. If you take off a cap and thereby reveal the 5th dent of a color you must quit the game immediately and the cap is taken out of play. The others keep playing and can again cover a dent of a color that is visible 5 times. Every time when one color is visible five times the player who revealed the 5th dent of this color must quit the game. If you are last in play, you win.If you want to play several rounds, say one round per play-er, you play for points – the one that must quit first scores 0, the second one that quits scores 1 point, and so on – after the agreed round of games you win with the most points.Colorio offers a game with sim-ple rules, elegant and very attrac-tive components and a lot more interesting game play than you would suspect at first glance. The game is a challenge for your memory and planning abilities and works exceedingly well for two players.

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Far far away on a Caribbean is-land there is a manor in which funny things are happening. Players are asked to clear up the mystery and travel to the island with a team of agents to research the situation. The real game is linked to an internet page - you establish a secret code from 12 tasks, which helps you to find one of the four

culprits on When you have caught all four of the bad guys you receive information on where to find the fugitive hardened criminal.The agents that are provided for your assistance are not game pieces but colored geometric patterns with a circular hole. You take a task, choose the right

agents for the job and place the shapes on the task so that the markings on the board are vis-ible in the holes of the shapes. For a question mark you can choose an agent yourself. When on a task board all agents have been arranged correctly only one square of the board is emp-ty. This square yields the clue. For each clue there is a code let-ter which you note on the cor-responding task card. Thus you generate the code that you then use on to solve the puzzle. The four groups of 12 tasks each have different levels of difficulties and should be solved in numerical order. The rules booklet also provides the solutions.Clue investigator is a very pretty and very elaborately designed version of those logic puzzles for one player that we already know from several other publish-ers. The relation to a code and a puzzle makes it more interesting and challenging and enhances the learning curve, as the tasks should be solved in numerical order.



Memo gameFor familiesVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: no

Comments:Variable board * Abstract game * Good mixture of memory and planning

Compares to:Memory games on positions

Other editions:Earlier editions by Abalone Games and Mindtwister



Designer: Jacky BonnetArtist: MindtwisterPrice: ca. 21 EuroPublisher: Kosmos


AGE: 8+


Logic PuzzleFor childrenVersion: multiRules: de fr nlIn-game text: no

Comments:Basically a standard logical puzzle * Interesting due to topic and code relation * Trains area management and pattern distribution

Compares to:Katamino, all logical puzzles from Smart, ThinkFun, Huch Logicus etc

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Reiner KniziaArtist: S. Timmers, W. BakkerPrice: ca. 25 EuroPublisher: Productief


AGE: 8+


Page 19: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our website. 15


The memo game tells the story of Das kleine Ich bin ich – The little I is me! The game compris-es 16 book-page cards featuring scenes from the picture book of the same name as well as one, two or three small images, each in a frame. On the back of those book-page cards the scenes are described with one sentence only. Corre-

sponding to the small framed images on the book-page cards there are 42 memory tiles. Those tiles are laid out in a loose grid; the book-page cards are sorted by numbers and stacked face-down, card #1 on top and #16 at the bottom. You turn up the first book-page card and turn up a tile. If the image on the tile fits the book-

page card and the card shows only one framed image, you get this tile, turn over the next book-page card and may turn up an-other tile. When the book-page card features two framed imag-es, the first tile remain in the grid, face up, and you have another turn. If you find another image corresponding to the page card you take both tiles in case of two images, turn over another book-page and have another turn. For three images on the book-page card you act accordingly, image #1 and #2 remain in the grid and you take all three tiles when you find the 3rd one. Whenever you turn up a tile with an image that is not depicted on the current book-page card you turn the tile back over again and your turn ends. When all book-page cards have been played, you win with most tiles.This memo version offers not only an attractive variant for the standard memo mechanism, but tells the enchanting story of “The little is me!” shortly and concisely, you can tell the story to players during the game.

As seen in the TV show of the same name players embody rich members of the Geissen family in travelling all over Europe, us-ing Jet, Yacht or Limousine for interesting events and shopping. For such encounters and for shopping you gain Jet Set Points, if you have most of them at the end of the game you win. You choose a character, Robert and

Carmen must always be chosen, and start the game with 20.000 Euros from the bank. Five Jet Set Cards are turned up from the stack and - depending on the number of players - a number of Event Cards is pre-pared. Finally, each player draws four Travel Cards. Then all players lay out Travel Cards face down and turn them up simultaneous-

ly. Each card covers the distance between two cities and you can play any number of cards of the same color in a round, but can only act at the end of your trip, not in between. When several players have played Travel Cards of the same color or when a Helicopter is played, an event card is turned up and resolved, for instance: All players join Carmen. In case of an event the starting player is changed. Now all players execute an ac-tion, this can be Travel + Buy a Jet Set Card or Travel + pick up a Family Chip for special shop-ping or pass the turn, take back your travel cards + take money. When the last event card has been resolved or the when the Jet Set Cards are finished the game ends with the end of the round and you win with most Jet Set Points from Jet Set Cards and Bonus Chips. Die Geissens offers nice family entertainment for fans of the TV series, the game transfers the flair of the series very neatly to the game board.

Memo gameFor childrenVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: no

Comments:Very good and interesting memo version * Abbrevi-ated Story told on the back of book-page cards * Original illustrations by Susi Weigel

Compares to:All other memo games

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Wolfgang DirscherlArtist: Susi WeigelPrice: ca. 18 EuroPublisher: Selecta


AGE: 4+


Travel game with event cardsFor familiesVersion: de Rules: deIn-game text: yes

Comments:Based on the TV show of the same name * Standard Mechanisms * Flair of the show nicely transferred

Compares to:All travel games using cards or dice and event cards

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Fiore GmbHArtist: Fiore GmbHPrice: ca. 18 EuroPublisher: Noris Spiele


AGE: 8+




Page 20: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


20 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

On order of zoological gardens, big game hunters search the jungles of Sumatra to find speci-mens of threatened species. You roll 6 expedition dice and can use the results for actions; dice you do not want to use can be parked for later action or re-rolled. Possible actions are: 1. Storage - you can park one or two dice for

use in actions 2 to 4 or to have an available result, if necessary; when a parked die is used you can park another one. 2. Mov-ing - you use lorry or ship and need a compass for each sec-tion between to target spots; tracks used are marked in the player’s color and can only be used by this player. 3. Discover-ing Animals - you roll for certain

combinations when on trap spots or animal spots in order to score an animal. 4. Exploring Sites - you roll lorry, ship and compass and can then use the abilities of explored sites. Sites, especially towns, have special abilities in each of the five differ-ent scenarios. Some symbols in a result can block an action de-spite other, necessary symbols being present - for instance, two storm symbols block the Moving action or native and storm block storage. A Zero Roll is marked, a second Zero Roll annuls the first one and earns you an extra turn; the result of this turn is entered in the log. After 7 to 14 log en-tries you win with most points from log entries and the longest uninterrupted track.Dadu Dadu offers a nice and har-monious conversion of Expedi-tion Sumatra into a dice game, the familiar set formation and re-rolling mechanism has been well adapted and the five sce-narios offer lots of possibilities and new details. One may hope for a second print-run!

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Based on the novel „A Song of Ice and Fire“ and the game mechan-ics of BattleLore you enact the military conflicts on Westeros, representing either House Stark or House Lannister. A scenario with specific victory conditions is made up of rounds that com-prise phases reactivation – de-termine initiative, commander recuperation and unit activation,

organization – receiving com-mand markers, draw command card, command –use command marker and play command fi-nally regrouping – implement status, victory points, check vic-tory condition, discard surplus resources, enhance morale and move round marker.Expansion sets are either supple-ments for houses or additional

houses.Bruderschaft ohne Banner / Brotherhood without Banners introduces additional troops and commanders not affiliated to any of the houses, four new battles and a new skirmish. The initiative cards of this expansion can be used either in battles or skirmish-es. The Brotherhood is no house per se, but is treated as a house in the game. When a player deploys such Allied Forces the opponent cannot deploy units of the same army. Each commander, inde-pendent of house affiliation, can only be deployed in battle by one side. New commanders are Beric Dondarrion, Thoros von Myr and Anguy, all units of blue rank. New units are: Ritter vom Hohlen Hügel, Blitzlord-Langbo-genschützen and Gesetzlose des Wahren Königs. New cue words are Ruf zu den Waffen X, Indirek-tes Feuer, Kämpfer, Überrennen and Meisterschutz, Thoros von Myr commands Wiederbeleben.Brotherhood of Banners is a new harmonious continuation and fe-licitous expansion for the Battle for the Iron Throne.



Dice game for set formationFor familiesVersion: multiRules: de enIn-game text: no

Comments:Currently not available * Topic of the board game nicely transferred * Gut use of set forma-tion mechanisms * Very well-structured, compact rules * Five different scenarios

Compares to:Other dice game with set formation for points, Expedition Sumatra as regards to topic

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: B. Stöckmann, J. JahnkeArtist: Mariusz Gandzel et allPrice: derzeit nicht lieferbarPublisher: Igramoon


AGE: 8+


Conflict simulationWith friendsVersion: deRules: de en esIn-game text: yes

Comments:Expansion for the Core Game * Needs Core Game to play * Four new battles * One new skirmish

Compares to:Battles of Westeros, BattleLore

Other editions:Battles of Westeros: Brotherhood without Banners, Fantasy Flight Games



Designer: Robert A. KoubaArtist: Michael Silsby et allPrice: ca. 25 EuroPublisher: Heidelberger


AGE: 13+


Page 21: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 21ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


What are your friends really think-ing about you? Probably you have asked this question yourself already, with this game you can get some answers. You start with 5 voting cards for each player and a set of assess-ment cards. In your turn you read out a question, and then all play-ers must assign this question to one or two players. To do so you

take two voting cards, either two for one player, or one for two players each, and put them into the box; you cannot vote for yourself. Then each player assesses how many votes he might have re-ceived and lays out one of his assessment cards face down: 0 for no vote received, + for the majority of votes and + for one

or a few votes. Then the voting cards are counted by color and after that the assessment cards are revealed. You score three points for a cor-rect assessment of 0 or + and one point for +. The voting cards are placed into stock and you can draw new cards of any color any time from stock. After 12 rounds you win with most points. Sounds like a standard party and communication game, which is true for the basic mechanisms of the game. But the game on the one hand features some very nice details, for instance the buttons for as-signing player colors, and on the other hand an excellent and challenging mix of questions, for instance “Who would you trust with your money” or “Who would you choose to go into any kind of battle with?” or “Who would be allowed to drive the car of your dreams? Or “Who would cope best with a crowd of rowdy kids?” A fun evening is guaranteed in any case and you can gain new insights about yourself and oth-ers.

On the central grill and and on each player’s plate there are one steak, on sausage, one cob of corn and one fish; each player has his personal set of cards which consists of 4 cards “no x”, 4 cards “most x” and 12 cards “more x than y”. You place the stack face down, turn up the top card as the first card on the discard pile and draw

four cards on hand. In a turn you first remove all food from your plate to your stock; then you swap food items with the grill or another player’s stock: You take a piece of food from the grill and put it on your plate and put a piece of food from your stock onto the grill or you take a piece of food from another player’s stock for your plate and give him

back one of your own pieces of food in stock for his stock. After that you can discard cards when the food items on the grill cor-respond to the food items de-picted on one of your cards, for a card “more x than y” y must not be present all! Cards you played are placed one by one onto your discard pile and you cannot play a card that is identical to one on top of another player’s discard pile. If you cannot play a card or do not want to, you turn the top card of your discard pile face-down so that it stops blocking other cards. Finally, for the end of your turn, you draw card from your stack to hold 4 cards again. If you are first to be out of cards in hand you win.Grillparty is a pretty swapping game with a cute topic; the mix of chance of the draw and of planning ahead by swapping and arranging via your plate as an intermediate works very well and demands exactly the right degree of playing skills for a good family game.

Card discarding gameFor familiesVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: nein

Comments:Short, concise rules * Cute summer topic * Nice mix of chance and planning

Compares to:All games with arranging and swapping mechanisms with pat-tern specifications

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: J. Gené, G. MoralesArtist: Michael MenzelPrice: ca. 16 EuroPublisher: Kosmos


AGE: 10+


Assessment gameWith friendsVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: yes

Comments:Standard mechanisms * Very nice details like buttons for player colors * Excellent selection of questions * Variable play-ing time due to changed number of rounds

Compares to:All other games checking personali-ties

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Jean TarradeArtist: not statedPrice: ca. 29 EuroPublisher: Piatnik


AGE: 15+




Page 22: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


22 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

Jolly is a really jolly octopus who likes to play with the little crabs; players want to join them and try to snatch the crabs out from under Jolly’s waving tentacles. Jolly is assembled from rock, head and tentacles, needs bat-teries for joyful play and must be switched on at the start of the game; at this point you can choose between Beginner’s

Mode and Expert’s Mode. Af-ter you switch Jolly on a harp melody can be heard, when it ends Jolly is ready to play. The octopus waves its tentacles and players use the tongs to take a crab from one of the dents in the rock, where they have been randomly placed at the start of the game. If you touch one of Jolly’s tentacles the ticklish oc-

topus starts to laugh and stops waving his tentacles. You must put the crab back, if you have al-ready one in the tongs, and press Jolly’s head to make him move his arms again. Sometimes Jolly starts to laugh and stops moving without hav-ing his arms touched. When this happens in your turn you can take a crab easily. Depending on the number of players you must either collect one crab of each color or five crabs of the same color. If you are first to achieve this you win the game.Jolly octopus is a jolly fellow and a wonderful extension for the range of dexterity game with randomly driven moving game elements – always huge fun for children and a fantastic training for motor skills and space-time assessment of movement. For assembling Jolly adult assistance is necessary to guarantee fully functional movement. The two different levels of diffi-culty provide an additional train-ing effect and keep the game interesting for older children.

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Your daily life as a party game - you are meant to improve you own health status and to make that of others worse, assisted by events in daily life - if you go to work you earn money, but you might get depressions; beer makes you more cheerful, but increases your weight; you invite neighbors to the party or go on a shopping spree.

You start the game with 1$, six health indicators, one medica-tion and one ware. At the start of around you display number of players + one event cards; in turn each player chooses an event and implements it immediately, you keep the event card. Then all simultaneously place their three markers at three dif-ferent locations - you can choose

from work, super market, phar-macy, market, at home or fitness studio; more than one marker can be on the same location, but only from different players. Some locations can be blocked by previously chosen event cards. When alternatives are possible you choose them when you ex-ecute the action of the location, not when you place the marker. All actions must be executed completely and the correspond-ing health markers are adjusted accordingly as is your money. When one of the health markers, with the exception of the one for health, reaches the head stone marker, you have overindulged, die and are out of the game. If you are the last still alive and in the game you win.A cute and funny satire on real live, providing +1 for overweight and depression when the refrig-erator is broken, and -1 for your cholesterol and depressions when eating unsalted nuts, from divorce to Christmas all can hap-pen with the nicely combined standard mechanisms.

Dexterity gameFor childrenVersion: deRules: de en nlIn-game text: no

Comments:Adult assistance necessary for assembling * Trains space-time assessment of movements, motor skills and hand-eye-coordination

Compares to:Robby Robbe and other dexterity games with randomly moving game components

Other editions:Jolly Octopus in English, Okkie Octo-pus in Dutch



Designer: Big Ideas ProductionArtist: Dynamo, Kniff DesignPrice: ca. 22 EuroPublisher: Ravensburger


AGE: 4+


Party gameWith friendsVersion: multiRules: cz de en skIn-game text: no

Comments:Simple basic rules * Topic has been funnily and cutely implemented * Nicely used satirical elements

Compares to:The Game of Life for the basic topic

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Vladimír BrummerArtist: Karel N. Moravec, EfkoPrice: ca. 26 EuroPublisher: Czech Board Games


AGE: 10+




Page 23: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our website.

In K2 - each player controls a team of two climbers who want to reach the summit of K2 in an expedition of 18 days duration. The climbers are moved with cards, the higher a climber gets the more victory points he scores, but you must pay atten-tion to the acclimatization level, to the weather and to maybe erecting a very necessary tent

in time because when the accli-matization level of your climber drops below 1 he dies and all the victory points he scored are lost.The double-sides board offers an easier and a more difficult climb, the 18 days = rounds are always comprised of Card Selection, Risk Tokens, Action Phase, Acclimati-zation Checks and End of Turn.The expansion K2 Broad Peak

extends the core game with two new scenarios, which are based on the historic achievements of Polish Mountaineers: Race to the Top features the first climb to a height of 8000 m without a tent and other equipment n achieved by Krzysztof Wielicki; Broad Peak Traverse is dedicated to the first traversing of the Karakorum massif by Wojciech Kurtyka and Jerzy Kukuczka. The rules of the K2 core game apply with a few changes; in Race to the Top you build and use snow caves in-stead of tents and in Broad Peak Traverse you have only one tent and you can choose if you want to climb up on the right side and traverse to the left or vice versa; for each mountain top that you reach you receive a victory point marker. The expansion, too, offers a har-monious mix of planning and a bit „irritate your opponent“ due to the sequence in which you play cards, and on top of that a bit of mountaineering history with some remarks of Krzysztof Wielicki in the rules. 23ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


Under the sign of the little yellow star with the bright red nose – his name is Kleiner Amigo – you can find fun games for all age groups; Klack! is the latest game in the series and offers a game of reaction with magnetic effects.Each of 36 magnetic discs shows three symbols in different colors; one of the two dice shows the five symbols as contours on a

white background, star, puzzle piece, foot, lightning and flower, the other one the five colors, red, blue, yellow, purple and green. On each die there is also one completely blank, white side. All discs are spread on the table; one player rolls both dice and then all players simultaneously look for the symbol of the color determined by the dice. You are

only allowed to use one hand and click correct discs together. When one of the dice shows a white side the other die deter-mines the correct discs, either all discs with the color rolled or all discs showing the symbol. When both dice show white you simply click together all discs you can reach as fast as you can. If you pick up a wrong disc, you return it to the table together with a penalty disc. When there are no discs corresponding to the dice result left on the table the dice are rolled again and all search for the new combination. When all discs have been col-lected you win with the highest stack.Klack! Klick! Too bad, I was too slow; my neighbor has clicked the last blue disc with the blue puzzle part to his stack! Chal-lenging, fast, featuring very simple rules – Klack! is a lovely game for children and families alike, and also a good training for recognizing colors and symbols and for reaction speed.

Reaction and collecting gameFor childrenVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: no

Comments:Very simple rules * Plays quickly * Trains observation and reaction speed

Compares to:All reaction games with symbol recognition

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: H. Shafir, K. B. AroschArtist: Markus WagnerPrice: ca. 15 EuroPublisher: Amigo Spiele


AGE: 4+


Placement game with cardsFor familiesVersion: multiRules: en plIn-game text: no

Comments:Good family game, but also nice for experienced play-ers * Top very attractively transposed * Challenging new scenarios

Compares to:K2, Himalaya Expedition, Race for the Summit

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Adam KałuzaArtist: Jarek NocońPrice: ca. 25 EuroPublisher: Rebel Centrum Gier


AGE: 8+




Page 24: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


24 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

Squirrel Edgar has gone a bit overboard with collecting things, he needs to tidy up. Seven chests with a green backside are laid out in a circle and the corre-sponding knick-knack parts with green backside are laid out face-up within the circle. Edgar starts at any chest of your choice. You roll and move Edgar in clockwise direction; if you

roll the acorn you put him next to any chest, If Edgar ends up next to an empty chest you try to place the fitting knick-knack into the chest. If it fits you get a nut coin. If it does not fit you put it back. If Edgar ends up next to a full chest you take the knick-knack out of the chest and put it back into the circle. If you collect five

nut coins you win the game. If you play with the red-backed chests and knick-knacks the game gets a bit more difficult, and you can also play with 14 chests and parts at the same time. In a fast version of the game all play simultaneously, using all 14 chests and parts. You roll the die and all put their fin-gers to their noses until the die has come to a stop. Now all consider where Edgar would end his move. If the target chest is full, nothing happens, If it is empty all try quickly to snatch up the correct knick-knack for this box, you may only snatch up one piece. Then Edgar is moved and you check who snatched the correct piece. It is put into the chest and this player receives a nut coin.Krimskrams is yet another of those small attractive game, which are a specialty of Haba and also of designer Heinz Meister – quickly explained, fun to play and with imperceptible educa-tional effects, in this case training of measurement assessment.

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

As a tourist on safari you want to shoot pictures of animals in the wild. 24 animal cards show 7 elephants, 7x zebras, 6 giraffes and 4 lions; on 48 photo cards you find 21 x three, 15 x four and 12 x five animals. 12 animal cards are placed in a circle, heads inwards; one animal is turned up on top of the animal card stack. The photo cards are

sorted by their back-side and you start the game with a 3-ani-mal photo card. In your turn you can change the animal cards display and then check for a photo. You can ei-ther switch two animals directly adjacent, but you cannot reverse a switch that was done immedi-ately before. Or you switch a card from the circle with the card on

top of the stack or you put the card on the stack back under-neath the stack and turn up a new card. Or you put the photo card underneath the appropriate stack and draw a new one from the same stack. When then there is a group of animals in the circle exactly as shown on your photo card - the animals on the card must also be oriented inwards with their heads - the photo has been made and you keep the card. After the first round you can also check before your turn if your photo is made before you change the display. If you have made the necessary number of photos in sequence - four photos with three animals, three photos with two animals and two pho-tos with five animals - you win the game. In a variant you can make a photo at any point in the game, if possible.Kleine Fotosafari as an attractive game for the whole family; it is quickly explained and quickly played, featuring a well-made variant of the set collecting mechanism.

Memo and collecting gameFor childrenVersion: multiRules: de en es fr it nlIn-game text: no

Comments:Attractive components as usual * Simple rules, quickly explained * Different levels of difficulty due to back side color * Very fast variant with a reaction component

Compares to:All games with assessing measure-ments

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Heinz MeisterArtist: Doris MatthäusPrice: ca. 7 EuroPublisher: Haba


AGE: 4+


Set spotting gameFor familiesVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: no

Comments:Attractive version of the set collecting mechanism * Very pretty drawings * Animals can be easily distinguished

Compares to:Safari Memory Plus, Tricky Safari and other games with pattern or combi-nation recognition

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Tanja TriminekArtist: Fiore GmbHPrice: ca. 8 EuroPublisher: Abacusspiele


AGE: 6+




Page 25: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our website.

Published on occasion of the French Presidential Elections in 2012 - players are candidates and representatives of a political party - Nationalists, Social Dem-ocrats, Alternative-Ecologists, conservatives, centralists and Anti-Capitalists. You mount the stairs and must depending on the step reached - either participate in a debate or

resolve the instruction of a card. Each party is characterized by a special slogan, which you must include in every debate. These debates are refereed by a “jour-nalist” who is always embodied by the player to the left of the active player. You as the active player draw the topic of the debate from the stack and then choose one of

three “Idea” cards in your hand; then you choose one of the play-ers for your opponent who now also chooses an idea from his hand and each player can then speak while the timer is run-ning. You can use other player’s thoughts, but must take care to include the slogan creatively! The winner is voted for and advances three steps, the party whose em-blem is on the idea card used ad-vances two steps. You play two stages in the game; in the first stage two players will qualify for the second stage, the finale. This comprises one final debate; the players not participating in the finale choose the winner and elect him president.The game is not aiming to be a political satire but a contest of ideas and quick repartees, cyni-cism is allowed, attacking other party slogans is a must and if you combine all this best with creative choice of words you will enter the Élysée palace as presi-dent. Do you have political talents and do you speak French?

In cooperation with the orga-nization of the same name, a Cooking School in Paris, Cocktail Games publishes a party and dexterity game with cards; you must complete tasks using the deck of cards, either each player alone in turn or all players to-gether. If you comply best you receive a star, if you are first to collect five

stars you win. In case of a tied result all players involved in the tie receive a star. The task cards are either white or yellow on the front side and show markings for the realization of the task – each player on his own or all together, using the timer or not. The deck must be well shuffled before handing it to the next player for his task.

All tasks have a culinary context, either for preparing or to recipes; for instance for „pancake baking“ you must snip cards one by one from the stack while the timer runs and try turn over as many as you can to show the reverse side. “Egg separating” asks you to halve the well-shuffled deck and then turn up cards and place them underneath the left stack when they are white and under the right one if they are yellow, you win the star with the fewest “wrong” cards in both stacks. Or you must be the first to name the ingredient that shows most often of five cards laid out showing the back side. For “Puff Pastry”, you must achieve the most cards sorted into the order white-yellow-white etc. without putting cards down on the table.A downright funny game! The tasks are all unusual but man-ageable, the culinary context comprehensible and well-cho-sen. All in all, this is one of the most amusing dexterity games that I know and on top of it improves your French! 25ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


Political simulationWith friendsVersion: frRules: frIn-game text: yes

Comments:Needs good knowledge of French language * Empha-sis on argumentation * No satire, but simulation * Only for fans of the genre

Compares to:All debating games with a political topic

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Abel LanzacArtist: C. Blain, S. GantiezPrice: ca. 30 EuroPublisher: Letheia


AGE: 14+


Dexterity game with cardsFor familiesVersion: frRules: frIn-game text: yes

Comments:Cooperation with Cooking School L’atelier des Chefs * Comes with recipes * Cute game idea * Simple texts, good for freshening up your French

Compares to:Basically all dexterity games, first game of particular kind

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Cyril BlondelArtist: Olivier FagnèrePrice: ca. 11 EuroPublisher: Cocktail Games


AGE: 8+




Page 26: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


26 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

Game Nr. 5 in the Series Roll & Play is a compact version of Mensch ärgere dich nicht or Ludo/Pachisi: As in the original game players want to take their pawns from start finish as fast as possible and on the way kick out as many other pawns as possible. The col-ored “A” is the starting place for all pawns of the respective color

and the spots a, b, c and d in the middle represent the finish area for all pawns of this color. You roll all four dice and form two sets of two dice. In your turn you must, if pos-sible at all, move at least one pawn, and therefore you must, if it is possible, form at least one set which allows you to move a pawn. You can set aside the sec-

ond set without using it. One set can be used to move one pawn or you can use one die each for different pawns: You can move the pawns in any order you like and if you use the set for one pawn only you can choose the order in which you use the re-sults of the two dice. If a set of two dice adds up to the sum of 6, you can enter a pawn from stock into the track on your “A” spot; if you have still a pawn there you cannot enter a new one. If a pawn of another color oc-cupies your starting place you throw it off the track. If, after a circuit, you can only move a pawn on occupied spots in your finish area you must move the pawn past the finish area and do another circuit with it. If you are first to have all your pawns in your finish area you win the game.Basically, this is “Mensch ärgere Dich nicht” as we all know it, and yet it is different; the sets change the possibilities to move and therefore also your tactics, as does the drastically reduced board.

Piet Mondriaan was a Dutch painter and is famous for his ab-stract compositions; in the Six-ties of the previous century his geometric patterns have even created a style in ladies fashions, mostly in black and white! Mondriaan 2020 is an abstract placement game based on the work of Mondriaan: The game comprises 23 tiles, one red

and one yellow square and 21 squares showing all possible combinations of red, blue and yellow with one color in each corner. One player is given the yellow square, he is the starting player, and the other player takes the red square. Then each player draws ten tiles from the face-down stock and turns them over; the last remain-

ing tile is placed for a starting tile. In your turn you place a tile next to one or more others already in place, different colors may not be placed next to each other. When you cannot place a tile in your turn you must choose one of your tiles and discard it. When you have placed a tile you score each color that you added to the display so that it continues a color area; for each such color area you score the number of points equal to the number of tiles in the area; the newly placed tile is not counted!After 11 turns for each player you win with the highest total score.Small, neat and abstract - if you like such games you will like Mondriaan 2020 and have fun with it; in any case the very col-orful and well-working place-ment game is a nice addition to the genre of abstract games for Two; the resulting patterns are pretty, too, and easily counted for scoring. A nice first excursion by Corné van Moorsel into abstract terri-tory!

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Abstract placement gameFor familiesVersion: multiRules: de en fr nlIn-game text: no

Comments:Handy box size * Very simple rules * Abstract 2-player game

Compares to:Ingenious and other place-ment games with color area scoring

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Corné van MoorselArtist: Roland MacDonaldPrice: ca. 15 EuroPublisher: Cwali


AGE: 8+


Roll & Move gameFor familiesVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: no

Comments:Roll & Play Nr. 5 * Box doubles as dice box * Miniature board * Slightly changed rules as regards to the original game

Compares to:All other editions of Mensch ärgere dich nicht, Ludo, Pachisi etc.

Other editions:Currently none in this format



Designer: Steffen BenndorfArtist: Dennis LohausenPrice: ca. 12 EuroPublisher: Schmidt Spiele


AGE: 6+




Page 27: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 27ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


Players use the powers of ancient Viking gods to win by being first to move three pieces into the op-posing fortress. The six pieces start on the red squares of the board, your own fortress, and you hold a deck of 27 cards of values between 0 and 9. You place the 6 top cards of your stack open on the table – your opponent now knows your

starting configuration – and then assign the cards face-down to the 6 columns of the board; the card determines the strength of the piece in that column. In a turn you move one piece one step in any direction, but you can attack the fortress only with a move straight forward and you cannot pass diagonally between two opposing pieces.

If you move your own piece on a square with an opposing piece you attack it; the card strengths decide the winner; the loser is re-moved from the board and the cards are discarded. When you attack a Loki card at-tacker and defender switch plac-es; when two Loki cards meet in an attack the attacker wins. Hu-gin & Mugin cards can be played when the corresponding piece is moved, even without attack, and you can turn up a card of your opponent. If you move into the fortress your piece stays in place there for the rest of the game and cannot be attacked. Instead of a normal turn you can reenter a removed piece via the corner squares of your fortress, this constitutes your turn.Odin’s Table is an elegant supple-ment for the genre of abstract games for two players. The strength of the pieces de-pending on position and cur-rently assigned card and show-ing the cards before assigning them result in an attractive mix of luck, memory and tactic.

As Maya princes players strive for control over Yucatan. To achieve this goal you build temples, change borders and control re-sources. 14 kingdoms are divid-ed into areas, each area produces two resources. Score cards are shuffled into the resources cards and - depending on the number of players - you place 2-4 control markers in the

start-up phase of the game. A move comprises drawing a card and scoring or actions. Scoring cards are executed im-mediately. Otherwise, you play a card and spend three actions on: Placing a marker, placing a marker adjacent to one of yours already on the board, placing a second marker adjacent to the first one just placed, relocating

a border marker, switch any two markers, build a temple or re-serve a control marker for a later round. The resource on the card you played determines the loca-tion where you act. When you relocate border mark-ers a new kingdom may origi-nate, a kingdom can never have fewer than two squares. This action is resource-independent. When you must score you can use the score card before the scoring for one action or use it after the scoring as an addition action points for a normal move. In the scoring you receive 1 point per marker in a kingdom, if you have the majority of markers in this kingdom. When all markers are placed or the last resources card is drawn, the game ends with a final scoring. Palenque is a beautiful game, a good game, a rather abstract game despite the topic, and a game that is good to plan with up to four players. Saving points for later and relocating borders are intriguingly used mecha-nisms that can have surprising results.

Placement game on majoritiesWith friendsVersion: enRules: enIn-game text: no

Comments:Recourses/majority nicely combined * Scoring opti-cally difficult * Special rules for 2 players * Good mix of standard mechanisms

Compares to:Löwenherz/Domaine for marker placement and border extension; all games with majorities in areas

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Alan D. ErnsteinArtist: Chechu NietoPrice: ca. 50 EuroPublisher: Z-Man Games


AGE: 10+


Abstract placement gameWith friendsVersion: multiRules: de dk en fi no seIn-game text: no

Comments:Elegant, abstract, minimal-ist and harmonious design * Simple basic mechanisms * Sophisticated, challeng-ing details

Compares to:All abstract placement games with capturing pieces and entering oppos-ing base lines

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Esa WiikArtist: Teemu Karjalainen Price: ca. 35 EuroPublisher: Tactic / Mindwarrior


AGE: 10+




Page 28: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


28 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

Palio di Siena is a horse race that is run in July and August each year, a race of city boroughs, or contrades, ten out of 17 con-trades participate each year. The contrades have their own colors, coats of arms and banners and pay the jockeys. The game simu-lates the race including the selec-tion and assignment of horses and the three laps around Piazza

des Campo.Players control one contrade and a starting budget of seven movement cards of values 3-6. The horses of three different abil-ity levels are randomly assigned to the contrades. You pay for a jockey with a movement card of his value and you can also spend movement cards on alliances. The starting positions of the

horses are determined in a pro-cedure called Mossa. During the race you move your horse with cards and then replenish your hand to hold three cards again, chips can be used to speed up or slow down a horse. You can at-tack opposing jockeys or horses or play a joker card in order to avoid an attack, change move-ment cards, move first in case of a tie or to annul the start. The simulation goes on in the race, horses and riders jostle, a rider can fall and get lost - the win-ner is the first horse that crosses the finish line with its head dress in place, be it with or without jockey.Sounds complicated, but in reality is a simple game with harmonious components and an enormous amount of back-ground information on the Palio of Siena. In this new edition the designer has revised the rules; there is only one die and only five can play instead of six. All in all, Palio offers a well-made and easy-to-play simulation of one of the world’s most famous horse races!

Rome, Egypt, Carthage, Greece and Persia confront each other using special abilities. You hold nation nation and city cards of your nation and army cards in your draw-pile, and you start with three cards. A charisma card is placed under-neath the city card, at the start of value 1. Four creature cards per player are shuffled and half of

them are turned up. In your turn you can hire a creature or attack another player. To hire a creature you must pay with charisma, one card from your hand plus at least one opposing charisma card; the opposing card goes out of the game, the charisma card into stock, the other cards in hand to your discard pile. In battle you must parry the

weapon with the correspond-ing defense of at least the same value; in case of a lower value support cards can be played, only the last card played is ac-tively supported. The winner of the battle gets the cards of the loser, the nation card of the loser is deactivated; when the defender wins he gets a charisma card. In case of a tie the nation card of the attacker is deactivated, the defender re-ceives a charisma card. When only the nation of the ac-tive player is inactive or all na-tions are inactive all nations are reactivated immediately. When there are fewer creature cards then there are players or a player cannot draw cards to hold three, you win with most points from your cards.Pergamemnon has an empha-sis on combat - without an op-posing card you cannot hire a creature - and the game can get out of balance quickly due to multiple disadvantages for a loser - inactive city, which results in -1 on all other cards and loss of your turn.

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Race gameFor familiesVersion: multi Rules: de en fr itIn-game text: no

Comments:Very beautiful historical simulation * Attractive components * Complex events simulated with simple rules

Compares to:Palio and other horse race games with horse movement by cards

Other editions:First edition 2008



Designer: Massimo PesceArtist: Paolo Vallerga et allPrice: ca. 30 EuroPublisher: Massimo Pesce


AGE: 8+


Deck building gameWith friendsVersion: multiRules: de en fr, also jp krIn-game text: no

Comments:Variant of the deck-build-ing mechanism * No text on the cards, only symbols * Emphasis on attack, not always balanced * Rules not ideally structured

Compares to:Dominion, Thunderstone and other deck building and trading card games

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Bernd EisensteinArtist: Matthias CatreinPrice: ca. 13 EuroPublisher: Irongames


AGE: 10+




Page 29: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 29ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


Poker Carré is a card placement game on the topic of card com-binations; it uses 49 cards in sev-en colors and cards 1-7 in each color. Nine cards are placed in a 3 x 3 grid and each player is dealt four cards.Now each player tries to place cards from his hand that hori-zontally and vertically the lon-gest possible straights or sets of

the same card value or sets of the same card color are formed. Those combinations are scored when formed. You place one card in each turn. A card that you place must be differ from the neighboring card by +1 or -1; if the newly placed card touches two cards already in place the + 1 rule must only be adhered to for one of the two cards.

If you can you must place a card and a row can take only up to seven cards. In order to be scored a straight must be made up from a minimum of four cards, for scores in color or card values a minimum of three cards must be displayed. The important point is that for such scores the card NEED NOT be placed next to each other or in the correct order, it is enough when they are present in the same row. Points you score are cancelled on the score sheet, and in the end you add the values of the first not cancelled positions in each category; the more often you achieve a certain combination the higher your score will be for this combination.Poker Carré is part of a series of three card games published last year at Winning Moves; it is based on standard mechanisms and standard game principles; poker combinations are known to all and if you do not like the bluff and bid element of poker you will love this version of it.

Some games one has to men-tion, even it it does make sense to do because the limited edition is sold out, in this case before the game was published - but, first, you can always hope for a new edition - as has happened for Shear Panic, Savannah Tails and Snow Tails - and, second, one might be incredibly lucky and find a copy somewhere, some-

how.After Frogs, Sheep, Rats, Antlers, ostriches, huskies and Ants we now find ourselves in the wet, among fish, sharks and a krak-en. Players need to free their friends that were captured by the Kraken, find Poseidon’s lost trident and finally collect most treasures after having defeated the kraken. You decide on a

creature and must then in your turn either add to the reef or load the wave; then you move one of your two creatures and either eat some food or store it; feed-ing allows you to free a friend with the necessary combination of dice. If you eat opposing dice you make their owner move on the kraken track and maybe free a friend. Finally, the shark moves, he can eat animals he meets and also load the wave. When the wave has reached its maximum size it breaks, that is, you tilt it and all dice that were loaded onto it crash onto the board and become food to eat or store. If someone has freed all friends the game ends with the end of the current round; all players have a last chance on collecting coral tiles and you win with most points from coral tiles and friends.Amazing creature sculptures, well-working mechanisms and, for a chance, really funny puns in the rules - and that in both the English and German rules - hats off to Daniel Danzer! New edi-tion, please!

Placement/collecting gameWith friendsVersion: multiRules: de enIn-game text: no

Comments:Fantastically beautiful game pieces * Enchant-ing graphics * Nice mechanisms and gimmicks, especially the big wave * Currently not available

Compares to:Antics for some mechanisms

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Fraser + Gordon LamontArtist: Judith LamontPrice: vergriffenPublisher: Fragor Games


AGE: 10+


Card placement gameFor familiesVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: no

Comments:Very simple rules * Nice family game without bidding * Standard Mecha-nisms

Compares to:All games with formation of poker combinations

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: not statedArtist: not statedPrice: ca. 10 EuroPublisher: Winning Moves


AGE: 8+




Page 30: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


30 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

The Pharaoh wants pyramids built from jewels; 80 dice in red, yellow, blue and green - 19 in each color - and four white ones represent those jewels, accom-panied by a board with 37 dents and another board with the scor-ing track. Players must mine as many or fewer jewels than stated on the Pharaoh’s order cards and then combine those jewels into

pyramids of 4 cubes; the fewer colors there are in such a pyra-mid the more the Pharaoh likes it. You receive an order card show-ing different numbers for each of the four jewel colors - white seems to be a joker, though not especially mentioned in the rules - and draw 1-3 jewels from the bag; you can repeat this until you

either stop or have exceeded the allowed number of jewels in one on the colors; if you exceed the order you must give back what you mined in your last draw plus two jewels from previous draws. Then you score your jewels and pass the turn to the next player for mining. When all have mined - starting with the player with the round marker - you combine your jewels into pyramids of four or place them on the board if no pyramid is possible and then score for the colors in the pyra-mid. You can use jewels already on the board and complete a pyramid by placing the top stone onto three stones already in place. After four such rounds of mining jewels and combining them into pyramids you win with most points. Pyramis is a very nice and attrac-tive revised edition of Gemblo Pyramid, published in 2008. The removal of numbers and cal-culating sums from the game and also of the different values for colors results in a quick, easy to comprehend and fun family game.

Three children dress up as ghosts and are cheerfully haunting the castle, but suddenly there are four of them, the real ghost of the castle has joined them and now needs to be identified. At the start of the game the ghosts are randomly given a candle, shuffled and placed in front of the staircases and you choose one of the symbols discs.

You roll the die, move a ghost in any direction for the number of steps you rolled and can turn up a chip that is still face down on the spot reached. If this newly turned up chip or an open chip that is already there show your symbol you can take the chip. When the spot you reach is occupied you move the ghost there to any

location of your choice. When you roll the ghost symbol you can either make a joker move of your choice to obtain a symbol chip or make the mirror test. For the mirror test you place a ghost of your choice in the middle of the board and turn the ghost until it faces a mirror. Now you either memorize the color of the candle that you see in the mirror or you have found the real ghost because the mirrors disappear; a real ghost does not have a mirror image! If you have collected all your own chips and are sure that you have found out the color of the candle the real ghost is carrying you may reveal the ghost by a final mirror test – if the mirrors fall you name the ghost’s candle color and win the game, if you have named the correct color.Spiegel-Spukschloss is an en-chanting memory game with sophisticated yet simple me-chanics that demands a lot from your observation powers and memory; you must watch the ghost movements closely in or-der to test different ones.

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37



Memo gameFor childrenVersion: multiRules: de en fr it nlIn-game text: no

Comments:Attractive component * Well-working mechanics * Simple basic mechanisms * Demands close observa-tion of ghost movements

Compares to:Kraterschreck im Mondversteck and other games with a turntable mecha-nism and memory effects

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: T. Daum, V. LeitnerArtist: Rolf VogtPrice: ca. 37 EuroPublisher: Drei Magier / Schmidt


AGE: 6+


Set collection gameFor familiesVersion: multiRules: en krIn-game text: no

Comments:Revised edition of Gemblo Pyramid without numbers * Nice use of the stop-at-will Mechanism * Very beautiful components

Compares to:Gemblo Pyramid, Spiel

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Justin OhArtist: Moosn!, Misun ParkPrice: ca. 35 EuroPublisher: iAurum


AGE: 6+


Page 31: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 31ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


Prisoner camp in WWII, each player represents a nation and wants to assist three of its im-prisoned citizens to escape. To achieve this you must collect items and avoid to be noticed by the guardians. Each round comprises the phas-es Jailbreak Plan Phase, Prepa-ration and Jailbreak Phase and finally Roll Call Phase.

In the Jailbreak Plan Phase each player draws two cards. Object dice in a number according to a table for number of players in relation to already escaped pris-oner as well as the Runaway Dice determine what you need for an escape in this round.In the Preparation and Jailbreak Phase you either play a face-down card from your hand onto

the table and draw a new card or discard a card or discard three identical cards or discard five different cards or draw the top card from the discard pile and one from the draw pile or try to escape. For an escape attempt you show all cards that are face down on the table: When they show the necessary symbols and together yield more Runaway points than demanded by the Runaway dice you man-age your breakout and put one of your prisoner markers into the middle of the table. If you have surveillance points, you need more Runaway points. This ends the phase and in the Roll Call Phase all players show their cards in hand and take sur-veillance points according to the cards; then you discard all cards and shuffle all cards for a new round.As regards to mechanism Stalag 17 is a set collection game, as to requirements and standard a family, despite the topic, which is not really present in the game, it could also be gangsters escap-ing a prison.

The game features 8 different tri-angular tiles = Tricards, and you win with most of them. To win a Tricard you must have a majority of Pawndice on the board after a triangulation = a phase of the game. The big triangles on the board are Tribases, the small red ones are Exit Points and the other small triangles are called Tripa-

ths. You have 8 Pawndice of a color, they have power =l the number rolled and movement ability = all possible sums of the remaining three numbers: you roll a 2 and can move 3, 4, 7 and 8, only 4 and 7 are useful. The first player rolls and places his Pawndie on any red Tribase, in case of a 4 you must roll again. Then in your turn you roll and

place two Pawndice; the move-ment of the second and all other dice runs from the Exit Point of a Tribase with your own Pawndie via Tripaths to a Tribase. When dice of 2 colors face each other on opposingTribases they are compared and the one of lower value is removed. In each Tribase only one Pawndie per color is allowed, dice in the same Tribase do not influence each other; if you cannot place a Pawndie it is out of play for this triangulation. A triangulation ends when all dice are placed or out of play. Tricards you won you can use once per triangulation as soon as you have a Pawndie in the corresponding Tribase. In a game for three you roll only one dice per turn, in a game for four you play in teams, roll one dice per turn and win Tricards as a team, too.The double use of dice is a strik-ing idea, the possible moves and the unusual arrangement of the path triangles are quickly grasped and after that all you need is luck of the dice and its clever use.

Dice gameWith friendsVersion: enRules: de en es fr gr id it nl poIn-game text: yes

Comments:Abstract game * Very variable playing time * Very interesting mechanisms * Expansions are announced

Compares to:First game of this kind

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: M. Andresakis, A. ArgyropoulosArtist: Michael Andresakis et allPrice: ca. 15 EuroPublisher: Mage Company


AGE: 8+


Set collection gameWith friendsVersion: multiRules: en esIn-game text: no

Comments:Unusual and moody topic * All the same an abstract set collection game * Easily understood rules

Compares to:All Set collection games with varying demands

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Óscar Arévalo RoblesArtist: Sergi MarcetPrice: ca. 30 EuroPublisher: Gen X Games


AGE: 10+




Page 32: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


32 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

Tabu Junior is intended for chil-dren between eight and twelve years of age; the game uses sim-plified rules, but the same game mechanisms as in the family ver-sion of Taboo. The cards belong to four differ-ent categories and each card car-ries a term and two taboo words. The four categories are „On the road“, marked in red, „Play and

Sport“, marked in blue, „I will …“, marked in purple, and „From A to Z“, marked in green; the cards are separated by category and stacked. Players sort themselves into two teams and the starting team is randomly chosen and each team chooses the first clue giver. The clue giver draws a card from a stack of his choice and

describes the term as quickly as possible without using one of the taboo words. The oppos-ing team holds the squealer and squeezes it when a taboo word or parts or a variation are used. If that happens, the clue giver sim-ply draws a new card. All other members of his team may guess simultaneously and as often as they want. When the term is guessed correctly, the clue giver sets aside the card for a point and draws a new one from a stack of his choice. When the timer has run out, the pawn of the active team moves one step forward on the track for each correctly described and guessed term. You can also set aside a difficult term and draw a new card in order not to lose too much time, there is no penalty or disadvantage for this. The first team to reach the star on the track wins the game.This is Taboo as we all know and love it, with terms perfectly suited for the age group, rather simple, and a fantastic training for synonym vocabulary and creative descriptions.

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

The Message is a Chinese film and in 2009 Gungzhou Quianqi published a game based on this film - the mechanisms are known from some other games - you must find secret informa-tion or identify your secret part-ners, respectively. The Message: The Emissary is a version of this game in a changed setting: You are no longer Underground or

Army or Passer-By, but players are agents for one of the three parties in the game, located on an island, and must complete their mission according to their identity. Two nations on the is-land command incredible tech-nologies and financial resources in a balance-of-terror situation, but a super-national power is also involved in the power play.

Each player is randomly dealt two characters; you choose one of them and get the correspond-ing identity card. In a round you draw two cards, play any number of cards and implement them immediately and must - after you played your cards - convey a message. If you cannot convey a message, you lose the game. Should you have received three Black Messages you die. Due to some of the cards your status as a player can change, it relates to the way you can accept messag-es and you must act accordingly. Members of KDR win when one of them has received three Red Messages; all FRS members win when one of them owns three Blue Messages; the super-na-tional members of MOF win by accomplishing personal winning conditions. The game is most interesting as an example for games from Chi-na and takes some getting used to the phrasing of the text on the cards and the rules; the mecha-nisms themselves are standard and well-known.

Deduction game with cardsWith friendsVersion: enRules: enIn-game text: yes

Comments:Double function of the cards as effect/message * Version of the “identify your team members” mecha-nism * Some gaming experience and experience in rules interpretation are necessary

Compares to:The Message, Kutschfahrt zur Teufels-burg, Shadow Hunter

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Jun Guo En et allArtist: Gong Yun Long u.aPrice: ca. 15 EuroPublisher: Gungzhou Quianqi


AGE: 15+


Definition/vocabulary gameFor childrenVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: yes

Comments:Terms geared for the targeted age group * Only two taboo words per team * Played with two teams * Good vocabulary training

Compares to:Taboo and other definition games

Other editions:Taboo for Kids, Hasbro US



Designer: not statedArtist: not statedPrice: ca. 25 EuroPublisher: Hasbro/Parker


AGE: 8+




Page 33: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 33ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


The animal mats are spread around the board and you play three different levels of difficul-ty. For level Green you turn over one mat, turn the spinner on the board and then all players must either run along all mats, stand still on the mats, step on one mat after the other and name the ani-mal on the mat just left without looking back and call “Fex” for

the face-down mat. Or you must find the animal tile for the animal featured on the face-down mat and then throw the tile onto the corresponding map from across the board on the floor. For the Blue and Red Levels you turn over two or three mats at the start of the game and play the games from level Green in slightly varied form: For the sla-

lom in Level Blue you turn over two animal tiles, one is start and finish, the animal of the other tile must be imitated. For Level Red you turn up a third animal and imitate its movement. For the stand-still exercise in Level Blue all players must hold an animal position until the timer runs out and in Level Red animal move-ment must be repeated. When naming passed animals you must call “fex” on face-down mats and otherwise - in Level Blue - name the last animal but one that you passed and - in Level Red - the second last ani-mal. And for the last exercise you must be able to9 remember the two animals featured on the turned-over mats for Level Blue and all three animals on the turned-over mats for Level Red.What a fun lesson! You do not only exercise but must remem-ber animals while you imitate others and you croak, roar or jump like a frog. That is modern learning, uncon-sciously, with a lot of fun and rewarded with cups!

You are an adventurer search-ing for treasures in the cave of El Mirador and must avoid the ancient guardian. At the start six treasures are displayed and must be found in order. The toystick tells you the num-ber of steps you can move; for each square you can gather information with the toystick, for instance about traps on this

square or neighboring ones. You can always listen to the informa-tion on the square you are stand-ing on without using a move-ment counter. If you memorize this information well you will be able to move faster if you return to this region of the board. If you reach the current treasure you can take it, treasure squares are safe!

You can only pass other charac-ters in the game when you are able to move at least to steps beyond the occupied space. When the first treasure has been collected the active player must always relocate the guardian to another section of the board; the guardian sends all characters in the new section back to the start, unless they carry a torch. Equipment pieces like torches, ropes or talisman help you in en-counters with traps and guard-ian; if you pass a turn you can stock up on equipment, equip-ment that you did use is put un-derneath the equipment stock pile. If you have collected the necessary number of treasures you win.The standard mechanisms for an adventure game have been ex-cellently combined with the new electronic reading/talking pen. Due to the modular board you cannot remember traps easily; the pen makes the game more accessible and with music and voice much more interesting, too; and you can play without being able to read.

Adventure game For childrenVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: yes

Comments:Toystick works as electronic game master and dice replacement * Toystick not included in the game * No reading ability necessary * One toystick serves all games and books * Files for other games and book are free for download

Compares to:Adventure games featuring similar game unit systems, e.g. tiptoi

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: C. Fiore, K. HappelArtist: Fiore GmbHPrice: ca. 20 EuroPublisher: Noris Spiele


AGE: 6+


Educational movement gameFor childrenVersion: multiRules: de en es fr it nlIn-game text: no

Comments:Series “fex” * Three different levels of difficulty * Also very good for older chil-dren * Good combination of memory and movement

Compares to:Blumenrennen, Twister Hops and other movement games

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: M. Koser, M. Nikisch, J. ZirmArtist: D. Döbner, S. HansenPrice: ca. 25 EuroPublisher: Haba


AGE: 5+




Page 34: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


34 ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012

Monsters and treasures can be found in the tower dungeons! At the start of a round one loot heap each is made up from 1, 2 and 3 gold coins; two monsters are randomly discarded, the rest shuffled, stacked and three mon-sters are placed into the left floor windows. The treasure cards are placed in the same way into the right windows. Each player is

dealt three cards each of wiz-ards, warriors and dwarves and one artifact card. For each floor you choose three cards, but only one card from each group, and then the teams are compared for strength; On Floor One you choose each card separately and turn it up; on Floor Two you choose first one card, turn it up, and then two cards and turn

them up, and on Floor Three you choose all three cards at the same time before turning them up.When comparing strengths a chameleon wizard adopts the strength of the strongest oppos-ing wizard, the artifact doubles the strength of the weakest team member. The weakest group has conquered the monster, the strongest group the treasure. The cards played for a floor are set aside. After three floors you have one card left, which can earn you loot gold, 3 coins for the strongest card, 2 for the second-strongest and 1 for the third one, but chameleon wizard and arti-fact are worthless here! Then you hand on your cards to your left neighbor and a new tower is pre-pared. After four towers you win with most cards from gold and treasure cards minus monsters!A nice, well-working fight card by card, memory is a great help, especially from round two, when you know what another player might deploy to win the trophy that scores points for monsters!

Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS areexplained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 36 and 37

Each card shows two, three or four tasks that must be com-pleted by rolling dice. These tasks can be poker com-binations, e.g. Small or Big Straights, Triplets, Quadruplets, Full House made up from a dou-ble and a triplet or a result of more than 23 points on all dice or exactly 25 or 26 points from all dice or only even numbers or

only uneven numbers or for in-stance exactly the numbers list-ed on some of the dice. For each game 15 cards are drawn from the shuffled stack of all cards. You roll all five dice, set aside any number of dice or can reroll all dice just rolled; after setting aside one or more dice you roll the remaining dice again and can again set aside dice or reroll

for a baby bug and then set aside dice, and so on. If you have set aside all dice and can now com-plete a task on the current card you cover this completed task with a chip and can either stop your turn or roll again for the next task. If you must end your turn without achieving a task you take two baby bugs. If you complete the last task on a card you take the card, turn up the next card and end your turn. If you must take the 5th baby bug, you take the top penalty card, end your turn and all players re-turn all baby bugs. When all task cards or penalty cards are used up, you win with most points.This is rolling dice using well-known standard mechanisms, but these have been very nicely re-mixed in Wanzen tanzen, the penalty bugs provide a cute as-pect and that other players can give back all their bugs, even when they are already up to four of them, without penalty when you must take a penalty card is nicely annoying!

Card comparing gameWith friendsVersion: multiRules: de en frIn-game text: no

Comments:Special rules for a game with two and three * Funny, attractive illustrationsQuick, easy rules * Good rules for resolving ties

Compares to:Other card games with comparing strength of card groups

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Dominique EhrhardArtist: Vincent DutraitPrice: ca. 12 EuroPublisher: GameWorks


AGE: 13+


Dice gameFor familiesVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: no

Comments:Part of the new “Würfel-becher” series * Box bottom used for a dice cup * Simple rule * Good family game * Standard elements nicely remixed

Compares to:Würfel Bohnanza, Würfelwurst and other dice game with repeating a roll and setting dice aside

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: Reinhard StaupeArtist: Oliver FreudenreichPrice: ca. 10 EuroPublisher: Amigo Spiele


AGE: 8+




Page 35: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered

WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook!For all information on that check our 35ISSUE 436 / APRIL 2012


The game features 85 Who, Where and What cards which are stacked separately. Each player draws one Who, Where and What card and looks at it secretly, you must keep them hidden from your fellow players. Then you turn over the timer and draw a scene using the content of all three cards, an example might be A ghost – Tennis Play

– In a canoo. You cannot sim-ply draw three separate items, you must combine them into a sketch. Letters and numbers cannot be used in your draw-ing and you are not allowed to talk to other players while all are drawing. This drawing phase lasts until the timer has run out. Now all stop drawing and the first player

turns over the timer again and shows his own drawing. Now all players can guess at the three terms that make up the sketch while the timer runs. When a player guesses one of the terms used correctly, the player tells him so. You are also allowed to tell the guessers if they are very near to the correct solution. It is also allowed to accept near-miss-es or synonyms as correct, for in-stance “School” instead of “Class-room” can is acceptable. For each part of the three-part sketch that is guessed correctly both artist and guesser are given a chip. After three rounds you win with most chips. In a game for two the artist only scores when all items have been guessed, the guesser gets a chip when he gets a part-term right.This is a lot of fun not only for children, but for the whole fam-ily. The combinations of terms guarantees lots of laughter; the terms are easy enough for some on with no artistic talent to par-ticipate, basic shapes are suffi-cient.

Yakari is the hero from a French Comic TV series; he is a Sioux and can talk to animals. In this game he is racing his friends, Kleiner Donner, Kleiner Dachs and Re-genbogen. The track features six different symbols; a different combination of four of those symbols mark the target area for each player. Each player has four pawns of

one color, a starting area of this color and a starting spot on the track, featuring the same color and marked with the Yakari symbol. In your turn you roll the die and move a pawn forward to the next spot with the sym-bol showing on the die. If you roll the Yakari symbol you can either move forward to the next Yakari symbol or enter a pawn

from the starting area; in both cases you can roll the die again for another move. If you reach an occupied space you throw the pawn already there off the track, it goes back to its own starting area. You must move one pawn and cannot pass, unless you have only a finish area spot left to fill and cannot move a pawn on the track as indicated by the die. If you are first to have all pawns in the finish area you win.You can play this game with very young children without throwing pawns off the track; you simply jump over an occu-pied space and move forward to the next free spot with the symbol you rolled. You can also play the game with one or two pawns only per player so that players can get acquainted with the symbols and easily keep an eye on their pawns. Yakari offers a wonderful intro-duction for young children into first play using rules, the sym-bols are easy to distinguish and the well-known mechanisms is always fun to play.

Drawing/guessing gameFor familiesVersion: deRules: deIn-game text: yes

Comments:Very nice selection of terms * Can be played with very little artistic talent * Very at-tractive, fast family game

Compares to:Zebra-Schwein, Pictionary, Activity and other drawing/guessing games

Other editions:Who What Where Jr., Pazow!, USA



Designer: not statedArtist: Kristine NuyensPrice: ca. 11 EuroPublisher: University Games


AGE: 7+


Roll & move gameFor childrenVersion: multiRules: de fr itIn-game text: no

Comments:Game based on the Comic series * Simple basic rules * Introduction into following game rules * Variants pos-sible without kicking out pawns or with fewer pawns

Compares to:All other versions of Ludo/Pachisi/Mensch ärgere dich nicht

Other editions:Currently none



Designer: not statedArtist: KniffDesignPrice: ca. 18 EuroPublisher: Ravensburger


AGE: 3-7




Page 36: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered


36Color codes for target groups (Headline Color)

For children +learnFor families

With friends For experts

Color codes for features (Bar in Evalution box)ChanceTactic





Card game for 2 or more players, ages 4+

A classic game with new characters, the Old Maid in this game is yet another Black Sheep. Shaun the Sheep and his friends are pictured on the cards; you play according to standard rules: The cards are dealt evenly to all players; if you have pairs in hand already now you put them on the table. In your turn you draw a card from the hand of your left neighbor – if it makes a pair with one of your own cards you put the pair on the table, otherwise you take the card in your hand. If you hold the Black Sheep, aka the Old Maid, when all pairs are on the table you lose the game.Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no


Observation and reaction game for 1 or more players, ages 6+

Auto Games offers a series of uniformly packed games, the package is shaped like a car and offers fast, well-known games for use at home or on the road.I spy with my own eye … features items on 50 cards, which players must spot in the landscape in passing. If you point out the correct item first, you receive the card, if you have most cards you win. At home a player gives clues to what is pictured on the card, the first to guess correctly receives the card.Version: multi * Rules: de fr nl * In-game use of language: no

AUTO GAME ICH SEHE WAS, WAS …Publisher: University Games

Collecting game for 2-4 players, ages 3+

Benjamin Blümchen must stand in for some people in Neustadt, because they are all sick - doctor, policeman, baker and garbage collector, and to make matters worse all loads have been mixed up - players need to load all cars correctly. Each player is given a car and all tiles are shuffled face-down. In your turn you turn up a tile - if if fits your car you place it; if not you swap your car for that where the tile fits and put it in. When a clover leaf is pictured on the tile you have another turn. If you are first to load a car completely, you win the game.Version: multi * Rules: de fr it * In-game text: no

BENJAMIN BLÜMCHEN BERUFE-LOTTOPublisher: Schmidt Spiele Designer: Christoph Cantzler, Anja Wrede

Mini-Expansion for Carcassonne for 2-5 players, ages 10+

The mini expansion Die Fluggeräte features 8 tiles, marked with a glider symbol and one card out of 6 for the mini expansion Kornkreise. If you place a tile Fluggeräte, you can place a meeple either on field or road or on the glider; for the glider you roll the special die and move your meeple as many tiles ahead, on the new tile you place it on unfinished cities, cloisters or roads, even when there is already another follower there, but never on fields or completed cities, mon-asteries or roads.Version: multi * Rules: de en es fi fr nl * In-game text: no

CARCASSONNE DIE FLUGGERÄTEPublisher: Hans im GlückDesigner: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede

Expansion for the card game for 1-2 players, ages 13+

Schatten des Düsterwalds Die Hügel von Emyn Muil / Shadows of Mirkwood The Hills of Emyn Muil is the 4th Adventure Pack = AP for the LCG Der Herr der Ringe Das Kartenspiel / The Lord of the Rings The Card Game, featuring 60 cards. Cards and their ratio are the same in each pack, without chance distribution and varying rarity. “The Hills of Emyn Muil” has difficulty level 4; cards come from the AP and the Core Set Encounter Sets “Sau-rons Einfluss” and “Dol Guldur Orks”. The scenario is extremely location-related; the adventure card demands 20 victory points and the elimination of all Emyn Muil locations – they carry vic-tory points. Version: de * Rules: de en es fr pl * In-game text: yes

DER HERR DER RINGE DIE HÜGEL VON EMYN MUILPublisher: HeidelbergerDesigner: Nate French

Bluff and dexterity game for 2-4 players, ages 5+

Fire ball target throwing in Dragon Valley! The dragon player secretly chooses a fire ball and places its tile face-down. Then he puts the four colored marbles into their corners and tries to roll the chosen marble into the crater. The other players watch him closely and guess, as soon as a marble is in the crater, which marble the dragon player wanted to put in. Then tiles are turned up. When the dragon player rolled the chosen marble into the crater he scores 2 points. If you chose the same marble as the dragon player, regardless if it landed in the crater or not, you score 1 point; if you collect 10 points you win.Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no

DIEGO DRACHENZAHN VULKANWETTKAMPFPublisher: HabaDesigner: Manfred Ludwig

Placement and reaction game for 2-4 players, ages 6+

12 of 24 paddock cards are randomly selected and stacked; each player has a set of horse cards featuring two horses on meadows. The top paddock card is turned up and all players reproduce the arrangement on the card as fast as they can with their horse cards. The alignment of the horses does not matter, you need not use all cards and a paddock is completed when only the horses and meadows shown on the paddock cards are visible and the position of the horses is correct. If you are the first to have the correct arrangement you get the paddock card for a victory point. Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no

EINE HERDE WILDER PFERDEPublisher: Coppenrath Die Spiegelburg Designer: Inka and Markus Brand

Card game for 2 or more players, ages 8+

Kerresinhio Quartett stands for „Happy Family“-type card games with unusual topics, aimed at fans or collectors; an edi-tion holds 32 cards on the topic, complete with picture and in-formation – you can use the cards to play a simple Happy Fam-ily game or play using the trump mechanism or you can invent your own rules. This edition, Legendäre Exoten, Grenzgänger & Wandervögel oder Das Bundeskliga-Importe Quartett features international soccer players from 32 countries from 1963 to 2011; each card holds extensive information on the player, and gives an introduction on the topic at the back of the box.Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes


Memory game for 1-4 players, ages 5+

24 pairs of cards show familiar and exotic animals for playing a standard memory game, if you collect most pairs you win. The tiptoi pen offers additional ways to play: You can touch a card before turning it over to get some information if this card is the one you are looking for or if you should try another card. In another version you play sound memory and find the animal pairs based on their individual sounds. In the challenge variant the pen offers ambiguous clues and you must combine those clues to find the card pairs. All versions can be played in the solitaire variant. Pen not included. Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes


Page 37: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered



IMPRESSUMOffenlegung nach dem Mediengesetz: Medieninhaber, Eigentümer, Verleger und Hersteller: Verein „Österreichisches Spiele Museum“, vertreten durch Obfrau Dipl. Ing. Dagmar de Cassan, Raasdorferstrasse 28, 2285 Leopoldsdorf im Marchfelde, Österreich, Telefon 02216-7000, mail-to: [email protected], Internet: - - Chefredakteur: Dipl.Ing. Dagmar de CassanBlattlinie: Die Blattlinie ist die Meinung aller Redakteure, freien Mitarbeitern und Gastautoren. Die Spiele zur Erstellung der Rezensionen stellt das Österr. Spiele Museum für die Dauer der Arbeit kostenlos zur Verfügung. Niemand erhält Sach-,Service-, Geldleistungen von den Verlagen.(Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Rezensionen zu den Spielen sind von Dagmar de Cassan) Deutsche Ausgabe Version 1.0Copyright (c) 2012 by Spielen in Österreich - Die Spiele Collection, Spiele Kreis Wien, Österreichisches Spielefest, Spielefest, Wiener Spiele Akademie, Spiel der Spiele und zwei Spiele-Symbole sind eingetragene Warenzeichen.Ihre Email-Adresse: Wir versenden oft an unsere Mitglieder, Abonnenten und Interessenten eine Erinnerung für Termine und sonstige Infos. Wenn Sie noch nie eine Email von uns erhalten haben, fehlt uns Ihre Email!

Dear reader! I am very much tempted to name „Billabong“ a classic among the tactical move-ment games. And yet, the game has been on the market for not even 20 years yet, to be pre-cise, it has been published in several editions. This alone is a certain mark of quality. If you are reminded of Halma at a first, quick glance, you will be pleasantly surprised during the first kan-garoo hops, because Billabong contains sev-eral game elements which can entice the tacti-cian, who has a preference for pondering, from the first move! The rather stately game flow of the classic Halma (Greek for “jump”) that was created in 1883 by Howard Monks, where you use your own chains for jumping from start to finish, has in Billabong made room for a real interlock of forces from the first moment. This has been the declared intention of the London computer expert Eric W. Solomon (*1935), who has provided many of his games with clear but not at all simple structures. First and foremost, Black Box and Hyle come to mind as examples for this. Despite the purely tacti-cal approach Billabong has been surrounded with an interesting topic or background story: Up to 20 kangaroos must hop around a water hole (Billabong in the Aborigines language) and move forward as fast as they can. Solo-mon has presented his idea for the first time in 1984 in his book „Games Programming“, an unexpectedly modern opus on programming of games. If reading these lines has made you acquire a taste for Billabong, you can look for-ward to a hopping orgy of enormous jumping power at the Österreichische Spielemuseum at Leopoldsdorf. Website: www.spielen.atA Billabong of size 2x4 squares on an empty board of 14x16 squares is all that first ap-pears in the light of a spectator’s lamp. Oh yes, there is something else, a blue strip of water, which represents the start and finish line, as we learn later from the game descrip-tion. Two to four players are given five kanga-roos each - which in the new edition of 2002

are really nicely and lovingly styled kangaroo figurines - and a so called “referee kangaroo” is kept ready in the Billabong. As we will soon see this unicum, the referee kangaroo, is one of the most ingenious ideas of Eric W. Solo-mon. What is the purpose of those “leaps and bounds” actions? Very simply said, if you are first to let your kangaroos hop once around the Billabong and thereby cross the start/finish line twice, you win. Twice? Yes, cor-rect, because at the start of the game each player must place all his kangaroos behind that line, anywhere to his liking. Then the jumping competition starts: You have two basic possibilities to move your kangaroo: (A) “Saunter” one square horizontally, vertically or diagonally or (B) jump over your own and opposing kangaroos. But this is governed by two “iron” rules: When the distance between the kangaroo you want to move and the one you want to jump over is two squares, then you land at a distance of two squares behind the jumped-over marsupial, should the dis-tance before the jump be three squares it is three squares after the jump, too. And you can never land on an occupied square after a jump. The wonderful thing is: Serial jumps are possible, even better, they are necessary to get quickly around the Billabong. To serve as a memory aid, if you should miscalculate such a serial jump, is the job of the referee kangaroo: It is placed on the starting point of your chosen jumper and - if the jump was successful - put back in the Billabong after the jump. A final remark on this: You can jump over this referee kangaroo, too! I do not make empty promises by repeating the cover text on the original edition: “A race with a kick!”

Comments to: [email protected]:

Designer: Eric SolomonPrice: not available Year: 1993Publisher: Franjos (Amigo 1995)





Icon explanation

Solo Play Two Players Large Groups Recommended Minimum Age

� � � � � � � � �Tactic Info+ ChanceMaybe a tactical mark of 9 surprises you in a game that is considered suitable for ages 10+. But indeed, there is no chance factor at all in Billabong and also no head start as regards to information and no hidden bluff element ei-ther. Therefore, a computer could find the op-timum move for each situation on the board. For a human player on the other hand the tactical reactions of their fellow players pose a real challenge. Contrary to games like Chess or Go there is no demand for long-term strategic concepts.Hugos EXPERT TIPIf you have gained some basic experience with Billabong after one or two games, play the game with 4 times 5 kangaroos also in a game for two and move the kangaroos in the two different colors alternately. The turmoil on the board simply offers opportunities for more beautiful and longer chain jumps. For experts among kangaroo fans the use of a timer might be recommended, as this puts the pondering on the enormously varied possibilities of moves under a certain time control.Hugos FLASHLIGHT „Billabong“ must be classified as a tactical mas-terpiece with a very high suitability for families, due to its lightness and and at the same time surprising profoundness. And, quite deservedly so, Billabong has been nominated Game of the Year in Germany. The rules are explained with a few sentences only, but from the first kangaroo hop on the real problems start! On is in dan-ger to become addicted to the search for the optimum way around the Billabong. Smartish with a kick!




GABIS explanation on page 5

Page 38: THE GAMES JOURNAL · Farmerama was published on the Internet, which rapidly became one of the best-liked games worldwide. Currently (On April 29th, 2012) there are 39.414.108 registered