the garage!!! maria tsappi andreas christodoulou b1

The garagE!!! The garagE!!! Maria Tsappi Maria Tsappi Andreas Christodoulou Andreas Christodoulou B1 B1

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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The garagE!!!The garagE!!!The garagE!!!The garagE!!!Maria TsappiMaria Tsappi

Andreas Christodoulou Andreas Christodoulou B1 B1

Flea Collar/spots-On • It is a pestiside in liquid

form.• It is used to kill and

repel inserts. • It’s applied to a small

area or spot on your dog or cat!

• Avoid petting your cat or dog for 24 hours.

• iF yOu use it wash yOur hands and skin with lots of soap and water.!

Wet-Cell Batteries• It is a pestiside that

contains lead a solution of sulfuriC acid.

• It is used in cars tractors and other motor rehicles to help start the engine.

• Contact with the eyes can cause blindness and contact with the skin can cause burning and charring.

Antil-freeze• It’s abright yellow/green liquid with a sweet

smell.• It is added to the water of the radiators of

rehicles to keep the water in the radiator from overheating in summer or freezing in winter.

• It’s content is very dangerOus • When cleaning it up frOm a surface yOu

should wear glOves to avoid contact with the skin and or mask.!

mOtor Oil• It is made up from many

unique chemicals that cOme mainly from crude Oil.

• It’s used in the engines of vehicles to protect the pistons frOm rubbing against the metal in the engine blOck.

• Its contents are suspected as causing cancer.

• It’s toxiC to fish and birds.

Latex paint • This is water-based paint

that can be used to paint walls, wood and ceilings indoors or outdoors.

• Apart frOm water it contains Other ingredients like resin.

• OutdoOrs paints can cOntain larger amounts of biOcides.

• IndoOr latex paints may be of low toxicity unless used in large quantities.

Three pieCes of advice we would give someone who

is about to use these prOducts are: • Read the label first!• Keep away from babies,Children and pets!

• Only used by un adult!

List down the products NOT containing pestcides or toxic chemicals. SOme

details on eaCh of them is:• Flashlight • Bucket • Toolbox kit-it contains

tools fOr fixing things arOund the hOuse.Some prOducts my cOntain toxic chemicals.

• Painter rOller and pan-paint can be tOxic. Always wear glOves or wash yOur hands thruroughly after using paint.

The end!!!!! =)))