the "gente" who rules the kingdom of chile

THE “GENTE” WHO RULES THE KINGDOM OF CHILE By Alexis López Tapia Whether we want to admit it or not, and regardless of its objective and subjective, positive and negative results, during the last third of the twentieth century Chile actually lived a revolution -for some Pamphiles called "silent" - which imported a significant change of direction in the scale of values, and thus in Culture, a significant percentage of Chilean society. In political terms, this change meant that, previously majority in both the "left" and the traditional "right" conservatives -and remember about that, historically, the PC (Communist Party) was one of the most conservative parties of Chile-, were displaced, they lose strength, and transferred power to Liberals, to be more precise, neo-Liberals and neo-Marxist sectors. Both liberalism and Communism are principles of political action, and both principles, during the last third of the last century were ideologically reshaped by the emergence of post-structuralist theory, ie by deconstructionism. It is there then that the "novelty" involving neo-Liberalism and neo-Marxism arises. Indeed, the thesis of neo-liberalism, not as many believe refers solely to the economic sphere, they permeated both the "left" and the traditional "right". In fact, the same concept with some differences in approach, was used by the American "left" to describe his ideology, two of the most prominent representatives of "left neo-liberalism" are Bill Clinton and Al Gore. So did the neo-Marxists that involved the emergence of the "new left" as current, ie a valóricamente left (neo) liberal thesis.

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Page 1: The "gente" who rules the Kingdom of Chile


By Alexis López Tapia

Whether we want to admit it or not, and regardless of its objective and subjective, positive and negative

results, during the last third of the twentieth century Chile actually lived a revolution -for some

Pamphiles called "silent" - which imported a significant change of direction in the scale of values, and

thus in Culture, a significant percentage of Chilean society.

In political terms, this change meant that, previously majority in both the "left" and the traditional

"right" conservatives -and remember about that, historically, the PC (Communist Party) was one of the

most conservative parties of Chile-, were displaced, they lose strength, and transferred power to

Liberals, to be more precise, neo-Liberals and neo-Marxist sectors.

Both liberalism and Communism are principles of political action, and both principles, during the last

third of the last century were ideologically reshaped by the emergence of post-structuralist theory, ie by

deconstructionism. It is there then that the "novelty" involving neo-Liberalism and neo-Marxism arises.

Indeed, the thesis of neo-liberalism, not as many believe refers solely to the economic sphere, they

permeated both the "left" and the traditional "right". In fact, the same concept with some differences in

approach, was used by the American "left" to describe his ideology, two of the most prominent

representatives of "left neo-liberalism" are Bill Clinton and Al Gore. So did the neo-Marxists that

involved the emergence of the "new left" as current, ie a valóricamente left (neo) liberal thesis.

Page 2: The "gente" who rules the Kingdom of Chile

This explains the existence of the "golden elite", the "ruling class" in the "left": that which aims "to

reign", to be like the "ruling class". Therefore, they want to be presidents, ministers, deputies or

senators want to be part of power, and be the governing kingdom.

In this "class" belongs, for example, the former interior minister, Rodrigo Peñailillo that - under high-cost

clothing, pseudo refined manners, "good taste" (bourgeois) and apparent "elegance" (because, as saying

goes, "although the monkey dressed in silk ...: you know) - he thought that was enough to take over the

vice-presidency of the country.

That is precisely why, he won in a short time the nickname of "rural heartthrob", a scathing and

devastating criticism, which came from their own sector, not the "right".

In this "class" then belong most of the leaders of the "G90" Michelle Bachelet joined his government a

"left" totally permeated by the values of neo-liberalism, not the limited scope of their economic, but the

largest and most important area of your value, ie, culture thesis.

They are, in effect, liberals in valoric, and therefore have no problem in adopting the fashions, manners

and tastes of the "ruling class", which do not directly belong (and probably never will belong), but

indirectly, thanks the power granted them temporary "rule the kingdom."

And there is a generational issue clearly: just seeing known members of the generation of '80, the G80-

those who grew "kicking stones" (and "throwing them to the cops in the protests") - now Ministers

State, which changed the rocks, the “chelas” (beer), vests "trough wool" and faded jeans, for "Top

Events", "Havana Club Máximo Extra Añejo", Armani and Hugo Boss, although they "leftover kilos and

they lack shame "to wear them in good shape.

And it is that as they themselves say: "The construction of political action is changing. The old text

coming from Marx, but we come from life experience, is that what you pass on to the policy, and that is

not something minor. 1"

And what is that life experience ?: The answer is simple: shortages and resentment.

They grew Chile -historically-, always had shortcomings. Economically no doubt. Materially, absolutely.

And by the way, culturally, educationally, in art, in science, in the family, socially ... everything.

They built the "life experience" from these shortcomings. And of course, they are lacking the key driver

of resentment, "notion of class": the same array of materialistic thesis, which they inherited modified by


That explains, in valoric, ethical and moral plane, why they were willing without disgust to be financed

by employers of "right", even more, for entrepreneurs "Pinochet" are liberal values (neo) which

determine which "pecunia non olet ", that" money does not smell. " And money is needed to reign.

Page 3: The "gente" who rules the Kingdom of Chile

That explains own son and the daughter of the President, were fully prepared to make a business that

would make them rich "to the last", so access automatically, to be part of the "ruling class", without

"stoop" to play anymore the power of "kingdom" to access these privileges temporarily.

But as at the time he said Daniela Aranguiz honestly, most of them do not even have "pure “cuicos”

face". "They note the “ojota” and black ear," as an old friend.

Not only are "provincial" arrivals "to live in the city," but even more, are provincials who deeply despise

their own roots.

They do not want to belong to "the people" (both geographical and social), and therefore speak of the

"gente" (the "gens" Roman, that is, those who possessed adjective, ie, descent). So in their behavior,

fashions and customs, consciously or unconsciously reject what is truly "popular", the truly authentic

still left in our country.

And that's the same "gente", (neo) liberal and (neo) Marxism involved, want to change the "Constitution

of Pinochet" (although in reality it is of President Lagos), a "Neo Citizen Constitution" where change

fundamental principles such as subsidiarity, the Property, the freedom of education, freedom of

expression, the right to life and protection of the unborn, among others, based on those "values" neo

Liberal and neo Marxists criteria.

Never mind then, the whole shebang legal Fernando Atria and others will want to give the "Constituent

Assembly" has no importance whatsoever how they will, all the same the "mechanism" that use.

What matters, really, it is what are the principles and values that are behind the change of the

Constitution are, and who are those who are driving:

Is that "gente" which until now has been ruling the "Reyno de Chile" and you know how they are.

1 “El Manifiesto del G90”, en The Clinic.