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The Gospel According to St. LukeBible Bowl Study Guide

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THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions

Property of Live God Loud Ministries, Inc.

KA Blue Ridge (Virginia) Tuesday Quiz Material—(Chapters 1-12)

KA Blue Mountain (Pennsylvania) Tuesday Quiz Material (Chapters 1-8) Wednesday Quiz Material (Chapters 9-16)

CHAPTER ONE 1. QUESTION: To what priestly division did Zechariah? ANSWER: The division of Abijah (1:5)

2. QUESTION: How did Zechariah react to the appearance of an angel of the Lord? ANSWER: He was startled and gripped with fear (1:12)

3. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:17, what was to be the main responsibility of John the Baptist? ANSWER: To make ready a people prepared for the Lord (1:17)

4. QUESTION: Why was Zechariah made silent until the angel’s words were fulfilled? ANSWER: Because he did not believe Gabriel’s words (1:20)

5. QUESTION: In what month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy did Gabriel visit Nazareth? ANSWER: The sixth month (1:26)

6. QUESTION: Quote Gabriel’s salutation to Mary. ANSWER: “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” (1:28)

7. QUESTION: What two things happened to Elizabeth when she heard Mary’s salutation? ANSWER: A. The baby leaped in her womb B. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit (1:41)

8. QUESTION: In whom did Mary’s spirit rejoice? ANSWER: In God her Savior (1:47)

9. QUESTION: (Two part question) How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth, and where did she go after this visit? ANSWER: A. About three months B. She returned home (1:56)

10. QUESTION: Where was John the Baptist until he appeared publicly to Israel? ANSWER: He lived in the wilderness (1:80)


1. QUESTION: Why was Joseph compelled to go to Bethlehem to be taxed? ANSWER: Because he belonged to the house and line of David (2:4)

2. QUESTION: Why was baby Jesus placed in a manger? ANSWER: “Because there was no guest room available for them. (2:7)

3. QUESTION: Where were the shepherds when they saw a heavenly host of angels? ANSWER: Living out in the fields (2:8)

4. QUESTION: (Finish this quote and give the reference) “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you...

ANSWER: “He is the Messiah, the Lord..” Luke 2:11

5. QUESTION: Why did the shepherds decide to go to Bethlehem? ANSWER: To see the thing that had happened (2:15)

6. QUESTION: Give the three-part description of Simeon found in Luke 2:25. ANSWER: A. Righteous and devout B. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel

C. The Holy Spirit was on him (2:25)

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7. QUESTION: What did Simeon prophesy concerning Mary’s suffering over her child? ANSWER: A sword will pierce your own soul too (2:35)

8. QUESTION: How old was Jesus when He was first taken to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover? ANSWER: Twelve years old (2:42)

9. QUESTION: (Finish this quote) “Why were you searching for me?” ANSWER: “...Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (2:49)

10. QUESTION: Quote Luke 2:52. ANSWER: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” (2:52)


1. QUESTION: Give the names of the two high priests during John’s ministry. ANSWER: Annas and Caiaphas (3:2)

2. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “Every __________ shall be filled in, every __________ and hill made low. The crooked __________ shall become straight, the rough __________ smooth.”

ANSWER: A. Valley B. Mountain C. Roads D. Ways (3:5)

3. QUESTION: What did John the Baptist call those who came out to be baptized by him? ANSWER: A brood of vipers (3:7)

4. QUESTION: When the tax collectors came to be baptized, what did they ask? ANSWER: “Teacher, what should we do?” (3:12)

5. QUESTION: (Two part question) With what did John baptize, and with what would the One coming after John baptize?

ANSWER: A. Water B. The Holy Spirit and fire (3:16)

6. QUESTION: With what would the One, coming after John, burn up the chaff? ANSWER: Unquenchable fire (3:17)

7. QUESTION: According to Luke 3:19, what man was reproved by John the Baptist? ANSWER: Herod the tetrarch (3:19)

8. QUESTION: When was Jesus baptized? ANSWER: When all the people were being baptized (3:21)

9. QUESTION: Quote the voice that came from heaven as Jesus was being baptized. ANSWER: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (3:22)

10. QUESTION: What was the age of Jesus at the time of His baptism? ANSWER: About thirty years old (3:23)


1. QUESTION: Into what place was Jesus led by the by the Spirit? ANSWER: Into the wilderness (4:1)

2. QUESTION: How many days was Jesus tempted by the devil? ANSWER: 40 days (4:2)

3. QUESTION: What did the devil offer to give to Jesus if He (Jesus) would worship him? ANSWER: All the authority and splendor of all the kingdoms of the world (4:5-7)

4. QUESTION: After having tempted Jesus, until what time did the devil leave Jesus alone? ANSWER: Until an opportune time (4:13)

5. QUESTION: What was Christ’s Sabbath day custom? ANSWER: He went into the synagogue (4:16)

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6. QUESTION: State four of the six things the Spirit of the Lord had anointed Christ to do. ANSWER: A. Proclaim good news to the poor B. Proclaim freedom for the prisoners C. Recovery of sight for the blind D. To set the oppressed free E. To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor (4:18-19)

7. QUESTION: What did the people of Nazareth ask regarding Jesus when they heard His gracious words? ANSWER: Isn’t this Joseph’s son? (4:22)

8. QUESTION: Who cried out, “Go away! What do you want with us Jesus of Nazareth?” ANSWER: A man possessed with a demon (4:33-34)

9. QUESTION: According to Luke 4:37, where did the news about Jesus spread? ANSWER: Throughout the surrounding area (4:37)

10. QUESTION: According to Luke 4:40, as the sun was setting. what did Christ do when the sick were brought to Him?

ANSWER: He laid His hands on each one and healed them (4:40)


1. QUESTION: Who owned the boat from which Christ taught? ANSWER: Simon (5:3)

2. QUESTION: Why did Simon hesitate to let down his fishing nets? ANSWER: They had fished all night and hadn’t caught anything (5:5)

3. QUESTION: What happened when the disciples let down their nets in obedience to Christ? ANSWER: They caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break (5:6)

4. QUESTION: What three things did Peter, James, and John following the miracle of the great catch of fish? ANSWER: A. They pulled their boats up on shore B. They left everything

C. They followed Jesus (5:11)

5. QUESTION: How did Christ prove His power to forgive sins? ANSWER: He healed the paralyzed man (5:24)

6. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “I have not come to call the __________, but __________ to repentance.” ANSWER: A. Righteous B. Sinners (5:32)

7. QUESTION: According to Luke 5:33, whose disciples often practiced the discipline of fasting? ANSWER: John’s disciples (5:33)

8. QUESTION: When did Jesus say that His followers would begin to fast? ANSWER: In the days when the bridegroom has been taken away from them (5:35)

9. QUESTION: Why would a man not put new wine into old wineskins? ANSWER: The new wine would burst the skins, the wine would run out and the wineskins would be ruined


10. QUESTION: Why would a person drinking old wine not want to drink new wine? ANSWER: The old is better (5:38)


1. QUESTION: According to Luke 6:2, of what did the Pharisees accuse Jesus’ disciples? ANSWER: Doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath (6:2)

2. QUESTION: To whom did Jesus refer when He spoke of the person who wrongfully partook of the consecrated bread?

ANSWER: David (6:3-4)

3. QUESTION: How did Jesus go about healing the man with the shriveled hand? ANSWER: He told the man to stretch out his hand and it was completely restored (6:10)

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4. QUESTION: According to Luke 6:13, what did Jesus do after He had spent the night praying to God? ANSWER: He chose twelve of His disciples and named them apostles (6:12-13) 5. QUESTION: Give the names of Jesus’ twelve apostles as listed in Luke 6:14-16. ANSWER: A. Simon Peter B. Andrew C. James D. John E. Philip F. Bartholomew G. Matthew H. Thomas I. James son of Alphaeus J. Simon the Zealot K. Judas son of James L. Judas Iscariot (6:14-16)

6. QUESTION: According to Luke 6:19, why did all the people seek to touch Jesus? ANSWER: Because power was coming from Him for healing (6:19)

7. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “Blessed are you when people __________ you, when they __________ you and __________ you and __________ your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.”

ANSWER: A. Hate B. Exclude C. Insult D. Reject (6:22)

8. QUESTION: For what reason did Jesus say, “Woe to you who are rich”? ANSWER: Because you have already received your comfort (6:24)

9. QUESTION: In what way are Christ followers to be merciful? ANSWER: As our Father is merciful (6:36)

10. QUESTION: What did Jesus suggest would happen when the blind leads the blind? ANSWER: They would both fall into a pit (6:39)


1. QUESTION: In what town did Jesus and His disciples find a widow who was burying her dead son? ANSWER: Nain (7:11)

2. QUESTION: (Two part question) When the Lord saw the woman whose son was being buried, how did he react and what did He say to her?

ANSWER: A. His heart went out to her B. “Don’t cry” (7:13)

3. QUESTION: What two things did the young man do after Jesus commanded him to get up? ANSWER: A. He sat up. B. He began to talk (7:15)

4. QUESTION: According to Jesus, what had the people said about John the Baptist? ANSWER: He has a demon (7:33)

5. QUESTION: What did the sinful woman at the house of the Pharisee bring when she came to see Jesus? ANSWER: An alabaster jar of perfume (7:37)

6. QUESTION: (Two part question) With what did the sinful woman wet the feet of Jesus, and with what did she wipe them?

ANSWER: A. She wet His feet with her tears B. She wiped His feet with her hair (7:38)

7. QUESTION: What three courtesies had Simon not extended when Jesus came into his house? ANSWER: A. He gave Him no water for His feet B. He did not greet Him with a kiss C. He poured no oil on His head (7:44-46)

8. QUESTION: Simon did not pour oil on Jesus’ head, what did the sinful woman do for Jesus? ANSWER: She poured perfume on His feet (7:46)

9. QUESTION: How did Christ describe the sins of the woman who anointed Him with perfume? ANSWER: Her many sins (7:47)

10. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “Your __________ has saved you; go in __________.” ANSWER: A. Faith B. Peace (7:50)


1. QUESTION: What miracle had Jesus performed in the life of Mary Magdalene? ANSWER: He had cast evil spirits out of her (8:2)

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2. QUESTION: What four types of ground were mentioned in the parable of the sower of the seed? ANSWER: A. The path B. Rocky ground C. Thorny ground D. Good soil (8:5-8)

3. QUESTION: According to Christ, in the Parable of the Sower of the Seed, what does the seed represent? ANSWER: The Word of God (8:11)

4. QUESTION: What two elements of nature did Jesus rebuke during the storm out on the lake? ANSWER: A. The wind B. The raging waters (8:24)

5. QUESTION: How did the demon-possessed man who lived in the tombs address Jesus? ANSWER: Jesus, Son of the Most High God (8:28)

6. QUESTION: What was the condition of the man called “Legion” when the people of the town and countryside found him with Jesus?

ANSWER: He was dressed and in his right mind (8:35)

7. QUESTION: Give the name of the ruler of the synagogue, which fell down at Jesus’ feet, pleading for him to come to his house.

ANSWER: Jairus (8:41)

8. QUESTION: What did the woman, subject to bleeding, do in order to receive healing? ANSWER: She came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of His cloak (8:44)

9. QUESTION: What message came while Jesus was healing the woman, subject to bleeding? ANSWER: The daughter of Jairus was dead (8:49)

10. QUESTION: After raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead, what did Jesus command to be done for her? ANSWER: That she be given something to eat (8:55)


1. QUESTION: When Christ sent out His disciples, what things were they to take along for their journey? ANSWER: They were to take nothing (9:3)

2. QUESTION: What Old Testament prophet did some speculate Christ could be? ANSWER: Elijah (9:8)

3. QUESTION: When the disciples asked Jesus to send the crowds home for food and lodging, what did He them to do?

ANSWER: Give them something to eat (9:13)

4. QUESTION: According to Luke 9:17, after the people had been fed, how much food was left over? ANSWER: Twelve basketfuls of broken pieces (9:17)

5. QUESTION: Quote Peter’s response to Christ’s question: “Who do you say I am?” ANSWER: “God’s Messiah.” (9:20)

6. QUESTION: What two men appeared with Jesus during His transfiguration? ANSWER: A. Moses B. Elijah (9:30)

7. QUESTION: According to Luke 9:46, what argument started among the disciples? ANSWER: Which of them would be the greatest (9:46)

8. QUESTION: Why did John try to stop an individual who was casting out demons in Jesus’ name? ANSWER: Because the individual was one of their group (9:49) ANSWER: “Do not stop him, for whoever is not against you is for you.” (9:50)

9. QUESTION: What did James and John want to do to the people of the Samaritan village who refused to welcome Jesus?

ANSWER: Call fire down from heaven and destroy them (9:54)

10. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “Foxes have __________ and birds have __________, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His __________.”

ANSWER: A. Dens B. Nests C. Head (9:58)

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CHAPTER TEN 1. QUESTION: Quote the words of Jesus found in Luke 10:2. ANSWER: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send

out workers into His harvest field.” (10:2)

2. QUESTION: Jesus said it would be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than it would for what town? ANSWER: The town that rejected the seventy sent out by Christ (10:10-12)

3. QUESTION: According to Luke 10:18, how had Christ seen Satan? ANSWER: Falling as lightning from heaven (10:18)

4. QUESTION: We are not to rejoice because spirits submit to us but for what more important reason? ANSWER: Because our names are written in heaven (10:20)

5. QUESTION: According to Luke 10:25, who stood up to test Jesus? ANSWER: An expert in the law (10:25)

6. QUESTION: What did the expert in the law ask as he tested Jesus? ANSWER: Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? (10:25)

7. QUESTION: According to the story of the “Good Samaritan,” what three men came along and saw the wounded man?

ANSWER: A. A priest B. A Levite C. A Samaritan (10:31-33)

8. QUESTION: Which man was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? ANSWER: The one who showed mercy on him (10:37)

9. QUESTION: (Two-part question) Martha had a sister called Mary. According to Luke 10:39, where did Mary sit, and what did she do there during Jesus visit to their home?

ANSWER: A. She sat at the Lord’s feet. B. She listened to what He said (10:39)

10. QUESTION: What did Martha want the Lord to tell Mary to do? ANSWER: To help her serve (10:40)


1. QUESTION: Complete this phrase from the Lord’s Prayer and give its reference. “Forgive us our sins…” ANSWER: “…For we also forgive everyone who sins against us” Luke 11:4

2. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “For everyone who __________ receives; the one who __________ finds; and to the one who __________, the door will be opened.”

ANSWER: A. Asks B. Seeks C. Knocks (11:10)

3. QUESTION: (Two-part question) Jesus was accused of casting out demons through whom and who was this individual?

ANSWER: A. Beelzebul B. The chief of the demons (11:15)

4. QUESTION: (Finish this statement) “Whoever is not with Me…” ANSWER: “ against Me.” (11:23)

5. QUESTION: How did Christ compare Himself to the sign of Jonah? ANSWER: “For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation.”


6. QUESTION: What did Christ have to say concerning what was on the inside of the Pharisees? ANSWER: Inside they were full of greed and wickedness (11:39)

7. QUESTION: What three things did Jesus say the Pharisees tithed? ANSWER: A. Mint B. Rue C. All other kinds of garden herbs (11:42)

8. QUESTION: What did the experts of the law load upon people? ANSWER: Burdens they could hardly carry (11:46)

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9. QUESTION: According to Christ, their ancestors killed the prophets, but what did the experts of the law and the Pharisees for them?

ANSWER: Built tombs for them (11:48)

10. QUESTION: Why did the Pharisees and teachers of the law oppose Jesus fiercely and besiege Him with questions?

ANSWER: They were waiting to catch Him in something He might say (11:54)


1. QUESTION: What is the yeast of the Pharisees? ANSWER: Hypocrisy (12:1)

2. QUESTION: According to Luke 12:7, what does Jesus say about the very hairs of our head? ANSWER: They are all numbered. (12:7)

3. QUESTION: Who will teach us what to say when we are brought unto the rulers and authorities? ANSWER: The Holy Spirit (12:12)

4. QUESTION: How did the rich man propose to take his ease? ANSWER: By eating, drinking and being merry (12:19)

5. QUESTION: On the night that God condemned the rich man, what did He demand from him? ANSWER: The rich man’s life (12:20)

6. QUESTION: Quote Luke 12:31. ANSWER: “But seek his kingdom; and these things will be given to you as well.” (12:31)

7. QUESTION: Where will a person’s heart be found? ANSWER: Wherever your treasure is (12:34)

8. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “Be __________ready for service and keep your lamps __________,...” ANSWER: A. Dressed B. Burning (12:35)

9. QUESTION: According to Luke 12:42, who will receive their food allowance at the proper time? ANSWER: The faithful and wise manager (12:42)

10. QUESTION: What will happen to the servant who knows his master’s will and did not get ready? ANSWER: He will be beaten with many blows. (12:47)

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THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions

Property of Live God Loud Ministries, Inc.

KA Blue Ridge (Virginia) Wednesday Quiz Material—(Chapters 13-24)

KA Blue Mountain (Pennsylvania) Wednesday Quiz Material (Chapters 9-16) Thursday Quiz Material (Chapters 17-24)


1. QUESTION: According to Luke 13:3, what will happen to the one who does not repent? ANSWER: They will perish. (13:3)

2. QUESTION: What did the man who had a fig tree growing in his vineyard find on his tree? ANSWER: No fruit (13:6)

3. QUESTION: The woman who was crippled by a spirit was bent over. What could she not do for herself? ANSWER: She could straighten up at all. (13:11)

4. QUESTION: Finish this statement of Jesus. “Woman, you are set free...” ANSWER: “...from your infirmity.” (13:12)

5. QUESTION: What did the woman in Christ’s parable mix into 60 pounds of flour? ANSWER: Yeast (13:21)

6. QUESTION: Where are we to make every effort to enter in? ANSWER: The narrow door (13:24)

7. QUESTION: What will happen when an individual hears the words “Away from me!” and finds themselves thrown out of the kingdom of God?

ANSWER: They will weep and gnash their teeth. (13:28)

8. QUESTION: Those who come and take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God will come from what places?

ANSWER: The east, west, north and south (13:29)

9. QUESTION: What did Jesus call Herod? ANSWER: That fox (13:31-32)

10. QUESTION: When did Christ prophesy that He would reach His goal? ANSWER: On the third day (13:32)


1. QUESTION: Before healing the man which had swelling of his body, what question did Jesus ask the

Pharisees and lawyers? ANSWER: “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” (14:3)

2. QUESTION: According to Jesus, when you are invited to a wedding feast, where should you sit? ANSWER: At the lowest place (14:10)

3. QUESTION: Christ instructed His listeners to invite what type of people to their banquets? ANSWER: A. The poor B. The crippled C. The lame D. The blind (14:13)

4. QUESTION: A certain man prepared a great banquet and invited many guests. What were his servants to say to the invited guests?

ANSWER: “Come, for everything is now ready.” (14:17)

5. QUESTION: How did the invited guest respond? ANSWER: They all began to make excuses. (14:18)

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6. QUESTION: Where were the servants ordered to go in order to find the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame?

ANSWER: Into the streets and alleys of the town (14:21)

7. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “And whoever does not ________ _________ __________ and follow me cannot be my disciple.”

8. QUESTION: What will people do to the man who lays the foundation but cannot finish his building because he failed to estimate the cost?

ANSWER: They will ridicule him. (14:29)

9. QUESTION: (Finish this statement found in Luke 14:34) “Salt is good: but if it loses its saltiness,...” ANSWER: “ can it be salty again?” (14:34)

10. QUESTION: What happens to salt if it loses its saltiness? ANSWER: It is thrown out. (14:35)


1. QUESTION: According to Luke 15:1, what type of people gathered around Jesus, causing the Pharisees and

teachers to mutter against Jesus? ANSWER: The tax collectors and sinners (15:1-2)

2. QUESTION: According to Luke 15:2, the Pharisees and teachers accused Jesus of not only welcoming sinners but of what else?

ANSWER: Eating with them (15:2)

3. QUESTION: In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd have? ANSWER: One hundred (15:4)

4. QUESTION: According to Luke 15:7, what event will cause rejoicing in heaven? ANSWER: One sinner who repents (15:7)

5. QUESTION: When the woman who had lost a coin found it, who did she call on to rejoice with her? ANSWER: Her friends and neighbors (15:9)

6. QUESTION: How did the younger son squander his wealth? ANSWER: In wild living (15:13)

7. QUESTION: What four things did the father do when he saw his son returning home? ANSWER: A. He had compassion. B. He ran to him. C. He hugged him.

D. He kissed him (15:20)

8. QUESTION: What three things did the father command to be given to his prodigal son? ANSWER: A. The best robe B. A ring on his finger C. Sandals on his feet (15:22)

9. QUESTION: Who was in the field while the family was celebrating the return of the prodigal? ANSWER: The older son (15:25)

10. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “But we had to __________ and be ________, because this brother of yours was dead, and is alive again; he was lost and is found.”

ANSWER: A. Celebrate B. Glad (15:32)


1. QUESTION: When the unjust manager realized he was going to lose his job, what people did he call on? ANSWER: His master’s debtors (16:5)

2. QUESTION: A man will not be trusted with true riches if he has not been trustworthy in what? ANSWER: Handling worldly wealth (16:11)

3. QUESTION: What two masters did Christ say you could not serve? ANSWER: God and money (16:13)

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4. QUESTION: What accusation does Luke 16:14 make against the Pharisees? ANSWER: They loved money. (16:14)

5. QUESTION: According to the words of Christ, how does God feel about that which is valued highly among men?

ANSWER: It is detestable in God’s sight. (16:15)

6. QUESTION: The rich man in of Luke 16:19-31 was described in what manner? ANSWER: He was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. (16:19)

7. QUESTION: For what was Lazarus begging as he sat at the rich man’s gate? ANSWER: To eat whatever fell from the rich man’s table (16:21)

8. QUESTION: When Lazarus died, where did the angels carry him? ANSWER: To Abraham’s side (16:22)

9. QUESTION: Why did the rich man ask that Lazarus dip his finger in water and come to him? ANSWER: To cool his tongue (16:24)

10. QUESTION: What did the rich man want Lazarus to do for his five brothers? ANSWER: To go and warn them about the torments of hell (16:27-28)


1. QUESTION: What are we to do when a brother or sister repents for the sins against us? ANSWER: We are to forgive them. (17:3)

2. QUESTION: If a person has faith as small as a mustard seed, what can he say to the mulberry tree? ANSWER: “Be uprooted and planted in the sea.” (17:6)

3. QUESTION: As Jesus passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee, He was met by ten lepers. Where did they stand?

ANSWER: They stood at a distance. (17:12)

4. QUESTION: When the lepers saw Jesus, what did they call out to Him? ANSWER: “Jesus, Master, have pity on us.” (17:13)

5. QUESTION: The one leper that returned to thank Jesus was of what nationality? ANSWER: He was a Samaritan (17:16)

6. QUESTION: The days of the Son of man are likened unto the days of what two men? ANSWER: Noah and Lot (17:26 and 28)

7. QUESTION: What four things did Christ say people did in the days before the flood? ANSWER: A. They ate B. They drank C. They married

D. They were given in marriage (17:27)

8. QUESTION: What happened on the day Lot went out of Sodom? ANSWER: Fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. (17:29)

9. QUESTION: Quote Luke 17:32. ANSWER: “Remember Lot’s wife.” (17:32)

10. QUESTION: Whoever loses their life will what? ANSWER: Preserve it (17:33)


1. QUESTION: Why did Christ tell the parable of the unjust judge? ANSWER: To remind us that we should always pray and not give up. (18:1)

2. QUESTION: (Finish this quote and give the reference) “However, when the Son of man comes,...” ANSWER: “...will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

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3. QUESTION: The Pharisee thanked God for three things he was proud of in his life. Name all three. ANSWER: A. He was not like other people. B. He fasted twice a week. C. He gave a tenth of all he received. (18:11-12)

4. QUESTION: What prayer did the publican pray? ANSWER: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” (18:13)

5. QUESTION: According to Luke 18:17, how should we receive the kingdom of God if we want to enter it? ANSWER: Like a little child (18:17)

6. QUESTION: Why was the ruler so sad when he heard Christ’s requirements of him? ANSWER: He was very wealthy (18:23)

7. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks and give the reference of the verse) “What is __________ with man is __________ with God.”

ANSWER: A. Impossible B. Possible C. Luke 18:27

8. QUESTION: A blind man was sitting by the roadside begging when Jesus approached what city? ANSWER: Jericho (18:35)

9. QUESTION: When the blind man at Jericho called out to Jesus, what did the people do? ANSWER: They rebuked him and told him to be quiet. (18:39)

10. QUESTION: What did the blind man from Jericho do after he received his sight? ANSWER: He followed Jesus and praised God. (18:43)


1. QUESTION: Why couldn’t Zacchaeus see Jesus? ANSWER: Because he was short. (19:3)

2. QUESTION: How did Zacchaeus receive Jesus? ANSWER: He welcomed Him gladly (19:6)

3. QUESTION: What did the people murmur when Jesus went home with Zacchaeus? ANSWER: “He has gone to be guest of a sinner.” (19:7)

4. QUESTION: Before he departed to the distant country, what did the nobleman say to his ten servants when he gave them ten minas?

ANSWER: “Put this money to work until I come back.” (19:13)

5. QUESTION: (Two part question) What did the last servant do with his master’s talent and why did he do it? ANSWER: A. He kept it in a cloth. B. He was afraid of his master. (19:20-21)

6. QUESTION: How did Christ describe the colt the two disciples were to find for Him? ANSWER: A colt that no one has ever ridden (19:30)

7. QUESTION: How were the disciples to respond if they were questioned about taking the colt? ANSWER: “The Lord needs it.” (19:31)

8. QUESTION: What did Christ say would happen if the people remained quiet? ANSWER: The stones would cry out. (19:40)

9. QUESTION: As Christ approached Jerusalem and saw the city, what did he do? ANSWER: He wept over it. (19:41)

10. QUESTION: According to Luke 19:45, whom did Christ cast out of the temple? ANSWER: Those who were selling (19:45)


1. QUESTION: Why were the religious leaders afraid to say the baptism of John was of human origin? ANSWER: They were afraid the people would stone them. (20:6)

2. QUESTION: Why did the man who planted a vineyard rent it out to some farmers? ANSWER: Because he was going away for a long time (20:9)

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3. QUESTION: What did the people say when they heard the parable of the wicked tenants? ANSWER: “God forbid.” (20:16)

4. QUESTION: How did the religious leaders feel about Jesus’ answer concerning paying taxes to Caesar? ANSWER: They were astonished by His answer (20:26)

5. QUESTION: What group of religious leaders, in Jesus’ day, denied there is any resurrection? ANSWER: The Sadducees (20:27)

6. QUESTION: God is not the God of the dead, but of whom? ANSWER: Of the living (20:38)

7. QUESTION: What group of people commended Jesus for His answer concerning marriage after the resurrection of the dead?

ANSWER: Some of the teachers of the law (20:39)

8. QUESTION: What king said, “The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”

ANSWER: David (20:42-43)

9. QUESTION: What four things did the teachers of the law desire and love? ANSWER: A. To walk in flowing robes B. To be greeted with respect in the markets C. The most important seats in the synagogues D. Places of honor at banquets (20:46)

10. QUESTION: Why did Christ say to beware of the teachers of the law? ANSWER: They will be punished more severely. (20:47)


1. QUESTION: Into what place did Jesus observe the rich men putting their gifts? ANSWER: Into the temple treasury (21:1)

2. QUESTION: How much did the widow put into the treasury? ANSWER: Two small copper coins (21:2)

3. QUESTION: We are not to be terrified when we hear of what? ANSWER: Wars and uprisings (21:9)

4. QUESTION: When God gives us words and wisdom, how our adversaries respond to us? ANSWER: They will not be able to resist or contradict. (21:15)

5. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) Jesus said, “Everyone will __________ __________ because of Me.” ANSWER: Hate you (21:17)

6. QUESTION: How long did Christ say Jerusalem would be trampled by the Gentiles? ANSWER: Until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (21:24)

7. QUESTION: What did Christ predict would happen to men’s health because of the things which would come upon the earth?

ANSWER: People will faint from terror. (21:26)

8. QUESTION: What tree did Christ use in a parable to illustrate His coming? ANSWER: The fig tree (21:29)

9. QUESTION: The generation which witnesses the budding of the fig will not pass away until what transpires? ANSWER: Until all things have happened (21:32)

10. QUESTION: Although heaven and earth shall pass away, what will never pass away? ANSWER: Christ’s words (21:33)

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CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO 1. QUESTION: Under what condition did Judas seek to betray Jesus? ANSWER: When no crowd was present (22:6)

2. QUESTION: What two men did Jesus send to prepare the Passover? ANSWER: Peter and John (22:8)

3. QUESTION: How were Peter and John to recognize the man at whose house they were to prepare the Passover?

ANSWER: He would be carrying a jar of water. (22:10)

4. QUESTION: When did Jesus sit down at the Passover table with His disciples? ANSWER: When the hour came (22:14)

5. QUESTION: According to Luke 22:19, what did Jesus say as He gave the bread to His disciples during the Last Supper?

ANSWER: “This is My body given for you: do this in remembrance of Me.” (22:19)

6. QUESTION: According to Luke 22:20, what did Jesus say as He passed the cup to His disciples during the Last Supper?

ANSWER: “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you.” (22:20)

7. QUESTION: Christ said the one who rules should be as what? ANSWER: Like the one who serves (22:26)

8. QUESTION: Before what event did Christ predict Peter would deny Him three times? ANSWER: Before the rooster crowed that day (22:34)

9. QUESTION: What appeared to Jesus to strengthen Him as He prayed on the Mount of Olives? ANSWER: An angel (22:43)

10. QUESTION: How did Peter react when he remembered the Lord’s warning about his denial? ANSWER: He went outside and wept bitterly (22:62)


1. QUESTION: According to Luke 23:3, what did Pilate ask Jesus? ANSWER: “Are You the King of the Jews?” (23:3)

2. QUESTION: How did the men of Herod clothe Jesus? ANSWER: They arrayed Him in an elegant robe. (23:11)

3. QUESTION: What did Pilate offer to do before releasing Jesus? ANSWER: Punish Him (23:16)

4. QUESTION: What man was called on to carry Christ’s cross? ANSWER: Simon, from Cyrene (23:26)

5. QUESTION: According to Luke 23:32, who was crucified with Christ? ANSWER: Two criminals (23:32)

6. QUESTION: What did they do with Christ’s clothes? ANSWER: They divided them by casting lots. (23:34)

7. QUESTION: What did the written notice above Him on the cross read? ANSWER: “This is the King of the Jews.” (23:38)

8. QUESTION: What happened in the temple during the death of Christ? ANSWER: The curtain of the temple was torn in two. (23:45)

9. QUESTION: What man went to Pilate asking for the body of Jesus? ANSWER: Joseph of Arimathea (23:50-52)

10. QUESTION: What did the women do after they had returned from the burial of Jesus? ANSWER: They prepared spices and perfumes. (23:56)

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1. QUESTION: When did the women come to the tomb with the spices they had prepared? ANSWER: On the first day of the week, very early in the morning (24:1)

2. QUESTION: What did the two men in shining garments ask the women who came to anoint the body of Christ?

ANSWER: “Why do you look the living among the dead?” (24:5)

3. QUESTION: What distance was Emmaus from Jerusalem? ANSWER: Seven miles (24:13)

4. QUESTION: What did Christ expound to the men on the road to Emmaus? ANSWER: All the Scriptures concerning Himself (24:27)

5. QUESTION: What happened after Cleopas and his friend recognized the Lord? ANSWER: He disappeared from their sight. (24:31)

6. QUESTION: How could the disciples be sure Jesus was not a spirit? ANSWER: A ghost does not have flesh and bones as Christ did (24:39)

7. QUESTION: What did Jesus do to prove to His disciples that He was not a spirit? ANSWER: He ate a piece of broiled fish in their presence. (24:42-43)

8. QUESTION: Where is repentance for the forgiveness of sins to be preached? ANSWER: All nations (24:47)

9. QUESTION: What happened when Jesus blessed His disciples? ANSWER: He left them and was taken up into heaven. (24:51)

10. QUESTION: What did the disciples do after Jesus was taken up into heaven? ANSWER: They worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy (24:52)