the gospel of the almighty wonder worker...3 the gospel of the almighty wonder worker 1. most...


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Page 1: THE GOSPEL OF THE ALMIGHTY WONDER WORKER...3 THE GOSPEL OF THE ALMIGHTY WONDER WORKER 1. Most authorities consider Mark to have become an assistant to Peter. 2. They conclude he is







Page 2: THE GOSPEL OF THE ALMIGHTY WONDER WORKER...3 THE GOSPEL OF THE ALMIGHTY WONDER WORKER 1. Most authorities consider Mark to have become an assistant to Peter. 2. They conclude he is



This study guide is intended to serve as a resource for teaching the gospel of Mark. It is

not a synoptic view of the gospels. While other gospel accounts are referenced in order to clarify some of the teaching of Mark the main purpose of this guide is to lead us through Mark’s account of Jesus Christ, the Almighty Wonder Worker.

It has been my goal to accurately explain the text. However, I would encourage you to

keep your bible open and use it as the authority for explaining the inspired text. Enjoy your study and remember that the word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit while the writings of men are not inspired works.

George Carman, D.Min [email protected] 817-980-6575 November, 2015

© Copyright

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INTRODUCTION: I. Purpose: Each of the four Gospels was written for a different purpose.

1. Matthew: Gospel of the King. a. Written to a Jewish audience. b. Presents Jesus as a king (Son of David). c. Begins with genealogy of Jesus and His birth. d. Date: Sometime before 70 AD.

2. Mark: Gospel of the Almighty Wonder Worker. a. Written to a Roman audience b. Presents Jesus as a powerful wonder worker. c. Writes of the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. d. Date: 67 to 68 A.D. but before 70 AD.

3. Luke: Gospel of Jesus the Son of Man. a. Written to Theophilus (a Greek audience). b. Presents Jesus as the son of Man. c. Begins with the announcement of John’s birth. d. Date: around 63-64 AD.

4. John: Gospel of Belief. a. Written to Christians. b. Presents the life and work of Jesus as a cause for belief in His name. c. Begins with the Word (Jesus) who existed from the beginning. d. Date: around 90 AD.

II. Things Peculiar To Mark.

1. Evidence It was written to Roman audience: a. Jewish terms are explained by Mark. This would have been important if the

audience was not Jewish. 1) Boanerges, 3:17. 2) Cumi, 5:41. 3) Corban, 7:11. 4) Ephphatha, 7:34. 5) Abba, 14:36. b. At times, Mark renders Greek into Latin. 1) The two lepta (Copper coins) amounted to one Roman quadrans (penny),

12:42. 2) The palace (praetorium) the Governors official residence, 15:16. 3) Mark moves from one scene to another and uses the work “immediately” often.

Hence it is marked by: a). Brevity. b). Compactness. c). Vivid scenes.

III. Author: Mark, the disciple who first accompanied Paul and later assisted Barnabas.

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1. Most authorities consider Mark to have become an assistant to Peter. 2. They conclude he is the “Mark, my son” mentioned in 1 Peter 5:13. 3. Mark accompanied Paul on his first Missionary Journey, Acts 13:13. 4. But not the second, Acts 15:37-41. 5. Later in life, he was of great value to all, including Paul, 2 Timothy 4:11. 6. The Apostolic Father (a group of men who wrote in the Century following the Apostles)

credit Mark with authorship. a. Papias, bishop of Hierapolis near Colossae, wrote in 140 AD, “…Mark, who

became Peter’s interpreter, wrote accurately, though not in order, all that he remembers of the things said or done by the Lord. . . Mark did nothing blameworthy in thus writing some things just as he remembered them; for he was careful of this one thing, to omit none of the things he had heard and to make no untrue statement therein.” (Eusebius, Church History III.30).

b. An unknown Christian writer wrote to Marcion 20 to 40 years later wrote, “…Mark declared, who is called ‘stump-fingered’ because he had short fingers in comparison to the rest of his body. He was Peter’s interpreter. After the death of Peter himself he wrote down this same gospel in the regions of Italy.” (Anti-Marcionite Prologue to Mark.)

c. Irenaeus wrote about 180 AD, “And after their (i.e. Peter’s and Paul’s death) Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, himself also handed down to us in writing the things preached by Peter.” (Against Heresies, III.i.1).

V. Brief Outline of the Gospel of Mark

1. The Beginning of the Gospel, 1:1-13. 2. The Galilean Ministry, 1:14-8:26. 3. The Way to Jerusalem, 8:27-10:52. 4. Jerusalem-Judean Ministry, 11:1-12:44. 5. The Destruction of the Temple and God’s Judgment on Jerusalem, 13:1-27. 6. The Passion, 14:1-16:8. 7. Epilogue, 16:9-20.

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CHAPTER ONE Part One: The Beginning of the Gospel, 1:1-13

1. John the Baptist prepares the way for the Lord, 1:1-8.

1. Mark references Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3 in verses 2-3.

2. John appeared (began his ministry) about 26 AD.

3. His message was: Repent and be baptized (for the remission of your sins).

4. He dressed in an unusual way.

5. He proclaimed the coming of one greater than himself.

6. The coming one (Messiah) was to baptize with the Holy Spirit. (Note: Mark does

not mention baptism with fire. Note the 7 baptisms of the New Testament (each

one different):

i. Baptism of John, Mark 1:4 (See Acts 19:4).

ii. Baptism with the Holy Spirit, Mark 1:8.

iii. Baptism with fire, Matthew 3:11.

iv. Baptism (death), Mark 10:38; Matthew 10:38; Luke 12:50.

v. Baptism in the cloud and Red Sea, 1 Corinthians 10:2.

vi. Baptism into Christ, Acts 2:38.

vii. Baptism for the dead *, I Corinthians 15:29.

NOTE: As of Ephesians 4:5, there is only one (1) baptism remaining. That

baptism is an immersion in water for the forgiveness of sins.

2. Introduction to Messiah and His Ministry, 1:9-13

1. Baptism of Jesus, 1:9-11.

2. Temptation of Jesus, 1:12-13. (Notice the brevity (action) of each event.)

Part Two: Jesus begins His ministry, 1:14-45.

1. Jesus begins His ministry, 1:14-15.

2. Jesus’ First Disciples & Various Healings, 1:16-45.

3. Calling “fishers of men”, 1:16-20.

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4. Healings in Capernaum cause His fame to spread into Galilee, 1:21-45.

a. Demon possessed man, 1:21-28.

b. Many more healings, 1:29-34.

c. Jesus travels through Galilee healing and preaching, 1:35-39.

d. Jesus cleanses a leper, 1:40-45.

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CHAPTER TWO The Work Jesus Came To Do: (Heal, Call workers, Create Controversy) Part One: Jesus heals a paralytic in Capernaum, 2:1-12.

1. Jesus’ home base in the north is Capernaum, Matthew 4:13.

a. The question of forgiveness. Who besides God has the power to forgive sins?

b. Answer: The Son of Man (Jesus).

2. Result: God is glorified. By whom?

a. By Jesus.

b. By the person healed.

c. By believers.

Part Two: Controversy Begins: (Note: In Chapter One we see Jesus’ popularity (glory) but in

Chapter Two we see controversy). 2:13-28.

3. The call of Levi (Matthew), 2:13-17.

a. Tax collectors were hated by the Jews because they worked for the Roman


b. Levi collected tariffs on imports and exports to the province.

i. Publicans (tax collectors) usually collected whatever the traffic would bear.

ii. They were considered traitors, extortionists and as being unfaithful to the

Jewish religion.

iii. Many passages call them tax collectors and sinners, Matthew 11:16-19.

c. Levi given a new name, Matthew: “gift of God”.

4. What about fasting? 2:18-22.

a. Moses did it in Exodus.

b. Elijah did it in 1 Kings.

c. Jesus did it in Matthew.

d. John’s disciples did it in Mark.

e. What about us? See Acts 13:1ff for an example of Christians fasting.

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5. Jesus is Lord of even the Sabbath! 2:23-28.

a. First mention of Sabbath in Exodus 16:23.

b. The Sabbath was given to Israel and no one else, Deut 5:1-3; Nehemiah 9:12-14;

Ezekiel, 20:10-12; Psalm 147:19-20.

c. There is no mention of Sabbath keeping by mankind before being instituted by

God, through Moses, in the book of Exodus.

d. The Sabbath was given only to the Israelites.

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CHAPTER THREE The Work Jesus Came To Do: (Jesus asserts His authority) Part One: Jesus heals a man with a shriveled hand, 3:1-6

1. By healing on the Sabbath day Jesus creates controversy.

2. The Pharisees and Herodians seek to destroy Him.

a. Who were the Pharisees? The largest group of Jew. (Meaning; “separated ones”).

100 B.C. to 70 A.D.

b. The Pharisees

i. Believed in angels.

ii. Accepted all of the Old Testament.

iii. Believed in the resurrection from the dead.

iv. Paul used the beliefs of the Sadducees and Pharisees against one another

in Acts 23:6-10.

c. Who were the Herodians?

i. Herodians were a select group of Jews who supported the dynasty of


ii. They were most likely Sadducees.

d. Who were the Sadducees?

i. Rejected the belief of the Pharisees concerning angels, life after death.

ii. Accepted only the first five books of the Old Testament.

iii. In Jesus’ day the High Priests was a Sadducee. They were the ruling party.

e. Essenes were another sect of the Jews.

i. They are not mentioned in the New Testament.

ii. They were monastic and lived in the wilderness.

iii. They had a common fund where all shared and shared alike.

iv. Even food was shared communally. They could not accept food from

Gentiles nor other sects of the Jews.

v. Many, even some who were married, were celibate for the sake of purity.

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3. Jesus by the seashore, 3:7-12

a. The Sea of Galilee with multitudes from everywhere.

b. Teaching

c. Healing

Part Two: Choosing the Twelve, 3:13-21 (Matthew 10:1-4; Luke 6:12-16)

1) Late the first year or early the second year of Jesus’ ministry.

2) Commissioned them to teach and cast out demons and to heal the sick.

3) Called them Apostles, meaning “one sent, messenger, ambassador”.

a) Jesus the apostles of God (only one), Heb 3:1.

b) Jesus appointed apostles for the church.

c) There were also apostles for the church, 2 Cor 8:23; Acts 24:14.

Part Three: Controversy Over Jesus’ Power Source, 3:22-30.

1. Accused Jesus of being from Satan. See Mt 12:22-32; Luke 11:14-23.

2. Blasphemy: “denotes the very worst kind of slander” Bullinger’s Lexicon & Concordance,


3. Refused to acknowledge the Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus during His earthly

ministry. See 3:30.

Part Four: Jesus family, 3:31-35

1. Jesus and His family. Note: Some family members had problems believing Jesus was

correctly fulfilling his ministry. His brothers did not believe in Him. Mark 3:20-21;

John 7:1-5.

2. Jesus true (spiritual) family, Mk 3:34-35.

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CHAPTER FOUR The Work Jesus Came To Do: (Teachings and Miracles) Part One: Parable of the Sower, 4:1-20 (Mt 13:1-9; 18-23) (Luke 8:4-8 –Luke leaves out the

interpretation of the parable)

1. The parable stated, 4:1-9 Sowing and reaping.

2. Purpose of parables, 4:10-12

3. Explanation of the parable, 4:13-20

Part Two: Teachings of Jesus 4:21-25

1. Light, 4:21-22, Mt 5:14-16.

a. God is light, 1 John 1:5.

b. Jesus is light, John 1:6-9; 8:12;

2. Importance of hearing (and heeding), 4:23-25. James 1:19-23.

Part Three: More Parables, 4:26-34 (Parable [parabole] means: “a laying alongside, a


1. Parable of the Growing Seed, 4:26-29 (Only found in Mark).

a. Man plants the seed but growth comes from God, Mt 28:19-20.

b. Man can weed and water but Growth comes from God, 1 Cor 3:6-8..

c. Life is in the seed (word of God), Lk 8:11.

d. The purpose for planting is to harvest, John 4:35-38.

2. Parable of the Mustard Seed, 4:30-32.

3. Jesus spoke many parables, 4:33-4.

Part Four: The tempest stilled 4:35-41, Matthew 8:23-27.

1. Fierce storm comes up, 4:35-37.

2. Jesus asleep, 4:38

3. The apostles were fearful and afraid they would die – Jesus slept peacefully, 4:38.

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4. Jesus stilled the storm, 4:39-41 (With the result that the Apostles feared.) “Who is this,

that even wind and sea obey him?”

5. Can you list other times when Jesus displayed His power over nature? List them below.












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CHAPTER FIVE The Work Jesus Came To Do: (More Healings and Miracles) Part One: The Demon Possessed Man, 5:1-20.

1. The connection of this story to the previous one is easy to remember.

a. Jesus calms the angry sea (chapter 4).

b. Jesus rebukes the 12 for their great fear and questions their faith, 4:40. Why?

c. The apostles are filled with fear and awe at the mighty power of Jesus Christ, 4:41.

d. How do WE feel about Jesus?

2. Jesus confronts the wild man (chapter 5). This story is also told in Matt 8:28-9:1 and

Luke 8:26-39.

a. Matthew speaks of 2 men while Mark and Luke only mentions one.

b. Possibly the city of Khersa, located 6 miles diagonally southeast of Capernaum.

The exact location is unknown.

3. The land of the Gerasenes (Some MSS say Gadarenes). In the Decapolis (10 cities of

the Gentiles) on the other side of the Jordan River. As already stated, the actual location

is unknown.

a. A description of the man, 5:1-5.

1. Mt 8:28 informs us there were two demon possessed men.

2. Mark and Luke only speak of one.

3. Don’t know why

b. The demons confrontation with Jesus, 6-10. Fearful of being cast into the abyss,

Lk 8:31. See 2 Pet 2:2:4.

c. The pigs plunge into the sea and are drowned (about 2,000), 11-14.

d. The people of the city request that Jesus leave the district, 14-17.

e. The man’s request and Jesus’ reply, 18-20.

1. Asked to go along with Jesus – request denied.

2. Sent back home to tell others what God had done for him, Mk 7:31-32.

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Part Two: Two significant miracles, 5:21-43

1. Jarius’ daughter and the woman who touched Jesus’ garment are interwoven together

into one event.

2. Jarius comes to Jesus for help. He was a ruler of the Synagogue, Luke 8:41.

a. Mark reports that Jarius came to Jesus saying his daughter was at the point of


b. Matthew differs from Mark and Luke in saying the child is dead, Mt 9:18.

c. Perhaps Matthew spoke providing the father’s understanding that death was

coming quickly.

3. Outline:

a. The first miracle introduced, 21-24. (Jarius’ daughter)

b. The first miracle interrupted 25-34. (The woman with a bleeding issue)

i. Great crowd. Surely others touched or brushed against the Lord.

ii. He felt power go out from him when the woman touched his garment.

iii. Jesus commends the faith of the woman and goes His way.

c. The second miracle performed, 35-43. (The raising of Jairus’ daughter from the


i. A servant of Jairus come to inform him that the daughter was dead.

ii. Jesus denied the report (knowing what He was about to do).

iii. The crowd laughed at Jesus claims, Lk 8:46.

iv. The parents, Peter, James, and John were only ones allowed to go to the

girl with Jesus.

v. He raised her from the dead.

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CHAPTER SIX The Work Jesus Came To Do: (Significant Events Including rejection, John’s death, and more miracles) Part One: The Rejection in Nazareth, 6:1-6a

1. Jesus teaching and the people’s rejection, Mk 6:1-3.

2. Jesus was a prophet without honor in his own hometown, 6:4.

3. Jesus marveled at their unbelief and went to other towns to preach, 6:5-6.

4. Why do you suppose Jesus marveled?

a. They should have known Him and His character because of living among them.

b. They should have known the prophecies concerning the Messiah.

c. His miracles should have convinced them.

d. His teaching should have convinced them.

e. Can you think of other possibilities?

Part Two: Jesus’ charge to the Twelve, 6:7-13

1. The 12 sent to preach. A study of Matthew 12 gives more insight into the present and

coming ministry of the Apostles. Look it over and list the things not mentioned in Mark’s


2. And to cast out demons and to heal, 6:7. For information on healing see Mt 12.

3. They were to take only essentials, Mk 6:8-9

4. They went out to do their work entirely dependent upon the generosity of people in the

towns and cities where they went.

5. When rejected they were to shake the dust of their feet from that town.

Part Three: The Death of John the Baptist, 6:14-29.

1. What was being said about Jesus after John’s death:

a. He is a miracle worker.

b. He is Elijah.

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c. He is a prophet of old.

d. He is John the Baptist raised from the dead.

2. Herod arrested John because of Herod’s wife.

3. John arrested because he condemned the relationship of Herod and his wife.

4. She wanted him dead but Herod resisted.

5. The birthday banquet sealed the death of John, 6:21-29.

Part Four: The Feeding the 5,000, 6:33-40.

1. Jesus went away to mourn the death of John, 6:21-29; Matthew 14:13.

2. The people followed, 30-44

3. The miracle of loaves and fishes fed 5,000 men, not counting women and children.

4. More was left over than the amount of food they had at the beginning. (12 baskets full).

Part Five: Jesus Walks On The Water, 6:45-52.

1. Mark omits Peter walking on the water. See Matthew 14:28-33 to learn about this event.

2. Jesus miracles in the midst of the sea left the apostles astounded!

Part Six: Healings In Gennesaret, 6:53-56.

1. Gennesaret is a place located just south of Capernaum.

2. Jesus heals many, including people from the entire region.

3. Even those who touched the tassel of his garment were healed.

4. Do you ever wonder why so many rejected our Lord? John 20:30-31.

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CHAPTER SEVEN The Work Jesus Came To Do: (Traditions of men, a foreigners faith and more healings) Part One: Traditions of Men and true defilement, 7:1-23

1. The Pharisees and Scribes wanted Jesus’ disciples to do things “their” way.

a. They placed the tradition of the elders on an equal plane with the commandments

of God.

b. Note: There are traditions we must keep, Acts 2:42; 2 Thes 2:15; 3:6; 1 Cor 11:2.

c. Do we sometimes bind our human traditions upon others? Should we? Matt15:9.

d. When we force others to what we like (apart from Scriptural commandment) does

that make us like the Pharisees and Scribes?

2. What Defiles a Person, 7:24-33

a. Jesus critics probably withdrew from Him and He now addresses the crowd.

b. The Pharisees and Scribes thought defilement worked from outside to inside.

c. Jesus shows the opposite to be true. True defilement works from the inside out.

3. Summary of the confrontations between Jesus and His critics:

a. Accused Him of blaspheming by forgiving sins, a divine prerogative, 2:7.

b. Accused Him of associating with “bad” people (sinners), 2:16.

c. Accused Him of allowing his disciples to break the Sabbath, 2:24.

d. Accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath Himself, 3:2,6.

e. Accused him of casting out demons by the power of Satan, 3:22.

f. Accused him of breaking the tradition of the fathers, 7:5.

Part Two: A Foreigners Faith, 7:24-37 (An interesting contrast to the critics of Jesus)

1. The beginning or inauguration, Mark 1:1-13.

2. Great Galilean Ministry, 1:14-7:23.

3. Jesus’ Perean Ministry (A time when Jesus taught outside the area of the Jewish people)


4. The Syro-phoenician (Canaanite) Woman, 7:24-30.

a. At first Jesus ignores her and appears to insult her.

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b. Her faith results in the healing of her daughter.

5. A man who was both deaf and mute is healed in the area of the Decapolis, 7:31-37.

Remember Mk 5:19-20.

a. Jesus put His fingers in the ears of the deaf man.

b. Jesus spit and touched the man’s tongue.

c. Jesus said “ephphatha” meaning “be opened”.

d. His ears were opened and his tongue released so he could speak.

e. The people acknowledge that Jesus does all things well.

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CHAPTER EIGHT VERSE ONE THROUGH NINE VERSE ONE The Work Jesus Came To Do: (Feeding 4,000, Yeast of the Pharisees & Herod, ) Part One: Feeding the 4,000, 8:1-10

1. This is the second feeding of the masses, (see 6:30ff to review the feeding of the 5,000).

2. According to Mt 15:29-39, this event happened on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

3. Jesus did many miracles there, Mt 15:29-31.

4. This time, Jesus multiplied 7 loaves and a few small fish and ended up with 7 baskets of


5. Afterwards, Mark tells us that Jesus headed for Dalmanutha, probably the city of Magdala

that is mentioned in Mt 15:39.

Part Two: Jesus rebukes those seeking a sign, 8:11-13.

1. The Pharisees come demanding Jesus give them a sign from heaven.

a. They come arguing.

b. They come demanding.

c. They come to test Him demanding He “perform” a miracle in their sight.

2. Jesus is grieved by their argumentative tone.

3. He did not give signs by demand. He did not give signs to those who already displayed

their unbelief that He was indeed the Christ, the Son of God.

Part Three: The leaven Of The Pharisees and Herod, 8:14-20.

1. In the Old Testament, yeast (leaven) was not allowed in sacrifices, Lev 2:11.

2. Yeast (leaven) is often considered to be a principle of Corruption and is symbolic of sin:

Mt 16:6; Lk 12:1; 1 Cor 5:6-8; Gal 5:9.

3. The nature of leaven is that it permeates the entire mixture. Therefore, if it is bad leaven

the entire mixture is polluted.

4. Jesus warned the apostles to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod.

5. The disciples talk among themselves asking if they had forgotten to bring bread.

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6. Jesus asks why they are discussing physical bread. He questions the apostles: 8:14-18

a. Why do you ask about bread?

b. Do you not perceive nor understand?

c. Are your hearts hardened?

d. Do you not see, hear, nor understand?

e. Jesus then reminds them of the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000.

7. The final question is, “Do you not yet understand?” Understand what? That the spiritual

needs outweigh physical needs. Mt 6:24-33.

8. Sometimes Jesus is difficult to understand. If you don’t think so, just ask the Apostles!

Part Four: Healing a blind man, 8:21-26.

1. Healing occurs in Bethsaida – on the Gentile side of Galilef.

2. Jesus spit on his eyes and asked him is he could see.

3. He could see men looking like trees so Jesus laid hands on him again and he was


4. Jesus sent him home, commanding him not to enter the village. 8:26

Part Five: Peter’s Confession and A Prediction of The Passion, 8:27-30

1. The disciples travel to Caesarea Philippi, City at the northern extremity of Palestine, on

the southern slopes of Mt Hermon near the ancient city of Dan. Caesarea Philippi lies in a

beautiful area on one of the three sources of the Jordan River, the Wadi Banias.

2. Disciples asked questions about who Jesus is:

a. “Who do men say that I am?” See Mt 16:13-19 and Luke 9:18-27.

i. Mark records the follow responses:

1. John the Baptist.

2. Elijah,

3. One of the prophets

b. Who do you say that I am? Peter answered “the Christ”, the belief of all the


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3. After Peter’s confession he became a tool of Satan! Mk 8:31-34; Mt 16:21-23 Lk 9:57-62.

4. Never forget how easy it is to fall into sin. If Peter could fall so quickly, so can we.

5. Jesus passion is a consistent theme in all of the Gospels. He knew why He came to this


Part Six: Demands of true discipleship, 8:34-9:1 Compare to Mt 16:24-27. Jesus gives them a

lesson on discipleship

1. Deny self, take up your cross, and follow Jesus.

2. To find life is to lose it and to lose life is to find it.

a. Lose self to follow Jesus.

b. Lose self to spread the gospel.

c. Such people will be saved.

3. True value is found in heaven, not in earthly wealth, Mt 6:19-21; 24.

Part Seven: The imminent coming of the kingdom. 9:1.

a. The kingdom was to come with power.

b. Kingdom to come in the lifetime of some of those listening to the words of Jesus,


4. The kingdom includes:

a. The faithful during the Patriarchal Age.

b. The faithful during the Mosaic Age.

c. Faithful gentiles.

d. The church, which is the kingdom of God on earth.

e. In the Christian Age, to speak of the kingdom is to speak of the church.

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Trace the travels of Jesus during the later part of His ministry as shown below.

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CHAPTER NINE: Beginning with 9:2-50 THE WORK JESUS CAME TO DO: Events Concerning The Passion And Servant Attitudes. Part One: The Transfiguration, 9:2-13

1. In 8:31-38, Jesus casts Satan behind him (Mt 16:23) and begins looking towards

Jerusalem (death).

2. In 9:1, He predicts the coming of the kingdom with power.

3. The transfiguration centers upon the magnificence and preeminence of Jesus Christ.

a. Lk 9:31 reveals that Jesus, Moses, and Elijah discussed what Jesus was to

accomplish in Jerusalem.

b. His death and resurrection.

4. Peter, James and John were terrified, Mk 8:6.

5. Offered to build 3 tabernacles (tents) inferring places of worship.

6. Before Peter was finished a cloud covered them and the voice of God said, “This is my

beloved Son, listen to Him, Mk 9:7 Afterwards, they saw only Jesus alone.

7. The 3 apostles do not understand. Ask what the rising from the dead meant, 9:9-10.

What do you think it meant?

8. A reminder of Elijah to come (John), 9:11-13. Did He come? Yes, in the person of John

the Baptist. The people killed him and would also kill Jesus.

9. The disciples kept the event silent until after the resurrection of Jesus, Mt 17:9; 2 Peter


Part Two: Healing An Epileptic Boy, 9:14-29.

1. Mark gives us the longest account of this event.

2. A lack of faith was the cause for the disciple’s failure. Mk 9:19 (Mt 17:15-16).

3. How often to we fail due to a lack of faith? James 1:5-8; 4:2-3.

4. The father believes but asks for an increase in faith. Mk 9:22-24.

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5. The young man healed followed by a discussion on what faith can accomplish, 9:28; Mt


Part Three: The Second Prediction Of The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus, 9:30-32.

1. It is amazing how many times Jesus makes predictions of his coming passion.

2. It is amazing to see how confused his disciples remained in regard to Jesus’ teaching

concerning His death and resurrection see v32.

a. The apostles did not understand.

b. Perhaps because of preconceived ideas.

c. They were afraid to ask for clarification.

Part Four: In Capernaum The Apostles Question Jesus About Greatness (Position), 9:33-37.

1. Chapter 10 will give a more detailed discussion of the problem of “leadership”.

2. On this occasion, Jesus gives them two illustrations of how to achieve greatness:

a. Be a Servant: The first must be last and the last first.

b. The need to be childlike in faith. Mt 18:1-4. The word for child means “little one or

infant”. It could be used for what we would call a toddler.

Part Five: Who Is FOR Jesus? 9:38-41.

1. Jesus’ disciples told an unknown group of “unauthorized” miracles workers to stop

healing others, 9:38.

2. Jesus commanded His disciples not to forbid others from doing good works in the name

of Jesus, 9:39-40.

3. Even those giving a drink of water to the thirsty will receive their reward.

4. Such people cannot speak evil against Jesus.

5. Do not think this means we must accept all who call upon the name of Jesus. It does not.

a. Even the devils believe and tremble, James 2:19.

b. They often confess Jesus as the Christ, Mk 5:7-8.

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6. These miracle workers were disciples who were sanctioned by Jesus because they had

been empowered by the Holy Spirit of God and Jesus knew they were His people.

Part Six: Guard Against Causing Little Ones To Sin, 9:42-50.

1. Two times in this chapter Jesus uses Children to teach vital lessons:

a. Who is greatest? Be like a little child, 9:37.

b. Who is condemned? Those who cause little children to stumble and fall, 9:42-44.

c. It is better to tie a millstone around your neck than to cause a child to sin.

2. The need to take drastic measures to guard our lives from sin, 9:42-49.

a. Loss of a hand better than hell fire.

b. Loss of a foot better than hell fire.

c. Loss of an eye better than hell fire.

3. The horror of eternal damnation in hell is beyond description. Hell is a real place and is

the final destiny of the unfaithful and unbelieving.

4. We must never allow anything to get between our faithful to the Lord service and us.

5. Have salt in yourself: Col 4:5, Mt 5:13.

6. And have peace with one another, Heb 12:14.

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CHAPTER TEN THE WORK JESUS CAME TO DO: Jesus Continues Teaching And Healing On His Journey Towards The Cross.) Part One: Teaching Against Divorce, 10:1-12 - Matthew 5:31-32; 19:1-12; Gen 2:24.

1. Jesus travels beyond the Jordon to the region of Judea,

2. God intended marriage to last for a lifetime.

3. Divorce has always been a problem for mankind.

4. Study 1 Corinthians chapter seven along with the teaching of Jesus in the other gospel

accounts for a better understanding of this topic.

Part Two: Jesus And The Children, 10:13-16.

1. Jesus loved & spent time with children.

2. His disciples rebuked the parents for taking Jesus’ valuable time.

3. Jesus rebukes the disciples for not understanding the value of time spent with the little

children. Mt 18:1-5; 19:13-14.

Part Three: The Peril Of Riches And The Reward Of Sacrifice, 10:17-31.

1. The rich young ruler was one with tremendous potential in the kingdom.

2. He misunderstood “good”. None is good but God, v18.

3. The problem of trusting in riches is that it makes it impossible to be saved, 23-26.

4. Is it wrong to have possessions? No. It is the love of money that is wrong, 1 Tim 6:10.

5. All things are possible with God, yet man must cooperate with God in order to receive

their salvation. How? By obedience, v27.

6. Announcement of a reward for obedient service in this life and in eternity, v28-31.

Part Four: The 3rd Prediction Of His Death And Resurrection, 10:32-34.

1. It is the most detailed of the three. It contains 6 identifying characteristics.

a. Going to Jerusalem to be delivered to hands of men (Chief priests/scribe), 10:32-33.

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b. Be condemned to death, 10:33.

c. Delivered to the Gentiles, 10:33.

d. Be mocked, spit upon and flogged, 10:33-34.

e. Be killed (crucified), 10:34.

f. Be resurrected after 3 days, 10:34.

Part Five: The Request for greatness, 10:35-45.

1. A continuation of the Apostles desire for position, See 9:33-37.

a. Sons of Zebedee (James and John) request power positions in the kingdom, v35-


b. Jesus exposes their ignorance. “You do not know what you are asking.”

c. Jesus question: “Can you be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”

i. Speaks of his crucifixion and death.

ii. Indeed they will die such a death for the kingdom.

d. The places of importance in the kingdom could only be given to the ones for whom

it had been prepared, v40.

2. The 10 were offended. Why? Because they wanted the chief seats for themselves.

3. Jesus teaches that the true position of disciples was to become a slave to all.

4. Greatness in the kingdom is the very opposite to greatness in the world.

a. Men see greatness as rising to the top of the heap.

b. Jesus sees greatness as being a servant to all.

c. See the washing of the apostle’s feet found in John 13:12-17.

5. An additional argument over greatness is found at the Last Supper, Luke 22:24-27.

Part Six: Blind Bartimaeus Healed At Jericho, 10:46-52. (See Mt 20:29-34; Lk 18:35-43)

1. Healing for a blind man near Jericho who demonstrated persistence.

2. Many disciples rebuked the man for making a “scene”.

3. How uncaring are we towards those who are in distress? James 2:14-18.

4. Jesus called Bartimaeus and healed him.

5. He then followed Jesus on the way.

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1. The Perean ministry has ended.

2. The work Jesus came to do is almost completed. All that is left is Passion Week.

3. Mark chapters 11-15 give Mark’s narrative of the passion followed by Jesus’ resurrection

in chapter 16.

4. Thus we have six chapters devoted to a seven-day period of time. Of these seven days

only five have significant events recorded.

5. Overview of the events of the Passion week from Mark’s Gospel: (To be discussed as

they appear in the chapters that follow.)

a. Sunday: (GLORY): Triumphal entry and return to Bethany, 11:1-11.

b. Monday: (POWER): Cursing of the fig tree, cleansing the Temple, 11:12-19.

c. Tuesday: (CONTROVERSY): Various events as recorded in 11:20-13:36:

1. The lesson of the barren fig tree, which is; the power of faith, 11:20-26.

2. Jesus’ authority challenged, 11:27-33.

3. The parable of the tenants, 12:1-12

4. Three trick questions posed by Jesus’ enemies:

1. Paying taxes to Caesar.

2. The resurrection.

3. What is the greatest commandment?

5. Jesus asks who the Son of God is and warns hears to beware of the

scribes, 12:35-40.

6. The widow’s offering, 12:41-44.

7. Destruction of Jerusalem predicted, 13:1-36.

d. Wednesday: (SILENCE/PREPARATION): No events are recorded.

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e. Thursday: (FELLOWSHIP): Chapter fourteen: Preparation and eating of the

Passover and Gethsemane, 14:1-72. (Includes Jesus’ trial before the counsel

Thursday night until Friday morning, 14:53-72).

f. Friday: (CLIMAX): His trial before Pilate, the crucifixion, and burial, Mark 15.

g. Saturday: (GLOOM): No events reported.

h. Sunday: (TRIUMPH): Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, Mark 16.


SUNDAY: (GLORY): Triumphal Entry, a fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9. Mk 11:1-11; Isa 62:11.

1. Rode on the colt with it’s mother (Mt 21:2. Never ridden before).

2. Humble, like King David.

3. People glorify Him.

a. Cloaks pave the way on the road.

b. The common people glorify him shouting Hosanna to Jesus, meaning “save


c. Exalt the coming of the kingdom of their father David!

d. Shout Hosanna to God the Father, 11:10.

e. Goes to the temple and looks around at everything, 11:11

f. At the end of the day Jesus and the disciples return to Bethany. Probably to

Lazarus, Martha and Mary’s house.

MONDAY: (CONTROVERSY): Events recorded in 11:12-33.

1. Cursing of the Fig Tree, 11:12-14

a. Next day left Bethany for Jerusalem.

b. Saw a fig tree in full leaf but found no figs – only leaves.

c. Cursed the tree that it might never have fruit again.

d. The disciples heard Jesus curse the tree.

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i. Matthew 21:18-22 mentions the withering at the same time Jesus cursed

the tree.

ii. Mark informs us the withering was noticed the next day. See Mk 11:

iii. This is best explained by understanding that Matthew speaks topically while

We will see more in Mk 11:20-26.

2. Cleansing the Temple, 11:15-19

a. Entered the temple and overturned the tables of moneychangers and the seats of

those selling pigeons.

b. Would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple.

c. Cried out:

i. This is to be called a house of prayer for all the nations.

ii. You have made it a den of robbers.

iii. The people were astonished at His teaching.

d. See John 2:13-22 for an earlier cleansing of the Temple.

3. When evening came they went out of the city again.

4. What does God want in His house?

a. Spiritual activities such as prayer, worship and Bible study.

b. Praise to the Lord God.

c. Giving and helping others.

d. Not commercial business transactions.

5. What five groups come to God’s house (church) today?

a. Visitors who are committed to nothing.

b. A group who comes to listen but is not committed to learn and obey.

c. The congregation that is committed to attending on a regular basis.

d. Those who are committed to serve.

e. The core group that is committed to sacrifice, 1 Corinthians 12:1-2.

TUESDAY: (CONTROVERSY): Mk11:20-13:36.

The lesson from the withered fig tree: 11:20-26.

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1. The disciples see the withered fig tree and are amazed, 11:20-26.

a. When Jesus speaks even nature obeys Him.

b. The power of faith and prayer and forgiveness, 11:22-25.

c. The lesson from the barren fig tree is the power of faith.

i. One can move mountains (accomplish the impossible) by faith.

ii. Provided one does not doubt.

iii. Whatever you pray in faith, you will receive.

d. The power of prayer is emphasized throughout scripture, 1 John 5:14-15; James

1:5-8; 5:14-18.

2. Jesus’ authority questioned, 11:27-33.

a. Jewish leaders asked Jesus where He received His authority.

b. Jesus asked them if the baptism offered by by John the Baptist came from God or


c. The leaders discussed the issue:

i. If they acknowledge it was from heaven (God) they knew Jesus would ask

them why they didn’t believe.

ii. Out of fear they would not say John’s baptism was from man.

iii. Out of deceit they reply, “we do not know”.

d. Jesus responds saying, “neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things”.

e. Thus Jesus shows them up with His godly wisdom.

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CHAPTER TWELVE (Tuesdaycontinued): The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, 12:1-12. (Also recorded in Matthew 21:33-46 and

Luke 20:9-19)

1. Speaks of a landowner who had a vineyard (John 15:1-8).

2. Put the vineyard in the hands of tenants but expected a return from profits.

a. Servants came and were beaten.

b. Others came and were shamefully treated.

c. Finally send his son who was killed so the tenants could receive the vineyard for


3. Involved the religious leaders in the story by asking what should be done to the tenants.

4. They replied that the owner would come “and destroy the tenants and give the vineyard

to others”.

5. Jesus gave them a prophecy of Messiah from Psm 118:22-23

6. In the end, the Jewish leaders knew Jesus was speaking to them.

7. They sought to arrest him after perceiving He regarded them as “tenants” evil of God’s


Questions and Jesus’ Reply, 12:13-37. On this day (Tuesday) the Jewish leaders seek to

entrap Jesus by asking impossible questions.

1. Question on taxation: 12:13-17. The first “impossible question was given by the

Pharisees and some Herodians. They asked, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

a. If Jesus says no He will be in trouble with Caesar.

b. If He says yes he will be in trouble with the people.

c. He gave a simple answer “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to

God the things that are God’s”.

d. They learned that Jesus had the answer to difficult questions.

2. Question on life after death: 12:18-27. Now the Sadducees, who did not believe in the

resurrection, try to stump the Lord with their question concerning death and re-marriage.

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a. They attempt to use the Law of Moses teaching the law on re-marriage of a

childless widow as a way to refute life after death, Deut 25:5-6.

b. The Sadducees speak of a woman had 7 husbands who died.

i. After the death of each husband she married the next for a total of 7 men.

ii. The question was, “Whose husband will she be in the resurrection?”

c. Jesus answer comes quickly: He indicts them as being ignorant, “you know neither

the Scriptures nor the power of God!”.

i. At the resurrection people will not marry nor be given in marriage.

ii. They will be like the angels.

iii. The people were astonished at His reply.

iv. Jesus cited Ex 3:6, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to prove

there is life after death.

v. For God is the God of the living not of the dead.

vi. Yes, they were quite wrong.

3. Question about the greatest commandment: 12:28-34 (Still Tuesday). Thirdly, a

scribe’s asks a question that will surly stump the Lord. Mt 22:35 informs us that this

scribe a lawyer. Undoubtedly a lawyer of the Law of Moses.

a. Jesus’ answer is twofold: (Answered from Deut 6:4-5)

i. Love God

1. With all your heart (emotions).

2. With all your soul (involves spirituality).

3. With all your mind (involves intellect).

4. With all your strength (ability).

ii. Love your neighbor as yourself, Lev 19:18.

iii. The scribe concurs with Jesus reply and is commended by Jesus, Mk


b. After Jesus’ wonderful answers, no one dared to ask the Him any more questions.

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A Question from Jesus: Jesus asks who the Son of God is, 12:35-37.

1. Jesus taught in the temple.

2. Jesus questions how the Christ, David’s could be called Lord.

a. Psalm 110:1

b. Acts 2:34

3. The answer is obvious: Christ came from David but was also the Son of God. Hence

David’s Lord. There are no more questions for Jesus to answer.

Beware of the Scribes: Mk 12:38-40.

1. Jesus makes strong statements about the Scribes.

a. Are concerned about their apparel.

b. Are concerned about having the best seats in the Synagogue.

c. Are concerned about receiving honor from men.

d. Lesson to learn:

i. Do not be overly concerned with outward appearances.

ii. Do not covet seats showing your own prominence and importance.

iii. Do not seek honor from men but from the Lord.

2. Their actions speak louder than words. In spite of their apparent piety they were guilty of:

a. Devouring widow’s houses rather than helping them, James 1:27.

b. Long prayers do not assure one of God’s approval, Mt 6:5-13.

c. Outward appearances (piety) apart from faith and humility will receive

condemnation from God. God looks upon the heart of a person, 1 Samuel 16:7

3. In Matthew 23 Jesus pronounces woes upon the Scribes and Pharisees.

a. Obey their commands that were based upon Scripture.

b. Do not copy their ungodly lifestyles.

The Widow’s Offering: Mark 12:41-44.

1. Teaches us that the quantity of our offering does not insure God’s acceptance.

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2. The widow gave less quantity than they all but she was accepted because of her true

sacrifice. Gave two mites.

a. (Greek Lepton) 1/64th of a denarius.

b. She gave 2 mites.

c. One denarius equals one days pay for the average worker.

d. When we give as we have prospered we will please God.

e. Giving as we have prospered grants equality to all who give, 2 Cor 8:12-15.

3. Proverbs 3:9-10.

4. The story of Ananias and Sapphira teaches us that we must be honest when we give to

the Lord, Acts 4:42-5:16. It is not how much we give it is how honorably we treat the

opportunity to give back to God, the giver of all good things.

5. This woman did better than the others because she gave all that she had to live on.

There was nothing left.

6. She now had to depend upon God to provide for her needs, Mt 6:11.

7. It is more blessed to give than to receive, Acts 20:35.

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: THE WORK JESUS CAME TO DO: The destruction of the Temple

Introducing The Destruction of the Temple: Mark 13:1-36. (The last event of Tuesday.)

1. Refers to the destruction of Jerusalem that occurred in 70 AD.

2. See Matthew 24; Luke 21 for their account of this event.

3. Jesus clearly placed the events of this chapter as things that were going to happen in the

days of the people to whom He spoke, Mark 13:30.

a. “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take

place. Heaven and earth will pads away but my words will not pass away,” Mark


b. The Greek word generation is “Genna”. According to Thayer’s lexicon the word as

used in Mt 24:34 and Mk 13:30 the word means “The whole multitude of men living

at the same time”.

i. Thus it is similar to Mk 9:1.

ii. Acts 8:32-33 uses the word in a similar manner.

c. Thus, we conclude the events of Mark 13 are fulfilled in the generation of people to

whom Jesus spoke. That is, in 70 A.D when the Romans, led by Titus, destroyed

the temple. Titus was a General who later became Emperor.

d. Those who interpret this prophecy as taking place at the end of the world are in


e. Mark clearly says the events were to come to pass in the days of the generation to

whom Jesus spoke, Mk 13:30.

The Destruction of the Temple From Mark’s Account: Mark 13:1-36.

1. The Temple’s destruction foretold, v1-4. This section will center upon Mark’s account of

this event. See Mt 24 and Luke 21:10-37 for other accounts of the same event.

a. Jesus predicts the destruction of the Jerusalem temple, 13:1-2

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b. The disciples saw such a catastrophic event to signal the end of the world, 13:3-4;

Matthew 24:3.

c. They ask Jesus for an explanation, Mk 13:4.

2. Signs and severity of the coming destruction, v5-23.

a. Warning against being led astray, v5-8.

i. Some will come claiming to be Christ.

ii. There will be wars and rumors of wars but the end is not yet.

iii. There will be earthquakes in various places.

iv. There will be famines.

v. These are warning signs of the coming disaster.

b. Persecutions and problems will take place before the events occur, 13:9-13.

i. Apostles will experience the following:

1. Be delivered to councils.

2. Be beaten in synagogues.

3. Stand before governors and kings for Jesus’ sake where they will

bear witness for Jesus.

4. The gospel to be proclaimed to all nations before the event occurs.

a. Note: some say this has not yet happened.

b. Paul said it had, Col 1:23 (63 A.D.)

5. The apostles would be given words to speak by the Holy Spirit, John

14:25-26; 16:12-13.

6. Families would be divided and actually deliver up family members for


7. They (Apostles and Christians) would be hated by men, Jn 15:18-19.

c. The abomination of desolation would appear so be on your guard! Mk 13:14-23.

i. This is a fulfillment of the prophecy of Dan 11:31. This refers to the Roman

army led by General Titus. It was Titus who brought the Roman army to

Jerusalem and destroyed the city and the temple in 70 A.D. Was Emperor

of Rome from 79-81 A.D.

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ii. Christians were warned to flee to the mountains for safety.

1. Do not take time to gather your belonging in your house.

2. Those in the field are not even to take time to go and gather their


3. Alas for pregnant women who must also flee.

4. There will be a great tribulation greater than any before that time.

5. For the sake of the elect God will shorten the days of the siege.

6. False Christs will come performing signs and wonders to lead the

elect astray.

7. Be on guard, for Jesus has given ample warning.v23.

3. The “coming of the Son of man”, v24-27. (Not the second coming of Jesus but His

coming in Judgment.)

a. After the tribulation of Jerusalem’s fall, the sun will be darkened and the moon will

not give it’s light. Probably refers to an eclipse of the sun and moon.

b. Stars will fall and the heavens will be shaken. Could be speaking of natural

disasters such as comets or other spectacular events. Or, just describing the

severity of the siege of Jerusalem.

c. The idea of natural disasters accompanying God’s judgment upon people is

commonly found in the Old Testament, Joel 2:28-32. See Jer 21:3-7 so learn that

God also uses animals and pestilence to punish the wicked.

d. Jesus “comes” with great power and glory to gather His elect from the earth.

e. This does not refer to the coming of Jesus at the end of time. It speaks of Jesus

coming in judgment against Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple.

f. There will be a time when Jesus will come and this this world will be destroyed,

Acts 1:9-11; 2 Peter 3:8-13; 1 Thes 4:13-18.

4. A lesson from the fig tree, v28-31.

a. When the fig tree has leaves you know that Summer is near.

b. When you see the evidence given by Jesus in this chapter you will know Jesus’

punishment of Jerusalem is near.

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c. Clearly, the events will occur in the lifetime of people who were living when Jesus

spoke these words, Mk 13:30. The Harper Collins Bible Dictionary confirms this

truth by saying, “Usually generation simply refers to the people who are alive at

any given time. Jesus uses the term in this way in Mark 13:30; Luke 21:32 and Mt


d. That being true, this passage cannot be speaking of the end of time. It does speak

of the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

e. I Peter 4:17-19 (written 64 A.D.) refers to the fall of Jerusalem when it states the

righteous will scarcely be saved during that great disaster. Compare to Heb 7:25

where we are told we are “saved to the uttermost”.

f. Anytime a nation or city is judged in the Christian Age, it is the coming of Jesus.

5. The need to be ready, v32-37.

a. The exact day and time of the destruction of Jerusalem was a secret.

i. No one knows.

ii. Jesus, Himself, did not know.

iii. God the Father knows.

b. Thus Jesus warns his apostles to be on the watch and be ready for that day, Mk


i. He likens it unto a man going on a journey and leaving his servants to tend

the house.

ii. He will come back unannounced and they must be ready.

iii. Stay awake! Be ready for that day.

c. The events of Tuesday are finished.

WEDNESDAY: (SILENCE/PREPARATION): No events are recorded for this day.

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN: THE WORK JESUS CAME TO DO: Betrayal and Trial. Remember, this study will concentrate mainly upon Mark’s account of these events. THURSDAY: (FELLOWSHIP): Preparation and eating of the Passover, Gethsemane, Betrayal.

The Jewish Plot – The Anointing – The Betrayal: 14:1-11

1. The Jewish Plot To Murder Jesus, 14:1-2.

a. Takes place 2 days before the Passover (Saturday).

b. Chief Priests and scribes plotting how to arrest Jesus secretly and kill Him.

c. They plan this to take place before the feast because they fear the reaction of the


d. Sadly, the crowd that was with Jesus on Sunday are mostly against the Lord on

Friday when he is tried and crucified.

2. Jesus at Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper.

a. This is not the anointing of Luke 7:36-50.

b. At this event, Mary Anoints Jesus With Expensive Ointment, 14:3-9.

c. Only John identifies her by name, John 12:3.

d. Some complain that the ointment could have been sold for more than 300 Denaraii

(one years wages). John identifies Judas as the complainer and reveals that he

kept the disciples money bad and that Judas was a thief, Jn 12:4-6.

e. Jesus commends Mary’s anointing and calls it an “anointing for his burial”.

f. Jesus also says the deed will be told in memory of her and that is exactly what is

happening when you read this passage of scripture. The story is being told over

and over again.

g. Judas makes plans to betray The Lord, 14:10-11.

i. Judas had already been living sinfully in that he was stealing money from

the group’s money bag, John 12:4-6.

ii. Judas left the group to make plans for the betrayal Jesus for 30 pieces of

silver, Zech 11:12.

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iii. Judas won’t act upon the betrayal until the disciples eat the Passover


iv. It is also probable that Judas was angry at Jesus and that his anger

prompted him to go out and betray the Lord.

v. Sadly, even an apostle can fall from faithfulness. What about you and me?

3. Preparations for The Last Supper, 14:12-16. NOTE: We will not do a comparison of the

other gospels. You can do that in your private study. More events are recorded than

those found in Mark’s gospel.

a. The Passover meal planned on the first day of Unleavened Bread.

b. In response to their questions on where to have the feast, Jesus:

i. Sends them to town where a man carrying a jar of water will meet them.

ii. Follow him and ask the master of the house where the guest room is


iii. The disciples were shown a room already prepared for them to use.

iv. They then prepared the Passover, an event that would take place in the


4. The announcement of betrayal, 14:17-21.

a. All the apostles question the Lord about who would betray the Lord.

b. It is the one who dips bread into the dish with Jesus (Judas).

c. It would have better is he had not been born, 14:21.

d. The other Apostles did not understand Jesus’ plain statement about the betrayal.

Probably because they could not imagine such a thing happening by the hand of an


5. The institution of the Lord’s Supper, 14:22-25.

e. The bread blessed and eaten. It represents His body.

f. The fruit of the vine is blessed and drank. It represents His blood.

g. Jesus will not drink again until He does so in His kingdom (the church).

h. See Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:14-23 and 1 Cor 11:17-34 for more information.

i. Jesus adds that He would not eat again until He ate it anew in the Kingdom (church).

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j. Acts 20:6-7 gives evidence this supper was observed EVERY first day of the week,


6. Jesus foretells the betrayal by Peter, 14:26-31.

k. They all deny they will betray Jesus.

l. Peter claims to be “stronger” than the rest by saying, “Even though they all fall away, I

will not.” 14:29.

m. Jesus announces that Peter will deny him three times.

n. Peter offers to die first and so do the others. However, Peter WILL deny the Lord just

as Jesus predicted.

Gethsemane, 14:32-42.

1. Jesus and the eleven go to Gethsemane, a place they often frequented, Lk 22:39. The

place they went is also called the Mount of Olives.

a. Jesus asks 8 apostles to sit where they were while He went to pray.

b. Peter, James, and John went further to a place where Jesus asked them to watch

while He, Himself, went further away to pray.

c. He takes Peter, James and John with him and was greatly distressed, Mk 14:33-

34. They are asked to remain and watch. The idea is keep awake. They will not.

d. Jesus requests the hour might pass from him and that His Father remove the cup

(torture and death) from Him.

i. Jesus prays for an hour greatly distressed over the coming trial and


ii. After one hour, the Lord finds the three apostles asleep. This happens three


iii. “Could you not watch for one hour?” Jesus asks.

iv. After the third prayer session, Jesus said, “it is enough, the hour has come.

The son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going;

see my betrayer is at hand”, 14:42.

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The Betrayal And Arrest Of Jesus, 14:43-52. (It is still Thursday night but will go into Friday


1. Judas came with a crowd that had swords and clubs.

2. They came from (with the authority) of the Chief Priests, scribes and elders.

3. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, 14:45. Jesus is seized.

4. Jesus questions their coming with force as against a robber. Why didn’t they seize him

while He was daily teaching in the Temple? 14:48-49.

5. Peter cut off the ear of a servant of the High Priest. In the other accounts we learn that

Jesus healed the man whose name was Malchus, John 18:10.

6. Sadly, all those with the Lord fled. 14:50. In this way they were spared arrest and


7. Their day of glory would come when they preached the gospel to all the world beginning

in Acts chapter two.

8. A young man fled leaving his linin cloth and ran away naked. This is the Greek word

γυµνός: (gumnos) meaning in under garment only, poorly clad or naked without clothing.

The young man was probably Mark, 14:51-52.

Trial before The Council, 14:53-72. (Still Thursday night until early Friday morning.)

1. OVERVIEW: Mark records only two of five trials Jesus endured. He even omits Jesus

appearance before Herod, Luke 23:6-12.

a. Ecclesiastical trial: Mark 14:53-15:1.

i. A preliminary hearing before Annas is only found in Jn 18:12-14; 19:23.

ii. Trial before the Sanhedrin, Mark 14:53-72.

b. Civil trial:

i. Trial before Pilate, Mk 15:1-5.

ii. As noted, Jesus did appear before Herod, Luke 23:6-12.

iii. Finally, Jesus appears before Pilate a second time and is sentenced to

crucifixion, Mk 15:6-20.

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iv. Research the other trials that are found in the other gospel accounts.

2. The Trial before the council, Mk 14:53-72.

a. Before the Chief Priests, elders and scribes.

i. Chief Priests and whole council seek testimony against Jesus but fail,


ii. They ask Jesus if He was the Christ. The Lord acknowledged that truth,


iii. The High Priest tore his garment and said:

1. “What further witnesses do we need?”

2. “You have heard his blasphemy.”

3. “What is your decision?”

4. Jesus condemned to death. 14:63-65.

b. Peter Denies Jesus As Prophesied, 14:66-72.

i. A well-known story that is recorded in every gospel account.

ii. First time he says he is not and doesn’t understand and the rooster crowed.

iii. Second time he denied he that he was a disciple.

iv. The third time they said his language betrayed him. He was Galilean. Peter

cursed and denied that he even knew Jesus. The rooster crowed a second


v. Lk 22:62 informs us that when the rooster crowed the Lord turned and

looked at Peter.

vi. Peter broke down and wept, Mk 14:72

c. We should never think we are so strong and faithful that we cannot deny our Lord.

Such pride will only lead to a fall, 1 Cor 10:12.

3. See John 21:15-19 to learn how Peter was required to profess his love for Jesus three

times. In all likelihood this was one time for each of the times Peter denied the Lord.

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CHAPTER FIFTEEN THE WORK JESUS CAME TO DO: The trial continues. (With an emphasis on Mark’s account

of the events.)

Jesus Sent To Pilate, 15:1-15. (Note: Pilate will send Jesus to Herod who will examine Jesus

and send Him back to Pilate for final sentencing.)

1. To get all of the details on the trial and crucifixion a person should study all of the Gospel

accounts. However, since we are emphasizing Mark we will limit ourselves mainly to what

Mark recorded.

2. At daybreak the Sanhedrin finds Jesus “guilty” and sends Him to Pilate, 15:1.

3. Pilate questions Jesus, 15:2-5.

a. Pilate asks Jesus if he is the Christ. Jesus says yes, 15:2.

b. The leaders accuse Jesus of many things but Jesus does not answer. Jesus

silence amazes Pilate, 25:3-5.

c. In all of the Gospels, Pilate does everything in his power to release Jesus. He saw

that envy was the source of the Jews hatred of Jesus, 15:10.

d. He agrees to crucify Jesus only when his position with Caesar is threatened, Jn


4. The sentence, 15:6-15.

a. Mark omits much of the trial of Jesus. For that reason it would be good to read the

other Gospel accounts of the trial. We will not outline them in this study.

b. Pilate presents a choice between Barabbas and Jesus for the graceful release of

one prisoner.

i. Barabbas, a murderer, was released.

ii. Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified.

c. Pilate was influenced by the angry mob crying out, “crucify him, crucify him”.

d. And so, Pilate delivered the Son of God to the angry mob to be crucified.

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e. Pilate believed Jesus is innocent of the charges of the Jews but was too weak to

let the Lord go free, Mt 27:24-26. Of course, this was all according to the plan of

God, Acts 2:22-24; 1 Peter 19-20.

f. The crucifixion of our Lord was mandated by God himself as the atonement for the

forgiveness of our sins.

g. Even so, those who killed the Son of God were guilty of sin.

The Sentence Carried Out, 15:16-41. 1. The mockery, 15:16-20.

a. The royal purple robe.

b. A crown of thorns.

c. The mockery:

i. Hail, King of the Jews!

ii. They beat Him with a reed.

iii. They spit on Jesus.

iv. They keeled in mock homage to Him.

d. Afterwards they stripped Him of the purple robe and led Jesus out to be


2. Calvary: The Crucifixion, 15:21-32.

a. Because Jesus was so weak from the beatings He received, Simon of Cyrene,

a passerby was compelled to carry the cross, 15:21.

i. He had two sons, Alexander and Rufus, men well known to Mark’s


ii. Paul named Rufus whose mother had been a mother to Paul, Romans


b. Once there Jesus was: (15:22-32)

i. Stripped of his garments.

ii. Offered wine mixed with myrrh (which Jesus refused to drink).

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iii. Put the inscription of the charge against him which read: The king of the


iv. Crucified Him along with two thieves.

v. Derided the Lord by challenging His power, 15:29-32.

1. Wagged their heads and derided him.

2. You who would destroy the temple – save yourself and come

down from the cross.

3. Mocked him one to another – “He saved others; he cannot save


4. “Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross

that we may see and believe”

c. Mark records Jesus saying “My God, my God why have you forsaken

me?”15:34. From the four Gospels we learn that Jesus made seven statements

while on the cross. Look them up and study them for yourself.

d. Some disciples were witness to the crucixion,15:40-41.

e. From John’s gospel we know Jesus’ mother was also there, John 19:26-27.

3. The burial, 15:42-47.

a. It is now the day of Preparation, the day before the Sabbath.

b. Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the Council, asked Pilate for the

body of Jesus.

c. Pilate is amazed to learn Jesus is already dead. Confirms the death from a

Centurion, a soldier with the expertise to know if a man was dead or alive.

d. Pilate granted the corpse to Joseph and he wrapped the body in a linen cloth

and buried Him in a new tomb where nobody had ever been laid. Joseph rolled

a stone over the mouth of the grave to seal it. From Mt 27:59 we learn the tomb

was Joseph of Arimathea’s own tomb, a burial site that had never been used.

e. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where He was buried, Mk


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4. Note: Don’t forget, Mark gives his own abbreviated account of the events leading up

to the death of Jesus. The other Gospels give additional information. For more detail,

study the trial and crucifixion of Jesus out of the other three Gospel accounts.

McGarvey’s Fourfold Gospel gives a very good parallel study of the gospel and will

help you learn more about the events of Jesus’ crucifixion.

SATURDAY: (GLOOM): No events reported.

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CHAPTER SIXTEEN THE WORK JESUS CAME TO DO: The resurrection story. Sunday: (TRIUMPH): Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, Mark 16.

Jesus Rises From The Dead. (The Women Are Surprised!): Mk 16:1-8.

1. He was resurrected on the First Day of the Week, Sunday, 16:1-2.

2. The women go to the tomb expecting Jesus to still be in the grave, 16:3-4. Note: by

comparing the other Gospel accounts you can find there were a total of 4 women there.)

3. They are surprised when He is not there, 16:4. Mary assumes someone stole the body of

Jesus, John 20:13.

4. The women brought spices to anoint the Lord’s body.

5. They wondered who would roll the huge stone away but quickly saw the stone was

already moved away from the entrance, 16:4.

6. An angel announces the resurrection to them, 16:5-8.

a. They are told to go tell the disciples he is going to Galilee but, according to Mark,

they told no one because they are afraid, 16:8.

b. See Luke 24;9-12 to learn that the women later informed the apostles the about

the resurrection.

c. The apostles were told that Jesus would meet them in Galilee.

d. They all had a difficult time believing Jesus had risen from the dead, Mk 16:9-13.

Jesus Appears To Mary Magdalene And Two Disciples: 16:9-13.

1. There is some confusion and differences of opinion whether or not Mark 16:9-20 should

be included in our Bible. The problem is rather unique.

a. When the King James Version was translated, the older manuscripts (MSS) had

yet not been found. The MSS available contained the verses under question.

b. Some newer translations of the Bible that are based on older MSS omit these

verses entirely.

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i. The verses are found in the King James Version (1611 AD) and in the ESV

version (2001 AD). The ESV does give a disclaimer saying “Some of the

earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9-20.”

ii. The American Standard Version sets the verses apart from the rest of

Mark’s gospel. However, they are still there.

iii. The Revised Standard Version put these verses in a footnote and gives

another ending to Mark that is found in some manuscripts.

iv. Thus we know for sure there is some doubt over the authenticity of these


c. However, they do not teach anything that is not confirmed by other plain and clear

passages of scriptures? They do not introduce any new or strange teachings.

d. I am confident these verses do not present anything that is not clearly taught in

other passages of scripture.

2. Jesus makes some appearances, 16:9-13.

a. First, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, 16:9.

b. She went and told others who mourned and wept. They did not believe Mary’s

testimony, 16:10-11.

c. To two disciples who went and told others, 16:12-13.

The Great Commission And The Signs: 16:14-18.

1. Jesus rebukes the disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart, 16:14-15.

2. They refused to belief the ones who had already seen the risen Lord.

a. How difficult is it for you to believe Jesus rose from the dead to die no more?

b. How difficult is it for you to believe the all of the dead will be resurrected at the

second coming of Christ, John 5:28-29.

3. The Great Commission, 16:15-16.

a. Go into all the world and preach the gospel.

b. Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. Notice how faith and baptism

are both required in order for salvation to be granted.

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c. Those who do not believe and are not baptized will be condemned.

d. Compare to Matthew 28:19-20.

4. Miraculous signs that would follow, 16:17-18.

a. Cast our demons.

b. Speak in new languages.

c. Be immune to serpents, Acts 28:3-6.

d. Be immune to deadly poisons.

e. Heal the sick by the laying on of hands.

f. Note: The working of miraculous signs was to end when that which is perfect has

come, 1 Cor 13:9-12.

i. It is important to know that in the church age the apostles could do


ii. People who received the laying on of hands from an apostle could also do


iii. The age of laying on of hands ceased with the New Testament was

completed, with some residual miracle working being done by living

apostles or those who received a miraculous gift by the laying on of hands.

iv. For us today, when we read of the miracles found in Scripture it provides us

with proof of the truth of God’s words, John 20:30-31.

v. We don’t need miracle workers – we have the completed word of God.

vi. Note: We know that God can still heal the sick in answer to prayer. This

has always been true and is true today. That does not mean he answers

every prayer with healing, 2 Cor 12:7-10.

vii. The Apostles were granted immunity from poison and from poisonous

snakebites. They could also heal the sick.

Jesus Ascends To Heaven: 16:19-20

1. After speaking to them Jesus ascended into heaven and sat down on the right hand of


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2. Mark leaves out events that took place over the 40 day period Jesus walk on this earth

after His resurrection, Acts 1:3.

3. You might want to research the other gospels and 1 Corinthians 15 to learn about the

other appearances of Jesus after His resurrection.

4. The book of Acts informs us that this same Jesus will one day appear in the same

manner he ascended into heaven. That event will take place at the end of time. Read

Acts 1:9-11 and 1 Thes 4:13-17 for the assurance of His coming.

Jesus is the Almighty Wonder Worker. To Him and our Heavenly Father be the glory and the praise and the honor throughout all ages. Amen!