the great gatsby trailer analysis

Shannon Bulmer Media Task 3 Technical Analysis of Film Trailers The Great Gatsby (2013) – Drama/Romance The trailer begins with the introduction of the film company which have created the film. This is a good way of attracting the audience’s attention as Warner Bro’s is a very successful production company therefore guaranteeing that this film will also be good. As you can see the graphology along with the ident shows casino/royal patterns and colour scheme of royal blue and gold, this could connote the designs and sets featured in the film as this would be the start of iconography for the audience. A slow fade transition is used to show an establishing shot of where the film is based, New York. We can see this in the shot from the iconic bridge as well as the buildings in the foreground. We also know its New York as, as soon as this shot appears on screen, a voice over narration is cut in saying “New York, 1922” therefore as well knowing the time period of when its set. Throughout these 12 seconds, non-diegetic music is cut in of a sound track. It consists of a load of upbeat bass guitar as if it’s a run up for the song, almost showing an icon of party/gangster/wealth. In this shot we have medium close ups of an old fashioned car with wealthy black male and female characters drinking and socialising. The following shot again is an establishing shot of New York’s night life. In the scene, the props indicate that the film is

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Page 1: The Great Gatsby Trailer Analysis

Shannon Bulmer Media Task 3

Technical Analysis of Film Trailers

The Great Gatsby (2013) – Drama/Romance

The trailer begins with the introduction of the film company which have created the film. This is a good way of attracting the audience’s attention as Warner Bro’s is a very successful production company therefore guaranteeing that this film will also be good. As you can see the graphology along with the ident shows casino/royal patterns and colour scheme of royal blue and gold, this could connote the designs and sets featured in the film as this would be the start of iconography for the audience.

A slow fade transition is used to show an establishing shot of where the film is based, New York. We can see this in the shot from the iconic bridge as well as the buildings in the foreground. We also know its New York as, as soon as this shot appears on screen, a voice over narration is cut in saying “New York, 1922” therefore as well knowing the time period of when its set.

Throughout these 12 seconds, non-diegetic music is cut in of a sound track. It consists of a load of upbeat bass guitar as if it’s a run up for the song, almost showing an icon of party/gangster/wealth. In this shot we have medium close ups of an old fashioned car with wealthy black male and female characters drinking and socialising.

The following shot again is an establishing shot of New York’s night life. In the scene, the props indicate that the film is based in 1922 as the cars are old models. All of the lights and billboards represent the party aspect of those who live around this area, therefore foreshadowing the characters yet to be introduced. The voice over continues to say “the tempo of the city changed” using a match from narration to the clip shown.

A quick zoom out shot is used, bringing us to another establishing shot of New York at night time. Unlike some films were the scenery isn’t that important, due to the first few clips being focused on the location and scenery of the film, this shows that this plays a big part in the film, again going back to the main focus of the characters being wealthy.

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The same fade out transition was used again to show a change in clip. This shows us a tracking shot following this white car through a driveway. From the set and props of the lights and flowers it shows that this house is very wealthy, along with the prop of the car being an expensive old model and the people driving it.

A sharp cut is then used to show another establishing shot of scenery. Like I said previously, the beginning of this trailer focuses heavily on the sets and locations. This is backed up by this shot of someone’s mansion. The size of the house accentuates this characters wealth and the minute props and characters placed outside, showing the party aspect. The voice over again matches with the clip shown, saying “the buildings were higher” almost referring to the wealth being a trend and people trying to get the best, out buying others.

A wide angled establishing shot is used showing the inside set interior of the house previously shown. The actions show a big celebration party. The set design connotes a very rich lifestyle for these characters however not revealing whose house it is.

A bird’s eye shot of two dancers at the party highlight the wealth of this person’s house. The close up shot accentuates the wealth due to the costume of the diamonds and glamour. The voice over this clip says “the parties were bigger” this signifies that over time, everything has gotten bigger and better.

Montage editing is used showing the different activities going on inside the party. This shot shows a close up focusing on the alcohol that the waiters are holding. By clip including waiters it again shows this man to being an icon of the ‘rich and famous’ as well as this characters having matching stereotypical waiter costumes. The narration says “the liquor was cheaper” which is a contrast from the rest of the narration saying how everything has gotten bigger and more expensive.

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Numerous other clips were featured showing more of the inside of the party. A cut then shows us a medium close up of the first character we are introduced to. As this is the first character we are introduced to, this automatically makes the audience assume that this house/party is held by this character. His costume is suit and tie, representing wealth and power.

However, in this next clip, we have a medium close up shot from a low angle featuring the same male character and a female character next to him however showing she is less important as the male character takes up more space in the frame. This character says “who is this Gatsby?” which clarifies to the audience that this house/party is not this characters, but must be Gatsby’s. From the use of the question, it shows this character has a fascination about this man and the lifestyle he lives.

A cut taking us to a different location and clip, following on from the characters last question, we are introduced to another character using a medium close up shot however juxtaposing from the male character from her costume. She is in what would seem to be ‘informal’ costume and smeared make-up, suggesting that this character could have previously been crying. This character says “do you know him?” almost suggesting that no-one knows who he is, that it’s a mystery.

Another quick cut is used taking us to another set location (still in the house) however with a different character. This characters costume is similar to the other male character in the shot of a suit and tie, different from the previous female. This shot shows a medium close up of the two male characters however the white male out of focus, making the audience focus more on the speech and actions of the other character. This shot is a second long however indicates that the white male is asking around everyone if they know who this

Gatsby is.

This wide angle shot shows the interior of another set, representing one of the rooms in the house. We have already seen the female character in previous clips at the beginning of the trailer however we are introduced to another male character who seems to be someone who works in the house. The dialogue from this character says “he doesn’t exist” which follows off the idea that it’s a mystery of who this character is. The way the character delivers the line indicates that he can’t say who he is but knows.

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A cut is used introducing us to another character. A medium close up followed by a zoom shows us a close up of this character face whilst she says the lines “Gatsby? What Gatsby”. However, with the use of camera angles and zooms, this emphases the idea that this character knows who this person is but doesn’t want to admit she knows, due to the worried/distressed facial expressions shown in the close up.

The music cuts to the sound of fireworks being set off. A shot of the fireworks appears, disrupting the build up of tension of wanting to know who Gatsby was.

This wide angle shot shows a small minority of the guests at Gatsby’s party. This shot shows the wealth of this house due to the props and interior of the set. The amount of guests at this party and not knowing who Gatsby is suggests that he throws these parties to let everyone celebrate, not necessarily knowing who everyone is. This could again signify the use of showing off his money and becoming unknowingly famous.

A medium close up shows three characters, two of them we already know. The older male says “the Great Gatsby wants to speak with you…” which shows that by these characters taking an interest in this characters work; he is willing to meet them. This shows the selfishness of the other characters not caring who this character is but attending his celebrations.

As the previous older male character says “alone” a cut showing a low angle shot of the well known actor Leonardo Dicaprio, following by a upwards panning shot viewing a medium long shot of this character. By this shot following on from the previous dialogue, this suggests that this character is Gatsby. By including this build up of this character in the trailer makes the audience anticipate what is going to happen either to those characters or Gatsby himself. Also by including a shot of Dicaprio, it reinforces the success of star system


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This frame shows that this character embodies power as the shot appears on screen for a couple seconds. These few seconds shows only the action of Gatsby looking outside his window smoking. Both music and dialogue rapidly cut, having nothing but silence when he appears on screen. Also indicating importance throughout the film, as well as the film being called after this character.

A slow fade transition is followed by the introduction of the directing company. The graphology is the same as to what was first viewed at the beginning of the trailer. Ambient sounds of lighting and thunder cut in, suggesting pathetic fallacy, foreshadowing the atmosphere of the film. Showing a contrast to the first minute of the trailer. The typography represents the font of the New York signs and billboards, also being an icon of wealth due to the fancy/bold writing.

A slow fade is again used taking us to a new location, again looking very wealthy. A medium long shot of a female character is shown, the same female which was featured in a previous clip. By having a repeated clip of this character could indicate that she is a main character. As this character turns around sharply, a quick cut of non-diegetic music is introduced, increasing the tension.

An eye line match followed from the shot of the female character shows a medium long shot of Gatsby. From the interior of the set this shows us that they are still in his house. The costume used for Gatsby shows that he is much groomed and cares a lot about his appearance, having the money to spend. From the look on both Gatsby’s and the females face it creates tension as it’s a look of worry. Also, the exchange in looks (camera angles) suggests a hidden romance between the two characters alongside the abrupt sound track.

A reaction shot and eye line match from Gatsby’s perspective shows a close up shot of this female. As you can see this character is very attractive. Stereotypically, in a drama/romantic genre, directors cast attractive lead roles as the sexual tension/romance seems to show more passion and chemistry therefore knowing that she is the love interest. In this same shot, she says “I’m certainly glad to see you again” automatically telling the audience they have background stories together as previously she made out she didn’t know who this

person was.

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Another eyeline match/reaction shot is used showing a medium close up of Gatsby. By using a close up shot it allows us to see the facial expressions/reactions of this character. From his facial expressions it seems he is very shocked possibly overwhelmed that they are seeing each other again. The facial expression indicating a passionate past between the two. He replies saying “I’m certainly glad to see you too” implying they do have a past.

In the same graphology we see previous films which the director has produced as well. As you can see the director also filmed Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet and Moulin Rouge, both being huge successes. Also, it shows a favourable star system of this director as he has already worked with Leonardo Dicaprio in Romeo and Juliet therefore guaranteeing a good show. As soon as this graphology appears, different non-diegetic music is cut in, similar to the beginning song of being up tempo, linking to the theme of a huge celebration in the trailer.

We are cut to a medium long shot of Gatsby socialising at one of his events. His costume of a suit and tie connotes an element of power and wealth to his character, without fully being introduced. In the foreground of the frame you can see the costumes of other characters, all being well groomed and dressed showing his socialites are of a similar class.

A medium close up shot is used to show Gatsby approaching the two male characters we saw having a conversation in one of the beginning clips. At the front of the frame, out of focus, you’re able to see the black characters white bowler hat to show that he is speaking to them. He approaches them saying “everything alright?” wanting to know if his guests are having a good time, almost asking as a way of either introducing himself to these characters or wanting to know what they were talking about.

This reaction shot shows another medium close up of the two characters responding to Gatsby’s question. As you can see, the character closest in the frame faces Gatsby, indicating that he is going to speak whereas the other character doesn’t look at Gatsby, maybe signifying that he has already met Gatsby whereas the other character was very keen to meet and know who he is. As the characters begin to speak, the music’s volume decreases so the dialogue is over heard clearly however still being able to hear the music slightly however not distracting away from the characters or conversation.

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Another reaction shot is used, showing a medium close up of Gatsby’s reaction to the other character saying “uh yes”. By having a medium close up shot it allows the audience to clearly see these characters facial expressions. You’re able to see a beginning of a smile, which could foreshadow a certain friendship to be made during the film between the two male characters which are having a conversation.

The music’s volume rapidly increases once the credits appear on screen. The colour and graphology scheme is the same throughout as well as the font, making it iconography so it can be easily referable and rememberable for the audience. The credits say ‘this Christmas’ which informs the audience of when the film is going to be released, allowing the audience to plan out when to see it around the Christmas holiday period.

A cut is used to show an establishing shot of a different location other than the inside of Gatsby’s house. In this frame you’re able to see a long shot of a suited man standing in the centre of a buildings archway. Due to how far away the camera is from this character we are unable to see who it is, creating a mystery element to the film.

Another cut is used taking us back to another one of Gatsby’s parties. Medium long shots are used showing which characters are in the frame and their relationships with one another. As you can see, through proxemics, Gatsby and the female character are arm in arm as well as them having eye contact with one another. However, the female character also has her hand holding the other male, giving off the idea that she has some significance towards this character, either a relative or husband. If husband, it could foreshadow an affair/trouble for Gatsby and the female as they clearly show chemistry.

A cut then changes to another location in Gatsby’s house. This wide angled bird’s eye view shot shows us Gatsby’s swimming pool room. By using the bird’s eye view shot it extenuates the size of his pool, exaggerating how rich this character is. Also, showing the different elements of Gatsby’s house it tells the audience that his money and his house play a huge part in the film as it is very much focused on throughout the trailer.

The continuous music plays over the top of these clips until a piece of dialogue is used where the music would decrease in volume. Here is a wide angle shot showing a long shot of three silhouettes working. Although this clip is only a second long,

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it could indicate how extreme one way of living is different from another, seen in the screen shot below, juxtaposing the two clips but together.

This establishing shot, like I said, contrasts with the previous clip. This could possibly symbolise the two experiences of living which Gatsby has had from one extreme to another. This establishing shot again exaggerates how rich this character is, showing off all the land he has and how big his house is. However, as you’re only able to see two characters in this frame, this could connote that Gatsby is very lonely, as he lives in such a huge house but has noone to live with him therefore throws the massive parties. A voice over is used of a female character saying “you always look so cool” which matches with the clip of Gatsby riding through his gardens on a horse, showing that he is admired.

Linking back to the point of Gatsby being admired by people, the next clip is of a medium close up of the same female character which has some relevance to Gatsby. This shows us that this character must have said the previous line as when this clip appears on screen she finishes her sentence saying “…cool” following on from the previous clip.

The narration/voice over of the same female character follows into the next clip show. A upwards panning shot from outside a window reveals Gatsby smoking on a chair. The use of artificial lighting of the lamp prop creates an eerie feel to his house, representing that he has this great house however is lonely and not happy, character putting a front on. This clip contrasts with the female’s voice over as she begins to carry on saying “the man in the cool, beautiful shirts” as in this clip he looks miserable and troubled.

A low angle shot is used to emphasis how big Gatsby’s rooms are. You can see from the actions in the frame that he has so much money he is able to waste/play around with his things i.e. in this clip he is throwing his clothes in a way of celebrating how rich he is. The same female character is also in the shot with him, this makes the audience catch on to them spending excess amount of time together.

The next shot is an over the shoulder shot showing a medium close up of Gatsby’s face and the back profile of the same female character. By using a close up shot of these two characters it intensifies their desire for one another however

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looking back at the previous shots between these two it looks like they are unable to be together.

A cut is used taking us to a medium close up of the female. A close up of a male hand is caressing her back. Due to the previous clips shown, audiences could interpret that this hand is Gatsby’s, as also, Gatsby has a voice over saying “she has to tell him she never loved him” which could refer to the past between him and this lady.

This medium close up introduces us back to the male character we saw with the female character in the previous shot. By cutting to this shot of this character is could symbolise that he is either interested in the girl or they are already an item as from the previous frame of Gatsby caressing her back a quick cut is used showing the reaction from this character. This could foreshadow grief from this character to Gatsby. His costume also connotes power and wealth and he is in a suit therefore means that Gatsby isn’t necessarily superior to this man although he may have a bigger house.

A graphic match is used by linking the smoke from the previous shot’s cigar smoke to the smoke coming from the factory area which the car is travelling through. This is an effective transition as it is very smooth and clever, using it as an easy way to divert from one scene to another.

A quick cut then changes back to inside one of Gatsby’s parties. We are introduced to the first two characters featured at the beginning of the trailer by a medium close up shot. The female says “I’ve just heard the most shocking thing” which makes the audience intrigued as this line could determine the climatic point in the film.

A medium long shot of Gatsby and his waiters appears which automatically signifies that the news could be about Gatsby, as there is a link between the lines from what the female said to feature a shot of Gatsby. Matching all of the previous clips together, it could

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refer to possibly a love affair or dark secrets revealed which will determine the foreshadowing drama which is about to happen.

A cut then goes back to the previous shot, continuing off from what the female said “all it makes sense”. We see a medium long shot of the male character, as you can see he is a confused look on his face however as this character is telling him it could concern either him or his cousin who is the blonde character.

Following off from that we are shown another medium close up of Gatsby therefore again showing some relevance to the shocking news which has been found out. From the medium close up we can see that Gatsby is distressed from his facial expressions. Therefore this backs up the idea that the news is about something that Gatsby has done, as well as referring to Gatsby’s lines here which say “we need you” indicating he is in trouble.

Here is a low angle shot showing the front of an old car module, with another in the background of the frame. This is a brief dollying shot, following the car from the front. By using a low angled shot it emphasises the size of the car, even if it is a small one, to connote power.

A quick edit is used to show a wide angle shot from behind the cars, showing more of the area which they are driving through. Linking to the time period of when this film is set, you can see all the cars, costumes and shops are all old fashioned.

A fade transition is used to move onto the next clip. By using a slow fade it links with the romantic atmosphere that is presented in this clip. An over the shot shoulder

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shows a close up of the female characters face. In this short clip she says “I wish we could just run away” in a whisper, which signifies that she doesn’t want to be heard, therefore meaning that she is up to no good. Although we are unable to see who the male character is, due to the whispering and dialogue, the audience can suspect that it is Gatsby.

A cut transition brings us to the previous establishing shot of the night life in New York City. By showing this, it could indicate that if they ran away nobody would know because New York is so huge, everybody seems to be unknown. However, because of how wealthy and well known Gatsby is, people would notice he was gone therefore it’s impossible.

This medium close up shot shows us three characters. Gatsby is in the middle of the frame, the proxemics showing his importance. The character nearest the audience isn’t sitting down with them; this shows us that he works for Gatsby. Next to Gatsby is the female characters partner, which makes the audience aware that tension builds from Gatsby’s perspective as he has a past with her and still has feelings for her. The actions of that male character show he is listening into their conversation as the waiter says “Mr Gatsby, Sir” which could indicate he is about to announce some bad news or foreshadowing danger.

A cut takes us to a medium close up is used of the two cousins. In the background of the frame you’re able to see Gatsby and the other male character we have seen previously. Therefore you can see the social groups, therefore understanding different relationships the characters have with one another. By following on to this shot of the female character shows that what the waiter in the previous clip was going to say could have been about her, which follows on to the next clip.

The cut takes us back to the same frame with the three male characters. Before, the male character furthest away from us was in focus, now he is out of focus meaning that he isn’t supposed to hear what the other two characters are talking about. The close up shot of Gatsby’s facial expressions allows the audience to realise that he is distressed, along with saying “not

now” in

response, almost as if he is trying to hide something or knows what is about to be said.The following cut shows us a medium close up of this male character sitting next to Gatsby. By the facial expression it shows that he has sussed that Gatsby is up to no good and is hiding something. The audience are able to understand

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something bad is going to happen as the volume of the non-diegetic music increases alongside its climatic point.

A cut is then used taking us back to the credits. Here you can see the introduction to the cast members featured in the film. The first actor mentioned is the main character Leonardo Dicaprio. This is effective to include the names of the actors featured as it relies on the star system to attract audiences, a form of marketing and distributing the film. Has the same use of colour and design scheme.

Following from the credits, a medium close up shot of Leonardo Dicaprio appears, making it clear for the audience to know who this actor is and who he plays, in case no-one is familiar with him or his acting. This shot also showing Gatsby worried/distressed, foreshadowing that his life is being torn apart. His costume and hair is also wet, linking to pathetic fallacy of the weather matching the mood of the scene.

A quick cut to a over the shoulder shot showing a close up of the female characters face, you can see from the actions and facial expressions that there is an intimate moment between herself and Gatsby. By showing this, it could indicate what it is that brings the film to its climatic point, the love affair between these two characters.

We are then brought back to the credits, introducing us to another main character, Toby Maguire. Again, this character is very well known and successful therefore attracting more audience members.

Similar to when we were introduced to Leonardo Dicaprio, we are shown a clip of who Toby Maguire is and who he plays to familiarise the audience with

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who they are. A medium close us it again used like they did when showing Gatsby to allow the audience to have a good look as to who they are.

We are then introduced to the main female character as well as Gatsby’s love interest Carey Mulligan, also being a well known and successful actress. As you can see, throughout the featuring of the credits the colour, design and font scheme is all the same.

A cut then brings us to a medium close up shot of who this character is, again to familiarise the audience with who she plays to make the storyline a lot clearer.

As done with the shots introducing the character that Leonardo Dicaprio plays featuring an intimate scene between the two characters we shown another one. This is a close up shot of both hers and Gatsby’s hands caressing. By including these it highlights their passion and lust for each other although not being able to be together however once being together but no longer being able to, representing an undying love.

A cut then takes us to a medium close up shot of the two characters again showing intimacy, representing their love for one another. The low lighting represents the sensuality atmosphere. This frame links with the romantic genre of the film, making it clear to the audience.

Following the previous clip, we have a medium close up shot of the female’s partner. This shows us that the trailer creates links throughout the

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different clips, making it clear the audience a sum up of what happens. He says “what kind of row are you trying to cause in my house” referring to Gatsby ruining his love/home life by becoming involved with his wife.

A cut takes us to a black and white clip of Gatsby being involved in the war. By using a black and white image it signifies that we have gone back in time to show his time of being a soldier. This then links to the first couple of clips at the trailer when she says “I’m certainly glad to see you again” which could refer to these two being together before he went to war and she ended up having a new family whilst being out there.

This medium close up shot of Toby Maguire’s character is screaming “get the hell out of here”. You can see from the banister of the stairs that he is again in Gatsby’s house, which would represent that havoc is being caused in his house and that everyone is in danger.

Following on, a cut shows a wide angle shot of people dispersing from Gatsby’s party. Backing up the idea that something has happened where the guests have been put in danger. This makes the audience feel that something bad is going to happen to Gatsby, making them feel intrigued.

Before this shot, there is a series of montage editing, showing one second snippets of different parts of the film to create tension, building to a climatic point. This is the ending clip showing a close up of Gatsby’s face using an over the shoulder shot. From his facial expression you can see that he is angry however the audience being unable to know who he is fighting with making them want to watch the film and find out who it is.

As we get to the end of the song this is when the title of the film is revealed. Following the same colour and design scheme, we see that the film is called ‘The Great Gatsby’ showing the

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audience that the film is all to do with Gatsby and the life events once back from the war. The transition used is a slow zoom making the text become clearer and bigger, getting closer to the screen in time with the music.

A slow fade transition takes us to a medium long shot showing the side profile of Gatsby looking down at his party on his own. A voice over narration of the female character is used, showing that it is this character that has driven his life to be so bad during the film although he loves her.

The last clip featured is the final credits, revealing when it is going to be released. Also showing the audience that they have the opportunity to watch the film in 3D.