the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was

1 GOOD & EVIL Nigel Shindler & Max Shindler

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Page 1: The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was



Nigel Shindler

& Max Shindler

Page 2: The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was


The British are the Jews;

the cord from which all life stems. They are the sparks of energy that fuel history.

They generate time, and lead us toward one inevitable truth; they are The Lord’s Chosen People.

Wherever they have travelled they have left cultural treasures; Homo sapiens steal them, and manage to convince themselves

they were responsible for their creation due to being self-deluding creatures by nature,

and therein lies the secret to understanding the rise and fall of all civilizations;

nothing would be possible without the British.

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Page 4: The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was


Good is eternal

The intention of “The Two Saviours” is to obliterate the delusional world people live in which is driven by an innate malignant aggression that threatens the survival of every

species on this planet.





Page 5: The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was


"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.", The Usual Suspects


What is Evil?

Can we comprehend it?

Its nature insures we cannot.

If one is determined

To conclusively comprehend,

You’ll just leave yourself in a knot;

Wondering, after all my trouble, what have I got?

Obviously not a lot!

We often say that evil is beyond that which is bad,

And for that reason, whenever we can, avoid it,

Then you’ll find yourself glad.

Through the deep, and long, and often hazardous times,

Man has ventured through in his quest to survive;

Troubled he has often been by the wicked and nefarious ways

Of the people he has seen.

To combat the disordered mind,

That results from seeing things that make no sense,

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And has us question if others might be of a different kind,

Scholarly books have been written; many we still have today;

The most famous of all is the one called The Bible.

Many believe it has given us the understanding we seek.

I, for one, don’t see its value;

My incomprehension, in fact, has reached a new peek.

Evil is, always has been, and always will be,

Something we know is there, but cannot clearly see.

If you should sense it, hide;

Before you hear the sound;

Hee, hee, hee.


Greed is the thing that will kill us all.

It is all that is needed to bring about the final, and great, fall.

At a table people dine,

Drinking wine, eating delicious wholesome, pies.

More and more, they consume, hoping always it will bring joy.

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Satisfaction, satiation, will never be complete.

If it were ever so, then we’d grant this as indeed an incredible, feat.

Evidence has shown, however, that this is rare, if not impossible, to occur.

What I believe, as do so many others,

Is that we should return to a state that happened eons, legends, ago;

Far, far, in the distant past.

Some doubt whether this is possible.

If we don’t, the cost will be horrible.

People used to wake up, even if it required

The incessant sounding of a bell;

Otherwise, they knew they will surely wind up in hell!


Suffering is something most avoid,

Though, this is quite impossible, you’d have to live in a void.

Trials, tribulations, troubles galore,

From the heavens they seem to pour.

Ongoing and relentless is their nature.

Their goal is united as one, to teach the Truth,

And then we will be gone; cease to exist.

Our job done.

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First we need to know the answer to the question;

Where is it we should go?

The path of Truth is only one,

And you should hold this close, and dear, to your heart.

Your only fear should be that you will lose your way,

And from it part.

To distinguish wrong from right, is simple to comprehend;

Those that can’t; should leave us full of fright.

Those that choose to do wrong are far more difficult to understand.

Often they will form as a band,

And dismiss the pain, and plight, of others with just a wave of the hand.

How dreadful it is today that there is such a thing as a Gang.

They find women men can “bang”.

They each carry a gun; all this to them is just great fun.

My, oh my, what have we done?

We’ve cheated hell!

Maybe only the sound of a loud bell will awaken us.

Possibly only a few of us should survive.

All might fit in a bus; carried to another planet.

There, within their mind, will be knowledge absolutely immense; the full gamut.

A new discovery will be undertaken;

Left behind will be the God forsaken.

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The Nature of Tyranny

Tyranny reigns across this globe we call Earth.

It has led to much destruction,

I dare say the ruination of our entire hearth.

How, and why, does it arise?

It is fed by loathing, despair, and greed,

And a desire to dominate, to manipulate, and also control;

Their Leaders are terribly, and hideously, bold.

Each and every one,

they desire to live in accordance with their wishes.

Placed by design, is each one in their fold.

I dare say there have been, and are today, more than just a few.

Should they congregate, joined they would be, as if stuck with glue.

Being so alike this should not surprise;

But send us to the deep depths of mercurial blue, they will.

Be careful who you choose to meet!

So many wear a mask, or disguise;

They don’t want you to know what they are about.

If you did, you would scream, and shout; maybe even die with fright.

They belong to the night.

Their nature is dark; contained within is barely a shed of light.

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Greed, Envy, Hatred, And More,

Is What We Should Abhor

They take what they please, no matter how others plead;

To please the self is all that matters.

Those that show their displeasure are thought of as “mad hatters”.

Is it reasonable to accept that which is wrong?

In North America they act two prong.

The Chinese, and the Blacks, have stacked their claim;

The glorification of self will constitute their fame.

Acceptance of others is an illusion; as one they create a fusion.

Many suffer, and die, as a result,

Yet, clearly, they state they are not at fault.

Lies fuel hideous fantasies.

Fear is stated instead of hate toward those called simply “pansies”.

Why should truth be masked? To hide what is being asked.

To take what you do not own, is a practice that has clearly grown.

Loath, and despise fakes, who claim to be martyrs;

Actually, they are filthy farters.

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Words stemming from hot air, reside practically everywhere.

Honesty, fairness, charity, have become weak,

Thus, so many strive to be the boss.

The Beast

“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small,

but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts,

all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans

until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

Adolf Hitler