the green london n14 7eg tel 0208 886 3904 · your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but...

Walker Primary School The Green Waterfall Road Southgate London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904 Email [email protected] Weekly Update 10/7/20 Dear Parents/Carers Out with the old and in with the new ! This week your children have found out who is their child's next class teacher and by the end of today, you should have received their reports electronically. Please don't forget to fill in the parent/ carer comment form. We really do value your opinion. If you have not received your report, please let us know. XQT-kJyZHIMw/viewform?usp=sf_link Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video messages on google classrooms. If your children are in school, they will have met them in person! As Y6 prepare for their final days at Walker, they are looking forward to signing shirts and having pizzas together on their last day. Meanwhile, we welcomed our new Reception children and families to school to play. We have decided to rename Yellow and Blue class as Willow and Maple in preparation for our move into the new building in spring 2021. It was lovely to see siblings, who make up nearly half the year group! At school we have been working hard in the mornings, practising/checking our reading, maths and phonic skills

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Page 1: The Green London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904 · Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video

Walker Primary School The Green

Waterfall Road Southgate

London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904

Email [email protected]

Weekly Update 10/7/20

Dear Parents/Carers

Out with the old and in with the new !

This week your children have found out who is their child's next class teacher and by the end of today, you should have received their reports electronically. Please don't forget to fill in the parent/ carer comment form. We really do value your opinion. If you have not received your report, please let us know.

Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video messages on google classrooms. If your children are in school, they will have met them in person!

As Y6 prepare for their final days at Walker, they are looking forward to signing shirts and having pizzas together on their last day. Meanwhile, we welcomed our new Reception children and families to school to play. We have decided to rename Yellow and Blue class as Willow and Maple in preparation for our move into the new building in spring 2021. It was lovely to see siblings, who make up nearly half the year group!

At school we have been working hard in the mornings, practising/checking our reading, maths and phonic skills

Page 2: The Green London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904 · Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video

and then in the afternoons we have been involved in lots of creative activities. Across the school there is an artistic calm as the children have been busy making masks, puppets and leaf sketches, printing in the style of William Morris and designing mosaic tiles. Hopefully those of you at home, have also been trying out similar techniques. Reception had a visit from Maya’s mum who led a very practical session on keeping your hands free from germs using psychedelic paint and lights!

Reminder : Meet your teachers last week of term: We would love to see those of you who have been at home. Parents are welcome on site. Social distance and Covid rules will be in place. Please enter via the playground.

Wed 15 July Use surnames please

3-3.30 (A-N in register) 3.30-4 (O-Z in register)


3-3.30 (A-N in register) 3.30-4 (O-Z in register)


Thurs 16 July Use surnames please

3-3.30 Rec - only for children not attending in Bubbles.

3-3.30 (A-N in register) 3.30-4 (O-Z in register)


Fri 17 July 2pm finish for all bubbles Use surnames please

2.30-3 (A-N in register) 3-3.30 (O-Z in register)


2.30-3 Y1 - only for children not attending Bubbles.

September Plans: School will open for everyone on Monday September 7th. The new year will start with children meeting their old teacher on day 1. All children are expected to return all children to school. The risk assessment has been revised for whole classes/year groups to be together and will be on the website by September.

Once your child returns, we would encourage them to bring their own pencil case (include a black Frixion fibre tip pen for Y4 upwards) . Your child’s equipment will stay with them . If you are not able to bring in your own pack of resources then you will use the schools and we will disinfect it regularly after use. Please label everything!

Parents will come to the school (gates open at 8.30 am) and can drop children off either at the gate or behind the red line in the playground. They will then be directed safely into class. This will be the same for pick ups. School will end at the normal time (3.15 infants and 3.20pm juniors) and children will be sent to you. It is important that

Page 3: The Green London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904 · Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video

parents keep to the social distance rules and where possible only 1 adult per family on the school site. In September we will send out a reminder/protocol to support you.

End of Year Assembly Monday 9,30a.m : The House Captains have finished preparing their end of year assembly. Have you been practising our school song ready for 10a.m Monday morning on Google Classrooms. Do send us a video of you singing our school song!

Home learning:You have been absolutely amazing and all deserve medals. We are so pleased to see so many accessing the classrooms where your teachers have set work, we can't thank you enough for your partnership. We believe that our systems for home learning have grown from strength to strength as have our skills with google classroom and are excited to explore more with the children, once they return in September.

Year 4 teachers are extremely proud that their pupils have been doing some amazing work on Ancient Egypt. The children were asked to create an Ancient Egyptian God fact file. They were given a Google Doc template to which they had to add their researched information and insert an image. What was different about this is that the template itself is an image, so rather than just typing on a Google Doc, the children were editing an image to insert writing and even inserting an image into a pre existing image! This is phenomenal work for 8/9 year olds, and the fact that their skills have developed to the extent that they can not only complete the work, but complete such magnificent work to such a high standard is absolutely incredible and is a testament to their hard work, perseverance and on line guidance from their teachers. Well done Year 4! Y4 were trained in google classrooms using chrome books in school before lockdown, so have had a flying start.

Ella Talia

Page 4: The Green London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904 · Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video

Science Activities

Join this big family-friendly online quiz evening 13/7 and find out more about their on line events , with a host of special guests and Fellows of the Royal Society pitching questions on their favourite topics. With rounds on movies, space, the elements and more, get your household or an online team together, grab a pen and paper and go for quiz glory. The quiz is generally aimed at Y5/6, but there will be questions for younger participants as well.

Enfield Music Services: Information about lessons for the autumn term can be found here. Deadline 14/7.

National Survey on Home Learning for Parents : At the beginning of lockdown, you filled in surveys to help us shape our home learning. Here is an opportunity to have your say nationally! We will also receive your feedback, so please do take this opportunity to help us reflect. The survey is open till the end of term.

We hope to see you all next week.

Ms. Warhurst and all the Walker staff

Home Learning from our Google Classrooms this week. Well done to all, the teachers love seeing your work- keep uploading!

Infant work Charlie Yellow Class 


Aanya Y1 Robert Y1

Page 5: The Green London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904 · Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video

Reviewing my Learning about Seasides William Miller Y2 What have you learned from this topic? I have learnt about where the seaside resorts are located on a map of the UK. I watched videos about Punch and Judy because this is one of the activities that you can do at the seaside. I think it is so funny and now I watch it a lot! Today I learnt the definitions of different seaside words like: cliff, sea, island and port. Write 5 words you would use to describe a UK seaside resort. Sandy, Pier, Rocky, Fun, Busy Why do you think people visit seasides? Because it is fun for everyone in the family. The adults can build sandcastles with their kids, play beach sports and swim. Children can build sandcastles too, watch Punch and Judy, eat icecream and play in the water! Name 5 seaside resorts in the UK. ____Brighton___________________________ ____Bournemouth_______________________ ____Scarborough________________________ ____Newquay___________________________ ____Blackpool___________________________ What is an island? A piece of land surrounded by water. Juniors Evin Y5, Ayris Y3  


Page 6: The Green London N14 7EG Tel 0208 886 3904 · Your old teachers are very sad to let you go, but your new ones are so excited to say hello to their new classes. Please see their video

    Great reading, Zack Y3

Rose Y3      Freida Y3 

     Jayden Y3