the gregorian - j.s. paluch

The Gregorian October 21, 2012 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

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Page 1: The Gregorian - J.S. Paluch

The Gregorian

October 21, 2012

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life

as a ransom for many.”

Page 2: The Gregorian - J.S. Paluch

Page 2 October 21, 2012

Annual Report of the St. Gregory the Great Finance Council For the Fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 Oct. 21, 2012 My dear parishioners, As the pastor of St. Gregory the Great Parish, I have been impressed with the generosity and dedication of so many different people in our parish. We have a core group of parishioners who generously give of their time and talent to facilitate the many ministries of our Parish. And I am most grateful for this spirit of generosity and service that characterizes all dimensions of our parish. This is what stewardship at its best is all about. Stewardship involves generosity not only with one’s time and talent but also with one’s treasure. It requires a lot of financial resources to keep a parish like ours running smoothly and to support all the many different dimensions of our worship, service, and outreach to the community. In the enclosed financial report, you will see that collections for Sundays and Holy Days were short of budget but were better than the year before. Our biggest ongoing challenge has been maintenance and repairs. In the five years that I have been the Pastor of St. Gregory the Great Church, we spent over $280,000 on maintenance and repairs just to our Church building. We have beautiful buildings and wonderful facilities. At the time they were built, they were state of the art, but now they are showing their age. The result is that our parish savings have been greatly depleted by extraordinary as well as ongoing ordinary maintenance and repairs. It is my hope and prayer that thanks to your continued generosity, we might have a balanced budget. My hope as well is that we can increase our parish savings so that we will have the financial reserves we need to address planned and deferred maintenance projects as well as any facilities emergencies that will inevitably occur and to have the funds we need to add new ministries or to enhance our existing ministries. Please read carefully through the enclosed report that you might have a clearer grasp of our current financial situation. Thank you for your generosity in the past. Please prayerfully consider increasing your weekly offering to make sure that St. Gregory the Great Parish will remain strong, vibrant and life giving. In Christ,

Fr. Paul Wachdorf

We have completed a review of the parish financial statements for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2012. The financial health of the parish is relatively good compared to recent years, as we managed to produce a surplus in our day-to-day operating budget. Income from regular budgeted sources-- including Sunday offerings, the Christmas and Easter collections, fund-raising and school rental fees-- totaled $883,300 which exceeded everyday operating expenses of $866,600 by $16,700. This surplus is due in large part to our fellow parishioners who organized and conducted fund-raising activities this past year. Bingo, the Grand Raffle, the Thanksgiving Dinner Dance, Bear Down Chow Down, the Fish Fry, and SCRIP sales raised an additional $33,400 in income for St. Gregory this year. We gratefully acknowledge all members in the parish who have contributed to the Sunday offering since these funds are our single largest source of income. Even though planned Sunday offerings were off by 3%-- we collected $313,100 against a budget of $322,000—the total represents 35% of the regular income accounted for during the year. (continued)

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Summary of Sunday Offering by Source (for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012)

School rental and other lease income brought in $273,000 last year, or 31% of income from regular budgeted sources. This source of income has provided a consistent level of revenue for the parish over the past five years that has a good stabilizing effect on our budget. The mild winter we experienced last year helped us keep our heating fuel and electrical expenses about $40,000 lower than planned. These savings served to offset unplanned expenditures for building repairs and maintenance that exceeded the budget by $27,900, or 23% ($151,700 in actual expenses versus $123,800 budgeted). As we have explained in past reports, we are concerned that planned and emergency maintenance and repair expenditures put our parish financial position at risk. An emerging concern that has our attention is the plan announced by the City of Chicago to start charging tax-exempt organizations like our parish for water and sewers services. This new expense item could add $10,000 or more in additional costs to our annual operating budget. Our parish is not generating enough regular income to cover our expenses and put away money in our savings to ensure we can pay for the planned upkeep of our church and other parish buildings. What is puzzling about this situation is that while our income from Sunday collections, Christmas and Easter has declined about 10% over the past five years, the number of registered families in our parish has actually increased 21%. The key to ensuring the financial stability of our parish continues to rest with each one of us. We do recognize that many in our parish continue to strive to make ends meet since the great recession of 2008 took hold in our economy. And we acknowledge that you should give to the parish only as much as your financial situation will allow. We respectfully ask that those giving to the parish through our on-line payment service Give Central now do nothing more than keep doing so. Your regular giving forms a solid foundation for our budgeted Sunday Offering income. For those who use envelopes, please consider enrolling in Give Central at a level of $25 per month. Give Central ensures a consistent, reliable source of funding because St. Gregory receives the payment each month even if you are not able to attend one or more Sunday Masses. If you contribute cash, try to give on average $5 per week. While we welcome any amount you can afford, we all appreciate that loose change and dollar bills don’t go far these days in buying essentials for your home and family. The same holds true for our parish. Finally, we ask that you reflect on the financial results summarized in this report, and then prayerfully consider whether you can make an additional financial sacrifice to help us secure the future of our parish. May God continue to advance the faith and good works of St. Gregory the Great parish. The members of the Parish Finance Council

Budget Actual Surplus (Deficit) Actual as % of Budget Envelopes $137,500 $134,300 ($3,200) 98%

Cash & Change $77,500 $74,100 ($3,400) 96%

Give Central $107,000 $104,700 ($2,300) 98%

TOTAL $322,000 $313,100 ($8,900) 97%

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For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012

2011-2012 2011-2012 2011-2012

Actual Budget Over (Under)

Budget Operating Income Sunday Collections 313,100 322,000 -8,900 Christmas Collection 22,458 24,000 -1,542 Easter Collection 14,291 14,000 291 Other Collections 14,918 10,000 4,918 Tuition Fees from CCD 2,566 2,500 66 Lease and Rental Income 273,066 259,747 13,319

Fund Raising Income (Bingo, Dinner Dance, Grand Raffle, etc) 68,345 39,000 29,345 Interest & Investment Income 2,063 2,000 63

Miscellaneous Parish Income (Donations, Mass stipends, Votive candles, School reimbursements, etc.) 165,221 184,200 -18,979 Other Parish Income 7,350 5,000 2,350

Total Income 883,378 862,447 20,931

Operating Expenses Salaries & Benefits 310,246 311,545 -1,299 Utilities 134,587 174,300 -39,713 Maintenance & Repairs 151,682 123,800 27,882 Administration 19,981 17,050 2,931 Insurance 53,304 53,299 5 Liturgical Expense 22,951 17,750 5,201 Fund Raising Expenses 35,107 25,000 10,107 Archdiocesan Assessment 51,708 51,706 2 Subsidy to Northside Catholic Academy 47,250 47,250 0 Other Parish Expenses 39,793 40,747 -954

Total Expenses 866,609 862,447 4,162

Surplus or (Deficit) 16,769 0 16,769

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Weekly Calendar October 21 (Sunday) 11:45am—Senior Luncheon—Cafteria 5:00pm—Charismatic prayer group—Fr. Baseheart Rm. 7:00pm—RCIA—Parish Center October 23 (Tuesday) 7:00pm—Bingo—Social Hall October 24 (Wednesday) 6:30pm—Novena—Church October 25 (Thursday) 6:45pm—Choir rehearsal—Church October 26 (Friday) 11:00am—SVDP meeting—Parish Center 6:45pm—Women’s Scripture study—Parish Center October 27 (Saturday) 10:00am—SSR Classes—Gym Building

Page 5 October 21, 2012

St. Gregory the Great

Mission Statement

St. Gregory the Great is a Catholic Church made up of people of many different ages, talents, and cultural backgrounds. We are an urban faith community with a small town feel of welcome and hospitality. Motivated by our baptismal calling, we accept our duty to embody the presence of Jesus Christ in the world and to take up the mission he entrusted to us by our word and example. We glorify God through support and service of our time, talent, and treasure to our church and to the larger community in which we live.

Readings for the Week

Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52


If you are homebound or know someone that is, and would like Holy Communion brought to you, please contact the Parish Center at 773-561-3546.


In the Gospel today Jesus tells his disciples: “Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the rest; who-ever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all.” When you give the furniture, household items and clothing you no longer use to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you give hope to your neighbors who have nothing.

ALL SOULS DAY On November 2nd the Universal Church celebrates the Feast of All Souls. It is a day when we pray for our beloved deceased and commend their souls to the mercy of God.

This year on Friday, November 2nd at 7:00p.m. St. Gregory the Great will be holding a special vesper service to observe this beautiful feast. We will remember especially all of those who have been buried from St. Gregory during this past year. (If you have lost a loved one during this past year who was not buried from St. Gregory, and you wish to have him or her remembered, please contact the Parish Center and leave his or her name along with your own) We hope that it will be a meaningful way to remember the loved one you lost to death during the past year, and it will strengthen your hope in Christ’s victory over the power of death.

Please plan on joining us to pray for all “those who have gone before us marked by the sign of faith.”

PARISH VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON On Sunday, Oct. 28, there will be a Parish Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon immediately after the 10:30a.m. Mass in the High School Cafeteria for all the many parishioners who volunteer their time and talent during the year. After communion at the 4:30p.m. Mass on Saturday, Oct. 27 and at the 8:30 and 10:30a.m. Masses on Sunday, Oct. 28, all parish volunteers will be invited to come forward to receive a special blessing. If you plan on attending the appreciation luncheon, please call the Parish Center at 773-561-3546 by Wednesday, Oct. 24th, and let us know so that we can make sure that there is sufficient food for all our volunteers. I want to express my sincere thanks to all our volunteers for all that they do in so many different ways to make possible the many different programs and ministries that are available at St. Gregory the Great Parish. - Fr. Paul

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Point I didn’t notice the power and the beauty of so many things in my life, until someone pointed them out. Someone had to call my attention to these good things and summon me to see what had always surrounded me. I saw with new eyes. In a similar way, John the Baptist points out Jesus to the first disciples. John says, “Look, the Lamb of God. Behold, the Lamb of God, who is already here among us.” The same words have become a part of the Mass before Holy Communion, “Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world.” The priest holds up the host and points to the presence of Jesus Christ among us. We need indications. The things of God are deeply imbedded in our lives, but they may remain unseen. The Mass in its entirety points out the presence of the Redeemer in our lives — the suffering and dying Christ in our struggles, the risen Christ in our sense of new life, the power of Christ in our fragility, and the merciful Christ in our acts of compassion. The Mass points out the Lamb of God who even now is with us.

All three of today’s readings remind us to never become too comfortable in identifying oneself as a victim. Jesus, in his sacrifice on the cross, was God’s perfect victim for all of humanity, destroying sin and redeeming us through his death and resurrection.

When I approach the altar and consume Jesus’ broken body, am I truly aware of the tremendous sacrifice he made for me on the cross?

WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This year the Church’s annual celebration of World Mission Sunday takes on special significance because it occurs while the Synod on the New Evangelization is taking place in Rome. These two movements are intrinsically connected because each of them is about faith: knowing our faith and sharing it so that we can bring it to bear on every society where the Church has taken root, as well as in places where Christ has yet to be proclaimed or where faith in him has grown cold. It is most fitting that the Sunday liturgy is the setting for our Archdiocesan celebration of World Mission Sunday, because it is participation in Sunday Mass that nourishes us, strengthens us and sends us out on mission to witness to Christ. Through the Church’s proclamation of the Word of God and our reception of the Body and Blood of the Lord, we are fortified to live as missionary disciples and take up the work to which Christ calls us. Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has reminded us that only Christ can truly fulfill the hopes of all humanity because he alone can “heal, purify and fill all people with his presence.” If others are to come to know Christ deeply, we must make “the unfathomable riches of Christ known” by bold and yet humble witness to the difference he makes in our lives. Our profound communion with Christ through our life in the Church should result in a deepening of faith that is trans-formed into love. The Pontifical Mission Societies support the missionary evangelization efforts that take place in 1150 dioceses throughout the world. Through their efforts the love of Christ touches the hearts of countless people in every region of the world. I commend the Pontifical Mission Societies to your prayers and ask you to be generous in your support for their missionary outreach. By participating in the missionary work of the Church, my prayer is that each of us will grow in our ability to proclaim Christ by our lives. Thank you for your concern for the missions. May the Lord abundantly bless you and those you love. Sincerely yours in Christ, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago

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MINISTRY OF THE WEEK – SCRIPTURE STUDY The Scripture Study group meets on a weekly basis to read, study and reflect on the Word of God as it is found in the Bible. Participants have the opportunity to learn more about the background and meaning of the books of the Bible, to ask questions and to share the impact that the Word of God has had on their lives. Meetings are currently held on the second Monday of the month in the basement of the Parish Center from 9-10:30a.m. The contact person for Scripture Study is Sr. Regina De Vitto, 773-561-3546.

WEB SITE OF THE WEEK The web site of the week is This web site was created by Fr. James McIlhone, the Director of Biblical Formation for the Archdiocese of Chicago and the priest who gave our Parish Lenten Retreat this year. In light of the fact that this year the Archdiocese of Chicago is focusing on the year of Sunday Mass, this web site offers an in-depth look at the scriptural background of the Mass. It will consist of a nine part series of videos that will each last about 30 minutes. The videos can be paused or repeated as many times as needed in order to fully understand the content. This site also includes many other biblical resources.

CHARIS MINISTRIES EVENTS FOR YOUNG ADULTS Charis Ministries is a Jesuit ministry to those in their 20s & 30s. A ministry of the Chicago-Detroit Provinces of the Society of Jesus, Charis offers retreats, service, leadership, and speaker opportunities that bring the gifts of Ignatian Spirituality to the lives of young adults. - Young Married Couples Retreat - Charis Ministries is currently planning our first ever retreat specifically designed for young adult couples in their early years of marriage. To learn more or get involved with the planning or retreat teams, please contact Lauren Gaffey at [email protected]. - Are you seeking a volunteer opportunity? Want to get involved with Charis Ministries and help inspire other young adults to grow in their faith? Do you enjoy writing and reflecting on the gospel? Charis Ministries is looking for young adults interested in volunteering to write spiritual reflections for various times throughout the year. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Stephanie Scherra, at [email protected] or at 773-508-2843.

INCLUSION AWARENESS SUNDAY Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, At this past summer’s Olympic Games, many athletes made headlines for shattering world records for speed or for their total number of medals. But one athlete made headlines for both his ability and his disability: Oscar Pistorius, a South African double amputee who runs with the aid of prosthetics. His commitment to excellence won Pistorius the admiration and respect of his fellow athletes, and millions of others worldwide. When asked what his motto was, Pistorius replied, “You're not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have.” Oscar Pistorius’ story stands out because of the popularity of the Olympics, but did you know that one in five Americans also has a disability? It is likely that every fifth person with you at Mass today has either a physical, cognitive, or sensory limitation. That is why I have asked parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago to participate in Inclusion Awareness Sunday, sponsored by the organization As parish communities called to welcome others in Christ’s name, it is im-portant that we reflect on the ways in which we can make people of differing abilities feel welcomed and appreciated. We are invited to see Christ in every person and to treat every person with the dignity and respect they deserve. May God bless all of you and your families. Each day, I remember you and your intentions before the Lord, and I ask that you remember me in your own prayers. Sincerely yours in Christ, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago P.S. We are grateful that our Church building is fully handicapped accessible. Currently, we are raising funds to make the Social Hall and its bathrooms handicapped accessible. – Fr. Paul

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MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA Girls 10-12 years old and their mothers are invited to attend “God’s Plan for Growing Up,” a mother-daughter tea from 2:30-5:00 on Sunday, Nov. 4th at Catholic Charities, St. Vincent Hall, 721 N. LaSalle St. Free parking is available. The program, sponsored by the archdiocese’s Natural Family Planning Ministry, is designed to acquaint the girls and their mothers with the wonder of God’s gift of womanhood, and the changes they will experience as they mature. It will also help to facilitate communication between them at this important time in their lives. The program will be both informative and enjoyable. It will include afternoon refreshments and tea, and a confidential question and answer session. The cost is $30 per mother-daughter pair and $10 for each additional daughter. Space is limited. Register online at or call 312-534-8273. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL—DROP BOX Remember to drop off your gently used clothing donations at the SVDP drop box located in the South Parking Lot of the gym building. For furniture donations, SVDP will pick up from your home. Please call Lavetta at 773-779-6700 to schedule a pick-up.—Thank you for your support. SCRIP PROGRAM All orders placed the previous weekend can be picked up the following weekend at the 4:30pm Mass on Saturday or the 8:30 & 10:30am Mass on Sunday. PLEASE CONSIDER BUYING YOUR GIFT CARDS THROUGH OUR SCRIP PROGRAM. Rebates received from SCRIP go towards the Social Hall Renovation. Login to shopwithscrip.comto see what’s new and check out their current promotional items. Thank you for supporting the Scrip program!

THE CHURCH: THE SACRAMENT OF THE WORLD’S SALVATION This is the fourth of six articles on the purpose and major documents of the Second Vatican Council, written on the fiftieth anniversary of the calling of the Council by Blessed Pope John XXIII. The documents on the Sacred Liturgy and on Divine Revelation, which were the subject of previous short articles, lead us now to consider Lumen gentium, the Constitution on the Church. Christ is the light of all the peoples of the world, as the title of the document on the Church declares at its very start. A few lines into the document, the Church is defined as the sacrament of the unity of the human race, the instrument that Christ, as savior of the whole world, uses to gather all peoples together in his name and in his love. The Church is presented as a mystery of faith. This is because her existence begins with the mission that Christ received from his Father to save the world from the consequences of its sinfulness, and because her life is therefore incorporated into the mystery which is God’s own life as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One of the ironies of the last fifty years is that the Council’s desire to situate the Church within the faith itself has been often thwarted by people who still consider her primarily as a juridical institution and who espouse institutional “reform” programs as if the Church were a country, a corporation or a club. The Council intended to change this way of thinking about the Church. The Church is variously described as a sheepfold, as the edifice of God, as our mother, as the spouse of the spotless Lamb of God, as the place where a pilgrim people come together on their journey of faith in order to receive the gifts that Christ won for them--the gift of the Holy Spirit, sanctifying grace, sacramental grace, the truths of the Gospel, the infused virtues, the love of pastors ordained to make Christ’s headship visible in his body, and all the other gifts, visible and invisible, that create the tissue of life of the faithful. Because all the baptized are called to holiness of life here and to life eternal in God’s heavenly kingdom, the Church offers all the gifts necessary to achieve holiness. The Council’s teaching on the Church considers various ways of achieving holiness and living as a disciple of Christ: lay people in the world, those in the married state, the life of religious consecration, the way of ordained deaconate and priesthood and episcopacy, the various forms of discipleship that have been part of the Church’s history and which we see most clearly in those who have been declared saints, especially, in a pre-eminent way, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our mother. This great company of witnesses grows in each generation as the Church reaches out in mission to share the gifts of Christ, the Light of the Nations, with all the peoples of the earth. The Church herself is a gift from Christ, her head, who uses the sacraments of the Church to touch and to be present to his people and who desires that all peoples be gathered into one people of God in the Church. Francis Cardinal George, OMI Archbishop of Chicago

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Page 9 October 21, 2012

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

—Henri Nouwen



Games begin at 7:00 PM in the Gym Basement—Social Hall (1609 West Gregory St.)

$2,250 in prizes (includes 2— $500 games) and a Jackpot of up to $5,000

In case of bad weather, please call the Parish Center at 773-561-3546, after 2:00p.m. for possible cancellation.

Bingo at St. Gregory is “Smoke Free”

FRIENDSHIP CLUB Make your plans to join us for some great activities! Oct. 24, 2012—Horseshoe Casino-Bus 9:45am—Cost $5 Nov. 14, 2012—12:00pm—Regular Meeting—Pizza $5.00 Dec. 12, 2012—Christmas Party at Monastero’s, 11:30am Cost-$30.00

Please remember in your prayers: Felicia Lesperance, Vera Oxley, and Eleanor Huber.


Raffle Tickets are available at the Parish Center. You can purchase the raffle tickets yourself or sell them to your family and friends. All proceeds from the Annual Grand Raffle benefit the Gym & Social Hall Renovation. Drawing will be the day of Bear Down Chow Down on Sunday, December 9, 2012

ST. GREGORY THE GREAT 4TH ANNUAL Thanksgiving Dinner Dance—Saturday, November 3, 2012

All parishioner families and friends are cordially invited to the 4th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Dance. The entertainment this year will feature Ellen and the Soundwave Band as well as a DJ.

Cash Bar: 6:00p.m. Dinner : 7:00p.m.

Pre-event ticket prices: Adults: $20 Child: (12 & under) $10 At-the-door ticket prices: Adults: $25 Child: (12 & under) $15

Volunteers are needed for the Dinner Dance—If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mark Soehn at 773.858.1699 or email him at [email protected]. Tickets are available at the Parish Center during normal business hours as well.

Tickets for the Dinner Dance are now on sale at the back of Church after the weekend Masses.

COME TO THE LIVING WORD—PASTA PARTY! Come One, Come All—-Saturday, October 20, 2012,

4:00—8:00p.m. To benefit the ministries of the Sisters of the Living Word. PASTA, SALADS, DRINKS, AND DESSERTS


Cafeteria, 1677 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago 773-886-6538 (Free will offering)

SOCIAL CARE SENIOR LUNCHEON— YOU ARE INVITED! All St. Gregory the Great Seniors are invited to Social Care’s Fall Senior Luncheon on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 11:45am in the High School cafeteria, 1677 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago IL. Join us for Lunch, Entertainment and Bingo. For more information please call Sr. Barbara at the Parish Center 773-561-3546.

SAVE THE DATE! St. Gregory Young Adults invite you to join them on December 1st for the Jolly Old St. Nicholas Shoe Drive and Christmas Party at O’Shaughnessy’s Public House. Mark your calendars now. More information to come soon.

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SUNDAY, October 21 8:30—+Anna L. Cain 10:30—+Richard Allen DeWolf, 65th birthday in memoriam +Dorothy Becker MONDAY, October 22 8:30— Parishioners TUESDAY, October 23 8:30— +Alan Hernandez WEDNESDAY, October 24 8:30— Memorial Fund THURSDAY, October 25 8:30— Parishioners FRIDAY, October 26 8:30—Kathleen Glennon, In sympathy SATURDAY, October 27 8:30—Parishioners 4:30pm—+Adelaida Uychoco +Bernard Glennon +Pedrito Divinagratia, Anniversary of death SUNDAY, October 21 8:30— +Victoria Bonilla 10:30— +Matthew O’Halloran +Antonio Reyes

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Memorial Fund

Mass Intentions For The Week

Saturday—4:30pm Sunday—8:30am


Lectors/Commentators Millie Slane Jon Hageman

Leila Kanar Kiki Powell

Judy Nocek Winston Buenvenida

Gerald Malone Volunteer Volunteer

Letty Baltazar Aida Davila Carmen Delgado Joanne Prorok

Mickey Chigas Eunice Daniels Butch Odulio Ines Odulio

Altar Servers Allyson Hancok Tba MC-Dan Creed

Fernando Dosamantes Sarah Becker MC-Nicole Dosamantes

Charlie Sell Stephen Cernek Luke Coyle MC-Bart Coyle

Liturgical Ministries (October 27/October 28)

Wedding Banns I. Jordan Luckey & Joan Ignoffo III. Gerardo Tovar & Michelle Solis

Prayer List Please pray for the sick and all those

who have asked for our prayers.

Our Armed Forces Keep in your prayers

all who are in the armed forces.

Karen Lee O’Dea Norma Cechini Sean Quigley Eloise Coughlin Macy Bella Ganz Bob Connelly Jackie Osborne Jacob Matiosian Michael Sorrentino Carlos Padilla Kemi Awoniyi Marilynn Jeglum Patrick Ryan Marge Dyker Connie Davis Loretta Gariffo Helen Hauptman Betty Grimaldos Connie Buenvenida Art Birt Frank McManamon

Dominick Kearns Chris Michel Joseph Guido Jr. Patrick Flanagan Erix A. Sutton Matthew Harvey David Murcio Ramil Cabute Nick Demopoulos John Hernandez Tony Murillo Nino Villamore Edward Hurtado Michael Ignoffo Gloria Qualls Douglas Hlavacek

Lily Osborne George Poulos Peter Saldanha Debby Giese Virginia Rodriquez Ted Moore Adam Kiolbassa Nicholas Koronakos Flor Reyes Maria Andersson Henry Birt Jesse Osborne Marylyn Ahlfeld Mary Slane Arlene Blake Eleanor Huber Fr. Jamel James Rachel Crowe Dan O’Connell Steven Wade

Prayer List Requests We are happy to include your loved ones on our prayer list both in the Gregorian and for the weekend mass Prayers of the Faithful. However, we ask that you please call the Parish Center to let us know when to remove them from the list(s).—Thank you so much!

In Loving Memory: +Suzie Woeslaw By: Catherine Rondinelli

Remember the Memorial Fund for the Living and Deceased

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Page 11 October


Parish Center 5545 N. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-3546 773-728-3827 (fax)— Hours: M—Th 9:00am—6:00 pm Fri– 9:00am—5:00pm Sat.—9:00am—4:30pm, Sun.—9:00am—12:00pm

Pastoral Staff Rev. Paul Wachdorf, Pastor Rev. Brian Fischer, Associate Pastor Rev. John Moulder, Resident Sr. Barbara Quinn, Pastoral Associate Sr. Regina De Vitto, Pastoral Associate Mr. John Miaso, Business Manager Ms. Bernadette Daniels, Administrative Asst. Mr. Patrick Godon, Director Of Music & Liturgy Ms. Joan Lycknell, Sacristan Mr. Joseph Malham, Artist-in-Residence Quest Theatre Ensemble, Artists-in-Residence

Schools St. Gregory High School 1677 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, IL 60660 773-907-2100 Ms. Nancy McCabe, Principal Northside Catholic Academy ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Admissions Office: 773-743-6277

St. Gregory Credit Union 1609 W. Gregory St., Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-5493 Sunday 9:30am—12:00pm Wednesday 7:00pm—9:00pm

Masses Sunday: Saturday Evening—4:30pm, Sunday—8:30am, and 10:30am. Weekdays: Monday—Saturday—8:30am Holy Days of Obligation: Please check the Sunday bulletin for Holy Day Schedules.

Sacraments Baptisms: First Sunday of the Month—1:00pm (except during Lent)

Weddings: Arrange with a pastoral staff member at least six months in advance. Participation in marriage preparation is essential.

Reconciliation Saturday– 3:30pm—4:15pm

Services Prayer Requests: If you or a family member or relative is ill and would like to be included on the list of prayer requests, please call the Parish Center. Mass Intentions: You may request a Mass intention for someone who is living or deceased or special occasions such as birthdays, special anniversary, get well wishes. Please call or stop by the Parish Center.

Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday of each month, 9:00am—9:00pm, except when funerals are scheduled. Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesdays 6:30pm

Spiritual Direction Marilyn Gehant 773-497-5590 (cell) (confidential) Terra Solove 773-358-8020 (cell) (confidential)

Sunday and Holy Day Collection Totals

For Fiscal Year July 1—June 30


Envelopes Cash/Loose Electronic Giving Total

September 9 $3,050 $3,276 $6,326

September 16 $2,868 $ 435 $3,303

September 23 $2,729 $1,149 $9,402 $$13,280

September 30 $1,906 $ 945 $2,851

Holy Days $ 20 $ 20

Total $12,779 $6,682 $8,502 $27,963

Over/(Under) Monthly Budget—Year-to-Date ($2,215)

Year-to-Date Collected as of September 30, 2012 $79, 034

Planned Annual Budget for Sunday & Holy Day Collections $325,000

YTD Collected as a percentage of Planned Annual Budget 24%

Page 12: The Gregorian - J.S. Paluch


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Chicago, IL 60625

773-561-6874Owned and Operated by SCI Illinois Services, Inc.

6222 N. Broadway


The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin.It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible.

Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call

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