the hazel green herald. (hazel green, ky) 1885-07-08 [p ]. · jay-evc-s-ee 210 maxev cobb 213...

1 5 L fc r r h F -- t 4 rrgp- - J - - - - - AWTWfcJM Mttii MtiiMZ M SI i Ymk JHftys it AifiKt safest rav to trsuurait xaosev 1v ifi ic Irr reeMtered leUer- - Tost oSce aon- - p bwtaer 4rft a Ciacinnati Money sat IB hk wy Ta wcieur nsK Btorea jrf tk Hazel Greca Postoffice aecsad class wail matter- - SPEKCER COOPER as Editoh HAZEL CftEEN KY WEDNESDAY JULY 8 1SS5 AXLE iX3MAIjL t tliouand peo ¬ ple every wek and Its circulation Is In craaaing iriUt eack iw ao It i therefore THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In Eastern Kentaeky aaet the rates are alr aWat kalf ihone ckared T other vkMh m leal fasdly newspapes do not ia any iemrTT TJTPD A TT Democratic Ticket Fr Bepresettive from Montgomery ifoaifee Powell and Wolfe counties PftUftY S CODSEY Independent Republican Ticket For Eepresentathei Mr FELIX t THOMAS People o oilier sections of this State wboVkh to Invest in cheap lands which will produce as much or more grass per acre than the fine high priced lands of the hlsegrasB section should come here aad place their money in Wolfe Morgan Breathitt ileaifee or PowelL They are all winning cards when grass is the stake and no mistake Why some of the rich aabobs who seek breeding farms in the blaegr36 section do not try this section for that purpose is something we cannot ttsderstand The land there will aver- age ¬ 100 per acre while here it can le had at an average of 10 The taxes of those counties are about double the asioftnt of taxes here Here we have an abundance of the finest running spring irater for stock There the in many instances must build ponds and get a supply of bapore water or do without This country is as accessible for buyers as that or nearly so Here the living is as good as there and much cheaper There they have to pay from 25 to 50 per moaiih for farm hands and other help aboKt the stock farm Here just as good lelg can be obtained for 10 to 15 and we might go on ad show the advantages is sassy other things of this country over that but the above will suffice to coavincs any thinking man that this is tie place for stock Taising Our own people do not raise balf as much stock as they should nor do they grass one third as much land as Ehould be in sod to day They are set in their ways and know Bothing of the immense profits of stock raising They must learn to raise if necessary fewer and better animals and whenever they turn their attention in that direction they will find their lot an easy one compared to the dig dig dig of the present system Let some of our en ¬ terprising men try this grass and stock business and they will discover the nigh way to wealth as certain as the needle turns to the magnet There is no rubbing this fact out Nature herself beckons you on to pursue this course and be happy Pemember that on Monday the 3rd day of August you will be called upon to Tote for a new constitution and be certain to so vote By voting for the new constitution your lands will enhance in value and your taxes grow beautifully less Elsewhere we publish the act up ¬ on which the election is held and com siend it to your careful reading A new constitution for Kentucky means better schools better morals better government a reform in the administration of affairs etc but above all it will insure lower taxes The defeat of a new constitution will certainly cause an increase of taxes and a continuance of bad morals bad of ¬ ficers etc Can you afford to vote against it To you wish to pay more taxes and see so little benefit If jovl have your own interest at beart you must go to the pdlls and vote for -- a new constitution Go and see that jour neighbor goes also This remember 5s not a political vote It is for the people the whole people and all should help make it Monday August 3d is the day and time and we hope we may hear that every voter in Wolfe county has voted for a new con ¬ stitution Let us try and be the banner county by casting every vote in the coun ¬ ty for it ugg of the Scorcher takes is sue with us because we did not think the governor did the proper thing in grant ¬ ing WiLTTAitfs a respite at the time he did The milk in that cocoanut is easily ccounted for Floyd is a regular nig- - fiddler andHAZEL XIG6 bates above all thing to see one of them come to grief Mayhap while in ML Sterling recently the editor of the Scorcher called on Floyd and had him play something lively Sourwood Moun ¬ tain for instance Hence his love for the fiddler and bis proportionate dislike of our remarks Come over Jomr Tost and we will have a dozen of em enter tsJba you who can play equally as well as Floyd The sum of 15000 has been appropri ¬ ated by the Government for the purpose of cleaning out the channel in the Ken ¬ tucky riyer between Beattyville and High Bridge This will be good news for our log men 0r next stock sale day remember is oa Wednesday next July 15th and you shoMld bring in good stock for that occa sioG It is with the people now to make it a suecess and we hope they will do it CL C E BowMAy has been appoint ¬ ed Jrfcultttral statistician for Kentucky d 4i better man could not have been foysd for the position 5 j - 3TO3 STATES Stare and Government Happening Boiled Down for The Herald Samuel T Hauser Helena ilont has been appointed governor of Montana The Department of State bas notified thirty Consuls that they will be retained in the diplomatic service Ueuben Ellwood member of congress from the Fifth Illinois district died on the 1st inst at Sycamore Frank Freeseof Lawrence county has been nominated for the legislature by the democrats of his district J G G Williams of Tennessee has j been appointed TJ S District Attorney for the Jbastern district ot that btate There are about forty Presidential postoffices in Kentucky for which there are about 400 aspirants Their salaries foot up about4G0000 Bev C J Spillmnn of Georgetown Ey has been called to the pastorate of the Vine street Baptist Church at Madi ¬ son Ind Salary 1000 Bill Coleman the- - negro who stabbed old man Hart at Owingsville Ky re ¬ cently was tried and sentenced on the 1st inst to pay a fine of 100 During a water spout at Clear Creek canyon Colorado on the 1st inst three mills were destroyed and wagons and teams standing in the streets of Central were carried away There is a group of fast horses just now at Glenn ville O Maud S 209 Jay-Evc-S- ee 210 Maxev Cobb 213 Phallus 213 and Clinton 214 besides fifty other fast ones At Lexington Ky July 1st a switch engine on the L N road ran over and killed Samuel Shears in the yard of the company He had been drinking and it is supposed fell on the track St Louis Globe Democrat It can nev- er ¬ be known exactly how many votes the New York mugwumps gave Cleveland last fall but the fact that he has given them two of the five or six most impor tant and lucrative offices in the State I demonstrates that he is resolved not to leave them any room to charge him with ingratitude Capt Harry Todd of Frankfort has gone to Beattyville to superintend the work of cleaning out the channel of the Kentucky Paver between that point and High Bridge Congress made an appro- priation ¬ of 15000 for that purpose last winter Capt J C Post of Cincinnati engineer in charge of the Kentucky River improvement is on a tour of in- spection ¬ to Lock No 5 Louisville Post Hon Attila Cox will take charge of the Internal Revenue of- fice ¬ to morrow and assume its duties Mr Cox has since his appointment en- larged ¬ his personal acquaintance among our business men ana has on all occa- sions ¬ made a splendid impression If the appointmeut were left to a vote of thi district to morrow the choice of the secretary 4f the treasury and of the pres- ident ¬ would be overwhelmingly ratified A better appointment could not have been made Southern Bivouac for July The second number of this Southern magazine under its new management has been issued and it shows a determination on the part of its editors to make it worthy of a liberal support North and South The story of pioneer life in Florida is both realistic and romantic and describes many personal characteristics and local customs that are novel and interesting Mr Hiraey who for fifteen years has been in Florida is by education and ex- perience ¬ well fitted for work of this kind Maurice Thompson in his own pecu- liar ¬ and facinating way discourses of Uur Brookside Birds A Confederate soldier tells of the last davs of the Confederacy and of an en counter with General Custer Morton M Cassedy has a pleasant arti- cle ¬ under the caption What American Art Exhibitions are Doing This arti- cle ¬ is accompanied by eight illustrations which arc intended simply to give one an idea of recent notable pictures Mr George Davie has another admira- ble ¬ translation from Horace Fons Ban cusise Red Rowel tells of his experience as a soldier who for a long time was some- thing ¬ of a free lance He had many hair breadth escapes and exciting adven- tures ¬ which are told in a graphic way Charles J Oallcy whose recent poet- ry ¬ lias won him wide commendations gives a striking and original contribution entitledThe Coming ot Life Beautiful A second delightful out door paper is D Felix L Oswold It is the first of a series on Our last Hunting Grounds and describes the habits of man and beasts in the Alleghany highland Mr Davie has a short and instructive article on the various translations of Hadrians Address to His Soul and he ventures to present his own version re- markable ¬ alike for beauty and fidelity George Braden in an article The Ku Klux Klan an Apology aims to de- scribe ¬ the condition of allairs in the South which gave rise to the Invisible Em pire Major Sanders cotinues his account of Hoods campaign this paper being de- voted ¬ to the march from Franklin to Nashville It is accompanied by admira- ble ¬ portraits of Governor Isham G Har- ris ¬ General John G Brown General S H French General Thomas J Wood Captain Thomas W Bullitt details his recolections of General Morgans impris- onment ¬ and the various plans made for his escape E Polk Johnson tells of his meeting with famous generals under very pecu- liar ¬ circumstances and makes from these meetings a very pleasant paper The leading editorial discusses the vice of gambling and Salmagundi is made up of songs and stories The magazine is for sale by the newsdealers at twenty cents per copy or it can be ordered of B F Avery Sons Louisville Kentucky publishers at 200 per anum Tire Hazel Green Herald and the Southern Bivouac one year 250 or sub- scriptions ¬ for the Bivouac will be re- ceived ¬ and forwarded from this office thus saving to the subscriber rejnstrv feesjc Teachers at Lexington Lexington Press July 4 The convention is proving a success beyond the anticipations of its warmest friends and advocates There were 250 members present yesterday and arrivals are constantly occurring The reports of committees on special subjects and dis- cussions ¬ thereon were of extraordinary interest The report of the committee on the re- lation ¬ of the clergy to public instruction read by Rev Green Clay Smith chair man or tne committee was one or re ¬ markable interest Vice presidents from each congression ¬ al district were elected These form a committee for the nomination of the president and secretary who will be elect- ed ¬ to day Upon the adjournment yesterday there was a general expression of satisfaction among the members concerning the way in which the work of the convention was progressing -- s5 3 S3i53eaffirwi ROWING ROWAN- - A Xumber of Arrests Made for the Mur ¬ der of JJayborn Special to Courier Journal Morehead Ky July 3 A J Mc Kenzie a former sherift of this county was to day appointed sheriff and he has qualified and entered upon the discharge of his duties The following parties were arrested to day charged with the murder of Ben Rayborm Jeff Bowling John Trumbo Boone Day Robert Messer James Oxley Nick Day Craig Tolliver and H 31 Keeton The case against Jef Y Bowling John Trumbo Boone Day and Robert Messer constable was called for examining trial before Judge Stuart at 11 oclock a jn Attorney General Hir din and Z T Young represented the Commonwealth and A W Young the de- fense ¬ The case was continued until next Monday to procure the attendance of witnesses and to grant the defendants time to secure additional counsel All parties that have been atrested are un- der ¬ guard at the encampment ground except Tolliver who on account of his wounds is confined to his house A spe- cial ¬ guard has been placed at his house The guard upon being stationed there took possession of the firearms found on the premises Other arrests will be made Attorney General Hardin wrho has been here for several days investigating matters returned this afternoon to Frank ¬ fort He will be here Monday to repre- sent ¬ the Commonwealth in these cases Adjt Gen Castleman will return here to morrow The boys will not spend the Fourth at a picnic The guards are well pleased with their superior officers and obey promptly all orders from them The Irvine Rifles furnish the singers the Winchester Rifles the athletes and the Cerro Gordo Guards the mashers of the encampment Capt Smith is very pop- ular ¬ with the ladies Young Men Read This The Voltaic Belt Company of Mar- shall ¬ Mich offer to send their celebrated Electro Voltaic Belt and other electric appliances on trial for thirty days to men young or old afflicted with nervous debility and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neuralgia paralysis and many other diseases Complete restora- tion ¬ to health and vigor guaranteed No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is al- lowed ¬ Write then at once for illus- trated ¬ pamphlet free Judge Lambert Tree of Chicago been appointed Minister to Spain has CHAPTER 27 AN ACT for taking the sense of the good people of this Commonwealth as to the necessity and expediency of calling a Convention to amend the Constitution and to ascertain the number of persons entitled to vote for Representatives Whereas experience has pointed out the necessity of amending the constitu- tion ¬ and the necessity and expediency of calling a Convention for that purpose therefore Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kenntucky 31 That at the next General Election held for representative to the General Assembly it shall be the duty of the sev- eral ¬ Sherills and other Officers of Election to open a poll for taking the sense of the people as to calling a Convention to amend the Constitution and make a return to the Secretary of State for the time being of the names of all those entitled to vote for Representatives who have voted for call- ing ¬ such convention g 2 That for any failure to perform the duties prescribed in the first section of this act every Sheriff or other return- ing ¬ officer shall be liable to a fine of six hundred dollars to be recovered by indict- ment ¬ of the Grand Jury in any court hav ¬ ing jurisdiction and shall also upon con viction ne sunject to removal irom omce - 3 That it shall be the duty of the Officers of said Election to propound to every voter the question Do you vote for calling a Convention or not And if such voter shall answer in the affirma- tive ¬ his name shall be recorded as voting for said Convention 4 That all Assessors are hereby re- quired ¬ to enroll in a column which each shall open in his Assessors book for that purpose the names of all citizens having ihe right to vote for representatives for the year 1S85 But said Assessors shall not enioll in such column the name of any person unless they shall at the time Siow that he is entitled to vote for Representa ¬ tive Qf said election and such knowledge shall be founded only upon 1 the per- sonal ¬ acquaintance of the Assessor or2 sufficient information obtained by him di- rectly ¬ from the person whose name is en- rolled ¬ or 3 a satisfactory statement un- der ¬ oath from other credible persons who know the facts oiecessan to the qualifica tion of such voter Any Assessor enroll- ing ¬ in said column any name without such knowledge or information shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and find in a sum not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars for each and every name thus improperly enrolled which fine may be recovered in any Court having jurisdic- tion ¬ and shall be for the benefit of the common schools Said Assessors shall be governed in all cases by the laws then in force to prevent illegal voting Said col- umn ¬ written in a fair and legible manner shall be returned with said Assessors book to the Auditor who shall make out a copy of said columns and deposit the same in the office of the Secretary of State to be reported by him to the next General As sembly 5 It shall be the duty of each As- sessor ¬ in office for the year 1885 before he shall have entered upon the duties of his office to go before the Judge of the Coun- ty ¬ Court and make the following oath I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully ascertain the number of persons qualified to vote for Representative in the district for which I have been chosen Assessor for the year 1885 and will carefully report the same in the book returned by me as Asses- sor ¬ of tax by the first day of May 1885 6 Said Assessors are hereby required to examine on uath as to his right to vote for Representative any person of whose right so to vote such Assessor has any doubt whatever and any one thus exam ined who shall knowingly swear falsely a3 to bis said right shall be liable to all the pains and penalties of the crime of perju- ry ¬ and every Assessor shall write oppo- site ¬ to the name of each person thus sworn the word sworn 7 It shall be the duty of the Secre- tary ¬ cf State to have this act advertised in one weekly newspaper in each county of the Commonwealth for four weeks nearly or next preceding the election and in one of the daily papers of the City of Louisville for thirty days immediately prior tnereto ana in every county said secretary shall cause to be posted at the Court house door a copy of said Bill print- ed ¬ in hand bill form for at least four con- secutive ¬ weeks before such election ji 8 The Public Printer is hereby re- quired ¬ to print five hundred copies of the Fourth Fifth and Sixth Sections of this act and deliver them to the Secretary of State whose duty it shall be to transmit them to the various County Clerks and it shall be the duty of such Clerks to place them promptly in the hands of each Asses- sor ¬ of tax for the year J885 in their re- spective ¬ counties It shall also be the duty of the Public Printer to print five thousand copies of this act upon a sepa- rate ¬ sheetand deliver them to the Secre- tary ¬ of State who shall forward the same to the County Clerks of the various coun ¬ ties in such numbers as to provide at least two copies of said act for each voting pre- cinct ¬ and said clerks shall deliver the same to the Sherifls or other officers act- ing ¬ in place thereof and it shall be the duty of such Sheriff or other Officer to post one copy of said act at each voting place for four weeks prior to said election and another copy at some other suitable public place in said precinct and any Of- ficer ¬ failing to discharge the duties pre- scribed ¬ in tliis act shall be fined for each failure twenty dollars to be recovered in any court having jurisdiction 9 This act shall take effect from its passage Approved January 19 1884 J PROFESSIONAL M KASH ATTORNEY AT Ky Will practice in Wolfe and adjoining ¬ Collections will ¬ TpATTERSON HAZELRIGG ATTORNEYS AT S LAW Hazel Green coun- ties receive prompt atten- tion LAW MT STEELING KY AMUEL McKEE ATTORNEY AT LAW No 441 W Jeflerfcon Street LOUISVILLE KY -- Practices in all the State Courts and special attention given to business of all kinds in the United States Courts A PORTER LACEY ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC AND EXAMINER OF DEPOSITIONS HAZEL GREEN KY aUILLIN LYKINS J M Quillin J C Lykins Attorneys at Law and Ileal Estate Agents Camiton Ky Titles examined taxes paid for non-residen- ts Collections a specialty Real Estate bought and sold on commission Will prac ¬ tice in Wolfe and adjoining counties TR R B GARDNER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON HAZEL GREEN KY Offers his services to the people of Wolfe and adjoining counties TJR J M KASH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Tenders his professional services to the citi izens of Wolfe and adjoining counties Offiicc at residence on Broadway HAZEL GREEN KY TAULBEE M D JB HAZEL GREEN KY Physician Surgeon Accoucheur Tenders his professional services to the peo- ple ¬ of Wolfe and adjoining counties Office at residence on Hazel Green Heights HOTELS DAY HOUSE HAZEL GREEN KY O S GODSEY Proprietor Patronage is respectfully solicited from everybody more especially the traveling public First class accommodations and satisfaction guaranteed PIEBATT HOUSE HAZEL GREEN KY JOHN H PIERATT Proprietor 2JThc table is supplied with the best in the market and first class accommodation will be furnished for man and beast MORGAN HOUSE WEST LIBERTY KY JAMES H COLE Proprietor Patronage of the traveling public respect- fully ¬ solicited Table always supplied with thebest in the market Stable attached ASHLAND HOUSE NEAR POSTOFFICE LEXINGTON KENTUCKY FIRST CLASS RATES REASONABLE H E BOSWELL SONS Proprietors ASBURY HOUSE CAMPTON KY Alex J Ajjbury Proprietor The table is supplied with the choicest viands in the market and the charges are reasonable Special inducements to com- mercial ¬ tourists 9 FRANK TYLER BLACKSMITH HAZEL GREEN KY SjHorse Shoeing a Specialty Buggies wagons and all kinds of Farm Tools made and repaired in the best manner J T PIERATT HAZEL GREEN XY BLACKSMITH 3Makes and repairs all kinds of Farming Tools Buggies and Wagons Horse Shoeing will receive especial atten ¬ tion s s COMBS J N VAUGHN COMBS VAUGHN DEALERS IN General Merchandise AND LIVE STOCK OF ALL KINDS Cor Main and Marion Streets CAMPTON KY H D SPRADLIN SON are now prepared to manufacture First Glass Flour and Meal At One Eighth Toll and will do WOOL CARDING at their old stand at Spradling Ky ALL WOOL CARDING at 6K cents per pound The old wool-card- er G W COX will run the wool machine SFCome one come allj and get your flour meal and wool carding H D SPKADLING SOX J 8argreggTiiv J T F DAY General DEALERS IN-- Merchandise HAZEL GBEEST KY Carry in stock the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF GEiNERAL MERCHANDISE IN EASTERN KENTUCKY Having the expe- rience ¬ of many years in our line of business avp fppl instifipd in nssertinsr to the trade both Wholesale and Retail that we do can and will meet the wants of our patrons and make it to your interest to patronize us Besides an immense stock of Dry Goods Notions Boots Shoes Clothing Hats Caps Drugs Queensware Hardware Saddlery Groceries Cutlery c c we have now on hand for the spring trade a full line of PLOWS and GRASS SEEDS Leaf Tobacco Live Stock and all kinds of Country Produce taken in Exchange for G oods or in settlement of Notes and Ac- counts ¬ Your trade respectfully so- licited ¬ J T F DAY March 4th 1885 G B SWANGO DEALERS in T SWANGO SWANGO BRO GENERAL MERCHANDISE HAZEL GREEN KENTUCKY KEErS CONSTANTLY ok hand a full ASSORTEENT ov Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ready made Clothing Hats Caps Boots Shoes Queensware Tinware Hardware Table and Pocket Cutlery Grocer- ies ¬ Stoves and Farming implements In fact everything usually kept in a first class country store and at BOTTOM PRICES Also will take in exchange for Goods or in payment of any debt due us all kinds of Country Produee and Live Stock of every description THE MT STERLING Iri Fence Mry k Made Co Is now manufacturing Ten different styles of Plain and Fancy Wrought Iron Fencing and are ready to take contracts for putting up same Persons wanting a strictly Wrought Iron Fence and that the Lest in the world can bity no other We also make a style adapted to enclosing country Jmrying grounds Our Fences are not only the most sub ¬ stantial but the handsomest ever made and a yard enclosed by one of them is greatly enhanced in beauty ana value Uur Machine JJcpartment is supplied witn tne most moa- - em machinery and our workmen cannot excelled in skill experience or honest per formance of their duties We REPAIR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY and make special of Gumming and Hammering Saws No other shop outside of Louisville can say the Fame jSSf Saw mill men will do well to call on us or write for information Catalogues furnished on application to It T BEAN Supt I JOHN W JONES DEALER IN ales Jewelry ait Shrare STREET MT STERLING KY NO 10 - - - Largest Stock of Clocks in Eastern Kentucky CLOCKS FROM ONE 100 DOLLAR UP One Day Clock strike 2 00 Eight Day Clock Eight Day Clock -- 3 and Album 3 SOLID WATCHES 9 Silver Plated 1 jfParticular paid to Repairing Call and see my goods JOHN W JONES ESTABLISHED IN 1345 The Leading Insurance Agency MT STERLING KY Total Assets of Agency - 1885 Royal of Liverpool 31000000 00 1836 Liverpool and London and Globe of England 36875000 00 1S09 North British Mercan- tile ¬ of England 33301000 00 1794 Ins Co of North of Philadelphia 971696 33 1710 Sun Fire Officcjof London 5863000 00 1782 Phenix of London 53S3916 46 Firemens Boatmans Insurance in order to be reliable must be guaranteed by successful and well known corporations the policies of doubtful or experimental cempanies dear any price The best policies are the cheapest should select their companies as they would a banker or a who is to hold their funds in trust Look to quality as the paramount of insurance Respectfully A Office At Traders and Bank DAY BROTHERS FROZEN CREEK Breathitt County - Kentucky HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED the finest line in both quality and variety of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to the mountains and will sell them cheaper than the same class of goods can be had elsewhere in Eastern Kentucky Money Saved is Money Made Therefore be wise and place your money where it will do you the most good WE WILL SELL YOU MORE FOR OND DOLLAR than anybody We mean all we sav and if vou are at all call at our new store and satisfy yourself that we have wnat you want ail you neea win not ask the earth moon and stars for it Our store is a bran new one located at the mouth of Frozen creek immediately on the banks of the Kentucky riverrand the stock in it is bran spankin new also con ¬ sisting in part of Goods Notions Clothing Hats Boots Shoes Hardware o No store in this section would be complete without everything for the accom- modation ¬ of the people hence we carry Staple and Fancy Croceries in sucb abundance and variety including flour meal bacon salt coffee sugar c that we can sell them very cheap or will ex- change ¬ with you for produce Those Owing Us Must Pay Us and well have np monkeying about the matter Bespectfullv c June 1 1885 DAY BROS W be ana Mt Sterling Ky 3 MAIN SILVER Spoons attention 00 00 OF America 143848780 80 1861 London and Lancashire of Liverpool 00 1810 of 4541240 00 1849 Springfield ot Springfield 2585633 00 1S63 Fund of Cali ¬ fornia 1473026 00 1869 Northwestern 00 1750 Niagara of New York 1874035 00 1S65 Pittsburg 411499 00 being always Insurers person consideration HOFFMAN Deposit GOODS doubtful Dry having country 9260000 Hartford Hartford National 1154889 B F MCCORMICK Cor MODEL PLANING MILL Mccormick cox Manufacturers of and Dealers in Rough arid Drtssed Lumber Doors SASH BLINDS And all kinds of Building Materia MT STERLING KY JOHN KEEP DEALER FINE HORSES MOUNT STEELING KY COACHEES AND BOADSTEBS SPE- CIALTY gpss -- Any one wishing visit Cincinnati Louiviile can leave their horses with me and rest assured that they will receive every attention be watered fed groomed UX1U UUUUtU main TN 75 75 at J 31 A ¬ to or Soliciting vour custom I re- - Yours truly JOHN KEEP Davis Mailory Co Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods Notions and Fancy Goods T 715 and 717 West Main Street Between 7th and Sth LOUISVILLE KY Represented ty J t SIOCK THE JOHN SHILUTfl GMNK Wholesle ad etaL Dealers BKY GOODS CARPETING Race Seventh George Streets Cincinnati O LYTLE COr DEALERS IN j 01111 OjiUGD 96 W Pearl St ciircnraATi o G H DEAN KITE POLUfffi Importers and Jobbers IN- - Queensware Glassware c N W cor Pear and Watoi Cincinnati O LEON MARKS CO Clothin A2TD Ck CLOTH HOUSE W COR PEARL AND YDTE STKE2TS CINCINNATI O J P ROGESS WITH Louis Stix Co DIPOKTERS AND JOBBERS OT Dry Goods and Notion Third Race axd Uin02T STKSST8r CINCINNATI O btjt tour NOTIONS OF Oi W Pearl St Between Race and Vine CTNCLNNATr OHIO FI6 A 2TKXI3r TYP E FOUNDRY 188 Tine Sirtti Cincinnati Ohio ALLISON SMITH The typo vrhieh this pajxir printed fxem the above foundry Editor Hkkald B E ROBERTS Carter Bros Co Dry and Notions John A Carter I James G Carter j DAForline MATN Jo C Bethel J G Carter Jr J WITH H Sievers Carson Main Street w WHOLESALE Goods H GILLIS 729 731 aad 733 with WTOI LOUISVILLEJ KY J CLARK Hardware Company 637 W LOmSVrLLEKY McCORD AYDELOTT Wholesale Hatters LOUISVILLE KY D B GREEN WITH WHITE 6REE5 HUFFAXEJC Wholesale Dealers ia Boots and Shoes KL White J B Green J A Hufikker r Q - - 5c on It is STREET 615 WestMaia Street LOUISVILLE XT Insure Your Property LN THE OLD SELIABE PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPACT OF HARTFORD CONN Which deals in Reliable Indemnity NOT CHEAP INSURANCE Time Tried and Fire Tested THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Cash Capital - - S2OOOooo H C HEENDON Agext Hasei Gre Ky fHE HAZEL CREEN HERALD AX IXDEPE3TDE5T XOCAI NXW3fAF Devoted to the development ee of Eastern Kentuckv heme wrws Jfee w3L oe mauea to anv address fer iJ CA C MT Sl i ci j Cj i 3 m i vss V m flrii u

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Page 1: The Hazel Green herald. (Hazel Green, KY) 1885-07-08 [p ]. · Jay-Evc-S-ee 210 Maxev Cobb 213 Phallus 213 and Clinton 214 besides fifty other fast ones At Lexington Ky July 1st a




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ifi ic Irr reeMtered leUer- - Tost oSce aon--p bwtaer 4rft a Ciacinnati Money sat

IB hk wy Ta wcieur nsK

Btorea jrf tk Hazel Greca Postofficeaecsad class wail matter- -





AXLE iX3MAIjL t tliouand peo ¬

ple every wek and Its circulation Is Incraaaing iriUt eack iw ao It i therefore

THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMIn Eastern Kentaeky aaet the rates arealr aWat kalf ihone ckared T other

vkMh m leal fasdly newspapes do notia any iemrTT TJTPD A T T

Democratic TicketFr Bepresettive from Montgomery

ifoaifee Powell and Wolfe counties

PftUftY S CODSEYIndependent Republican Ticket

For EepresentatheiMr FELIX t THOMAS

People o oilier sections of this StatewboVkh to Invest in cheap lands which

will produce as much or more grass peracre than the fine high priced lands of

the hlsegrasB section should come hereaad place their money in Wolfe MorganBreathitt ileaifee or PowelL They areall winning cards when grass is the stakeand no mistake Why some of the richaabobs who seek breeding farms in theblaegr36 section do not try this sectionfor that purpose is something we cannotttsderstand The land there will aver-


100 per acre while here it can lehad at an average of 10 The taxes ofthose counties are about double theasioftnt of taxes here Here we have anabundance of the finest running springirater for stock There the in manyinstances must build ponds and get asupply of bapore water or do withoutThis country is as accessible for buyers asthat or nearly so Here the living is asgood as there and much cheaper Therethey have to pay from 25 to 50 permoaiih for farm hands and other helpaboKt the stock farm Here just as goodlelg can be obtained for 10 to 15 andwe might go on ad show the advantagesis sassy other things of this countryover that but the above will suffice tocoavincs any thinking man that this istie place for stock Taising Our ownpeople do not raise balf as much stock asthey should nor do they grass one thirdas much land as Ehould be in sod to dayThey are set in their ways and knowBothing of the immense profits of stockraising They must learn to raise ifnecessary fewer and better animals andwhenever they turn their attention inthat direction they will find their lot aneasy one compared to the dig dig dig ofthe present system Let some of our en¬

terprising men try this grass and stockbusiness and they will discover the nighway to wealth as certain as the needleturns to the magnet There is no rubbingthis fact out Nature herself beckonsyou on to pursue this course and behappy

Pemember that on Monday the 3rdday of August you will be called uponto Tote for a new constitution and becertain to so vote By voting for thenew constitution your lands will enhancein value and your taxes grow beautifullyless Elsewhere we publish the act up¬

on which the election is held and comsiend it to your careful reading A newconstitution for Kentucky means betterschools better morals better governmenta reform in the administration of affairsetc but above all it will insure lowertaxes The defeat of a new constitutionwill certainly cause an increase of taxesand a continuance of bad morals bad of¬

ficers etc Can you afford to vote againstit To you wish to pay more taxes andsee so little benefit If jovl have yourown interest at beart you must go to thepdlls and vote for -- a new constitutionGo and see that jour neighbor goes alsoThis remember 5s not a political voteIt is for the people the whole peopleand all should help make it MondayAugust 3d is the day and time and wehope we may hear that every voter inWolfe county has voted for a new con¬

stitution Let us try and be the bannercounty by casting every vote in the coun ¬

ty for it

ugg of the Scorcher takes issue with us because we did not think thegovernor did the proper thing in grant¬

ing WiLTTAitfs a respite at the time hedid The milk in that cocoanut is easily

ccounted for Floyd is a regular nig--fiddler andHAZEL

XIG6 bates above all thing to see one ofthem come to grief Mayhap while inML Sterling recently the editor of theScorcher called on Floyd and had himplay something lively Sourwood Moun ¬

tain for instance Hence his love forthe fiddler and bis proportionate dislikeof our remarks Come over Jomr Tostand we will have a dozen of em entertsJba you who can play equally as well asFloyd

The sum of 15000 has been appropri¬

ated by the Government for the purposeof cleaning out the channel in the Ken ¬

tucky riyer between Beattyville andHigh Bridge This will be good newsfor our log men

0r next stock sale day remember isoa Wednesday next July 15th and youshoMld bring in good stock for that occasioG It is with the people now to makeit a suecess and we hope they will do it

CL C E BowMAy has been appoint ¬

ed Jrfcultttral statistician forKentuckyd 4i better man could not have been

foysd for the position

5 j -

3TO3 STATESStare and Government Happening

Boiled Down for The HeraldSamuel T Hauser Helena ilont has

been appointed governor of MontanaThe Department of State bas notified

thirty Consuls that they will be retainedin the diplomatic service

Ueuben Ellwood member of congressfrom the Fifth Illinois district died onthe 1st inst at Sycamore

Frank Freeseof Lawrence county hasbeen nominated for the legislature bythe democrats of his district

J G G Williams of Tennessee hasj been appointed TJ S District Attorneyfor the Jbastern district ot that btate

There are about forty Presidentialpostoffices in Kentucky for which thereare about 400 aspirants Their salariesfoot up about4G0000

Bev C J Spillmnn of GeorgetownEy has been called to the pastorate ofthe Vine street Baptist Church at Madi¬

son Ind Salary 1000Bill Coleman the-- negro who stabbed

old man Hart at Owingsville Ky re¬

cently was tried and sentenced on the1st inst to pay a fine of 100

During a water spout at Clear Creekcanyon Colorado on the 1st inst threemills were destroyed and wagons andteams standing in the streets of Centralwere carried away

There is a group of fast horses justnow at Glenn ville O Maud S 209Jay-Evc-S- ee 210 Maxev Cobb 213Phallus 213 and Clinton 214 besidesfifty other fast ones

At Lexington Ky July 1st a switchengine on the L N road ran over andkilled Samuel Shears in the yard of thecompany He had been drinking and itis supposed fell on the track

St Louis Globe Democrat It can nev-er


be known exactly how many votes theNew York mugwumps gave Clevelandlast fall but the fact that he has giventhem two of the five or six most important and lucrative offices in the State I

demonstrates that he is resolved not toleave them any room to charge him withingratitude

Capt Harry Todd of Frankfort hasgone to Beattyville to superintend thework of cleaning out the channel of theKentucky Paver between that point andHigh Bridge Congress made an appro-priation


of 15000 for that purpose lastwinter Capt J C Post of Cincinnatiengineer in charge of the KentuckyRiver improvement is on a tour of in-


to Lock No 5Louisville Post Hon Attila Cox will

take charge of the Internal Revenue of-fice


to morrow and assume its dutiesMr Cox has since his appointment en-


his personal acquaintance amongour business men ana has on all occa-sions


made a splendid impression Ifthe appointmeut were left to a vote ofthi district to morrow the choice of thesecretary 4f the treasury and of the pres-ident


would be overwhelmingly ratifiedA better appointment could not havebeen made

Southern Bivouac for JulyThe second number of this Southern

magazine under its new management hasbeen issued and it shows a determinationon the part of its editors to make itworthy of a liberal support North andSouth

The story of pioneer life in Florida isboth realistic and romantic and describesmany personal characteristics and localcustoms that are novel and interestingMr Hiraey who for fifteen years hasbeen in Florida is by education and ex-perience


well fitted for work of this kindMaurice Thompson in his own pecu-


and facinating way discourses ofUur Brookside BirdsA Confederate soldier tells of the last

davs of the Confederacy and of an encounter with General Custer

Morton M Cassedy has a pleasant arti-cle


under the caption What AmericanArt Exhibitions are Doing This arti-cle


is accompanied by eight illustrationswhich arc intended simply to give one anidea of recent notable pictures

Mr George Davie has another admira-ble


translation from Horace Fons Bancusise

Red Rowel tells of his experience as asoldier who for a long time was some-thing


of a free lance He had manyhair breadth escapes and exciting adven-tures


which are told in a graphic wayCharles J Oallcy whose recent poet-


lias won him wide commendationsgives a striking and original contributionentitledThe Coming ot Life Beautiful

A second delightful out door paper isD Felix L Oswold It is the first of aseries on Our last Hunting Groundsand describes the habits of man and beastsin the Alleghany highland

Mr Davie has a short and instructivearticle on the various translations ofHadrians Address to His Soul and he

ventures to present his own version re-


alike for beauty and fidelityGeorge Braden in an article The Ku

Klux Klan an Apology aims to de-scribe


the condition of allairs in the Southwhich gave rise to the Invisible Empire

Major Sanders cotinues his account ofHoods campaign this paper being de-voted


to the march from Franklin toNashville It is accompanied by admira-ble


portraits of Governor Isham G Har-ris


General John G Brown General SH French General Thomas J Wood

Captain Thomas W Bullitt details hisrecolections of General Morgans impris-onment


and the various plans made forhis escape

E Polk Johnson tells of his meetingwith famous generals under very pecu-liar


circumstances and makes from thesemeetings a very pleasant paper

The leading editorial discusses the viceof gambling and Salmagundi is madeup of songs and stories The magazineis for sale by the newsdealers at twentycents per copy or it can be ordered of BF Avery Sons Louisville Kentuckypublishers at 200 per anum

Tire Hazel Green Herald and theSouthern Bivouac one year 250 or sub-scriptions


for the Bivouac will be re-ceived


and forwarded from this officethus saving to the subscriber rejnstrvfeesjc

Teachers at LexingtonLexington Press July 4

The convention is proving a successbeyond the anticipations of its warmestfriends and advocates There were 250members present yesterday and arrivalsare constantly occurring The reports ofcommittees on special subjects and dis-


thereon were of extraordinaryinterest

The report of the committee on the re-


of the clergy to public instructionread by Rev Green Clay Smith chairman or tne committee was one or re¬

markable interestVice presidents from each congression ¬

al district were elected These form acommittee for the nomination of thepresident and secretary who will be elect-ed


to dayUpon the adjournment yesterday there

was a general expression of satisfactionamong the members concerning the wayin which the work of the convention wasprogressing

-- s5 3



A Xumber of Arrests Made for the Mur¬

der of JJaybornSpecial to Courier Journal

Morehead Ky July 3 A J McKenzie a former sherift of this countywas to day appointed sheriff and he hasqualified and entered upon the dischargeof his duties The following parties werearrested to day charged with the murderof Ben Rayborm Jeff Bowling JohnTrumbo Boone Day Robert MesserJames Oxley Nick Day Craig Tolliverand H 31 Keeton The case against JefY

Bowling John Trumbo Boone Day andRobert Messer constable was called forexamining trial before Judge Stuart at11 oclock a jn Attorney General Hirdin and Z T Young represented theCommonwealth and A W Young the de-


The case was continued untilnext Monday to procure the attendanceof witnesses and to grant the defendantstime to secure additional counsel Allparties that have been atrested are un-der


guard at the encampment groundexcept Tolliver who on account of hiswounds is confined to his house A spe-


guard has been placed at his houseThe guard upon being stationed theretook possession of the firearms found onthe premises Other arrests will bemade

Attorney General Hardin wrho hasbeen here for several days investigatingmatters returned this afternoon to Frank ¬

fort He will be here Monday to repre-sent


the Commonwealth in these casesAdjt Gen Castleman will return hereto morrow The boys will not spend theFourth at a picnic The guards are wellpleased with their superior officers andobey promptly all orders from themThe Irvine Rifles furnish the singers theWinchester Rifles the athletes and theCerro Gordo Guards the mashers of theencampment Capt Smith is very pop-ular


with the ladies

Young Men Read ThisThe Voltaic Belt Company of Mar-


Mich offer to send their celebratedElectro Voltaic Belt and other electricappliances on trial for thirty days tomen young or old afflicted with nervousdebility and all kindred troubles Alsofor rheumatism neuralgia paralysis andmany other diseases Complete restora-tion


to health and vigor guaranteed Norisk is incurred as thirty days trial is al-


Write then at once for illus-trated


pamphlet free

Judge Lambert Tree of Chicagobeen appointed Minister to Spain


CHAPTER 27AN ACT for taking the sense of the good

people of this Commonwealth as to thenecessity and expediency of calling aConvention to amend the Constitutionand to ascertain the number of personsentitled to vote for Representatives

Whereas experience has pointed outthe necessity of amending the constitu-tion


and the necessity and expediency ofcalling a Convention for that purposetherefore

Be it enacted by the General Assembly ofthe Commonwealth of Kenntucky

3 1 That at the next General Electionheld for representative to the GeneralAssembly it shall be the duty of the sev-eral


Sherills and other Officers of Electionto open a poll for taking the sense of thepeople as to calling a Convention to amendthe Constitution and make a return to theSecretary of State for the time being ofthe names of all those entitled to vote forRepresentatives who have voted for call-ing


such conventiong 2 That for any failure to perform

the duties prescribed in the first sectionof this act every Sheriff or other return-ing


officer shall be liable to a fine of sixhundred dollars to be recovered by indict-ment


of the Grand Jury in any court hav¬

ing jurisdiction and shall also upon conviction ne sunject to removal irom omce- 3 That it shall be the duty of theOfficers of said Election to propound toevery voter the question Do you votefor calling a Convention or not Andif such voter shall answer in the affirma-tive


his name shall be recorded as votingfor said Convention

4 That all Assessors are hereby re-


to enroll in a column which eachshall open in his Assessors book for thatpurpose the names of all citizens havingihe right to vote for representatives forthe year 1S85 But said Assessors shallnot enioll in such column the name of anyperson unless they shall at the time Siowthat he is entitled to vote for Representa¬

tive Qf said election and such knowledgeshall be founded only upon 1 the per-sonal


acquaintance of the Assessor or2sufficient information obtained by him di-


from the person whose name is en-rolled


or 3 a satisfactory statement un-der


oath from other credible persons whoknow the facts oiecessan to the qualification of such voter Any Assessor enroll-ing


in said column any name withoutsuch knowledge or information shall bedeemed guilty of a misdemeanor and findin a sum not less than twenty nor morethan fifty dollars for each and every namethus improperly enrolled which fine maybe recovered in any Court having jurisdic-tion


and shall be for the benefit of thecommon schools Said Assessors shall begoverned in all cases by the laws then inforce to prevent illegal voting Said col-umn


written in a fair and legible mannershall be returned with said Assessors bookto the Auditor who shall make out a copyof said columns and deposit the same inthe office of the Secretary of State to bereported by him to the next General Assembly

5 It shall be the duty of each As-sessor


in office for the year 1885 before heshall have entered upon the duties of hisoffice to go before the Judge of the Coun-ty


Court and make the following oath Ido solemnly swear that I will faithfullyascertain the number of persons qualifiedto vote for Representative in the districtfor which I have been chosen Assessor forthe year 1885 and will carefully report thesame in the book returned by me as Asses-sor


of tax by the first day of May 18856 Said Assessors are hereby required

to examine on uath as to his right to votefor Representative any person of whoseright so to vote such Assessor has anydoubt whatever and any one thus examined who shall knowingly swear falsely a3to bis said right shall be liable to all thepains and penalties of the crime of perju-ry


and every Assessor shall write oppo-site


to the name of each person thussworn the word sworn

7 It shall be the duty of the Secre-tary


cf State to have this act advertisedin one weekly newspaper in each countyof the Commonwealth for four weeksnearly or next preceding the election andin one of the daily papers of the City ofLouisville for thirty days immediatelyprior tnereto ana in every county saidsecretary shall cause to be posted at theCourt house door a copy of said Bill print-ed


in hand bill form for at least four con-secutive


weeks before such electionji 8 The Public Printer is hereby re-


to print five hundred copies of theFourth Fifth and Sixth Sections of thisact and deliver them to the Secretary ofState whose duty it shall be to transmitthem to the various County Clerks andit shall be the duty of such Clerks to placethem promptly in the hands of each Asses-sor


of tax for the year J885 in their re-spective


counties It shall also be the

duty of the Public Printer to print fivethousand copies of this act upon a sepa-rate


sheetand deliver them to the Secre-tary


of State who shall forward the sameto the County Clerks of the various coun ¬

ties in such numbers as to provide at leasttwo copies of said act for each voting pre-cinct


and said clerks shall deliver thesame to the Sherifls or other officers act-ing


in place thereof and it shall be theduty of such Sheriff or other Officer topost one copy of said act at each votingplace for four weeks prior to said electionand another copy at some other suitablepublic place in said precinct and any Of-ficer


failing to discharge the duties pre-scribed


in tliis act shall be fined for eachfailure twenty dollars to be recovered inany court having jurisdiction

9 This act shall take effect fromits passage

Approved January 19 1884




Will practice in Wolfe and adjoining ¬

Collections will ¬





Hazel Greencoun-

ties receive prompt atten-tion




ATTORNEY AT LAWNo 441 W Jeflerfcon Street

LOUISVILLE KY--Practices in all the State Courts and

special attention given to business of allkinds in the United States Courts





aUILLIN LYKINSJ M Quillin J C Lykins

Attorneys at Law and Ileal Estate AgentsCamiton Ky

Titles examined taxes paid for non-residen- ts

Collections a specialty Real Estatebought and sold on commission Will prac ¬

tice in Wolfe and adjoining counties




Offers his services to the people of Wolfeand adjoining counties



Tenders his professional services to the citiizens of Wolfe and adjoining counties

Offiicc at residence on Broadway



Physician Surgeon AccoucheurTenders his professional services to the peo-ple


of Wolfe and adjoining countiesOffice at residence on Hazel Green Heights



O S GODSEY Proprietor

Patronage is respectfully solicited fromeverybody more especially the travelingpublic First class accommodations andsatisfaction guaranteed



2JThc table is supplied with the best inthe market and first class accommodationwill be furnished for man and beast


JAMES H COLE ProprietorPatronage of the traveling public respect-


solicited Table always supplied withthebest in the market Stable attached






Alex J Ajjbury Proprietor

The table is supplied with the choicestviands in the market and the charges arereasonable Special inducements to com-mercial


tourists 9


HAZEL GREEN KYSjHorse Shoeing a Specialty Buggies

wagons and all kinds of Farm Tools madeand repaired in the best manner


BLACKSMITH3Makes and repairs all kinds of FarmingTools Buggies and Wagons

Horse Shoeing will receive especial atten ¬





Cor Main and Marion StreetsCAMPTON KY


are now prepared to manufacture

First Glass Flour and Meal

At One Eighth Toll and will do WOOLCARDING at their old stand at

Spradling Ky

ALL WOOL CARDINGat 6K cents per pound The old wool-card- er

G W COX will run the wool machineSFCome one come allj and get your

flour meal and wool cardingH D SPKADLING SOX








of many years in our line of business avp fppl instifipd in nssertinsr to thetrade both Wholesale and Retail that we do can and will meet the wants ofour patrons and make it to your interest to patronize us Besides an immensestock of

Dry Goods Notions Boots ShoesClothing Hats Caps Drugs

Queensware HardwareSaddlery Groceries

Cutlery c cwe have now on hand for the spring trade a full line of PLOWS and GRASSSEEDS

Leaf Tobacco Live Stock and all kinds ofCountry Produce taken in Exchange for

G oods or in settlement of Notes and Ac-counts


Your trade respectfully so-licited


J T F DAYMarch 4th 1885







Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ready made ClothingHats Caps Boots Shoes Queensware Tinware

Hardware Table and Pocket Cutlery Grocer-ies


Stoves and Farming implementsIn fact everything usually kept in a first class country store and at BOTTOM PRICES

Also will take in exchange for Goods or in payment of any debt due us all kinds ofCountry Produee and Live Stock of every description


Iri Fence Mry k Made Co

Is now manufacturing Ten different styles of Plain and Fancy Wrought Iron Fencing andare ready to take contracts for putting up same Persons wanting a strictly WroughtIron Fence and that the Lest in the world can bity no other We also make a styleadapted to enclosing country Jmrying grounds Our Fences are not only the most sub¬

stantial but the handsomest ever made and a yard enclosed by one of them is greatlyenhanced in beauty ana value Uur Machine JJcpartment is supplied witn tne most moa--

em machinery and our workmen cannot excelled in skill experience or honest performance of their duties We REPAIR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY and makespecial of

Gumming and Hammering SawsNo other shop outside of Louisville can say the FamejSSf Saw mill men will do well to call on us or write for informationCatalogues furnished on application to

It T BEAN Supt



ales Jewelry ait ShrareSTREET MT STERLING KYNO 10 - - -

Largest Stock of Clocks in Eastern KentuckyCLOCKS FROM ONE 100 DOLLAR UP

One Day Clock strike 2 00Eight Day ClockEight Day Clock

-- 3and Album 3


Silver Plated 1

jfParticular paid to Repairing Call and see my goods



The Leading Insurance AgencyMT STERLING KY

Total Assets of Agency -1885 Royal of Liverpool 31000000 001836 Liverpool and London

and Globe of England 36875000 001S09 North British Mercan-


of England 33301000 001794 Ins Co of North

of Philadelphia 971696 331710 Sun Fire Officcjof London 5863000 001782 Phenix of London 53S3916 46



Insurance in order to be reliable must be guaranteed by successful and well knowncorporations the policies of doubtful or experimental cempanies dear any priceThe best policies are the cheapest should select their companies as theywould a banker or a who is to hold their funds in trust Look to quality as theparamount of insurance Respectfully A

Office At Traders and Bank


Breathitt County - KentuckyHAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENEDthe finest line in both quality and variety of


ever brought to the mountains and will sellthem cheaper than the same class of goodscan be had elsewhere in Eastern Kentucky

Money Saved is Money MadeTherefore be wise and place your moneywhere it will do you the most good WEWILL SELL YOU MORE FOROND DOLLAR than anybody We meanall we sav and if vou are at all callat our new store and satisfy yourself that wehave wnat you want ail you neea winnot ask the earth moon and stars for it

Our store is a bran new one located atthe mouth of Frozen creek immediately onthe banks of the Kentucky riverrand thestock in it is bran spankin new also con ¬

sisting in part of

Goods Notions Clothing Hats

Boots Shoes Hardware o

No store in this section would be completewithout everything for the accom-modation


of the people hence we carry

Staple and Fancy Croceriesin sucb abundance and variety includingflour meal bacon salt coffee sugar cthat we can sell them very cheap or will ex-change


with you for produceThose Owing Us Must Pay Us

and well have np monkeying about thematter Bespectfullv c

June 1 1885 DAY BROS




Mt Sterling Ky








143848780 801861 London and Lancashire

of Liverpool 001810 of 4541240 001849 Springfield ot Springfield 2585633 001S63 Fund of Cali ¬

fornia 1473026 001869 Northwestern 001750 Niagara of New York 1874035 001S65 Pittsburg 411499 00

beingalways Insurersperson

consideration HOFFMANDeposit






9260000Hartford Hartford

National 1154889



Mccormick coxManufacturers of and Dealers in

Rough arid Drtssed Lumber Doors


And all kinds of Building MateriaMT STERLING KY




gpss --Any one wishing visit CincinnatiLouiviile can leave their horses with

me and rest assured that they will receiveevery attention be watered fed groomedUX1U UUUUtUmain




J 31

A ¬


Soliciting vour custom I re--Yours truly JOHN KEEP

Davis Mailory CoWholesale Dealers in

Dry Goods Notions and Fancy Goods

T 715 and 717 West Main StreetBetween 7th and Sth LOUISVILLE KY

Represented ty J t SIOCK

THE JOHN SHILUTfl GMNKWholesle ad etaL Dealers


CARPETINGRace Seventh George Streets

Cincinnati O


j 01111 OjiUGD

96 W Pearl St

ciircnraATi oG H DEAN KITE POLUfffi

Importers and JobbersIN- -

QueenswareGlassware c

N W cor Pear and Watoi

Cincinnati O








Dry Goods and NotionThird Race axd



btjt tourNOTIONS


Oi W Pearl StBetween Race and Vine



TYP EFOUNDRY188 Tine Sirtti Cincinnati Ohio

ALLISON SMITHThe typo vrhieh this pajxir printed fxem

the above foundry Editor Hkkald


Carter Bros Co

Dry and NotionsJohn A Carter I

James G Carter j

DAForline MATNJo C BethelJ G Carter Jr J



Sievers Carson

Main Street





729 731 aad 733








Wholesale HattersLOUISVILLE KY


WHITE 6REE5 HUFFAXEJCWholesale Dealers ia

Boots and ShoesKL WhiteJ B GreenJ A Hufikker





on It is


615 WestMaia Street


Insure Your PropertyLN THE OLD SELIABE



Which deals inReliableIndemnity


Time Tried and Fire TestedTHE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST

Cash Capital - - S2OOOoooH C HEENDON Agext

Hasei Gre Ky


Devoted to the development eeof Eastern Kentuckv heme wrws Jfee w3Loe mauea to anv address fer iJ CA









vss V


