the herald (new orleans, la) 1921-02-17 [p...

Tu e dill be dys of li .. t ' i ,ts t arying a l oo n ", t w that long since i' . -- OW still offer2 ": '" - " e line of z, r-d l '-,:",red .. thL of frood pr,'::, -' :", rotg. Si that o Harry ' 'ru" doale in Government ."i V:00-1 -- il swhose store n,-ootrner Uno. , ' to glance at the pr.'- ',, - -d in this issue . te e• rt worthwlhii , to there, and Mr. n:' •- an- "sowthat even furth-i r.:u St Seen made as this ati \: w. ore is but a ctl:.... t' o, I r erinment Army -_- uales from th' -•d n discontinu" , 'k tad conducted for a ti, uh Sfire stations of tl.' Mr. T was food ae,'lt' ator a SVA ehr rman admiiT ratiu.:. ad d - work and efforts w%-'r" t: II:, us iS -1 brln;ing down high I'pr •: ce r- as qdrters and an ng .. ain lers of the city. It is .tGuuctdI 9 ew that arrangemrnts hateo been roe whereby people re1i lure on the Side may have their purchases I. to their hones. at: 1 nomni- sal tional charge, de::' vri'is be- w ~mpt. jIeRICAN LEGION POST. ya American Legion Post is to be i•-e.!d in Algiers to-night and it a peeted that every soldier and stdr who were in the service will members of the new organi- ,i The Avenue Academy will a~vea over for the first meeting na Oswald McNeese, Adj-General. md Mr. Jas. Casseraly, also s.dgr state officer, present to ad- g the members. Mr. Peter --- g will have charge of the first MsOMi, and all ex-soldiers and sail- us ad which there are more than ,ee khndred and fifty in Algiers, S* eaested to be present. RU•IROUS AND SUSPICIOUS. slowing a number of complaints , Algiers women were being ac- Sa the streets at night, Sergt. and Corp. Hyde arrested on e M 10, Frank Meduna, age 20 um charged with being dangerous epidious. Meduna stated that ms from Texas, and was present- das fireman at the brand user arrest was made of Henry a Rlmbia, age 35 years. also charged with being dan- and suspicious. The arrest adlte by Patrolmen Berthelot i, s raVm PARtTY. pS. R,. Aipdwat of Newark. N. dalighttally surprised by a of young folks at the her mother, Mrs. B. W. et Opseess Ave. Ganmes in sad dainty refresh- hemeerve&. ,reeeat were: Misses Rita lMdi and Phyllis Coyne, ViI Vrginia 8perler, Ines Weber, Bealsh Borne, Suasel Sweeney, Jose- , Messrs. Maurice, Har- AosEMt i~masr, Mr. and Mrs. •e• sad Bea and Floyd 84 BDy Scouts of America itir regualar monthly ntet- y, Feb. 17 at 7:16 U hill1 go on a hike 8ua- N0. All members are re- aere at the Algiers play- ea• equlpment'gor 6:30 a. CAUSb OFP FIRE. mrahal's office is con- itnquiry into suspicious Ina eonction with two S t h double cottage, t., owned by Emile of the marshal's S they have evi- urt, has eturned to istrot, after spending Wt his parents, iMr. aJeourt of Pelican Aoe. Mothe entertained the Five Hundred maeful players were mad Mru. J. P. Nolan. recevred the con- mm•t meeting will be .a Geo. Herbert. Brookes and Sel- ieted home today ,i7 one ftquisfte oe .Llod l c~l, that of itay and what isn't. me(taat that requti who views ber the music for the .e band these days. Sday he may get debt is 117.000,. .h this is re- a.le of the mark dollare--lt does- ea'rtepondent at that the Pritish iropean trade, alrprised if he don hlL. .a3m . than see -- 4-T -,~ -I --- -4 ~ The Reverend W. S. Sleck of Al- exandria announces the engagement b of his daughter, Caroline Louisei s Slack, to Mr. Frederick Lee Adams ! of New Orleans, the wedding to take place the latter part of March. t Mrs. Galloway of Gulfport, was a visitor to relatives here last week. !i Mrs. F. Goebel entertained on last . Thursday afternoon in honor of the' I anniversary of her birth. Five Hun- dred was played, the successful play- t ers being Mrs. R. A. Tansey. Mrs. C. Dickey and Mrs. C. V. Kraft. Mrs. H. T. Malone received the con- solation. After the games a de- t licious luncheon was served. Mrs. Ozime Hebert of Raceland. La.. is visiting Mrs. Rene Blanchard ( of Slidell Ave. A I~vi ew of I8ries snve a nvd I pSeard marm a tia d W hat Theyn H ve to ~PQP bolilgn 0In g 'I o et W VQ nd CBeien- SRecoring a Specialty. ( - "We Know What Service Means" UTO RADIATOR MFG. & REPAIR CO. Main 5075. 1548 Canal St. Come in and we will show you how to overcome your Radiator troubles. We re- pair, rebuild or manufacture any make Auto Radiator. Ship or bring your leaky radiators to us. Service and workmanship guaranteed. 1 ENNETT Camera Supply Co. 212 Baronne Street Opposite Gas Office Kodaks, Films. Stationery, Magazines, Souvenirs, City View Postals, Picture Frames Made to Order. Kodak Films Developed and Printed Kodak Finishing Is OUR DBSINESS and Not a Side Line. RATH'S Celebrated Mustard Red Hot Pepper Sce, Vinegr, Red Supper Sance, Creole 's Worceester or Table sance, and D se Liquid maing. 1410 Kerleec Street Phone Heullock 418 Sold br all Jobbers of New Orleans, and First-Class Retail Grocers IRSCOH'S GIFT SHOP "UIFTS F ALL OCCASISIS" 501 Frumchmen St. Phone Hem. 775 ~,i;3------~---- ------ c ---- atL & s, FLleISts Flowmriag Plants Cat Flowers 8hibs-Alld Eiis . Artistic Wedding Decorations Flowers for Any Occasion - P. EAL a sOx 6a1 chwutee 8L. e nd ese g as sd -. LD COINS and TAXIDERMIST We pay 5ec each for 1916 Quarters (new type). We buy gold, silver sand copper coins and paper money. We Mount Bird., Flu. hAmsas and Game We tan furs, blues, fls, muake mad sausioar skim Psur, skins and robes rendered moth proof. HEIST STUDIO OF TA*IDERMY 1015 ao n S - " OOFERS, Slate Dealers and ALWAYS ON TOP . BRANDIN SLATE CO., INC. H. F. KOTHMAN P. J. VOOT Presidpet and Manager Vice-President P. J. VILLARS, Sec.-Treas. MAHR NO MISTAKE Only One Telephone Only One Address Main 1•67 W ieaphine Street U rNITY DENTAL COMPANY SNea Rampert Ovrer Am. Iheatre Meoruhy Uquppeds. in an Dmlmeut, With Guar.ntee Bi.n Al Wora Our Primes are Ritgh--Our Work is Riht wI P r Yr ** Hays. Yaw wkor Dpa. as .he UWIer - .4 LBRIGHT Sewing Machine Shop o10:12-110:4 N. ('LAlIOIIRNE AVENUE Near Ursuline Phone Hemlock 938:3 The Most Reliable IPlace to Buy a Machine Lowest Prices to Cash Buyers Easiest Terms to Time Buyers We Repair all Makes of Sewing Machines Old .Machines taken as first payment on sales'( of New Machines. ---- EDAR - - HESTS Made of genuilne Tennessee red cedar, in a farctory that takes pritde In the product that it manufactures. b(hests and Wardrobes of all sizes. or made to indi- vidual order. Our prices are lower. ROYAL ('EDAR CHEST WORKS 322 Royal Street. ISCHER STUDIO '89 Canal St. Main 5020 PORTRAITS-COPIES-EN IARGEMENTS Hours 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. -Commercial Work- ALBERTA AVERILL FISCHER, Photographer "Nothing Is More Cherished in After Years Than a Good Photograph." `- ._-:-•-•----- -- _ - _ _- _ - . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . NDEPENDENT ELECTRIC COMPANY HOUSE WIRING -u: Electrical Appliances _ IRONS-PERCOILATORS-TOASTERS LAMPS, ETC. H. E. FALLER. , J. R FALLER 314 Dauphine Street ILLINERY OF STELE MRS. R. BURVANT New Address: 612 Frenchmen St. Complete showing of Fashionable Millinery in the wanted modes of the moment Hats made to order. Very stylish trimmed hats. of different shapes and styles, our special price, $5.00. These are real values. OPOVICH MILLINERY, SHOP 504 Frenchmen St. Announces for Spring a complete showinag of Fashionable and Stylish Millinery r- o- PRICES TO MEET ALL PURSES For 20 Years Frenchmen Street's Leading Milliner See Us First Starting--Lighting--Ignition IUHREN, INC. Genumaine Parts Facetor Repairs OFFICIAL SERVICE STATION-Westing- house, Auto-Lite, Dyneto, Bijur, Webster, Connecticut, Eisemann, Simms, JK-W, Tillot- son, Briggs & Stratton. 1050 Caroudelet 'St. Malan 097 27,000 PEOPLE LIVE WEST OF THE RIVER. DO YOU WANT THEIR TRADE?. UY AGENTS: ETAT'S Tulane and Crown GUS BETAT & SON 610-616 N. Claiborne ICYCLES Phone Hem. 870 MERSON SHOE $7-$8-$105 HONEST ALL THROUGH U WALK ILOCKS SAVE ,OLLAII EMERSON BOOT SHOP 418 St. Charles St, ~;---------- ------ cl--~~"""" ~~~` REOICH SANDALS IMPORTED Unemualed tr COMFORT and reUef of SENSITIVE FEET. Eeememilael ad Durable. PRICES-For Children, $1.25 to $1.50. Ladies, $1.75 to .2.10. Men, St. to $2.25 FOR SALE AT RENECKY'S SHOE STORE 710 Pattersen St., Algiers. Ja•ls L Broas A Bre. I•mpertes, 611 Bearbos St.. S II I I llew Orleans. EWELRY FROM BARBIER'S There is satisfaction in dealing with an old established firm. Established in 1842 the E. Barbier Shop enjoys the distinction of being a thoroughly reliable and progres- sive Jewelry Store, and being out of the high rent district, there is a positive money-sav- ing value in buying here. E. BARBIER, Jeweler. 300 Royal PTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN S ! Anthony Ruo EYES EXAMINED Hours Daily, 8-5-Sunday, 9 to 12:30 Phone Main 5698 OYAL PLAITER CO., LTD. 829 CANAL ST. MAIN 8978 Take Elevator ALL KINDS OF PLAITING Hemstitching and Picot Edging Bnttons Covered Mail Orders Promptly Attended to For all Storage, Moving, Pack- ing and Shipping of Household Goods, call 0-K Storage & Transfer Co. "WE KN'OW HOW" Office and Warehouse: 881 Decatur. Phone M. 1521. OUNG'S CONFECTIONERY Phone S . 932 Poydras St. FANCY CARES ........ $1.50 per hundred BEST CAKES ......... $1.7T per hunireml ICE CREAM ......... $2.00 per gallon We Cater to Weddling and Birthday Parties VIC SEVIT, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Glidder of Mo- bile, Ala., spent the Mardi Gras sea- son with ,Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stewart of Pelican Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Will Keller have re- turned from their honeymoon trip. Mrs. Charles H. Brownlee. Jr., and daughter Ruth. of Cincinnati. 0., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brownlee. Sr. Mrs. L. Anglado and four daugh- ters of Biloxi, were the guests of Mrs. J. Kogel for the Carnival holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Adams en- tertained at a dinner Sunday. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Zander, Mrs. Miriam Veil and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Adams and daughter. Hilda. Mrs. McK. Vezien entertained the Matron's Club on Monday afternoon. The successful players were Mrs. J. Gerrets. Mrs. R. A. Tansey and Mrs. A. Graf. Mrs. C. Corbett received the consolation. The next meet- ing will be at the home of Mrs. R. J. Williams. Mrs. G. R. Baldwin. who has been visiting her mother, 'Mrs. B. Borne, left on the S. S. Momus, for her home in Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Oswald will take up their rfesidence at 42S Ope- lousas Ave. Mrs. Charles Burgbacker and' daughter, Beulah, left for Alliag•e, Ohio. Mr. Fischer of Port Arthur was a visitor in our town last Wednesday. Mrs. Colomb of Shreveport, La., and her three children are the guests of her mother, Mrs. Ithoades of Ber- muda St. Mrs. Day was a recent visitor to her niece, Mrs. C. H. Brown. 313 Helleville. Boatswain, C. L. Bordelon of Gulf- port. Miss.. was a recent visitor to his family here. Mr'.. Edg.coimb of Daisy. was a visitor here as the guest of her chil- dren. SMrs. J. B. Miller of Pelican Ave., has as her guest. Miss Bernice Le- Blanc of Port Arthur, Texas. Mr. and Mrs E. Martin of Milan. Tenn.. are the guests of Mr. and M,:s. Edward L. Martin. Mr. George M.illet of Lafayette. La., was a visitor here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Walter of Hous- ton. Texas. were the guests of MIr. and Mrs. Gen. Heindel for the Car- nival season. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weigman enter- tained Miss Edwilna Jewell and brother Jennings of Baton Rouge for Carnival. Mrs. Ralph Clark and baby and Mrs. Johnson of New York, are spending awhile with Mrs. Allen Guillot of Eliza St. Misses Mlaude Blanchard and Greta Browner of Huntley, Ill.. are the gut ,ts of .Mrs. Meak Turner. lr. Tomn Entkislo is in ('hicao on busin ss. Mr. antid M:s G I. L. Ahys'n ha. :!- their ('.irnival guest< l s C. T' up- anil Mr. E. I)gas• of fl'hihodaux. Mr. W . Jur,, 1.-ft S',lnda:y f r (Cov- inlltonl for his health. Mr. anil Mr-. It. F'. Yent, .Jr., hay as their guest, for several weeks. Mrs. R. F. YTnt, Sr.. :nd J. It.. o*' ('arrabella Fla. Mrs. Yent arrivid for Carnival and will rtmain for The graduation of hli r dalt.dhttr. .4:s- ('hristine Yent front Totto T 1f': ary. Chief C. K. Hardy is home ftor : short vacation a:tir a trip i t T lli-t of two mont'hs. First .\ -st . C.alre i.: with him. I nnwood Staplehton and Joseph Rot)u,-on. brotheirs of Mrs. C. K. lHardy is here on a visit from I)aputo. Ala. Emmett Hardy and Jazz Banti will leave ('hicage to tour California. G(eorgie Bruinas, a New Orleans boy, has joined them. Miss Fenner Maxson, of We-t Mys- tic. ('onn., siail.d on the S. S. Momnus yesterday, after spendrint a few days with her aunt. Mrs. J. P'. La-key. Th1 Yiung~ Ladi.'s Fiv "" Iii nuIr"'dj (tub ln t at th." honte of \Iis. 'Maty Colli' n- Tho' Fu, " Xt1{i' w'-"t 1:_.. X ~l Ir.1 al .I 1. , fr I s i~ t a ti',: it, ill ii".t, ::- .. t t;1 " i ,1 iist s .'"l:. THE CORRECT THING ' :11," in _. in, A tIEI - Ili~ \u \ F: 1tN'. ('.TI%1 \( EKY KI. h\."r " ,-f" , . x.. tilt i ,- _. n ; . _."u 111\. \ :..1, ' :, u.1 . i tr -. t iti. I' - DAME RON PIERMO(N CO. EVERYTIIINGA wM OFFi"ICE MAE~4 41 It 4'.P 1 wrA .L'Ac r

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Page 1: The Herald (New Orleans, LA) 1921-02-17 [p 3] · Peter---g will have charge of the first MsOMi, and all ex-soldiers

Tu e dill be dys of li ..t ' i ,ts

t arying a l oo n ", t

w that long since i' .-- OW still offer2 • ": '" -

" e line of z, r-d l '-,:",red

.. thL of frood pr,'::, -' :", rotg.Si that o Harry ' 'ru"

doale in Government ."i V:00-1--il swhose store

n,-ootrner Uno. ,' to glance at the pr.'- ',, -

-d in this issue . tee• rt worthwlhii , to

there, and Mr. n:' •- an-

"sowthat even furth-i r.:u St

Seen made as this ati \: w.ore is but a ctl:.... t' o, I rerinment Army

-_- uales from th'-•d n discontinu" , 'ktad conducted for a ti, uh

Sfire stations of tl.' Mr. T

was food ae,'lt' ator a

SVA ehr rman admiiT ratiu.:. ad d

-work and efforts w%-'r" t: II:, us iS

-1 brln;ing down high I'pr •: ce r-

as qdrters and an ng .. ain

lers of the city. It is .tGuuctdI 9

ew that arrangemrnts hateo been

roe whereby people re1i lure on the

Side may have their purchases their hones. at: 1 nomni-

sal tional charge, de::' vri'is be-

w ~mpt.


ya American Legion Post is to be

i•-e.!d in Algiers to-night and it

a peeted that every soldier and

stdr who were in the service will

members of the new organi-,i The Avenue Academy will

a~vea over for the first meeting

na Oswald McNeese, Adj-General.

md Mr. Jas. Casseraly, also

s.dgr state officer, present to ad-

g the members. Mr. Peter

---g will have charge of the first

MsOMi, and all ex-soldiers and sail-

us ad which there are more than

,ee khndred and fifty in Algiers,

S* eaested to be present.


slowing a number of complaints, Algiers women were being ac-

Sa the streets at night, Sergt.• and Corp. Hyde arrested on

e M 10, Frank Meduna, age 20

um charged with being dangerous• epidious. Meduna stated that

ms from Texas, and was present-das fireman at the brand

user arrest was made of Henrya Rlmbia, age 35 years.also charged with being dan-

and suspicious. The arrest

adlte by Patrolmen Berthelot

i, s raVm PARtTY.

pS. R,. Aipdwat of Newark. N.dalighttally surprised by a

of young folks at theher mother, Mrs. B. W.

et Opseess Ave. Ganmesin sad dainty refresh-

hemeerve&.,reeeat were: Misses Rita

lMdi and Phyllis Coyne,ViI Vrginia 8perler, Ines

Weber, Bealsh Borne,Suasel Sweeney, Jose-, Messrs. Maurice, Har-

AosEMt i~masr, Mr. and Mrs.•e• sad Bea and Floyd

84 BDy Scouts of Americaitir regualar monthly ntet-

y, Feb. 17 at 7:16

U hill1 go on a hike 8ua-N0. All members are re-

aere at the Algiers play-ea• equlpment'gor 6:30 a.


mrahal's office is con-itnquiry into suspiciousIna eonction with two

S t h double cottage,

t., owned by Emileof the marshal's

S they have evi-

urt, has eturned toistrot, after spendingWt his parents, iMr.

aJeourt of Pelican Aoe.

Mothe entertained theFive Hundred

• maeful players weremad Mru. J. P. Nolan.

recevred the con-mm•t meeting will be

.a Geo. Herbert.Brookes and Sel-

ieted home today

,i7 one ftquisfte oe.Llod

lc~l, that of

itay and what isn' that requti

who views berthe music for the

.e band these days.Sday he may get

debt is 117.000,..h this is re-a.le of the mark

dollare--lt does-

ea'rtepondent atthat the Pritishiropean trade,

alrprised if hedon hlL.


. than see

-- 4-T -,~

-I --- -4 ~

The Reverend W. S. Sleck of Al-exandria announces the engagement bof his daughter, Caroline Louisei sSlack, to Mr. Frederick Lee Adams !of New Orleans, the wedding to takeplace the latter part of March. t

Mrs. Galloway of Gulfport, was avisitor to relatives here last week. !i

Mrs. F. Goebel entertained on last .Thursday afternoon in honor of the' Ianniversary of her birth. Five Hun-dred was played, the successful play- ters being Mrs. R. A. Tansey. Mrs.C. Dickey and Mrs. C. V. Kraft.Mrs. H. T. Malone received the con-solation. After the games a de- tlicious luncheon was served.

Mrs. Ozime Hebert of Raceland.La.. is visiting Mrs. Rene Blanchard (of Slidell Ave.

A I~vi ew of I8ries snve a nvd I pSeard marm a tia d W hat Theyn H ve to ~PQP bolilgn 0In g 'I o et W VQ nd CBeien-

SRecoring a Specialty. (

- "We Know What Service Means"

UTO RADIATOR MFG. & REPAIR CO.Main 5075. 1548 Canal St.

Come in and we will show you how toovercome your Radiator troubles. We re-pair, rebuild or manufacture any make AutoRadiator.

Ship or bring your leaky radiators to us.Service and workmanship guaranteed. 1

ENNETT Camera Supply Co.212 Baronne Street Opposite Gas Office

Kodaks, Films. Stationery, Magazines,Souvenirs, City View Postals,

Picture Frames Made to Order.

Kodak Films Developed and PrintedKodak Finishing Is OUR DBSINESS and

Not a Side Line.

RATH'S Celebrated MustardRed Hot Pepper Sce, Vinegr, Red SupperSance, Creole 's Worceester or Table

sance, and D se Liquid maing.

1410 Kerleec StreetPhone Heullock 418

Sold br all Jobbers of New Orleans, andFirst-Class Retail Grocers



501 Frumchmen St. Phone Hem. 775

~,i;3------~---- ------c ----

atL & s, FLleIStsFlowmriag Plants

Cat Flowers8hibs-Alld Eiis

. Artistic Wedding DecorationsFlowers for Any Occasion -

P. EAL a sOx6a1 chwutee 8L.

e nd ese g as sd -.

LD COINS and TAXIDERMISTWe pay 5ec each for 1916 Quarters (new

type). We buy gold, silver sand coppercoins and paper money.We Mount Bird., Flu. hAmsas and Game

We tan furs, blues, fls, muake madsausioar skim

Psur, skins and robes rendered moth proof.


OOFERS, Slate Dealers and



Presidpet and Manager Vice-PresidentP. J. VILLARS, Sec.-Treas.

MAHR NO MISTAKEOnly One Telephone Only One Address

Main 1•67 W ieaphine Street

U rNITY DENTAL COMPANYSNea Rampert Ovrer Am. Iheatre

Meoruhy Uquppeds. in an Dmlmeut,With Guar.ntee Bi.n Al Wora

Our Primes are Ritgh--Our Work is Riht

wI P r Yr ** Hays. Yaw wkor Dpa. as.he UWIer -


LBRIGHT Sewing MachineShop

o10:12-110:4 N. ('LAlIOIIRNE AVENUENear Ursuline Phone Hemlock 938:3

The Most Reliable IPlace to Buy a MachineLowest Prices to Cash Buyers

Easiest Terms to Time Buyers

We Repair all Makes of Sewing MachinesOld .Machines taken as first payment on sales'(

of New Machines.

---- EDAR - -HESTSMade of genuilne Tennessee red cedar, in a farctorythat takes pritde In the product that it manufactures.

b(hests and Wardrobes of all sizes. or made to indi-vidual order. Our prices are lower.


ISCHER STUDIO'89 Canal St. Main 5020


-Commercial Work-


"Nothing Is More Cherished in After YearsThan a Good Photograph."

`- ._-:-•-•----- --_ - _ _- _ - • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


HOUSE WIRING-u: Electrical Appliances _



314 Dauphine Street


New Address: 612 Frenchmen St.

Complete showing of Fashionable Millineryin the wanted modes of the moment

Hats made to order.

Very stylish trimmed hats. of differentshapes and styles, our special price, $5.00.These are real values.


504 Frenchmen St.

Announces for Spring a complete showinag ofFashionable and Stylish Millinery


For 20 Years Frenchmen Street's LeadingMilliner

See Us First


IUHREN, INC.Genumaine Parts Facetor RepairsOFFICIAL SERVICE STATION-Westing-house, Auto-Lite, Dyneto, Bijur, Webster,Connecticut, Eisemann, Simms, JK-W, Tillot-son, Briggs & Stratton.1050 Caroudelet 'St. Malan 097





ETAT'S Tulane and Crown


610-616 N. Claiborne

ICYCLES Phone Hem. 870





EMERSON BOOT SHOP 418 St. Charles St,

~;---------- ------ cl--~~"""" ~~~`


Unemualed tr COMFORT and reUef of SENSITIVEFEET. Eeememilael ad Durable.

PRICES-For Children, $1.25 to $1.50. Ladies, $1.75to .2.10. Men, St. to $2.25


RENECKY'S SHOE STORE710 Pattersen St., Algiers.

Ja•ls L Broas A Bre. I•mpertes, 611 Bearbos St..S II I I llew Orleans.

EWELRY FROM BARBIER'SThere is satisfaction in dealing with an

old established firm. Established in 1842the E. Barbier Shop enjoys the distinctionof being a thoroughly reliable and progres-sive Jewelry Store, and being out of the highrent district, there is a positive money-sav-ing value in buying here.

E. BARBIER, Jeweler.300 Royal



Hours Daily, 8-5-Sunday, 9 to 12:30Phone Main 5698


Take Elevator


Hemstitching and Picot Edging

Bnttons Covered

Mail Orders Promptly Attended to

For all Storage, Moving, Pack-ing and Shipping of Household

Goods, call

0-K Storage & Transfer Co."WE KN'OW HOW"

Office and Warehouse: 881 Decatur.Phone M. 1521.

OUNG'S CONFECTIONERYPhone S . 932 Poydras St.

FANCY CARES ........ $1.50 per hundredBEST CAKES ......... $1.7T per hunireml

ICE CREAM ......... $2.00 per gallon

We Cater to Weddling and Birthday Parties


Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Glidder of Mo-bile, Ala., spent the Mardi Gras sea-son with ,Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stewartof Pelican Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Keller have re-turned from their honeymoon trip.

Mrs. Charles H. Brownlee. Jr., anddaughter Ruth. of Cincinnati. 0.,were guests of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesBrownlee. Sr.

Mrs. L. Anglado and four daugh-ters of Biloxi, were the guests ofMrs. J. Kogel for the Carnival holi-days.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Adams en-tertained at a dinner Sunday. Thosepresent were, Mr. and Mrs. Leo.Zander, Mrs. Miriam Veil anddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. WalterAdams and daughter. Hilda.

Mrs. McK. Vezien entertained theMatron's Club on Monday afternoon.The successful players were Mrs. J.Gerrets. Mrs. R. A. Tansey and Mrs.A. Graf. Mrs. C. Corbett receivedthe consolation. The next meet-ing will be at the home of Mrs. R.J. Williams.

Mrs. G. R. Baldwin. who has beenvisiting her mother, 'Mrs. B. Borne,left on the S. S. Momus, for her homein Newark, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Oswald willtake up their rfesidence at 42S Ope-lousas Ave.

Mrs. Charles Burgbacker and'daughter, Beulah, left for Alliag•e,Ohio.

Mr. Fischer of Port Arthur was avisitor in our town last Wednesday.

Mrs. Colomb of Shreveport, La.,and her three children are the guestsof her mother, Mrs. Ithoades of Ber-muda St.

Mrs. Day was a recent visitor toher niece, Mrs. C. H. Brown. 313Helleville.

Boatswain, C. L. Bordelon of Gulf-

port. Miss.. was a recent visitor tohis family here.

Mr'.. Edg.coimb of Daisy. was avisitor here as the guest of her chil-dren.

SMrs. J. B. Miller of Pelican Ave.,has as her guest. Miss Bernice Le-Blanc of Port Arthur, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs E. Martin of Milan.Tenn.. are the guests of Mr. and M,:s.Edward L. Martin.

Mr. George M.illet of Lafayette.La., was a visitor here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Walter of Hous-ton. Texas. were the guests of MIr.and Mrs. Gen. Heindel for the Car-nival season.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Weigman enter-tained Miss Edwilna Jewell andbrother Jennings of Baton Rouge forCarnival.

Mrs. Ralph Clark and baby andMrs. Johnson of New York, arespending awhile with Mrs. AllenGuillot of Eliza St.

Misses Mlaude Blanchard and Greta

Browner of Huntley, Ill.. are the

gut ,ts of .Mrs. Meak Turner.

lr. Tomn Entkislo is in ('hicao

on busin ss.

Mr. antid M:s G I. L. Ahys'n ha. :!-

their ('.irnival guest< l s C. T' up-

anil Mr. E. I)gas• of fl'hihodaux.

Mr. W . Jur,, 1.-ft S',lnda:y f r (Cov-

inlltonl for his health.

Mr. anil Mr-. It. F'. Yent, .Jr., hayas their guest, for several weeks.

Mrs. R. F. YTnt, Sr.. :nd J. It.. o*'('arrabella Fla. Mrs. Yent arrivid

for Carnival and will rtmain for The

graduation of hli r dalt.dhttr. .4:s-

('hristine Yent front Totto T 1f':

ary.Chief C. K. Hardy is home ftor :

short vacation a:tir a trip i t T lli-t

of two mont'hs. First .\ -st .

C.alre i.: with him.

I nnwood Staplehton and Joseph

Rot)u,-on. brotheirs of Mrs. C. K.

lHardy is here on a visit from I)aputo.Ala.

Emmett Hardy and Jazz Bantiwill leave ('hicage to tour California.G(eorgie Bruinas, a New Orleans

boy, has joined them.Miss Fenner Maxson, of We-t Mys-

tic. ('onn., siail.d on the S. S. Momnus

yesterday, after spendrint a few days

with her aunt. Mrs. J. P'. La-key.

Th1 Yiung~ Ladi.'s Fiv "" Iii nuIr"'dj(tub ln t at th." honte of \Iis. 'Maty

Colli' n- Tho' Fu, " Xt1{i'

w'-"t 1:_..

X ~l Ir.1 al .I 1. ,

fr I

s i~ t a ti',: it, ill ii".t, ::- .. t

t;1 " i ,1 iist s .'"l:.


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