the hero’s journey in paris (5)

The Hero’s Journey in Paris (5) By Peter de Kuster What’s Your Story? The Opera Garnier When I ask most people what’s their story, what they passionately pursue, they stammer, “Who, me?”. Yeah you. Do you have any passions? You do? You have concrete pursuits attached to them? Just give me one passion you have with a pursuit for this year. What’s your story? When I ask successful creative heroes to tell me one of their pursuits they will say something like “I will earn Euro 100.000 from my witing with another book deal by the end of the year”.

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Post on 07-May-2015




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The  Hero’s  Journey  in  Paris  (5)  By  Peter  de  Kuster        What’s  Your  Story?    The  Opera  Garnier    

   When  I  ask  most  people  what’s  their  story,    what  they  passionately  pursue,  they  stammer,  “Who,  me?”.      Yeah  you.  Do  you  have  any  passions?  You  do?  You  have  concrete  pursuits  attached  to  them?  Just  give  me  one  passion  you  have  with  a  pursuit  for  this  year.    What’s  your  story?    When  I  ask  successful  creative  heroes  to  tell  me  one  of  their  pursuits  they  will  say  something  like  “I  will  earn  Euro  100.000  from  my  witing  with  another  book  deal  by  the  end  of  the  year”.        

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   This  pursuit  is  stated  in  the  positive  (I  will),  is  very  specific  (Euro  100.000  from  my  writing)  and  includes  a  deadline  (by  the  end  of  the  year).  Bravo!    Having  a  specific  pursuit,  with  a  deadline  is  the  key  to  success.    You  can  make  excuses  or  discount  questing  as  being  too  rigid  and  linear  for  the  creative  person.        Having  specific,  meaningful  pursuits  of  passions  doesn’t  mean  having  a  rigid  story  that  leaves  no  room  to  roam.  It  simply  means  that,  right  now,  this  is  what  you  want.  Don’t  worry  about  limiting  yourself.  You  can  adjust  as  you  go.  It  does  mean  that  you’re  in  control  of  your  life,  have  thought  about  what  the  real  issues  are  for  you,  and  have  a  perspective  on  new  possibilities  that  develop.    Bottom  line:  Unless  you  know  exactly  what  you  want  from  your  life  and  you  can  articulate  it  (on  demand,  in  case  we  meet),  you  are  just  fooling  around.  You  aren’t  serious  about  success  and,  frankly,  you’ll  probably  never  achieve  it.    

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 Having  a  clear  story  about  your  pursuits  empowers  you.  Having  a  clear  picture  of  what  you  want  drowns  out  the  negatives  and  attracts  the  positive  things,  ideas,  and  people  to  help  you  reach  them.  A  clear  story  creates  focus  and  clarity,  so  you’re  not  wasting  your  energy  on  dead  –  end  jobs.      

   What  Happens  Without  a  Good  Story?    Many  creative  people  have  no  idea  who  they  are,  what  they  want  out  of  life,  where  they  are  going,  or  what  their  passion  is.  Afraid  to  limit  their  options,    Their  lives  become  a  series  of  compromises  and  unplanned  events.  They  are  spinning  out  of  control  and  feel  powerless  to  stop  it.    They  have  zigzagged  their  way  through  life,  trying  this  and  that.    As  a  phantom.    Lack  of  Directions    If  you  don’t  know  what  you  want,  you  can  waste  a  lot  of  time  and  energy  going  in  the  wrong  direction.  In  the  meantime,  your  career  and  personal  life  can  get  way  off  course.      

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     Forced  Compromise    You  wake  up  one  day  and  realize  your  life  has  been  a  series  of  compromises,  a  series  of  unplanned  events.  As  a  result,  you’re  in  a  job  you  really  don’t  like  or  aren’t  suited  for,  afraid  to  change.      Untapped  Talent      Without  story,  you  can  easily  get  caught  up  in  the  current  of  life,  swept  away  by  an  endless  stream  of  details.  You  always  seem  to  be  paddling  

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against  the  current  in  a  battle  between  finding  time  to  be  creative  and  getting  things  done.  Once  you  get  off  course,  it  can  be  very  hard  to  find  your  way  back.    

   Boredom    Not  having  a  powerful  story  in  life,  a  passion,  a  purpose  for  your  talents  and  creativity  is  the  one  thing  most  lacking  in  many  lives.  Without  it  life  can  become  dull,  empty,  and  uninspiring.      Powerless/  Cynicism    I  have  heard  people  describe  their  lives  as  if  they  were  passengers  in  a  car,  watching  life  fly  by  while  looking  out  of  the  window.  They  feel  powerless,  and  blame  everyone  and  everything  for  their  lack  of  success,  time,  happiness,  finances,  whatever.  They  blame  the  government,  the  economy,  reviewers,  traffic,  competition,  and  on  and  on.  Until  you  take  responsibility  for  your  own  success,  happiness  and  time,  you  remain  a  victim.    

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   Value  Conflict    When  your  values  and  your  achievements  don’t  align,  at  best  you  end  up  with  hollow  victories.  At  worst,    you  become  depressed,  angry  or  resentful.  If  you  value  integrity,  you  can’t  afford  to  lie  and  cheat  to  get  what  you  want.  If  you  say  you  want  to  start  a  business,  but  you  squander  your  start  –  up  capital,  it  might  be  time  to  look  at  your  values  again.  Maybe  you’re  just  giving  lip  service  to  a  value  you  thought  you  should  have.  Or  maybe  your  self  –  destructive  behavior  has  deeper  roots.      


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   Figaro      Do  you  go  zigzagging  through  life,  jumping  at  any  opportunity,  that  sounds  interesting  or  fun?  After  years  of  doing  this,  you’re  likely  to  realize  that  you  have  nothing  to  show  for  the  past  decade.  This  will  leave  you  unhappy,  unfulfilled,  unsuccessful  –  because  you  tried  to  live  without  goals.      


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 With  a  good  story…      

   With  a  good  story,  you  get  a  bird’s  –  eye  view  of  your  life.  An  overview.  Think  of  being  in  a  balloon  over  Paris,  soaring  over  the  scenery,  looking  down.  Everything  seems  so  small,  so  clear.  You  get  above  the  trivial  details,  about  the  self  doubt.  This  kind  of  perspective  allows  you  to  do  the  right  thing,  at  the  right  time,  for  the  right  reason  in  the  right  way.      Synchronicity      When  you  tell  yourself  a  powerful  story  and  pick  a  course  of  action,  unexpected  things  start  to  go  your  way.  Unseen  forces  in  the  universe  begin  to  say  ‘Yes!!  People  and  resources  come  into  your  life  to  help.  Or  you  see  them  sharply  now.  It  all  starts  with  a  clear  story  about  what  you  want,  your  goals,  your  quest,  one  that  you  can  understand  and  that  you  can  communicate  to  others.  This  works  better  if  you  have  a  real  passion  for  your  story.  People  pick  up  on  your  passion,  your  commitment.  They  want  to  contribute,  to  be  part  of  your  story,  your  excitement,  so  they  offer  money,  time,  connections.      

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   Your  story  works  for  you      When  you  have  a  great  story,  your  mind  goes  about  searching  for  information  and  opportunities  that  can  help.  You  will  see  your  story  reflected  in  the  world  outside.  Why  haven’t  you  noticed  this  before  now?    Your  brain,  to  avoid  overload,  screens  out  information  which  is  essential  to  your  survival  and  success.  When  you  know  what  your  story  is,  your  mind  works  to  incorporate  that  into  what  it  lets  into  your  consciousness.  This  can  change  your  life  very  quickly.  You  may  get  lightning  ideas,  seemingly  out  of  the  blue.  In  reality,  the  brain  is  processing  all  kinds  of  input  from  the  outside,  mixing  it  with  your  goals  or  purpose  and  …  eureka!      You’re  more  happy      Your  stories  allow  you  to  really  live.  You  can  enjoy  the  now,  and  still  look  to  the  future.  People  who  are  living  their  dreams  wake  up  in  the  morning  excited,  full  of  anticipation.  Don’t  you  want  to  live  like  that?  You  can’t  wait  to  start  the  day,  you’re  constantly  stimulated,  curious,  eager  to  interact  with  others,  passionate  about  what  you  are  doing,  and  you’re  working  toward  real  fullfilment.        

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   Your  ability  to  have  fun  and  enjoy  life  is  tied  into  the  stories  you  tell  yourself  and  then  others.    When  you  know  what  you  want,  what  you  value,  what  makes  you  happy,  it’s  easier  to  make  decisions  which  reduce  stress.  The  directionless  life  is  not  the  happiest  to  look  back  on.      

   Motivation      We  all  need  a  great  story    that  moves  us,  that  we  enjoy  doing,  and  that  we  are  good  at.  We  need  to  feel  useful.  We  need  to  help  ohters  or  belong  to  a  cause  larger  than  ourselves.  We  know  we  could  help  make  this  a  better    world,  if  only  on  a  small  scale.  In  this  world  of  rapid  change,  people  have  a  deep  need  to  control  their  own  fate.  Great  stories  to  tell  yourself  about  yourself  are  how  to  do  it.