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1 The Hidden Power of Your Mind The Untold Truth About Law of Attraction That Everyone Hides… By: Jimmy Kim

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The Hidden Power of Your Mind

The Untold Truth About Law of

Attraction That Everyone Hides…

By: Jimmy Kim

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Table of Context

1. What is Law of Attraction

2. The Victim Mentality

3. The Power of the Open Mind

4. Small Steps to a Big Picture

5. Taking ACTION (and Results)


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Chapter #1: What is The Law of Attraction?

The human life is governed by one great law-The law of attraction in the thought world. Its manifestations are common but due to our ignorance, we fail to see this law manifest itself in our lives. This law can be defined as a powerful thought force that attracts or draws to us the things we desire in life, it can as well draw to us the things that we fear in our lives. Hence the law of attraction can actually make our lives or break them; it all depends on how we handle it.

The human thought is a force, it has that magnetic property that attracts to us what we desire or we fear. However, we do not view our thoughts from this perspective. When you begin seeing the thought process as a manifestation of energy, you will come to realize why most things in your life seem so dark and unfair.

When we think, our brain is at work and it sends out vibrations. These vibrations are as real as the ones taught in class, the ones which manifest light, heat, magnetism or electricity. Take a case scenario where a magnet sends out vibrations that create a force enough to attract metallic objects towards it. That’s exactly how vibrations sent out by the brain operate. The five senses cannot show that these vibrations really exist; just like the way you cannot see, smell or touch the magnetic force that attracts metals to a magnet.

When we think about something, we send out vibrations of a very high degree, which are just like those of sound. When we understand the principles which the production and transmission of the thought vibrations, then we will develop the ability to use them to our advantage in our daily lives. One may think…how can I prove that these vibrations are real? Now, before the invention of instruments, which could register magnetism, magnetism was still present. At that time one could be justified to claim that there is no such thing such as magnetism, but it did exist. Same case applies to the human thought waves. There is currently no machine that can be used to register thought waves; the human brain however can register these waves.

In every moment of our lives, the brain is at work and we are sending out the thought waves. However, these thought waves vary in intensity. These thought waves have a great influence on us as well as others. They attract the

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thoughts of other people to us and vice versa, they also attract things, people and luck.

Just like a magnet, which will attract different types of metals, so is our brain, the only difference is that we have the ability to filter what we attract and this makes all the difference. If you think of love, your thoughts will attract the love of other people to you; and before you know it you will have this good feeling that everyone who surrounds you loves you. If you allow thoughts of malice, anger and jealousy clog you, you will attract people and circumstances that will manifest these thoughts. Just as it is said that birds of the same feather will flock together, so are thoughts of the same kind.

A good case example is that of poker game players, if you begin the tournament with that attitude of –am feeling like am going to lose-you will not be surprised that you will actually lose. This s because, once you think about failure, your brain produces failure thoughts and vibrations which impede success thoughts. Therefore, the brain waves of success will not be produced and you will not put enough effort to win the game. Then, the result is imminent failure. However, if you begin your game with a strong mentality that you are going to win, then that is exactly what will happen. This is because your brain is going to produce thoughts of success and you will attract success. You will also input all the effort you can to succeed, therefore increasing your chances of winning.

In life, it takes someone who thinks positively about situations to succeed. Your goals should be well defined in your thoughts and by so doing you applies the law of attraction. For instance in a game of poker, a player who joins a tournament having known why he is doing so and his or her goal, will easily achieve than someone who joins the tournament to just hang out with friends.

The law of attraction is a very important law in our day-to-day lives. This is because it proves that a man actually creates the nature of his surroundings in his mind. This is proven true by the fact that there are people who remain calm and still hold positive thoughts no matter the intensity of the in-harmony that is surrounding them. One may wonder how they achieve this-it is all in the power of the thought. The age of primitive thinking and use of physical force is over, the modern day world is a world where intellectual supremacy reigns-the best part is that you can nurture your intellectual supremacy by controlling the way you think.

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Thought produces ripples and vibrations, which spread out, just like the way a stone creates disturbance when thrown into water. The thought waves however the ability of reproducing themselves unlike water waves. This means that one strong thought will keep on triggering several other thoughts known as stray thoughts. If we think highly and positively about ourselves; the brain automatically acquires that tendency of characterizing those thoughts to reality. A motivational speaker once quoted that what you believe and conceive you can achieve. This is true because when you believe you can, you trigger your thoughts to send out vibrations that you can. You also do everything within your power to actually achieve your goals and you find yourself achieving your dreams-that’s how powerful and influential the thought process is to our lives.

You should never allow yourself to be affected by any adverse or negative thoughts as they will be your undoing. This is because self-improvement is just like a muscle; all it takes is practice and gradual improvement. At the beginning, the resistance to change your way of thinking will prove to be hard-just like it is hard to begin working out if you are not used to doing so. However, as time goes by and you keep practicing, you find that your thought process will change and you will push away the negativity and dullness in your life while attracting luck and good things in your life.

A very interesting fact about the power of the mind is that we have the ability to control what we think-and hence we can influence the law of attraction to attract good things to our life. Man can make whatever he wants from his mind; this is because he can build it. By building your mind, you become the creator of your own self. You are mentally independent and what other people say or suggest to you cannot affect your stand. Mind building in this way is better known as asserting the I’. By using the I’ assertion, you become your own master. This means that you can easily surround yourself with love, self-control and courage no matter the situation. In actual sense, you increase your brains power of attraction.

The Power Of The Will

While talking about self-improvement and the law of attraction, the power of the will cannot be left out. This is because it is a crucial part of the thought process; and just like links in a chain, without the will, the thought process

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would be incomplete. The will can be used to overcome the greatest obstacles as well as setbacks in the human life. The will can be developed, disciplined directed and controlled to act to our advantage. This process however requires a lot of courage, commitment and selflessness. For instance, if someone insulted you and you have a weak power of will, you will absolutely insult them back. Your thought process will be set to violent, this will also attract violent thoughts from the other person and they might even end up in a fight. However; if you have a strong will, then you will be tempted to insult the person who insulted you but you will not. You will remain positive minded, this will attract positive mindedness from the person who insulted you and you might even find them apologizing to you.

Overcoming Injurious Thought Attraction

It is in accordance with the law of attraction that we can attract injurious thoughts. The most common injurious thoughts are fear and worry and you must learn how to overcome them. Fear is a manifestation of a strong expectancy that something bad will happen. This expectancy is a strong magnet and it will actually attract negative things to your life.

Assuming an attitude of courage is one of the many ways to conquer fear. You should think courage, talk courage and act courage. This way you knock out fear which may eat into your thought process attracting failure and other negative things into your life.

By becoming confident, you kick out fear in you and you become that expectant man who always expects success and positive things in his life. You become the I can and I will’ kind of person, this form of thought is a very strong magnet and it will tend to attract good people, good surroundings and good luck. You might think that such a person is a lucky person; however there is no luck in this world. It is all about how we configure our surroundings and our thought process.

Fear breeds worry, malice, hate, discontent, jealousy and all other negative things in life. Courage on the other hand attracts happiness and winning mentality which ultimately leads to huge successes. By mastering the art of the thought process, you will easily kick out fear from your life and consequently attract the good things in life.

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Applying The Law of Attraction

If you set your mind towards courage, success, strength, confidence and success, you attract to yourself good surroundings, people of the same nature as you and absolutely success. It is therefore advisable to be a part of the operations of the law of attraction. Become a part of it and get in touch with all the thoughts that emanate from your mind.

Remember, life is not a product of chance; it is the result of operation of the law of attraction. Whether you know it or not, the law of attracting is in action and now that you are informed, you can effectively use it to attract positive things to your life.


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Chapter #2: The "Victim Mentality.."

The victim mentality can be defined as a condition you perceive that everything bad happening to you is not your fault but someone else fault. You have no sense of responsibility and you always expect that something wrong will happen, or whatever you are trying to do will go wrong at some point. One of the main characteristic of the victim mentality is blaming others for everything that happens in your life and never takes responsibility of your actions.

You will strongly agree with me that bad things happen to everyone, but how we handle ourselves, how we react to counter this low times in our life makes all the difference. If you are a subject of victim mentality, then you will just stick around and do nothing about your situation. In real sense you can actually make your situation right if you overcome your victim mentality.

A good analogy for this is that a hunter who used to hunt birds came home with two live birds and caged them differently. One of the birds was a subject of victim mentality while the other one was not. A bad thing had happened to both of the birds; however how they handled their situation was different. One developed what we call learned helplessness, a term that is used to describe people who feel powerless in situations where they could actually do something about. Hence, this bird just gave up and was waiting for that day when the hunter would convert it into a meal.

However, the other bird could not give up without a fight. It kept telling itself that one of this days it would move out of that cage and it is going to soar high. It actually visualized itself flying day in day out. After several weeks, the hunter mistakenly leaves the cages open as he was in a hurry after feeding the birds. Due to learned helplessness, the bird, which is a subject mentality, does not escape while the other one swiftly soared into space. The same case happens to people, if you are a subject of victim mentality, then you are going to develop learned helplessness and you will not act even if you could.

Another way of viewing the victim mentality is seeing it as a repetitive way of negative thinking. The actual victim now gets stuck in the stage of being helpless which will make you feel that you are entitled to and you demand to be taken care of while you should be taking care of yourself. Once you get

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used to negative thinking, the character of victim mentality will become like a habit and will be nurtured by negative images that will keep forming in your mind unconsciously. This is because you have accustomed and fixated your thoughts on negativity.

You will realize that you are becoming a victim mentality who you start thinking that you were born to struggle; you will always have bad luck or something of the sort. By so doing, you limit your capabilities and you are held captive of your mentality. For instance, since Mark was a young boy, he learned and came to believe that there was bad luck running through their family. His mother could not keep a job, his father always had problem with almost everything, from work, family life and everything seemed rough for them. Mark developed a victim mentality and believed that he was born to struggle. Mark was very bright student, however due to the victim mentality; he always scored low grades at school. Suppose that Mark did not develop a victim mentality no matter how he grew up. The grades that he got in school would reflect the real bright Mark, but due to learned helplessness he only posted low grades.

Characteristics of The Victim Mentality

If you find that you are always giving up almost on everything before you even start it. Then you are becoming a captive of victim mentality.

You always expect failure; you tend to believe that the outcome of everything that you do no longer depends on your actions but it is an already sealed fate of failure. You believe that you have no control over the results of your actions and that your actions are to bear no fruit.

You believe that you do not feature fairly in the course of life and that you are incompetent. You feel overwhelmed to a point where you stop trying to help yourself. You develop the mentality that what you think or do matter anymore.

You are constantly discouraged-not by people around you but by your thoughts. You therefore learn to become helpless and you lose in your struggle.

Breaking Free From The Victim Mentality

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In order to successfully break away from the victim mentality, we have to fully understand how it comes to be in the first place. Victim mentality develops from being brought up or trained in a system. In this concept, a system can be a family, tradition, profession, culture, community and institution. A system will bring on the concept of beliefs, perspectives, taboos and activities.

Let’s take the system of a family as an example. The family is there to provide a friendly and loving environment to the children. This will allow them to develop physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. The family offers love, joy, compassion and equality. However, in a family guided with the victim mentality this aspects will be changed and the child will experience demand for affection instead of love. He will also develop a fear of suffering instead of compassion. Instead of joy, the child will always question his or her abilities and instead of feeling equally competitive he will develop a judgmental attitude. This case applies across all systems.

Undoing The Victim Mentality

One of the best ways of tackling the victim mentality is by assuming responsibility for every action in your life. If you are determined to be responsible in every circumstance in your life, you will acclaim to yourself that even if you cannot control the circumstances that you are in you are in full control of your response to those situations.

Remember that helplessness is not real but it is just an illusion. This means that there is something that you can do in every situation in your life no matter how worse. This calls for you as an individual to become proactive and believing that there is always something that you can do.

Always have a well-formulated plan that will guide your actions when dealing with situations in your life. By so doing you will have full control of your situations, you will be more assertive and the victim mentality will be crushed without you even realizing it.

You need to get transformed from a victim to a victor if you are going to fight the victim mentality. When you perceive yourself as a victor, you will feel powerful, worthy and strong which will make you feel secure and full of courage of handling situations in life.

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Identify where your victim mentality originates from; by understanding the pillar of your victim mentality, you can easily bring it down. Learn to love yourself and bring to an end the act of blaming yourself and criticizing yourself.

Develop the habit of trusting in your abilities, by commanding your will that you can do it, you develop a whole new level of confidence which makes you successful in every way while handling the task at hand.

Define and know your values, by so doing you make proper guidelines that you will follow. These guidelines will make you feel in control and you will become loyal to yourself. You will live by the principles of honor, respect and well-being.

Learn to acknowledge - Deny the role of the victim and highlight the areas in your life where you would like to have greater control upon. Being pitied by others does not solve a thing; don’t just sit there to receive pity. Rise up and take on the battle believing that you will emerge as the victor and you certainly will.

Once you follow the above steps of kicking out victim mentality from your mind, then that will be your first step towards your freedom from victim mentality. By so doing you let go off of the dull past and the beginning of a bright future. Remember, fighting the victim mentality is as easy as it sounds; you just need to believe that you can and you will. Henceforth, you will enjoy great freedom being free of the victim mentality.

Learn to forgive - Holding on to negative feelings and images nurtures the victim mentality making it even stronger. So how do we weaken it? We learn to forgive. Do not hold negative feelings towards someone or something. Accept that you were hurt and move on, don’t let it hurt you anymore that it did., that will be unfair to you.


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Chapter #3: Power of the "Open Mind"

A famous person known as Henri Bergson once said that the eyes only see what the mind is prepared to understand. Each and every one of us have goals that we want to achieve in our lives and at times no matter how hard we work to realize these goals, we just find out that we are not getting anywhere.

The main reason we may find realizing our goals as a puzzle that cannot be cracked is having a closed mind. Chances and opportunities are ever presenting themselves in our lives but we limit our possibilities by keeping closed minds. By keeping an open mind, we stand a better chance of having the things we want in our lives and realizing our goals.

Having an open mind means that you are open to everything that comes to your life, you are flexible and you can adapt to any situation. You embrace different, people views, opportunities and even suggestions. You deem yourself as a part of the process of finding what is right other than being right.

Understanding other people’s point of view about a particular subject is a step towards open mindedness. Although you might think that you are right and that the other person is wrong-just consider the possibility that the other person is right and that you are wrong. This way you can both work up to the right answers by checking together whether you might have overlooked something other than just arguing about who is right and who is wrong.

Are You Limiting Your Potential?

Once you entertain having a closed mind, which is when you set limits to your capabilities. You become a victim to the ego mind and you will always be like “I need this and that now, I have no room for anything else or substitute!” This attitude is a limiter which locks you out from the process of nature-the exploring nature. This will consequently keep you out from learning new things and you will find you that you are always backwards.

In life, we need to grow by exploring the various possibilities that exist and embrace them. Just recall the number of times that you were resistant to doing or trying something new. For instance, kids are always trying to do new things in the process of learning. At first, they face fear and hence are

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hesitant to do it. But once they become open minded and try it anyway, they experience great things which motivate them.

Take a good example of the world renowned boxer Mohammed Ali, if he just listened to what his parents told him to-go to school, work hard, get good grades and secure a good job. Would the world even know that he exists? The answer is absolutely NO. But just because he kept an open mind and considered the probability of joining boxing, he became one of the most famous boxers in the world.

This does not mean you shun what our parents or the communities require of us. It does not mean that you try doing everything under the sun; it is about keeping an open mind. By keeping an open mind, you look at things differently and consider the possibility of what could be outside there? You examine and analyze the possibilities that are out there-don’t just hover around and say this cannot work for me, be daring and try it out.

If you would like to improve the aspects of your life, you need to keep an open mind. You can improve your open mindedness by practicing it day in and day out. Once you master the art of open mindedness, you will attract and explore new opportunities in life. This way you are going to create a whole new life and you will achieve the goals that you always wanted to.

Identifying And Taking Opportunities

Opportunities are ever presenting themselves in our lives. The difference comes in depending on how we recognize and take them. If you are determined to improve various aspects of your life; then you will be guided by your subconscious mind in every situation. Opportunities come in various forms, but they will never be presented to you in a silver plate. It is upon you to realize the opportunity and get out there and grab it. You may receive a suggestion from a friend, a family member or hear an announcement over the radio. If you overlook the chance, the possibility that you can try that thing out, then the chance will slip away and it will be taken by somebody else.

If you have an open mind-you will never overlook an opportunity. You will stop, analyze the opportunity, check its validity and take it. This is the very way which successful people do in life. They never overlook an opportunity and by doing so they realize great goals which to other people are dreams.

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Taking opportunities requires a high sense of awareness and letting go of the fear of the unknown. This only comes with practice, if you get used to taking small opportunities, you will develop the stamina of taking opportunities and when a big opportunity presents itself; you will have all what it takes to grab it.

Opportunity taking requires a smart and open minded individual. You do not have to try every other opportunity that presents itself. This is because it might be a scam and you will end up being frustrated or having messed your life all together. You have to critically analyze the opportunity before taking it.

Ways To Keep An Open Mind

Be ready to get new information - Being informed is the best thing that you could ever experience. Don’t be rigid with information-don’t think that a car can only run on fuel; think of the possibility that it could also run on water. That might sound crazy, right?

Being open minded eliminates the limits that the subconscious mind could have set for you. You will be interested in viewing several possibilities and in different angles. However, don’t be naïve and do not believe everything. Just keep an open mind and appreciate the thought of seeing the world differently. Never assume that you know too much or you know everything, by so doing you limit yourself.

Seek to comprehend - Understanding something or someone or a situation gives us an upper hand. If you are told that the gravitational pull is 10; you are informed but you do not know why. It is therefore important to keep an open mind and try to comprehend every situation that we might be in if we are to emerge as victors from that situation.

Be accommodative - if people learn that you care about what they think, they will be motivated to give you their opinions. As a boss, keep an open mind that an idea of your employee might take your business to a whole other new level. Your colleague might have an earth breaking idea but just because you are closed minded they might fail to bring it up.

Challenge yourself - what hurts our mind makes it stronger. For instance, a college student who challenges himself that he will get straight A’s at the end of the year challenges his mind. The mind will therefore try as much as

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possible to realize this dream. By challenging ourselves, we become open to possibilities and opportunities. By expanding our horizon, we see new and beautiful things that are hidden around the corner which can actually upgrade our lives.

Why Keep an Open Mind?

By keeping an open mind, we attract new opportunities and possibilities as we venture on new ideas. It allows us to try various things in life which may turn out to be life changing experiences.

You experience changes in your life and you change how you think about the world, you will not necessarily have to let go of your facts. However, you will have that special ability of always having an option when others do not.

You become strong - Keeping an open mind provides a platform on which we can build our ideas; one idea on top of the other and so on. This strengthens us and we blend with opportunities-You might have someone comment that “luck follows him wherever he goes” about someone. That is not true, the fact is that person is open minded and hence has the ability to recognize and take opportunities wherever he goes.

By practicing open mindedness, we gain confidence and we are no longer confined by systems. We are free minded and we can lean more and more. We get the courage to try out new things which other people think that they cannot succeed in.

Bing open minded can be an easy undertaking if you do not have a closed mind. But if you have a closed mind, you will need to input effort to make yourself open minded. No one can, however, be a master at being open minded. We therefore have to keep practicing it in all aspects of life.


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Chapter 4: Setting Goals (Taking Small Steps to Big Vision)

Let’s simulate our life for a moment-have you ever imagined where you will be in the next ten or so years? What will you have achieved? Goal setting is a process in which you idealize your future and promise yourself to achieve whatever goals that you have set.

Most of us do feel as if we work so hard and yet we don’t seem to go anywhere. We feel detached from the world as we are not making any progress despite how hard we work. But why is this so, this is because we have not thought enough of what we want in our lives. What exactly would you like to achieve that you have not achieved yet?

Living a life without goals is like embarking on a journey without knowing the destination. No matter how fast you move, no matter how hard you work, you will never see any progress because you do not have a destination. Setting goals in life is a process that shows us what we look forward to achieve in life.

Goals in life provide direction, motivation (the purpose of living) and provide feedback on our progress towards achieving these goals.

Without goals in life, we tend to lose focus and direction; having goals allows us to take control of the direction of our life and acts as a measure of knowing your progress. Now, goal setting is not an impromptu undertaking. It should be a thorough process so that whatever goals we set; we set the best. It begins with a detailed consideration of what we want in life and the process continues by working hard to actually achieve this goals. Below is a guide that will assist you formulating achievable goals in life;

Golden Rules of Goal Setting - Your Goals Should Motivate You

This is a very important factor to consider while setting your goals. This is because if you set goals which do not motivate you; then you will absolutely not achieve them. You can make your goals motivate you by first determining whether there is value in achieving those goals, if there is value, definitely they will motivate you and the opposite is true.

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If the goals are of little interest to you, then you will not work hard enough to achieve them. Therefore it is important to set goals that are of high priorities in your life. Without prioritizing your goals; you will find that you have too many goals to achieve and most of them do not motivate you. To make your goal motivating, you need to also determine the value attached to achieving it.

Have SMART Goals

This is a universal standard that guides people on how to set their goals. Every letter in the word SMART stands for a specific character of your goal. A specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time based goal is a SMART goal. The concept of setting SMART goals is a very important concept but a very simple to understand. Below are the characteristics of a SMART goal;

Specific goals-If you say you want to become a better person in the next six months; that is a good goal; however that goal is vague. Better is a relative term and hence you will not know where to start. However if you say that I will be attending church service thrice per month; then that is a specific goal. A specific goal clearly states what to achieve, who to achieve it, where to achieve and when to achieve it.

Measurable goals-Your goals should be measurable. Suppose you set one goal that you will be making a lot of money by the end of the next financial year. That is a good goal; but it is not measurable. If you make $1000 dollars in a month, that is a lot-but have you achieved your goal? The answer is no. This is because you do not have a measure of the result of your actions to show whether you have succeeded or not. However, if you set a goal like “I will be making $100 000 per year”, -that is a measurable goal. You will know the progress you make towards achieving it and you can hence manage your goals if they are measurable.

Attainable goals- Whenever you set your goals ensure that they are goals that you can achieve. Suppose a student who has been scoring a grade C all through sets a goal “I will score an A in the end year exam”. This goal satisfies all other parameters of a good goal; however it is not an attainable goal. If the student said that he or she will score a B in the next exam, then that is an attainable goal.

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If you set unattainable goals, you will wear yourself out trying to achieve them and in the end you become frustrated and give up. On the other hand, you should not limit your goals depending on what other people think. Set your goals depending on what you know you are capable of.

Relevant-Depending on what you want to achieve; whether short term or long term. You need to understand your goal, mission and purpose so as to determine its relevance. A goal is termed as relevant if it is a rewarding goal. If a goal is not rewarding; then there is no point of setting the goal in the first place.

Time based-Your goals should have a time-frame; this means they should have a deadline by when you will determine whether you have achieved your goals or not. If your goals do not have a time-frame, then you might develop the tendency of procrastination as you will tend to think that you have all the time in the world to achieve them.

Write Down Your Goals

Putting your goals down in writing makes them tangible and real. This way, you cannot find a lame excuse such as “I forgot my goals”. Writing down your goals makes you more goals oriented in everything you do compare to if you don’t.

Have an Action Plan

What do you need after formulating your goals so as to achieve them? You need to come up with a comprehensive action plan. Think of how you will measure your progress in attaining your journal. Do you need to have a journal to keep track of your progress or something of the sort?

Formulating an action plan is a crucial step in setting of goals. This is because it acts as a guide towards realizing your goals. It gives you the individual steps that you should follow so as to achieve your goal.

Stick With Your Goals

Goal setting is a process which goes on in life. We set goals now and then, how we should be consistent with our goals. Once we set a goal, we should

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not alter it along the way unless it is necessary. Though you can change your course of action towards achieving a goal, don’t develop the behavior of changing your goals.

What Next After You Have Achieved Your Goal?

Once you achieve a goal, you should congratulate yourself for doing so, this will improve your confidence and enthusiasm in achieving the rest of the goals. After celebrating, you then need to analyze the factors that contributed to the success, the challenges that you faced and then observe the progress you have made in achieving other goals.

When analyzing your success, ensure raise the bar next time as the sky is the limit. If you learned something important that you can employ in the rest of the goals, deduce it and try to practice it. For the setbacks that you faced while trying to achieve your goal, set new goals on how to prevent them from becoming a stumbling stone in the rest of your goals.

If you make goal setting your thing, you will find that your life will become easier. You will be more successful at the workplace or even at the school, you will always be alert and will not forget important things, you will be more organized and you will generally become a better person.

Always recall that failing to plan is planning to fail.

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Chapter #5: Taking Action (and the results)

After setting your goals in life and knowing exactly what you need to achieve these goals will not make you successful. You need to ask yourself if you are actually taking the required action to achieve your goals, are you moving towards your goal.

Several people fail to realize their dreams because they fail to take action towards realizing them. You might set incredibly SMART goals in life but unless you work towards achieving them, you will never succeed. One main reason people fail to work towards their goals is fear-but what is FEAR? Fear can be defined as False Evidence Appearing Real. You think you will not succeed, then that is false evidence. The more you think about failure, you begin to find that you are not making progress towards your goals, this is when the false evidence appears real.

Most successful people are the people who have gone through the hardest situations in their life. Since they have been pushed to the wall, they have been disappointed and they know how it is. This does not mean that you have to be disappointed by life so that you can make it. It all shows that fear is a great enemy of taking action towards your dreams.

Define Your Actions

You will need to define your course of action well so that you will know exactly the steps to take towards realizing your goals. You will need to analyze all the resources that you need to realize your goals. What materials do you need? What purchases do you need to make? What knowledge do you need? Once you brainstorm this question you will have everything you need to embark on working towards your goal.

Prioritize Your Time

Time management is a major stumbling block for most people in the quest of achieving your dreams. You need to use your time effectively if you are to realize your goals; this means that you have to stay focused all the time. You need to categorize your goals as urgent and not urgent. This will guide you on what to do and when to do it.

Remaining focused and fixated on your goals is very important and you have to cut all the interruptions that may stand on your way. You also need to do

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whatever it takes to achieve your goals, even if it means altering your daily routine to find more time, then do so.

Believe You Can Do It

Motivation is the fuel that will energize you through the journey towards achieving your goals. If you lack motivation, you will lose the energy to keep fighting and you will give up on your goals. All what it takes is to believe in yourself and that you can. After realizing the small goals that you had initially set, you need to continue fighting to build the momentum required to keep you going towards your ultimate goal.

Deal Appropriately With Obstacles

We might have incredible goals, we might also have the momentum required to achieve this goals, however if we are not on the lookout; we can easily stumble on obstacles. We need to know how to handle these obstacles. Some of the obstacles include; procrastination, fear, perfectionist attitude, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, anxiety, stress, poor time management.

If you find yourself stuck with one of the following obstacles, then you need to come up with a comprehensive way of dealing with them. You can flashback on your past accomplishments and analyze what you did then to make you successful. You can also join an anxiety reduction program as it reduces your overall production. Think of the many times that you got positive feedback due to an accomplishment that you have made.

Apply The Law of Attraction

While moving towards your goal, you also need to attract the goals towards you. You can effectively apply the law of attraction in doing this as learnt in the first chapter. Now that you know the direction you are headed to, you need to start imagining yourself having achieved your dreams. How does it feel? How is it like? By asking yourself these questions, you will find out that you get even more motivation to work towards your goals.

Get Used To Reflect

After a short period of time, you need to review your progress, evaluate it and reflect. Which areas do you feel may need some improvements? Are you

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working smart enough? If you are satisfied by your review, then you are headed in the right direction.

Become Action Oriented

Action oriented people are responsible and are great leaders. By becoming action oriented, you become your own leader. Being your own responsible leader is a basic need in achieving your goals, this is because if you do not lead yourself towards achieving your goals, then expects nobody else to do so for you.

What Next After Realizing My Goals

Achieving a great goal is an overwhelming experience and the situation needs to be handled with even greater care. This is because by achieving your goals, you are on the top and the only way you can go now is downwards. So, how do you maintain your position and keep even going forward? Below are some of the things that can help you staying at the top;

Set New Goals-Once you achieve your goals, you need to set new and bigger goal than before. This will keep you alert and you will find that maintaining your current situation is easy, however if you do not set new goals, then maintaining your current position alone will be a huge problem.

Once you are equipped with the above life skills, you will have a better life and success will be inevitable.