the historical foundation of the federal reserve corporation

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  • 8/7/2019 The Historical Foundation of the Federal Reserve Corporation


    The historical foundation of

    theFederal Reserve Corporation

    by Anthony Wayne

    The entire control of monetary policy (and money itself) in the united States does not lie in thehands of Congress or the people. The privately held Federal Reserve Corporation owns us,controls us, and manipulates us.

    What's even more amazing is that banks with foreign ties and ownership are included on the listof big banks that own and control the Federal Reserve. According to the General AccountingOffice, 30% of US banking assetswere controlled by foreign interests in 1993 ($1.4TRILLION). Write to your representatives in Washington, DC for the names of the top 20institutions that received interest payments for our national debt since 1983 and you will see foryourself just who's in control and who we're paying purported taxes to.

    In 1957, Senator George Malone of Nevada, while referring to the families that secretly own the

    Federal Reserve Corporation, said "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understoodwhat Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington, theywould not wait for an election...It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and

    social independence of the United States."How can the "Fed" refuse to be audited while all Federal Government agencies must be audited?The Federal Reserve Corporation is not a government agency, but it is a private enterprisegenerating wealth and profits for its owners.

    Is this a conspiracy? Have Americans been hoodwinked by traitors and foreign power-hungry

    tyrants? Yes, and the facts prove it. On December 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signedinto law the Federal Reserve Act creating a privately owned (as opposed to a "We the People"ownership) central bank, the Federal Reserve Corporation, and our first ever national income tax

    payable to the "Collector of Internal Revenue" on March 1, 1914. Incidentally, the internalrevenue service is a privately sponsored and controlled collection agency. The IRS is not a

    Government Agency or Department and it has no organizational or legal ties to the US TreasuryDepartment.

    This new central bank was created to control the flow of money in and out of the country. OurConstitution places this responsibility in the direct hands of Congress and only the Congress, butthe Federal Reserve Act turned this authority over to private interests. With respect to

    Constitutional authority, Congress and President Wilson committed treason against the AmericanConstitution and her People, and more than 80 years later, "we the people" have allowed this

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    travesty of justice and liberty to continue without objection.

    In stark contrast, in 1836, America had no federal income tax nor a central bank. Before the turn

    of the century, our patriotic seventh President, Andrew Jackson, eliminated the two greatestplagues of his time: the central bank and the national debt. Known as the 'Peoples President', hepaid off the entire national debt (without an income tax) during his tenure from 1829 to 1837,

    and abolished the Bank of the United States in 1836. Due to his courage to insure freedom for allAmericans, he nearly lost his life to a hired assassin in 1835. America prospered before 1860

    without a central bank or income tax. Ever since, the Federal Reserve Corporation (since 1913)has strangled the American worker through taxes and unethical money lending policies thatmake these financial tyrants more and more profits each year. This privately owned enterprisemust be abolished or they will succeed in abolishing our Constitution. 'We the people' holdthe exclusive Constitutional power to shape and control our government. Unless we speak up

    loudly and insist on changes, we will continue to be led like sheep to slaughter with no hope ofsurvival.


    Supported by Senator Nelson Aldrich (grandfather to David Rockefeller, a member of theNewWorld Order) and a group of New York bankers, Paul Warburg, the genius behind the largestprivate bank in Hamburg, Germany, became the architect of the Federal Reserve Corporation. As

    they secretly met for 10 days during November 1910 on Jeckyll Island, Georgia, these menbecame the conspirators who successfully gained control of the monetary policy of the United

    States. Backed by his powerful banking lobby, Senator Aldrich placed tremendous pressure onCongress to implement their scheme. President Wilson was blackmailed by letters he had writtento his mistress during his tenure as president of Princeton University. These letters wound up in

    the hands of financial baron Bernard Baruch when a $65,000 payment was made to Wilson'slover, Mrs. Mary Peck. Paul Warburg, the creator of the worst nightmare Thomas Jefferson

    could have ever imagined, became Chairman of the Federal Reserve Corporation in 1914.

    More interesting is the tie these men had with foreign powers. It all began with Cecil Rhodes, anEnglishman born in 1872. This is the name from which the Rhodes Scholarships to OxfordUniversity are named. Bill Clinton was once enrolled as a Rhodes Scholar, but never completedhis studies. This is no mere coincidence. Cecil Rhodes had a goal in life (and after death) to

    establish a"secret organization for the extension of British rule throughout the world...andthe ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the BritishEmpire...for making the Anglo-Saxon race one Empire", as quoted directly from his will.

    Financing from Lord Rothschild backed the DeBeers Mines in Southern Africa, owned by

    Rhodes, into a monopoly that had control over 90% of the world's diamonds by 1891. Rhodesalso had large interests in the world's gold mines and owned many publishing companies.

    (Rhodesia was named after Cecil Rhodes). When Cecil Rhodes died in 1902, he left his vastestate to Lord Rothschild in order continue his secret society through Rhodes Scholarships.Bill Clinton is a member of this elite group that believes in one world rule .

    The Rothschild's were, and are, the financial strength behind Britain as they basically own theBank of England. But after loosing the financial control of the American colonies, they vowedto King George they would some day once again rule our vast land. One of their efforts in this

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    vow was to finance the War of 1812 against the United States. Today, they just happen to be one

    of the largest block "owners" of the privately owned Federal Reserve Corporation. Rothschildmoney has backed such empires as the Rockefellers , the Hearsts, the Baruch holdings, J.P.Morgan, the Drexell family, Henry Ford, the Guggenheim family, Fisher (General Motors),Bache & Co., Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Guaranty Trust, Mellon Bank, Crocker

    Bank (now controlled by Midland Bank of London) and almost every major banking institutionincluding Chase Manhattan (named after Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln's Treasury Secretary) andCitibank/Citicorp. These money tyrants have nearly won the war to return the "Colonies" backto British control through their New World Order. Their private banks are financing Cecil J.Rhodes vision ofone world without nation states; one currency; one leader as head of a"council" of the elite where only one religion will be tolerated as a privilege, but not aright.

    God help us, because this is exactly what the United Nations was formed to accomplish. Whyhas NAFTA classified religion as an "industrial classification"? You didn't hear that on the LateNews. That's because these same financial tyrants control the purse strings ofSimon andShuster, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune , CNN, and the New York Times. TheCouncil of Foreign Relations is another "front" for the New World Order. Bill Clinton's staffis comprised of a majority of Foreign Relations Council members.


    Winston Churchill, a close friend ofBernard Baruch, Lord Rothschild, and Paul Warburg,came to the US in 1929 for 54 days, long enough to see the scheme he helped plot with themcome about. He left the day after the stock market crashed, on October 29, 1929, and later wrotethat he was at the New York Stock Exchange on Black Tuesday "not quite by chance".

    Prior to the crash, Baruch and the other financial barons were buying up the world's gold (even

    though Baruch already owned vast gold mines in Alaska), selling most of their holdings ofstocks, and all the while encouraging hard working middle class Americans to invest in stocks tobecome rich. This was part of the well laid plan to get money out of the hands of Americans,

    capture the gold market that backed our currency, and become the world financial leaders bydefault. They succeeded.

    Most Americans were ruined, while these elite few became richer. They manipulated the stockmarket by selling short large blocks of stocks to each other. It's documented. They even had thebrashness to blame the American people for the collapse of our economy!

    In the early 1930's, America was in ruins. The dollar was based on gold, yet there was no gold to

    back it, so the Federal Reserve withheld BILLIONS of US dollars from circulation (over $100

    billion in September-October 1929 alone). The American people had no money. But where didall our gold go? In November 1929, just the banks in New York alone shipped $30 million of

    gold to France (over 16 tons). New York bank exports of gold to England and France in 1929exceeded $111 million dollars. Imagine how much gold was sent by the other member banks ofthe Federal Reserve Corporation.

    Once nearly all of our gold was removed, it was decided in 1933 that America would follow the

    lead of England by removing itself from the monetary gold standard and prohibit by Federal Law

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    the ownership or hoarding of gold in this country. Who owned the world's supply of gold in

    order to benefit from all this? As of 1993, the Federal Reserve Corporation bank of New Yorkhad within their vaults $128 billion of gold (based on the "official" price of $35 per ounce).

    Some have predicted the US Federal Reserve Note will be eliminated and a new world dollar,backed by gold, will evolve between 1995 and 2000. This will cause the holders of the world's

    gold, the elite few tyrants tied to Britain, to rule the world's economy and the people. Furtherproof of this was just established in front page headlines on May 10, 1994. A USA Today article

    stated that by the end of 1994, new "$100 Dollar" paper bills (not Federal Reserve Notes or USDollars) would be circulated.

    Winston Churchill stated on January 26, 1932, "The progress of the world is dependent oneminent individuals. It has never been ground out by political machines. It is a great delusion

    to think that the people have the kind of government that they want...they have the kind of

    government (they) are told they want". 62 years later, it hasn't changed.


    The top 6 U.S. based owners of the privately held Federal Reserve Corporation are: Citibank -Citicorp; BankAmerica; Chemical Bank; Chase Manhattan Bank; Morgan GuarantyTrust; and Bankers Trust.





    Frank Baum's classic the Wizard of Oz, written during the depression of the 1930's. Do you thinkBaum knew the truth? We have entered into their throne room. The Great Wizard of Oz has been

    exposed. He is alive and well and calls himself the Federal Reserve Corporation.