the history of the alaska native brotherhood & alaska ...mar 01, 2014  · leader in the alaska...

1 The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska Native Sisterhood in Southeast Alaska

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Page 1: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights


The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska

Native Sisterhood in Southeast Alaska

Page 2: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights

Geography of Alaska


Page 3: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights

Alaska Native Groups


Page 4: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights


The ANB & ANS Began in Sitka, Alaska in 1912

The Alaska Native Brotherhood Hall was built in 1914 on the waterfront in Sitka. It is now a national historic landmark. ANB Hall

Page 5: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights

The Founding Fathers of the Alaska Native Brotherhood

- Peter Simpson, Tsimshian Canadian (“Father of ANB”)

- Ralph Young, Sitka - Chester Worthington,

Wrangell - James C. Johnson, Klawock - Paul Liberty, Sitka - Seward Kunz, Juneau - Frank Mercer, Juneau - Frank Price, Sitka - George Field, Klawock - Eli Katanook, Angoon - James Watson, Juneau - William Hobson, Angoon - Andrew Wanamaker, Sitka

Rise of the ANB

Page 6: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights


ANB & ANS Constitution Preamble

The purpose of this organization shall be to assist and encourage the Native in his advancement from his Native state to his place among the cultivated races of the world, to oppose, to discourage, and to overcome the narrow injustices of race prejudice, to commemorate the fine qualities of the Native races of North America, to preserve their history, lore, art and virtues, to cultivate the morality, education, commerce, and civil government of Alaska, to improve individual and municipal health and laboring conditions, and to create a true respect in Natives and in other persons with whom they deal for the letter and spirit of the Declaration Independence and the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Page 8: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights


ANB & ANS Political and Cultural Leaders

William Paul (1885-1977) - An attorney, legislator, and political activist from the Tlingit nation of Southeastern Alaska. He was known as a leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood.

Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights activist, working on behalf of equality for Alaska Native peoples. She was the single driving force behind the passage of the state's Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945, the first anti-discrimination law in the United States.

Dr. Walter Soboleff (1908-2011) - An American Tlingit scholar, elder and religious leader. Soboleff was the first Alaska Native to become an ordained Presbyterian minister.

Page 9: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights


The Alaska Federation of Natives AFN Origins

The Alaska Federation of Natives was formed in October 1966, when more than 400 Alaska Natives representing 17 Native organizations gathered for a three-day conference to address Alaska Native aboriginal land rights. From 1966 to 1971, AFN worked primarily to achieve passage of a just and fair land settlement. On December 18, 1971 the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) was signed into law.

Page 13: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights


Legacy of ANB & ANS - Gained recognition of Native rights as U.S. citizens. - Won the right for Alaska Natives to vote. - Integrated public schools. - Helped support the first Alaska Natives to be elected to the Alaska territorial Legislature. - Helped initiate Tlingit and Haida land claims and later ANCSA. - Helped pass the Native Civil Rights Law in Alaska. - Helped fight for Alaska Native subsistence rights. - Promotes continuing cultural education for Alaska Native children.

Page 14: The History of the Alaska Native Brotherhood & Alaska ...Mar 01, 2014  · leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911-1958) - An important Alaska civil rights


The Importance of Ku’ik Koo.eex (Potlatch) Introduction

In honor of what we’ve learned about ANB, ANS, and the Tlingit culture in this unit we will have a class potluck to share food and present the Bloom Ball projects you’ve created. Everyone will bring a food dish to share and families/community members are invited to join us.