the hungry eye

Hungry Eye – January 9, 2013 1 JANUARY 9, 2013 EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS THE LANDING PUB REOPENS on Thursday, January 10. Our renovations are done and our staff are ready to serve you.NO BAD DAYS! THIS WEEKEND AT Q.C.C (Jan.11) Friday 8:30 a.m. Low Impact; Noon Seniors Friday Lunch; 3:00 p.m. Climbing Kids 4-7yrs; 4:00 p.m. Climbing Kids 7-up; 6:00 p.m. POI & Dance Teen & Adult; 7:45 p.m. Friday Flicks Presents: Moon Rise Kingdom SING FOR PURE JOY! Re-enchant the world with melodies, harmonies, rounds and body rhythms from different cultures around this glorious Earth! A safe, non- judgmental place where everyone can SING. Quadra Community Centre from 3 - 4:30 beginning January 14. 285-3764. ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 it’s Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra returning to the Legion with their new album release. $10 at the door. Doors open at 9pm. The next Legion general meeting is Tuesday, January 15 at 8pm. NEXT WEEK AT Q.C.C (JAN 14-18) MONDAY 8:30 Low Impact; 9:30 Monday Painters; 9:30 Parents & Tots; 3:00 Sing for Pure Joy; 4:30 Karate; 6:00 Weight Watchers; 6:30 Garden Club; TUESDAY 10:00 Spinners & Knitters; 10:00 Japanese Cooking Class; 7:30 Folk Dancing; WEDNESDAY 10:00 Yoga with Trinity; 11:00 Moms & Babes; Noon Community Kitchen; 2:30 Kid’s Art; 5:00 Dance with Elsa 4-6yr; 6:00 Dance with Elsa 7-up; 6:30 Sweating to the Newbies; 7:00 Legal Clinic; THURSDAY 9:30 QI GONG; 9:30 Parents & Tots; 10:00 Physio; 3:00 Climbing Kids 7-up; 4:00 Climbing Kids Teen & Adult; 4:30 Karate; 5:00 Yoga with Megan; 6:30 Sensible BC; 7:00 Belly Dancing; 7:00 Public; FRIDAY 8:30 Low Impact; 3:00 Climbing Kids 4-7yrs; 4:00 Climbing Kids 7-up; 6:00 POI Dance Teen & Adult CALL FOR ARTISTS! The Quadra Studio Tour is accepting applications for the 11th annual tour, June 1 & 2, 2013. email: [email protected] or pick up forms at Yellow Dog Trading. Deadline January 15. QUADRA SINGERS promises a spicy line- up of songs for all musical tastes with a Musical Potpourri this spring. Join the fun 6:45pm, Thursday, January 17 - at the Legion. Info: 285-2739 or 285-2142 or [email protected] SATURDAY, JANUARY 19: SIERRA Quadra presents ‘The Big Fix’, a compelling and smartly researched film on the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon. 7:30pm at the Quadra Community Centre. Admission is by donation, refreshments will be served. Doors open at 7. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Hummingbird Office and Art Supply has all your organizing and filing needs (It’s almost tax time again, yuk). Check us out. Winter hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm. ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 The Legion is celebrating its 75th Anniversary & Carol Ann’s 50th Birthday, with a pot luck dinner at 6:30pm and dance with High Society 9pm. On sale! Specially designed t-shirts to commemorate the event. VISION BOARD CLASS! With the New Year comes New Intentions. Join Hummingbird on Tuesday, January 22 from 7 pm – 9 pm in creating your vision for 2013. $15 supplies included. Space in limited. Please call 285-3334 to reserve your place. FAWN; A THREE COURSE EVENING: dining, movie and dancing. A project funding event for Cory Doherty’s next film. Full evening: $39.95. Film and dance: $30. Add a room + $49. January 25. 6:30pm seating, 7pm serving, 8pm movie, 9pm dance. Reserve: 285-3322 A NEW YEAR IS NOW UNDERWAY bringing all of us new dreams and new goals ... and yes some new artists at Works of H’Art! A past resident of Quadra Island - Chris Jones has showcased his design talent in the form of 999.9% pure silver rings - each one unique and hand-crafted. Check out the painstaking precision of the hand-made cards of Rae Houghton — a Victoria resident ... and speaking of precision ... Discovery Metal Creations “The Howl of Night” and “Lone Wolf of the Sea”! A huge thank you to the people of Quadra island and Cortes and all visitors for supporting my little gift emporium before, during and after Christmas. Visit during January to check on clearance items and also put in requests for items you would like me to watch for when I go with my daughter to a suppliers show in Toronto at month end! MISPLACED YOUR FLYER? Tru Value specials – for both the Heriot Bay and Q-Cove stores – can be viewed online every week at

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January 9, 2013


Page 1: The Hungry Eye

Hungry Eye – January 9, 2013 • 1

JANUARY 9, 2013


THE LANDING PUB rEoPENs on Thursday, January 10. Our renovations are done and our staff are ready to serve you.NO BAD DAYS!

THIs WEEKEND AT Q.C.C (Jan.11) Friday 8:30 a.m. Low Impact; Noon Seniors Friday Lunch; 3:00 p.m. Climbing Kids 4-7yrs; 4:00 p.m. Climbing Kids 7-up; 6:00 p.m. POI & Dance Teen & Adult; 7:45 p.m. Friday Flicks Presents: Moon Rise Kingdom

sING For PUrE JoY! Re-enchant the world with melodies, harmonies, rounds and body rhythms from different cultures around this glorious Earth! A safe, non-judgmental place where everyone can SING. Quadra Community Centre from 3 - 4:30 beginning January 14. 285-3764.

oN sATUrDAY, FEBrUArY 9 it’s Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra returning to the Legion with their new album release. $10 at the door. Doors open at 9pm. The next Legion general meeting is Tuesday, January 15 at 8pm.

NEXT WEEK AT Q.C.C (JAN 14-18) MONDAY 8:30 Low Impact; 9:30 Monday Painters; 9:30 Parents & Tots; 3:00 Sing for Pure Joy; 4:30 Karate; 6:00 Weight Watchers; 6:30 Garden Club; TUESDAY 10:00 Spinners & Knitters; 10:00 Japanese Cooking Class; 7:30 Folk Dancing; WEDNESDAY 10:00 Yoga with Trinity; 11:00 Moms & Babes; Noon Community Kitchen; 2:30 Kid’s Art; 5:00 Dance with Elsa 4-6yr; 6:00 Dance with Elsa 7-up; 6:30 Sweating to the Newbies; 7:00 Legal Clinic; THURSDAY 9:30 QI GONG; 9:30 Parents & Tots; 10:00 Physio; 3:00 Climbing Kids 7-up; 4:00 Climbing Kids Teen & Adult; 4:30 Karate; 5:00 Yoga with Megan; 6:30 Sensible BC; 7:00 Belly Dancing; 7:00 Public; FRIDAY 8:30 Low Impact; 3:00 Climbing Kids 4-7yrs; 4:00 Climbing Kids 7-up; 6:00 POI Dance Teen & Adult

CALL For ArTIsTs! The Quadra Studio Tour is accepting applications for the 11th annual tour, June 1 & 2, 2013. email: [email protected] or pick up forms at Yellow Dog Trading. Deadline January 15.

QUADrA sINGErs promises a spicy line-up of songs for all musical tastes with a Musical Potpourri this spring. Join the fun 6:45pm, Thursday, January 17 - at the Legion. Info: 285-2739 or 285-2142 or [email protected]

sATUrDAY, JANUArY 19: sIErrA Quadra presents ‘The Big Fix’, a compelling and smartly researched film on the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon. 7:30pm at the Quadra Community Centre. Admission is by donation, refreshments will be served. Doors open at 7.

HAPPY NEW YEAr EvErYoNE! Hummingbird Office and Art Supply has all your organizing and filing needs (It’s almost tax time again, yuk). Check us out. Winter hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm.

oN sATUrDAY, JANUArY 19 The Legion is celebrating its 75th Anniversary & Carol Ann’s 50th Birthday, with a pot luck dinner at 6:30pm and dance with High Society 9pm. On sale! Specially designed t-shirts to commemorate the event.

vIsIoN BoArD CLAss! With the New Year comes New Intentions. Join Hummingbird on Tuesday, January 22 from 7 pm – 9 pm in creating your vision for 2013. $15 supplies included. Space in limited. Please call 285-3334 to reserve your place.

FAWN; A THrEE CoUrsE EvENING: dining, movie and dancing. A project funding event for Cory Doherty’s next film. Full evening: $39.95. Film and dance: $30. Add a room + $49. January 25. 6:30pm seating, 7pm serving, 8pm movie, 9pm dance. Reserve: 285-3322

A NEW YEAr Is NoW UNDErWAY bringing all of us new dreams and new goals ... and yes some new artists at Works of H’Art! A past resident of Quadra Island - Chris Jones has showcased his design talent in the form of 999.9% pure silver rings - each one unique and hand-crafted. Check out the painstaking precision of the hand-made cards of Rae Houghton — a Victoria resident ... and speaking of precision ... Discovery Metal Creations “The Howl of Night” and “Lone Wolf of the Sea”! A huge thank you to the people of Quadra island and Cortes and all visitors for supporting my little gift emporium before, during and after Christmas. Visit during January to check on clearance items and also put in requests for items you would like me to watch for when I go with my daughter to a suppliers show in Toronto at month end!

MIsPLACED YoUr FLYEr? Tru Value specials – for both the Heriot Bay and Q-Cove stores – can be viewed online every week at

Page 2: The Hungry Eye

• Hungry Eye – January 9, 20132


THE HUNGrY EYE is published each week by THE HUNGRY EYE (Michelle Simms van Orden), printed on Quadra Island by Castle Printing & distributed free to Quadra mailboxes Wednesdays. The deadline for ad submission is 6 PM MONDAY for Wednesday’s publication. Also available online:

For CLAssIFIED ADs: Submit your ad online ( or pre-pay at the Petro-Can Station (Village Square) 7 days a week! Classified ad pricing: up to 40 words $6.25 + hst ($7.00 total); 41-80 words $15.17 + hst ($17.00 total). Max. 80 words for classified ads. Please count your words. Contact Michelle Simms van Orden at 587-987-5358 about display ads or inserts which are not processed through the gas station. Please do not leave display ads/inserts/or their payments at the gas station.The Hungry Eye reserves the right to refuse advertising. More ads than space? Time-sensitive ads take priority when space is tight.WITHoUT PrEJUDICE. No responsibility is undertaken for any errors or omissions.


Hungry Eye Trivia

“Joy of Winter”

1. How many times a year does the sun set and rise in the Arctic?

2. Where do icicles most often form?

3. What percentage of fresh snow is composed of air?

1. Once 2. On the south-facing side of a building 3. 80%

Quadra Island Branch expanding hours of operation

The Quadra Island Branch of Vancouver Island Regional Library is expanding its hours of operation effective January 7, 2013.

The new hours of operation are:

Tuesday, Friday and Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm

Wednesday, Thursday: 1:00 pm to 8:00 pmCLOSED: Sunday and Monday

“We are very pleased to open an additional six hours per week,” says Library Manager Timothy Skye. “We are now open from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm on both Wednesdays and Thursdays in order to serve our customers better.”

There has been a steady increase in customers since the branch relocated in March 2012 to the Cove Centre Mall in Quathiaski Cove. The new branch is more than three times the size of the former branch with room for more books, CDs, DVDs, newspapers, magazines, and computers. Come and check out your new library!

The Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) is the fourth largest library system in British Columbia. We serve over 430,000 people on Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii, and Bella Coola on the Central Coast through 38 branch libraries, a virtual branch, and a “Books by Mail” service. VIRL’s holdings number over one million and include books, magazines, CDs and DVDs. Administrative offices are located in Nanaimo.

For more information, contact Timothy Skye, Library Manager(250) 287-3655 | [email protected]

BArNEY BENTALL, Tom Taylor and Shari Ulrich, Dinner Show Saturday, February 2 for $55 and Brunch Show Sunday, February 3 for $50 in Herons Dining Room. This trio puts on a wonderful show! Reservations: 285-3322

ACT NoW – Is there a one-act play you’ve always wanted to direct, star in, see? Theatre Quadra is looking for two one-act plays to be staged in the spring. Send a synopsis, number of characters and length to [email protected]

HEroNs DINING rooM is open seven days a week. 8am to 8pm Friday/Saturday and to 7pm Sunday to Thursday. Feeling hungry later? Delicious hot soup served until 11pm in the HBI pub every day.

CAsTLE PrINTING printed this edition of the Hungry Eye.

sUBMIT YoUr AD oNLINE! Classified ads can now be submitted through the Hungry Eye website. It’s easy: count your words, select the number of weeks you’d like your ad to run, and pay online. You’ll receive a receipt in your inbox. Check the Hungry Eye website to learn more and submit your ad:

Classified ads can still be submitted at the gas station, but exact change is required. 1–40 words $6.25 + hst ($7.00 total); 41–80 words $15.17 + hst ($17.00 total).

THE EYE’s “Island People & Places” isn’t just for kids. Use it for special birthdays, anniversaries, births, marriages, new business start-ups, etc. No charge. Please send your submission to [email protected]

Co-ED BAsKETBALL - Every Tuesday starting January 8, from 7pm - 8:30pm is your chance to shoot some hoops at the school gym. The cost is $50/11 weeks for 13 years to Adults inclusive.

U oF Q CLAssEs rEsUME January 23; Quadra farming, manure, grass, and other harrowing tales with Noah and Amanda Stewart-Webb and Etienne Cote of Hillcrest Farm. January 30; Making extra dollars, eBay buying and selling with David Faulkner. 7pm HBI Pub education.

Co-ED voLLEYBALL - Come out for some fun Thursday nights at the school gym. Starting January 17 at 7:30. (trial fun for 4 weeks) The cost is $5 per week. Teens & adults inclusive.

QIGoNG CLAssEs AT QCC starting Thursday, January 17 from 9:30am to 11am. Come and feel energized with gentle movement exercises coordinated with breathing. $80/8 weeks. $12 drop-in. for more information call Denise at 285-3743.

FLoor HoCKEY - It starts again January 9 in the school gym until March 20th, Wednesdays from 7:30-9 p.m. Please note, use of plastic sticks is mandatory … no wood! Cost is $50 or $5 drop in.

GoT A sorE BACK? Try a Yoga for Backs Workshop on Saturday, January 26 from 10am to 1pm. QCC, Room 3, bring a mat, pillow, blanket. Some props available. $30 pre-registration required. Class size limited. Sue Beattie 285-2948 [email protected]

Page 3: The Hungry Eye

Hungry Eye – January 9, 2013 • 3


Complete Construction ServicesSite Preparation to Design & Building


Excavating, Trucking, Rock, Sand, Crush, and Gravel.


How to place your


ONLINE: Submit your classified ad any day, any time on the Hungry Eye website. It’s simple: type or paste your ad into the form, select how many weeks you’d like it to run, and pay online. The deadline to make it into Wednesday’s issue is Monday by 6pm. Learn more and submit your ad at

IN PERSON: Submit your classified ad at the gas station 7 days a week, whenever the gas station is open. The deadline to make it into Wednesday’s issue is Monday by 6pm. 1–40 words: $6.25 + hst = $7.00 41–80 words: $15.17 + hst = $17.00 Submit your ad to any clerk and pay cash. Sorry! Cheques, credit cards, and debit cards cannot be accepted for Hungry Eye advertising at the gas station and exact change is required.

DISPLAY ADVERTISING: Grab more eyes with a display ad! Time is required to prepare new display ads; please contact Michelle with your requirements. Get in touch by noon Friday to make it into Wednesday’s issue. Display advertising cannot be processed at the gas station.

NEED MORE INFO? Advertising rate card and more detailed instructions can be found at Or contact Michelle directly by email at [email protected].

IoNIC FooT DEToX @ Marlena’s Salon. Starting your New Years Cleanse? Book your appointment for Mondays for the month of January $50 each or 10 for $400 Call 250-830-4068 to book your appointment.

BLUE CoLLAr CoNNECTIoN Certified Carpenters – new homes – renovations – repairs – need a Japanese Tea House? We can do your specialty projects too! Please call 285-3931.

CArEFUL WINTEr PrUNING can improve the health of fruit trees, shrubs, and vines. Certified horticulturist Ryan Nassichuk is now taking appointments for this January and February. Call 250-202-2326 or email [email protected] for more information.

sTorMY WEATHEr Is HErE AGAIN, be prepared! Have your trees professionally evaluated. Call Dick’n’sons Tree Service – Certified arborist – WCB certified tree assessor – BC Hydro certified – Over 30 years of experience – 24 hour emergency service – Fully insured – Free estimates – References available – Call 285-2682

Dr. CoLLEEN HArTWICK naturopathic doctor is currently accepting new patients at her clinic above the library in Q cove. Licensed to practice naturopathic medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Colleen offers a wholistic approach to health care. Call 250-827-4046 to book an appointment.

DAvE’s PIANo TUNING AND rEPAIr A sturdy, quality constructed acoustic piano is a life-time investment and an appreciating asset. Call Dave Ashton 250-285-3871

LEsLIE MACGrEGor rMT, Registered Massage Therapist, GIft Certificates, flexible hours, home visits, many modalities to serve your healing needs. 285-2054

CLArK’s PAINTING – Add a splash of colour. Spruce up your home. Special winter discounts. Fully insured professional service. Call John at 285-3597 or 202-7069 (cell).

ToP FLoor oF WELL MAINTAINED up/down duplex on Quadra Loop. Ground level entrance; two-bedrooms, custom kitchen, wood floors and details throughout, d/w, w/d. WiFi and storage. Electric heat. No smoking, adult oriented. $800 plus utilities. References required. 285-3056 or [email protected]

sMALL HoUsE For rENT on Hopespring Road; separate driveway. Quiet location, close to trails, 1 bedroom, laundry, vaulted ceiling, woodstove and electric heating, carport/utility room, custom kitchen, tile and laminate floors. No smoking, no pets, references required. $750/month plus utilities. 285-3040

THE QUEEN oF CLEAN is on the scene! To clean your home – she’s really keen. So lighten your load – don’t pull out your hair. She’s a great little cleaner – with a few days to spare. Call 250-202-5029

NoLE CrEEK sAWMILLs: milling, moulding, kiln drying, all to your specific requirements. Speciality beams to 32 ft, siding, flooring & much more. Your logs or mine. Free local pickup and delivery. Call Greg 285-2762 Website:

GUTTErs. GUTTErs. GUTTErs. Hedefine Contracting, Discovery Islands’ roofing specialists, does 5”, K-style continuous gutters. Island convenience. Call 285-2866 for all your roofing and gutter needs.

sIGNs, PICTUrE FrAMING and simple Engraving at Waypoint Signs beside Quadra Builders. Tuesday -Thursday, 9 – noon and 1 – 4 pm. (look for OPEN sign on other days). Appointments possible to suit your schedule. Friendly, efficient, personalized service with quality products at affordable rates. 285-2815 & [email protected]

WoMAN’s BLACK sEIrUs glove on beach below Quadra Loop. Call 285-3056.

ALL FoUND ITEMs rUN FrEE (once only/40 words or less) in the Hungry Eye. If you find a pet or other item, please try to locate its owner – your kindness won’t cost a dime. Deadline: before 6 pm Mondays at the gas station or email ([email protected]) No items by phone, please.


Page 4: The Hungry Eye

• Hungry Eye – January 9, 20134



While Quantities Last

SpecialsPenny Pinchers





Almond BreezeBeverages

SCHNEIDERS ‘Oh-Natural’ Meatless

Burgers or Nuggets



Family PakLean Ground








$5.49/kg$7.69/kg 907g 450g



230g 230g 230g


Grapefruit2 for $1.49


2 for $2.49


Avocados2 for $2

600-680g Pkg of 6 Random Weights 560g









Assorted Frozen


USABunches of

Carrots2 for $3



BALDERSON#1 White Cheddar


CASTLEMild Gouda



CASTLEAged Gouda






ROGERSPorridge or Large Flake


DEMPSTERS SIGNATURESesame White, Wholewheat or Sourdough









Ancient GrainsBread$3.49



Angel Food




Bits& Bites$1.39





We reserve the right to limit quantities on our advertised items.



$5 $6


2 for 2 for

2 for

2 for 2 for

2 for

2 for 2 for







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