the hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkähler geometry of CP(S) Brice Loustau Complex projective structures The character variety The Schwarzian parametrization The minimal surface parametrization The hyperkähler geometry of the deformation space of complex projective structures on a surface Brice Loustau August 3, 2012

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Page 1: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The hyperkähler geometry of the deformation space ofcomplex projective structures on a surface

Brice Loustau

August 3, 2012

Page 2: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization


1 Complex projective structures

2 The character variety

3 The Schwarzian parametrization

4 The minimal surface parametrization

Page 3: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

1 Complex projective structures

2 The character variety

3 The Schwarzian parametrization

4 The minimal surface parametrization

Page 4: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

What is a complex projective structure?

Page 5: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

What is a complex projective structure?

Let S be a closed oriented surface of genus g > 2.

Page 6: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

What is a complex projective structure?

Let S be a closed oriented surface of genus g > 2.


A complex projective structure on S is a (G ,X )-structure on S

where the model space is X = CP1 and the Lie group of

transformations of X is G = PSL2(C).

Page 7: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

What is a complex projective structure?

Let S be a closed oriented surface of genus g > 2.


A complex projective structure on S is a (G ,X )-structure on S

where the model space is X = CP1 and the Lie group of

transformations of X is G = PSL2(C).

Page 8: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

CP(S) and Teichmüller space T (S)

Page 9: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

CP(S) and Teichmüller space T (S)


CP(S) is the deformation space of all complex projective structureson S :

CP(S) = {all CP1-structures on S}/Diff +

0 (S) .

A point Z ∈ CP(S) is called a marked complex projective surface.

Page 10: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

CP(S) and Teichmüller space T (S)


CP(S) is the deformation space of all complex projective structureson S :

CP(S) = {all CP1-structures on S}/Diff +

0 (S) .

A point Z ∈ CP(S) is called a marked complex projective surface.

CP(S) is a complex manifold of dimension dimC CP(S) = 6g − 6.

Page 11: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

CP(S) and Teichmüller space T (S)


CP(S) is the deformation space of all complex projective structureson S :

CP(S) = {all CP1-structures on S}/Diff +

0 (S) .

A point Z ∈ CP(S) is called a marked complex projective surface.

CP(S) is a complex manifold of dimension dimC CP(S) = 6g − 6.

Note: A complex projective atlas is in particular a complex atlas onS (transition functions are holomorphic).

Page 12: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

CP(S) and Teichmüller space T (S)


CP(S) is the deformation space of all complex projective structureson S :

CP(S) = {all CP1-structures on S}/Diff +

0 (S) .

A point Z ∈ CP(S) is called a marked complex projective surface.

CP(S) is a complex manifold of dimension dimC CP(S) = 6g − 6.

Note: A complex projective atlas is in particular a complex atlas onS (transition functions are holomorphic).


There is a forgetful map p : CP(S) → T (S) where

T (S) = {all complex structures on S}/Diff+0 (S)

is the Teichmüller space of S .

Page 13: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Fuchsian and quasifuchsian structures

Page 14: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Fuchsian and quasifuchsian structures

If any Kleinian group Γ (i.e. discrete subgroup of PSL2(C)) actsfreely and properly on some open subset U of CP

1, the quotientinherits a complex projective structure.

Page 15: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Fuchsian and quasifuchsian structures

If any Kleinian group Γ (i.e. discrete subgroup of PSL2(C)) actsfreely and properly on some open subset U of CP

1, the quotientinherits a complex projective structure.

Page 16: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Fuchsian structures

Page 17: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Fuchsian structures

In particular, any Riemann surface X can be equipped with acompatible CP

1-structure by the uniformization theorem:

X = H2

where Γ ⊂ PSL2(R) is a Fuchsian group.

Page 18: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Fuchsian structures

In particular, any Riemann surface X can be equipped with acompatible CP

1-structure by the uniformization theorem:

X = H2

where Γ ⊂ PSL2(R) is a Fuchsian group.

Note: This defines a Fuchsian section σF : T (S) → CP(S).

Page 19: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Quasifuchsian structures

Page 20: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Quasifuchsian structures

By Bers’ simultaneous uniformization theorem, given two complexstructures (X+,X−) ∈ T (S)× T (S), there exists a unique Kleiniangroup Γ such that:

Page 21: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Quasifuchsian structures

By Bers’ simultaneous uniformization theorem, given two complexstructures (X+,X−) ∈ T (S)× T (S), there exists a unique Kleiniangroup Γ such that:

Page 22: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

1 Complex projective structures

2 The character variety

3 The Schwarzian parametrization

4 The minimal surface parametrization

Page 23: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization


Page 24: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization


Any complex projective structure Z ∈ CP(S) defines a holonomy

representation ρ : π1(S) → G = PSL2(C).

Page 25: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization


Any complex projective structure Z ∈ CP(S) defines a holonomy

representation ρ : π1(S) → G = PSL2(C).

Page 26: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety

Page 27: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety

Holonomy defines a map

hol : CP(S) → X (S ,G) ;

where X (S ,G) = Hom(π1(S),G)//G is the character variety of S .

Page 28: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety

Holonomy defines a map

hol : CP(S) → X (S ,G) ;

where X (S ,G) = Hom(π1(S),G)//G is the character variety of S .hol is a local biholomorphism.

Page 29: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety

Holonomy defines a map

hol : CP(S) → X (S ,G) ;

where X (S ,G) = Hom(π1(S),G)//G is the character variety of S .hol is a local biholomorphism.

By a general construction of Goldman, the character variety X (S ,G)enjoys a natural complex symplectic structure ωG .

Page 30: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety

Holonomy defines a map

hol : CP(S) → X (S ,G) ;

where X (S ,G) = Hom(π1(S),G)//G is the character variety of S .hol is a local biholomorphism.

By a general construction of Goldman, the character variety X (S ,G)enjoys a natural complex symplectic structure ωG .

Abusing notations, we also let ωG denote the complex symplecticstructure on CP(S) obtained by pulling back ωG by the holonomymap hol : CP(S) → X (S ,G).

Page 31: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety (continued)

Page 32: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety (continued)

Theorem (Goldman)

The restriction of the complex symplectic structure on the Fuchsianslice F(S) is the Weil-Petersson Kähler form:


F (ωG ) = ωWP .

Page 33: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The character variety (continued)

Theorem (Goldman)

The restriction of the complex symplectic structure on the Fuchsianslice F(S) is the Weil-Petersson Kähler form:


F (ωG ) = ωWP .

Theorem (Platis, L)

Complex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates (li , τi ) associated to any pantsdecomposition are canonical coordinates for the symplectic structure:

ωG =∑


dli ∧ dτi .

Page 34: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence

Page 35: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence

Theorem (Hitchin, Simpson, Corlette, Donaldson)

Fix a complex structure X on S . There is a real-analytic bijection

HX : X 0(S ,G)∼→ M0

Dol(X ,G)

where M0

Dol(X ,G) is the moduli space of topologically trivialpolystable Higgs bundles on X .

Page 36: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence

Theorem (Hitchin, Simpson, Corlette, Donaldson)

Fix a complex structure X on S . There is a real-analytic bijection

HX : X 0(S ,G)∼→ M0

Dol(X ,G)

where M0

Dol(X ,G) is the moduli space of topologically trivialpolystable Higgs bundles on X .

Note: HX is not holomorphic, in fact:

Page 37: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence

Theorem (Hitchin, Simpson, Corlette, Donaldson)

Fix a complex structure X on S . There is a real-analytic bijection

HX : X 0(S ,G)∼→ M0

Dol(X ,G)

where M0

Dol(X ,G) is the moduli space of topologically trivialpolystable Higgs bundles on X .

Note: HX is not holomorphic, in fact:

Theorem (Hitchin)

There is a natural hyperkähler structure (g , I , J,K) on M0

Dol(X ,G).The map HX is holomorphic with respect to J. It is also asymplectomorphism for the appropriate symplectic structures.

Page 38: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

1 Complex projective structures

2 The character variety

3 The Schwarzian parametrization

4 The minimal surface parametrization

Page 39: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The cotangent hyperkähler structure

Page 40: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The cotangent hyperkähler structure

Recall that if M is any complex manifold, its holomorphic cotangentbundle T ∗M is equipped with a canonical complex symplecticstructure ωcan.

Page 41: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The cotangent hyperkähler structure

Recall that if M is any complex manifold, its holomorphic cotangentbundle T ∗M is equipped with a canonical complex symplecticstructure ωcan.

Theorem (Feix, Kaledin)

If M is a real-analytic Kähler manifold, then there exists a uniquehyperkähler structure in a neighborhood of the zero section in T ∗M

such that:

• it refines the complex symplectic structure

• it extends the Kähler structure off the zero section

• the U(1)-action in the fibers is isometric.

Page 42: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization

Page 43: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization

Recall that there is a canonical holomorphic projectionp : CP(S) → T (S).

Page 44: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization

Recall that there is a canonical holomorphic projectionp : CP(S) → T (S).

The Schwarzian derivative is an operator on maps betweenprojective surfaces such that:

Page 45: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization

Recall that there is a canonical holomorphic projectionp : CP(S) → T (S).

The Schwarzian derivative is an operator on maps betweenprojective surfaces such that:

• It turns a fiber p−1(X ) into a complex affine space modeledon the vector space H0(X ,K2) = T ∗

XT (S).

Page 46: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization

Recall that there is a canonical holomorphic projectionp : CP(S) → T (S).

The Schwarzian derivative is an operator on maps betweenprojective surfaces such that:

• It turns a fiber p−1(X ) into a complex affine space modeledon the vector space H0(X ,K2) = T ∗

XT (S).

• Globally, CP(S) ≈σ T ∗T (S) but this identification depends onthe choice of a “zero section” σ : T (S) → CP(S).

Page 47: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization

Recall that there is a canonical holomorphic projectionp : CP(S) → T (S).

The Schwarzian derivative is an operator on maps betweenprojective surfaces such that:

• It turns a fiber p−1(X ) into a complex affine space modeledon the vector space H0(X ,K2) = T ∗

XT (S).

• Globally, CP(S) ≈σ T ∗T (S) but this identification depends onthe choice of a “zero section” σ : T (S) → CP(S).

For each choice of σ, we thus get a symplectic structure ωσ on thewhole space CP(S) (pulling back ωcan) and a hyperkähler structureon some neighborhood of the Fuchsian slice.

Page 48: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)

Page 49: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)

Theorem (L)

CP(S) ≈σ T ∗T (S) is a complex symplectomorphism iffd(σ − σF ) = ωWP (on T (S)).

Page 50: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)

Theorem (L)

CP(S) ≈σ T ∗T (S) is a complex symplectomorphism iffd(σ − σF ) = ωWP (on T (S)).

Using results of McMullen (also Takhtajan-Teo, Krasnov-Schlenker):

Theorem (Kawai, L)

If σ is a (generalized) Bers section, CP(S) ≈σ T ∗T (S) is a complexsymplectomorphism.

Page 51: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)

Theorem (L)

CP(S) ≈σ T ∗T (S) is a complex symplectomorphism iffd(σ − σF ) = ωWP (on T (S)).

Using results of McMullen (also Takhtajan-Teo, Krasnov-Schlenker):

Theorem (Kawai, L)

If σ is a (generalized) Bers section, CP(S) ≈σ T ∗T (S) is a complexsymplectomorphism.

Page 52: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


Page 53: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


• Fibers of p and Bers slices are Lagrangian complexsubmanifolds.

Page 54: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


• Fibers of p and Bers slices are Lagrangian complexsubmanifolds.

• (generalized) Quasifuchsian reciprocity.

Page 55: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


• Fibers of p and Bers slices are Lagrangian complexsubmanifolds.

• (generalized) Quasifuchsian reciprocity.

• If σ is elected among Bers sections,

Page 56: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


• Fibers of p and Bers slices are Lagrangian complexsubmanifolds.

• (generalized) Quasifuchsian reciprocity.

• If σ is elected among Bers sections,

• The hyperkähler stucture we get on CP(S) refines the complexsymplectic structure,

Page 57: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


• Fibers of p and Bers slices are Lagrangian complexsubmanifolds.

• (generalized) Quasifuchsian reciprocity.

• If σ is elected among Bers sections,

• The hyperkähler stucture we get on CP(S) refines the complexsymplectic structure,

• but the new complex structure J depends on the choice of theBers section. In other words the bunch of hyperkähler structureswe get is parametrized by T (S).

Page 58: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


• Fibers of p and Bers slices are Lagrangian complexsubmanifolds.

• (generalized) Quasifuchsian reciprocity.

• If σ is elected among Bers sections,

• The hyperkähler stucture we get on CP(S) refines the complexsymplectic structure,

• but the new complex structure J depends on the choice of theBers section. In other words the bunch of hyperkähler structureswe get is parametrized by T (S).

• This is similar to the situation we saw with theHitchin-Kobayashi correspondence.

Page 59: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The Schwarzian parametrization(continued)


• Fibers of p and Bers slices are Lagrangian complexsubmanifolds.

• (generalized) Quasifuchsian reciprocity.

• If σ is elected among Bers sections,

• The hyperkähler stucture we get on CP(S) refines the complexsymplectic structure,

• but the new complex structure J depends on the choice of theBers section. In other words the bunch of hyperkähler structureswe get is parametrized by T (S).

• This is similar to the situation we saw with theHitchin-Kobayashi correspondence.Quiz : what is a significant difference though?

Page 60: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

1 Complex projective structures

2 The character variety

3 The Schwarzian parametrization

4 The minimal surface parametrization

Page 61: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization

Page 62: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization

The space of almost-Fuchsian structures AF(S) ⊂ QF(S) is aneighborhood of the Fuchsian slice such that if Z ∈ AF(S), thehyperbolic 3-manifold associated to Z contains a unique minimalsurface Σ.

Page 63: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization

The space of almost-Fuchsian structures AF(S) ⊂ QF(S) is aneighborhood of the Fuchsian slice such that if Z ∈ AF(S), thehyperbolic 3-manifold associated to Z contains a unique minimalsurface Σ.

The Gauss-Codazzi equations satisfied by the second fundamentalform IIΣ are equivalent to the fact that IIΣ is the real part of aunique holomorphic quadratic ϕ.

Page 64: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization

The space of almost-Fuchsian structures AF(S) ⊂ QF(S) is aneighborhood of the Fuchsian slice such that if Z ∈ AF(S), thehyperbolic 3-manifold associated to Z contains a unique minimalsurface Σ.

The Gauss-Codazzi equations satisfied by the second fundamentalform IIΣ are equivalent to the fact that IIΣ is the real part of aunique holomorphic quadratic ϕ.

This defines a mapAF(S) → T ∗T (S)

Z 7→ ([IΣ], ϕ).

Page 65: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization

The space of almost-Fuchsian structures AF(S) ⊂ QF(S) is aneighborhood of the Fuchsian slice such that if Z ∈ AF(S), thehyperbolic 3-manifold associated to Z contains a unique minimalsurface Σ.

The Gauss-Codazzi equations satisfied by the second fundamentalform IIΣ are equivalent to the fact that IIΣ is the real part of aunique holomorphic quadratic ϕ.

This defines a mapAF(S) → T ∗T (S)

Z 7→ ([IΣ], ϕ).

It is a diffeomorphism of AF(S) onto some neighborhood of thezero section of T ∗T (S).

Page 66: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization

The space of almost-Fuchsian structures AF(S) ⊂ QF(S) is aneighborhood of the Fuchsian slice such that if Z ∈ AF(S), thehyperbolic 3-manifold associated to Z contains a unique minimalsurface Σ.

The Gauss-Codazzi equations satisfied by the second fundamentalform IIΣ are equivalent to the fact that IIΣ is the real part of aunique holomorphic quadratic ϕ.

This defines a mapAF(S) → T ∗T (S)

Z 7→ ([IΣ], ϕ).

It is a diffeomorphism of AF(S) onto some neighborhood of thezero section of T ∗T (S).

Again, one can use this “minimal surface parametrization” to pullback the hyperkähler structure of T ∗T (S) on CP(S).

Page 67: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization(continued)

Page 68: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization(continued)

The notion of renormalized volume of almost-Fuchsian manifoldsdefines a function W on AF(S).

Page 69: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization(continued)

The notion of renormalized volume of almost-Fuchsian manifoldsdefines a function W on AF(S).

Using arguments of Krasnov-Schlenker to compute the variation ofW under an infinitesimal deformation of the metric, one shows:

Page 70: The hyperk hler geometry of the deformation space of

The hyperkählergeometry of CP(S)

Brice Loustau

Complex projectivestructures

The character variety

The Schwarzianparametrization

The minimal surfaceparametrization

The minimal surface parametrization(continued)

The notion of renormalized volume of almost-Fuchsian manifoldsdefines a function W on AF(S).

Using arguments of Krasnov-Schlenker to compute the variation ofW under an infinitesimal deformation of the metric, one shows:

Theorem (L)

The minimal surface parametrization AF(S)∼→ T ∗T (S) is a real

symplectomorphism (for the appropriate symplectic structures).