the hypodermic needle model

The Hypodermic Needle Model BY JAK BUTLER

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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The Hypodermic Needle ModelBY JAK BUTLER

Page 2: The hypodermic needle model

The Hypodermic Needle Theory

The Hypodermic Needle is the theory that all kinds of media are feeding the viewers entertainment or information in an unmediated way. Passive spectatorship falls well with this theory, for example, If said viewer sees an advert on TV about a product or brand that they really like, they might get a subconscious message to actually go out and get that specific product because they have been fed this information through the type of media.

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Music also falls well with the needle theory. For example, through songs this can work effectively. If an advert of a game comes on the television and it has a singers or bands track overlaying the clip, this might instantly trigger something in someone's brain to associate that game with the song. Also if the song that is with the game is a song that people like, it might be a big selling point, leading to the mass purchase of said game.

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Another good example of the hypodermic needle theory is magazines. Magazines can place anything on the front to gain attention but they would do it to certain groups of people. If the magazine had a large image of Justin Bieber on the front with a big headline, this could attract fans of Justin Bieber who have never read that magazine before.