the iai t.el lowstone journalthe iai t.el lowstone journal otel iv. no. 147 miles city, montana,...

THE IAI T.EL LOWSTONE JOURNAL .• OtEl IV. No. 147 MILES CITY, MONTANA, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL 1e. rgSf Ie t ,er , au Ie aw-U. Every Morning Except Monday. ,op Lti of d Ms City, 3-,000. Terms of Sb.criptio• : yT xIL.-IN ADVANC3--POSTAGE PAID. D1l UoWe. * ir. ................. •0.0 Dily dltio. e mo ths ........................ 6.00 Daly dition, three mth................... 8.00 TO CITY UllBIRIBERB. BY Coartr, versy Mornnlg, at etS. per week. WEEKLY EDITION. 00. ye.r...w. .....--.......... ............ 8.00 ... . ... ...... ..... ................ .00 Thoe lath............................ 1.00 Advertising Rates. 1 Day....... At* 001 001 .0 O 14.0! . I Ds...... LO3 4 0i 7.0011.00 1L00; 18.00 5.00 $ Dip...... 4.00 1.00 800 14.00 1 00 21.00 30.00 I W .... .005 3.100i4 14.0A06 A 385 SWeks.... 7.00 10.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 39.00 46.0 8 Weeks.... 814.1 0 14.00 2.00 5.00 30.00 1 Meth . 10.08 14.00 1.00 5.00 3.0 4.00.00 2 Meaths.. 1100,0.0 00 2O00 1.0 1.00 .00 SMweths... 1.00190..00 .00 4.I0.L0 M.00 100 * Meoths... 3.9001.0040.00 40.00 74.001100.00'1U.00 Iesa metaee-s-Te sm perw sse mlr - lee. Write-upe stes seae prm ae. Adsem VULOAWSTON JOURNAL, JOURNAL BUILDINUW MIL•S CITY. M. T. NDREW F. BURLEIGB, &eppelite COuet H .- . Miles ,City, i. T. WT . IThVELL. J. H. OGALOCK. S" IBrTavaLLI. GasLOCd. Nay at Law. OSee Maia street, between kth asd 7th, Mile City. Mlt•na. JDMOND BUTLER, AIT efiaT-AT-LAW. M Certenay's, atal t., Miles City, i. T mtis7OOoisoa. - Aaraua H. 0 Comos,. 1 lo ra-l- I ormerl. of the U. S. Nslltre of te depart- *Notary Public. meatl m, Waohl- f tea• D.. W I HENRY O'CONNOR A I)N, Amaums as Coussam-AT Law. Miles City, Me.iaaateiers. O**e, Steek Growers Natlemal dank I Will eaet in llhe ees o the l errl ay: in the mpeas.e ena of the United tates and be ange t•e ae eive deparuments at Wash. ale g gives e ezmadiiee snd Ro. L. MILBURN ATTOUIY.AT-LAW. AOIfti•I Deplm. nt. Couecaareoi a1 Belnasnes. {.h"eA e all hkids of Werpater wek. eatteetle give{ to shop work. Eighth J1 "UMEM DIHstTOet. S6 GU- UM--eaves She Me i r1. Ipheetphab e4 every ssbba, a* i1 a.. md 7.10 Pr. I. Cs meetag at t1 m. Piges elltngeveryThandr. datba&h sebel 10 a. ea 3a. LE. k1D:tmm Paeter. oarn i a*IUaL, cermer of Palm.r and 180 S e. Seriese at U A. . sand 7.00 Pr.. .a9i4SP. Seed3 Ael SadM{ A. 2. Meet- pro r spyead Ba rn Wedai e. day eseeing at 0:1. AM aU sUen a w e6. Arne I o Dson, l . arer Ninth .b r ee (1 a) ies. p. epeeL SPUnday 5 e U LL e :1 B. I. LW. J. wa n. S.Chap-ain. U. . A. p "•,0. erer ,et ,. K , b " Aes, _sb, esu al U a. m. at. &eb eel M o a. o. Prae, a, ti agt J• elehTI . All ianite. TC. Q Anumtaee. Pteeu. 1)ivinin No.1I CuISter County, X. T. meets Anut mlomase 8wedays teauch moueth O$t2 O'Gbockhj.m. Josm D~acy ZDWAND FLINN, gmmewugasr6egar,. Freemeat. 1L. ION J. Mike Oit, Lodge 1. of R., moss Anst mod third welameeia at each asath at 7;30 p. a., at Odd Folows Aal.Visliami Xmights aWe cordially sviteL. J. IL COLUNI, Dietator. T. Hr. DWcCRT. Reporter. C. A. Wzmcumuras, Mi. Rsp. A. W. a A Teflowt~ e No. Uk A. 6 A. K., rgWla metig M.e aa r v Wensdaya of each meath: all MOOD"ase goo Otading an invited to mest with me. A. C. L~OAN. W. M. 8. D. Voons. ftemetaq. ALA. U. Yellowstone Ckaptq. No. A. U. D. Regular ,esu mcml me tombh eioselps of ashe nmwah czl.cmain edhl Invited teaguM me. A. 0. LOGaY, H.P. Wit IN '1.W. MeeUU eoN.. V0 Goceam~ l"one iseeasy third In Shill th uam Us .P. C1910"101R LODG 10. 1, K. 07 0.3.80 u m A ie m u s.$ Ow ig s a win e. ha ll si m ofA. b= 1 I av AM weak lmm jgy. Just Received at Wm. Harmon's -AN ELEGANT LINE OF- FANCY GLASSWARE CROCKERY Suitable for Family and Hotel Purposes. Also a all line of fine Provisions, Poultry, Oysters, Etc. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF T*raZZ . OZTT, AggNT CaI JOISEPIH LEIBION, Preddeat. GEOBOE M. MILES, Vice PredMeat. . ATCmEL0N Oshier. .E B. iIBI0K' Aadutaat OaMw. Authorised Capital - - - - - a Paid up Capital - - - - - Burplus and Undivided Profits - - - INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BAMK, CAPITAL - - - - $IO0,000.00 The aelna• t a4 busImen of stock mle oell aud pr• m ... emp... INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSl'TS. 3we atist !Uk .1 the I.bll.. Nw Tmk; Phat Natheram Uek. Cbhises Pinst Nlall.. 3mbk. et. PI..; Firslt lautue)e bUs 3merek; First Nutio..afloak, Bluga Ig E uet Natisl lak, Dead- we4, fL.a. .. e.s 0.. hOqe, w .•r• DRAF~T DRAWN ON ALL FOREIGN CITIEZ. w. a.i .. ?re t. s.. AOD, oiler. W . o ,vie. Fu* m. 3.WU.IT, =**Oaier. J. H. CONR Ar tb THE LEADING- GROCERS OF EAiSTERNE.., MEONITANA, MAIN STREET, - MILES CITY M. T. F. E. HAMMOND, VIEW. LIFErAND ACCIDENT I1 SUR E bAUENT, Los" a LIvu~sl &Ohlo Isumu. CO. Ain.Ium cB.tari. t SUP nCwka Is Ls. Traem. .1 mII IS Immien !n C .9 Nw Yo rk. 17741m ttsrrrtt i Ofr M the back O wa. 1 hma Dt. J. I. COLLINS, JOHN KORHXSN, cEAl3.KIIIy, On"ba Nek chq~inte, Wme Kft G. Most. Jv S. COLLIN'S &CO.s, M9AIN STREET MILES OITL M- T. J*ft esla ew amemob mumm as0bIiL.t miae em, w STOOKL AND SIDE aSADDLES wo m elvest 531mb iveim, ,ft" fts Ishe Irma ~WAm fti gh, kqpk m a evmsie .- tmume am U &~aw~ Uwk Is 611*-- - r., A. SM..4IA Staoa 4@ C2*Ufmla =10 &a& MUpm Sam -. a - -,"T P~c[TV" OftTWAMBAMAd W 1 O IILES CITY BAKERY BoRLING A Txuuoorr, Prop'.. Legb b Pdss eh bs^-- VEu lr mI nw IJI, . i.lB 1*11 WENM N t bVAk MM. u..; t a.. pwt w CURRENT COMMENTS On the Happenings of the Day in and Around the City. A Gay and Sociable Gathering at the Rink-Happenings at Court. A Witness Getting too Fly is Arrested-Church Supper- Lieut. Avis' Case. DImTRICT COURT. Chsrl. R. Poluard. Prewla Judge. SPRINO TER--TWELFTH DAY. Court opened at the usual hour and the case of George W. Hedderich vs. James Taylor, et al., was taken uo. This was a very tedious case as a large number of witnesses were examined, and cross questions and objections were raised upon the slightest ground. At one stage of the proceedinge the judge had to arrange the attorneys at the table so they could not reach each other. At 8:30 o'clock the jury were instructed and retired in charge of a bailiff to deliberate upon a verdict. After being out half an hour the jury returned with a verdict for the plain- tiff, Hedderich, to the value of $1,210. The case of the Territory of Mon- tans against Dolph and Wiswell, in- dicted for stage robbery, was next put on trial. These two young men held up the Spearfish andgplles City stage a few miles from this city last Decem- ber. The evening was consumed in getting a jury and the case will be the first thing taken up when court opens this morning. The divorce suit of Elizabeth A. Johnson vs. Ole Johnson was decided for the plaintiff. NOTin. Banker Raymond, of Glendive, was in attendance on court yesterday. A number of ladies were in attend- anoo on court yesterday. They at- tended as witnesses. Miss Cooroy was in court yesterday keeping up her short hand practice. The lady is already a rapid stenog- rapher, but realises that practice is necessary to continue expert. Conmisalesers' Proee*doge. The board of county commissioners were in session yesterday and the fol- lowing business was tranected Mr. P. 0. Whithlbead having proposed to perform the services for bthe court house and jail as Janitor for $45 per meonth, on motion the above proposal was accepted and the clerk directed to notify Mr. Whitheadol the acceptance of his bid. The county clerk was notified to or- der a number of notices to be printed and to see that at least one notice should be posted in every saloon and gambling house in town, charging that minors should not be permitted to enter places of that description. The following motion was made by Commiseioner Anderamu Whereas, it appear from the records of the oterk of theboard la answer to adverUteiments heretofbre made by the b", proposiattmes have been e dv to 1exchange Coster county warabts andJudgments legally leased behtbe Jaune 1, 185, for Custer county bonste therefore beit EMrelved, thatthe board do proceed to Iase the bonds of the said county in the forft heretothre decided upon, to an amount sufficient to exchange for all suchb proposals as are now received, or soeh as may hereafter be received during the present session of the board; be it further Resolved, that all bonds issued at this sesesion be dated July 1, IBM, and Interest be computed on warrants to that date. The bosd was occupied during tie remaladirof the day in exanilir and auditing sialms against the county. tbs L U. &. oSa. The LadiWes' Union Sotal Club held their secoad dame seM night at the Rink. IAme the AM o1rganisatMon of tos chib te amber t members has lozis5e-4 to great extent sad the Very 4W uwo t vistontoI pssent lest uiht hayr tesied to the popU. larity of thy a mpattvely no* ee1b. r wi nrabi.d e=tirely by a low tof the ameases aei ladleof tthe 1o6sr, and it has beeo aMast complet * to tM SN thaO t ts he1 4m =&MtAMAt" he way. Md4 weepeast site might pest 0 i o t 4W AA mtai ase5 iq of the S * their ttat s SUd W Wo h la *M MaUSo n I ,,,ap4o Thg^^ as stat .me * ".4 ; a five couples present, acuh couple be- ing conspicuous on their arrival with either a basket or a parcel having a sumetently edible appearance. The Rink floor is too well known to need a n y comments and dancing was kept up in the most vigorous style until:12 o'clock, when supper was suggested. Forewarned is forearmed, an old pro- verb, but amply verified on this ocnca sion. Each lady member of the club lhal made the most ample provision for the occasion, and the gueet4 were permitted to discuss a repast capable of satiUfyiug the appetite of the most fastidious. Dancing was again re- sunied and remained the order of the hour until the wee sma' hou.s in the morning, when it was only with the greatest reluctance that the guests de part, eaich one being unwilling to be the first to depart, and thus assist in breaking up what was so undeniably a successful dance. This club has met with a good deal of opposition, and more especially in Its lntaney, but now that its members have become so numerous, and both meetings having been so particularly successful, there is not the least doubt but that in the near future the date of the next L. U. 8. C. ball will be one of social af- fairs to look forward to. Rowiag Through the rapda. Fred Plaisted, the oarsman, says the proposilion of himself and Ross to row through the Niagara rapids is not the huge joke many seemed to think, but an enterprise that would surely be at- tempted. "I do not think it danger- one," he said. "The boat will have plenty of beam, a grating for a floor and no bottom. If we fill with water we can't sink, because we will have air-tight compartments around the boat and the water we take In will quickly disappear through the grat- lng. If anything should happen we are both good swimmers and would make a grand struggle before going under. It will be money In our pock- ets if we suooeed; and if we fail our wives and children will get the bene- fit of It. There is positively les dan- ger in trying to row through the rapids than there is going out on the frontier for 818 a month and found; and we get $2,600 for what we are going to do. One point about it is thas we row with our faces toward the danger, instead of rowing in the ordi- nary way. We were both up at Niagara Falls a week ago and made our calculations and measurement of distances. A War Iaeldost. Litt. Owen, in "Cunup and Battle," says that when the Confederate army marched through Frederick no one knew of the "Barbara Fretchie" inci- dent, but there wab one incident that they did know of. "On a small gallery stood a buxom young lady, with laugh- ing black eyes, watching the scene before her. On her breast sbe had pinned a small flag, the stars and stripes. Thin was observed and some soldier sang out: 'Look byar, nmlo, better take that flag down; we're awful fond of charging breastworks!' This was carried down the line amid sbout* of laughter. The little lady laughed herself, but stood by her colors." To mbh Dees. Sunday evening John Davis, of Butte, en route to Chicago, Jumped ofi a Bock Island train near Des Moines, Iowa, in spite of a brakeman's efiorts to prevent Several ribs were broken, his head was fractured and he was in- juted internally. Davis was picked up and left at Anita. It is thought he will die. He had been drinking. sews xNesa. The snow storm amounts to a block- ade in Iowa. Total cash in the United States treasury. 1474,48,9Og2. Emperor William will be W Tean old ea the aitd of next math. The seeolM volome of Grats me- mp0s will not be published until April Lst. Cbhaes agaiest OM5* heien aO rapdly didappeMtg ron the depaat- meat files. Basatr Fak b bes lan Waabhg' t4k losg w 16 get -some Nevada all roedwe 4INAD Ieis eW fo abe poeaealy seathe thu g awewd sa Trry will get the ,b int 8 g***thbip** tjlua pat to abop to take -a1agAt petal Ma Motams whe hugeasspmsa tad Feloned for P -t* tw tr the Inedlary vbe wanhes a U.0' len at Bethe GWp te ether da, It eab, will 6a4 tWO th tem la that seighbbAee ae tai tal ir bi to climb and get bak the BLao asawt aamr atc aft...PM ugete. a ehimgea to Sle s k. tSatly. end iheeass to w , a where he went on the loee-bound brss of the Amerlean fall. He fell or Jumped over and was lost. Plttsburg is excited over a sudden failure In the supply of natural gas. A scientific inquiry will be made to discover the dcuse. Andy Trumble, a prominent citizen of Valley City, Dak., was horse- whipped on Saturday by a widow named Humphrey. the claimed that Trumble had traduced her. Great anxiety Is felt, owing to the non-arrival of the British man-of-war Bellerophou at the: Barbadoes, where she was due February 27th. She l an iron plated ship of 7,650 tons burden. 6,520 horse power, carrying fifteen Tommy Hogan, of Butte City, was "held up" by three men at the aSum- mit, last Thursday night. Tommy laid low a couple of his assailants, and then the brave 2ogan went on his way in pesoe. If there was any enterprise mani- fested on the part of our eitisean the Fort Benton & Northern railroad would be under way in six weeks. But that article is so m~ly laeking that we despair of Its ever taing com- meneed.-River Press. Livingston has been sgui visited by the fire fiend, the Brunswiek hotel and a restaurant adjoining, having been burned last night. The fire is supposed to have caught from a defec- tive flue In the retaurant. The loss on the hotel M estimated at $6,000; it was not Insured. The restaurant was insured for $1,000. The appointment and confirmation of Mr. tlam M. Johnson as postmaster at Anaconda, took the people of that town by surprise and the appointee as well, for except the casual notise In the papers, he has had no lntelligenoe of the appointment. Bome months ago a pettion for his election to the onee was esreulated and rgled, but Mr. Ryan was appointed and confrm- ed, snd the eandidaey of Mr. Joheson had been allowed to lapse. Mr. Ryan was regarded as incompetent, but the people were making a gree of a as- eemity and trying to help him out with his duties.-Town Talk. A professional gentleman of Butte reoeived an levitation ur "himself and ladles" to attend the fireme's ball In Butte last Monday night. On the strength of the invitation he pun chased several tickets, his wife want to great expens in getting a head- some new dress, sad the eouple went to the ball. Judge of their sarprise when the lady was informed that she would aat be allowed to dance during the evening, and all this in the fees o( the fact that there were on the floor and In the gallery the well known "misatres sea" of everal of the most prominent business men of Butte City, whose reputations will not begin to compare with that of the lady who was so unceremoniously ejeeted. "Consistency thou art a Jewel." It would have been just as well for the gentlemen who were so indignant at the presence of the lady mentioned to have remembered te words of the purest man that every lived, ",et him who Is without sin east the fint stone."-Centervile Jeurnsl. WLIFla. -- W8^WV5k&awU guagsasm Last Saturday mornolong, a few hours after midnight, another attempt was made to enter the residenoe of Gov. Hauser, during the heavy snow storm that then prevailed. The would-be burglars, two in number, came to the house provided with a ladder, which they raised agalast the pesweb at the frohat of the buildiag. md by t4a mnew galied the vemdb ae whb" Mwn. Haus's bedroom epema. The noise they made awake*ed Mn. Homer. who arise mad wMnd the the swe. In the iIematie the beagis, probably hUed Ia their 4& forts to gain an etmaee by thbe vwi- dow, descended from the ve-andla A few moments later Uthe eaw bl rang sa-Mr. Hasear's amis asm swered the eall. Oa opetaig the dew be topad two wkite mw - theak sld they had s theiA r waM ten i the way to Main seeL2 TYhe g i mOR Wave them the 4W1de 4ahMiWG tius e they w" h MM # me ath , at the Ma thet It Ua 5tUaMIaM GUMe0% -a-ai- OW tMe im441 nam *Meam t U Ako sao u th1o- Thin fin, dind MO r1 as e'sHl'M spe tha e. pat~esti.W~iW~ege was mes W gethwst. ta^^ &^uV ^aith gwu. e. se heesm millsose joen set. ='iwkjmn Z W AAA&- A Afj4 *f^ ^^"*^f^ ^

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THE DAILY JOURNAL1e. rgSf Ie t ,er , au Ie aw-U.

Every Morning Except Monday.

,op Lti of d Ms City, 3-,000.

Terms of Sb.criptio• :yT xIL.-IN ADVANC3--POSTAGE PAID.

D1l UoWe. * ir. ................. •0.0Dily dltio. e mo ths ........................ 6.00Daly dition, three mth................... 8.00

TO CITY UllBIRIBERB.BY Coartr, versy Mornnlg, at etS. per week.

WEEKLY EDITION.00. ye.r...w. .....--.......... ............ 8.00

... .... ...... ..... ................ .00Thoe lath............................ 1.00

Advertising Rates.

1 Day....... At* 001 001 .0 O 14.0! .I Ds...... LO3 4 0i 7.0011.00 1L00; 18.00 5.00$ Dip...... 4.00 1.00 800 14.00 1 00 21.00 30.00I W .... .005 3.100i4 14.0A06 A 385SWeks.... 7.00 10.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 39.00 46.08 Weeks.... 814.1 0 14.00 2.00 5.00 30.001 Meth . 10.08 14.00 1.00 5.00 3.0 4.00.002 Meaths.. 1100,0.0 00 2O00 1.0 1.00 .00

SMweths... 1.00190..00 .00 4.I0.L0 M.00 100* Meoths... 3.9001.0040.00 40.00 74.001100.00'1U.00

Iesa metaee-s-Te sm perw sse mlr -lee. Write-upe stes seae prm ae. Adsem




&eppelite COuet H .- . Miles ,City, i. T.


Nay at Law. OSee Maia street, between kthasd 7th, Mile City. Mlt•na.


M Certenay's, atal t., Miles City, i. Tmtis7OOoisoa. -Aaraua H. 0 Comos,.

1 lo ra-l- I ormerl. of the U. S.

Nslltre of te depart- *Notary Public.meatl m, Waohl- ftea• D.. W I

HENRY O'CONNOR A I)N,Amaums as Coussam-AT Law.

Miles City, Me.iaaateiers.O**e, Steek Growers Natlemal dank IWill eaet in llhe ees o the l errl ay:

in the mpeas.e ena of the United tates and beange t•e ae eive deparuments at Wash.

ale g gives e ezmadiiee snd


Couecaareoi a1 Belnasnes.{.h"eA e all hkids of Werpaterwek.

eatteetle give{ to shop work. Eighth


S6 GU- UM--eaves She Me i

r1. Ipheetphab e4 every ssbba, a* i1a.. md 7.10 Pr. I. Cs meetag at t1 m.Piges elltngeveryThandr. datba&h sebel 10a. ea 3a. LE. k1D:tmm Paeter.

oarn i a*IUaL, cermer of Palm.r and180 S e. Seriese at U A. . sand 7.00 Pr..

.a9i4SP. Seed3 Ael SadM{ A. 2. Meet-pro r spyead Ba rn Wedai e.

day eseeing at 0:1. AM aU sUen a w e6.

Arne I o Dson, l . arerNinth .b r e e (1 a) ies. p.

epeeL SPUnday 5 e U LL e :1

B. I. LW. J. wa n.S.Chap-ain. U. . A.p "•,0. erer ,et ,.

K , b " Aes, _sb, esu al U a. &eb eel M o a. o. Prae,

a, ti agt J• elehTI . Allianite. TC. Q Anumtaee. Pteeu.

1)ivinin No.1I CuISter County, X. T. meets Anutmlomase 8wedays teauch moueth O$t2 O'Gbockhj.m.Josm D~acy ZDWAND FLINN,

gmmewugasr6egar,. Freemeat.1L. ION J.

Mike Oit, Lodge 1. of R., moss Anst mod thirdwelameeia at each asath at 7;30 p. a., at Odd

Folows Aal.Visliami Xmights aWe cordiallysviteL. J. IL COLUNI, Dietator.T. Hr. DWcCRT. Reporter.

C. A. Wzmcumuras, Mi. Rsp.A. W. a A

Teflowt~ e No. Uk A. 6 A. K., rgWlametig M.e aa r v Wensdaya of each meath:

all MOOD"ase goo Otading an invited to mestwith me. A. C. L~OAN. W. M.

8. D. Voons. ftemetaq.ALA. U.

Yellowstone Ckaptq. No. A. U. D. Regular,esu mcml me tombh eioselps of ashe

nmwah czl.cmain edhl InvitedteaguM me. A. 0. LOGaY, H.P.

Wit IN '1.W. MeeUU eoN.. V0Goceam~ l"one iseeasy

third In Shill th uam Us .P.

C1910"101R LODG 10. 1, K. 07

0.3.80 u m A ie m u s.$ Ow ig s a win e. ha ll

si m ofA.

b=1 I av

AM weak lmm jgy.

Just Received at



Family and Hotel Purposes.Also a all line of fine

Provisions, Poultry, Oysters, Etc.




GEOBOE M. MILES, Vice PredMeat.. ATCmEL0N Oshier..E B. iIBI0K' Aadutaat OaMw.

Authorised Capital - - - - - aPaid up Capital - - - - -

Burplus and Undivided Profits - - -INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.


CAPITAL - - - - $IO0,000.00The aelna• t a4 busImen of stock mle oell aud pr• m ... emp...

INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSl'TS.3we atist !Uk .1 the I.bll.. Nw Tmk; Phat Natheram Uek. Cbhises Pinst Nlall.. PI..; Firslt lautue)e bUs 3merek; First Nutio..afloak, Bluga Ig E uet Natisl lak, Dead-

we4, fL.a. .. e.s 0.. hOqe, w .•r•DRAF~T DRAWN ON ALL FOREIGN CITIEZ.w. a.i ..?re t. s.. AOD, oiler.W . o ,vie. Fu* m. 3.WU.IT, =**Oaier.





I1 SUR E bAUENT,Los" a LIvu~sl &Ohlo Isumu. CO.

Ain.Ium cB.tari. t SUP nCwka Is Ls.Traem. .1

mII IS Immien !n C .9 Nw Yo rk.17741m ttsrrrtt i

Ofr M the back O wa. 1 hma Dt.

J. I. COLLINS, JOHN KORHXSN, cEAl3.KIIIy,On"ba Nek chq~inte, Wme Kft G. Most.


J*ft esla ew amemob mumm as0bIiL.t miae em, w

STOOKL AND SIDE aSADDLESwo m elvest 531mb iveim,

,ft" fts Ishe Irma ~WAm fti gh, kqpk m a evmsie .-tmume am U &~aw~ Uwk Is 611*-- - r.,

A. SM..4IA Staoa 4@ C2*Ufmla =10 &a& MUpm

Sam -. a

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Legb b Pdss eh bs^--

VEu lr mI nw IJI, . i.lB 1*11WENM N t bVAk MM.

u..; t a.. pwt w


On the Happenings of the Dayin and Around the


A Gay and Sociable Gatheringat the Rink-Happenings

at Court.

A Witness Getting too Fly isArrested-Church Supper-

Lieut. Avis' Case.


Chsrl. R. Poluard. Prewla Judge.


Court opened at the usual hour andthe case of George W. Hedderich vs.James Taylor, et al., was taken uo.This was a very tedious case as a largenumber of witnesses were examined,and cross questions and objectionswere raised upon the slightest ground.At one stage of the proceedinge thejudge had to arrange the attorneys atthe table so they could not reach eachother. At 8:30 o'clock the jury wereinstructed and retired in charge of abailiff to deliberate upon a verdict.After being out half an hour the juryreturned with a verdict for the plain-tiff, Hedderich, to the value of $1,210.

The case of the Territory of Mon-tans against Dolph and Wiswell, in-dicted for stage robbery, was next puton trial. These two young men heldup the Spearfish andgplles City stagea few miles from this city last Decem-ber. The evening was consumed ingetting a jury and the case will be thefirst thing taken up when court opensthis morning.

The divorce suit of Elizabeth A.Johnson vs. Ole Johnson was decidedfor the plaintiff.


Banker Raymond, of Glendive, wasin attendance on court yesterday.

A number of ladies were in attend-anoo on court yesterday. They at-tended as witnesses.

Miss Cooroy was in court yesterdaykeeping up her short hand practice.The lady is already a rapid stenog-rapher, but realises that practice isnecessary to continue expert.

Conmisalesers' Proee*doge.

The board of county commissionerswere in session yesterday and the fol-lowing business was tranected Mr.P. 0. Whithlbead having proposed toperform the services for bthe courthouse and jail as Janitor for $45 permeonth, on motion the above proposalwas accepted and the clerk directed tonotify Mr. Whitheadol the acceptanceof his bid.

The county clerk was notified to or-der a number of notices to be printedand to see that at least one noticeshould be posted in every saloon andgambling house in town, chargingthat minors should not be permittedto enter places of that description.

The following motion was made byCommiseioner Anderamu

Whereas, it appear from the recordsof the oterk of theboard la answer toadverUteiments heretofbre made bythe b", proposiattmes have been

e dv to 1exchange Coster countywarabts andJudgments legally leasedbehtbe Jaune 1, 185, for Custer countybonste therefore beit

EMrelved, thatthe board do proceedto Iase the bonds of the said county inthe forft heretothre decided upon, toan amount sufficient to exchange forall suchb proposals as are now received,or soeh as may hereafter be receivedduring the present session of theboard; be it further

Resolved, that all bonds issued atthis sesesion be dated July 1, IBM, andInterest be computed on warrants tothat date.

The bosd was occupied during tieremaladirof the day in exanilirand auditing sialms against the county.

tbs L U. &. oSa.

The LadiWes' Union Sotal Club heldtheir secoad dame seM night at theRink. IAme the AM o1rganisatMon oftos chib te amber t members has

lozis5e-4 to great extent sad theVery 4W uwo t vistontoI pssentlest uiht hayr tesied to the popU.larity of thy a mpattvely no* ee1b.r wi nrabi.d e=tirely by a low tofthe ameases aei ladleof tthe 1o6sr,and it has beeo aMast complet *to tM SN thaO t ts he1 4m=&MtAMAt" he way. Md4

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five couples present, acuh couple be-ing conspicuous on their arrival witheither a basket or a parcel having asumetently edible appearance. TheRink floor is too well known to needan y comments and dancing was keptup in the most vigorous style until:12o'clock, when supper was suggested.Forewarned is forearmed, an old pro-verb, but amply verified on this ocncasion. Each lady member of the clublhal made the most ample provision

for the occasion, and the gueet4 werepermitted to discuss a repast capableof satiUfyiug the appetite of the mostfastidious. Dancing was again re-sunied and remained the order of thehour until the wee sma' hou.s in themorning, when it was only with thegreatest reluctance that the guests depart, eaich one being unwilling to bethe first to depart, and thus assist inbreaking up what was so undeniablya successful dance. This club has metwith a good deal of opposition, andmore especially in Its lntaney, butnow that its members have become sonumerous, and both meetings havingbeen so particularly successful, thereis not the least doubt but that in thenear future the date of the next L. U.8. C. ball will be one of social af-fairs to look forward to.

Rowiag Through the rapda.

Fred Plaisted, the oarsman, says theproposilion of himself and Ross to rowthrough the Niagara rapids is not thehuge joke many seemed to think, butan enterprise that would surely be at-tempted. "I do not think it danger-one," he said. "The boat will haveplenty of beam, a grating for a floorand no bottom. If we fill with waterwe can't sink, because we will haveair-tight compartments around theboat and the water we take In willquickly disappear through the grat-lng. If anything should happen weare both good swimmers and wouldmake a grand struggle before goingunder. It will be money In our pock-ets if we suooeed; and if we fail ourwives and children will get the bene-fit of It. There is positively les dan-ger in trying to row through therapids than there is going out on thefrontier for 818 a month and found;and we get $2,600 for what we aregoing to do. One point about it isthas we row with our faces toward thedanger, instead of rowing in the ordi-nary way. We were both up atNiagara Falls a week ago and madeour calculations and measurement ofdistances.

A War Iaeldost.

Litt. Owen, in "Cunup and Battle,"says that when the Confederate armymarched through Frederick no oneknew of the "Barbara Fretchie" inci-dent, but there wab one incident thatthey did know of. "On a small gallerystood a buxom young lady, with laugh-ing black eyes, watching the scenebefore her. On her breast sbe hadpinned a small flag, the stars andstripes. Thin was observed and somesoldier sang out: 'Look byar, nmlo,better take that flag down; we'reawful fond of charging breastworks!'This was carried down the line amidsbout* of laughter. The little ladylaughed herself, but stood by hercolors."

To mbh Dees.

Sunday evening John Davis, ofButte, en route to Chicago, Jumped ofia Bock Island train near Des Moines,Iowa, in spite of a brakeman's efiortsto prevent Several ribs were broken,his head was fractured and he was in-juted internally. Davis was picked upand left at Anita. It is thought hewill die. He had been drinking.

sews xNesa.

The snow storm amounts to a block-ade in Iowa.

Total cash in the United Statestreasury. 1474,48,9Og2.

Emperor William will be W Teanold ea the aitd of next math.

The seeolM volome of Grats me-mp0s will not be published untilApril Lst.

Cbhaes agaiest OM5* heien aOrapdly didappeMtg ron the depaat-meat files.

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where he went on the loee-bound brssof the Amerlean fall. He fell orJumped over and was lost.

Plttsburg is excited over a suddenfailure In the supply of natural gas.A scientific inquiry will be made todiscover the dcuse.

Andy Trumble, a prominent citizenof Valley City, Dak., was horse-whipped on Saturday by a widownamed Humphrey. the claimed thatTrumble had traduced her.

Great anxiety Is felt, owing to thenon-arrival of the British man-of-warBellerophou at the: Barbadoes, whereshe was due February 27th. She l aniron plated ship of 7,650 tons burden.6,520 horse power, carrying fifteen

Tommy Hogan, of Butte City, was"held up" by three men at the aSum-mit, last Thursday night. Tommylaid low a couple of his assailants, andthen the brave 2ogan went on hisway in pesoe.

If there was any enterprise mani-fested on the part of our eitisean theFort Benton & Northern railroadwould be under way in six weeks.But that article is so m~ly laekingthat we despair of Its ever taing com-meneed.-River Press.

Livingston has been sgui visitedby the fire fiend, the Brunswiek hoteland a restaurant adjoining, havingbeen burned last night. The fire issupposed to have caught from a defec-tive flue In the retaurant. The losson the hotel M estimated at $6,000; itwas not Insured. The restaurant wasinsured for $1,000.

The appointment and confirmationof Mr. tlam M. Johnson as postmasterat Anaconda, took the people of thattown by surprise and the appointee aswell, for except the casual notise Inthe papers, he has had no lntelligenoeof the appointment. Bome monthsago a pettion for his election to theonee was esreulated and rgled, butMr. Ryan was appointed and confrm-ed, snd the eandidaey of Mr. Johesonhad been allowed to lapse. Mr. Ryanwas regarded as incompetent, but thepeople were making a gree of a as-eemity and trying to help him outwith his duties.-Town Talk.

A professional gentleman of Buttereoeived an levitation ur "himselfand ladles" to attend the fireme'sball In Butte last Monday night. Onthe strength of the invitation he punchased several tickets, his wife wantto great expens in getting a head-some new dress, sad the eouple wentto the ball. Judge of their sarprisewhen the lady was informed that shewould aat be allowed to dance duringthe evening, and all this in the fees o(the fact that there were on the floorand In the gallery the well known"misatres sea" of everal of the mostprominent business men of Butte City,whose reputations will not begin tocompare with that of the lady whowas so unceremoniously ejeeted."Consistency thou art a Jewel." Itwould have been just as well for thegentlemen who were so indignant atthe presence of the lady mentionedto have remembered te words of thepurest man that every lived, ",ethim who Is without sin east the fintstone."-Centervile Jeurnsl.WLIFla. -- W8^WV5k&awU guagsasm

Last Saturday mornolong, a few hoursafter midnight, another attempt wasmade to enter the residenoe of Gov.Hauser, during the heavy snow stormthat then prevailed. The would-beburglars, two in number, came to thehouse provided with a ladder, whichthey raised agalast the pesweb at thefrohat of the buildiag. md by t4amnew galied the vemdb ae whb"Mwn. Haus's bedroom epema. Thenoise they made awake*ed Mn.Homer. who arise mad wMnd thethe swe. In the iIematie thebeagis, probably hUed Ia their 4&forts to gain an etmaee by thbe vwi-dow, descended from the ve-andlaA few moments later Uthe eaw blrang sa-Mr. Hasear's amis asmswered the eall. Oa opetaig the dewbe topad two wkite mw - theaksld they had s theiA r waM ten ithe way to Main seeL2 TYhe g imOR Wave them the 4W1de 4ahMiWGtius e they w" h MM # me ath ,at the Ma thet It Ua 5tUaMIaMGUMe0% -a-ai- OW tMe im441

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Thin fin, dind MO r1 as e'sHl'Mspe tha e. pat~esti.W~iW~egewas mes W gethwst. ta^^ &^uV ^aithgwu. e. se heesmmillsose joen set.

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