the impact of an ice diminishing arctic on naval …...2013 sea ice olitlddk ret)drt internet live...

The Impact of an Ice Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations CDR Timothy B. Smith Director, U.S. National Ice Center 16 July 2013 USN NOAA USCG

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Page 1: The Impact of an Ice Diminishing Arctic on Naval …...2013 Sea Ice OLItlDDk Ret)Drt Internet Live Search Done (Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice) 16 14 12 10 — 2013 2012 2011

The Impact of an Ice Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations

CDR Timothy B. Smith Director, U.S. National Ice Center

16 July 2013


Page 2: The Impact of an Ice Diminishing Arctic on Naval …...2013 Sea Ice OLItlDDk Ret)Drt Internet Live Search Done (Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice) 16 14 12 10 — 2013 2012 2011



Why  are  we  here?    Where  are  we  going?    What  do  we  need?    How  will  we  achieve  goals?    Cri6cal  interna6onal  partners.    Is  the  U.S.  ready?  

Page 3: The Impact of an Ice Diminishing Arctic on Naval …...2013 Sea Ice OLItlDDk Ret)Drt Internet Live Search Done (Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice) 16 14 12 10 — 2013 2012 2011

Change is Happening

Page 4: The Impact of an Ice Diminishing Arctic on Naval …...2013 Sea Ice OLItlDDk Ret)Drt Internet Live Search Done (Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice) 16 14 12 10 — 2013 2012 2011

Na>onal  Interests  

U.S. National Strategy

United  States    to  "assert  a  more  ac>ve    and  influen>al  na>onal  presence  to    protect  its  Arc>c  interests  and  project    sea  power  throughout  the  region,"  and    to  secure  free  passage  of  vessels  through    the  Northwest  Passage  and  the  Northern  Sea    Route.”  

Emphasis:  1.  Advancing  U.S.  security  interests  2.  Pursuing  responsible  Arc>c  region  

stewardship  3.  Strengthening  interna>onal  coopera>on  

“The  Arc>c  is  one  of  the  last  true  fron>ers  in  the  United  States.    It  is  becoming  a  new    fron>er  in  our  foreign  policy.”    Fmr  U.S.  Dept  Secretary  Of  State,  Tom  Nides,  Aug  2012  

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Sovereign Waters/International Waters

• UNCLOS-­‐’Law  of  the  Sea’  not    ra>fied  by  U.S.  • Increased  geo-­‐poli>cal  interest  from  countries  such  as  China,  Korea,  and  India  • 2015-­‐2017  U.S.  will  Chair  Arc>c  Council    

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Why are we here?

Adventure  Seekers  Environment  

Safety  of  Naviga>on   Science  and  Research  

Air  Travel  

Resource  Exploita>on  

Distance  and    Infrastructure  

Military  Presence  

Page 7: The Impact of an Ice Diminishing Arctic on Naval …...2013 Sea Ice OLItlDDk Ret)Drt Internet Live Search Done (Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice) 16 14 12 10 — 2013 2012 2011