the importance of faith

THE IMPORTANCE OF FAITH as revealed in the bible

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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OF FAITHas revealed in the bible

As clearly taught in the bible

faith is not only found in the New

Testament but it is clearly seen in

the Old Testament as recorded

particularly in the book of

Hebrews chapter eleven. This

chapter not only gives a definition

of what faith is, but it also shows

that faith is what the patriarchs

of old used as the reason for

their beliefs and actions. Please

note that the book of Hebrews is

found in the New Testament.

While faith came by Jesus Christ,

since Christ alone can give faith, it is

the faith of Jesus Christ. Therefore this

faith which is revealed in the Old

Testament first, confirms that Christ

existed in the Old Testament times,

and that He is the God of Abraham,

Isaac and Jacob. Wherever faith is

revealed it teaches or gives a

knowledge of Christ. This is the faith

that Abraham had, and this is the same

faith that we must have Gal. 3 : 7—9.

A brief review of Hebrews eleven shows the responses only of Old Testament believers to faith. No where not even in one single verse does it mention the names of any of the disciples or believers of the New Testament, clearly to show that faith existed from the very beginning , as it makes mention from Abel onwards.

Any teaching therefore that suggest that faith only came and existed in the New Testament times is plainly not in harmony with the evidences as revealed in the Bible. These teachings (doctrines of men ) are not of the truth but presents errors (lies), and there is no lie in the truth. Lies are of the devil, for he is the father of lies.

Jh. 8 : 44 “Ye are of

your father the devil,

and the lusts of your

father ye will do. He

was a murderer from

the beginning, and

abode not in the truth,

because there is no

truth in him. When he

speaketh a lie, he

speakest of his own: for

he is a liar, and the

father of it.”

1Jh. 3 : 8 “ He that committed sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

1Jh. 2 : 21 “ I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.”

The Bible shows that through faith we understand, Heb 11 : 2 , and by faith Abel

offered unto God,

Heb. 11 :4 ; and by faith Noah being warned of God …….. prepared an ark. Heb. 11 : 7

Faith gives understanding, and

understanding comes through a

revelation of knowledge. Faith

therefore is knowledge revealed that

we may understand. This knowledge

to a Christian is the knowledge of

Jesus Christ. It reveals to the

christian all the necessary knowledge

of Jesus which is able to save in the

plan of salvation.

This knowledge leads a

Christian into a life of

action as faith provides

instructions in all of the

requirements of God in

saving man. As the bible

puts it in the book of James 2 : 17 “ Even so faith, if it had no works, is dead, being alone”.

By faith Abel offered, by faith Noah prepared an ark; this shows that they both received instructions and acted upon the given instructions. These instructions which are revealed through a body of knowledge came from God ; Jesus Christ.

As one author states dealing with the subject of confession in the book Steps To Christ page 38, “ The only reason why we do not have remission of sins that are past is that we are not willing to humble our hearts and comply with the conditions of the word of truth.” Notice now what the author says “ Explicit INSTRUCTION is given concerning this matter.”

In other words

sufficient knowledge

has been revealed

that we understand

the requirements that

we could now follow

the instruction on this

matter .

Faith therefore, is knowledge revealed to man from Christ, which teaches the way of Christ, and the way to Christ.

Eph. 2 : 8. “ For by grace

are ye saved through faith


Eph. 4 : 13 “Till we all come

in the unity of the faith, and

of the knowledge of the Son

of God………………”

This knowledge shows that faith is

the revealed truths of Jesus Christ

which the bible calls the doctrines of

Jesus Christ. Whether or not we

accept these doctrines of Jesus

Christ as true or not , they still

remains the same , we cannot

change any to suit our own


What is being said here ? Simple, one may say we have to keep the law of God and another may say we don’t. But remember that faith is built upon evidence ( knowledge ) Heb. 11 : 1, and this knowledge, evidence comes only from the word of God (the Bible ). And the word of God reveals that sin is the transgression of the law of God 1st Jh. 3 : 4, and that we are all sinners doomed to die.

We have all in one way or

another broken some aspect

of the law of God, we have

all committed sin, and the

wages of sin is death. On our

own we can do nothing to

clear our wrongs , we need a

Saviour. We are saved only

by the grace of God as we

accept Him and put away our


Could the law of God be changed or removed then there would be no need for Christ to die. The death of Christ confirms the immutability of God’s law.

Rom. 3 : 23, Rom. 6 : 20 – 23, Ecc. 12 : 13, Ps. 19 : 7 – 8, Matt. 19 : 17, Rom. 3 : 20, Rom. 7 : 7, Jam. 2 : 10 – 11, Rom. 3 : 30 – 31.

The faith, evidences, are very clear concerning the importance of keeping the law of God. By keeping the law of God it reflects the faith that we believe and that is in us. So whoever preaches and teaches that you do not have to keep the law of God is not of faith, and to follow another is certainly a lost of one’s salvation, for there is none other Saviour. Rom. 3 : 3 - 4, Isa. 43 : 11, Isa. 45 : 21, Act. 4 : 12.

So just how important is faith? Faith gives us hope and assures us that we are doing the things that are right and pleasing in the sight of God. “ For without faith it is impossible to please Him “ Heb. 11 : 6. How then do we please God ? How does faith work in us and for us to please God ? Again the evidences are recorded and revealed in Hebrews 11 : 4 with the experience of Cain and Abel…………………

Abel followed the instructions of faith--- the

knowledge revealed in the offerings to God

and he was accepted, but Cain followed after

his own devices and he was rejected. Gen. 4 :

1 – 7 . You see faith reveals that

“……………..without shedding of blood is no

remission “ Heb. 9 : 22 and that is remission

of sin. Fruits cannot atone for sin, for the

wages of sin is death, the slaying of animals

revealed in knowledge that Christ would come

and give His life that all who accept and obey

shall be saved, (accepted).

It is extremely important to have and obey the faith of Jesus Christ, for whatsoever is not of faith is sin Rom. 14 : 23. God can only accept

faith , the truths which He has

revealed to man in the plan of

salvation. All teachings must be

viewed in the fallen condition of

man, it must be salvavic in it’s

content. Exalting God and directing

man on the only one path to God

through Jesus Christ . Jh. 14 : 6.

This faith is given to us

as we study and obey

the word of God. Rom 10 : 8, 17. Gal 3 : 2.

2Thess. 3 : 2. 1Cor. 2 : 5.

1Tim. 4 : 1 , 6. 1Cor. 12 : 7 – 9 .

2Cor. 13 : 5 .

Please remember that faith is not believing but is the revealed truths of Jesus Christ to man in the plan of salvation. As we believe and accept this plan we can say we have faith--- the just shall live by faith. Faith transforms our lives and we now live for Christ as all the necessary instructions are revealed in and through His word.

May God bless and keep you in the faith of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please pass this study to as many persons as you can ; you may be the one God uses to help another.

Yours in Christ

bro.Farouk Karim