the ingredients of globaloney

THE INGREDIENTS OF GLOBALONEY Most economists are only too happy to repeat the absurd litany of globaloney. But everyone should remember the warning that sausage-eaters should stay out of the sausage factory, since they are sure to be shocked when they see how their favorite snacks are really made. So it is with that most dubious sausage, globaloney. Here are some essential components of this new creed: 1. Floating exchange rates among currencies, with wild gyrations and no gold convertibility. 2. Hot money speculation, stockjobbing, and usury, culminating in hedge funds and the $200+ trillion worldwide bucket shop of financial derivatives. 3. Privately owned and privately controlled central banks, with the private Bank for International Settlements as the flagship, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, etc. 4. Free trade, dumping, and the runaway shop, as in NAFTA, GATT, the European single market, etc. 5. Secular deflation; depression as cure for inflation (Keynes in reverse), with high interest rates expressing the political ascendancy of the bondholders. 6. Deregulation, especially of financial markets, with growing domination by oligopolies and cartels. 7. Stagnating and declining world production, especially in basic industry and especially in per capita terms. 8. Casino society, frantically seeking monetary wealth under the constant threat of systemic crisis. 9. Permanently high unemployment and declining standards of living, with weak labor unions, union-busting, a shrinking middle class, and fabulous wealth for a tiny, parasitic oligarchy of financiers of about 500,000 persons worldwide. 10. Anti-statism, with the withering away of the national state, its infrastructure, and its social safety net,

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The Ingredients of Globaloney



Most economists are only too happy to repeat the absurd litany of globaloney. But everyone should remember the warning that sausage-eaters should stay out of the sausage factory, since they are sure to be shocked when they see how their favorite snacks are really made. So it is with that most dubious sausage, globaloney. Here are some essential components of this new creed:

1. Floating exchange rates among currencies, with wild gyrations and no gold convertibility.

2. Hot money speculation, stockjobbing, and usury, culminating in hedge funds and the $200+ trillion worldwide bucket shop of financial derivatives.3. Privately owned and privately controlled central banks, with the private Bank for International Settlements as the flagship, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, etc.

4. Free trade, dumping, and the runaway shop, as in NAFTA, GATT, the European single market, etc.

5. Secular deflation; depression as cure for inflation (Keynes in reverse), with high interest rates expressing the political ascendancy of the bondholders.

6. Deregulation, especially of financial markets, with growing domination by oligopolies and cartels.

7. Stagnating and declining world production, especially in basic industry and especially in per capita terms.

8. Casino society, frantically seeking monetary wealth under the constant threat of systemic crisis.9. Permanently high unemployment and declining standards of living, with weak labor unions, union-busting, a shrinking middle class, and fabulous wealth for a tiny, parasitic oligarchy of financiers of about 500,000 persons worldwide.

10. Anti-statism, with the withering away of the national state, its infrastructure, and its social safety net, except when the insolvency of financial institutions threatens systemic crisis (Bush S&L bailout, Greenspan's backdoor bailout of US banks at Treasury expense, $50 billion Mexican bailout fund, $500 billion Japanese bailout fund, and IMF bailouts funded by taxpayers of IMF member states).

11. A race to the bottom among nations (and even among states and provinces) to gut health, environmental, safety, and other regulations, while offering tax incentives to venture capitalists.12. Oligarchy, more often referred to under such terms as "the establishment," "the elites," "the market, "market forces," or "market democracy."

13. Class war of the tiny finance oligarchy against the vast majority of humanity.The ruling passion of the oligarchic spirit is greed -- the concupiscence of wealth.

In Plato's typology, the oligarchic state passes into a state of mob rule called democracy.