the innocence of muslims

The Innocence of Muslims

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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The Innocence of Muslims. The Key Points of Islam. Five Pillars The Quran The Sunnah. The Five Pillars of Islam. Declaration of faith in the oneness of Allah & finality of Muhammad Five scheduled daily prayers Almsgiving (offerings @ 2.5%) Fasting (compulsory during Ramadan) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Innocence of Muslims

The Innocence of Muslims

Page 2: The Innocence of Muslims

The Key Points of Islam1. Five Pillars

2. The Quran

3. The Sunnah

Page 3: The Innocence of Muslims

The Five Pillars of Islam1. Declaration of faith in the oneness of Allah &

finality of Muhammad

2. Five scheduled daily prayers

3. Almsgiving (offerings @ 2.5%)

4. Fasting (compulsory during Ramadan)

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able

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The Five Daily Prayers• Ablution (water or earth): washing hands, mouth,

nose, arms, face, hair, eyes, feet, x 3 in that order

• Timing: 1. Near dawn 2. Just after midday 3. In the afternoon4. Just after sunset 5. Around nightfall

• Facing the Imam & Mecca (even after being dead & buried)

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a) Lifting my hands;b) my right hand around my

left wrist;c) bending in my hips, my

hands on my knees;d) standing right, toe) fall down on my knees,

forehead and hands to the ground;

f) lifting my upper body, sitting on my heels, with hands on knees;

g) bowing down again, forehead and hands to the ground;

h) upright to a sitting position.i) turning my head to the left j) and right to greet the

angles and my fellows in faith

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• Mosque Rules: shoes off, gender separation, cleanliness, modest dress

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• Hajj Pilgrimage: Muslims walk counter clockwise around the Kaaba 7x. It was purportedly the original centre of worship by Adam and then reconstructed by Abraham. Pilgrims may kiss the Black Stone (SE corner) as Muhammad did.

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Islamic Holy Text: The Quran/Koran• A collection of revelations

from Allah to Archangel Gabriel to Muhammad over 23 years (starting when Muhammad was 40 till his death)

• 114 suras (chapters), compiled by the Caliph Abu Bakr and is about as long as the Bible’s New Testament

• Some of the Mosaic Law, Prophetic Books, the Psalms and the Gospels are also mentioned in the Quran

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The Sunnah (The Way of the Prophet)• In Islam, Muhammad is not divine or worshipped

but is considered to be the exemplary role model

• His words, habits, practices, and silent approvals make up the Sunnah and are recorded in biographical reports called the Hadiths.

• Muslims consult the Hadiths after the Quran and closely follow Muhammad’s example

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Judaism Christianity Islam

Nature of GodOne God, known as ................or


One God who exists as

a ..............: the Father, the Son &

the Holy Spirit

One God, known as ..................

Founder .................. .................. ..................

Holy Text Tanakh .................. ..................

Jesus ChristThe Son of God

who paid for the ..................of man on the cross

A prophet sent by Allah , born of the Virgin Mary, rose from the dead and will

judge all on the Day of Judgment

SalvationThrough .................. .................., no assurance

By grace through Jesus Christ,

complete assurance

Through .................. ..................,

no assurance

Page 12: The Innocence of Muslims

Judaism Christianity Islam

Nature of GodOne God, known

as Yahweh or Jehovah

One God who exists as a Trinity: the

Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit

One God, known as Allah

Founder Abraham Jesus Muhammad

Holy Text Tanakh Bible Quran

Jesus Christ Blasphemer and heretic

The Son of God who paid for the sins of man on

the cross

A prophet sent by Allah , born of the Virgin Mary, rose from the dead and will

judge all on the Day of Judgment

SalvationThrough good

works, no assurance

By grace through faith in Jesus

Christ, complete assurance

Through good works, no assurance

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Who Was Muhammad?• Born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, AD570, Muhammad’s parents

and grandparents died early and he was raised by his uncle.

• He grew up to believe in the pure Monotheism of Abraham. At that time, other Arabs practised Judaism, Christianity and pagan religions as well.

• He later became a shepherd and married Khadija, a wealthy and respected widow. He took over her business of trade caravans and became a successful merchant.

• As time passed, Muhammad spent more time in contemplation and meditation and would pray for extended periods of time in the caves outside the city

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Page 15: The Innocence of Muslims

A Timeline of Early Islam1. 610 AD: Revelations in a cave at age 40 (hallucinations?)

2. Preaching Islam (oneness of Allah) in Mecca & later persecution by the pagan authorities

3. 622 AD: Fleeing to Medina. Uniting the 8 tribes and the growth of Islam (Animosity between Medina & Mecca)

4. 629 AD Return to and conquest of Mecca

5. Jihad (struggle to live/defend the faith) against the neighbouring regions and the spread of Islam through Arabia

6. 632 AD Death of Muhammad (fever) & election of the first Caliph (head of state of the Muslim community), Abu Bakr

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• The Blitzkrieg of Islam & Muhammad’s three choices: 1. Believe in Islam2. Men to be killed, women & children captured and raped3. Become a dhimmi (slaves) and pay taxes (extortion fee)

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Why Was “The Innocence of Muslims” Offensive?Depicts Muhammad as being• A Bastard• A Paedophile• Incestuous• Polygamous• Homosexual• Mass murderer/violent• Rapist• Extortionist• Mentally unstable

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True or False?• Muhammad’s father died before he was born. His mother died

shortly after.

• Paedophile: marriage to Aisha (aged 9, Muhammad 54)

• Incest: marriage to his adopted son’s wife Zaynab, Sura 33 (Muhammad’s actions would thereafter ban the noble custom of adoption in Islam)

• Polygamy: marriage to many women (11 – 13 wives)

• Homosexual: Muhammad kisses the tongue and lips of a man in one of the Hadiths. Sura 56 mentions that martyrs will enjoy an orgy of virgins and boys. The emphasis on ‘effeminacy, handsomeness and freshness’ of the boys implies homosexual sex

• Mass murderer, slave driver, rapist and extortionist to all those who opposed Islam, Sura 9

Page 19: The Innocence of Muslims

• PLAY • The Innocence of Muslims

• PLAY • 7.30 Report

Page 20: The Innocence of Muslims

Why the Riots After the YouTube Clip?• Sura 3:151: We will cast terror into the hearts of those

who disbelieve, because they set up with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and their abode is the fire, and evil is the abode of the unjust.

• Sura 9:111, Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Quran

• Sura 47:4, Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.