the institutions of the european union

The institutions of the European Union The European Council The Council of the European Union The Parliament The Commission The Court of Justice

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Page 1: The institutions of the european union

The institutions of the European Union

The European CouncilThe Council of the European Union The ParliamentThe Commission The Court of Justice

Page 2: The institutions of the european union

The European Council:

The highest political body. Composed by:

The heads of State of the member states The president of the European Commission A president elected for 2.5 years

Its main function: To determine the general objectives and priorities of

the EU.

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The Council of the European Union:

Represents the member states. Composed by:

One minister from each country. Its functions:

Shared with the Parliament, to approve the community laws and budget.

Develops the foreing policy of the EU.

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The European Parliament:

Represents the citiziens of the Eu. It is composed of 785 members. Its function:

To approve the community laws and budget.

Oversees the Council and the Commission

Ratifies important international agreements.

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The European Parliament

Page 6: The institutions of the european union

The European Commission:

Represents the interest of the EU. Composed by:

A president. A vice-president. Diferent commissioners.

Its functions: To propose laws. Ensure complinance with European legislation

and treaties. To manage the European programmes and


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The European Commission

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The Court of Justice:

Its composed of one judge from each country, appointed for six years.

Its functions: To guarantee that the EU legislation is

interpreted and applied equally in all the states

To resolve disputes related to community laws.

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The Court of Justice

Page 10: The institutions of the european union

The Court of Justice