the interior · of the new features is the...

THE INTERIOR JOURNAL IVOL XXXIV STANFORD KY FRIDAY JUNE 29 1906 NO 30 I The Can in Whlcit Abe Lincoln First Sate Daylight PAINT LICK E L Woods shipped a carload o lambs to Cincinnati Monday Rev McCallum of Lexington wil preach nt tho hall hero Sunday Mrs Mary E Klcc of Winchester u the KUest of her son Guy Rice Wa- iter Ilammack Is at homo from Mt Sterling Tho many friends of Olllo Terrell will be Rind to learn that ho will beat home this week Dr Carps Fish U nt home Bruce Lawson of Lancaster was here Tuesday Leonard Miller of Lancas- ter ¬ was hero In the Intercut of the Cen ¬ tral Record Rice Woods and Miss Margaret White and mother have re ¬ turned from a fishing trip on Kentucky riverC E Richards who was manager o the American Warehouse hat returned to his home at Hlptoy 0 C K Rich- ards Rob Sallee C E Williams and Sam Campbell went to Kentucky river thing Friday and brought back a fish that weighed 131 I ound Mrs Mc Cormack and daughter Mrs Goodloe leave tide week for a visit toherdaugh ¬ ter Mrs Thompa Ramsey nt Hcndcr Bouvillo N C W F Champ is at Crab Orchard Springs Miss Lydia Chump is visiting her brother Alfred Champ at Maysville Mr Charles Ely and lon of Kansas City Mo aro with Mrs Mattie Ely Quito a good many from this place attended tho Baptist Association at Richmond this week Kentucky Fiar Dates The following aru tho datus fixed fo the Kentucky Pair for lOOtT as far a rportedt July 12 13 and 14 lUehmond JulyJuly 113 days Lancaster July 181 days liustonvillo July SB 1 dayA- Uanvitbr Aug 18 days HarroJborK Aug 74 days Columbia Aug 111 days Brodhead Aig 163 days Lawrencelmrg Aug 21 I days Springfield Aug Stt4 days London Aug liS 1 days NicholMvilte Aug ISIIinys tihelby villa Aug 884 days tiardstown Aug SO4 days Sotnorsot Sept 4i lays Blisabothtown Sept ia days Paris Sept 45 days Monticello Sept 11llloJ8 Alan Bites are as common in India as aro Htuiiiuili and liver dtsoiitura with IM For the later however 1 lUV Is a sure remedy Kleulrltt HlUsrd the grout re Ntoralive inedtolnu ol whJoli S A Brown of lUmuotlsvlllo S C says Tlnv restorwl my wita io perfect lioaltU aftfi years of sugaring wah- d81ffplda and u chrontunlly torpid liver Klcvinc Vitas euro chills and fever malaria biliousness lamo back kidney troubles and bladder disorders Sold on Guarantee by Pennys Drug Store Stanford Lynn llros Crab Onhard IVUofiOo Filling Jotfs hide full of whisky nnlll then getting him to mako a confession which was then put up to the highest bidder looks a little unprofessional t say the least and to be an ¬ tempt tfl convict tho Hargisc whether or not Frankfort Journal W H Ward of Dyergburg loin writes this Is to certify that 1 have used Orluo Laxative Fruit Syrup for chronleoonstlputlon and h hUll proven without u doubt to bo a thorough practical remedy for this trouble and It Is with pleasure loiTer my con Hclentlous reference O L Penny always to fol Rulet Then I shall to Jack hes so aIowBoston Transcript If you will make Inquiry it will bo a revelation to you how many succumb to kldnoy or bladder trpuhles In ono form or another If tho patient Is not beyond medical aid Foleys Kidney 0 Cure will euro It never disappoints 0 L Penny co IFontaine Ferry Park rontulne Ferry Park the park beau- tiful ¬ is recognized as one of the fore- I most sights Louisville folks now show their guests when a visit is made to the State metropolis It Is said that over 100000 was expended In the equip meat and beautifying of the place It locatedon tho river bank and is the coolest ol about the city At night the park is jlluminatcd by nearly 20000 electric lights and presents a scene of great brilliancy Cars passing all of the depots either RO directly to tho park or transfers are given which en able visitors to reach it for a single tare Each week brings some new at traction to Fontaine Ferry Conspic ¬ uous among the amusement features faro the mammoth summer theatre where high class vaudeville is offered every afternoon and evening of the week The scenic railway is said to bo one qf the longest and most beautiful in the United States A magnificent carrousel or merrygoround has been installed this summer and is one of the star attractions of tho resort Another of the new features is the roller rink the largest rink in tho South Still an other new device is Halos Palace Ca Tours where tho visitor enters who purports to be u handsome Pullman car and by viewing moving pictures takes a journey to some of the most interest ing scenes in the world A score of other devices are to be found conspic- uous ¬ among thorn being the circle swing looptholoop Chllcoot Pass IIEdl gals ¬ Ramos n excellent cafe and restaurant on the grounds will appeal to all visitors from out of town RUBBLE John Bourne now of Lebanon Ind is expected home in a few days Hid F M Tinder will till his op xlntmont at the Christian church Sun ¬ day afternoon The Ladies Aid Society of the Chris dun church will give an lee cream sup per on Saturday night July 7 The pro coed arc for tho benefit of the church R W Weaver of Missouri Ivisit Ing his brother J II We orMI38- Grace Helen Patterson of Lancaster Is tho guest of Miss Flonnlo Hammond Mrs T C Rankin and daughter Miss Jennie have returned from n vie It to Somerset Misses Fairy and May Oath have returned to Monticello after a pleasant visit to relatives here Mr and Mrs A J Rice of Lexington are guests of Mrs A C Carman R G Bratton and J S McKittrick sold their corn to Banks Hudson at 3 Lee Rankin sold n mare to J N Weav or of Wayne for 150 J W Speaks is threshing wheat in this community with his new machine B W Givens sold his whom to Banks Hudson at SOc IDeath From Lockjaw hover follows un injury dressed with niuklonn Arnica Salvo Its un tlfioptlc and ligallng proportion prevent blood poisoning <hal Oswald merchant of llenssolimrsvlllo N Y thlt0 plnce of tho ugliest sore on bis neck lover saw It Gurus Cuts Wounds Burns und Soros 2fio at Penny a Drug Store Stanford Lyne Bros Crab Orchard In n response to a telegram from Gov loch of Kansas asking Western thatI a rate of one thlyd tho usual fare to jlcrioooC elusive An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of cloggedbowels und torpid liver until constipation Incomes chronic This condition in unknown to those tvh uso Dr Kings New Life PIUs tho best and gentlest regulator of Stomach and Bowels Guaranteed by Pennys Drug Store Stanford Lynn Bros t Crab Orchard Price 25c 0 NEWS NOTES Julius Throckmprton shot Audlcy Green to death in a saloon at Paris- J W Lancaster died in Lexington as a result of injuries received in a runaway accident The United Daughters of tho Confed ¬ eracy of tho United States are to have a building at tho Jamestown Exposi ¬ tion Nino Toledo Ice men were fined 1000 each and sentenced to serve one year in the workhouse for violating anti ¬ trust laws A wonderful operation was performed in New York when a wound in a mans heart was sowed up and the patient Is now on the road to recovery Tho Philadelphia Board of Health di ¬ rected tho owners of 37 slaughter lions ¬ es in various sections of the city to abandon their establishments Leon Chalmers aged 79 was arrested In Evansville for horsestealing Just 32 years ago he was taken in custody inI the same city for the same offense Owing to the pressure of public bust ness in Washington Senator Halley of Texas was unable to attend the Bar Association meeting at Winchester Thos J Flynn claiming to have taken part in the GocbelTaylor election contest and having relatives at George town committed suicide at Denver Col John Alexander Dowie was declared to be insane by Dr Archibald Church an alienist who also said the Zionist possessed great mental capacity for businessSix cooks employed in Ohio coal mines where strikes are on were fired on from ambush and lOd shots were exchanged several participants being wounded travelingJ Ohio were struck by an Ohio Central train near Bollefontaine 0 and all injuredt a freight car of a train running on the Sierra Railway be- tween Jamestown and Angels Ca ex ¬ ploded one and n half tons of dynamite and killed two brakemen Elizabeth McLennan a nurse who tript cage that Dowle was delirious during the greater port of the journey A powerful organization known as tho Policyholders Protective League has been formed by tho business men of San Francisco to enforce fair treat meat from all Insurance companies Harry Thaw slayer of Stanford White in New York gives as his excuse that his wifes life had been ruined b the latter He is in the Tombs recolv Ing the same treatment as other prison ¬ ore Judge James Hargis under indict ¬ mont for the murder of J B Marcum sold at Beattyvlllc that he is ready for trial next week and his only fear is that the Commonwealthwill oak a continu uncoThe Kentucky Anti saloon has Issued an address to the people an nouncing its purpose to take part in the election of all public olllelals this fall and asking aid in pushing the fight for temperance Twentythree public schools with 26 thr canal zone nnd already the number o pupils has reached 1123 The work seems certain to take big proportions although the field has heretofore been uncovered The opening of Now Yorks Madison Square Roof Garden season was inter ¬ rupted by the killing of Stanford White prominent architect Harry Thaw o Pittsburg wealthy clubman and has band of Evelyn Noabit an actress i under arrest charged with murder Reform in the criminal laws of Ken- tucky as regard appeals from lower courts was advocated nt the session of the Kentucky Bar Association In Winchester John It Allen delivered an address on the subject Tho at tendance was good and the member- ship was shown to have increased How to Break Up a Cold It may be a surprise to many t learn that n severe cold can bo com- ¬ pletely broken up In one or two days time The first symptoms of n cold are u dry i loud cough a profuso watery discharge from tho noso and u thin white coating on tho tonguo When Chamberlains cough remedy Is taken every hour on tho first appear iiueo of those symptoms it counteracts tho effect of the cold and restores tho system to a healthy condition within a day or two For sale by W N Craig tho popular druggistStanford I notice your sign remads Depart ¬ ment for Males and Department for Females said the swell tailors ando Women 7II But wo want to include all replied the precise tailor Some of our cue tomers you know are dudesPhilli ¬ delphia Press I IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Miss Ollie Wilson aged 19 is dead of typhoid fever nt London Prof C R Payne and Miss Cora Simpson were married at Columbia Several cases of smallpox In mildI form have appeared at Barbourville Contract has been let for a 35000 graded school building at Middlesboro Thomas Stigall of the Pisgah section of Pulaski is dead utter a brief illness Robert Cooper farmer and merchant of the Line Creek section of Pulaski is deadGeorge Gooch a miner was crushed to death by falling slate at the Black Bear mines In Knox county- J M Konne the live nnd uptodate baker at Junction City has the distinc ¬ tion of having the first motor delivery wagon in Boyle county Arthur Block one of Mid lesboros largest business houses which was erected at a cost of 100000 was pur ¬ chased by the Citizens State Bank of Middlesboro Two Kentuckians were selected for comImencement the philosophical oration A petition signed by lCOO voters ask- ing ¬ an election to determine whether or not Washington county and Springfield shall have saloons was filed with the county court and the election was or ¬ dered held on Aug 25 Sherman Collier shot and killed his wife from whom he had been separated and then committed suicide at the home of his wifes stepfather near London He had brooded over the separation Ills little son was the only witness to the tragedy The overturning of a lamp by a do ¬ mestic during an epileptic seizure caus ¬ ed a fire In the residence of Mrs Sallie C Craft at London Neighbors extin ¬ guished the blaze and saved the house The domestic Salllo Sparks was seriously burned Wm Hill father of Mrs L E Hunt died Saturday and was buried in the city cenetery Sunday afternoon He came to Somerset from Lincoln county was in employ of C S railroad for some years nnd afterwards with Hunts machine shop He teas a good and pop ¬ ular citizen leaving ninny friends to regret his departure Somerset Jour- nal ¬ MATRIMONIAL Lewis Bell and Miss Sallie Novel each aged 19 were married at Preach ersvillo Monday Wallace clerk in the Richmond 9post o01ce was married to Miss Annie Engle also of Richmond Commander Booth Tucker and Miss Minnie Reid were married at the Salva ¬ tion Armys Citadel in London Matthew Reid aged 18 and Miss Boulah Toonibs 17 were joined heart and hand at Moroland on the 24th Miss Jennie Brian and T H Roberts Junctiono to wore William Gatto and Miss Louise JowonUkl both from tine Fatherland were married Ottenheim Wednesday In the presence of tho assembled wedding guests at tho home of his intended bride Joe Uelnlmrt tho man herf Kutzer and then shot himself with probably fatal results The tragedy which was as terrible as It was unex ¬ pected occurred at Comfort Texas h Unknown Friends who have Choleraf splendids ¬ entree they have hesitated about Ji Ing n testimonial of their experience for publication Those people how ¬ ever are none the loss friends of this remedy They have done innoli toward making It a household word by their personal rccoinmondatlons to friends and neighbors U Is a good medicine to huvu In the homo and Is widely known for Itscures of diarrhoea and alt forms of bowel trouble For 1salo by W N Craig the popular druggist Stanford Mayor Tom L Johnson Cleveland has accepted an invitation to preside at tho reception to William J Bryan in Madison Square Garden on Mr Bryans return to this country Henry Walter son will deliver an address on behalf of the South and Alexander Troup of New haven Conn will speak in the name of the East The name of the speaker for the West has not been an ¬ nounced A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys Inter tho Impurities from tho blood and unless they do this good health Is impossible Fo loys Kidney Cure makes sound kid- neys and will positively cure all forms of kldnoy and bladder disease It strengthens tho whole system O L Penny t J W H H 1C GINS a CASH HOUSE STANFORD KENTUCKY s I I i Mr Ewing Young Stoncfort IlL Cured br Zmo AfUrSU Y< an Torment and HumilUtio ZEMO POSITIVELYCURES ANY FORM OF SKIN OR SCALP DISEASE v READ 1 MR YOUNGS LETTER E W Ross MKDICIKE Co St Louis Mo Sro rzroaz ILL April 3 1905 picturebeforo i hundreddollars Eightbottles ZEMO is the best remedy in the world for any rvYt rflf tny1 skin disease Yours very truly 1J J GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY PENNYS DRUG STORE STANFORD ICall and get one or these If not satisfactory return it and get your mon ¬ ey hark Gool for roast turkey liam eta Works on topof stove as weI4 in oven ° d GEORGE H FARRIS t > Stanford Kentucky Save Money By buying your Refrigerators Wa- ter ¬ Coolers Freezers Scteen Doors Window Screens and Screen Wire Cloth Poultry Netting Hardware Groceries c from George De Hopper StanfoKjt Ky Public Sale of Jersey Cattle af Between the hours of 12 M awl 2 oclock si during tho FridayJuly now in lull flow ot milk They huvo nico udders null teats with Jersey markings are right in every particular end will give satisfaction as family cows For inspection the cattle will ho on grounds front 8 A M till the tine ofIale = = J G CARPENTER M D Give Your Children AnEducation HUH Ilimnott Alemorlnl Holmol IMnbllued lelgenr4I1tasl had u rupliU continual PrimaryMulo liorouuli locution lieiltliful lunuencewhotoomeYrltt fornitnlojjue JC IjKWIH Principal tendon Ky r- e

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Page 1: THE INTERIOR · of the new features is the roller rink the largest rink in tho South Still an other new device is Halos Palace Ca


I The Can in Whlcit Abe Lincoln First Sate Daylight


E L Woods shipped a carload olambs to Cincinnati Monday

Rev McCallum of Lexington wilpreach nt tho hall hero Sunday

Mrs Mary E Klcc of Winchester uthe KUest of her son Guy Rice Wa-iter Ilammack Is at homo from MtSterling

Tho many friends of Olllo Terrell willbe Rind to learn that ho will beat homethis week Dr Carps Fish U nt homeBruce Lawson of Lancaster was hereTuesday Leonard Miller of Lancas-


was hero In the Intercut of the Cen ¬

tral Record Rice Woods and Miss

Margaret White and mother have re ¬

turned from a fishing trip on Kentucky

riverCE Richards who was manager o

the American Warehouse hat returnedto his home at Hlptoy 0 C K Rich-

ards Rob Sallee C E Williams andSam Campbell went to Kentucky riverthing Friday and brought back a fish

that weighed 131 I ound Mrs Mc

Cormack and daughter Mrs Goodloe

leave tide week for a visit toherdaugh ¬

ter Mrs Thompa Ramsey nt HcndcrBouvillo N C W F Champ is atCrab Orchard Springs Miss LydiaChump is visiting her brother AlfredChamp at Maysville Mr Charles Ely

and lon of Kansas City Mo aro withMrs Mattie Ely Quito a good manyfrom this place attended tho BaptistAssociation at Richmond this week

Kentucky Fiar Dates

The following aru tho datus fixed fo

the Kentucky Pair for lOOtT as far a

rportedt July 12 13 and 14

lUehmond JulyJuly 113 daysLancaster July 181 daysliustonvillo July SB1 dayA-

Uanvitbr Aug 18 daysHarroJborK Aug 74 daysColumbia Aug 111 daysBrodhead Aig 163 daysLawrencelmrg Aug 21 I daysSpringfield Aug Stt4 daysLondon Aug liS 1 daysNicholMvilte Aug ISIIinystihelby villa Aug 884 daystiardstown Aug SO4 daysSotnorsot Sept 4i laysBlisabothtown Sept ia daysParis Sept 45 daysMonticello Sept 11llloJ8

Alan Bitesare as common in India as aroHtuiiiuili and liver dtsoiitura with IM

For the later however 1 lUV Is a sureremedy Kleulrltt HlUsrd the grout reNtoralive inedtolnu ol whJoli S A

Brown of lUmuotlsvlllo S C saysTlnv restorwl my wita io perfect

lioaltU aftfi years of sugaring wah-d81ffplda and u chrontunlly torpidliver Klcvinc Vitas euro chillsand fever malaria biliousness lamoback kidney troubles and bladderdisorders Sold on Guarantee by

Pennys Drug Store Stanford Lynnllros Crab Onhard IVUofiOo

Filling Jotfs hide full of whisky nnlll

then getting him to mako a confessionwhich was then put up to the highestbidder looks a little unprofessional

t say the least and to be an ¬

tempt tfl convict tho Hargisc whetheror not Frankfort Journal

W H Ward of Dyergburg loinwrites this Is to certify that 1 haveused Orluo Laxative Fruit Syrup forchronleoonstlputlon and h hUll provenwithout u doubt to bo a thoroughpractical remedy for this trouble andIt Is with pleasure loiTer my conHclentlous reference O L Penny

always to folRuletThen I shall to Jack hesso aIowBoston Transcript

If you will make Inquiry it will bo arevelation to you how many succumbto kldnoy or bladder trpuhles In onoform or another If tho patient Is notbeyond medical aid Foleys Kidney

0 Cure will euro It never disappoints0 L Penny


IFontaine Ferry Parkrontulne Ferry Park the park beau-


is recognized as one of the fore-I most sights Louisville folks now show

their guests when a visit is made to theState metropolis It Is said that over

100000 was expended In the equipmeat and beautifying of the place Itlocatedon tho river bank and is thecoolest ol about the city At nightthe park is jlluminatcd by nearly 20000electric lights and presents a scene ofgreat brilliancy Cars passing all ofthe depots either RO directly to thopark or transfers are given which enable visitors to reach it for a singletare Each week brings some new attraction to Fontaine Ferry Conspic ¬

uous among the amusement featuresfaro the mammoth summer theatre

where high class vaudeville is offeredevery afternoon and evening of theweek The scenic railway is said to boone qf the longest and most beautifulin the United States A magnificentcarrousel or merrygoround has beeninstalled this summer and is one of thestar attractions of tho resort Anotherof the new features is the roller rinkthe largest rink in tho South Still another new device is Halos Palace CaTours where tho visitor enters whopurports to be u handsome Pullman carand by viewing moving pictures takesa journey to some of the most interesting scenes in the world A score ofother devices are to be found conspic-uous


among thorn being the circle swinglooptholoop Chllcoot Pass IIEdlgals ¬

Ramos nexcellent cafe and restaurant on thegrounds will appeal to all visitors fromout of town


John Bourne now of Lebanon Indis expected home in a few days

Hid F M Tinder will till his opxlntmont at the Christian church Sun ¬

day afternoonThe Ladies Aid Society of the Chris

dun church will give an lee cream supper on Saturday night July 7 The procoed arc for tho benefit of the church

R W Weaver of Missouri IvisitIng his brother J II We orMI38-Grace Helen Patterson of LancasterIs tho guest of Miss Flonnlo Hammond

Mrs T C Rankin and daughterMiss Jennie have returned from n vieIt to Somerset Misses Fairy and MayOath have returned to Monticello aftera pleasant visit to relatives here Mrand Mrs A J Rice of Lexington areguests of Mrs A C Carman

R G Bratton and J S McKittricksold their corn to Banks Hudson at 3Lee Rankin sold n mare to J N Weavor of Wayne for 150 J W Speaksis threshing wheat in this communitywith his new machine B W Givenssold his whom to Banks Hudson at SOc

IDeath From Lockjawhover follows un injury dressed withniuklonn Arnica Salvo Its untlfioptlc and ligallng proportion preventblood poisoning <hal Oswaldmerchant of llenssolimrsvlllo N Ythlt0plnce of tho ugliest sore on bis necklover saw It Gurus Cuts WoundsBurns und Soros 2fio at Penny a

Drug Store Stanford Lyne BrosCrab Orchard

In n response to a telegram fromGov loch of Kansas asking WesternthatIa rate of one thlyd tho usual fare tojlcrioooCelusive

An Alarming Situationfrequently results from neglect ofcloggedbowels und torpid liver untilconstipation Incomes chronic Thiscondition in unknown to those tvhuso Dr Kings New Life PIUs tho bestand gentlest regulator of Stomachand Bowels Guaranteed by PennysDrug Store Stanford Lynn Bros t

Crab Orchard Price 25c



Julius Throckmprton shot AudlcyGreen to death in a saloon at Paris-

J W Lancaster died in Lexingtonas a result of injuries received in arunaway accident

The United Daughters of tho Confed ¬

eracy of tho United States are to havea building at tho Jamestown Exposi ¬

tionNino Toledo Ice men were fined 1000

each and sentenced to serve one yearin the workhouse for violating anti ¬

trust lawsA wonderful operation was performed

in New York when a wound in a mansheart was sowed up and the patient Is

now on the road to recoveryTho Philadelphia Board of Health di ¬

rected tho owners of 37 slaughter lions ¬

es in various sections of the city toabandon their establishments

Leon Chalmers aged 79 was arrestedIn Evansville for horsestealing Just32 years ago he was taken in custody inIthe same city for the same offense

Owing to the pressure of public bustness in Washington Senator Halley ofTexas was unable to attend the BarAssociation meeting at Winchester

Thos J Flynn claiming to havetaken part in the GocbelTaylor electioncontest and having relatives at Georgetown committed suicide at DenverCol

John Alexander Dowie was declaredto be insane by Dr Archibald Churchan alienist who also said the Zionistpossessed great mental capacity for

businessSixcooks employed in Ohio

coal mines where strikes are on werefired on from ambush and lOd shotswere exchanged several participantsbeing woundedtravelingJOhio were struck by an Ohio Centraltrain near Bollefontaine 0 and all

injuredt a freight car of atrain running on the Sierra Railway be-

tween Jamestown and Angels Ca ex ¬

ploded one and n half tons of dynamiteand killed two brakemen

Elizabeth McLennan a nurse whotriptcage that Dowle was delirious duringthe greater port of the journey

A powerful organization known astho Policyholders Protective Leaguehas been formed by tho business menof San Francisco to enforce fair treatmeat from all Insurance companies

Harry Thaw slayer of StanfordWhite in New York gives as his excusethat his wifes life had been ruined bthe latter He is in the Tombs recolvIng the same treatment as other prison ¬

oreJudge James Hargis under indict ¬

mont for the murder of J B Marcumsold at Beattyvlllc that he is ready fortrial next week and his only fear is thatthe Commonwealthwill oak a continu

uncoThe Kentucky Anti saloonhas Issued an address to the people announcing its purpose to take part in theelection of all public olllelals this falland asking aid in pushing the fight fortemperance

Twentythree public schools with 26thrcanal zone nnd already the number opupils has reached 1123 The workseems certain to take big proportionsalthough the field has heretofore beenuncovered

The opening of Now Yorks MadisonSquare Roof Garden season was inter ¬

rupted by the killing of Stanford Whiteprominent architect Harry Thaw oPittsburg wealthy clubman and hasband of Evelyn Noabit an actress i

under arrest charged with murderReform in the criminal laws of Ken-

tucky as regard appeals from lowercourts was advocated nt the sessionof the Kentucky Bar Association InWinchester John It Allen deliveredan address on the subject Tho attendance was good and the member-ship was shown to have increased

How to Break Up a ColdIt may be a surprise to many t

learn that n severe cold can bo com- ¬

pletely broken up In one or two daystime The first symptoms of n coldare u dry i loud cough a profusowatery discharge from tho noso andu thin white coating on tho tonguoWhen Chamberlains cough remedy Is

taken every hour on tho first appeariiueo of those symptoms it counteractstho effect of the cold and restores thosystem to a healthy condition within aday or two For sale by W NCraig tho popular druggistStanford

I notice your sign remads Depart ¬

ment for Males and Department forFemales said the swell tailorsandoWomen 7II

But wo want to include all repliedthe precise tailor Some of our cuetomers you know are dudesPhilli ¬

delphia Press


Miss Ollie Wilson aged 19 is dead oftyphoid fever nt London

Prof C R Payne and Miss CoraSimpson were married at Columbia

Several cases of smallpox In mildIform have appeared at Barbourville

Contract has been let for a 35000graded school building at Middlesboro

Thomas Stigall of the Pisgah sectionof Pulaski is dead utter a brief illness

Robert Cooper farmer and merchantof the Line Creek section of Pulaski is

deadGeorgeGooch a miner was crushed

to death by falling slate at the BlackBear mines In Knox county-

J M Konne the live nnd uptodatebaker at Junction City has the distinc ¬

tion of having the first motor deliverywagon in Boyle county

Arthur Block one of Mid lesboroslargest business houses which waserected at a cost of 100000 was pur ¬

chased by the Citizens State Bank ofMiddlesboro

Two Kentuckians were selected for

comImencementthe philosophical oration

A petition signed by lCOO voters ask-


an election to determine whether ornot Washington county and Springfieldshall have saloons was filed with thecounty court and the election was or¬

dered held on Aug 25Sherman Collier shot and killed his

wife from whom he had been separatedand then committed suicide at the homeof his wifes stepfather near LondonHe had brooded over the separationIlls little son was the only witness tothe tragedy

The overturning of a lamp by a do ¬

mestic during an epileptic seizure caus ¬

ed a fire In the residence of Mrs SallieC Craft at London Neighbors extin¬

guished the blaze and saved the houseThe domestic Salllo Sparks wasseriously burned

Wm Hill father of Mrs L E Huntdied Saturday and was buried in thecity cenetery Sunday afternoon Hecame to Somerset from Lincoln countywas in employ of C S railroad forsome years nnd afterwards with Huntsmachine shop He teas a good and pop¬

ular citizen leaving ninny friends toregret his departure Somerset Jour-



Lewis Bell and Miss Sallie Noveleach aged 19 were married at Preachersvillo Monday

Wallace clerk in the Richmond9post o01ce was married to Miss Annie

Engle also of RichmondCommander Booth Tucker and Miss

Minnie Reid were married at the Salva ¬

tion Armys Citadel in LondonMatthew Reid aged 18 and Miss

Boulah Toonibs 17 were joined heartand hand at Moroland on the 24th

Miss Jennie Brian and T H Roberts

Junctionoto woreWilliam Gatto and Miss Louise

JowonUkl both from tine Fatherlandwere married Ottenheim Wednesday

In the presence of tho assembledwedding guests at tho home of hisintended bride Joe Uelnlmrt tho manherfKutzer and then shot himself withprobably fatal results The tragedywhich was as terrible as It was unex ¬

pected occurred at Comfort Texash

Unknown Friendswho haveCholerafsplendids ¬

entree they have hesitated about JiIng n testimonial of their experiencefor publication Those people how¬

ever are none the loss friends of thisremedy They have done innoli

toward making It a household wordby their personal rccoinmondatlons tofriends and neighbors U Is a goodmedicine to huvu In the homo and Iswidely known for Itscures of diarrhoeaand alt forms of bowel trouble For

1salo by W N Craig the populardruggist Stanford

Mayor Tom L Johnson Clevelandhas accepted an invitation to preside attho reception to William J Bryan inMadison Square Garden on Mr Bryansreturn to this country Henry Walterson will deliver an address on behalf ofthe South and Alexander Troup ofNew haven Conn will speak in thename of the East The name of thespeaker for the West has not been an¬


A Lesson in HealthHealthy kidneys Inter tho Impurities

from tho blood and unless they dothis good health Is impossible Foloys Kidney Cure makes sound kid-neys and will positively cure all formsof kldnoy and bladder disease Itstrengthens tho whole system O LPenny






I Ii

Mr Ewing Young Stoncfort IlL Cured br Zmo AfUrSU Y< an Torment and HumilUtio








E W Ross MKDICIKE Co St Louis Mo Sro rzroaz ILL April 3 1905picturebeforo i

hundreddollarsEightbottlesZEMO is the best remedy in the world for any rvYt rflf tny1skin disease Yours very truly 1J J



ICall and get one or these If not satisfactory return it and get your mon ¬

ey hark Gool for roast turkey liam eta Works on topof stove as weI4in oven

°d GEORGE H FARRIS t>Stanford Kentucky

Save MoneyBy buying your Refrigerators Wa-ter


Coolers Freezers Scteen DoorsWindow Screens and Screen WireCloth Poultry Netting HardwareGroceries c from

George De Hopper StanfoKjt Ky

Public Sale of Jersey Cattleaf

Between the hours of 12 M awl 2 oclock si during thoFridayJulynow in lull flow ot milk They huvo nico udders null teatswith Jersey markings are right in every particular end willgive satisfaction as family cows For inspection the cattle willho on grounds front 8 A M till the tine ofIale ==


Give Your Children AnEducationHUH Ilimnott Alemorlnl Holmol IMnbllued lelgenr4I1tasl had u rupliU continualPrimaryMuloliorouuli locution lieiltliful lunuencewhotoomeYrltt fornitnlojjue

JC IjKWIH Principal tendon Ky

