the internet of things & open data: new forms of business?

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Panel discussion

Lead by
Natacha Roussel, co-founder , Experienti Electric

The Internet of Things & Open Data: New forms of business?

Panel discussion
The Internet of Things & Open Data:
New forms of organizations and governance?

Claudio Carnevali, Open Picus

Pierpaolo Giacomin,IOT-A

Harry Halpin,W3C

Pier Luigi Capucci,Noema

Denis Jaromil Roio,

Graham Taylor
Chief Executive, OpenForum Europe

Open Source and Government

........ But why?

........ And what can we do about it?

European Government is Failing to Effectively Utilise OSS

Some Relevant Facts

European Public Procurement is worth 2200 B, representing 19.4% GDP

ICT accounted for approx 600Billion

Software and Services approx 400Billion

Approx 18% can be monitored via OJEU procedure

Actual OSS value ?????

13% still illegally include trade marks/product names

Use of 'negotiated procedures' on increase

Governments are adopting a level playing field strategy......

Even the UK...........

Where appropriate, government will procure open source solutions. When used in conjunction with compulsory open standards, open source presents significant opportunities for the design and delivery of interoperable solutions."

But the Strategy is not yet being turned into Practice

This is not due to lack of Political will

And it is European wide

Albeit with notable exceptions


Why Strategy Doesn't Equal Practice
- Results of an OFE Analysis


Legacy Contracts

Financial Targets

Perceived Risks and Myths

Network Effects



The SME Effect


Understanding of TCO

Cost is an Issue for all Governments, but not all are convinced it is part of the solution

OFE and the UKG Cabinet Office jointly sponsored LSE Research

Nothing revolutionary in results but drove some interesting conclusions

Research to be published shortly

So this is only an appetiser!

'Total Cost of Ownership'

Interviews were with existing users of OSS

Only 23% can used a formal TCO assessment

So results had to identify where benefits made

Organisations Indicated that.....

Building our Cost Categories

Ease of Estimation?

Software Life Cycle

Software Specific:SearchCost of up-front evaluation study

Cost of up-front proof of concept implementation

AcquisitionCost of Software

Cost of Customisation for business needs

Cost of Integration (to current platform)

IntegrationCost of Migration (data and users)

Cost of Training

Cost of Process and Best Practice change

UseCost of Support services - in house

Cost of Support services - contracted

Cost of Maintenance and Upgrades

Software scaling (for change in user or transaction volumes)

RetireExit costs (in relation to hardware and software)

Exit costs (in relation to changeover, re-training)

Software-related Benefits of OSS Adoption

OSS helps the organization to better manage risk during the selection process procurement decisions do not need to be made in one action, but instead can be worked up to

Useful negotiation tool in making deals with proprietary vendors

Builds a stronger, and more expert local IT/IS industry by encouraging regional developers, SMEs

Migration costs between OSS products is lower as OSS is often based on open standards

Broader Benefits of OSS Adoption

Greater flexibility, freedom and control over the code

Reliability, transparency and greater security of code many countries are using OSS to create, and hold details of their national ID cards

Building of in-house expertise and skills making you less reliant on external support

Allows pooling of resources, expertise and code for reuse, customization, and change

Organizational Benefits

Organization Specific:Strategic leverOpen source software has been used as a cheaper option to help stimulate competition.

Dependence Open source helps prevent against upgrade lock-in by a particular vendor.

Empowerment Open source software encourages empowerment and the ability to change software as needed through access to the source code and reliance on open standards.

Innovation driverOpen source can inspire and drive innovation because it is accessible to view and change but at the same time, it creates an atmosphere conducive to making mistakes and learning from them.

Benefits through Creation of an Ecosystem

Software Eco-System Specific:Platform co-creation Open source software can be pooled, shared and built upon to create a platform which encourages reuse and co-creation.

Collaborative competitionThe adoption of open source software helps to nurture the local IT industry by levelling the playing field, and encourage collaborative competition.

Building in-house expertiseOpen source software can help to empower the organisation and help develop in-house expertise through access to a knowledgeable community, source code, and an environment which implies sharing and reciprocity.

Principle of mutualityThe use, adoption and development of open source software can create experts which can then be used as a shared resource across local authorities and central government.

What is holding your organisation back from using open source?

OS related issuesUnderstanding Licences and license complianceAvailability of specific apps Some OSS is very immature, inferior user interfaces Sometimes proprietary alternatives are simply betterFeature completeness[Lack of a] community backing the open source projectProduct related issuesPoor coverage in ERP arena ; Lack of availability of open source software for our industryIncomplete implementations; Not working correctly Very complex code bases (and communities)

What is holding your organisation back from using open source?

Organisation related issuesUnclear Procurement policyValue for moneyMisinformation among upper level management; Lack of knowledge of key technical decision makers; Time availabilitySupport issuesLack of in-house support; lack of in-house knowledge;Understanding by staff; Poor support of open standards by our business partners; Support worries; Requirements for external support contractsEnvironment issuesDesire to have specific software; SAP LegacyCompatibility with Microsoft proprietary file formatsPerceived Lack of acceptance of OSS for Public sector solutionsProprietary standards used by environment (govt & clients)

Lessons for the Public Sector

Pragmatism needs to guide open source adoption and not ideology

Open source is not just or only or always about cheap. But it can bring a number of distinct and enduring benefits when contrasted to strategies based around proprietary software

Migrating to open source is more likely to be successful if it is done when there is a real and present need for change, rather than simply on the basis of finding open source attractive on infrastructure cost arguments

Adoption and development of open source can support the sharing of both expertise and expense between government bodies, for example among local authoritiesforming a flexible route to collaboration

Lessons for Us

The Benefits are real, but maybe we need to be better at explaining them

Political 'need' and ownership is a must

TCO is fundamental but we have to be prepared to explain and justify the wider benefits

Procurement policy and practice will be the single largest challenge

Just because it is OS doesn't automatically make it better than alternatives we have to be as professional, as complete as competitors

Relationships will be important, confidence building will be essential

Panel discussion

Lead by
Natacha Roussel, co-founder, Experienti Electric

The Internet of Things & Open Data: New forms of organizations and governance?

Panel discussion
The Internet of Things & Open Data:
New forms of organizations and governance?

Alessandro Bassi,ABC

Rudolf van der Berg,OECD

Francesca Bria,Imperial

Pierre Pronchery,Bearstech/CKAB

Jan Wildeboer,EMEA Open Source Affairs, Red Hat


Patrick Moreau
Head of Software Assets,

From innovative to commercial open source edition: the building and management of communities in public research

Alexandre Vasseur
Staff Systems Engineer,

How PaaS Impacts enterprise application design and development

Christiana Freitas
The Federal University of Brasilia

Sharing open source initiatives from India, Brazil and South Africa

The IBSA Summit

Christiana Soares de Freitas,Jarbas Cardoso, Fernando Canto, Jose Luis Machado, Thuli Radebe, Pierre Schoonraad, Gurumurthy

Suggestions of
Themes for Discussion

Whats IBSA common vision of the future?

How can we use FLOSS for our countriesdevelopment?

What can we do to intensify efforts in internationalizing the best practices and initiatives from India, Brazil and South Africa?

Which paths and agenda shall we choose to follow?


South Africa

In 2006:Department of Public Service and Administration & GITOC (Government CIO Council) developed first FOSS Policy, with some main orientations, such as:

- The South African Government will implement FOSS unless proprietary software is demonstrated to be significantly superior

- The South African Government will migrate current proprietary software to FOSS whenever comparable software exists- All new software developed for or by the South African Government using a FOSS license where possible- The South African Government will encourage the use of Open Content and Open Standards within South Africa


IT For ChangeWorking with the idea of public software

In India there is a legal rule to use open source in government agencies

Only free and public software (freedom to share and modify) can provide universal access

Only free and public software allows community participation, essential to public services

India, Brazil & South Africa

Brazil presented the general ideas and concepts of public software and some specific software in use, like the system of electronic elections

Government seen as a supporting actor in FLOSS implementation and its globalization

Promote public software as a public good

India, Brazil & South Africa

Implementation of FLOSS policy has some barriers to overcome:

Need to improve skills

Lack of integrated / collaborative effort (silo initiatives)

Championing within departments not forthcoming / duplication of efforts

Need to focus on citizens experiences and demands

Citizens should be the key

Citizens building their environment with open technologies

NOT top-down policies

Service Relations

An accountant, working on the Juramentos City Hall, decides to learn and install e-cidade, the publicsoftware for managing municipality issues;On february, 2010

With the help of a program developer from the city, they solved the bugs they found


A public software for municipality managementBefore: Juramento used to pay a mensal license ofUS$ 3,500.00

Now: Juramento pays, monthly, the equivalent ofUS$ 120.00 (to where the software is hosted)

Other advantages: data in cloud computing

Next step of Luciano, the account: becoming e-cidade available in smartphones

Sharing Knowledge among
Small Cities in Brazil

Months later...Juramento is visited byan accountant of Iracema (Roraima)

His goal: learn how to install e-cidade, already functioning in Juramento

A quick look in the numbers of service providers registered in the

Public Market Portal

Today, registered in the Public Market, there are:

249 business companies& 275 individuals registered

The Public Software Concept

A business model with focus on content (technological knowledge) produced by

the users

Today, the Brazilian Public Software Portal hasMore then 100.000 usersAnd more than 50 public software

The Brazilian Public Software

Paths to internationalization


Promotes economic development

Creates new job opportunities

Promotes income increase

Promotes social and digital inclusion of the ones originally disconnected from networks of production

It also strengthens the State that adopts it

What have we done so far in this process of internationalization?

International opportunities (2008)

The Ministry of Planning were asked to create a Centre of Reference for Free Software

Brazil enters the Collaborative Network for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) with the Federal University of Minas Gerais

Internationalizing the Public Software

The main goal:

Replicate in Latin America and the Caribbean the best practices of the Brazilian Public Software

In 2009A survey was developed to ask the public software community which software would be the most important or interesting to translate to spanish and english and become an International Public Software (CACIC and i-educar were chosen)

In Latin America and the Caribbean

In 2010Seven countries agreed to adequate their model to the Brazilian one regarding the procedures for licensing the public software solutionsIn 2011Argentina decided to institutionalize the experience of public software publishing a legal resolution (n.754)

Chile, Cuba, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil e Paraguay

After Latin America and the Caribbean

Brazil wants to expand its network: India and South Africa as key partners for the development of the Public Software Portal

Some public software that interest IBSA


For the educational sector


For the management of municipalities issues


A middleware for Digital TV

Some public software that interest IBSA


An important tool for the health sector


Open Electronic Elections System

SAELE History

Development started in 2004 in the Data Processing Center of UFRGS;

Inspired by the Brazilian Electronic ballot, first used in 1996:

Aimed to attend the need for a fast, efficient, secure and neutral process of election.

SAELE Statistics and facts

First elections ran in 2005;

Over 200 elections successfully completed so far, with over 500,000 individual voters and over 200,000 registered votes;

Packaging and conversion to Free Software started in 2009;

Intellectual property officially registered in 2011; Submitted to the Public Software Portal of Brazil in 2011, to be released to other Brazilian institutions.

How do we guarantee the sustainability of the initiative?

How to guarantee sufficient incentives to the production and improvement of public software?

One of the answers can be rewarding creativity that is vital to promote innovation;

In our contemporary economy, we need systems of intellectual property that values innovation and stimulates openness;

Project that began this year:

The Public Trade Mark License

How do we guarantee the sustainability of the initiative?

A high level of control over the quality of each public software and its improvement;

The ones who offer the solutions must belong to the Portal;

The more we know about the needs of those who want to use PS the better (who demands it);

The State is the intermediate actor between who offers and who demands public software;

Future Perspectives

Public Software is strategical to government and to society;

This justifies cooperation initiatives in the sense of sharing knowledge, technology and publicizing public software;

Future Perspectives: Becoming a State Public Policy, not only a Government Initiative

Institutionalization and Dissemination

Open Source &
Open Democracy

Thinking democracy today is thinking social inclusion stronlgy associated with digital inclusion & equal (or as equal as possible) distribution of knowledge

Democratic countries need to stimulate projects that empowers individuals with knowledge and open source technology

Knowledge fosters democracy and consolidates the power of a nation especially open knowledge based on commons

Christiana Soares de Freitas

Professor of the Federal University of Brasilia, Brazil

[email protected] [email protected]

The International Division of Power among nations is conditioned by the International Division of Knowledge

Celso AmorimMinister of Defense, Brazil

Laura Walker Hudson
Product manager,

Free and Open Source Software: Serving Humanity

Louis Montagne & Jean-Pierre Laisn
Co-Presidents 2011

THINK Closing Keynote



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