the intestines. small and large intestines some disease processes are common to both in other ways...

The Intestines

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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The Intestines

Small and large intestines

Some disease processes are common to both

In other ways they are functionally and pathologically different Small bowel – villous surface specialised

for food absorption Large bowel – water and electrolyte


Intestinal immune system

Large amounts of lymphoid tissue throughout intestines

Specialised MALT. Circulating cells of this system “home” to gut

B-cells specialised for Ig A production T-cells include intraepithelial


Congenital abnormalities

Atresia or stenosis (e.g. imperforate anus)

Meckel diverticulum – terminal ileum. Can contain gastric/pancreatic mucosa leading to ulceration/perforation

Hirschprung’s disease

Developmental disorder characterised by lack of ganglion cells in nerve plexus of gut leading to loss of motility

Aganglionic segment extends proximally from rectum for a variable distance

Important cause of childhood constipation


Hard to define Some mechanisms

Secretory – stimulated by toxins (e.g. cholera)

Exudative – more severe mucosal damage with bloody stool (e.g. typhoid)

Malabsorption – bulky fatty stools

Infective causes of diarrhoea

12,000 deaths per day in developing countries (mainly children) Viruses Bacteria Parasites

Viral enteritis

Rotavirus – cytopathic effect on mature enterocytes, replaced by immature cells with loss of absorptive function (infants mainly)


Cause a degree of villous flattening and increased intraepithelial lymphocytes

Bacterial enteritis/enterocolitis

Mechanisms: Toxin – either formed by proliferating

bacteria in gut or ingested directly with food Enterotoxins – disturb metabolic function of

epithelium (cholera) Cytotoxins – kill epithelial cells (Shigella)

Adherence to and invasion of gut tissue (Shigella, E.coli)

Salmonella enteritis

Many Salmonella species ( e.g. enteritidis) exist in animal (poultry) reservoirs and cause diarrhoea through poorly cooked food

S. typhi is confined to humans so spread is purely faecal-oral

Pathogenesis of Salmonella diarrhoea

Organisms invade epithelial cells and macrophages

Typhoid in particular associated with systemic disease (fever, rash, pain, prostration and GI haemorrhage) Septicaemia preceeds recolonisation of gut and

gallbladder Reabsorbed through Peyer’s patches which

ulcerate (effect of immune reaction)

Pathology of typhoid

Longitudinal ulcers Perforation Haemorrhage Cholecystitis Multiorgan disease

– liver, kidney, bone, striated muscle


Infection can linger in bone and particularly gallbladder

“Typhoid Mary”


Vibrio cholerae Noninvasive Produces enterotoxin

which stimulates enterocyte secretion of salt and water

Morphological changes not prominent, some villous stunting

Shigella, Campylobacter

Invasive Acute

enteritis/colitis with dysentery

Acute inflammatory cell infiltration of mucosa with crypt abscesses


Very common (travellers diarrhoea) Very variable pathogenesis

Enterotoxigenic subtypes (E0157 associated with haemolytic uraemic syndrome)

Enteroinvasive subtypes (Shigella – like)

Other bacteria

Clostridia – C.difficile causes antibiotic associated colitis (pseudomembranous)

Yersinia – mesenteric adenitis and ileo-colic ulceration

Intestinal tuberculosis

Primary – ingestion of organism in unsensitised host. Can cause severe ulcero-inflammatory disease with perforation

Secondary – swallowing of infected sputum

Most common in terminal ileum and jejunum

Complications – obstruction, fistula.

Protozoal enterocolitis

Giardia – very common worldwide

Coccidia Cryptosporidiosis Isospora

These organisms associate with cell membrane. Water borne. Very common with HIV


Simple tissue invading unicellular organism

Deep flask-shaped ulcers

Amoebic dysentery

Organisms can be seen in inflammatory exudate

Can spread by blood stream giving an amoebic liver abscess


Ascaris – can physically obstruct intestine. Also liver abscess, pneumonia

Hookworms – mucosal attachment causes erosion and bleeding

Strongyloides – invade wall of gut and can persist for life causing life-threatening systemic disease later (HIV)


S. mansoni (rarely S. haematobium) Mainly affects the colorectum Larva migrate to liver and mature

before moving to submucosal vessels of gut where eggs are laid

Proctitis, oedema, haemorrhage


Ova detectable in rectal biopsy

Chronic inflammation with eosinophils

Can lead to scarring/obstruction

HIV associated disease

Diarrhoea is a big problem Opportunistic infection (candida,

cryptosporidia, cytomegalovirus, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, strongyloides, leishmaniasis)

HIV itself causes enteropathy Kaposi’s sarcoma


Multiple pathologies common


Defective absorption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and other nutrients (vitamins, minerals)

Clinical hallmarks are diarrhoea (sometimes very fatty – steatorrhoea), malnutrition


Normal process involves Intraluminal digestion Terminal digestion (disaccharidases and

peptidases on epithelial brush border) Trans-epithelial transport

Causes of malabsorption (1)

Defective intraluminal digestion Pancreatic insufficiency (e.g. chronic

pancreatitis) Loss of bile flow (biliary obstruction) Nutrient preabsorption by bacterial

overgrowth (e.g. in surgical “blind loops”)

Causes of malabsorption (2)

Loss or abnormality of epithelial surface Tropical sprue Chronic infective conditions (e.g. TB) Extensive surgical resection of small

bowel (Other chronic inflammatory conditions –

Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease)

Causes of malabsorption (3)

Lymphatic obstruction TB Lymphoma

Causes of malabsorption (4)

Infection Acute enteritis of any kind Parasites Tropical sprue

Effects on small bowel

Atrophy of villi Inflammation Increased

intraepithelial lymphocytes

Means different things in different populations

Inflamed atrophic small bowel

Europe – coeliac disease Africa tropical sprue

Bacterial overgrowth following enteritis Can be treated with antibiotics

Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease

Crohns disease Involves any part of

GI tract Abnormal areas are

interspersed with normal “skip lesions”

Ulcerative colitis Confined to colon Inflammation

continuous from rectum


Crohn’s inflammation is transmural, sometimes granulomatous

Ulcerative colitis inflammation is mucosal

Inflammatory bowel disease

A major problem in Europe/N. America

Apparently uncommon in Africa but may be masked by the predominance of infective disease