the ipass global mobile workforce report · conclusion 21 survey methodology 21 about ipass 22. ......

The iPass 2012 Mobile Workforce Report ©2012 iPass Inc. Corporate Headquarters iPass Inc. 3800 Bridge Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 +1 650-232-4100 +1 650-232-4111 fx The iPass Global Mobile Workforce Report Q4 2012: Understanding Enterprise Mobility Trends and Mobile Usage Brought to you by iPass: The world’s largest commercial Wi-Fi network and trusted connectivity platform. NOVEMBER 2012

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The iPass 2012 Mobile Workforce Report ©2012 iPass Inc.

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The iPass Global Mobile Workforce Report Q4 2012: Understanding Enterprise Mobility Trends and Mobile Usage

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Table of Contents

To receive a briefing on iPass research regarding enterprise mobility trends and management Contact Us.

Executive Summary 3

Introduction 3

Android Overtakes Self-Assured BlackBerry in the Enterprise 4

BlackBerry Most Resilient in Europe 5

Apple Will Win Most Phone Upgrades 5

BYOD Continues to Grow 6

iPad Dominates but Amazon and Samsung Have Their Fans 7

Kindle Fire, Nexus 7 Held Back By Regional Limitations 8

Tablet Use Expected to Rise Dramatically 8

Recommendations for IT 8

Tablets in the Morning, Smartphones All Day 9

Recommendations for IT 9

A Tablet-Tracked Election 10

The Connected Weekend 11

Putting Down the Smartphone—For Just a Few Hours 12

Voluntary and Mandated Technology Distractions at Work 13

Email Considered the Biggest Technology Distraction 14

Technology Distractions Can Take Up Hours 14

The Health Cost of Technology Distractions 15

Recommendations for IT 15

Lack of Wi-Fi Access a Barrier to Mobile Workers Productivity 16

Cloud Usage on the Rise 16

Wi-Fi is the Network of Choice 17

Availability, Speed Most Important Features in Mobile Network 17

Recommendations for IT 18

Phone Accidents Declining 19

The Universal Device—the Smartphone 20

Conclusion 21

Survey Methodology 21

About iPass 22

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Executive SummaryThis quarter’s iPass Mobile Workforce Report examines mobile device preference, as well as the barriers and distractions that mobile workers encounter. Compared to last year, more mobile employees reported that they are encountering barriers to successful mobile working. And the amount of time mobile workers spend on technology distractions such as social networking is slowly trending up.

The universal device has also finally arrived—the one device to rule them all—the smartphone. However, it isn’t what many thought leaders in the technology industry predicted. While the smartphone is the most often used device throughout the day it won’t replace a tablet or laptop, but it is set to replace your wallet and keys as Near Field Communication (NFC) technology ramps up.

In a continuation of last year’s analysis of mobile worker health, this quarter’s report also looks at the amount of time employees spend online and for how long they typically disconnect. Here are some of the key findings:

■■ More employees use their own smartphones for work and they rank connectivity cost as the least important factor when choosing a mobile network—creating the potential for a “bill shock” response by enterprises that don’t have cost control policies as part of their BYOD plan.

■■ Mobile employees ranked their smartphone as the most important item in their lives, after their wallet and keys.

■■ The iPhone remains the top smartphone in the enterprise with 53 percent market share among mobile workers, up from 45 percent in 2011.

■■ Android passed BlackBerry over the past year to become the second most popular smartphone operating system in the enterprise.

■■ Despite the billions Microsoft has spent revamping and marketing its mobile operating system, the Windows Phone continues to rank last out of the major mobile devices among mobile workers. Just five (5) percent of mobile employees said they currently own a Windows Phone handset.

■■ Microsoft’s standing may improve next year, as eight (8) percent of mobile workers believe they

will get a Windows Phone device before the end of 2013.

■■ The iPad remains the dominant tablet in the enterprise with 54 percent of mobile workers either owning one or planning to obtain one by the end of 2013.

■■ 58 percent of mobile workers expect to rely more on tablets in 2013 than they currently do.

■■ 52 percent of mobile workers said Wi-Fi is their mobile network of choice, compared to 38 percent who favored 4G/LTE.

■■ 16 percent of mobile workers have both a corporate-provisioned smartphone and a personal smartphone.

■■ Mobile workers cited the deluge of work email as their top technology distraction, followed by technical issues with their computing devices. Social media was the next biggest source of distraction.

■■ 25 percent of mobile employees said technology distractions cut into their lunchtime and 14 percent said they disrupt their exercise routines.

■■ One in three mobile employees followed the U.S. election earlier this month on their smartphone or tablet. Interest in the election is global; at least one in five mobile workers in Europe and Asia Pacific were also tracking news on their mobile devices.

IntroductionBlackBerry’s once-bastion grip on the enterprise continues to slipstream away. For the first time ever, more mobile workers said they used an Android-based smartphone rather than a BlackBerry (iOS overtook Blackberry in the enterprise in Q4 2011). Android wasn’t the overall leader, the iPhone remained the top smartphone in the enterprise for the second year in a row. Competing smartphone brands, including Symbian or other Nokia phones and Windows Phone devices, ranked a very distant fourth and fifth choice among mobile workers.

Brand preference isn’t the only change occurring in the enterprise: Nearly 60 percent of mobile employees believe they will use tablets more in 2013. Almost 65 percent said they are using cloud-based computing applications more frequently than they did in 2011. Compared to last year, more mobile employees said

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they are encountering barriers to successful mobile working. And the amount of time mobile workers spend on technology distractions such as social networking is slowly trending up.

In a nod to the news, this quarter’s survey polled mobile employees about the U.S. presidential election. The responses pointed out the global significance of this election. At least 20 percent of mobile workers, no matter where they were located in the world, said they followed the election news on their mobile devices.

Android Overtakes Self-Assured BlackBerry in the EnterpriseThe woes of Research In Motion (RIM) are well documented. The mobile device maker is hoping its new operating system, BlackBerry 10, and its new-ish, energetic CEO, will reverse its fortunes, but BlackBerry 10 won’t launch until 2013. And, as this latest mobile workforce report shows, many mobile employees have already swapped out their aging BlackBerry devices for Android phones.

One year ago, BlackBerry was the second-most popular smartphone brand among mobile employees, claiming one in three respondents as users. BlackBerry has since fallen to number three with just 26 percent of mobile workers reporting usage. Meanwhile, the percentage of mobile employees with Android smartphones has increased from 21 percent to 34 percent during the year.

Figure 1. Which smartphone(s) do you currently use?

Apple’s iPhone enjoys an even larger following among mobile workers. Over half (53 percent) of mobile employees have iPhones, up from 45 percent in 2011.

While Apple and Google increase their leads, Nokia and other companies that sell phones based on Microsoft’s Windows Phone software are seeing a decline. Just 6 percent of mobile workers use a Nokia phone and only 5 percent have a Windows Phone device. Those numbers represent a slight drop from last year’s figures.

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BlackBerry Most Resilient in Europe

Brand preference does vary by region. BlackBerry use is higher, by percentage of mobile workers, in Europe (29 percent) than in North America (25 percent) and Asia Pacific (18 percent).

Asia Pacific Europe North America

iPhone 55% 49% 56%

Android-based smartphone 37% 34% 33%

Blackberry 18% 29% 25%

Symbian/Nokia 13% 10% 1%

Microsoft Windows Phone 3% 7% 4%

Figure 2. Which smartphone(s) do you currently use? [By region; multiple answers allowed.]

Interestingly, North American and European mobile workers exhibited approximately the same percentage of Android phone ownership. Android was more popular with Asian Pacific (37 percent) mobile employees.

Europe was also the weakest regional market for the iPhone. Less than one in two European mobile workers currently use iPhones, compared to 56 percent of North Americans and 55 percent of Asian mobile workers.

Apple Will Win Most Phone Upgrades

Forty-one (41) percent of mobile workers have no plans to replace their phones in the next year. But the majority (59 percent) will upgrade. The most popular device to upgrade to is the iPhone 5, with 41 percent of mobile employees reporting they will change to the new model. Android phones were the second most popular upgrade choice with 22 percent of mobile workers.

Figure 3. Do you currently intend to change or upgrade your smartphone(s) between now and the end of 2013?

In an ominous sign for RIM, only five (5) percent of mobile employees thought they would upgrade to a BlackBerry, despite the upcoming debut of BlackBerry 10.

Microsoft fared better with 8 percent of mobile employees indicating an intention to get a Windows Phone device before the end of 2013. Those numbers seem lackluster though, considering the company’s enormous investment in the Windows Phone. Microsoft is earmarking $24 million to encourage Windows Phone app development1. The company has also dedicated many more millions to marketing the mobile operating system.

1 Microsoft press release, March 25, 2012: ‘Microsoft and Nokia to Invest Up to 18 Million Euros in Mobile Application Development Program at Aalto University.’

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Viewed by region, North American mobile workers were the least likely to upgrade their phones in the next year. Asia Pacific mobile employees were the most likely with only 23 percent stating they had no plans to replace their phones in the near-term. Asia Pacific also had the highest percentage of mobile workers who intended to purchase an iPhone 5 (56 percent).

Asia Pacific Europe North America

iPhone 57% 36% 40%

Android-based smartphone 34% 22% 17%

Blackberry 3% 6% 4%

Symbian/Nokia 1% 2% 1%

Microsoft Windows Phone 11% 8% 7%

Figure 4. Do you currently intend to change or upgrade your smartphone(s) between now and the end of 2013? [By region.]

BYOD Continues to GrowSome of these regional trends aren’t just the manifestation of individual inclinations, they also show what happens when mobile employees are allowed to choose their own devices.

This report regularly examines how enterprises are shifting towards a bring-your-own-device or BYOD policy. The trend is continuing as the percentage of mobile workers who own their smartphones rises (from 42 percent to 46 percent) and the percentage provisioned with phones by their employers declines dramatically (from 58 percent to 33 percent).

Figure 5. Do you own your own smartphone that you use for work or does work supply you with a smartphone?

Of course, in our hyper-connected world, mobile workers often carry multiple phones. Nearly one in six (16 percent) of mobile employees have a corporate-provisioned smartphone as well as a personal smartphone.

Asia Pacific mobile employees have the greatest adoption of BYOD programs with 62 percent reporting they own the smartphones they use for work. European mobile employees trail their Asian and North American counterparts with just 37 percent owning their work smartphones. North American mobile workers fell in the middle with 48 percent.

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Asia Pacific Europe North America

I own my smartphone 62% 37% 48%

Work supplies me with my smartphone

21% 36% 34%

Work provides me with a smartphone and I also have a personal smartphone

14% 23% 13%

Figure 6. Do you own your smartphone that you use for work or does work supply you with a smartphone?

Looking at mobile device ownership trends from this perspective, it is perhaps not surprising that Asia Pacific mobile workers are the most likely to upgrade their phones in the next year and the most likely to purchase consumer favorites like the iPhone 5. BYOD policies could also explain the expected boost in Windows Phone deployments in 2013. Some corporations that sponsor smartphones for their employees have already signed on to distribute Windows Phone devices next year.

iPad Dominates but Amazon and Samsung Have Their Fans

In tablets, as with smartphones, Apple is top-of-mind with mobile workers. The majority (54 percent) of mobile employees who plan to obtain a tablet in the next year believe they will get an iPad.

Figure 7. Do you currently have, or intend to receive or purchase any of the following tablets between now and the end of 2013?

Amazon and Samsung have their own fans, though in smaller numbers. Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and Amazon’s Kindle Fire were tied as the second most popular planned tablet purchases with 11 percent of mobile workers choosing each of the two brands.

Google’s tablet, the Nexus 7, was less popular (8 percent), perhaps because it is newer and thus less familiar to mobile workers and because it is primarily being marketed as an entertainment device. Microsoft’s Surface tablets, which went on sale after this survey was conducted, got votes from seven (7) percent of mobile workers. Its rank was likely affected by the lack of clarity around cost and international availability, as Microsoft did not announce pricing until October 16, 2012. However, it does suggest a strong showing.

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As more companies are entering the tablet market, the weaker offerings are being crowded out. Interest in the BlackBerry PlayBook dropped to two (2) percent of mobile workers, down from five (5) percent last year. Reviving enthusiasm for the PlayBook will be another challenge for RIM in 2013.

Kindle Fire, Nexus 7 Held Back By Regional Limitations

As with smartphones, Asia Pacific mobile employees are the most likely to get a tablet in the next year. Twenty (20) percent said they had no plan to obtain a tablet. Europeans were the least likely followed by North Americans.

Asia Pacific Europe North America

No plans 20% 31% 29%

Amazon Kindle Fire 8% 7% 13%

iPad 58% 53% 53%

Google Nexus 7 10% 8% 8%

Microsoft Surface 11% 5% 7%

BlackBerry Playbook 2% 2% 3%

Motorola Xoom 1% 1% 1%

Samsung Galaxy Tab 22% 11% 10%

Sony Tablet 3% 1% 0%

HP Slate 500 2% 0% 1%

Asus Transformer Pad 2% 3% 3%

Figure 8. Do you currently have, or intend to receive or purchase, any of the following tablets between now and the end of 2013? [By region.]

Another regional difference of note was the interest level in Amazon’s Kindle Fire and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab. The Kindle Fire sparked the greatest interest from North American mobile workers while the Galaxy Tab was most popular among Asia Pacific mobile employees. This could be due to regional differences in brand image and/or tablet functionality. International distribution of the Kindle Fire remains limited and users must be physically in the U.S. to download or stream movies or TV shows. Regional restrictions may also be curtailing international interest in the Nexus 7. Google is selling the Nexus 7 in some European countries, but it is not yet a global device and some of its media services are U.S.-only.

Tablet Use Expected to Rise Dramatically

Given all this interest in tablets, it’s no surprise that mobile workers expect their usage of tablets to increase more than their usage of other computing devices in 2013. Most mobile employees expect their reliance on their laptops and smartphones to stay relatively steady between this year and next. In contrast, 59 percent of mobile workers believe they will spend more time on tablets in 2013.

Recommendations for IT

■■ As you transition away from IT-managed smartphones to BYOD, make sure your employees are informed of your BYOD policies, including their responsibilities for data security and guidelines around access cost.

■■ Be sure your BYOD policy doesn’t neglect data access costs (i.e. who pays for the data plan); if the cost of access falls solely on the employee, chances are they will use the phone less for business reasons and more for personal reasons, limiting their productivity.

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Figure 9. In 2013, do you see yourself relying on any of the following devices that you now use more or less?

Desktop computers exhibited the opposite trend. As mobile workers gravitate towards more convenient mobile devices, desktops are being abandoned. More than one in three (38 percent) mobile employees said they don’t use desktops for work anymore. One in four (25 percent) said they expect to rely on desktops less in the future.

Clearly, tablets and smartphones are playing a larger role in our lives, altering the way we work. Earlier this year, a Morgan Stanley report examined the impact of tablet computing on the printer and ink markets2. Noting that tablet owners tend to print less, the company estimated tablet adoption could cause printing supplies revenues to drop two to five percent this year. Media companies are closely watching consumers’ tendency to “lean back” when using tablets as opposed to the “lean forward” method employed with laptops. These habits are affecting the advertising industry, among other businesses.

Tablets in the Morning, Smartphones All Day

Mobile employees work in a variety of environments, selecting the appropriate computing device based on their context.

Ultra-portable smartphones are mobile workers’ most important device on an all-day basis. Tablets, however, are more popular than smartphones first thing in the morning. Mobile workers are waking up and grabbing their tablets to check their email and the news.

Recommendations for IT

■■ Clearly, tablets have become the devices of choice for mobile professionals. The oncoming Windows 8 tablets and ultra-portables may even accelerate this. Previous Mobile Workforce Reports have shown that mobile workers are more productive and work longer than non-mobile workers. Make sure you factor that into your BYOD and IT-managed device strategy and ensure that tablets are part of that strategy—with clear guidelines on proper and policy appropriate usage.

2 ‘Tablet Demand and Disruption Mobile Users Come of Age,’ February 2011.

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Given the propensity for mobile workers to balance using their laptops during business hours and mobile devices after hours, you need to make sure you have a well-communicated data security policy (which we’ve covered already) but also invest in easy ways for users to access the same data on multiple devices, either by using cloud-based applications or cloud-based storage solutions which allow easy (and secure) access from multiple devices.

Figure 10. During a 24-hour day, when do you use the following device, in order of preference?

Mobile employees turn to laptops during business hours. Although in the evenings, home computers are the device of choice, particularly if work is being done at a desk. The workhorse nature of the home PC is one reason why the “death of the PC” hasn’t yet arrived. Still, if mobile workers want a device for use at night while watching TV—the classic “second screen” scenario—tablets are again the preference.

A Tablet-Tracked Election

Mobile employees also turned to tablets to follow news, such as the U.S. presidential election earlier in November. Though far more mobile workers own smartphones than tablets, more of those following the news on mobile devices said they are tracking the election with their tablets (35 percent) than with their smartphones (34 percent).

Figure 11. Even if you live outside of the United States, are you following the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November on your smartphone or tablet?

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Naturally, election interest is highest in North America. Nearly one in two North American mobile employees consumed election news on their smartphones and tablets. That number falls to about one in four for mobile workers in Asia Pacific and about one in five for those in Europe.

Asia Pacific Europe

South America

North America

Middle East


Yes, I’m following the election 26% 20% 40% 46% 20%

No, I’m not following the election 51% 45% 20% 37% 50%

Not interested 23% 35% 40% 17% 30%


Yes, I’m following the election 29% 22% 30% 44% 39%

No, I’m not following the election 48% 40% 20% 35% 17%

Not interested 23% 39% 50% 20% 44%

Figure 12. Even if you live outside of the United States, are you following the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November on your smartphone or tablet? [By region.]

The Connected Weekend A plethora of computing options make it easier than ever for mobile workers to spend as much time online during a weekend day as they do during weekdays. Most mobile employees are online for at least six hours each weekend. Nearly one in three (29 percent) mobile workers said they are online for as many as 20 hours on the weekend.

Figure 13. How many hours each weekend do you spend connected online?

Those habits could have health consequences, particularly if these mobile employees are sitting while they’re online. In a study published this March in the Archives of Internal Medicine, Australian researchers linked too much sitting with sharply increased death risk. Doctors recommend that people who spend their workday sitting make extra effort to be active during their leisure time.

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Putting Down the Smartphone—For Just a Few Hours

In fact, mobile workers find it so necessary to stay online that when they do take a breather, it’s often for only a few hours.

Figure 14. What is the longest period of time in the last 12 months that you have gone without use of your device to connect online? (Not including sleep.)

Most mobile employees don’t go longer than four hours without using their smartphones to get online. Mobile workers take lengthier breaks from other devices, such as tablets and laptops. Many mobile employees have gone as long as a week without connecting those devices to the web. Perhaps they are only comfortable doing that because they are connected via another device, such as their smartphone.

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Voluntary and Mandated Technology Distractions at Work

Staying offline may be beneficial to a point for mobile employees, as many of them report being interrupted by technology distractions at work. Common problems include having technical issues with a computing device and helping coworkers with technical issues. Even work email, which is universally regarded as a necessity of doing business, was cited as a frequent technology distraction.

Figure 15. What do you consider technology distractions during the workday?

Mobile employees must also grapple with a number of voluntary technology distractions, such as social networking. Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are all diversions. Reading and replying to personal email and instant messages is another common interruption. Other forms of online entertainment, such as games, videos, and shopping can also hamper a mobile employee’s productivity.

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Email Considered the Biggest Technology Distraction

Mobile workers voted work email as the worst offender with 40 percent agreement. Technical problems were the next biggest problem, with 28 percent of votes.

Figure 16. Where would you place the blame for the most technology distraction during the weekday?

The other major technology distractions were all voluntary forms of procrastination. Social media sites were the main distraction for 17 percent of mobile workers.

Technology Distractions Can Take Up Hours

The amount of time mobile workers lose to these distractions varies widely. For 14 percent of mobile employees, the price is at least one hour per day. An unlucky four (4) percent of mobile workers spend more than four hours a day battling these interruptions.

Figure 17. How much time do you spend on these technology distractions during the workday?

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Time wasted on technology distractions remained relatively stable. Most mobile employees spend 15 minutes to one hour on distractions, which is in line with last year. However, one key group—the percentage of mobile workers who spent more than one hour a day on distractions—rose year over year.

For years, companies have debated the costs and benefits of allowing employees to access Facebook in the office. These findings indicate that those discussions will continue.

The Health Cost of Technology Distractions

The loss of precious time manifests itself in mobile workers’ personal and professional lives. More than half (60 percent) of mobile employees said their work productivity had been harmed by these distractions. One in four (25 percent) of mobile workers had to give up their lunchtime to deal with the interruptions or to get back on track. An even larger health cost was the loss of exercise time, which affected 14 percent of mobile employees.

Figure 18. If you find yourself spending time on technology distractions during the workday, what typically suffers as a result?

Time spent with family and friends also took a hit for 16 percent of mobile workers. That could affect mobile employees’ stress levels and general well-being if social support networks suffer as a result.

Recommendations for IT

■■ While mobile workers may resent using technology to block access to distracting technology (i.e. using a firewall to block access to Facebook), there may be things you can do to limit distractions. Some organizations are investing in email-free days and meeting-free days; perhaps solutions like these, along with educating employees regarding acceptable and unacceptable technology usage, may help limit distractions.

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Lack of Wi-Fi Access a Barrier to Mobile Workers Productivity

While distractions are annoying, lack of connectivity is the greatest barrier to efficient mobile work. One out of every two (50 percent) mobile employees said easy access to Wi-Fi outside the office helps their productivity. The issue of Wi-Fi connectivity generated more concern this year than last. In 2011, 33 percent of mobile workers described it as an obstacle.

Figure 19. In your experience, what are the barriers to successful mobile working?

Lack of access to applications on the go was cited as the second largest barrier to mobile work. Thirty-four (34) percent of mobile employees named application access as a problem, up from 25 percent last year, indicating an ongoing need for effective mobile work technologies.

Cloud Usage on the Rise Some of these challenges are being addressed. Mobile employees are increasingly bridging the applications gap with cloud-based email and other office productivity services.

Figure 20. Are you using more cloud-based applications in 2012 that can be shared across devices than you used in 2011?

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A majority (65 percent) of mobile workers are tapping into the cloud more than last year to work more effectively across a range of devices, making it ever more important to get connectivity outside the office and remain productive.

Wi-Fi is the Network of Choice

Due in part to telecom operators’ marketing efforts, 4G mobile broadband is often portrayed as the ideal network for mobile work. Most mobile employees, however, favor Wi-Fi over mobile broadband.

Figure 21. If you could only choose one network what would you choose?

Given the option of using only one type of mobile network, more mobile workers (52 percent) said they would choose Wi-Fi over 4G/LTE (38 percent). That should be an encouraging sign for IT managers. Unlike 4G/LTE, Wi-Fi is free from usage caps and overage charges and is more widely available.

Availability, Speed Most Important Features in Mobile Network

Mobile workers’ desire for constant, high-quality connectivity is well established, and network availability mattered most followed by the speed of the network when selecting a mobile network.

Figure 22. What matters most to you when choosing a mobile network? (5 being most important, 1 being least important)

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Mobile workers take security very seriously and equally want adequate bandwidth to complete multiple tasks. For work purposes mobile workers put network cost as their last consideration—leaving the enterprise with the potential for rising costs.

4G is a global technology, but penetration is greater in the U.S. than other regions. Market researcher Forrester says there were more than 17 million active 4G phones in the U.S. in 2011 compared to 1.6 million active 4G phones in the U.K3.

It follows that of all mobile workers, those in North America were the most partial to 4G/LTE mobile broadband. Still, even North American mobile employees preferred Wi-Fi (50 percent) over 4G/LTE (44 percent).

Asia Pacific Europe North America

2G network 1% 0% 0%

3G network 19% 12% 5%

4G/LTE network 38% 30% 43%

Wi-Fi 42% 57% 51%

Figure 23. If you could only choose one network what would you choose? [By region.]

Recommendations for IT

■■ The key is simple access. Complex access requirements may mean that employees default to whatever is easiest—which may not be the most cost-effective. For example, employees may decide to leave data roaming on, or pay for expensive Wi-Fi day passes. Consider an easy-to-use and widely available Wi-Fi access solution as an alternative.

3 Forrester blog, ‘Mobile Internet Use In The US Is Two Years Ahead Of Western Europe,’ Michael O’Grady.

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Phone Accidents Declining

Mobile workers may rank security low on the list because they have been suffering fewer phone mishaps. Just 15 percent said that the smartphones they use for business had been broken or destroyed in the past year. A year ago, that figure was nearly twice as high (28 percent).

Figure 24. What was the worst thing that happened to your smartphone containing business data in the last 12 months?

Three out of four mobile employees managed to get through the past year with no damage to their phone. That isn’t a free pass for IT managers though, mobile workers were subject to the same accidents that all smartphone owners encounter, including loss, theft, hacking, and viruses. More than one percent of mobile employees confessed to having dropped their phones in the toilet in the past year—a misfortune from which most smartphones never recover—and 23 percent of mobile workers were exposed to some type of security-related concern from having a phone lost, stolen, hacked, or broken.

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The Universal Device—the Smartphone The idea of a universal computing device capable of fulfilling most daily tasks has been touted for decades. Several devices have partially played the role but none ever met the full vision. Mobile workers’ heavy and growing reliance on their phones points to smartphones as the best candidate for a truly universal device. However, it’s not as you might think. It’s not a universal device to replace laptops or tablets.

Figure 25. Please rank the following items in order of importance to you. (6 being most important, 1 being least important)

Smartphones outrank laptops and tablets as a must-have for mobile employees. The only items mobile employees described as more important than their smartphone were their wallet and keys.

Although, smartphones are on track to replace traditional wallets and keys, and therefore it’s reasonable to view phones as increasingly possible universal devices. Mobile wallets got off to a rough start but Google has refined its Google Wallet app and expanded the number of compatible phones4. Isis5, a competing mobile wallet app backed by AT&T, T-Mobile USA, and Verizon Wireless, had to delay its launch but recently went live in two test markets.

Several companies are testing the ability of smartphones to function as digital keys. HID Global recently completed a pilot program at Netflix’s California headquarters. The test enabled Netflix employees to open doors with their phones using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology6.

Smartphones can’t do everything yet, but in time they will be able to stand in for both wallets and keys while continuing to perform their regular duties.

4 5 6‘HID Global Completes World’s First Series of NFC-Enabled Smartphone Pilots that Open Doors in the Enterprise’, September 25, 2012.

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Survey MethodologyThis quarter’s iPass Mobile Workforce Report is based on information obtained from more than 1,678 responses to an iPass survey of mobile workers at over 1,100 enterprises worldwide. The survey respondents were asked a set of questions about their productivity, efficiency, work habits, and other related experiences. The survey also looked at smartphone usage and tablet trends.

The survey was conducted between September 27, 2012 and October 19, 2012, and represented employees across multiple age groups and geographies. Forty-nine (49) percent of respondents were from North America, 35 percent from Europe, and 10 percent from the Asia/Pacific region.

Figure 26. Why do you connect to technology during vacation?

Definition of an iPass Mobile Employee: Any worker using any mobile device (including laptop, smartphone, cellphone, or tablet) who accesses networks for work purposes.

Conclusion Mobile workers know what they want and are publicizing their preferences more than ever. Enterprise usage of iPhones and Android phones is at an all-time high because companies are giving employees greater say over their mobile devices. Mobile workers are also driving tablet sales and point to tablets as a preferred method of consuming content. While mobile employees are attuned to the latest and greatest technologies, the majority still favors Wi-Fi over 4G/LTE for speed and access reasons. Many mobile workers also called for simpler access to Wi-Fi and for on-the-go work applications. Their work habits could shape a number of industries, including telecom carriers, gadget makers, printing services suppliers, and healthcare providers.

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About iPassEnterprises can’t afford to have unproductive business travelers: there is a pressing need for a global Wi-Fi network and trusted connectivity platform. Only iPass can make you globally mobile, with the world’s largest commercial Wi-Fi network, including far more hotels, airports, and business venues than any other network. Our trusted connectivity platform increases security and reduces the cost of mobility. Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Redwood Shores, California, iPass (NASDAQ: IPAS) is setting the world on Wi-Fi. You get more network with less work anywhere you roam. Access additional information or contact iPass directly.

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